How to get rid of the company, bypassing the procedure for liquidating an LLC? How to water a tree so that it dries quickly Removal of burn scars.

Site arrangement 14.06.2019
Site arrangement

Before you start planting young trees and shrubs on an overgrown (abandoned) site, you must definitely get rid of the old growth. Trees should be removed so that in the future the growth does not appear on the site again. It is always difficult to deal with the shoots of plum, cherry, sea buckthorn, shadberry, chokeberry, bird cherry, American maple. Wild (and the American maple is constantly, it is generally some kind of alien), they give an abundance of root shoots. It is extremely difficult to destroy it by simple physical removal by cutting to a stump with a pruner or a saw. The shoots will reappear on the site from year to year, striving to grow where you don’t expect it at all.

Overgrowth remedies

There is an abundance of chemicals on the market now, using which shoots can be defeated fairly quickly. These drugs are called arboricides, with their help you can not only remove shoots, but even destroy entire trees. However, such strong chemistry can harm nature and surrounding plants, so it can only be used as a last resort.

Overgrowth herbicides

A little safer is the use of herbicides - drugs for weed control. How to use herbicides to remove overgrowth? You can just water the shoots and trees with herbicides, but there will be no sense from this - the leaves and grass around will dry up, and the next year the shoots will start growing again. Therefore, it is necessary to use herbicides to combat trees and shoots in several stages.

1. Cut down trees in autumn

I advise in the autumn, when a downward flow of substances in plants is observed, to cut down a tree at a height of about 25-30 cm, making the saw cut even.

2. Make holes in the cut

Using a drill, make vertical holes 5-10 cm deep in the saw cut. The holes need to be made larger, so choose the maximum diameter of the drill. The number of holes usually depends on the diameter of the cut: with a diameter of 12-16 cm holes, at least 6-8 pieces with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm are needed; with a diameter of 30-35 cm - 15-17 holes, etc. Drill holes closer to the borders of the cut, and not in its center - this way you will get into the conductive layers, and not into the wood.

3. Pour herbicide into the holes

We will pour the herbicide into the holes obtained. Glyphosate-based products, such as Roundup, are suitable. It must be diluted in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:5, and then pour the resulting solution into the holes.

4. Cover saw cut

After the herbicide has been poured into the holes, the cut must be closed plastic wrap or regular package. Shelter saw cut is necessary so that the preparation does not lose its strength under the rays of the sun, in order to exclude its evaporation and protect it from external moisture, which can wash out the preparation or reduce its concentration. The shelter will also protect neighboring plants from the effects of the drug, because heavy rain can wash the drug out of the hole, flowing down the trunk, the herbicide will fall into the zone of vital activity of other plants.

5. Repeat procedure

After about 5-6 days, it is advisable to renew the holes: drill deeper or drill a little wider with a thicker drill, refill with the drug in the same concentration and cover with a film. If necessary, you can repeat this operation again, but usually two is enough.

6. Uproot trees in spring

After the repeated procedure, you need to leave the plants alone until spring, and in the spring, take up the uprooting of already dried and completely dead plants. When uprooting, be very careful to remove all parts of the plant's root system from the soil. Even a small part of the roots remaining in the soil can lead to the restoration of growth activity, and the shoots will reappear on the site.

Safety precautions when working with herbicides

When working with herbicide, remember to take precautions, always wear goggles, a respirator and protective gloves. After use, they must be burned, their repeated use may lead to poisoning. In case of accidental ingestion of the herbicide, immediately call a doctor and vomit, in case of contact with skin or eyes, wash off large quantity water.

Compare methods

In the past few years, the tax authorities have been systematically fighting alternative liquidations. Methods that were recently widespread and widely used, for example, reorganization (acquisition, merger) of companies, departure to the region, etc., have become irrelevant. Also, it will not be possible to leave the company now, hoping for liquidation by the decision of the tax authorities, since in this case all the actors of the company will be disqualified for 3 years. That is, the director and members of the company will not be able to organize a new LLC within the next 3 years
Below, we will consider the main methods of closing organizations that are currently operating - official (provided by law) and alternative (not contrary to law). Consider the pros and cons of all methods.

Official (voluntary) liquidation

Provides for the passage of many legal procedures, incl. cameral (exit) tax audit all financial documents of the company. This way suitable for companies with transparent reporting, competent bookkeeping, regular reconciliations with tax office and paying taxes and contributions to the budget on time.

1) exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Company;
2) complete termination of the rights and obligations of the Company to third parties and state bodies;
3) checks by state bodies, after the procedure, are excluded.
4) minimal participation of the director and participants in the procedure (appointment of our liquidator).

1) there is a risk of additional taxes being charged to the budget with the payment of penalties and fines;
2) long term(about 4-5 months).

P.S. In practice, voluntary liquidation of companies with small turnover of financial and economic activities does not lead to the appointment of a desk and / or on-site audit.
To date, the most reliable option liquidation for small companies.

Special offer for companies with turnover and property.
Carrying out a voluntary liquidation procedure with support, eliminating the risk of a desk and / or on-site inspection.


Bankruptcy is legal way liquidate a company with debts if it is impossible to pay them off. In the situation that has developed with the liquidations to date, this is the only reliable way, which guarantees the operating persons of the company with debts the absence of claims from creditors in the future and full exemption from liability for debts.

1) Exclusion of the Company from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
2) Complete exemption from liability for debts
3) Removal of liability for the company's debts from the participants and the executive body of the Company.

1) high cost (from 180,000 rubles)
2) long term (10-12 months)

Special offer! Bankruptcy from 350,000 rubles!
Conditions: companies with debts up to 2 million rubles. before the budget
property on the balance sheet within 1 million rubles;
there are no restrictions on registration actions;
there are no ongoing inspections and criminal cases initiated.

Often, by different reasons, the first two methods are not suitable. Then managers choose alternative methods of closing the firm. We will now dwell on them in detail.

Alternative methods of liquidation:

Liquidation through offshore

Liquidation through registration of your company for foreign incorporation (offshore).

This method is not very common, since there are certain difficulties in its implementation, but it has undoubted pros:

1) short term: 4 – 5 weeks takes the whole procedure.
2) significantly reduced risks compared to the usual change of director and participants, since the offshore company that will head your company in the future does not have any branches or representative offices in Russia. The tax authorities do not have any information about the owners of this organization.
3) when re-registering a company offshore tax authorities do not audit(it is possible to liquidate companies with small debts in this way).
4) the foreign company does not have a representative office in the Russian Federation, which excludes the possibility of the company's documents being demanded by the tax authorities.

  • Pros:
    short time;
    possibility to re-register the company for another actors with little debt
    relatively low cost.
  • Minuses:
    the company continues to be listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as an operating company;
    it is not excluded, subsequently, appeals to the former participants and the director from the side of the tax authorities, in case of serious violations during the period of activity.

Sale of the company or change of participants and director

Sale of the company to third parties or change of participants and directors to nominee - cheapest and most unreliable way get rid of the company. We recommend using this method only as an intermediate method in combination with others.

We strongly do not recommend using only this method, since from 03/31/2015 this threatens with criminal liability. From March 31, 2015, articles 173.1., 173.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are in force in a new edition ( the federal law No. 67-FZ of March 30, 2015) and provide for criminal liability for the use of nominees as participants and / or the executive body of the company.

The harm that the bear does in the garden can be safely compared with the invasion of locusts, when the entire crop is destroyed in the vast territories in a short time, if nothing is done. In the article we will consider ways to deal with this garden pest.

Even if this original-looking creature has just appeared in the garden, you should sound the alarm. Soon the whole area will be in small holes - these are the moves of the bear.

Unlike the beetle, the bear, moving underground in search of delicious tuberous vegetables, “tastes” everything that comes in its way. Therefore, both young seedlings and other plantings suffer. With sad humor, you can add that if there are no vegetables in the garden, then nothing threatens the weeds - she does not eat them. Conclusion - Medvedka lives only where a person invests his labor. Therefore, only the owner of the site can get rid of it ...

In order to understand how to deal with it, you should know the structure of the insect itself. Medvedka, unlike the beetle or its larvae, cannot be crushed with your fingers. Her body is rigid, her back is covered with a shell, from which her second name came from - earthen cancer. And thanks to powerful wings, it has the ability to fly, so it is difficult to catch it with your hands.

Medvedka digs passages at a small distance from the surface, sufficient to get to the roots of young shoots and planted seed material - potatoes. But in a very cold winter its vertical passages can reach a meter in depth. These individuals are very thermophilic, so it is most convenient to deal with them from the beginning of spring. Moreover, it is at this time that she lays eggs, from which about 300 young insects will subsequently appear.

How to deal with a bear

Unfortunately, in recent years, the agricultural industry has somewhat weakened its attitude towards the requirements for tillage. After harvesting, the land is plowed to an insufficient depth, and early plowing will only slightly disturb the burrows already formed for wintering. In addition, insects still have time that allows them to make new shelters and comfortably winter at a safe distance from the cold surface.

If the soil is cultivated to a sufficient depth during the first frosts, then young insects that cannot yet dig deep will find themselves in the cold and die. Will stay for the winter a large number of adults. They will have to be fought in winter, from early spring, and again until the very cold.

After the autumn loosening of the soil, the disturbed insects begin to look for food and shelter for themselves. Dig shallow holes throughout the site and put manure there. Insects that survived after plowing will find salvation there. When frost comes, it is necessary to scatter the manure from the holes around the garden. They will not be able to dig back - they will freeze. In the same holes, you can put the next "portion" of manure, and do not touch it until spring. Before preparing the soil for planting, these traps should be burned with any flammable liquid. Pests will become much less, but we can not stop there.

The remaining individuals will begin to travel underground in search of delicious food. By this time, gardeners are planting seeds, seedlings and potatoes.

If the fight against the bear is only at the initial stage, then when landing it is worth using chemicals. They will go a long way in keeping planting material, but you can't stop there. One insect will be poisoned, the other will bypass bad smell, and the third, after its disappearance, will still be taken for a plant. Therefore, do not give up folk methods getting rid of earthen cancer, together with poisons.

What means are most effective for combating Medvedka

There are not so many chemical preparations for getting rid of the bear. Each of them gives a separate effect. "Prestige", "Masterpiece" and "Aktara" is used for processing seed material and seedlings. Seed potatoes are sprayed before planting, and seedling roots are soaked before planting in open ground. This method protects plantings not only from the bear, but also from the Colorado potato beetle, for which the leaves of the plant treated with this drug are deadly.

Since the poisonous substance moves gradually from the root to the stems and leaves of the plant, they will soon become safe for the bear. Therefore, in the holes intended for potatoes and seedlings, it is worth putting poisonous baits or preparing them yourself from the Bi-58 preparation. It is added to the boiled grain (so that it does not germinate), insisted for 12 hours and laid out in holes with potatoes and seedlings. Due to the fact that the poison "Bi-58" has an unpleasant odor, insects bypass them, and those that try - die.

Ultrasonic repellers allow you to keep the bear at some distance from the area that publishes unpleasant sound. But they won't go far. In order to succeed, it is desirable to use this method in conjunction with neighbors. Otherwise, as soon as the mechanism fails for some reason, the vacated area will immediately be attacked. Until the owner notices a breakdown, the crop will be destroyed.

Is it possible to get rid of the bear forever

Despite the fact that insects will die from the drug, this procedure alone will not help to get rid of the "bear" population completely. Therefore, with each loosening of row spacing to kill weeds, the drug is again added to the soil. To do this, the pickled grains must be scattered over the entire area immediately before loosening. After processing the site, all grains will be sprinkled with earth and easily accessible to disturbed insects.

In order to get rid of the bear completely, and not just save the crop this year, insects must be caught throughout the season. For this, some popular methods are suitable:

  1. Catching insects by hand. Lay out on the site wide boards, pieces of plywood and slate - everything that is at hand. On a pre-flooded area, cover the ground with these items and press it in a little. In a day, bears will “bask” under the boards. Not realizing that it is not soil from above, but a foreign object, they will make moves right on the surface of the earth. She will also run away along these moves. It remains only to quickly catch it. The board can be put in place and move to another.
  2. Baits with alcohol and sweets. Between the beds with potatoes, you can make traps from bottles with a small amount of kvass or beer (100 g). It is necessary to tie the neck with a bandage and dig in so that the neck is raised. The insect easily gnaws through the bandage and climbs inside, where it smells very tasty. It will not be able to get back through the neck of the bottle. In a week the trap will be full. Insects that have fallen into it should be destroyed, and the bait trap should be put in place.
  3. In jars (0.5 l) and trimmed plastic bottles dug in at ground level, put some honey. After hitting the bottom, the pest cannot get out along the sliding sweet walls.

  1. Pour water diluted with kerosene, washing powder or soap into bear moves from a watering can. The insect will run out of another passage. Therefore, in this case, skill is needed to catch it.

  1. Dig in steel bars around the perimeter of a site densely populated by insects. Stretch a fishing line between them and hang CD / DVD discs from it. The vibration effect that comes from the fact that the disc is spinning repels insects. But they do not go far, only to a certain distance, where annoying noise does not bother her. But this method is also complicated. The "web" of the fishing line will make it difficult to move around the garden when processing it.

Folk methods are aimed more at scaring away and exterminating only specific individuals. Therefore, on large plots all terms and rules of tillage must be observed. If you fight insects comprehensively all year together with neighboring areas, then you can get rid of them forever.

According to some, the way to get rid of the problem legal entity. Especially if there are conditions for silent, not related to drawing attention to the company or its participants, liquidation.

Yes, it is possible, and it happened in this case.

The company had debts and creditors, but the registration authority liquidated the company.

How did this happen, what can and should be done in Decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District of July 30, 2014 in case No. A02-1523/2013.

Case plot.

An individual, being a creditor of the company, filed an application with the court to recognize the decision of the registering authority (read tax) on the liquidation of a limited liability company, to recognize the corresponding entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as invalid.

The courts of three instances agreed with the applicant. Although the registration authority disagreed with this verdict.

Judgments of the courts.

1. Registration of the termination of the company's activities was carried out by the registering body in violation of the law and led to a violation of the rights of creditors of the liquidated company.

2. The presence of confirmed debts to creditors indicates the unreliability of the presented balance sheets. Since, by virtue of paragraph 5 of Article 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the liquidation balance sheet should have been drawn up only after settlements with creditors.

3. Reason for state registration is not in itself the submission of documents to the registration authority, if the information in them is unreliable.

4. Submission of a balance sheet with incorrect information is a failure to submit required document to the registration authority and should lead to a refusal to register the liquidation of the company.

5. Therefore, the liquidation is illegal.


1. Formalism should not emasculate the content of the rule of law. Accordingly, external compliance with the requirements of the law should not exempt from liability for its violation. This is the approach taken by the courts in this case.

2. The absence of an opportunity for the registration authority to verify the submitted documents and information contained in the interim and liquidation balance sheet is not a basis for maintaining the LLC as liquidated.

3. It was advisable, in order to ensure the stability of the judicial act by the applicant himself, to initiate the involvement of the participants of the company, the sole executive body, as third parties. As persons whose rights and interests may be affected by the decision of the court to cancel the liquidation.It was this option that could happen in this case, since one of the appeals was filed by a participant who was not involved in the consideration of the case.

4. Let me remind you that according to latest changes in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, creditors have the right, as persons interested in the fate of the debtor, to take additional measures to protect their rights. So, they can submit their objections to any changes in the information regarding the debtor in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (clause 4 of article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It is also logical for creditors to use interim measures, if applicable, related to the prohibition to perform the above actions as another tool.

However, there always remains the bringing of the liquidator to property liability for violating the liquidation procedure (Article 64.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, liquidating quietly is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

In the event that your litigation or other dispute, contractual work or any other form of activity concerns the issues discussed in this or our other material, we recommend that you check and make sure that your legal position complies with the latest changes in practice and legislation.

We will be happy to provide you with legal assistance regarding the minimization of legal risks and available opportunities. We will try to find a solution that is right for you.

Proper operation of the well requires homeowners to constantly care for the water source. But one day there comes a moment when you have to make a difficult decision to eliminate the source. The task becomes more complicated if the house was purchased recently, and there is no data on the terms and conditions of operation. Mistakes can be made, due to which a closed source will regularly remind of itself. We will figure out how to close the well without negative consequences.

A well, the operational resource of which dries up, becomes shallow, the quality of water deteriorates. If the situation has not changed after the cleaning work, then it is time to say goodbye to the source and look for a place for a new one. Leaving the old "just like that" is not recommended:

  • components (log house, rings) should be rationally used in the construction of the "successor";
  • space will be freed up for household needs or planting;
  • gradual littering can have a negative impact on the aquifer, which will affect the wells in the district;
  • an unpleasant smell of stagnant water will constantly be present on the site, insects will multiply, including blood-sucking ones.

Do not forget about safety. Children will certainly want to explore the old well, which can lead to injury and injury. Also, a source of moisture will attract uninvited and unwanted guests to the watering place.

Abandoned dilapidated well not only looks intimidating, but also poses a physical threat

Preparation for the dismantling of the hydraulic structure

When deciding how to fill a well with water, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, among which are:

  • the location of the log house and mine;
  • water filling speed;
  • technical condition of the hydraulic structure.

The ideal location of the well is at a distance from buildings at a distance of at least 10-15 m. In practice, it happens in different ways. Sometimes the source is equipped in the basement and basement, which leads to dampness, mold and forces to resort to dismantling, even if the facility was built recently.

The location of the well in the immediate vicinity of the house, outbuilding or outbuildings is common. In this case, there are justified concerns about threats to the integrity and strength of the foundation. Errors during work are fraught with subsidence of the soil and other geological disturbances.

If the well has dried up from time to time or the water has dried up for other reasons, dismantling will not deliver special trouble. With the constant arrival of water, this unfavorable factor is taken into account and additional layers of backfill are provided.

Strong littering and stagnant water - indicators for backfilling the well

With special care they approach the dismantling of abandoned and dilapidated sources. Pre-evaluate the condition of the blind area of ​​the log house, rings. Possible risks:

  • displacement of the rings relative to the vertical, their skew;
  • voids between the outer part of the mine and the soil that have formed over the years of operation;
  • physical wear and tear of the log house elements, especially if it is made of wood.

Be sure to inspect, as far as possible, the underwater part of the structure. The well can be filled in or littered, often tree branches and other foreign objects get into the mine.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: If the well is on a quicksand, in some cases it is recommended to fill the trunk with tree branches, bunches of dense shrubs - the so-called fascina.

Ways to backfill an old well

How to remove a well? The choice of method depends on the speed and degree of water arrival. This is a key factor influencing the choice of backfill technology.

Preliminary pumping out of water

Most often, the need to drain the well arises during the liquidation of a structure located inside the building. But in other cases, one should not allow water to spread over the site and excessive soil moisture.

The owner of the homestead usually knows the period when the rate of arrival of water is the lowest. This time is optimal for backfilling. If the land was bought recently, it is better to ask the neighbors.

Pumping is carried out using drainage pump. Using a hose or pipe, the water drain point is diverted as far as possible so that it does not flow into the yard, flood the garden and damage the flower beds.

Dismantling the blind area and pumping out water can be performed simultaneously - it will be possible to save precious time

Without draining the well

This method is chosen on the condition that the height of the water table is small, the water has long ceased to arrive. Even with a short “acquaintance” with the source, it is not difficult to determine that there is nothing to pump out:

  • measure the height of the water column - for this it is enough to lower the rope with a weight at the end. The wet part will accurately indicate how much fluid is left in the barrel;
  • characteristic putrid smell - for abandoned and drying wells, stagnation is typical.

It is easiest to fill up an already dried up source - there is no need to use additional fractions (large size). At the work site, the soil sags less, and this area will quickly become suitable for household needs or planting.

It is not difficult to dismantle and fill up a dry well

Construction of the drainage system

If it is not possible to fill the well tightly so that water does not come, perform installation work drainage system. Such a need arises if the mine is located inside a house or outbuilding.

In order to reduce the level of humidity and prevent the spread of mold, the space around the upper ring is waterproofed - usually it comes to the surface and acts as a log house.

Then, drainage is mounted with removal outside the building and the optimal drain point is determined without the threat of water returning back or spreading over the site. The last stage is the backfilling of the mine.

The most difficult thing is to get rid of a well built in a house - in a basement or basement

The main nuances of dismantling

After completing the complex preparatory work proceed to the practical solution of the problem. There are several rules that should be followed regardless of the complexity of the object:

  1. The blind area is dismantled in order to gain access to the base of the log house and include the perimeter in the backfill zone. It is taken into account that during the installation of the blind area, the depth of excavation was at least 50 cm. Therefore, the work may be more laborious than expected.
  2. The frame is being dismantled. Depending on the condition and service life of the above-ground part of the structure, a decision is made whether to use the entire structure or individual elements when equipping a new source. If a metal case it is enough to clean it from corrosion, treat it with a special compound and paint it, then a rotten or rotten tree cannot be restored.
  3. 2-3 upper shaft rings are taken out, provided that the shaft was equipped in this way. Removing the lower elements requires considerable effort. Often there is a displacement of the rings, as the depth increases, the pressure of the soil increases. It is better not to risk and leave them in the ground.

Next, the backfill material is determined. The opinion that it is enough to fill the mine with earth or sand is erroneous. A homogeneous fraction that does not have solid inclusions will be gradually washed out under the influence of sedimentary or ground water. We must not forget that the underground source that filled the well can also make itself felt.

Therefore, proceed as follows:

  • a layer of solid fraction is poured at the bottom - crushed stone is best suited;
  • further use sand, clay or both materials;
  • backfill is laid in layers, carefully rammed and spilled with water;
  • upper part mines and the perimeter of the blind area are covered with a layer of fertile soil.

Backfilling is considered ideal, repeating the layers of soil - sand, clay. So the underground boundaries of the well will smooth out faster, the soil will sag less. However, the complete "growth" of the soil is possible if the shaft was completely dismantled and all elements of the shaft were removed.

In no case should construction debris or other materials of technological origin, which may affect the quality of water, be used to close the well. The liquidation of the well does not mean that the connection with the aquifer is completely lost.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: If the characteristics of the soil at the bottom of the well are unknown, it is recommended to backfill the bottom with large fractions. Suitable stone but or very large gravel.

Not the best option backfilling of the well, and the "flower bed" is also so-so

What work is carried out after backfilling the well

The area obtained after backfilling is unsuitable for immediate use. Tampering during work does not guarantee an absolute result. The factions will shift for a while. After exposure to precipitation, freezing of the soil and other natural processes, subsidence of the soil necessarily occurs. Depth depends on natural conditions, the quality of work performed. Usually the result is visible after the winter, when the snow melts.

If necessary, soil is added, which is topped up in several stages in the first year and then annually for 2-3 years. When deciding on the liquidation of the well, you need to be prepared that this place will remain unused for several years.

Here's a flower bed you can strike on the site of an old well - conceptually and aesthetically

Without the relevant experience, it is unlikely that a log house will be able to cope with the task of dismantling the mine on its own. There will be problems when pumping out water and backfilling the trunk. If drainage is needed, the task becomes much more complicated.

To avoid annoying miscalculations and difficulties in the performance of work, it is better to turn to real masters of their craft. Specialists will inspect the facility, develop a work plan and carry it out on high level. Ultimately, the involvement of professionals will be cheaper than trying to cope with such a difficult task as high-quality and competent backfilling of a well on your own.

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