Passage of the game mafia. Walkthrough Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven

Water bodies 01.10.2019
Water bodies

The Mafia game is played on behalf of a character named Tommy. The beginning of action dates back to the 30s of the last century. You are going to plunge into the world of unusual old cars, interesting outfits and Thompson's assault rifles.

At first, you will only give a lift to the mafiosi so that they do their daring deeds. Gradually you will become tough in this business and even swing at the prosecutor, prominent politicians and other gangsters. It is important not to hesitate while completing some tasks, as time is too expensive.

Mission 1: An Offer You Can’t Refuse

It's autumn 1930. On an evening day, you, in the guise of a simple taxi driver Tommy, stopped to check your car. Two people will run out from around the corner. One of them is wounded, and the other will point a gun at Tommy. The couple will get into the car and Tommy will drive them.

Don't let the bandits' car get too close. They will shoot and be able to kill you or your fellow travelers. Take the first turn, trying to hit the pursuers' car on something. When you shake off your pursuers, you have about 10 minutes to reach Salieri's bar. Follow the compass in the upper left corner. You can use the map by pressing "Tab". Better not to crash, as it takes health away. Salieri Bar is located in the "Little Italy" area. Continue playing Mafia.

Mission 2: Running Man

Your task is to deliver five people to different parts of the city - to the church in the Business Center, to the hospital in New Ark, to the theater on the Central Island, having passed through the Giuliano Bridge, to the Pompeii Bar in Hoboken, to the department store in Little Italy, having passed necessarily the Giuliano bridge, and then the tunnel. Set the speed limiter "F5" and start. Try not to run over passers-by. Otherwise, you will start to complete the mission from the beginning.

When you take the passengers, Tom wants to rest a little and have a cup of coffee. He sat in the car next to Bar Salieri.

Suddenly, the car is hit with a baseball bat. Someone opens the door and kicks Tommy out of the car. These are the geeks who recently chased Paulie and Sam. You have to run. Since Don Salieri's bar is nearby, run into it. Fighting with them is not worth it, as you will lose. Run without looking back. Follow the green arrows to the courtyards and be guided by the compass in the upper right corner. You cannot stop, otherwise you will be dunked.

Mission 3. Party with cocktails. (Molotov Party)

The passage of the game Mafia continues. Salieri decided to check on you. You just need to do the smashing of cars at the Morello bar. Leave the courtyard, blow to Bar Morelo. It is located in New Ark. It is better to go there through the tunnel, then across the Giuliano Bridge. When you approach the bar, you will see a guard who is standing at the red gate. Don't draw attention to yourself. Park your car next to the bar and go through the back door to the courtyard. There are cars.

Walk to the guard from behind, swing well and hit him with one blow. Then smash the cars with a bat, set them on fire with a Molotov cocktail. When you defeat all the cars, you can head to the boss for a report. Don't forget to look into the garage. There you will find good car for yourself.

Mission 4: Ordinary Routine

In this mission, you must collect tribute in the city. Sam and Paulie collect it and you drive. Drive to Central Island first. It is best to follow the drawbridge. Then blow into Hoboken. You can get there via the Giuliano Bridge. Then drive to the motel outside the city.

When you get to the motel, Sam and Paulie will go for a tribute. Tommy will stay at the car. Hear shots inside. The door will open and Paulie will run out. He is injured and asks you to get Sam out of the mess. The passage of the game Mafia continues.

The best option is to sneak into the motel from the back using the balcony. But be careful, as there is a dog in the yard. When you climb into the motel, don't rush up the stairs. First, go to the toilet. The mafioso sat down there. As you kill him, then immediately rush to the first number, where you will see the Thompson machine gun. Sit in the room. Mafia representatives will come to you themselves. There will be three of them in total. However, one of them is unlikely to run inside. He will stay in the hallway. Go down the stairs, there you will see three more mafiosi in the cafe. Two at the billiard tables, and one with a submachine gun sat at the bar.

Soak everyone and then the man will run out. He will be wearing some kind of T-shirt and no gun. He will beat you with his fists. He must be shot and head to the room where this boxer appeared. Sam will be there. Tommy tries to pull Sam out again, but a psycho with a gun in his hands and a bag of money will block the way. Now Tommy has a new task - to catch up with the psycho and take away the bag of money. Sit in the car and step on the gas pedal. You need to follow the wheelbarrow, which is useless to shoot. We must try to catch up with him in the tunnel and block the road. In this case, he will come out and open fire at you. Get out of the car too, shoot back. When you kill the psycho, then go to the body and search the body. That's it, this mission is complete.

Mission 5: Fairplay

With the passage of the game Mafia, the year 1932 came. The race is due tomorrow morning. Everyone, like Salieri, relied on the young guy, who was the first before. However, Ralph said that there is some European who has a better wheelbarrow than your driver.

Salieri asks Tommy to drive the European's car to Luca Bertone, who owns the garage under the Giuliano Bridge. He will slightly tweak the chassis. You don't need to explain to anyone that many of your acquaintances need this.

To complete the mission to the end, you will have only 13 minutes. First you have to go to the race track. You will find him behind the Workers' Quarter. Drive to the gatehouse, get out of the car, go up to the guard. Talk to him, then wait for him to open the barrier. Get into the car. Then go to the garages. Change into a racing car and drive to Luca Bertone's workshop. It is better to go to him through the tunnel, then through the Giuliano Bridge. There should be no scratches on the wheelbarrow. Also beware of the cops. When Luka has done everything necessary with the car, it is necessary to bring it back to the track on the same road. Drive the car into the garage, go back to Salieri's Bar.

The passage of the game Mafia continues. When you enter the bar, you will hear the bell. Luigi picks up the phone and hands it to Tommy. Tommy is indignant at what he hears on the phone. Turns out Don Salieri wants you to arrive at three for the races. It turns out that the driver-leader is sick. Go back to the track, go through the race. If you have a game version from C1, then everything should go smoothly for you. The fact is that you will have the opportunity to choose the level of difficulty. Otherwise, it may seem difficult and impassable for you. In fact, you just need to observe a number of rules - to brake in time at turns, not to press the gas pedal when making maneuvers. Otherwise, you risk getting into a skid. To return the car to the track, press "Num 0"

Why is a fragment of this particular verse from the Gospel “ Romans”Were taken by Czech masters from Illusion softworks as an epigraph to my new epoch-making work, I will not explain. If you play, you will find out for yourself. Illusion Softworks have already managed to become famous by releasing tactical action Hidden and dangerous, and now - a new triumph. No exaggeration!

Gamers are not new to the hellish mixture of auto-adventure and 100% action, but for the first time this mixture has become so cinematic that it makes you think of Max payne- a game that immediately and unconditionally became a hit. I guess I won't be a prophet if I say that "Mafia" the same fate threatens. A dashingly twisted plot, keeping in suspense until the very end, excellent directorial work, an abundance of scripted scenes, great voice acting and, which is important for the game, gorgeous gameplay coupled with a very decent engine - all this will surely raise the game to very decent places in the world Top 100 and is likely to compel Mania's editorial board to place it in the top three on the traditional annual hit parade.

However, you probably already read the praises of "Mafia" in the October issue of "Mania", and we will now take it apart to pieces in order to arrive at a localized version of the game in full combat readiness.

My advice to you: if you are not very good with English, wait for localization - there are a lot of well-written dialogues in the game, and in order to understand all the twists and turns of the plot, even an average knowledge of English is sometimes not enough. I'm not even talking about slang. I just want to hope that the Russian publisher is a company 1C- this time he will not rush as with Max Payne, and will launch a well-made product on the market (fortunately, there is someone to look up to: localized Warcraft iii- a subject worthy of imitation).

What if stuck?

Don't panic! And just take and install full set saves attached to this article. With the disk - everything is clear, but for those who will download this self-extracting archive from the Web, I can only sympathize, but I will not be able to help with anything - less than 5.7 megs does not work.

Unpack this archive into a directory / GameDirectory / savegame / (moreover, if the archiver asks for permission to replace some files, replace them!) and in the very first screen, when you are prompted to select a profile, click Anton ... Well, there already Load game , and select the desired episode of the desired chapter.

Just keep in mind that the settings in the game will be the ones that I set when going through the game. So do not be lazy to get into the settings and set everything to your own taste and in accordance with the appetites of your car.

I bought a car, four wheeled hell ...

This is a line from a song Glenna Freya- a famous singer in the 50s. Fortunately, you will not need to buy cars (at least in the main game) - they will be provided to you, you will steal them, but you do not need to buy anything.

In total, your boss can have a maximum of 16 cars in the garage. This is unimportant at the beginning of the game, but in the second half you already have to strain your brains in order to decide which of the cars to send to the junkyard. Therefore, it would be nice to first of all familiarize yourself with the attached to the game “ Carcyclopedia”, In which you will learn all the specifications of all cars found in the game.

It would also be nice to go through a short tutorial, which will teach you all the basic actions: how and where to run, how to pick up something, how to use it, how to get into a car, etc. The tutorial will not teach you all the intricacies of the game, but at least you will not get lost in it right away.

Since you can reassign all the buttons in the game, I will not further mention which button should be pressed. The optimal combination of control devices for the game seemed to me the following: a steering wheel and a keyboard with a mouse. It's just that the keys or keys with the joystick in some missions can be practically useless - some cars are too aggressive and the conditions for passing missions are painfully difficult.

The interface is modest, but informative enough - at least to the extent that it is necessary. In the upper left corner is the compass. It always shows the direction to the object to be visited. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary that, having gone straight along the arrow, you will come directly to the desired place - most likely, after driving about ten meters, you will be smashed into a lamppost or into some building. Remember: it happens mostly in the city. Lost Heaven, and the city, as you know, consists of streets, lanes, avenues, transport interchanges ...

So you very often (at least the first ten missions) will have to use a map that can be called up at any time so as not to miss the desired turn and generally decide where you are going. The map is translucent and it will not interfere with your movement so much. On the map, a yellow arrow indicates your car (or you yourself, if you move on foot), blue indicates the direction to the object (if it is out of sight), a blue cross is your destination, yellow lines indicate tram tracks, and blue lines surface metro. Full map the city is not available in the game, but it is in the game ... I am glad to use it. Print it out and keep it in front of your eyes - it will help a lot.

Next to the compass (if you are driving) you will see a kind of car radar. Your car is indicated by a small dash in the very center. White lines - ordinary city cars, yellow - trams, blue - police cars. When you approach the desired object (building, person, car) and it is in the range of the radar, a red cross appears on the screen. This is where you should strive, since on the map the place where you need to is sometimes marked very conditionally.

If you have a time limit for an action, a stopwatch will appear at the top right, on which the time range is marked in red. As soon as the minute hand goes beyond the marked area, this episode will have to be replayed.

Bottom right - a speedometer with a built-in fuel indicator (and the same for all cars. A defect!) And a mileage counter. You need a speedometer for city driving. The fact is that for speeding you can easily be fined, or even arrested. So it is strongly recommended not to exceed the speed of 60 km / h (45 mph - depending on the settings) without special need. For those who are not used to constantly looking at the speedometer, the developers offered an automatic speed limit mode. When you turn it on, a small yellow triangle with the number 60 (45) will appear above the speedometer, and no matter how you press on the gas, your car will not go faster than the specified speed.

In some missions, an additional indicator will appear at the bottom - Damage indicating the degree of damage to your vehicle. Of course, the less the strip is filled with red, the better.

When you clash with the police, one of three icons will appear at the top. Notebook - everything is in order: wait for the policeman, talk to him and keep driving. Handcuffs - they are going to arrest you: try to escape from the crime scene (if you succeed, a strip will appear under the handcuffs Wanted , colored red - it displays the period of time during which all the Lost Heaven'a police will hunt for you). Gun - appears when you entered into a shootout with a policeman (or with someone else, and the policeman caught you in this case and is going to join the dismantling).

Notepad will appear for the following violations:

You have crossed the red line;

Crashing into someone else's car, inflicted light damage on it;

Shot down someone (not to death);

Exceeded the speed limit of 60 km / h.

If you receive this warning, it is best to stop and not run away from the scene, otherwise the notebook will immediately turn into handcuffs. If you stop, nothing threatens you.

Handcuffs mean that you are about to be arrested for the following:

You escaped from a police officer who wanted to issue you a warning;

In full view of the police, they flaunted with weapons in their hands;

Shoot / crashed into a police car / hit a police officer;

Crashing into someone else's car, inflicted heavy damage on it;

Knocked down someone (to death);

Exceeded the speed limit of 120 km / h.

If handcuffs appear, try to get away from the police chasing you, otherwise you will be jailed, and the mission will be failed. Let me remind you that for these violations you will be held accountable ONLY if they occur in front of the police.

If we are already talking about the police. Since you have to most often deal with unseemly - from the point of view of the law - cases, the best thing is not to get caught by the police, and if you are already caught, try to escape.

Hide in the back streets, drive forward, try to make the police car chasing you collide with some obstacle or other car. In general, do whatever you like until the Wanted bar disappears. After that, you can safely continue to do your own thing. If a policeman is not interested in your affairs by car, then he will immediately rush to call for help to the nearest telephone booth. If you are in a car - push, on foot - shoot, but in no case let him commit phone call... In general, clashes with the police are troublesome and unnecessary. Most often, in those missions where you need to hurry and ignore the rules, there are no police on the streets. And it makes no sense to run into trouble where you can calmly do your job.

To avoid complications, follow the rules. Traffic lights, signs (there are not many of them), turn signals and brake lights from the cars in front - they all work for you. It is also advisable not to run over pedestrians unnecessarily, as well as not to collide with other people's cars. I was probably lucky, but the police for breaking the rules in all twenty missions chased me only once.

Despite the fact that AI very carefully goes through all the turns, it has a very selective attitude to the observance of the rules: it stops at traffic lights, does not knock down pedestrians, but to overtake on the right, suddenly cut off, emerge from the secondary road to the main one, without waiting queue, please! If they can do it, then you can too - for these violations they are not fined and they are not dragged into jail, but getting into an accident is not that easy, but very easy.

Cars are very sensitive (more or less). As soon as you accelerate decently (even to the permissible 60 km / h), the car starts to skid noticeably at turns, and it is quite difficult to turn it out of the skid without a steering wheel. So, playing with the keys or the joystick, you have to constantly slow down before turning, which is like death when chasing. It is very, very difficult to catch up with the pursued or break away from the pursuer after such a maneuver. But with a certain simulator, such maneuvers can be performed at full speed without a rudder - by the eighth or ninth missions, you will already confidently control your four-wheeled friend.

And as for parking. You can park quite safely in any lane - even the oncoming one. It's just that cars moving along this lane will stop and start honking and flashing their headlights, but there will be no other consequences. When getting out of the car, be careful - they may knock you down, which will not add to your health at all.

That, perhaps, is all that can be said about the automotive component of the "Mafia" - everything else will come only with practice. Let's turn to the other half of the game - action.

There's a killer on the road. He rushes forward

To become a real killer in "Mafia" - you have to become one! In principle, “Mafia” is not much different from other similar games: we run, shoot, hide, strafe, roll ... However, “Mafia” is not at all Quake! In terms of tactics and combat strategy, "Mafia" is more like ... Operation Flashpoint. Patience and precision play first fiddle here.

The fight will not be won by the one who shouts "Urrrra !!!" will run forward, pouring lead on everyone, and the one who will patiently sit in ambush and wait until the enemy looks around the corner and immediately gets a bullet in the head. A bullet in the head is a matter of principle. As it is now fashionable, the body is divided into several zones, the defeat of each of which causes certain damage to health. A head shot is almost always instant death. Wounding to other parts of the body will give the enemy a chance to fire a couple of more shots at you, and who knows if one of these shots will be fatal for you. True, by wounding an enemy in the hand, you can knock out a weapon from it, which can save your life: while he gets a new one, charges, takes aim ... Here's an extra few seconds for you.

If possible, try to approach the enemies from the rear: they will not hear you, and you will have the opportunity to carefully aim. Finish off the wounded - a lying, but living enemy remains an enemy, and he, perhaps, will still crawl to his pistol and make a fatal shot.

The tactics of action are almost always the same: they hid, crouched, rolled out, fired, rolled back, waited until someone curious poked their head around, killed him, etc. Never rush anywhere: wait. In no case leave the rear unprotected: either you must be sure that there are no enemies behind, or protect your back with walls, columns, whatever ...

It makes sense to crawl out with your chest on the enemy only in one case: you have a total shortage of ammunition or weapons and you decided to collect trophies on the battlefield. The decision, of course, is reckless, but sometimes the only possible one. In these cases, try to dodge, do not stay in one place for a long time, do not let the enemy take aim. In general, it is desirable in battle in full height do not get up, but squat. Still, in this position, the affected area is smaller.

It is better to shoot enemies in those bright moments when they are reloading their weapons. They tend to do this on the spot, and at this time they are as easy as shelling pears to shoot. I would advise you to carefully monitor the number of cartridges and reload, hiding in advance in a relatively safe place.

You also need to take into account the fact that when you hit, both you and your enemies freeze for a few moments and cannot perform a single action: neither move nor shoot. Therefore, try to face the enemies one on one - lure them one by one at yourself, and then ... Otherwise, you may simply not be allowed to shoot!

Cars can provide invaluable help in destroying groups of enemies. After all, they know how to explode! It is enough to create a barricade of at least one car between you and the enemies in some narrow place, and when they are on the way to it, shoot the hood of the car so that the smoke starts to flow, and that's it: while the enemies try to bypass the barrier, the car will explode safely , sending to the next world, if not all, then most of the enemies. In the same way, you can destroy the groups of enemies hanging out near the cars: shoot the car from afar, and while the crazy adversaries spread out, taking up places convenient for shooting, the car will explode, and only scraps of burnt meat will fly to places convenient for shooting.

As a car for the barricade, you can use not only your car. After all, you can steal cars. Approach the abandoned car from the driver's side, press and hold the key "action" ; as soon as the strip that appears is filled with red - the car is considered hacked, you can sit in it and dispose of it as your own. You can not steal all cars, but only those that you know how to steal. The ability to steal more and more cool cars comes with time. Determining whether you can hack a car or not is very simple by appearance- if you have already ridden this one, you will have the cards in your hands. Just don't steal cars in front of the police: stealing is illegal.

You can also use public transport to get around the city. It is enough to whistle to the approaching taxi or tram, and go wherever you want.

If a shootout is going on in cars, carefully watch the windows of the pursuers - as soon as the barrel of a pistol stuck out of the car window, immediately perform some kind of feint with your ears: slow down, step on the gas, turn aside ... After all, if you or your passengers are killed, you will have to replay the episode again. In general, in such pursuits, one must behave as brazenly as possible: try to crash the enemy's car - push it into walls, pillars and other obstacles, push it into the oncoming lane and cause an accident. But nevertheless, such car chase-shootings are perhaps the most difficult episodes of the game.

That is probably all that can be said about combat tactics. But this topic has not been closed yet. After all, it is possible to competently build defense and attack only if you know well the weapon and its capabilities. We will now deal with weapons.

Consider that there are three of us, and Death is among us ...

In the role of Death - your entire arsenal. It comes in three flavors: melee weapons, firearms, and throwing weapons. Below I will give full list all available weapons, but first about some of the features of each of them.

Melee weapons are the hardest to use. Pick it up, press the key "shot" , hold it until the strip that appears fills in red. As soon as you release this key, a blow will be struck. The redder the strip was, the stronger the blow will be. This is the whole difficulty: in order to knock someone down, you need to accumulate strength, but do you think that the enemies will just stand and watch as you brought the bat? Therefore, here the tactics are as follows: run away from your opponent, bring in the bat and wait, gaining strength, until he approaches, then, with all your foolishness, lower the bat on his head and run back again. Of course, with this weapon it makes sense to go against an enemy armed in the same way. The club does not work against a pistol ...

Firearms are good for everyone, and they are the ones you will be using most of the time. However, keep in mind that reloading a weapon is a very long process (from 2 to 5 seconds), so it is best to do this intimate business in a secluded, well-protected corner. Pay attention to the cartridge counter in the magazine and retreat in advance to previously prepared and cleaned positions.

Throwing weapons (grenades and “Molotov cocktails”) will be rare enough for you, and you are unlikely to be able to master them perfectly. But just in case: your grenades are not of the contact type, which means that when they meet a wall, it will most likely bounce back to your feet, where it will explode, and you will commit an act of unintentional suicide. Throwing grenades is done in the same way as hitting with a bat: the redder the strip, the farther the grenade will fly. To aim accurately with a throwing weapon is quite difficult and requires a certain skill, which, in fact, there will be nowhere to gain: a little at the beginning, once in the middle, and quite a bit at the end. But there's nothing you can do about it: that's what the developers decided.

And here is the list of weapons.

1. Baseball bat

Efficiency: 4/10.

Type of: close combat.

Where will appear: in almost every mission / have some drivers.

Damage: low.

Per: if you kick someone from behind on the head with all your foolishness, then this person will be disconnected for quite a long time.

Against: often misses, cannot be used while sitting.

Comments: why doesn't she fight off bullets? ...

2. Crowbar

Efficiency: 3/10.

Type of: close combat.

Where will appear: in almost every mission.

Damage: low.

Per: nothing.

Against: the same as the bit.

Comments: most hated weapon. Use only out of despair!

3. Knife

Efficiency: 5/10.

Type of: close combat.

Where will appear: in some missions.

Damage: slightly higher than low.

Per: when the power bar is completely red, deals 4 hits in a row.

Efficiency: 8/10.

6 / 30.

Type of: gun.

Where will appear: starting with mission 4 or 5.

Damage: high.

Per: one of the best pistols - one shot to the head and that's it!

Against: strong recoil, long recharge time.

Comments: use from afar, take care of cartridges.

6. Colt 1911

Efficiency: 7/10.

Cartridges in the magazine / Maximum number of cartridges: 7 / 35.

Type of: gun.

Where will appear: in 2 missions.

Damage: slightly above average.

Per: a weapon for all time. Very precise and user-friendly.

Against: perhaps ... nothing.

Comments: use from afar and victory is yours! Remember, you must always shoot at the HEAD!

7. Colt Detective Special

Efficiency: 7/10.

Cartridges in the magazine / Maximum number of cartridges: 6 / 30.

Type of: gun.

Where will appear: starting with the mission "The Whore".

Damage: high.

Per: the same as Magnum's.

Against: strong recoil, long reload time, low accuracy when shooting at long distances.

Comments: and yet Magnum!

8. Pump Action Shotgun

Efficiency: 7/10.

Cartridges in the magazine / Maximum number of cartridges: 8 / 32.

Type of: shotgun.

Where will appear: starting from mission 5.

Damage: high.

Against: shotgun like shotgun.

Comments: use it in one-on-one combat or when enemies are coming at you from the front. It is absolutely unsuitable for all-round defense.

9. Sawed off Shotgun

Efficiency: 6/10.

Cartridges in the magazine / Maximum number of cartridges: 2 / 32.

Type of: shotgun.

Where will appear: mission 4.

Damage: high.

Per: see above.

Against: the maximum range is lower than that of Pump Action, long reload time, low magazine capacity.

Comments: only takes up space. If you have something decent, throw it away without regret.

10. Thompson 1928 / T-Gun / Tommy Gun / or whatever you call it

Efficiency: 9/10.

Cartridges in the magazine / Maximum number of cartridges: 50 / 200.

Type of: machine.

Where will appear: if I am not mistaken, starting from the 7th mission.

Damage: average.

Per: the best weapon in the game!

Against: very long recharge time.

Comments: in any battle, you will kill everyone with minimal damage.

11. US Rifle M 1903 Springfield

Efficiency: 8/10.

Cartridges in the magazine / Maximum number of cartridges: 5 / ?.

Type of: sniper rifle.

Wherewill appear: mission "Election Campaign".

Damage: high.

Per: everyone will like it ... Sniper after all!

Against: damn hard to aim for the head.

Comments: No comments!


13. Pomegranates

Efficiency: 10/10 (if used correctly).

Type of: throwing.

In the walkthrough that will begin just below, I will not retell the plot of the game. Firstly, I don't want to spoil your pleasure, and secondly ... imagine the size of the script "The Godfather"... But I will have to mention some names one way or another. So, in order for you to represent who we are talking about, I have compiled a short list of the main characters and their relationships.

Thomas "Tommy" Angelo-the main character. Former taxi driver. After rescuing Sam and Paulie, he became a member of the Salieri “family”.

Detective Norman-non-playable character. Tommy is just telling him his story. He only appeared on this list because he is the only person on the side of justice.

Don Salieri-the big man of Little Italy. Former friend of Morello. After Salieri and Morello divided the spheres of influence in the city in half, their paths diverged.

Frank-the right hand of Don Salieri. " Chief Accountant”Clan.

Don Morello-boss of New Ark. Built my empire on blood and fear. Leads friendships with some politicians, police officials, city councilors. It will be cooler than Don Salieri.

Sergio Morello Jr. is the younger brother of Don Morello. Responsible in the “family” for export / import / smuggling through the port. Behind his back they call him "The Lucky Bastard"!

Poly- one of Salieri's henchmen. Killer. Tommy's best friend.

Sam- Salieri's assistant. Tommy is not very friendly.

Vincenzo-Expert on weapons in the Salieri clan. If you need a murder weapon, talk to him and he will pick up the one you need.

Ralph- auto mechanic Salieri. Pro in everything when it comes to cars. Stutterer.

Carlo- Salieri's personal bodyguard. One of those who betrayed him.

Luigi-barman at the Salieri restaurant.

Sarah-daughter of Luigi. Subsequently, Tommy's wife.

Luca Bertoni- the owner of the auto repair shop. Usually he will teach you the art of stealing new cars at the end of the mission.

Big Biff- Poly's informant. Usually lives in Chinatown.

Well, now that you have met the main characters, get ready for a long journey through the streets of Lost Heaven.


Part 1. An Offer You Can’t Refuse

After the introductory cutscenes, Tommy will be in his taxi along with two gangsters. Your task: to get away from their pursuers. And not only hit the road, but finish them off. Do not let the pursuing vehicle drive up to your vehicle from the left side (i.e. the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.

Try to keep their car to the right and push it back so that it crashes into anything it can hit. Your passengers - Paulie and Sam - will support you with cannon shooting.

In general, this mission is more based on luck. Lucky - not lucky! There are no special tactics here. Smash their car into smithereens and let Paul and Sam finish what you started.

After all the attackers go to another world, go to Salieri's restaurant. He is in Little Italy). Getting there is easy: from Downtown (DownTown) where you most likely are now, along the huge arched Giuliano bridge move to Central Island and from there through a tunnel to Little Italy.

Part 2. The Running Man

This mission is designed to familiarize you with the city. You have to transport five passengers to five different addresses. Even if you don't know English, arrows on the map will show you the direction. Set a speed limiter and try not to hit anyone or break the rules at all.

After you take the last passenger, two thugs will attack you, and you have to flee to Salieri's restaurant. Run without distraction. Just follow the compass and the green translucent arrows pointing to the courtyards.

For those who cannot run this sprint distance in any way, I’ll tell you.

After the roller, run straight. You will see an arrow. Run along it to the right into the gateway. Run straight through the yard, and when you find yourself on the street again, turn left. If you see a new arrow, run along it. After running past the man, immediately turn left, climb the stairs and run straight. Turn right, then left - you will see a man in a white and blue T-shirt. Run towards him, but turn right to go down the stairs. You will see the gateway and exit to the street again. Run out there and immediately turn left. You will see a new arrow. Run along it until you see a standing man and another one who is fiddling with the car. Turn right and you will see something like a tunnel. Run there. Run past the girl and, having taken off into the street, turn left. You MUST see Salieri's bar. Run up to him. (If you haven't seen Salieri's bar, get a pair of glasses).

Part 3. Molotov Party

Welcome to the family". You have to complete the first task of Salieri. Run over to Vincenzo and Ralph and head to Morello's.

You can get into Morello's garage in two ways: either just drive into the gate, knocking down the guard to death on the way; or drive in from behind along a small alley, open a small door, approach the guard from behind and pat him with a club. In any case, you should never allow the guard at the gate to rush for help.

After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles with Molotov cocktail you have, and smash the third with a bat. After successfully completing the mission, you can revise a small wooden house on the subject of Falconer'a and go on it to Salieri.

Part 4. Ordinary Routine

How boring and unprepossessing the life of a simple mafia! Now you have to collect money from institutions accountable to Don Salieri. There will be no problems with the bank and the restaurant: just drive up to them and get out of the car. Paul and Sam will do the rest themselves.

But the motel will have to tinker with. Take the northern highway, the only road that leads out of town in this direction. After the cutscene, run around the house on the left, finish off the dog and climb up the boxes to the second floor. Go through the door. There will be another door in front of you. Come into the room and grab the tommy gun. Sit down in this room and click everyone who will burst here one by one. There is a first aid kit on the wall in the next room.

Go down the stairs, shoot everyone in the large room, and then a hefty guy in a white T-shirt. Enter the room where Sam is languishing, and get ready for a new battle - one on one.

Now you need to catch up with the guy who stole your money. Jump into the car and chase him. You must at all costs stop his car and shoot him. This is difficult, but possible: try to push him against a rock, block the road in a tunnel, throw his car off a cliff ...

And to make it easier - before climbing into the motel, shoot the tires of the yellow car. It will now drive at the speed of your old taxi.

Part 5. Fairplay

In order to please Don Salieri's sweetheart, you have to steal the latest model racing car, take it to Luca Bertoni and return it back. Drive through Work Quarter on the western road outside the city. Stop at the barrier and run to the gatehouse. Talk to the watchman and drive with him further to the garages. Take the racing car and drive back to the city. You must get to Luka in a strictly defined time and at the same time not get caught by the police and not ruin the car. Watch the radar and be extremely careful.

When you get to Luka, hand over the car to him and get it back in a moment. Now you have to go back under the same initial conditions.

Now you must win the race with the modernized Salieri car. Five laps on a winding track and you should be FIRST. This can be done in the only way: by getting ahead at the start and not making a single mistake on the track. Go for it! Restart twenty times - and you will succeed.

Parts 6 & 7. Sarah & Better Get Used To It

Nowhere without erotica ... Especially in the story about the mafia and mafia.

Luigi asked you to walk Sarah home. Put on brass knuckles and go to see the girl off. Along the way, you will meet two groups of punks of three people each. Hit them with brass knuckles with all your foolishness, pick up thrown weapons ... In general, Fighting force(who played) in the "Mafia" skins. After the successful completion of the hike, watch a very nice little video (remove children under 16 away from the monitors).

The next day Don Salieri ordered to restore order in HIS area. Arm yourself from Vincenzo, take the car from Ralph and drive in Chinatown to Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old auto repair shops.

Keep a close eye on Paulie: five thugs, armed with clubs and crowbars, will attack him and you at once. Having dealt with everyone in this part of the workshops, run up the stairs, then go downstairs and DO NOT SHOOT until they start shooting at you. Now you can open fire, put everyone down and watch the video.

After the video, get into the car and catch up with the two escaped scumbags. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will crash themselves. You just have to click them.

Part 8. The Whore & The Priest

The alignment is as follows: one of the thugs in the car survived - he must be killed; the owner of the Corleone hotel stopped paying tribute to Salieri and went over to Morello's side - he must be killed; the whore from the Hotel Corleone (which is the first-class brothel) sells information about the Salieri clan to Morello - she must be killed.

Arm yourself, pick up your car and head to the Corleone Hotel. Don't get your weapon out yet. Go up to the third floor. To the right, around the corner, is a prostitute's room. Watching the video.

Go down to the first floor and walk past the administrator to the restaurant. In the farthest hall, first close the door, and then kill first of all the man in the black suit, and then the man in the white. Deal with the oncoming guards.

Go behind the reception desk and take the key to the manager's room from the board. Climb to the very top, shooting back from the guards. Go into the manager's room and shoot the little man who is hiding on the right side of the table. Take documents from the table and after the video quickly leave the room.

Make your way across the rooftops straight and straight, shooting back from the police - there are a lot of them here. Remember that you are good at climbing small hills. You have to get to the wood flooring. Climb it, and then, being with the help ladder in the bell tower, go downstairs.

A glorious firefight awaits you here. Hide behind the coffin and shoot the bandyugans one by one. Pay attention to the man with the tommy gun on the choir (such a small round area on the right, to which a spiral staircase leads).

Having dealt with the funeral procession, leave the church, get into the hearse and flee from the police.

Part 9. A Trip To The Country

And even at night, in autumn, in the rain of the mafia there is no rest.

Don Salieri ordered a truckload of contraband Canadian whiskey to be delivered from a suburban farm.

Arriving at the farm, go to the farthest end of it, where you will find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and get ready for battle. Killing gangsters, make your way back to Paulie. Having already repelled another attack with him, start exploring each building of the farm. Morellian fosterlings hide everywhere. Be careful. Ultimately, Paulie discovers a tool that can be used to open the barn where Sam was put.

Open the barn door and immediately meet a merry bunch of pump action shotguns and one tommy gun. Sam is at the very top. Go there - slowly and carefully.

Finding Sam, Paulie will go for help, and you have to repel the attack of the police bribed by Morello. Please note: AI can bypass you from behind. After the shootout, Paulie will carry Sam into the truck and Tommy will see two cars chasing them.

Now you have an excellent opportunity to shoot plenty at a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy-gun in hand - and forward. Hit the drivers - you won't go wrong! After returning to Salieri's warehouse, you can either immediately go to the base, or first visit Luca, complete it small task and steal a new car.

Part 10. Omerta

Frank violated the main mafia law - the code of silence, Omertu. He is ready to hand over Salieri's books to the police. And now, according to Omerta, Tommy must kill Frank, but first find out where the books are.

Visit Big Biff first, then Little Tony on Central Island, and from Little Tony, go to Idiot Joe under the bridge in New Ark... Idiot Joe is easy to identify among the homeless by his bald head. After talking to him several times, hit him well with your fists on the bald top of the head, and he will tell you where the police are keeping Frank under guard.

By the way, before heading out on a mission, make sure you take a good fast car. Bolt V8 Roadster highly recommended.

Drive to Oakwood to the house where Frank is being held, and after the cutscene follow his car to the airport.

Finding yourself at the airport and entering the terminal, you will immediately come across a group of armed special agents. Send them to the expense, exit the terminal and run to the right past the hangars to flight school (Air School)... And then the special agents will not give you peace of mind. Carry out a cleanup, being careful not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter at the flight school building. Talk to them and then bring Frank to them. Now all that remains is to get the plane tickets to Europe. They are on the counter in the terminal building. Give the tickets to Frank and return to Salieri. Just keep in mind: at the exit from the terminal, five police officers are already waiting for you.

On the way to Salieri, you can stop by Luca again.

Part 11. Visiting Rich People

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe in his villa in Oak Hills testimony against Salieri.

On the way to the villa, grab at the stadium in Hoboken’E famous bugbear Salvatore... Upon reaching the villa, find a small, almost imperceptible gate and order Salvatore to open it.

Enter the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order Salvatore to stay where you are, and pick up the bat yourself. As soon as the guard passes by you, with all your might, slap him with a baton on the kumpol. Take away weapons and keys. Head right to the gazebo. There's another guard there. We perform a proven technique - a bat on the skull. At the stairs leading to the balustrade, calm down another guard. The most important thing here is not to make a fuss, otherwise all the guards will come running.

Taking Salvatore with you, go into the house. Appeared servant also caress the bat and go upstairs. Find a cabinet with a safe and after the cutscene do not forget to pick up the papers.

And in the garage, crowded - do not turn around!

Go downstairs. Leave Salvatore at the stairs, and go into the dining room with a bat in hand. Calm down the guards and, having captured Salvatore, do your feet from the park and from the Oak Hills in general.

Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this hospitable house in the owner's car.

Give Salvatore a ride home and go to Salieri.

Part 12. Great Deal

After the Canadian whiskey failure, Salieri was very upset. But then someone turned up Paulie William Gates from Kentucky who offered a batch of whiskey at a very good price. Fortunately, you just need to go to a multi-storey garage, pay and pick up the goods.

Having approached the garage, climb up to the third floor. In the back of the garage, you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. Do not go there yet, but from the cars in the garage, make a barricade at the exit to the next floor.

Now you can approach your colleagues and exchange money for a product. In the midst of the deal, the Morello guys will appear, and a serious fight will flare up. That's why a barricade of cars was needed. Firstly, they will not break through here so immediately, and secondly, sooner or later either you or they will blow up one of the cars, and after it others will detonate. The enemy troops lost a good half (if not two thirds) of their soldiers. Sweep lower floors, and then go upstairs again, get into the truck and leave the garage.

Finding yourself on the street, get out of the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably located to the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to the Salieri warehouse. Unless the police beware - your truck will not get away from police cars.

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take up very little space, you will most likely spend not an hour or two on its passage.

You have to protect Don Salieri from Morello's thugs. After the outlaws throw a grenade into the restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as many bad guys as possible. Constantly look at the health of the Boss and at the back door - uninvited guests can also tumble down from there.

The difficulty is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you get something long-barreled, the problem can be considered solved.

Exit through the back door. And shoot everyone you haven't managed yet. One bandit sat on the second floor, another in the courtyard behind barrels, the rest hang out at the front entrance.

Having dealt with the morellates, put Salieri in the car and drive him to Little Italy to Carlo's house.

After taking off after the boss to Carlo's apartment, knock down the door and climb out onto the fire escape. Carlo hangs out downstairs with a pistol bald, and with him a few guys with clubs and pistols. Needless to say what to do.

Part 14. Happy Birthday!

War is so war! Now Salieri's patience was exhausted, and he decided to take Morello in earnest. They decided to start with the mayor's advisor, who is celebrating his birthday on the ship.

Drive across the map to the pier and try to get on the ship. Security will not let you in - no pass! You go into the house opposite the pier, go downstairs and change into a sailor's uniform.

Once on the ship, first of all stand facing the stern and walk on the starboard side until it stops. The stop will be the door to the service toilet. Open the door, grab the bucket and, with the bucket at the ready, go to the middle deck. Having strayed a little along it at the very stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription “Skipper has the key”. Look for the skipper (he is the only one hanging out around the ship in a vest) and, angrily shaking the bucket, take the key from him.

Open the door and take the gun from the cabinet. Now all that remained was to shoot the advisor and, taking advantage of the turmoil, escape from the ship, which Paulie had brought beforehand.

Part 15. You Lucky Bastard!

Sergio Morello ml should fall next from your hand. Lucky Bastard! Now you will see that this nickname fits him perfectly.

Go to a restaurant Italian garden, go to the telephone booth, call and ... urgently run away to Salieri's bar, having scored the pursuers along the way.

Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the youngest Morello's mistress, wait until the guard at the door enters the house, run up to the car and quickly mine it. Run back to a safe distance and follow the development of events.

Attempt three. Now we go to the restaurant Rainbow garden... A closet-looking youth hangs out at the entrance, and Sergio is with them. Paulie, as luck would have it, got stuck in the machine, which means Tommy will take the rap. Throw a grenade at the bandit car. Everything is easier! The rest is already easy to finish off. Sergio faded ...

Attempt four. The last one. Because I'm tired of it. After the cutscene, chase after Sergio's car. Lagging behind is strictly prohibited! He will take you to the port. In the port, run straight all the time, lazily shooting back at the defenders of the Morello family's honor. Some of the bandits are on the taps - watch out for them.

Having reached the warehouse, at the entrance to which Morello Jr.'s car is parked, make sure that railroad track led from the warehouse to two tanks standing in a dead end. If necessary, translate the arrows. When everything is ready, remove the block from under the first tank. When it crashes into the warehouse door, you just have to run up to it and set it on fire. Bang bang!

The doors were gone. You can run inside and kill six heavily armed gangsters, and with them the younger Morello.

When you're done with this, run out into the wild and head to your car, firing back at the police agents in civilian clothes who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luca again.

Part 16. Creme De La Creme

After the junior, it was the senior's turn. Drive up to the theater and try to pinch Morello's limousine here. If all else fails, rush after him and try to deal with him on the way to the airport. If nothing happened here and Morello turned into the airport, turn behind him, abandon the suddenly stalled car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to the two hulks. Shoot the engines of the plane taxiing for takeoff. Continue to shoot and run after the plane while taxiing. On the way you will be picked up by Paulie and Sam, and now in a car with a tommy gun at the ready, continue to chase and shoot the plane. Shoot both engines. Having brought the plane's life strip to zero, you can rest assured that Morello is no longer a tenant.

But it may happen that Morello will not turn to the airport, but will go further. Follow him, keep up, and at the destroyed bridge just push his car down.

Before reporting to Salieri on the successful completion of the mission, you can visit Luca again.

Part 17. Election Campaign

We will eliminate the politician whom Salieri does not like. Tackle Vincenzo's sniper and drive to the old prison with a breeze. Having parked the car at the prison, go around it on the left side and kill the worker at manhole... Hide the body in the hatch. And climb there yourself.

Climb out the other stairs. Here you are inside the prison. Now we need to pave the way to the very top. There are a lot of enemies here, but they are not so well armed. Be that as it may, do not get the sniper rifle yet - get by with what was lifted from the bodies.

Leads from the first to the second floor wooden ladder inside the prison building, from the second to the third - a staircase on the outer balustrade. Again leads to the tower spiral staircase inside the prison building.

Exit to the balcony. Focus on a small island. Take out your sniper and switch to sniper mode. You need the person on the island who makes a speech from the podium. He must be laid down with ONE shot. Otherwise, explanations with the police cannot be avoided.

Having dealt with the politician, leave the prison building through the door that leads to the courtyard with the dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the lock on the gate.

You can try to drop all your weapons right here (in case the cops search). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with a song on your lips and a breeze in your left ear, go to Don. However, Luka is again not averse to helping you in any way he can.

Part 18. Just For Relaxation

The Boss wanted to relax! Good cigars to smoke! Let's please ...

Drop Sam where there is a cross on the map and on the radar, and go with Paul to the port. Do not enter the territory, but wait until the truck leaves the gate. Follow him. When the truck comes to the warehouse, drive on, turn the corner and barricade the road with your own car. After unloading at the warehouse, the truck will go exactly this way and immediately fall into a trap. Throw the carrier out of the cab, take his papers and climb into the cab of the truck. Now they will let you into the port.

Having approached the far left warehouse (there is still a man in the doorway), drive the truck with the backboard close to the doors and get out of the cab. The man will immediately climb for a pistol. Here you, without letting anyone come to their senses, defend your honor and dignity.

After clearing the surrounding area from the guards, start loading boxes of cigars into the truck. After loading all 12, sit in the cockpit and go straight to the nook where Sam was dropped off just now. In this very nook, meet with Sam and Paulie and show the Kuzkin mother to your pursuers. There are not many of them - six people in two cars. Protect your truck from shocks !!!

After completing the dismantling with a score of 0: 6, go to the Master's warehouse.

And the Master decided to cheat! Instead of cigars, there are diamonds in boxes ... That means we'll take a bank. Without him!

Part 19. Moonlighting

Ride the Skytrain for several stops with Paulie and get off at Downtown. Go to the bank and listen to Paulie's plan. While he is telling you, take a look around. Remember where the desk with the clerks is. Then there will be no time to look for her.

After going to the bank, Poli will leave you, and you alone, without a car, will have to collect weapons and take out wheels.

Go to Hoboken, run around from the right side of the cinema Twister, knock on the door and get from the arms dealer Yellow Pita the following set of products: Colt 1911, Colt Detective Special, S&W Magnum, S&W M&P, Thompson 1928. However, this set may be completely different - it all depends on your taste.

Now, either steal the car, or ride the elevator, or grab the car, but in any case, drive to Luka. He will give you the task to carry the package Big Dick... Go to your destination. After you give the package, lay down the three idiots and return to Luka. He will give you a tip on a smart car. Personally, I was not able to catch her in the indicated place, I had to travel around the city, and then arrange with her former owner an ugly brawl right in the middle of a busy intersection (fortunately, the police were not nearby). You may be more fortunate.

Drive your new car to Paulie's house and sound the beeps right under its windows.

Your path is back to the bank. Going inside, do not hesitate to put the police (while she is crazy), go behind the counter of clerks and take the keys from the depository. Climb to the floor above, casually shooting to the right and left, go into the director's office and, after talking with him, grab the keys to the safe from the board.

Now, in full combat readiness, you can go down to the depository and go to the safe.

After the safe is taken, take Paulie and do your feet.

Part 20. The Death Of Art

There is even nothing to say. With EMPTY HANDS, quickly get out of Paulie's apartment and, ignoring the two policemen, sneak past them into the street. Steal any car and rush to Yellow Pete to stock up. Take the same kit as before, but instead of tommy gun take US Rifle M 1903 Springfield .

Go to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open and shoot everyone there. Sam will be the last to fall. And after that, you will first have to watch the final video with joy, and then with horror.

1 2 All

"Secrets of passing missions

Mission 2. About the transportation of passengers.
Looking more closely at the passengers, we recognize among them Sarah, Sam, and other characters. There are also several cars in the parking lot at the very beginning of the mission. In some you can sit as a passenger, the driver will take you 10 meters, and then the game is over. And from some you can pull out a passenger or even a driver. Hijacked vehicles are marked in white on the radar.

Mission 2. About the escape from gangsters to Salieri's bar.
In the alleys, you can see the following: a man pees on the wall, another man breaks open the door with a crowbar, but the crowbar cannot be taken away from him, another man repairs a vacuum cleaner and another woman standing in an alley waiting for someone who can be told where to stand and waiting for her friend.

Mission 3. About the destruction of cars in the Morello bar.
Arriving at the bar and killing the guard with a truncheon, we put the box lying to the left of the entrance in front of the black exit door, we block the main exit with any wheelbarrow and throw incendiary gas at the parked cars, and the gangsters will not be able to leave the bar, but only the main one will scream heart-rendingly and ask to "knock down that damn door" :) Instead of a box, you can put a car in the back exit.

Mission 4. About Clark's Motel.
We climb out the window and, without killing anyone, take the machine gun on the second floor on the bed, go downstairs and shoot the wheels of the yellow car, then the bald man will not be able to leave. Then we climb back to deal with the dudes. There is also a toilet on the ground floor and Tommy can relieve himself a little. There is also a lamp over the bar. If you hit it, it will fall to the floor, the floor will light up, and there will be a mini-performance.Also on the second floor in the toilet Tarantino sits with a newspaper, which you can fill up there too;)

Mission 5. About the theft of a sports car.
In the working quarters some bums are standing and warming their little hands by a barrel of fire. On the bridge between the central island and New Ark, you can see a suicide, ready to jump into the water, but never jumped, and a crowd of people nearby.

Mission 7. About Sarah.
After the hooligans appear, you can take the board on the right side of the wall. It is believed that there are two mission videos, and the second appears if you kill all the hooligans. But this information has not been confirmed, which means it is unreliable.

Mission 8. About hooligans in a car repair shop.
A man will enter the yard and just get up, it will not be possible to talk to him. Do not touch it so as not to spoil the secret. Then, in the next mission "Pursuit", run back into the yard to that man - you can now talk to him. He will say: "Sorry, I could not resist." Also, during the chase, approximately at the exit from Chinatown, you will see an accident (a passenger car smacked the truck). If you hit a truck driver or try to steal a truck, he will take a board from the heap and attack Tommy (one of two places in the game where you can get a board). If you talk to a woman (who swears with that carrier), she will show "Hi Tommy" or "Hello Mr. Angelo".

Mission about prostitutes in the hotel.
In one of the rooms, you can take a knife and quietly cut almost all enemies with it. When you find yourself on the roof of the church, you will immediately see a bucket hanging on a rope in front of you, and a worker is standing below. If you shoot a bucket, it will fall on the unfortunate.

Mission about a trip out of town at night for "kosorylovka".
The wasteland in Hoboken can be accessed through the fence post, which is located in the northwest of the block. There is an interesting wheelbarrow hidden there, in which you can sit. The feds will come on it for Luke's boyfriend.

Mission about picking up Frank and shooting at the airport.
Little Tony has a dog. We put the car next to the dog, and when the dog runs up to it, we shoot from the sawn-off shotgun at the car so that it explodes. We approach the dog's head and use it. The gangsters at the airport are great fun to play with. For example, you can force a negro with a crowbar that gets out of the truck to kill all the gangsters with machine guns hand-to-hand, although after a fight the Negro will die anyway. To do this, you must first drive up to the Negro in a truck by car, and then go behind the fence in front of the airport building. The Negro will run to the parking lot, where there are cars and taxis. Gangsters will run out, and ebony will begin to bite them. You can also, sitting in his truck, force all the gangsters from ALL of the airport to be distributed among the cars (there are just enough of them, and if you blow up a couple at the beginning, then they will start pulling each other out of the back seats). But all this must be done before Frank runs out of the box office, and not go there himself.

Bill Gates Deal Mission.
Before the gangsters attack, you can block their path by placing cars in a heap in the passage to the last floor. Some can be smoked by cutting into the walls, since you cannot shoot there. Then, when the gangsters have already arrived, they will be locked among the cars and get stuck. Then you can blow up the cars that were smoking earlier with several shots, then the other cars will explode along the chain, and almost all the gangsters will die.

A mission about taking Salieri to a restaurant and about a traitor in shorts.
If you load from the previous mission a little not as it should, but being slightly to the side of the entrance door of Carlo's house, and it is also desirable to jump, somersault, then after loading the next mission, Tommy will not be in the entrance immediately behind Salieri, but to his left through the wall. So he can run a little around the "apartments" of the guests of the house, but it will be very difficult to go out into the courtyard, since an invisible wall will prevent the exit, but you can see Carlo's lurking friends and beat almost everyone to death.

Mission about a party with a guy on a steamer who got sick.
There will be a glass in the bar on the steamer (on the left on the bar). May get a little nap

Mission about Morello, who must be caught up, escorted to the port, and shot in the hangar.
In pursuit, you can shoot through the tire of his car ... And in the port, if you shoot at the large barrels on the platform at the very end of the port, they will explode and hit many enemies, including those sitting on the cranes.

Mission about the old prison and local bandits.
Look at the sea when you exit the tower upstairs. There will be a fisherman boatman trying to fix his boat.

Mission about Sam and the art gallery.
Sometimes, even before the yellow Pete, Tommy has a knife in his inventory ...

Secrets in Great walk (Extreme) .
At the construction site, in Hoboken, behind a transparent fence, there is a hidden blue car ... And there is also in Extreme.

Secrets related to all modes and missions.
For those who want to have all the cars available in freeride, then in the "Extreme" mode go to the northeast of Oakwood, there is a telephone booth there, approach it and press the action button. That's it, now you can select all prototype cars in freeride. And to make a model such as Thor 812 available for freeriding, which Luca can teach to steal in the last mission, use it in the Workers' Quarter, not far from the warehouse from mission 18, but only while in the Freeride - Little Italy location.

In any mission, you can get a secret car. To do this, you need to shoot at the window located on the western side of the turret, which is located on the bridge between the workers' quarters and the Central Island. If the shot was successful, then the screen will turn off for a second. After that, you need to go to the bridge connecting the Central Island and the Business District. If you go under this bridge (on the left side) while on Central Island, you will see a neatly parked red Ford from the final scene. And if you shoot at one of the windows from the side of the Central Island, which is located on the balcony connecting the two houses, then the screen will darken and the game will freeze ... with the Mafia. Personally, I heard this phrase, but after that the game still froze for me, so how can anyone.

The cops are still weird. Here's a short one video for familiarization.

A selection of secrets prepared
Denis Tsarev a.k.a. ringostarr

"Mafia" can be safely called legendary. This free browser-based online game has conquered millions of people around the world and has remained one of the most popular gaming products since its introduction in 2002. "Mafia" - salon role-based turn-based psychological game... It offers a gripping detective story that simulates the struggle between a large but disorganized team and a team of several members who know everything about each other and act as an organized group. The genre of the game is Action, it contains elements of a car simulator. The game consists of two dozen missions, each of which must be tried to pass. Main question - How to complete the first mission in the mafia?

But of course, it all starts with the first, starting mission. It is she who will show if you can become a real mafia boss and get into the TOP of gamers. It would seem that if the first, then it means - the easiest. However, this is not quite true. The developers focused on the famous Martin Scorsese from the movie “ Godfather”, Who made such offers to friends and enemies that they could not just take and refuse. And now you, as a gamer, have become this very enemy / friend. Your taxi turns out to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, namely, on the way of two guys fleeing from pursuers who crashed their car. And then yours turned up. Well, you have to save their skins, as well as your own, whether you like it or not. To do this, you need to throw off the "tail".

The problem is that the car on this "tail" is more abrupt than yours. Therefore, your main weapon and your safety are not in the rivers of fugitives who burst into your car, but in your own reflexes. As they say, you cannot take by force - you can take it with your mind. The hounds in the back should try to get their brains out of the way. To do this, you can wag the "back" of the taxi, not be afraid to drive into the dark gateways and walkways. In this case, do not forget to use the "TAB" button, it will open the map. Substitute your pursuers, make them crash into oncoming cars, do not fit into turns on the go. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the health indicators of your passengers (at the bottom of the left corner of the screen), because if one of them loses all of his blood, then you will be the loser. All this sounds complicated, but in fact, it is not so difficult to get away from the chase and it will take only three to five attempts, if not less.

As soon as you get rid of your pursuers, feel free to go to Salieri's bar (the arrow on the map will point to him). These two in your car will probably not touch you - you saved them! This is how you can go through the first mission in the Mafia.

The main task: break away from pursuers.

After the opening cutscenes, Thomas Angelo will be in his taxi along with two gangsters. Do not let the pursuing vehicle drive up to your vehicle from the left side (that is, the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.

The pursuers' car is more powerful than Tommy's taxi, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of Sam and Paul, but in your reflexes. Powder the brains of the hounds, wag the back of the taxi, don't be afraid to drive into the dark passageways. Substitute pursuers, forcing them to crash into oncoming cars, and closely monitor the health indicators of Sam and Paul - as soon as one of them dies, you will lose. Basically, getting away from the chase is pretty easy.

2. The Running Man

The main task: separate passengers, break away from pursuers.

This mission serves to familiarize the player with the city of Lost Heaven. We will have five passengers in our taxi. Set a speed limiter and try not to hit anyone or break the rules at all.

After you take the last passenger, two gangsters will attack you, and you have to flee to Salieri's bar. Run without distraction. Just follow the compass and the green translucent arrows pointing to the courtyards.

3. Party with cocktails / Molotov Party

The main task: damage Morello's vehicles.

You have to complete the first task from Don Salieri. Run over to Vincenzo and Ralph and head to Morello's Bar.

You can get into Morello's garage in two ways, but we will choose a quiet way: drive in from behind along a small lane, open a small door, approach the guard from behind and hit with a bat. After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles with Molotov cocktail you have, and smash the third with a bat.

Additionally: after a successfully completed mission, you can inspect a small wooden house for the Falconer and go on it to Salieri.

4. Dust-free work / Ordinary Routine

The main task: Collect "tribute".

First we have to drive to the bank, then to the restaurant. There will be no problems with them: just drive up to them and get out of the car. Paul and Sam will do the rest themselves.

Then we go to a motel outside the city. After the video WE SHOOT THE WHEELS OF THE YELLOW CAR, then go around the house on the left, kill the doggie and climb the boxes to the second floor. Go through the door. There will be another door in front of you. Come into the room and grab the tommy gun. Sit down in this room and click everyone who will burst here one by one. There is a first aid kit on the wall in the next room.

Go down the stairs, shoot everyone in the large room, and then the guy in the white T-shirt. Go into the room where the wounded Sam lies, and after the cutscene get ready for a new battle - one on one.

Now you need to catch up with the guy who stole the money. Jump into the car and chase him. His car won't be so fast with bullet holes, so there won't be any problems: just push him to the side of the road and kill him.

5. Fairplay

The main task: drive the racing car to Luca Bertone and back, win the race.

First you need to steal the latest model racing car, take it to Luca Bertone and bring it back. Go out of town. Stop at the barrier and run to the gatehouse. You will have a talk with the watchman and go with him further to the garages. Take the racing car and drive back to the city. You must get to Luka in a strictly defined time and at the same time not ruin the car.

When you get to Luka, hand over the car to him and get it back in a moment. Now you have to make the way back. You must now win the race. Five laps on a winding track and you should be FIRST. This can be done in the only way: by getting ahead at the start and not making a single mistake on the track.

Additionally: after the race, go to Luka and steal the yellow car.

6. Sarah

The main task: escort Luigi's daughter Sarah to her home.

Luigi asked you to walk Sarah home. Put on brass knuckles and go to see the girl off. Along the way, you will meet two groups of hooligans of three people each. Hit them with brass knuckles with all your foolishness, pick up thrown weapons. After the successful completion of the hike, watch a very nice video (remove children under 16 away from the monitors).

7. Better Get Used To It

The main task: deal with the hooligans.

The next day Don Salieri ordered to restore order in HIS area. Arm yourself from Vincenzo, take the car from Ralph and drive in Chinatown to Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old auto repair shops.

Keep a close eye on Paulie: five thugs, armed with clubs and crowbars, will attack him and you at once. Having dealt with everyone in this part of the workshops, run up the stairs, then go downstairs and DO NOT SHOOT until they start shooting at you. Now you can open fire, put everyone down and watch the video.

After the video, get into the car and catch up with the two escaped scumbags. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will crash themselves. You just have to click them.

8. The Whore & The Priest

The main task: kill hotel manager Carleone.

The alignment is as follows: one of the thugs in the car survived - he must be killed; the owner of the Corleone hotel stopped paying tribute to Salieri and went over to Morello's side - he must be killed; the whore from the Hotel Corleone (which is the first-class brothel) sells information about the Salieri clan to Morello - she must be killed.

Arm yourself, pick up your car and head to the Corleone Hotel. Don't get your weapon out yet. Go up to the third floor. To the right, around the corner, is a prostitute's room. Watching the video.

Go down to the first floor and walk past the administrator to the restaurant. In the farthest hall, first close the door, and then kill first of all the man in the black suit, and then the man in the white. Deal with the oncoming guards.

Go behind the reception desk and take the key to the manager's room from the board. Climb to the very top, shooting back from the guards. Go into the manager's room and shoot the little man who is hiding on the right side of the table. Take documents from the table and after the video quickly leave the room.

Make your way across the roofs straight and straight, shooting back from the police - there are a lot of them here. Remember that you are good at climbing small hills. You have to get to the wood flooring. Climb on it, and then, having appeared with the help of the ladder in the bell tower, go downstairs.

A glorious firefight awaits you here. Hide behind the coffin and shoot the bandyugans one by one. Pay attention to the man with the tommy gun on the choir (such a small round area on the right, to which a spiral staircase leads).

Having dealt with the funeral procession, leave the church, get into the hearse and flee from the police.

9. A Trip To The Country

The main task: find out what happened to the Salieri guys.

Don Salieri ordered a truckload of contraband Canadian whiskey to be delivered from a suburban farm.

Arriving at the farm, go to the farthest end of it, where you will find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and get ready for battle. Killing gangsters, make your way back to Paulie. Having already repelled the next attack with him, start exploring each building of the farm. Morellian fosterlings hide everywhere. Be careful. Ultimately, Paulie discovers a tool that can be used to open the barn where Sam was put.

Open the barn door and immediately meet a merry bunch of pump action shotguns and one tommy gun. Sam is at the very top. Go there - slowly and carefully.

Finding Sam, Paulie will go for help, and you have to repel the attack of the police, bribed by Morello. Please note: AI can bypass you from behind. After the shootout, Paulie will carry Sam into the truck and Tommy will see two cars chasing them.

Now you have an excellent opportunity to shoot plenty at a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy-gun in hand - and forward. Hit the drivers - you won't go wrong! After returning to Salieri's warehouse, you can either immediately go to the base, or first stop by Luka, complete his small task and steal a new car.

10. Omerta

The main task: get office books, kill Frank.

Frank violated the main mafia law - the code of silence, Omertu. He is ready to hand over Salieri's books to the police. And now, according to Omerta, Tommy must kill Frank, but first find out where the books are.

Visit Big Biff first, then Little Tony on Central Island, and from Little Tony, go to Idiot Joe under the bridge in New Ark... The idiot Joe is easy to identify among the homeless by his bald head. After talking with him several times, hit him well with your fists on the bald top of the head, and he will tell you where the police are keeping Frank under guard.

By the way, before heading out on a mission, make sure you take a good fast car. Bolt V8 Roadster highly recommended.

Drive to Oakwood to the house where Frank is being held, and after the cutscene follow his car to the airport.

Finding yourself at the airport and entering the terminal, you will immediately come across a group of armed special agents. Send them to the expense, exit the terminal and run to the right past the hangars to flight school (Air School)... And then the special agents will not give you peace of mind. Carry out a cleanup, being careful not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter at the flight school building. Talk to them and then bring Frank to them. Now all that remains is to get the plane tickets to Europe. They are on the counter in the terminal building. Give the tickets to Frank and return to Salieri. Just keep in mind: at the exit from the terminal, five police officers are already waiting for you.

On the way to Salieri, you can stop by Luca again.

11. Visiting Rich People

The main task: find evidence against Salieri.

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe in his villa in Oak Hills testimony against Salieri.

On the way to the villa, grab at the stadium in Hoboken’E famous bugbear Salvatore... Having approached the villa, find a small, almost imperceptible gate and order Salvatore to open it.

Enter the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order Salvatore to stay where you are, and pick up the bat yourself. As soon as the guard passes by you, with all your might, slap him with a baton on the kumpol. Take away weapons and keys. Head right to the gazebo. There's another guard there. We perform a proven technique - a bat on the skull. At the stairs leading to the balustrade, calm down another guard. The most important thing here is not to make a fuss, otherwise all the guards will come running.

Taking Salvatore with you, go into the house. Appeared servant also caress the bat and go upstairs. Find a cabinet with a safe and after the cutscene do not forget to pick up the papers.

Go downstairs. Leave Salvatore at the stairs, and go into the dining room with a bat in hand. Calm down the guards and, after capturing Salvatore, do your feet from the park and from the Oak Hills in general.

Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this hospitable house in the owner's car.

Give Salvatore a ride home and go to Salieri

12. Deal of the century! / Great Deal

The main task: make a deal.

After the Canadian whiskey failure, Salieri was very upset. But then someone turned up Paulie William Gates from Kentucky who offered a batch of whiskey at a very good price. Fortunately, you just need to go to a multi-storey garage, pay and pick up the goods.

Having approached the garage, climb up to the third floor. In the back of the garage, you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. Do not go there yet, but from the cars in the garage, make a barricade at the exit to the next floor.

Now you can approach your colleagues and exchange money for a product. In the midst of the deal, the Morello guys will appear, and a serious fight will flare up. That's why a barricade of cars was needed. Firstly, they will not break through here at once, and secondly, sooner or later either you or they will blow up one of the cars, and after it others will detonate. The enemy troops lost a good half (if not two-thirds) of their soldiers. Carry out a cleanup of the lower floors, and then go upstairs again, get into the truck and leave the garage.

Finding yourself on the street, get out of the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably located to the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to the Salieri warehouse. Unless the police beware - your truck will not get away from police cars.

13. Bon appetit / Bon Apetit!

The main task: take Salieri to the restaurant.

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take up very little space, you will most likely spend not an hour or two on its passage.

You have to protect Don Salieri from Morello's thugs. After the outlaws throw a grenade into the restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as many bad guys as possible. Constantly look at the health of the Boss and at the back door - uninvited guests can also tumble down from there.

The difficulty is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you get something long-barreled, the problem can be considered solved.

Exit through the back door. And shoot everyone you haven't managed yet. One bandit sat on the second floor, another in the courtyard behind barrels, the rest hang out at the front entrance.

Having dealt with the morellates, put Salieri in the car and drive him to Little Italy to Carlo's house.

After taking off after the boss to Carlo's apartment, knock down the door and climb out onto the fire escape. Carlo hangs out downstairs with a pistol bald, and with him a few guys with clubs and pistols. Needless to say what to do.

14. Happy birthday! / Happy Birthday!

The main task: kill the advisor.

War is so war! Now Salieri's patience was exhausted, and he decided to take Morello seriously. They decided to start with the mayor's adviser, who is now celebrating his birthday on the ship.

Drive across the map to the pier and try to get on the ship. Security will not let you in - no pass! You go into the house opposite the pier, go downstairs and change into a sailor's uniform.

Once on the ship, first of all stand facing the stern and walk on the starboard side until it stops. The stop will be the door to the service toilet. Open the door, grab the bucket and, with the bucket at the ready, go to the middle deck. Having strayed a little along it at the very stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription “Skipper has the key”. Look for the skipper (he is the only one hanging out around the ship in a vest) and, angrily shaking the bucket, take the key from him.

Open the door and take the gun from the cabinet. Now all that remains is to shoot the advisor and, taking advantage of the turmoil, escape from the ship, which Paulie had brought beforehand.

15. Lucky bastard! / You Lucky Bastard!

The main task: kill Sergio Morello.

Sergio Morello ml should fall next from your hand. Lucky Bastard! Now you will see that this nickname fits him perfectly.

Go to a restaurant Italian garden, go to the telephone booth, call and ... urgently run away to Salieri's bar, having scored the pursuers along the way.

Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the youngest Morello's mistress, wait until the guard at the door enters the house, run up to the car and quickly mine it. Run back to a safe distance and follow the development of events.

Attempt three. Now we go to the restaurant Rainbow garden... A closet-looking youth hangs out at the entrance, and Sergio is with them. Paulie, as luck would have it, got stuck in the machine, which means Tommy will take the rap. Throw a grenade at the bandit car. Everything is easier! The rest is already easy to finish off. Sergio faded ...

Attempt four. The last one. Because I'm tired of it. After the cutscene, chase after Sergio's car. Lagging behind is strictly prohibited! He will take you to the port. In the port, run straight all the time, lazily shooting back at the defenders of the Morello family's honor. Some of the bandits are on the taps - watch out for them.

Having reached the warehouse, at the entrance to which Morello Jr.'s car is parked, make sure that the railway track leads from the warehouse to two tanks standing at a dead end. If necessary, translate the arrows. When everything is ready, remove the block from under the first tank. When it crashes into the warehouse door, you just have to run up to it and set it on fire. Bang bang!

The doors were gone. You can run inside and kill six heavily armed gangsters, and with them the younger Morello.

When you're done with this, run out into the wild and head to your car, firing back at the police agents in civilian clothes who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luca again.

16. Creme De La Creme

The main task: kill Morello.

After the junior, it was the senior's turn. Drive up to the theater and try to pinch Morello's limousine here. If all else fails, rush after him and try to deal with him on the way to the airport. If nothing happened here and Morello turned into the airport, turn behind him, abandon the suddenly stalled car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to the two hulks. Shoot the engines of the plane taxiing for takeoff. Continue to shoot and run after the plane while taxiing. On the way you will be picked up by Paulie and Sam, and now in a car with a tommy gun at the ready, continue to chase and shoot the plane. Shoot both engines. Having brought the plane's life strip to zero, you can rest assured that Morello is no longer a tenant.

But it may happen that Morello will not turn to the airport, but will go further. Follow him, keep up, and at the destroyed bridge just push his car down.

Before reporting to Salieri on the successful completion of the mission, you can visit Luca again.

17. Election Campaign

The main task: kill the politician.

We will eliminate the politician whom Salieri does not like. Tackle Vincenzo's sniper and drive to the old prison with a breeze. Having parked the car at the prison, go around it on the left side and kill the worker at the sewer hatch. Hide the body in the hatch. And climb there yourself.

Climb out the other stairs. Here you are inside the prison. Now we need to pave the way to the very top. There are a lot of enemies here, but they are not so well armed. Be that as it may, do not get the sniper rifle yet - get by with what was lifted from the bodies.

From the first to the second floor there is a wooden staircase inside the prison building, from the second to the third - a staircase on the outer balustrade. The tower is again accessed by a spiral staircase inside the prison building.

Exit to the balcony. Focus on a small island. Take out your sniper and switch to sniper mode. You need the person on the island who makes a speech from the podium. He must be laid down with ONE shot. Otherwise, explanations with the police cannot be avoided.

Having dealt with the politician, leave the prison building through the door that leads to the courtyard with the dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the lock on the gate.

You can try to drop all your weapons right here (in case the cops search). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with a song on your lips and a breeze in your left ear, go to Don. However, Luka is again not averse to helping you in any way he can.

18. Just For Relaxation

The main task: get the cargo at the port.

The Boss wanted to relax! Good cigars to smoke! Let's please ...

Drop Sam where there is a cross on the map and on the radar, and go with Paul to the port. Do not enter the territory, but wait until the truck leaves the gate. Follow him. When the truck comes to the warehouse, drive on, turn the corner and barricade the road with your own car. After unloading at the warehouse, the truck will go exactly this way and immediately fall into a trap. Throw the carrier out of the cab, take his papers and climb into the cab of the truck. Now they will let you into the port.

Having approached the far left warehouse (there is still a man in the doorway), drive the truck with the backboard close to the doors and get out of the cab. The man will immediately climb for a pistol. Here you, without letting anyone come to their senses, defend your honor and dignity.

After clearing the surrounding area from the guards, start loading boxes of cigars into the truck. After loading all 12, sit in the cockpit and go straight to the nook where Sam was dropped off just now. In this very nook, meet with Sam and Paulie and show the Kuzkin mother to your pursuers. There are not many of them - six people in two cars. Protect your truck from shocks !!!

After completing the dismantling with a score of 0: 6, go to the Master's warehouse.

And the Master decided to cheat! Instead of cigars, there are diamonds in boxes ... That means we'll take a bank. Without him!

19. A small hack / Moonlighting

The main task: rob a bank.

Ride the Skytrain for several stops with Paulie and get off at Downtown. Go to the bank and listen to Paulie's plan. While he is telling you, take a look around. Remember where the desk with the clerks is. Then there will be no time to look for her.

After going to the bank, Poli will leave you, and you alone, without a car, will have to collect weapons and take out wheels.

Go to Hoboken, run around from the right side of the cinema Twister, knock on the door and get from the arms dealer Yellow Pita the following set of products: Colt 1911, Colt Detective Special, S&W Magnum, S&W M&P, Thompson 1928. However, this set may be completely different - it all depends on your taste.

Now either steal the car, or ride the elevator, or grab the car, but in any case, drive to Luka. He will give you the task to carry the package Big Dick... Go to your destination. After you give the package, lay down the three idiots and return to Luka. He will give you a tip on a smart car. Personally, I did not manage to catch it in the indicated place, I had to travel around the city, and then arrange an ugly brawl with its former owner right in the middle of a busy intersection (fortunately, the police were not nearby). You may be more fortunate.

Drive your newly acquired car to Paulie's house and sound the beeps right under its windows.

Your path is back to the bank. Going inside, do not hesitate to put the police (while she is crazy), go behind the counter of clerks and take the keys from the depository. Climb to the floor above, casually shooting to the right and left, go into the director's office and, after talking with him, grab the keys to the safe from the board.

Now, in full combat readiness, you can go down to the depository and go to the safe.

After the safe is taken, take Paulie and do your feet.

20. Decadence / The Death Of Art

The main task: meet Sam at the museum and kill him.

There is even nothing to say. With EMPTY HANDS, quickly get out of Paulie's apartment and, ignoring the two policemen, sneak past them into the street. Steal any car and rush to Yellow Pete to stock up. Take the same kit as before, but instead of tommy gun take US Rifle M 1903 Springfield .

Go to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open and shoot everyone there. Sam will be the last to fall. And after that, you will first have to watch the final video with joy, and then with horror.

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