What to guess in the game truth or dare. Truth or dare questions

reservoirs 21.10.2019

Approaching New Year. And this means that we will gather again somewhere in a cozy place with a large group of friends. We will sit down at the table, eat, drink to make things even better in the New Year, listen to the president's speech, drink again, and it will be time to come up with some entertainment so that we won't go to bed out of boredom. But don't worry, everything has already been invented for you a long time ago. "" is a world famous game that will never let a group of friends get bored in any situation.

Probably, all our readers have played the game "Truth or Dare" at least once. Someone played it a very long time ago, when he was still a child, and someone continues to play now, gathering with colleagues at the bar after a hard day's work. For this game, it doesn't matter where you are and who you are with. Truth or Dare can be played anywhere and in any company. There are absolutely no limits for this game.

But let's step aside from common phrases and get to know this game, or to be more precise, with this application of the same name, a little closer.

So, the first thing to start with is the rules of the Truth or Dare game. First, as for the players, their number is unlimited. Unless, at least, there must be two of you, otherwise it will not be so interesting to play. But we hope that you have at least one friend and such problems will not arise.

All players move in turn order. Each player has the right to choose "Truth" or "Action" at will. If you chose "Truth", then you will need to read aloud the question that you will see on the screen, and then honestly (I emphasize - honestly!) Answer it so that all other players can hear. You need to answer not only honestly, but also specifically, without deviating from the question. If you are a daredevil and have chosen "Action", then first, of course, you need to read the task itself aloud, and then complete it exactly as written on the screen.

Of course, there are such unpleasant situations when one of the players does not want to answer the question or perform the action (he was ashamed, he cannot, he does not want to - the reasons may be different and this is not so important, the fact of refusal is important). In this case, all other players have the right to come up with some kind of punishment for him. As a punishment, there may be, for example, your own question or some other action (“Vaska, run for more!”).

Unfortunately, some actions offered by the application cannot always be performed in the place where you are, in this case, it will probably be fair to select “Action” again. Punishment for such a player should not be invented, since it is not his fault.

At the beginning of each game, you will be asked to add the names of the players to the list. After everyone who was not afraid to take part in the game is added, you can start the game. As I said, players will choose Truth or Dare in the order in which they were listed.

Initially, the game already has a very sufficient number of both questions and tasks. But this number can be significantly increased in two ways. The first, and easiest, is to add your own questions and assignments. By the way, if you wish, you can delete any questions and tasks if you don’t like them. The second way is to buy an additional list of questions and tasks for a very symbolic amount, which should not be a pity for the number of questions and tasks that you will receive later.

Game "Truth or Dare" great way spend time with a girl and seduce her. During the game, all participants have strong emotions, and communication becomes much more frank. You can play anywhere: at a party, at a party, in a cafe, on a date ... You can do it both together with a girl, and in a big company. "Truth or Dare" can be unexpectedly offered as a fun option. However, in order for the game to be really interesting, several points should be taken into account. In particular, ask the girl the right questions.

How to play

The rules are simple! One player asks another player a question: Truth or Dare? If the opponent chooses "truth", he is asked a question, which should be answered as honestly as possible. If he chooses "action", the task is given to perform some action that needs to be performed.

Regardless of the choice, this funny game for everyone, and loud laughter will surely begin to be heard in the room 😆 . To keep the game fun, make sure your questions can touch on sensitive topics. They should be provocative, embarrass the other player. However, be careful and make sure that the action you propose will not harm your opponent: everything must be within the law and not cause harm to health.

In this article, you will find great questions for a girl to play Truth or Dare. They will make the girl blush and be embarrassed.

List of questions for a girl in the game "Truth or Dare"

  1. Tell me about the worst date you've ever gone on?
  2. Did you have feelings for your friend's boyfriend?
  3. If you had to kiss a guy from high school/university, who would you choose?
  4. Do you have a choice: do not wash your hair for a whole month or go all day without a bra?
  5. Have you ever asked a guy out on a date? If yes, how was it?
  6. Have you dated a guy who is at least 10 years older than you?
  7. Worst kiss with a guy? How it was?
  8. What size are your breasts?
  9. Do you usually wear thongs or regular underpants?
  10. Do you love yourself in the mirror?
  11. Have you had unrequited love?
  12. What animal can you compare to in bed?
  13. Tell me about something you're still ashamed of?
  14. What turns you on the most?
  15. Ever went on a date and the boyfriend didn't show up?
  16. Do you love the movie "Twilight"?
  17. If you could marry a celebrity, who would it be?
  18. Tell me who you have feelings for this moment? Who do you like?
  19. What hairstyle have you always wanted to do, but never dared to do?
  20. What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in front of the person you like?
  21. What part of your body do you like and what do you hate?
  22. If you could change one thing about your body or appearance, what would it be?
  23. Who was your first kiss with? Did you like it?
  24. Would you kiss a guy on a first date? Could you go further?
  25. What are the 5 most attractive guys from the class / group?
  26. How many children do you want to have in the future?
  27. Who do you hate the most?
  28. Ever flirted with your friend's brother?
  29. Jock, nerd or bad guy?
  30. What is the sexiest thing about a man?
  31. Sexiest thing about a girl?
  32. What would you do if you were a guy for a day?
  33. Tell me about your dream job?
  34. You would have to go to desert island. Name five things that you will take with you?
  35. If a young man is shorter than you, will this create obstacles to your relationship?
  36. Best friend says she's in love with your boyfriend. What will you do?
  37. Name one thing you would like to change about me?
  38. You won the trip and you are allowed to take two people with you. Who are they?
  39. What annoys you more about your best friend?
  40. Ever texted the wrong person? What was written there?

These are the questions you can ask a girl in the game "Truth or Dare".

Whatever the setting, do not miss the opportunity to create a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere. Then there will be something to remember. Also, you can create your own questions. The more comfortable the atmosphere in the company or on a date, the more original and cool ideas will come to your mind. Good luck!

"Truth or Dare" - fun game, which you can play with friends during a party or when you do not know what to do, but do not want to play noisy games so as not to disturb your loved ones. Playing this game, you can sometimes feel very awkward, but believe me, you will get a lot of fun. Before you begin, explain the rules of the game to all participants. Enjoy your game!


Organization of the game

    Select players. The game can be played by three to seven or eight players. However, than more people, the longer your game will take. Warn your friends that during the game they may feel awkward at times. You can play this game online, however it won't be as fun as if you were playing face to face.

    Make sure everyone is comfortable before the game even starts. Explain the rules and essence of the game. Tell your friends that they have the right to refuse to participate in the game. For those who agree to take part in the game, invite them to sit in a circle. You can sit at a table or on the floor. Make sure everyone is comfortable.

    Agree on the rules of the game. Write down the rules so you can refer to them if you have questions. One of the rules of the game is not to choose the same task twice in a row. For example, if you choose truth twice in a row, you must choose action the next time. The ground rules are important to discuss in advance. Decide what you will and will not do so that it is not discussed during the game.

    • What questions should not be asked (if any)?
    • Where will the actions take place?
    • Can others observe the execution of actions?
    • Can other participants be involved in the activities?
    • Can adults be present during activities?
    • What should not be included in the action?
    • Will you play in order or will you spin the bottle to determine the player?

    Drafting questions and actions

    1. Make a list of questions. Each person has to make up their own questions before starting the game. It is not always easy to make up questions or come up with wishes during the game. You can make similar questions:

      • What embarrassing situation happened to you at school?
      • Who do you like from the opposite sex?
      • If you only had 24 hours, what would you do?
      • What is the worst thing you have ever done in your life?
      • If you had to choose between two parents, who would you choose?
    2. Make up fun activities. They should be strange enough for a person to think before proceeding with their implementation. However, they should by no means be dangerous. For example, you can use actions like this:

      • The player will need to greet everyone they meet during the day and say: "I noticed you. Aliens are watching you."
      • Using an indelible marker, the player must do "make-up" on their face.
      • The player must put their hands in another player's pocket and keep them there for 15 minutes.
      • The player must howl at the moon for 10 minutes in the courtyard.
    3. If you cannot compose a question, you can ask other players for help. If during the game you do not want to ask your own questions, you can ask other participants to help you with a question. You can collaborate with other players if you can't think of a question or action, but ask their permission. Remember that you will be guessing the action to a person, and not someone else.

      The game

      1. Choose a player to start with. If you are going to play in order, do it like this: the first player will ask the question to the person to his left. Or choose the person who will ask the first question (the first player), he will be the first to spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle points to (the second player), he will have to answer the question or perform the action. Here is an example of the game progress:

        • Player 2: "True."
        • Player 1: "When was the last time you ate your snot?"
        • Player 2: "Mmmm...last Tuesday."
        • Player 1: "Truth or Dare?"
        • Player 2: "Action".
        • Player 1: "Okay. You need to eat a tablespoon of hot sauce in less than 30 seconds."
        • Player 2: "Ugh. Okay, let's go!"
      2. Move on to the next player. The next player will be the person who just answered the question or completed the task. That player must ask a nearby player a question or spin the bottle to determine the next player. Continue playing the game in this manner, beginning each time with a question.

        Be mindful of the extent of how far an action can go. Do nothing illegal or health threatening. If someone does not want to perform an action, all players make their wishes to him, and he must choose which one he will perform. Think carefully about whether to choose another action, as it may turn out to be even worse. Remember that you you can refuse from taking an action that goes beyond the rules of the game or your own principles.

      • If someone does not want to perform a hidden action, agree with him. Do not assume that this person is scared and not ready to share personal information with others.
      • Be careful when guessing truth or dare. No matter what exactly you ask the player, remember that later this may affect his attitude towards you.
      • Another reminder: a person may not do the action that you asked him to. For example, if you asked him to smell your stinky feet, the person may not do it, as he will feel uncomfortable. Don't make people feel bad while playing.
      • You can always refuse. The action can be uncomfortable or get you into trouble. Remember that you can always opt out. Stand your ground, even if you are under pressure.


      • Never do dangerous things or answer too personal questions that will make you feel uncomfortable, even if your friends beg you to do so. If they do not understand that you do not want to do this, then they are not your friends. Friends will never force you to take drugs, hurt yourself or others, or do things like that.

The game called "Truth or Dare" has a lot of fans. It is played by both the smallest children and adults. It has many variations and versions, and the rules will be clear to any participant.

The named game is good because you can pay attention to it almost anywhere and with any number of people. It doesn’t matter at all: two of you or a huge noisy company, the game will be interesting to everyone who is not afraid to seem funny or even funny.

Many people are sometimes embarrassed to play it, but in vain, because if you do it in the company of close friends or relatives, you can get a lot of fun. Want to learn how to play Truth or Dare? You will find the answer to this and other questions in our article.

Learn How to Play Truth or Dare

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to play. One of them is just in the company of friends. This requires two to ten players. It goes without saying that one person will not play this game, and if there are more than ten participants, then the process runs the risk of being greatly delayed and everyone who is waiting in line may simply get bored and refuse to play. "Truth or Dare" for two is also possible variant but the more people, the merrier.

Before starting such entertainment, it is worth voicing all the rules, we will talk about them a little later. It is important to note that sometimes people experience embarrassment, awkwardness and even indignation during the process, because the game was created in order to “tickle your nerves”. But besides this, it allows you to get to know each other better, to reveal little secrets and just have a good time. So how do you play Truth or Dare?

Where to play?

After you have warned the players about all possible consequences, you can directly voice the rules. It has already been said that you can play almost everywhere: on the street, at home, in a cafe, supermarket, and in all locations where it will be convenient and what your imagination will do.

It is convenient that the players have a place to sit. You can sit on chairs, a sofa, or even on the floor. It's good if the players sit in a circle - it will be better to see each other and you can easily observe the reaction of everyone. The main thing is that everyone is comfortable.

Rules of the game

One of the most creative games is Truth or Dare. By the way, you can also play it on a computer. To do this, there are many special applications that can be downloaded. There are versions and online games where you can play with strangers and make new acquaintances. As you can see, this game unites.

I would like to note that it is better to discuss the rules of the game and the adjustments made to the rules in advance so as not to put anyone in an awkward position.

So, the essence of the game is that the players in a circle ask each other the same question - truth or dare? Initially, you need to choose with whom to start the game. To do this, you can draw lots or remember a children's counting rhyme. And now the first person asking the question is selected. What's next?

He asks a question to the one sitting next to him. For example, the circle can go clockwise or counterclockwise, as you agree. The next person must answer that he chooses to do a certain action or tell a fact about himself, directly answering the question of the person who asked the first question.

If the player chooses an action, he must guess this very action. If the person who asked the question cannot come up with an action himself, other players can help him, but this item should also be discussed in advance. If the choice is made in favor of "truth", then the player answers a tricky question to himself.

funny moments

The game will be interesting only if the actions and questions are funny or even strange. We will give examples below. Also agree that you can’t choose only “truth” or only action many times in a row, otherwise you will get bored very soon.

In order not to delay the game, and so that there are no awkward pauses, the list of questions should be thought out and written down in advance, you can even do this together with all future players. We hope that now it has become a little clearer to you how to play Truth or Dare.

"Truth or Dare" Questions

As already mentioned, prepare questions in advance or write them down on a piece of paper. But you can buy board game"Truth or Dare". These are sold, for example, in stationery stores and in the children's departments of supermarkets. The questions are already written there. The same can be said about computer game or mobile app. But such electronic versions offer standard set questions, and the game involves real people who have their own characteristics or preferences that you know about. In accordance with this, you can compose questions.

It is also worth considering the age category of the players. If kids are playing, the questions should be completely harmless and rather funny and funny than intimate. For example, "who is your least favorite teacher in school?" or “what time do you go to bed?”.

And if a company of liberated young people is playing, you can ask questions and guess actions and “sharper”. For example, "which celebrity would you like to sleep with?" or “Does your boss bring you home from work?” You yourself must do interesting game"Truth or Dare".

How to play together? Yes, exactly the same. By the way, this is very interesting. psychological method couples in love get to know each other.


The choice of actions is completely unlimited. Just make sure that none of the participants are injured. If someone's intended action seems offensive to you or you flatly refuse to perform it, for these cases it is worthwhile to provide special "penalties" in the amount of one more question or something else.

So we figured out how to play Truth or Dare. Have a great time!

Is there a more exciting game on the Internet than truth or dare for adults? Of course not, and you will understand this as soon as you start the gameplay. Here you can decide how many users will take part in the game. Also, you yourself must decide which of your comrades will enthusiastically play this simulator with you. Are you ready to plunge into a world where you can find out all the secrets of your friends? Then it's time to go to the playing field.

Before the game begins, be sure to enter the names of all participants in the appropriate fields. You find yourself on the playing field on which the reel is located. To start the game you need to spin it using a special button. When he stops, the arrow will indicate which player should answer the question. But before it pops up, the computer will ask you what you want to do next, tell the truth, or take some action. If you choose the truth, then you will immediately see a sign with a question to which you must give a truthful answer. Having chosen the action, the computer will tell you what you need to do in order to proceed to the next rotation.

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