How to put a gas meter. Rules for installing a gas meter in the apartment

Reservoirs 17.06.2019

To date, you can even meet at home in which I prepare food on old stoves. Increasingly, you can meet gasified facilities. However, their operation has its own characteristics. For example, it is preferable to mount gas meters in the apartment, because they help save money on

Do I need to put the device?

The principle of operation of such devices is quite simple. Gas that passes through a pressure cameras, clings the torque with numbers. There are several such cavities inside the meter. They are separated by plastic or aluminum plates.

As for the question of the feasibility of such a device, gas counters in the apartment are preferably. The fact is that they have substantial advantages. You are and consider them further.

Pros of devices

So, the apparatus has such advantages:

Household gas meters are very important devices that require a careful relationship and proper operation. Naturally, you should not try to view them yourself or disrupt a seal.

Disadvantages of the device

Now you should consider which problems may occur during the installation process, and as the minuses the counter has:

  1. Periodically, the device will need to donate. Therefore, be sure to follow the integrity of the seal. Do not try to use different bugs for savings. Experts can detect it, and you will get a serious penalty.
  2. Exist certain rules That is, it can not be mounted, where it will want.
  3. You still need the permission of the gas service. Therefore even self installation The device is associated with difficulties.
  4. Naturally, the installation of the counter is not free.

If you are not frightened by these disadvantages and the device is appropriate for you, then it is necessary to consider its varieties and features of choice. This question is important enough, as it allows you to install exactly the device that will be as efficient for you.

Varieties of models

Gas meter installation rules you will learn later. Now you should deal with what types of devices exist. So, you can find such aggregates:

Put the gas meter can be very fast. However, at first it should be chosen correctly. In everyday life, the first type of devices is used.

How to choose the device?

So, the installation of gas meters begins with their purchase. There are some of the rules of choice that will help you to purchase exactly what you will do most of all:

  • First of all, deal with the type of apparatus and its throughput. Do not buy too powerful unit, if you have a small apartment or central heating.
  • Note that the counters are left or right.
  • When buying a device, you will definitely get a guarantee.
  • During the choice, pay attention to whether the release date is specified on the meter. This is necessary for carrying out.
  • Before putting the gas meter, consult the expert.

In principle, it is all the rules for choosing the presented technology.

What instruments and materials are needed for installation?

Installing gas meters can be performed personally. To do this, collect all required tools. You will need:

  • Counter.
  • Spanners of different sizes.
  • Adapters, with which the counter will be connected to the incoming and outgoing pipe.
  • Fastening elements.

In addition, you will need to purchase an insulating material, which will be eliminated with the possibility of gas pass through connections.

The rules for installing the gas meter involve the installation of the device only to those who have the necessary knowledge, experience and a license to work with such a technique. Therefore, it is better to do everything right.

Project installation project

Before finding out the rules for installing a gas meter, consider the very first stage of installation: making graphic plan. That is, before the device is attached to its place, the representative of the gas service is obliged to produce the project. Without it, it is impossible to register the device.

The installation project not only provides correct installationBut makes it legal. Any device that is connected with should be in accounting public services.

Stages of mounting

The installation rules of counters provide for certain steps to be carried out in series:

If you have problems with the work of the device or it was accidentally damaged, then it is necessary to refer to the specialists. This will help you not get a fine of controlling organs. In addition, you will avoid huge danger that gas leakage is lost.

What rules should be observed?

  • The height on which the installation will be carried out should be at least 1.6 m.
  • Between the wall and the device, the distance is 3-5 cm.
  • From the nearest gas device to the counter must be a distance equal to 80 cm and more.
  • The room in which the device will be mounted, should be well ventilated. That is, natural ventilation must be present in it.
  • It is undesirable to mount the unit in niches or indoors.
  • If you install the meter on the street, then try to protect it with a special locker or canopy.
  • Install the device in such rooms where it does not expose moisture or heat.
  • You can not mount the counter on the support, which costs separately from the building.
  • Distance from window and door openings Horizontal should be about half a meter.

These rules for installing a gas meter are mandatory. Their non-compliance can lead to a fine or danger. In any case, you learned how to install the counter. Now you should simply contact the specialists - and you will have a presented device. Good luck!

The fact that gas counters allow you to save on payment of utilities, everyone knows, because tariffs for gas or electrical energy are highly overestimated if you pay for general standards. Logic suggests that the payment of energy carriers allows to significantly reduce the amount in the payment.

It should be remembered that the equipment associated with the supply, accounting and use of gas belongs to increased hazard products, therefore independent installation The gas sector is extremely unwanted.

Place installation of a gas meter, basic requirements

  • the height of the device is 1.2 ... 1.6 meters from the floor level;
  • the distance from the counter to consumers should be spelled out in the passport. If there is no such item in the document, then the calculating device is added 0.8 meters from the gas stove, boiler or through a meter from the cooking boiler, restaurant stove;
  • to protect the device from corrosion, the distance between it and the wall is chosen within 3 ... 5 centimeters;
  • the room in which the gas meter is installed must be ventilated naturally. Overlapping ventilation canals And the immediate proximity of the emitting heat and moisture items are not allowed.

Rules for installing a gas meter with the involvement of gas management specialists

  • first address B. gas service To submit an application to install the counter. Their address and phone number is indicated on gas wrappers;
  • submit an application. To compile it, you may need a passport, ownership of housing and payment in the past month. In the case when several people have the right to housing, then an application can serve each of them. Worker gas farm accepts an application and indicates the date of the arrival of a specialist for removing measurements;
  • the location for installing the gas meter should be determined by the above rules, so it can be selected independently or coordinate with the master, which will carry out the installation of the device. Also, with a specialist adjustment, the meter installation time is discussed, pay for the service in the gas service;
  • installation of the gas measuring device will be carried out by gas economy specialists. In addition, gas service employees must compile all the necessary documentation and transfer the necessary paper to the applicant.

The gas meter will significantly reduce utility payments. About what needs to be done for its installation, read in this material.

Contact the unified gas service of your city. For Moscow, this is the GUP "Mosgaz". Take a list of all organizations involved in the preparation of projects for the installation of gas meters. You will need to order a sketch. Prepare gas payment receipts over the past three months to confirm the absence of debt. In some cases, the fire service is required. This moment is better to specify the hotline by phone.

After you decide on the project company, call them them and agree on the arrival of a specialist. After an inspection of the apartment, a project will be drawn up for you. The service is free of charge, you only pay for the meter itself and its installation.

Select and buy a counter. They are different power, right and left-sided. If you can not decide on your own, specify the necessary parameters from installing specialists. Buy a meter from proven manufacturers or in specialized stores. Be sure to demand a warranty card to the counter.

Contact your branch of Gorghaz and leave a written application to install the meter. After consideration of your application, you will sign a service agreement. Pay for the invoice.

Installation specialists must come to you within ten days after payment, having previously coordinated time. You will also be asked to sign a gas meter maintenance contract. This service is charged additionally. Take advantage of her or not - to solve you. But in the case of a sudden breakdown or the exit of the counter failure, this will help you save you time.

Consider the independent installation gas meters It is fraught with unforeseen consequences and emergency situations. Therefore, it is better to trust this business to specialists. Do not forget that soon the installation of the meters will be mandatory. So it is better not to postpone it at the last moment. The sooner you install the counter, the more money will save money for the family budget.

The use of the counter in the consumption of any resources is always justified if the number of tenants lives in the room, equal to the number of prescribed in the apartment. The gas meter is not an exception, and it is necessary to put it, if possible, not postponing things in a long box. The cost of gas is growing, and gas supplying organizations, thanks to the gradual improvement of Law No. 261-F3 from 2009, with additions from 2016, all new arguments and new levers are obtained to make a gas meter to the most purchased goods.

Installing the gas meter and the requirements of the law

There are two options to install the gas meter:

  • The first option - at the expense of the local budget, if you live in a service or municipal apartment;
  • The second option is to install a gas flow meter for your blood money.

Until 2016, the Law "On Energy Saving ..." from 2009 №261 allowed to independently choose, acquire and with the help of specialists of a gas supply company to establish a device in the apartment. Since 2016, the requirements of the law tightened a little and provided more powers to gas workers. Now, from 01/01/2016 the law does not just require the installation of the gas meter, the document determined that the meter should be a certain brand and execution, in more simply, to meet the requirements defined by legislative and regulatory acts. The model must be in the registry of measuring devices.

Important! In this situation, it is easier and cheaper to buy a meter from Gorgaz, who will put it and after filling will put into operation. Not all samples of gas meters offered on sale commercial offices can be recognized by the appropriate specifications.

According to Law No. 263 of July 2016, the transition period, for which the gas meters of gas consumption points should be carried out. apartment houses and housing of citizens, extended until 2019

The requirement of compliance with the installed gas meter technical standards applies to all devices without exception. If in the period maintenance Or checking the Gorghaz inspector in the house will be detected a means of accounting for consumption established earlier, and at the same time the flow meter does not comply with the standards, the act will be drawn up, the seal has been removed and the instrument replacing the device. Until the commissioning of a new gas flow meter, the calculation of the cube of consumed gas in a private house will be carried out by a specialist of the Gorgaz accounting service on the basis of data on housing area. At the same time, the law establishes the demand for citizens and organizations to unhindered to allow inspectors and specialists to the place of operation and install the gas meter.

Technical conditions for installing a gas flow meter

The basic requirements for the pipe supply and the placement of the device can be found in the picture.

Special problems with the installation, as a rule, does not occur. To perform work on connecting the device itself to the pipe, it will be necessary to apply to the subscriber and operational departments of Gorgaz with the application of copies and the originals of documents:

  1. Passport;
  2. Project installation of the meter in housing indicating gas consumption points;
  3. Technical passport on the device, certificate;
  4. Contract for maintenance and performance of work.

Tip! Ask in the operational department in advance which counter is better to buy and how faster it is feared after installation.

For household purposes, membrane and rotary systems are used. The meter class is chosen depending on the amount of gas consumed. For example, the G4 gas meter can connect two consumption points with the volume of "eaten" gas to 4 cubes per hour. The G6 gas meter can be "hanging" two consumers with a flow rate of 6 to 10 gas cubes.

It will not be superfluous to check the service life of the gas meter, most often it does not exceed 30 years.

Replacing the gas meter

Through a certain time, Every 5-10 years, depending on the model and the requirements of the State Standard, the flow meter must be sent to verification. The essence of this procedure is similar to the inspection of the electric meter or water meter. Issues related to the conduct of verification are settled in Law No. 102-FZ.

Responsibility to follow the timely conduct of the instrument verification, as well as to replace the gas meter in the event of its breakdown, is assigned to the gas consumer and at its expense. If you do not make it before the end of the intermediate interval, it will identify and force the Morgaz inspector. But in the latter case, you are additionally paid for the consumed gas, calculated on the heated area over the period from the end of the calibration interval to the duty of the injection flow meter.

Do not attempt to perform the procedure for calibration or repair, with your own hands. First of all, it is necessary to write a statement in Gorgaz and the hands of the master of the operational department to remove the seal and dismantle the device. Fleeling will be filled with a document that you will send to the subscriber service, and on which you will be consumed until you return, install and select the instrument. The sooner you send a document on sealing the attorney to gas specialists, the less you have to pay.

Features of work

A similar procedure is carried out if a gas meter is needed. Most often it breaks the flow meter or stop in the work.

From many years of experience, it can be said that often the installation and replacement of the gas meter is cheaper than the calibration of gas meters. Given the increase in tariffs, the cost of repair and calibration is constantly growing.

In the process of verification you will have to pay:

  • Work masters for removing the flow meter and installation of pipe jumpers;
  • It is about a month to pay for consumed gas for the overestimated grid and the calculation of the apartment or at home;
  • The cost of calibration and repair;
  • Pay for the service to install the instrument.

So in reality replacing the gas meter on new device It may be about the same money, with a guarantee that the flow meter does not fail, and you do not count astronomical payments for gas.

Specific figures and cost of work should be calculated in each case separately. Much depends on whether you have the right to preferential service and replace the device.


The most rational solution will be the installation of a gas flow meter with maximum calibration intervals and exploitation. Usually in advertising pay attention to good models domestic production. Most often these are good-quality models with a good reputation in the population. But before buying a particular model, select the seller who has fewer facts of returning defective products.

The law entered into force, and now establish a gas meter duty of everyone. However, no need to hurry.

Let's start with how to choose the procedure of accounting and not mistaken?

What needs to be done, what papers need to be prepared and why?

Before buying a gas metering device, you need to clarify several parameters. They will help you mostly choose the device for the needs of the user.

  1. Number of consumers in the house and total fuel consumption.
  2. Temperature ambient at which the counter can work.
  3. Diameter of thread At the controller outputs (counter).
  4. Side connection apparatus.
  5. The term of its operation.
  6. Distance between centers Gas controller outputs.

Now they will figure it out what it means and what is needed.

  1. Each counter has a label of the form: G-X or G-X, Y (instead of letters, on the controllers, the numbers indicate the minimum amount of gas that they are able to skip themselves). For example, in the apartment installed gas column (consumption 1 cubic meters / h) and stove (1.5 cubic meters / h). The total consumption of fuel they have about 2.5 cubic meters / h, which means that the controller is suitable with the G-2.5 index.
  2. Account controllers are installed in apartments and private houses. In the second case, this is done on the street, where in the winter the temperature can be lowered to -30. In such conditions, only devices with a thermocomponance can work.
  3. Gas pipes in apartments are 1/2 inchesIn the houses he may be the same or 3/4. Rarely, but inch pipes are also found.
  4. Instruments are available from left-hand and right-hand gas supply. What kinda will be needed depends on the position of all gas consumers relative to the installation site of the meter.

An important indicator! After the service life comes out, the device will have to be replaced. The main thing is to remember that the service life begins with the time of the device. It is indicated in the passport.

Installation rules

Installation of gas metering hard worknot accepting errors. It is better to trust it with specialists. This will help avoid dangerous situations when installing and operating the device. So what needs to be done before installing the controller.

  1. Apply for an organization that supplies gas. It must be attached to some documents. Treaty on housing or the passport of the owner. We also need: document certifying the identity, a subscriber book, a project gasification project or an apartment plan, a passport of a metering device. Next that you need a contract for servicing gas equipment.
  2. The second step will be the visit of the master in the house. It will make the necessary measurements and will inform if additional work. Then he will announce the final cost.
  3. Next, it will be necessary to pay The specified amount, and match the time convenient for installation.
  4. Last Stage - Mounting Device. After specialists finish need to take their act and document with calculations. These papers will be needed for filling.

Independent installation is possible, but you need to accurately calculate The position of the device according to the rules below.

  • Height Installations 1.6 m.
  • Distance from device to gas appliances 1 m. If the instructions for the mechanism are given other numbers, the installation is made on them.
  • The device must lag behind the wall by 3-5 cm. To undergo less corrosion.
  • The controller must be placed indoors with natural ventilation.
  • If an outdoor device is installed, a canopy or a special locker should be prepared for it.

Remember that the installation will be appreciated by specialists at the time of filling. If any norms are broken, you will have to redo everything.


After completion of installation work, experts check the efficiency of the device. There is no interference when the fuel pass through the device. Lack of gas leaks. The device itself is also checked.

Whether the desired fuel occurs. Commissioning was completed, and the homeowner receives an act of an act that certifies it.


Now the owner of the apartment has everything required documents. The next thing to do is to purchase a seal. Next, a specialist will visit the house within 5 business days. It will make sure that the device is installed correctly.

Based on the submitted statement, the installation of the gas meter, and the documents received after mounting work, Passes seal.

The device that has not passed this procedure is considered illegal. His testimony will not be accepted when paying gas supply services.


This procedure allows the gas supplier to make sure that the mechanism makes measurements without deviations into a large or smaller side. According to the law, the gas metering device passes the primary calibration before commissioning and after repair work.

Also, the device passport indicates the period through which this procedure must be repeated. In turn, the owner of the housing is obliged to provide a counter for verification in the deadlines established for this.

How much is the installation of the specialist

The amount that will have to pay for the installation of the meter is significantly different in different rooms . It will depend on a number of factors.

  1. Number of consumers Fuel.
  2. Lee will be required welding work.
  3. Length tube For counter.
  4. Who bought the necessary fitting, pipes and metering device itself.

For example, if there is only in the apartment gas stoveT. the cost of some installation work will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. If there is also a gas column, then the cost will increase to 7 thousand rubles.

The state ordered these devices. According to the reviews of people who already have counters - it benefits. So, if you properly approach the selection and installation of the device, the result will be positive. The money spent quickly go back to the user's pocket.

Below will get acquainted with the three popular models of devices. We learn how much they cost and what users think about them.

Betar SGBM-1.6 Price 1800 p.

Alina, Moscow

The year has passed since the counter setting. While everything works. The minuses did not notice, to the advantages would take the small size and cost.

Georgy, Voronezh

Full "Hat" This device. Of the 12-year-old manufacturer, he worked 5, and the battery fell. Call the master, new calibration, replacement of the battery, everything will fall out in the full cost of the new unit.

Vasily Nikolaevich, Blagoveshchensk

The device justified itself. The problem with the battery arose after 7 years, but in the first year he completely paid off. I am completely satisfied with it, I will buy again the same.

Vector m g 1.6 Price 2200 p.

Irina, Ust-Kamensky

I can not say anything bad about this unit. Compact, affordable, works for more than 3 years without complaints.

Artem, Kaluga

I bought with caution, it hurts it cheap. But I do not regret at all, six years old is normal.

Omega G4. Price 3500 p.

Boris, Tagil

Horrible product! Stone less than a yearAnd problems began. Periodically, he begins to stop or stop at all. Gas pressure drops sharply. We'll have to change.

Fatima, Ufa

Work excellently more than 6 years. The stated service life of 20 years, I think there will be no problems.

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