Guide to choose lenses. Canon lenses: starter set for beginner

Gardening 24.09.2019

How sharp lens? How clear is it can give? This question is responsible resolving lens ability. We have already come across the concept of permission in the context of the digital image. We found out that the higher the resolution of the digital image, the more qualitative, more detailed. In the case of the lens, the same thing. The higher its resolution of the ability, the more detailed picture can be obtained from this lens. However, the lens resolution is measured quite differently, not in the number of points (as in the case of a digital image). After all, the lens is projected on the camera's matrix an image, not broken into minor pixels. And its permission is therefore measured more difficult. Moreover, the slightness of the lens will depend on the diaphragm on which the shooting is carried out, and in the case of zoom lenses, also from the selected focal length. To give a general characteristic of the lens sharpness, a whole laboratory study is carried out, and the so-called MTF graphs are drawn up according to its results. About how MTF graphics read, as well as with the schedules for each Nikon lens, can be found on the official website of Nikon:

However, the photographer does not work in laboratory conditions, and the mass of the outcome image affects the mass of side factors as a technical nature (for example, high ISO, incorrect exposure, inaccuracy of focusing, lack of depth of field) and other circumstances. For example, the front lens lens can be contaminated, with a bright sun lens can catch a glare, the lens sharpness can spoil the protective light filter or other nozzles, when photographing on the street can be able to or fog, very often the frame sharpness will be spoiled by incorrect computer processing.

Therefore, it is best to judge the sharpness of the lens not by charts, but by correctly shot photos from this lens. After all, we will not assess your photos, we will not mathematically, and our own eyes and feelings.

On the Internet today there are a lot of examples of pictures from any optics. They can be found both on the official sites of manufacturers of lenses and in tests, in popular photo hosting. For example, on the website collected millions of pictures made by users of FliSKR photo hosting on a particular photo equipment.

By the way, looking at the Internet examples of pictures on this or that lens, we once again make sure that even the most high-quality lens can be removed a bad frame - it all depends on the skills of the photographer. To evaluate the sharpness of the image by photographs, it is worth paying attention to both the center of the frame and on its edges. In the center of the frame of the lens always has the most a high resolution, whereas it may noticeably decrease to its edges. In the very fact of a small decrease in sharpness to the edge of the frame, there is nothing terrible: in the end, at the very edge of the photo rarely have significant objects. When assessing the sharpness of the lens, it is worth it to bear in mind that with the maximum open aperture, the sharpness of the image is often not as high as at F8-F11. On more closed diaphragms, the sharpness again begins to gradually decrease. Therefore, it is not necessary to use F16-F32 apertures without the need.

If the resolution ability of the lens is missing when it is practically used, with a complete increase in the pictures we will see that even with absolutely accurate focusing they will give a completely sharp image. Often, in this case, photographers say "Olit Lens". "Soap" is often the simplest, inexpensive lenses, such as "whale", supplied with the camera. Of course, both beautiful pictures can be obtained on "whale" optics, but advanced photographers prefer to change them to more advanced lenses, depending on their tasks.

Compare on the photoction, the sharpness of the three lenses of different classes: an entry-level zoom, a professional zoom lens and a fix lens. We have chosen typical representatives of each class, so that the results of the comparison will be in one way or another are characteristic of all representatives of these categories of optics. All frames are made on camera Nikon. D5300 with a diaphragm F8, that is, at the peak of the sharpness of these lenses. Compare fragments from the center of the image at 100% zoom.

Each photographer decides for himself: what sharpness is enough for him for his tasks and chooses the appropriate optics. We will talk about the choice of optics for certain types of photographs more than once in the following lessons. Already now you can get acquainted with the materials of the heading "How is it removed?" To see what lenses are removed in certain situations.

Subjective characteristics: "Figure" of lens and beauty bokeh

These characteristics are called subjective because they cannot be measured and evaluated by photographers based on their own tastes and creative experience. Many photographers, especially those engaged not creative, and technical photography are not at all interested in such concepts as "drawing" and bokeh.

Since each lens model has one or another optical system projected by them on the matrix, the image may differ not only by sharpness, but also in its artistic nature. This character of the image given by the lens, photographers call the "pattern". With the concept of the picture, the concept of "bokeh" is adjacent. Bokeh - blur zone in the photo. Various lenses give various bokeh. The nature of bokeh depends on the optical system of the lens and from the device of its mechanism of the diaphragm. It is believed that the circle will be a hole of the diaphragm, the more nice to get book and especially right shape Will have round glare from point light sources on the background. Manufacturers are often installed in the lens special rounded petals of the diaphragm to get a beautiful bokeh.

The concepts of drawing and bokeh are most often used in relation to light-focus optics and lenses with a constant focal length, as it is believed that such lenses have a pronounced, characteristic pattern. Which lens is more beautiful than the drawing and better bokeh - decides each photographer for himself.

Camera lens device and controls.

We will deal with what details and controls are located on the lens and why they are needed.

    Bayonet mount. With it, the lens is installed on the camera.

    Name of the lens. Just below, we will learn to decipher all the designations used in the names of NIKON lenses.

    Switch between automatic (A) and manual (M) focusing of the lens.

    Turning on and off the optical stabilizer (VR - VIBRATION REDUCTION) of the lens. There is only on lenses equipped with this stabilizer.

    Ring focusing. It is necessary for manual focusing of the lens.

    Scale of the selected focal length. There are on most zoom lenses, with the exception of the easiest. At lenses with a constant focal length, there is also no undoubtedness.

    Ring zaming. There is only zoom lenses. It is necessary to change the focal distances of the lens (and at the same time the angle of viewing the lens).

    Fastening for blend. Blend is a kind of trump card, protecting his front lens from highlights that may occur when shooting on a bright sun. In addition, the blend can perform a protective function, making the front lens of the lens more difficult to reach the fingers and protecting it from physical damage when the lens falls.

    Thread for installing light filters on the lens. Each lens has a certain diameter of the thread. This diameter is measured in millimeters: 52 mm, 67 mm, 72 mm, 77 mm. For each diameter of threads are available special light filters. The most common light filter is protective. Its function is to protect the front lens lens from mechanical damage. Light filters will be devoted to a separate lesson, because this is a very extensive topic. How to find out the diameter of the thread under the light filter of your lens? It is usually written next to his front lens. If suddenly it is not written there, you can always find the characteristics of the lens on the Internet or instructions for it. In addition, you can look at the opposite side of the lice of the lens. They often specified the diameter.

10. Called Focus Remote. There are not at all lenses. It helps to understand what distance is the lens focused on what distance is now. Especially useful in the subject, landscape photography.

We read the name of the lens. Nikon lenses technology

What is the focal length of the lens which threw? Does he suit your camera? All this can be found from the name of the lens. We learn to read it. First of all, the manufacturer specified in the name of the lens. Nikon production lenses are called Nikkor - this is the proprietary name of the optics family. In the name of the lens, this word can be used along with the name of the manufacturer.

The rest of the lens is built from abbreviations denoting those or other technologies and standards, and numeric characteristics: focal length and lights.

We already know that the focal length of the lens is indicated in millimeters. In the case of zoom lenses, the shortest and longest focal length of this data through the dash is indicated. For example: "18 - 55mm". If we are a fix lens, then its focal length is indicated by one number. For example: "50 mm". Light lens, as well as the focal length, can be constant and variable. Some zoom lenses occurs a variable of lights. Then the same through the dash is indicated by the lens in the very short focal length and on the longest. For example: F / 3.5-5.6. If the lens has a constant luminosity, the light is indicated by one number. For example: "f / 1.4".

Among the abbreviations in the title of the modern lens from Nikon are the following:

AF (Autofocus) - Autofocus lenses without a built-in motor for automatic focus. Use the motor built into the camera. Not all modern cameras have a built-in motor for focusing: Nikon's budget devices are not.

Such lenses are called "screwdriver", as well as cameras with a built-in focus motor. This name is obtained due to the fact that the drive of autofocus, which looks out of the bayonet of the camera, is similar to a screwdriver. This drive twists a special "screw" on the lens, thereby moving the lenses group and tiping the lens to sharpness.

If such a lens is installed on the camera without a built-in focus drive, autofocus will not work. Only manual focus will be possible.

Today, the built-in focus drive has cameras starting with Nikon D7100 and older: Nikon D600, Nikon D610, Nikon D750, Nikon D800, Nikon D800E, Nikon D810, Nikon D4, Nikon D4S.

There are no built-in drive focusing camera younger than Nikon D7100: Nikon D3200, Nikon D3300, Nikon D5200, Nikon D5300 and others.

Today, "screwdrivers" lenses are considered practically obsolete, all new lenses are equipped with their own motors and have abbreviation "AF-S".

AF-S (Af-Silent Wave Motor) - Autofocus lens with built-in autofocus motor. When using such a lens, autofocus will work on any Nikon digital mirror camera.

SWM (Silent Wave Motor) - Ultrasonic focusing motor. Used in the AF-S standards.

G (G-Type) - lenses without a diaphragm control ring. The control ring is not necessary when using modern cameras, so it was decided to get rid of it. However, the lenses of the G series will not be able to use on old, fully mechanical cameras such as Nikon FM3A, Nikon FM10

Micro (Macro) - Designed for macro shot lenses. Have a short minimum focus distance, which allows you to shoot the items a very close-up.

PC-E (Perspective Control) - Tilt-Shift lenses, lenses with perspective correction.

ED - The lens used special lenses to reduce chromatic aberrations.

As - The lens use aspherical lenses.

If (Internal Focus) - lens with internal focusing. When focusing, the front lens lens remains stationary. This increases the reliability of the lens.

RF (REAR FOCUSING) - Almost the same as if. Only focusing is carried out by the rear optical elements with a small weight, which means it takes less time.

DC (Defocus Control) - The function of controlling the blur zone. Turning it on, you can achieve more beautiful bokeh.

VR (VIBRATION REDUCTION) - Very important feature: image stabilizer.

N (Nano Crystal Coat) - By applying the lenses of nanocrystals on lenses, the lens exposure to glare is reduced, a more contrast image is obtained.

AF-D, D (AF-DISTANCE INFORMATION) - Lens transmitting the camera information about the distance to the object. Today, this feature has all lenses. The lenses marked with AF-D and D abbreviations are not the newest lenses.

DX. - The lens is designed for cameras with APS-C format matrices. The lens projects the image of a small size, just for a reduced APS-C matrix. So if you put it on the camera with a full-frame matrix (and this is quite possible), along the edges of the frame there will be a very strong dimming. Modern Nikon full-frame cameras have a compatibility mode with DX optics. In such mode, the camera will receive an image not from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe matrix, but from the area equal to the APS-C matrix area. That is, no vignetting (darkening of the edges) will not be, but also the full-frame apparatus turn into a crop-chamber.

FX. - lens designed for use with full-frame cameras. It can be fully used with APS-C cameras.

CX. - lenses designed for use with Nikon 1. Nikon Cameras are incompatible with Nikon mirrored versions with Nikon F. bayonet

Now we will easily be able to decipher the names of Nikkor lenses, learn about their basic characteristics, technologies and standards.

Read more with technologies and abbreviations used in the names of lenses, you can get acquainted on the site Nikon:

On this, the topic of studying lenses is not over. In the following lessons, we have to find out how to classify lenses on the corner of the review, as the transmission of space and perspectives on lenses with a different focal length, how to work with depth of field.

Today we will try to figure out what kind of lens to choose for Canon. The first rule - whatever the brand you choose, parameters that determine the functional affiliation of the lens for all are united.

Bayonet.This is a way to fasten the lens to the camera. As a rule, each company has its own bayonet. It is believed that each major firm produces lenses with bayonets suitable only for their cameras. In fact, you can always buy an adapter that allows you to install "not your" lenses.

Focal length.Key parameter. In fact, this is the distance from the lens optics to the focal plane (point where the rays are collected to display the image of remote objects). The smaller the focal length, the greater the displayed area. Standard value - 50 mm (the object is displayed as sees his human eye) .

Focal length at lenses happens:

    Constant. Here, the object approximation is possible only with the physical approximation to the object;

    Variable. Adjustable with a special wheel.

The viewing angle.The derivative of the focal length. Square falling into a frame. The smaller the focal length, the higher the viewing angle.

Light. How much light can skip the lens into the chamber. The wider the aperture opening is open, the higher the lights (and therefore, it is possible to shoot at low shutters).

Light happens:


    Variable. Changing together with a focal length.

Light is inversely proportional to the focal length.

It is more convenient, but also cost more, lenses where the focal length is variable, and the light is fixed.

Stabilizer.The stabilizer compensates for the lens shake and the camera. Especially relevant in the absence of a tripod and with not very good lighting. The heavier equipment by weight, the greater the need for the stabilizer. By the way, if you choose the lens for Canon, know that this firm produces lenses with a built-in corrective lens displacement mechanism. They are higher in price, but stabilize more effectively.

Motor. On lenses with a variable focal length there is a motor with which it is adjustable. At the cheaper models, the motor is more noisy (this is especially uncomfortable when you take off in theaters, churches, in the wild). Now invented USM motors, where the movement occurs with ultrasound oscillations. Canon one of the first introduced this innovation.

Crop factor.Standard frame - 35 mm. Matrixes on cheaper mirrors are cut down.

Canon lenses have the following notation: EF, EF-S, EF-M. By asking the question "How to choose a canon mirror lens, remember that all these designations talk about accessories to a particular chamber. EF are created for cameras with full frameAlso suitable for cameras with APS-C format. EF-S are created for APS-C and do not fit for full-format.

What are the lenses

The type of lens depends on the above-mentioned parameters. The area of \u200b\u200bapplication depends on the lens type. Defining parameters - focal length. On average, you can imagine a range of 7 mm to 700 mm. Let's start with the minimum.

Fish Eye (Fish Eye). Minimum focal length: 7-15 mm, Maximum viewing angle: 90-180 degrees. It gives a snapshot bizarrely convex-concave shape (as if fish looks at the world). Refers to the class of creative lenses. With their help, it is good to shoot BMX, parachutists, where you need the maximum seizure of space.

The best objectives like fish eye For Canon:

  • Canon EF 15mm F / 2.8 FISHEYE.
  • - Overwrinkoff lens with a fixed focal length of 15 mm.
  • - Five petals of the diaphragm.
  • - an angle of review 180 degrees.
  • - The minimum shooting distance is 0.2 m.
  • - There is autofocus.

Wide rollers. Focal length: from 10 to 50 mm, the viewing angle is from 57 to 110 degrees. You can capture a person, the sky, the earth and the surrounding landscape. Perfectly suitable for shooting landscapes.

Top Wide Agriculture for Canon:

  • Canon EF-S 17-55 mm F 2.8 IS USM.
  • - Suitable for daily work.
  • - There is a stabilizer fighting with blur in operational survey.
  • - Photos are contrasting and clear.
  • - Glass has an anti-reflective coating.
  • - Fast silent focus.

  • Canon EF 35 mm F 2.
  • - Wide-angle lens with a fixed focal length.
  • - Compact, low weight.
  • - Suitable for newbies.
  • - The decent light gives the opportunity to shoot in buildings and on the street.
  • - Small distances and high focus speed.
  • - Built-in stabilizer.
  • - sharpness and contrast.
  • - You can shoot near and afar.
  • Canon EF 16-35 mm F 2.8 L USM II.
  • - makes it possible to shoot in bad weather, it allows you to work with depth of field.
  • - due to high lights can be removed at low light.
  • - High color reproduction and shades.
  • - Fast and silent focus.

Telephoto lens. Focal length from 50 to 500 mm, viewing angle from 5 to 30 degrees. If you need to remove the object at a considerable distance, without distorting it in the picture. Or snatch the object from the crowd and somehow focus on it.

The best long-focus lenses for Canon:

  • Canon EF 70-200mm F / 2.8L IS II USM.
  • - Full-frame lens with variable (zoom) focal length 70-200 mm.
  • - Max diaphragm F / 2.8, the minimum focus distance is 1.2 m.
  • - high-quality optics, circular diaphragm with eight colors.
  • - Allows you to work even with dim light, has two stabilizer modes.
  • - Minuses - high price and high weight.

  • Canon EF-S 55-250mm F / 4-5.6 IS STM.
  • - Lens for a crop-chamber with variable focal length 55-250 mm.
  • - Max diaphragm - f / 4-4.6.
  • - MIN Distance for focusing - 0.85 m.
  • - Well complements in a set by a whale lens.
  • - Autofocus works silently for photo and video.

  • TAMRON SP 70-300MM F / 4-5.6 DI VC SD.
  • - Full frame, with variable focal zoom-distance 70-300 mm.
  • - Max diaphragm: F / 4-5.6.
  • - The minimum focus distance is 1.5 m.
  • - Sharpness and contrast are good even at maximum distances.
  • - The lens is good "catches" color even at the corners of the frame.

Standard. Universal focal length 15-200 mm. The viewing angle is 8-90 degrees. It can work for a wide roller, and for a long-focused.

The best universal lenses:

  • Canon EF-M 18-55MM F / 3.5-5.6 IS STM.
  • - lens for a crop-chamber with variable focal length.
  • - Max diaphragm F / 3.5-5.6.
  • - Great for shooting landscapes, portraits.
  • - Good sharpness, smooth focus, low weight.
  • - Low price.
  • Canon EF-S 18-135mm F / 3.5-5.6 IS STM.
  • - Lens for a curler with variable focal length 18-135mm.
  • - You can take pictures, almost without loss of quality, objects that are at a respectful distance.
  • - Quality optics.
  • - Built-in stabilizer.
  • - Average price.

  • Canon EF 24-105mm F / 4L IS USM.
  • - Lens for a full-frame chamber with a focal length of 24-205 mm.
  • - Permanent diaphragm F / 4L, which allows you to increase the focal length without loss of lights.
  • - High sharpness.
  • - range of possibilities when working with depth of field.
  • - Distortion is possible in color reproduction.
  • - High price.

Macro lens. Focal length 50-200 mm. The viewing angle is from 10 to 50 degrees. Allow you to remove the object with a minimum distance. Yes, and macro lens are only with a constant focal length.

The best macro lens:

  • Canon EF 50mm F / 2.5 Compact Macro.
  • - You can remove the macro only on 1: 2 scale.
  • - Compact lens, little weighing.
  • - Minimum focus from 0.23 meters.
  • - with a system of floating lenses.
  • - Low for macro price.

  • Canon EF-S 60mm F / 2.8 Macro USM.
  • - the only Canon macro lens made for crop cameras.
  • - MIN Focus Distance 0.2 m.
  • - Floating lenz system.
  • - High light, low weight and acceptable price.

  • Canon MP-E 65mm F / 2.8 1-5X Macro Photo.
  • - lens, sharpened solely under the macro.
  • - Increase from 1: 1 to 5: 1.
  • - Exceptionally manual focus.
  • - Sharp and even picture.
  • - Floating lenz system.
  • - Equipped with a holder for fastening to the head of the tripod.

Whale lenses. Standard, with a focal length of 18-55 mm. Viewing angle: 80-120 degrees. Usually shipped with cameras. The initial lens that allows you to understand what you need from shooting and which lenses in the future you will buy.

If you just recently make steps in professional photography, do not chase expensive lenses. At first, in the kit it will be enough to have a whale and standard lens. And then you decide whether you need something else or not.

Updated: 04/26/2018 15:24:15

No self-respecting photographer can do without additional lenses. But how to determine the specific purchase? For example, there are several hundred lenses for mirror cameras Canon. - How not to blame in such a variety? This article is called to help navigate.

Below you will get acquainted with the best optics created for Canon photographic equipment and available for purchase right now. At the same time, the authors expertology divided all products into several categories, because there is no point in directly compare lenses for portrait shooting with optics having a 400-millimeter focal length. Separately, it should be noted that here will we are talking Exclusively about products issued by Canon itself. On optics from third-party manufacturers, we may talk someday next time.

Rating best Canon lenses

Nomination a place Name of product price
Top Standard Permanent FR Lenses for Canon Camera 1 94 900 ₽.
2 20 000 ₽
3 17 000 ₽
The best canon lenses for portrait shooting 1 94 890 ₽.
2 94 900 ₽.
3 49 900 ₽
The best zoom lenses canon 1 115 000 ₽
2 38 900 ₽
3 32 490 ₽.
Best telephoto lenses canon 1 105 990 ₽
2 49 900 ₽
3 61 000 ₽
Top Wide Golbs Canon. 1 102 500 ₽.
2 33 300 ₽
The best canon lenses for macro shot 1 46 990 ₽.
The best lenses "Fisheye" 1 63 400 ₽

Top Standard Permanent FR Lenses for Canon Camera

If there is an optics, perfectly eroding the rear background, then this is exactly the 85 mm lens. The photographer here is available for a diaphragm F / 1.2, at which the zone of sharpness is narrowed until indecent. A beautiful bokeh is also promoted and an eight-meal diaphragm, gathering in the perfect circle.

The lens may seem small. However, high-quality glass and metal housing Made their job - weighs this copy exactly 1 kg. This imposes certain difficulties to use the lens on trips. Also, it is not necessary to expect from the product of a smart autofocus - this model is sharpened for portraits, and not under the reportage shooting.


    Reliable design;

    Very wide diaphragm;

    Ultrasonic (silent) focus;

    Beautiful bokeh Even with a capped diaphragm;

    The highest lights;

    Soft contrast.


    Slow autofocus;

    Impressive weight;

    The cost reaches 91 thousand rubles.

One of the most inexpensive lenses that, nevertheless, sometimes even use professionals. Approximately 21 thousand rubles. The buyer receives "glass" with an 85-millimeter focal length and an ultrasonic autofocus motor. Eight apertures of the diaphragm are maximally disclosed to the value of F / 1.8 that someone may seem insufficient parameter. However, it is quite difficult to find fault to the receiving picture, with the proper ability, the photographer will achieve a very pretty bokeh. Other undoubted advantage Optics is a small weight, component of 425.

Beginner photographers will celebrate some difficulties using the widest diaphragm. The fact is that the autofocus at such moments may flush. This is a traditional trouble for all inexpensive portrait "Stekol".


    High sharpness;

    Ultrasonic autofocus;

    High lipped;

    Not bad bokeh;

    The lens turned out to be sufficiently light;

    No chromatic aberrations.


    Not the most reliable design;

    Autofocus with a diaphragm F / 1.8 lasted regularly;

    On the sprinkled chamber is extremely difficult.

Universal lens that can be used both on a sprinkled camera and full-frame. This "glass" is very cheap - just over 17 thousand rubles. Such an affordable price tag is explained by the plastic case. On the one hand, it made the design less reliable - it is not recommended to drop the lens. On the other hand, the optics weighs only 290 g, which is especially great to lovers.


    Well distinguished bokeh;

    High sharpness;

    Minimum sizes and weight;

    Good-quality light;

    Low price.


    Durable lens can not be called;

    Automatic focus does not always work perfectly;

    Not all lenses are glass.

The best canon lenses for portrait shooting

The lens with a 35mm focal length should be from each owner of a sprinkled cameras. The above-mentioned model allows you to get very beautiful portraits. The maximum of the diaphragm here is revealed to the value of F / 1.4, while the picture even remains very sharp. Beautiful bokeh is achieved including due to the nine-board diaphragm design. It is necessary to please the product with an ultrasonic focus motor, to hear which is possible only in complete silence.

Writing reviews People come racing to the lens only about it relative to light weight and appearance. The product really does not look expensive, although there is such an optics of 89 thousand rubles.


    High sharpness over the entire frame area;

    Very good lights;

    Cute bokeh;

    Focuses on close objects;

    Fast and very quiet autofocus.


    The appearance does not like everyone;

    High price.

Already mentioned in our selection of the lens. But it is not a sin to repeat, mentioning already strictly portrait qualities of this optics, without focusing on the specifications. Unlike many analogues, the product can reveal its diaphragm to F / 1.2. Usually, with this picture, the picture begins to "swim", the sharpness disappears somewhere. But in the case of this model there are no such problems. The back background here is blurred almost perfect. No wonder this "glass" is used for artistic photography when you need to draw the attention of the viewer to some particular detail.


    Almost maximum lights;

    Perfect build quality;

    Beautiful bokeh;

    The sound of the work of autofocus is almost not heard;

    Sharpness is saved on the entire range of diaphragms.


    Autofocus is not instantly triggered;

    The cost will arrange not every professional.

Use for portrait shooting a long focal distance love not all. Meanwhile, it is it that allows you to achieve maximum blurring of the rear background. 135 mm, and even with a diaphragm F / 2, it turns into a literally in Kissel or milk. It is surprising that the lens with such characteristics costs only 49 thousand rubles. It seems that the manufacturer understands that those who wanted to acquire such a large "portrait" will be very few, so the price takes place.

Before buying it is necessary to take into account that with such a focal length will have to move away from the shooting object very far, thereby risking to lose contact with it. But neither by no other portrait lens provide so blurred bokeh.


    Quiet autofocus;

    Relatively small weight for such a lens (750 g);

    The price tag cannot be called extremely high;

    High lipped;

    Perfect color reproduction.


    Not the best choice with low lighting;

    The focal length will arrange not all.

The best zoom lenses canon

Very expensive lens, the value of which is due to unsurpassed characteristics. In fact, this product can be called universal. The focal length range here starts with 28 mm, and this allows you to take pictures of landscapes and even the simplest portraits. The most user is available 300 mm, which is suitable even for sports shooting. It is surprising that with the maximum FR diaphragm will be disclosed to the value of F / 5.6. This and the light increases, and quite beautiful bokeh provides. The product has a built-in optical stabilizer, so you can not be afraid to make an excerpt slightly longer.

Of course, this optics and disadvantages have. They concluded, as mentioned above, in the cost (116 thousand rubles - a significant amount even for a very successful photographer) and a large weight.


    There is an image stabilizer;

    Excellent assembly quality;

    The minimum focus distance is only 0.7 m;

    Quiet focus;

    Natural color rendition.


    Weight reaches an impressive 1670 g;

    Very high cost;

    Autofocus perfectly triggers in all cases.

A rare type of lens when a permanent diaphragm is used with a variable focal length. And if 24 mm, the value of F / 4 may seem insufficient, then by 105 mm it gives a pretty bokeh and very high lights. Also, this product has received an image stabilizer that will never interfere with large focal lengths. Another feature of this model is the minimum focusing distance not exceeding 0.45 m. This makes the lens universal - in fact they can be removed in various genres (however, this macro shot is still not given to him).


    Weight does not exceed 670 g;

    There is a built-in image stabilization;

    Focuses even on very close objects;

    The sound of autofocus is almost not heard;

    The price tag cannot be called astronomical;

    There is dust and moisture protection.


    The multiplicity of zoom (4.4x) is not too large;

    Not very high sharpness;

    There are small distortions and vignetting.

One of the most inexpensive zoom lenses among Canon issued by Canon. In Russia, this "glass" is asked about 23 thousand rubles. In this regard, it is not to be surprised by a 600 gram weight, which speaks of not the highest quality of the body and glass. However, it is an excellent option for sprinkled cameras. There is even an image stabilizer here, thanks to which you can not worry about insufficiently widely expanding diaphragm. In a word, the lens should arrange many people who decided to try themselves in the photo chute.


    There is an optical stabilizer;

    Macro mode is available;

    Very high multiplicity of zoom (11.1x);

    Relatively small size and weight;

    Available at even photoelers.


    There are distortion of geometry with minimal FR;

    Sharpness is far from ideal;

    Unreliable design;

    Not the best color rendition.

Best telephoto lenses canon

An excellent telephoto lens suitable for sports shooting or, for example, for photographing birds. In the second case, however, it will take a magnifier, since a 200 mm focal length may be little. Price tag, amounting to 96 thousand rubles, talks about the high quality of manufacturing both the hull and lenses. One and a half cellogram weight also hints.

The product includes a four-step stabilizer. This allows you to make an exposure very long. Also, the stabilizer helps in those moments when the photographer tries to remove moving transport or running football player.


    Excellent shooting quality;

    Competently implemented image stabilization;

    Autofocus triggers instantly and without excess noise;

    The lens contains five low-dispersed elements;

    Huge for such optics lights up;

    Implemented dust and moisture protection;

    Artistic bokeh.


    Big sizes and weight;

    Huge value;

    The tripod paw is slightly small.

Lens with a fixed 135 mm distance. It has a black body. Like almost all the products we have considered, has an ultrasound autofocus. IN this case It is also very fast, because the focusing motors do not need to go through many different focal lengths. Fixed FR allowed the creators to implement the F / 2 diaphragm. It makes the lens hanging and very sharp. Of course, it leads to such a value and to a beautifully blurring rear background.


    High for such a FR light;

    Beautiful bokeh;

    Quickly working and quiet autofocus;

    The price tag is not translated (49 thousand rubles);

    Weight does not exceed 750 g.


    With low lighting, an exposure is required at least 1/160 s;

    There is no optical stabilizer.

The length of this lens reaches the impressive 256 mm. But to this you still need to add a blend, you can hardly take pictures without it. So long housing hides under it, oddly enough, only seven optical elements in six groups. A knowledgeable person will immediately understand that such a lens can not be illuminated. And this is with a huge 400-millimeter focal length!

This model is sold in Russian stores in 61 thousand rubles. In fact, this is one of the cheapest "braid" with a fixed FR 400 mm and a diaphragm F / 5.6. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that many novice photographers make it in favor of this lens. sports events. Before buying, it is necessary to consider that there is no stabilizer here, in connection with which the shooting from hand is almost impossible. And it is difficult to keep the camera with optics whose weight reaches 1250 g.


    Very long focal length;

    Not bad lights;

    Reliable design;

    Ultrasonic motor is used;

    High sharpness throughout the frame.


  • No image stabilizer.

Top Wide Golbs Canon.

A sufficiently specific lens, the design of which provides the user with a variable focal length at a permanent diaphragm F / 2.8. It is important that even on the widest angle, the picture does not have serious geometric distortion. Use a 16-mm focal length is offered for shooting landscapes and urban areas. A 35 mm will help to remove the portrait when there is no lens suitable for this purpose.

First of all, this "glass" is intended for the most expensive CANON full-frame cameras, which are calmly removed on very high values ISO. If you use the lens on the technique easier, it will be noticeably strong vignetting.


    High sharpness of the corners of the frame;

    Lack of geometric distortion;

    Quick and fairly quiet autofocus;

    Excellent color reproduction with good contrast;

    High lipped;

    You can achieve a well-blurred background.


    Price (97 thousand rubles) not everyone;

    Strong vignetting on most cameras.

Another lens with a variable focal length, but already with a slightly wider range. This "glass" is already less universal, since the diaphragm here is revealed only to the value of F / 4. This means that portraits with such optics are not so beautiful. It is due to the lack of universality for the lens asking only 35 thousand rubles. However, there is another reason - this is not the most reliable design, which says 500 grams.

However, this is quite a good wide roller, designed to shoot urban buildings and landscapes. Despite the relatively low cost, an ultrasonic autofocus operating quickly and without excess noise is used here. The picture is cut and detailed. You can only complain about small geometric distortion that rule in a graphic editor literally with one click.


    Excellent color reproduction;

    Sharpness is saved in the entire frame field;

    Autofocus works quickly and quietly;

    Arranging most buyers Focus distances;

    Very small weight.


    Barely noticeable geometric distortion;

    Externally, the lens does not cause an impression of an expensive product;

    Not the highest lights.

The best canon lenses for macro shot

A sufficiently massive and large optics designed to shoot insects, coins and other small objects. For this purpose, the creators achieved the fact that "glass" focuses on an item located 30 cm from the camera. With a 100-millimeter focal length, the shooting object is huge and well detailed, even if it is some kind of beetle. Autofocus quickly responds to the movement of the object, as it helps to take a snapshot and stabilization of the image. Here, even by weight, it is impossible - 625-gram "glass" can hardly be called heavy.

Lens with a pronounced convexity of the anterior lenses. For this feature, it can be understood that the product has a huge viewing angle. If you take advantage of the 8 mm focal length, then the field of view will be all 180 degrees! Unlike budget "Fishaev", there is an opportunity to change the FR, selecting an option 15 mm and having received an angle of view of 91 degrees. This allows us to act depending on the circumstances using one lens instead of two. It's nice that the product turned out to be relatively easy, as the diaphragm dropped to the value of F / 4.0 cannot but be easily pleased. Only the cost of 60 thousand rubles in Russia is capable of confusing. However, the authors expertology seems to be the "glass" should be in the arsenal of each wedding photographer using Canon technique.


    Variable focal length;

    Relatively widely revealing diaphragm;

    Weight does not exceed 540 g;

    You can get a picture with an angle of review 180 degrees;

    High contrast and color reproduction;

    Excellent sharpness for the entire FR range.


    A little frightening price;

    The blender cover is not fixed enough.


The Japanese company Canon produces lenses for many decades. And even taking the Park of Modern Optics, designed for digital mirror chambers, then even it will be extremely wide. Especially for you, we chose the best "windows". Be sure to buy any of them will definitely disappoint. The reverse side of each lens is a high price - alas, budget optics are immensely far from ideal.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

You need to navigate the characteristics. We will tell that you mean the characteristics of the lens and which of them are especially important to pay attention.

Focal length

From the focal length depends, which will fit in your frame. The smaller the focal length will be (for example, 18 mm), the wider angle of the review and the more objects you can put in the frame.

But, the focus distances also depend on the distortion of perspectives in the frame. With a small focal length, objects may distort. It is believed that the focal length that is as close as possible to how the world is sees - 50 mm.

Based on the focal length, the lenses are divided into the following types:

  • Ultra-wideholds - from 7 mm (circular fish eye) to 24 mm
    • The lenses with these focal lengths strongly distort the image "stretching" perspective. Used for shooting in limited spaces and interiors and other situations where you need to cover the maximum angle of view. For example, 14 mm is often used in the landscape. Blur background is very difficult.
  • Wide-angle - from 24 to 35 mm
    • The distortion here is noticeably less, like an angle of coverage. This range is considered convenient for Street photography and genre. It is also suitable for shooting landscape and group portraits.
  • Normal - from 35 to 85 mm.
    • You can remove the growth portraits and landscape. Not suitable for shooting large portraits, as distorting the proportions of the face.
  • Long-focus (telephoto lens) - from 85 mm
    • Starting with 85 mm distortion of perspectives is practically not observed. For a portrait, an ideal range of 85-135 mm is considered. After 135 mm, the space is compressed, which also distort the portrait.
      Long-focus lenses also remove wildlife, sport and everything is difficult to get to get. The higher the focal length, the stronger the background is blurred, other things being equal.

The distortion of the proportions of the face on different focal distances is well shown below. Pay attention to the fact that the 200 mm space is strongly compressed that the image of the face is distorting again.

The example below shows how the perspective is compressed at different focal distances:

The focal length on the lens is indicated for the full-frame matrix. On other matrices, the image will be simply cropped, and the focal length is recalculated.

For example, if you have an APS-C matrix, your crop factor will be 1.5 - 1.6x. If the micro 4/3 format, then 2x.

Recalculation of the focal length will give to understand how much you can "closer object". But the distortion will not go anywhere and 50mm in terms will be almost portrait 75mm, but with the same distortions.

Maximum diaphragm

This is the maximum possible diaphragm value for this lens. For zoom lenses, the range of the maximum possible diaphragm often indicate. For example, F / 3.5-5.6 for a lens with a focal length of 18-105 mm means that 18mm the maximum aperture will be f / 3.5, and 105mm - F / 5.6.

As you know, the smaller the aperture value, the smaller the depth of field and the larger the background. Maximum picture quality All lenses are shown on the average diaphragm values \u200b\u200bF / 8 - F / 11.


This is an indicator of the maximum diaphragm of the lens and quality of optics. Than less number F (for example, f / 1.4), the more the test lens.

In the high-quality lens, high-quality glasses and special anti-flexing coatings that reduce the reset are used. Therefore, the symptoms of a priori are considered very high quality.

Manual and automatic focus

Most of the lenses are manufactured with autofocus. Exception - lenses of Carl Zeiss, Samyang and other third-party manufacturers that are not allowed autofocus lenses.

Old lenses that can be found in the commissions of the photomagazine are also not autofocus. Not autofocus lenses have their advantages. This is the price and individual drawing and bokeh.

Minimum focus distances

Here everything is simple - this is the minimum distance to the subject of the shooting object, the necessary lens for focusing. This moment is important - this distance is counting from the camera matrix, this point is marked on the camera case.

Focus design

There are two types of lens focus design - external and internal. With external focus, some external part of the lens can move (for example, leave forward).

Internal focus means that when focusing does not rotate external details of the lens. Accordingly, when shooting, you can safely hold on to the lens, as well as use the polarization filter, since the front element of the lens does not rotate when focusing.

Thread diameter for light filter

This characteristic is indicated on the lens and shows the filters of which diameter can be used with this lens.


As a rule, the weight of the lens varies from 400 to 800 grams. There are of course lighter fixes 50mm weighing 200 grams and heavy televisions 1500 grams.

By itself, the weight does not play roles. But other things being equal to choose a lighter lens. Experience shows that at the end of the active filming day, even a man gets tired of holding a chamber with a heavy lens. Well, the girl, you know, get tired even stronger.

Also, the camera with a lighter lens is more convenient to keep with one hand, for example, when you are a second hand busy external flash.

Image stabilization system

The stabilizer compensates for small vibration when shooting and allows you to get sharp frames. This is relevant for shooting with low illumination, when the shutter speed becomes short, as well as when shooting on long focal lengths - 100mm and more.

The lenses with the stabilizer are more expensive, but when choosing the main lens it is desirable to choose a model with a stabilizer.

If your stabilizer is built into the chamber, then as a rule, the effect of collaboration of two stabilizers is enhanced.

Resolving lens ability

You will not find this characteristic in the description of the lens in the store. But you must understand what it is for what.

Resolving ability reflects the detail of the image transmitted by the lens. It is measured in the amount of lines that the lens can be built to a millimeter matrix (or films). Accordingly, the more lines, the more detailed image you will receive.

This parameter is relevant for matrices with a resolution of 40 megapixels and above. For little, almost all relatively modern lenses are suitable.


So they say about the picture, which turns out with one or another lens. Each lens is a picture of its own and it is possible to describe it only on subjective sensations - sharp / not sharp, loose, etc. Also, the drawing of lenses differ bokeh.


This is a drawing, which is created by the lens in the blur zone. The more the aperture is open, the stronger bokeh. Each model of the lens has its own individual bokeh.

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