Alandanian Highlands: description, features, photos.

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Alandanian midbreacing Miscellaneous Olekma and learning in the Republic of Yakutia. Flat-paned interfluid over 1000 m is predominated with ancient crystalline rocks. They are broken by granite intrusions that form separate arrays, rings and mountains: Zap. Yangi, Sunnagin, Ket-cap (up to 2306 m); On Yu blocked sedimentary rocks (shale, sandstones). Mr. and copper ores, coal, mica, gold, crystal. Up to 1100-1300 m - larch forests, above stony tundra, goltsy. Zh. D. Hold up to the tommy; Highlands crosses the Amur-Yakut motorway (from Bol. Nevers to Yakutsk). Rivers are attractive to water tourism.

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The area occupies the southeastern part of the Central Siberia, between River Lena and Aldan. In the south, the border passes through the tectonic one in the margin of the ridge. In the orographic attitude, the Alandanian Highlands is clearly divided, where the height of individual ridges reach 1800-2300 m,and the adven plateau located between the valleys of the Lena rivers and Aldan. At the watersheds of the plateau, the heights of about 500-600 prevail m,but individual sections in the south rise to 700 m.and more than 1000. m.Cuts of rivers in the east of the district - about 100 m.and below.

The Aldan erosion-denudation highlands is a reflection in the relief of the Alandanian shield and is composed of the crystal and metamorphic rocks of the Archey, which partly from the surface are blocked by sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cambrian and the continental sediments of Yura and Lower chalk. Mesozoic deposits on the shield lie in a pre-defochess, representing the zone of deep lowering the foundation, where the power of mesozoic coalmeal precipitation reaches up to 750 m.In the south, the deflection passes a large fence separating the edge of the Ridge from the Alandanian Highlands. In the relief, the fracture line is expressed by a ledge. The Alandanian shield is permeated by intrusions of different ages.

To the north, the Archean breeds are immersed under the hollow falling to the north (monoclinary) predominantly carbonate strata of the Lower Cambrian. On the surface of Cambria there are stains of Jurassic deposits. The slope of the Alandanian shield in the relief is expressed by the Leno-Aldan erosion reservoir plateau. Ancient and modern karst processes occurring in Cambrian rocks are widespread on the plateau. In Pliocency-duty time, the Alandanian Highlands experienced a greater lift than the Leno-Alandan plateau. Tectonic raising caused the revival of erosion and dismemberment of the territory. Rivers are deeply embedded: there are up to 4-8 accumulative and base terraces (Olekma, r. Lena, r. Aldan). Within the area, four leveling surfaces are isolated (the highest - 1000- 1300 m., Low - Lena - 300-400 m.) .

The area climate is characterized by cold winter with the average temperatures of January -32, -40 °, with a long snow cover 220- 240 days. Summer is warm on the Leno-Alandanian plateau where average temperature July above + 16 °, and cool in the Alandanian Highlands: The average temperature of July is about + 12 °. Annual precipitation - 200-300 mM.on the Leno-Alandan plateau and 400-500 Alandanian Highlands.

The soil and vegetation cover is diverse: larch-in-making forests are dominated by the Lenan-Alandanian plateau on the permanent taiga pallets (neutral) and dilated soils. In the valleys of rivers, larch-pine forests and stains of meadow steppes (Amga Valley) are found. In the Alandanian Highlands dominate mining and larch and cedar forests on mining felling and taiga soils and minority-taiga carbonate soils. Forests rise across the slopes of the ridges to height 1200-1300 m.Above the slope and the vertices are covered with mountain tundra on mining and tundra soils.

Flat-paned interfluid over 1000 m is predominated with ancient crystalline rocks. They are broken by granite intrusions that form separate arrays, rings and mountains: Zap. Yangi, Sunnagin, Ket-cap (up to 2306 m); On Yu blocked by sedimentary rocks (slates, sandstones). Mr. and copper ores, coal, mica, gold, crystal. Up to 1100-1300 m - larch forests, above stony tundra, goltsy. Zh. D. Hold up to the tommy; Highlands crosses the Amur-Yakut motorway (from Bol. Nevers to Yakutsk). Rivers are attractive to water tourism.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Alandanian Highlands

in the south-east of Central Siberia (Yakutia). Forms the Eastern End of the South Mountain System. Siberia, between the Rivers of Olekma and Accura (bass. Lena). Folded in the advantage of the most ancient (Archean and Proterozoic) Gneis and crystal shale forming the Alandan shield. Deposit of iron ore, coal, mica, gold. Previse plateau high. 800-1000 m, dissected by deep valleys. Over the interfluids rise isolated mountain arrays and short ridges. 1400-2000 m (max. 2306 m). The climate is sharply continental, with cold, minor winter and cool summer; in the zone solid eternal Merzlota. During the year there are 300-500 mm of precipitation. Slopes to super. 1100-1300 m are covered with pine-larch forests, above - larch palpal and thickets of cedar stabel. On the goltie vertices - rocky tundra.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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    Coordinates: Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    Alandanian Highlands. Alandanian Highlands, in Eastern Siberia, in the interfold of Olekma and learning, in Yakutia. Complied mainly by the Gneis and the crystal shale of the Aladan shield. Deposits of iron and copper ores, coal, mica, gold. Prevail ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    In Yakutia. Height up to 2306 m. Mountain ridges: Sunnagyn, Zap. Yanga and others. On the slopes, larch taiga, above 1300 m. Stony tundra. Deposit of iron ore, coal, mica, gold ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Alandanian Highlands, in Yakutia. Height up to 2264 m. Sunnagyn Mountain Ridges, Zap. Yanga and others. On the slopes, larch taiga, above 1300 m. Stony tundra. Deposit of iron ore, coal, mica, gold. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

    In Russia, Yakutia. Height up to 2264 m. Mountain ridges of Sunnagyn, West Yanga, etc. On the slopes larch taiga, above 1300 m. Stony tundra. Deposit of iron ore, coal, mica, gold. * * * Alandanian Highlands Alandanian Highlands, in Yakutia ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Highlands in Eastern Siberia, on Yu. Yakutskaya ASSR. Located north of the ridge, between PP. Olekma and Accura. The flat interferes with a medium height of 800 1000 m are dominated, over which individual golts groups rise and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Alandanian Highlands - an elevated orographic structure in the territory of Yakutia, located north of the ridge in a large interference siberian rivers Education and Olekma in the Lena Basin. The highest peak of Highlands is a mountain with a mark of 2306 m.

The basis of the sublime plain is the structure of the Alandan tectonic shield belonging to Siberian platform of the Precambrian age. The structures are made by archaic proteozoic shale and prehistoric Gneis. But the territory differs significantly in the structure from others tectonic structures platforms. After all, its development during the mesocynezoic history took place between the platform and southern North-Baikal highlands.

In many places of the Alandanian Highland, the rocks of the Archean Crystal foundation go on the surface of the Earth. They are presented with ancient quartzite, fine-grained granites, gneis and marbles. The northern slope of Highlands is represented by the area with a shallow up to 1.5 km by the location of the foundation. The foundation breed is broken in different periods of geological development by intrusions from granite.

Relief Highlands

In the relief, the Alandan Plateau is a reservoir exaltation that occurs on the LowerPaleozoic sediments with the outputs on the surface of solid crystalline rocks of the foundation. The long-term processes of destruction against the background of stable tectonic raises led to the formation of peculiar forms of table-step-up relief in the Alandansky plateau. Ancientary volcanic processes were essential for the formation of the relief of this territory. Traces of activity of ancient volcanoes are visible everywhere.

The prevailing altitudes in the territory of the Highlands are in the foundation durable crystalline rocks and mountain ridges from 800 to 1200 meters. Highest top With a mark of 2306 meters little inferior in height of the edge of the ridge. The entire territory of the plateau represented by ancient penennel is dissected by numerous tectonic faults. On fault lines are deep embedded river valleys of amgia and larger Aldan. The low mountains of Ket-cap, strongly dismembered Sunnagyn, picturesque Western Yangs and Golts groups up to 2000 meters rise above them.

Orographic structures of Highlands are elongated in the latitudinal direction. On the northern slope of the Plateau presented sedimentary deposits of the Cambrian and Jurassic age. The median most sublime part of the plateau corresponds to the outputs of the ancient rocks of the tectonic shield. The southern slope of the Highland is the zone of the foothill deflection of the ridge filled with coal deposits of Jurassic time. The conditions of modern many years of marzlot makes it difficult to processes erosion and counteal formation. However, on the territory of the Alandan plateau, it lies not with a solid layer and here karst wells, siphons, funnels and blind valleys are found.

The active processes of physical weathered in the continental type of climate are provided on the territory of the plateau the abundance of columns, sprues, blocks and threads from stone screes. Merzlota and crossed relief on Highlands make it difficult to build objects and infrastructure. Here is the Amur-Yakut road and the railway branch to the tommot.

Minerals on Alandanian Highlands

The depths of the Alandanian Highlands have long become a real mineral treasury of Yakutia. The development of territory resources turned the absolutely deserted stern edge into the area of \u200b\u200bthe high-mechanized mining industry. In 1922, the richest gold deposits was opened in the Alandan Plateau area. They found by the Yakut hunter M.B. Tarabukin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Aldan on the rage invisible. In 1926, the first dragium was established at the Alandanian field. In terms of production, this territory was ahead of the most important Bodaybinsky minister at that time. In addition to gold here, iron and copper ores, coal, mica, mountain crystal.

Climate Highlands

The climate of the Alandanian highlands sharply continental, pretty harsh, here is somewhat cold winter and cool short summer. Such climate is characterized by a wide temperature drop to 90-100 ° C throughout the year. Winter here is harsh cold with strong resistant frosts lasting up to 6-7 months.

Middle January temperatures with prevailing clear weather here are markers -18 OS, -20 OS. There are few precipitation in winter. In frosty weather over the villages and cities there is a frosty fog. Crossed relief provokes air inversion. In numerous lowlands, whole areas of cold air are formed. The territory of Highlands in the winter is located in the zone of anticyclonal weather belonging to the Asian maximum. It is with this circumstance that the heating of the territory and harsh frost is connected.

Summer in the Alandanian Highlands due to the orographic height is much cooler than its latitudinal marks in other parts of the country. The July temperature is on average here + 18 ° C. In the summer, cyclonal activity processes are developing on the highlands, precipitation becomes more. For 2-3 year old months of rain falls half the annual norm. Cyclones come cold air From the Arctic, it can provoke frosts. The foci of many years of marbles do not have time for the warm months to utter. Merzlota is preserved due to unnigent winters, frosty weather as features of a sharply continental type of climate.

Hydrology Highlands

According to the peculiarities water regime The Rivers of the Alandanian Highlands, the influx of learning and Olekma can be attributed to the East Siberian type of water bodies. They are fed into the main waters, there is some precipitation and groundwater. Stoke among the months of the year is unevenly distributed, it flows into the warm months to 90%.

The bulk of the river flow of water proceeds along the bed in the flood. It passes a natural phenomenon By the end of April, parallel to the laying snow. The presence of permits makes it difficult to leakage water into the soil, and it immediately falls into river reservoirs. In the flood, water rise up to 4 - 6 meters.

In the summer and in the fall, the melting of frozen soils and rains retain the level in the reservoirs, the interlene is observed in winter. The water level decreases with the onset of frosts. Procherating soil further reduces groundwater feeding. The slow flow percooleries water and forms a powerful ice.

The freezing of the rivers of the Alandanian Highlands begins with a supercooled bottom in November. Rivers can freeze until the bottom, others freeze in places of focate, and become a chain of lake catlovin on the Ples. If oxygen in the lake is enough, it becomes good place For wintering fish, if the oxygen is not enough, it will be an empty rotary omp. During the ice, the water moves with an unbridled force. The giant amount of ice is often observed with powerful congestion. The river ice raised by the bottom of the bottom carries with you the frozen blocks of stones. The rivers of the Highlands are extremely attractive for alloys on rafts and catamarans.

Nature of Alandanian Highlands

The nature of Highlands is unusually beautiful and diverse. Up to 1,300 meters The slopes of the mountains cover arrays with light larch with an undergrowth of the taiga richness on special soils, called the permanently taiga, above the larch edge, cedar staber and stony tundra. The vertices of many mountains are represented by the remains and golts. The latitudinal zonality on the slopes is complicated by a high-dimensional explanancy.

Merzlota in the Olekma basin affects all natural components. This is a kind of waterproof that affects the relief and stock of the Alandan Rivers. It enhances the difference in the seasonality of the drain, contributes to the appearance of a cryogenic relief, makes it difficult for karst and erosion. It is connected with the emergence of cryogenic intrazonal landscapes of alas, thermocarted herbaceous catlovin among the mountains.

Merzlota significantly makes it difficult to master the highlands, affects all types economic activity. When building builders, builders should take into account the possibilities of pulling and swelling the permafrost. This circumstance makes it thoroughly examine the soil, build structures with piles, there is no possibility to build quickly and cheap. For the same reason, water supply is hampered and required heat species Melioration for landing crops.

A few plants adapted to sufficiently harsh conditions in the Alandanian Highlands. The prevailing look here was unpretentious in the growing larch Dauroskaya. There are arrays of dark taiga, pihtachi, cederacy. Along the rivers on the terraces, the ticker-nude steppes grow.

The fauna of the Alandanian Highlands had to adapt to the harsh permissal conditions. With the severity of the winter here is connected large number Forest beast Soboley, Pots, Mornostayev, Mink, column. Bears, wolverines, lynx, wolves and foxes live here. Among the unfortunate reindeer, cabg, moose, roe, marals, snow rams feel good in the taiga. Rodents are represented by blessing hares, earthling, squirrels, chipmunks, crops, horses, voles. Glukhari live here, rocky pigeons, rims, frozards, woodwoods, larks, flies. The presence of permits significantly limited the spread of worms, reptiles and amphibians.

Alandanian Highlands, like all regions of Siberia, has large stocks of businesswood. The greatest economic value is precisely larch operational on the target destination. Forests are used by the indigenous population for traditional species Hunting activities and gathering.

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