Leeches in a dream are a prediction from famous dream books. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about leeches?

landscaping 16.10.2019

For many of us, even this very word evokes a storm of negative emotions, horror and disgust. Therefore, it is not surprising that after seeing a leech in a dream, a person begins to mentally prepare for the worst and expect some kind of failure or failure in the future.

Since ancient times, these creatures have been highly valued both in traditional and folk medicine. Treatment with leeches, or hirudotherapy, has been practiced since ancient times in ancient Greece, Rome, China, India and Egypt.

They have been successfully used in the treatment of the skin, joints and spine, varicose veins veins and even for skin tightening and rejuvenation of the body as a whole. However, for many they associated with monsters, blood-sucking monsters that evoke only fear and disgust.

How to interpret dreams?

As has long been known, every dream carries a certain characteristic. emotional state and the subconscious in general. The appearance of these worms in a dream reflects a person’s perception of the people around him, as well as the influence of his own habits and habits on life.

In order to understand the subtext and meaning of a dream, it is necessary to remember all its components in as much detail as possible down to the smallest detail and try to build a clear, concrete image of what was seen.

In esotericism these worms represent witchcraft and the forces of evil, and are also associated with death and vampirism.

So why do you dream of leeches and what does their appearance in dreams mean? different dream books? And should dreams be considered an omen of the future, or is it better not to pay any attention to them? How to protect yourself from possible danger looming over you? We will help you figure this out.

There is no clear interpretation of what leeches mean in dreams; it all depends on the circumstances and details of the dream itself.

But you definitely shouldn’t panic prematurely and prepare yourself for the worst if you dreamed of leeches.

The modern dream book says:

In Z. Freud's dream book

These worms in our subconscious symbolize children.

A woman dreams of leeches - this portends rapid loss of material assets. For a man - the presence of insidious enemies and envious people who pretend to be friends.

If you dream of leeches, this indicates that someone is feeding on your vitality. Or you yourself use someone for the same purposes.

A worm stuck to your body in a dream - expect imminent illnesses and failures. Eating leeches - on the contrary, improves health.

"Big Dream Book"

  • I dream of worms floating in a river (swamp, lake, or any other natural reservoir) - harbingers of life's troubles, suddenly arising problems with an unfavorable outcome in the future.
  • Creatures in a dream are small - minor troubles are possible that will negatively affect your state of mind and well-being. Large worms - expect major failures that bring a lot of trouble and suffering.
  • If you dream that you are crushing these creatures, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings, among them there are ill-wishers and envious people who are very eager to cause you trouble and trouble.

What do other dream books say?

Islamic dream book:

A leech in a dream symbolizes an unfriendly person, an enemy. If you dreamed of a leech attached to a person’s body, this may be a sign that you are being used for material purposes, or you will suffer significant losses.

If in a dream bloodletting occurs with their help and the person doing it is familiar to you, then this person will become the cause of your financial loss.

Gypsy dream book:

Leeches attached to the body are a sign that you will have to take on family obligations that you tried to escape from or deviate from.

An old English dream book:

Worms have attached themselves to the body of a friend or loved one - this person will soon suffer great bad luck. The leech has attached itself to the questioner himself - he will be dealt a sharp insult, which he will experience painfully and for a long time.

As you can see, in dream books leeches have a lot different interpretations and there is no clear answer to the question of why they dream. In any case, a person who dreamed of leeches needs to be careful and pay attention to the people around him.

If you dreamed about these worms, then you should not fall into depression prematurely and wait for inevitable troubles with folded arms. Take this as a warning sign from above, and not evil fate; if you can competently understand the interpretation of a dream and follow the advice and instructions, then it is quite possible that this will help you avoid trouble.

Have a good sleep and pleasant dreams!

People have always had a negative attitude towards leeches, despite their medicinal properties, proven by traditional and official medicine. Therefore, it is not surprising that if a person dreams of these creatures, he immediately wonders why leeches are seen in dreams and what it means. But it is worth understanding whether they are beneficial as a symbol, dreamed at night, or whether they represent witchcraft, evil forces and are a sign of vampirism. After all, even their very name implies blackmailers and extortionists, in a word, annoying people, from whom it is very difficult to get rid of Everyday life. In this regard, many people treat this term with disdain.

Using information received in a dream

Before interpreting what leeches mean in dreams, it is worth considering many factors, ranging from what exactly happened to a person’s attitude towards these representatives of the fauna. It is worth considering that some dreams warn of upcoming difficulties and obstacles, so if you see and unravel the sign from above in time, you can make your life better. The right approach the information received will help you avoid many troubles in the future, attract good luck and resolve many issues with minimal costs time and effort.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about leeches?

Interpretation of dreams in which leeches are present

Warnings in dreams

A dream in which you see a large number of leeches indicates psychological fatigue from base emotions and those around you unpleasant people. This could be a manifestation of greed, envy, or incomprehensible actions that do not bring anything good. To see a huge, shiny, wriggling leech in a dream - bad sign. It symbolizes thwarted plans and intentions due to ill-wishers. Therefore, when you see such a creature in a dream, try to spread less about your ideas and plans. Dreams in which you see a dead individual are a warning. This means that very soon you will have to help people for whom you do not have the most positive and pleasant feelings.

Misty Dreams

Sometimes the dreams we have are very vivid and memorable, but sometimes dreams are very vague and unclear, and are more difficult to remember and reproduce. But if at least some detail, place or action is stored in memory, you can already work with this information to interpret your own dream. If you managed to remember what you dreamed about, various dream books will help you understand what it could mean. You are interested in why you dream of leeches in a dream, naturally, there are a lot of options for interpreting this phenomenon, and basically they don’t mean very much. positive character. Few people perceive leeches as cute representatives of the fauna, so they evoke negative associations.

List of interpretation options

  • Basically, leeches are dreamed of in a situation where a person is being pumped out of his vitality and energy.
  • Very often, leeches in a dream warn of the evil intentions of your ill-wishers who want to harm you in any way.
  • They also warn about the appearance of a greedy and cunning man who will try to take advantage of your kindness.

  • They may also report psychosomatic symptoms of diseases that you have on your this moment. Think about it, perhaps this or that disease is not caused by external factors, but your psychological state and problems with the nervous system.
  • Leeches speak of a concentration of people in your environment who want to use you in pursuit of personal selfish goals.
  • They warn of the appearance of a very persistent and obsessive person in your life, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of.
  • Why do you dream of leeches on your hands? There is an option that a person will appear in your life who will want to provoke you to support him financially and help him solve problems.
  • Sometimes a leech can mean the loss of material wealth, this mainly concerns women.
  • If a woman dreams of a leech, this may mean that there is a lover in her life who is quite insidious and insincere in his feelings and intentions.

  • If a man dreams of a leech, this can be regarded as a hint of the unreliability of his life partner, her betrayal or deception.
  • These creatures are often credited with the image of energy vampires, so to understand what leeches mean in dreams, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and well-being.
  • According to the famous Freud, leeches are the personification of children, so a dream about a “bloodsucker” can express a desire to have a child.
  • Sometimes you dream of leeches as a warning that they want to shift some responsibilities to you for which you were not previously responsible.

Interpretations from famous dream books

We should not forget that the universe does not always try to convey some information to us, and sometimes an unpleasant creature in a dream is simply a reflection of the emotions we have experienced recently. For example, its appearance in a dream can be triggered by a situation where you accidentally hear gossip about yourself or one of your relatives complains to you about health problems. The main thing is not to get hung up on the information received and not to materialize your own fears and experiences caused by the dream.


Self-analysis is the very first thing you need to do, and only then turn to various dream books and interpret symbols. If you are convinced that no experience gained or any situation could provoke the appearance of leeches in your dream, then you should pay more attention to this sign. Otherwise, it is better to forget the dream.

Leech is one of the representatives annelids, which can cure a person from a host of diseases. We find out why a leech dreams about it in popular dream books.

For a man, a leech attached to the body in reality can reflect the essence of a woman close to the dreamer. This lady seems very intrusive and shameless to you in her desires. You decide to get rid of this person, but you don’t know how to do it most delicately. The problem is that in an intimate sense, she quite suits you, but demands too much for her love.

For women to watch the bloodsuckers in the bank - to take care of a large number of children or disadvantaged people. This mission is quite exhausting, taking away last strength and funds. For some people in need, such help and patronage is another reason to indulge their laziness, talking about their hard lot and hopelessness. Be more selective in people, paying attention to those who really need support.

If you dreamed about this slippery creature on the eve of a transaction with your guarantee, in reality the event will not be in your favor. Postpone the moment of signing the papers until you are completely sure that you will not become the main and only debtor to the credit institution.

For a successful entrepreneur to see many slippery worms sucking blood on himself is a sign of the accumulation around him of those dependents who are trying in every possible way to tear off their piece of the pie. These personalities are easy to notice; they will shower you with compliments, endlessly flatter you and demand increased attention. Don’t rush to get rid of everyone; sometimes such connections can also be useful if you know exactly how to manage and control them.

What else to expect from leeches

  • saw on your feet - someone is trying to influence your choice of future life path;
  • dreamed of by a woman - to a happy pregnancy;
  • catching in a dream - trying to control those who fall into the field of your suspicion;
  • watching them in a pond - your influence on the situation will be in vain;
  • stuck while swimming - portends the beginning of tests that you will definitely cope with;
  • bought at a pharmacy - expect health problems;
  • to see it on a friend - to the greed and cunning of someone whom you consider a close person;
  • to carry with you in a glass vessel - to control your own children too much, for whom it is high time to fly out of the parental nest;
  • you yourself stuck it on someone close to you - you showed character and forced the household to listen to you.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The interpretation of this predictor is very different from the others. Leeches in in this case associated with children. The girl dreamed of leeches in the living environment of a natural reservoir - this is her hidden desire to conceive a child from her sexual partner. It doesn’t matter to the dreamer whether their relationship will be sealed by marriage, or whether she will remain just another mistress for her lover. She wants to give birth to healthy offspring from this fertile male.

Holding this representative of the fauna in your hands means learning that you will soon become a parent. For a man, such a sign can bring him closer to a sedentary lifestyle. If up to this point you have led a free and unencumbered lifestyle, now there is a period of worries and arrangement of family life ahead. Your sexual exploits and achievements will become a thing of the past.

Place leeches in a flask with water and watch them all the time - in reality you are overly protective of your child, without paying due attention to your spouse. This misalignment of family priorities can significantly affect your sex life with your husband. He will simply look for an intimate relationship on the side.

For a man to try to catch a slippery bloodsucker, in reality he dreams of having a relationship with a girl who has not reached the age of majority. This tendency may manifest itself in a reluctance to have a regular sexual partner your age.

Such addictions and excessive sexual abstinence can affect the psyche, mood and overall health. You can avoid this if you find a very youthful companion who skillfully takes care of her figure and face, and will be very temperamental and passionate in bed. It will be a reason for you to change your views.

Gustov Miller

Leeches represent enemies or those who want to be realized in this life at your expense. If you saw several pieces attached to your body, this is a serious reason to think about whether there are people around you who are blatantly deceiving you, carrying out various financial frauds behind your back.

This state of affairs may concern both business people, so ordinary people, married couples, groups of friends. Among them there is someone who lives beyond their means, buying expensive household items, clothing, equipment, and real estate. You can quickly identify these individuals by paying more attention to their regular income and sources of income.

Using medicinal worms on someone’s body means that the health of someone close to you will deteriorate. This is a sign that you will really need a representative of alternative medicine soon.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

These people cannot live in peace unless they leave their negative feedback your next achievement. They monitor your every move, trying to hinder you, taking away your energy and time.

Yuri Longo

These blood-sucking worms are an omen of a difficult period associated with painstaking work, overwork, loss of vitality and energy. During this period, it is easy to become depressed and lose interest in life in general. The state of stress and exhaustion become familiar to you, and it seems to you that you cannot escape it in the rhythm of a large dynamic metropolis.

But discarding various factors, which irritate and prevent you from existing freely, you will feel freedom and deliverance from your own prejudices. Analyze the causes of your blues and apathy to find and gain strength for new victories.

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Dream Interpretation Online Leeches

Uninvited and hardly expected guests often visit the kingdom of Morpheus. Many of them bring hope, love and warmth, while some have a different role in the form of hostility, greed and anger. Why do you dream about leeches? This representative of the fauna does not evoke warm associations in us, although it has healing, sometimes even miraculous properties. We draw a parallel with persistent and annoying people, sort of energy vampires who absorb vital forces every second. Are black creatures really centers of deceit? The dream book will explain the reason for their appearance.

What does the interpreter say?

What do these not very pleasant, but certainly useful creatures portend? The events that we see in the dream world are not a direct reflection of real events. They have a symbolic basis and require appropriate interpretation.

Be an observer

If you dreamed of a leech

What does silent observation of such ambiguous creatures reflect? Remember under what conditions you happened to see leeches in a dream.

  1. Leech on a sick person. It is necessary to take care not only own health, but also about the well-being of loved ones. During this period, the disease can strike best friend or any of your relatives.
  2. Floats in the water. Even if her presence was limited to a small area of ​​water, expect an obvious loss. But don’t despair, because this may be a small failure before a big success.
  3. Sealed in a jar. Did you dream about the creatures on the counter? A harbinger of the fact that you will soon have to share with accomplices or other persons what you have acquired through backbreaking labor.
  4. Swims in an aquarium. You are putting too much pressure on your own children. Give them freedom of choice within reasonable limits, allow a little more liberties.
  5. Passed away. The death of a living being will force you to make concessions. You will have to make compromises and provide help to those people who do not arouse your special sympathy.
  6. Lots of leeches. You are tired of human injustice. Greed, envy and stupidity of the people around us deprive you of energy and vitality.
  7. Wriggling, big. Pay close attention to your surroundings. You are surrounded by envious people and intriguers who intend to prevent the implementation of your plans.

Participate in the dream

Often we have to be not only witnesses, but also take direct part in dreams. To make the interpretation as accurate as possible, remember all the circumstances and details that awaited Morpheus in the arms.

What did you do with the leech?

Eating a leech is a good sign

Remembering this nuance, you can prevent yourself from possible troubles in real life.

  1. Treat with leeches. It wouldn’t hurt for those close to you to get examined by a doctor. Some of them may be struck down by an illness that has not manifested itself for a long time.
  2. Catch. A sign of the beginning of a new life. Perhaps you or your beloved spouse are expecting a child.
  3. Eat. Your health will improve, and vital energy will simply overwhelm you.

What did the leech do to you?

What consequences will this representative of the fauna have in this case?

  1. Bites. Some unfamiliar people will try to inflict mental trauma. Try not to take other people's words to heart.
  2. Sits on the face or legs. The bloodsucker in this case is an unkind sign. You are in real danger, so don’t take it in vain once again play it safe and be careful.
  3. Stuck in the water. Whether it is a calm river or a noisy swimming pool, it is a symbol of the beginning of difficult times. Overcoming problems will require a lot of strength and energy.

Freud believed that leeches personified the image of a child, talking about possible pregnancy or the desire to have children.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream about leeches according to other sources? They are a many-sided symbol, so for a clear answer you should turn to Miller’s predictions and other interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book

many leeches - many ill-wishers

The psychologist claims that leeches themselves personify ill-wishers and malicious enemies who will try with all their might to hinder success. Special attention You should pay attention to the fact how many of them were on your body. A large number of is a harbinger of unfavorable events.

According to Miller's prediction, the use of black creatures in medicinal purposes speaks about the existing ailments of your relatives. But if other people use them in medicine, conflicts and misunderstandings with friends are expected.

Seasonal dream book

The moment at which time of year such a dream visited you is also important.


You have a hidden enemy who is ready to betray you at any moment. It is likely that he is in the guise of his best friend. Take a closer look at your surroundings for imaginary and deceitful people.


The dream book claims that soon a person will appear in your life who will require full-fledged care. This could be either a close relative who has temporarily lost his ability to work, or an uninvited guest who, by the will of fate, finds himself in someone else’s house under your care. In any case, he will depend on you not only spiritually, but also materially.


Such a rainy season will bring a measured pace of life to a person who will be quite problematic to exclude from it. The personality will be incredibly obsessive and will do everything possible to deprive you of energy and strength.


The dream book encourages you to turn your attention to the work sphere. A serious conversation with your superiors awaits you, as a result of which you will receive or severe reprimand, or a new leadership position.

Despite the fact that leeches are not harbingers good events, trust your intuition and follow your heart.

Your mark:

Dreams about these blood-sucking creatures often have a warning meaning, making a person think about the correctness of his chosen path. We invite you to find out what leeches mean in dreams.

A leech in a dream symbolizes a person with energetic qualities. This person doesn’t want to literally suck you dry, but communicating with him will cost you effort and energy. Sometimes this hidden enemy is described as an annoying person. For example, Miller’s dream book says that this image indicates the presence of enemies in your real life who want to harm you.

Regarding business life, leeches in a dream foreshadow an acquaintance with an unkind person and an insolvent partner. According to another version, a person well known to you, your business partner, will let you down in business.

The dream book foretells pregnancy for a woman who dreamed of leeches sucking on her, but this can only happen with a sincere desire to give birth to a child. A man dreams of sucking leeches because he does not want to have children at the present time - this is how his jealousy and desire to remain the only one are manifested.

The dream book of Apostle Simon the Canaanite clarifies that a leech stuck to a woman’s body and dreamed of by a woman means a dangerous lover. And the dream warns a man about his wife’s deceit. The Chinese dream book foreshadows the loss of property for women if a leech is attached.

What happens in a dream

If these creatures have attached themselves to your feet, difficult situation, the culprit of which for some reason will be declared to be you, completely undeservedly. You need to be patient and show willpower, then troubles will pass by.

  • Catching these creatures means thoughts are ripening in your head to harm your enemies.
  • Unsuccessfully tearing it away from the body means, unfortunately, you won’t be able to get away from the problems.
  • Be able to catch - while obstacles will often arise in your life, you need to be more careful.
  • Kill - to sad events.
  • If you dreamed of being dead, you will provide help to people whom you consider unworthy of it.

Medicinal use

Why do you dream about a medicinal leech? Using these animals for the purpose of healing or treatment, according to Miller’s dream book, means the recovery of one of your relatives. As Miller’s dream book assures, if other people carry out treatment with leeches on the body in a dream, this means complications in relationships among friends.

If it sticks to the body and causes certain sensations in a dream, it means that perhaps health problems will arise in the body in this particular area. For example, leeches attached to the leg can signal real diseases of the lower extremities: swelling, varicose veins, and fatigue are possible.

This vision predicts a successful period in life for sick people. A sick person who dreamed of these creatures will soon recover. If you happened to eat leeches in a dream, the dream also promises recovery.

Restore the full picture of the dream in your mind, analyze the main themes of the plot - this way you will more clearly determine what leeches mean in dreams. In one dream book there is such an interesting remark about such visions: if you dreamed of these living beings, your enemies will try to ruin your life. Mentally imagine a visual image in which a stork flies in and destroys leeches - this way you will create protection for yourself from enemy machinations.

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