Map of Korea. South Korea on the world map

Reservoirs 25.09.2019

From all countries South-East Asia The most attractive for tourists always remained South Korea. And it is not surprising, because it is here that you can enjoy picturesque natural paintings, to get acquainted with mysterious and quite interesting cultural Heritage "Children of the Sun".

The Palace Complex Chhankkun, the so-called Palace of prosperity and virtue, located in Seoul, is particularly popular among tourists. This is a real example of how landscape architecture can be combined with almost not touched by nature.

South Korea on the world map
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To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe climate and cities of modern South Korea, I propose to take a walk here. In the online window you can see the beautiful panorama of Seoul. In the window you can make a circular review and move along the street in different directions:

And here the streets of Seoul look like:

If you want to meet the historical past of Korea, a real gift for fans of mysterious buildings will be megalithic burials - a complex of dolmen, located the blizzards of Kochalan cities and komasun. Interesting and the fact that most of these monolithic graves is in Korea.

And lovers of Buddhist art will find very attractive historical territories Köndju, which since ancient times were famous for the abundance of sculptures, pagodas and temples.

There is a place in South Korea and for romantics. Half's fortress located in the south can be sorted by European Gothic castles in the south by its beauty and magnificence.

Of particular importance, local residents give the cave church of Sokkuram, which is a religious complex of exceptional significance. It is not in vain called the masterpiece of Buddhist art. What is only worth the monumental statue of Buddha, as well as images of various deities, which are made with amazing realism and gentle accuracy.

And of course, no tourist leaving South Korea without visiting the royal tombs of the Choson Dynasty. Created to perpetuate the memory of the ancestors, these 40 tomb personify the greatness and power of the emperors who have left on peace.

Detailed map of South Korea in Russian online. Satellite map. South Korea with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. South Korea on the world map - Asian state on the Korean Peninsula. Its coast is washed by the yellow sea in the West, the Japanese Sea in the East and the Korean Strait separating the South Korea from Japan. The capital of South Korea is the city of Seoul. The official language is Korean, but in connection with the rapid development of the economy in many areas English is actively used.

Republic of Korea - Wikipedia:

Population of South Korea - 51 446 201 people. (2017)
Capital of South Korea - Seoul
The largest cities of South Korea - Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Tagu, Kwangju, Ulsan, Thajon
South Korea phone code - 82
Used language in South Korea - Korean

In South Korea It feels well a change of seasons. In total, they are distinguished in Korea 4. The summer season is short and hot with the middle July temperature to + 26 ... + 27 C. Winter temperatures are usually not lowered below + 4C, the snow falls rarely.

To get acquainted with culture and attractions Koreashould be sent to Seoul. The main architectural and historical landmark of the capital is a palace complex, which includes many majestic luxury buildings. One of them is the Palace of Konbokkun, which was built at the end of the 14th century. Other impressive buildings - Palace Chhankkun, Chonme Temple from the royal tomb of the Joson Empire and the Temple of Bulgucks.

In addition to architecture and history, the country's natural heritage is impressive. For example, the National Reserved Park Sabsan is considered one of the most beautiful places In all South Korea. Another, no less popular tourist reserve - the park of the trim, where there are many burials.

Tourist infrastructure South Korea - One of the most developed among all Asian countries. The main directions of recreation and tourism are ecotourism, visiting national parks, as well as beach tourism on the Islands of Czezhu.

What to see in South Korea:

Buddhist monastery of Pulguks, Buddhist temple on Mount Komodjon, Military Memorial, Palace Chhankkun, Palace Complex Kenbokkun, Toksguong Palace Complex, a demilitarized zone, Half's Fortress, Bridge "Rainbow Fountain", National Park Pukkhansan, SAKSAN National Park, Skyscraper Yux - Building, Observatory Chkhsonde, Jejudo Island, Presidential Residence, Chonmy's Sanctuary, Seoul Olympic Park, Mendon TV, Seoul Street.

South Korea is located in East Asia in the south of the Korean Peninsula. Has a common border with the DPRK, washed Japanese sea, Kopean strait and yellow sea. Territory - 99,720 square meters. km, the population is more than 51 million people, the capital - Seoul.

The peninsula stretches from north to south by about 1,000 km. Not far from the peninsula, 3.5 thousand islands are scattered, mainly uninhabited. In the north of the Peninsula of the Toganan and Yalujiang River separate territories from chinese provinces. Most of the peninsula cover low mountain arrays. The highest point is Challasan volcano (1,950 meters) on the island of Jeado.

The largest river of South Korea - Nakongan - is a length of 521 km, besides it there is a shallow-water Hangan (514 km), Kymgan (401 km), Imphengan, Pukkhangan and Somyginigan. Vegetation is diverse: oak and wide forests, coniferous forests grow along the bottom belt of the mountains. The country is dominated by a monsoon type of climate, air masses come from Asia. Winter dry, cold (up to -5 ° C) and long, summer short and roast (+ 23-26 ° C). The main part of the precipitation falls in the rainy season from June to September.

The official name of the country is the Republic of Korea. In most other states, South Korea version is common to distinguish it from the Northern neighbor.

There is a Republic of Korea in East Asia, in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. From three sides was washed by the seas: in the West - yellow, in the East - Japanese, in the south - East Chinese. On the territory of many rivers.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe state is 9972 square meters. km. On the detailed map South Korea shows that most of the country are occupied by the mountains. The coast is severely cut and surrounded by a variety of small islands. Their total quantity is about 3000, and the length of the coastline is 2413 km.

South Korea on the world map: Geography, Nature and Climate

Those who want to find South Korea on the world map, you need to pay attention to the peninsula in the east of the Eurasian continent next to Japan. The only state with which is the land border - the DPRK. From Japan, Korea separates the Korean Strait and the Japanese Sea (distance 200 km), from China - the Yellow Sea (distance 190 km.). In addition to the peninsula, the country includes the islands of the surrounding archipelago. Most of Of them are uninhabited the largest island - Judo. On it is the most high mountain Korea - dormant volcano Hallasan (1950 m.). In its crater is a lake of Pannoxites.


Almost ¾ territories occupy mountains and hills. Most of them are concentrated in the eastern and central part of the country. Some mountain chains Forming the East Korean mountain range. Seismic activity is low - earthquakes, although they are rarely destructive.

Natural resources

Minerals in Korea little. There are small submarines iron Ore, gold, silver, lead, zinc, tungsten, etc. The main part of the resources is imported from other countries.


In the country, an extensive network of rivers, originating in the mountains and flowing into the yellow sea. On the map of South Korea in Russian, you can find the largest of them: Nostogan, (521km.), Hangan (514 km.), Kymgan (401 km). Most lakes are artificial (Andon, Jinang, Anata). Natural reservoirs have volcanic or relict and marine origins.

Flora and fauna

Earlier forests were actively cut down in the country, which was the cause of soil erosion. In the middle of the 20th century, the restoration of forests began, and now the trees occupy a significant area (about 65%). Of coniferous rocks Spruce, thuja, fir, cedar prevail. Deciduous - oaks, chestnuts, linden, graphs. Total B. natural conditions About 3,400 plants are growing.

In the forests live spruce, boars, foxes, deers, otters, squirrels. Large predators - Tigers, lynx, leopards, bears - are less common. On the banks of the rivers there are birds - herons, cranes, worships, ducks, kayra, etc. Sea waters rich in fish.

Climate of South Korea

Climate type - monsoon moderate. South of the country and about. Jedjudo is located in the subtropical monsoon zone. The effect of air masses running from the mainland is stronger than those moving from the ocean side. For a year, about 100 cm. Precipitation falls, but they are unevenly distributed during the year.

The Korea has four pronounced season. In winter, precipitation falls relatively little. Weather solar, average temperatures: + 6 ° C in the south of the country, -4 ° C in the central part and -7 ° C in the mountains. Minimum temperatures Reach -25 ° C. Spring begins in March-April, the average temperature of + 15 ° C, + 20 ° C, the rains fall a little.

For the summer there are rains season (mid-June - the beginning of August). It is hot weather, the temperature reaches + 30 ° C, + 35 ° C, the average temperatures of about + 26 ° C, the humidity is 80%. In the mountains, the climate is a little cooler and land. By autumn, the rainy season ends, the heat falls. average temperature October + 13 ° C.

Map of South Korea with cities. Administrative division of the country

The basic principles of modern administrative division were formed in 1896. The main unit is the province ("to"). All of them in the country eight. Provinces consist of cities and rural areas (counties). The cities in turn are divided into municipal districts ("GU") and quarters (Dong), and the counties are in the county cities ("ib"), volosts ("men") and villages ("Ri").

On the map of South Korea with cities in Russian, six largest megalopolises are allocated: Busan, Tagu, Incheon, Kwangju, Taggeon and Ulsan. They have a special status of "metropolis". There is also a "City of Special Status" - Seoul and "City with special autonomy" - Sedzhon.

Since until World War II, the entire Korean peninsula belonged to one state, the territory of the DPRK on the internal classification of South Korea is still considered part of the country.


Seoul - Capital of the Republic of Korea. By internal classification settlements It is considered the "city of special status" - the only one of all administrative units. It is located in the north-west of the country, on the banks of the Khangan River. Not far to the yellow sea (15 km. In a straight line) and the border with the DPRK (24 km in a straight line).


Busan, the second largest city of Korea, has the status of the metropolis. Consists of 15 municipal districts. Located on the sea coast, Mount Kymgonsan is towers in the north of the city. The climate is wet, subtropical.


Taga, as well as Busan, wears the status of the metropolis. Located in the southeastern part of the country, in the valley. Around the city low mountains that in winter protect it from the cold wind, and in the summer you hold wet hot air. Through Busan, two rivers - Kymhogan and Nakongan proceed.

From 16 to 19th, Korea adhered to self-isolation policies, so we can do little about the Korea of \u200b\u200bthe time. It is known that there were several states in the territories that fought with each other, constantly defending their territorial, economic and cultural interests. Ultimately, at the end of the 10th century, the state of Korius was formed. And in 1392, Korean was replaced by the state of Choson. Well, then the period of that very self-insulation, up to the 19th century.

At the end russian-Japanese war In 1905, Japan establishes a protectorate in relation to Korea. And in a short time, on August 22, 1910, an agreement was signed on the accession of Korea to Japan and the transition to the power of the Japanese government. And a few decades, Korea became the colony of Japan.

And after a while, in 1945, when Japan suffered defeat in World War II, the contract became invalid and was officially canceled by representatives of both parties, it happened in 1965. Thus, South Korea was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States responsibility, and the North in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the USSR.

Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea.

And in the window below can be made virtual walk through the city of Seoul - the capital of South Korea.

Use the navigation arrows in the upper left corner of the image. You can change the viewing view and with the arrows on the keyboard. To move around the picture, you can click in the image area. Arrogors on the streets of the city show routes. You can change your position on the map of the city, pulling the mouse of a yellow little man in the lower right corner of the image:

Soul Streets

Panorama of Seoul.

Map of North and South Korea Detailed
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The landscape of Korean land is predominantly mountain, there are plains, but they occupy a small territory. The climate depends on monsoons, summer is rather roast and wet, and winter is dry and cold.

Meanwhile, Korea boasts ancient and rich culture. The old monuments of Korean architecture, such as the Konbokkin Palace in Seoul - causes admiration of tourists. The palace complex contains the memory of history, ancient rulers, their lifestyle and household items - the Korean government scrupulously retains its own history and tradition.

And of course, many Korean cuisine are known. The abundance of spices, sharpness, red pepper - gives Korean dishes to color and recognition among other countries. Many Kimchi is known (Chimchi) - acute saladself-contained sauer cabbage, Radish and many diverse spices.

To culture and philosophy can also be addressed martial arts Tekwondo. It gained widespread all over the world.

The Korean cinema was also achieved relative fame, in particular the classic Korean cinema director Kim Ki Duk with his philosophical films.


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