A simple recipe for delicious pickles for the winter. Pickled cucumbers (in cold water)

Landscaping and planning 18.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Homemade salting of various vegetables for the winter is a small but very responsible duty of every housewife. Indeed, in any family winter period when fresh vegetables are so lacking, they like to eat tomatoes and cucumbers. And this is possible only under one condition: that in the pantry or in the cellar there are jars with canned vegetables. That is why in autumn the work on harvesting vegetables is in full swing in the kitchens, the most interesting and tasty recipes for an individual look are found and selected. But why shovel mountains of literature in search of the right recipe, when all the most popular of them are collected on our website in the "Salting" section.

Salting is one of the ways to preserve and preserve vegetables using ordinary table salt. Thanks to it, harmful bacteria are destroyed, which cause the appearance of mold, due to which home pickles deteriorate. In addition to this important factor, salt has a positive effect on taste qualities vegetables; with it, salting at home acquires a pleasant, specific aftertaste.

Pickling cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables is considered the easiest and most reliable way to store them for a long time. Salt and lactic acid act as preservatives, preventing vegetables from spoiling.

We have described a wide range of salted tomatoes: hot and cold salting, salting green tomatoes, assorted salting with cucumbers, salting stuffed tomato, cooking lightly salted tomatoes and salting tomatoes with apples. The site presents the methods "How to pickle mushrooms correctly" - black mushrooms, black mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and, of course, salting of mushrooms. After all, without jars in which the salting of mushrooms for the winter is closed, your pantry with winter supplies will be incomplete.

Pickled cucumber recipes represent the largest spectrum in the pickling section. And not in vain! After all, pickling cucumbers is the most popular and in demand. Only salting tomatoes for the winter can compete with it. Among the diverse recipes for harvesting cucumbers, you can find how traditional ways their preparation (salting in a cold way or hot salting, harvesting according to village recipes, harvesting lightly salted cucumbers, salting in mustard, etc.), and rather unusual ones (for example, salting in a bag).

In addition, we will tell you how to pickle dill for the winter and how to ferment cabbage, watermelons. Using our recipes, you are unlikely to make mistakes when salting or fail. This can only occur if they are stored incorrectly ( optimum temperature storage of pickles just above 00C) or due to fermentation.

Salting vegetables for the winter is a whole art that combines vegetables, spices, seasonings and spices. We will notice that everyone can "command" salted vegetables, especially according to our recipes, regardless of age or gender. After all, there are materials for salting in any kitchen. Well, patience and desire will arise by itself, as soon as you remember how pleasant it is to open a jar of pickles in winter and proudly put it on the table.

are known to every housewife who takes care every summer to prepare tasty and healthy homemade preserves for her family.

AT last years pickling recipes are gaining more and more popularity, but still there are hostesses who are adherents classic way a recipe that has been passed down in the family from generation to generation.

This is exactly the recipe you can find on the yellowed pages of a cookbook, where your grandmother entered it in neat handwriting so as not to miss a single important ingredient.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars

All family members will be pleased with crispy pickles in winter, when there is so little fresh vegetables and salads, and prepared preparations save housewives in summer, allowing them to diversify their family's diet. And so that in winter they are always at hand delicious pickles and vegetable salads, you need to think about harvesting them today - at the very height of the summer season, when vegetables ripen in the beds, and agricultural fairs are held in cities where you can buy necessary products at an affordable price.

Now let's talk about brine: despite the fact that it is much easier to prepare than in the case of pickling recipes, it has its own characteristics. You should approximately calculate the amount of water needed for one three-liter jar- the volume of the required brine is approximately equal to one and a half liters, but it is better to take it with a margin, because the volume of liquid depends on how tightly you put the fruits in the jar. Take two liters of brine for each jar.

To this amount of water, add four tablespoons (standard, with a slide) of rock salt. Must take rock salt, it is sold in blue packaging. Please note that iodized salt and fine extra salt are not suitable for salting.

In water it is necessary to dissolve the indicated amount of salt, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, and cool it. And at this time you can do the filling of cans. At the very bottom, you need to lay out a pickling broom: one dill umbrella, a couple of blackcurrant leaves, a piece of horseradish leaf and a couple of cherry leaves, if desired, you can add a sprig of tarragon for flavor (this spice is popular among modern housewives). And you also need to add three cloves of old garlic or five cloves of young garlic to the jar, the cloves can be cut in half so that they give their flavor to the brine completely. Do not forget to scald the greens with boiling water before laying out her jar.

Then you can fill the jar with cucumbers, laying the bottom layer vertically, as tightly as possible to each other. The second row can be laid out slightly at an angle so that as many fruits as possible enter the container. Accordingly, larger cucumbers should be laid on the bottom, and the smallest on top. From above it is necessary to leave a place for greenery: put another dill umbrella, cherry and currant leaves, a couple of cloves of garlic. Usually laid on the bottom most pickling broom, and upstairs - the rest.

Filled jars, when we are, need to be filled with cooled brine, and hot brine is poured only when quick salted cucumbers are prepared in the summer. During the fermentation process, the fruits will absorb some of the liquid, and we will need additional brine to fill the jar again to the brim. You may need to put a few small cucumbers in the bottle as well, as the fruits may settle during the fermentation process.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars

Ideal for conservation cucumbers - salting for the winter in jars, recipes can be found with various add-ons. For example, in our recipe we used only pickling broom and rock salt, while in other recipes you can find mustard powder, chili peppers, even vodka, which is added to the brine in some pickling recipes.

Filling jars with brine is not the last stage of preparation. Unlike pickling, where immediately after the marinade has taken its place in the jar, they are rolled up hermetically with iron lids, everything is different with pickles. Ahead of us is a natural fermentation process that takes place with the release of gases, so the lids cannot be closed hermetically, otherwise they will simply fly into the air.

Active fermentation lasts two days in hot summer weather. Jars should be placed in a room in dark place so that they don't get hit Sun rays. It is advisable to cover the neck with several layers of gauze and tie it with an elastic band so that midges do not stick around the fermenting brine.

After two days, the brine from the jars must be drained into a saucepan and brought to a boil again. And you need to pour cold cucumbers boiled water and rinse them off white coating after fermentation. If the fruits have settled, you can report a couple more cucumbers on top. After that, add another 10-15 black peppercorns to the jar and pour hot pickle, filling them with jars up to their shoulders. Only after that you can roll up the jars with iron lids, turn over and leave to cool.

Do not forget to boil the iron lids beforehand, if you use screw caps, they must be new. Boil them for 15 minutes, and then leave them in water until the very moment of twisting.

It is advisable to equip a cool place for storage in the cellar or pantry, you can put them on the balcony in the closet, making thermal insulation in it. Small jars can also be stored in the refrigerator if there is still room for preservation.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars

One of the most popular recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars- with the addition of mustard powder to the brine. Thanks to such a simple addition, the shelf life of your preservation increases, and vegetables acquire an unusual aroma and unique taste. Don't worry, the addition of mustard won't make the vegetables spicy at all, just a little savory.

To prepare the right brine for your vegetables, you can use the grandmother's method. A good salt brine should be 6%, which means that 60 grams of rock salt should be taken per liter of liquid, sometimes its amount is increased to 80 grams.

The concentration of the solution can also be checked using the grandmother's method: dip clean water into the prepared brine egg, and if it does not sink, then you got the perfect concentration for salting.

For five liters of water for brine, we should take about 400 grams of salt and half a glass of dry mustard powder. Traditionally, in the villages with mustard powder, vegetables were salted in large wooden barrels, adding more oak leaves, which made the fruits dense, fragrant.

You can pour mustard on the bottom of the jar, you can pour it on top before pouring cold brine into jars, but it is better to mix mustard powder with hot brine and mix thoroughly until the powder grains dissolve. Then leave the brine to cool, and pour into jars.


Good day, dear readers and guests, our delicious and homemade!

Almost every housewife prepares pickled cucumbers for the winter. And it is not surprising that how many housewives, so many recipes. Although there is nothing complicated in cooking pickles. After all, the main ingredient in the recipe is rock salt. And what proportion to choose is everyone's business. Everyone's tastes are different. Who prefers heavily pickled cucumbers, someone less.

But I remember one thing, as soon as the season for pickling cucumbers began, it was worth going out into the yard and asking delicious recipe pickles from any grandmother - the answer was unanimous - for a bucket of well water 1 glass with a slide of rock salt. That's all, but how much and how, each hostess chooses for herself.


  • well or spring water,
  • fresh cucumbers, medium size,
  • garlic,
  • horseradish leaves,
  • dried and green dill,
  • celery,
  • cherry and currant leaves,
  • coarse salt (only rock).

How to cook:

Well, it’s impossible without pickles for the winter! And for the holidays, and fragrant pickle or? And how to crunch with potatoes!

Friends, why run to the store when you can quickly and easily cook this iconic preparation at home!

I cook pickles every year, but this year our regular reader, Marina, suggested, told me how to cook pickles so that the brine in the jars is transparent!

I have already taken a sample and in two dinners my family and I ate almost a whole 3-liter jar. Pickled cucumbers using this method are crispy, crunchy and delicious! I don’t open cucumbers so early, but the photo shoot had to be done!

So, you can pickle cucumbers in a large saucepan, 3-liter jars, a bucket. The main thing is not in plastic containers. I used to pickle cucumbers in jars.

If you buy cucumbers for pickling, buy greens for pickling in addition. These are horseradish leaves, celery, dill (I often put dry). Cherry, grape, currant and oak leaves can be looked after in any yard. Well, garlic, and for those who like it a little sharper, I advise you to buy a couple of hot pepper pods.

And salt, the usual stone, which is sold in any store.

Do not rush to lay cucumbers immediately in jars. To make cucumbers excellent, they must be immersed in cold water for several hours. And it is desirable if you change this water at least an hour later.

When I pickle cucumbers in a large batch, I pour them into a large basin and let them float.

After the cucumbers are saturated with moisture, I wash them thoroughly under running water and take the basin to the kitchen.

It is advisable to prepare the jars in advance - wash well and pour over with boiling water. In clean jars, at the bottom, lay out the greens - a piece of celery, horseradish, a couple of leaves of cherry, oak, currant. A sprig of dill, a couple of cloves of garlic and a whole gram of hot pepper. I don’t know, but I like to add more to pickles and bay leaves.

Do not put a lot, otherwise, when there is an excess of grass, cucumbers are obtained with a rich herbal aroma.

And we put cucumbers. The layout can be any - chaotic or, like mine, in a vertical position, and then in a horizontal one. It seems to me that this way more cucumbers fit in a jar.

We fill the jars with cucumbers not quite to the brim, since we still need to lay out the greens in the same order as at the bottom.
Done, move on to the saline solution.

The calculation is as follows - for 10 liters of water we take 250 gr. salt. How to calculate how much brine is needed? I pour water without salt into jars of cucumbers, then drain it and measure it. For example, for one 3-liter jar, I need 1.25 liters of water. Salt need 32 gr. or 2 tbsp. spoons, but without a slide. It turns out that I need salt for one jar of 2 tbsp. spoons.

I fill the jars with saline, cover with plastic lids and forget about them for 3 days. The fermentation time of cucumbers depends on the temperature in the room. At 25-27ºС, 3 days will be enough for cucumbers, but at 24ºС, the process can take up to 5 days.

It is advisable to place a jar of cucumbers on a plate or, as I did, immediately in a basin. During fermentation, the brine will be asked to come out and, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to play it safe.

During these three days, foam will appear on the cucumbers, and in the future, mold. This is not something to be afraid of - this is normal. Only here the main thing is not to miss the moment of completion of fermentation.

On the last third day, take out one cucumber and try it. If you like it to taste, it will crunch, you can proceed to the last step.

Drain the brine into a large saucepan. And let it boil. At the same time, we put clean water to boil - a simple kettle with ordinary clean water.

In the meantime, we take each jar of cucumbers without brine and rinse the cucumbers thoroughly with running water. We wash the cucumbers thoroughly several times so that all the mold is washed off from the bottom.

Now pour boiling water into each jar, not brine. Cover with a lid and let the cucumbers warm up for about 10 minutes. So that the jars do not burst, set them on wooden surface(cutting board).

After that, drain the boiled water from the jars and fill it with boiling sour brine to the brim. Cover with sterilized lids and roll up. We wrap the jars in a blanket and leave them there for a day. In general, before cooling.

At first, the brine in the jars will be slightly cloudy, but after a couple of days the brine will become clear, transparent.

The pickles come out crunchy, crunchy, and the brine is delicious!

These are delicious crispy pickles I prepared for the winter without a bite, without aspirin!

Friends, pleasant troubles to you in the kitchen and until new recipes!

Harvesting cucumbers for the winter is a very delicate topic. Any prescription and recommendation on this matter will immediately find its opponents and defenders. On the other hand, this is good: from the many tips and recipes, you can choose the most suitable one and enjoy cucumbers all winter, delighting your family and guests. Well, we will now voice the main postulates of the correct harvesting of cucumbers.

Correct cucumbers

Someone else probably remembers the shelves of Soviet stores, lined with three-liter jars of pickles. The cucumbers in them were so large that they were salted in pieces. But today we all know perfectly well that it is not yellowed giants half a meter long that should be salted, but only tender, small cucumbers. The variety is also important: smooth salad cucumbers tolerate pickling worse, so give preference to their pimply, slightly prickly counterparts.

Cucumbers no longer than 15 cm long, freshly picked from the garden, are ideal for blanks. If you bought cucumbers from the market, soak them in a pot with cold water: they will acquire the elasticity that was lost, and at the same time get rid of excess nitrates (you don’t know in what conditions these cucumbers grew). And pick cucumbers of approximately the same size for pickling. Such cucumbers will be salted evenly, and they will look much prettier in a jar.

Cucumbers for blanks should be beautiful. All hooked, yellowed for the time being, cucumbers with skin defects should be discarded without regret. And be sure to make sure that the cucumbers are not bitter, otherwise you will be in for big disappointments.

The right brine

When salting, a lot depends on the brine. It is worth making it a little more concentrated, and the cucumbers will become too salty. If you save on salt, the jar may explode, and the cucumbers will turn sour.

Take only coarse rock salt for pickling cucumbers. Neither iodized nor finely ground "Extra" salt is suitable for salting. For cucumbers that are supposed to be stored in a cold cellar, the brine recipe is somewhat different from the brine recipe, which is poured over cucumbers intended for storage in an apartment.

Many believe that the more garlic, pepper, dill, horseradish, cherry leaves and oak bark are put in the brine, the better. To be honest, this is far from true. All additives increase the risk of getting fermented brine and, as a result, rotten cucumbers and exploding cans. Be especially careful when adding the garlic. Put it in minimal quantities, if you really can’t imagine brine without garlic. And be sure to thoroughly wash both cucumbers and everything that you plan to put in jars with them.


So, cucumbers, dill, horseradish and other ingredients are well washed, jars, lids and a seamer are prepared, there is a small saucepan for sterilizing lids and rubber bands for them, and a large saucepan for brine, as well as a kettle of boiling water (or microwave) for sterilization of jars. A few tablets of aspirin will not hurt either - only Russian, not flavored and effervescent, but the simplest. For those who are afraid horror stories about the transformation of aspirin in cans into "phenolic compounds", it will be interesting to know that aspirin itself is a phenolic compound. And, nevertheless, it is widely used for the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and as an effective antipyretic. But if you have a prejudice against aspirin, an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid, gastritis, an ulcer, or problems with the pancreas, then you can safely replace it with vinegar.

Cucumbers are laid out in sterilized jars along with horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants, a few peppercorns, dill umbrellas and (if any) a piece of oak bark. If desired, garlic is added, but in very moderate quantities. Do not stuff the cucumbers too tightly: the brine should wash them from all sides. Aspirin is added to the jar: 1 tablet per liter jar, 2 tablets per 2 liter jar, etc., and everything is poured with boiling brine. The brine for this salting method is not very concentrated: take a spoonful of salt without a slide per liter of water. The lids with rubber bands are boiled for about ten minutes, after which they are taken out with tweezers, the jars are “rolled up” and wrapped in a blanket. In a blanket, turned upside down, the jars should stand until the next morning. If nothing has leaked, and the cucumbers look smart green - everything is in order, you can take the jars to the cellar. This method is the simplest: cucumbers are poured only once, they stand perfectly in a cold cellar all winter and they turn out crispy and very tasty.

If there is no cellar, and it is supposed to store cucumbers at home, the brine is made more concentrated: 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. At the same time, simple boiling water is poured into jars filled with cucumbers and other ingredients 2-3 times for 15 minutes, and only after that brine is added. In such a brine, it is supposed to add sugar (2 tablespoons per liter) and vinegar (on a three-liter jar already filled with brine - a teaspoon of essence). But this already turns out to be more likely not a pickle, but a marinade. In addition, the taste of cucumbers in vinegar is completely different, and many do not like it too much.

Each hostess has her own method of harvesting cucumbers, and the reference recipe for crispy pickles has not yet been registered. Maybe he is known to you? Then share!

All homely housewives dream of preserving the unusual taste of crispy pickles for the winter in jars. Yes, so that they are still beautiful, appetizing. In this case, they have recipes that have been proven over the years. Pampering your family with jars of pickles is possible not only with old methods. Verify new way blanks are quite an exciting activity. But what about in the kitchen without experiments? Every vegetable season there is a desire to master new recipe crispy cucumbers for the winter.

1. Pickled cucumbers recipe for crispy winter

Important! Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked in cold water, not less than 2 hours. And the most the best option keep 7 - 8 hours in ice or well water. Marinated, crispy winter recipe, just lick your fingers:

To make crispy cucumbers for the winter, you will need:

  • Cucumbers (small) - 600 gr.
  • Peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf -2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vinegar 6% -3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Optional: currant leaves, dill umbel, cloves

Cucumbers are washed, the ends are cut off on both sides. Immerse in water for several hours. Prepare the dishes. Thoroughly washed and sterilized or rinsed with boiling water. The lids are boiling. Leaves of currant, cherry or bay leaf, garlic and peppercorns are washed under running water. Everything is placed on the bottom. Soaked cucumbers are thrown into a colander, the liquid is allowed to drain. And tightly packed in a glass container. They are poured with boiling water. After 10 minutes, drain and boil. Filled again, waiting the same 10 minutes. For the third time, they make a brine, put: salt, sugar, wait for it to boil. The jar is filled up to half with brine, vinegar is poured in. And fill to the brim with the remaining solution. Roll up the lid. Turn over and cover with something warm.

2. Crispy cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

According to this recipe, it is not necessary to sterilize jars (3 liter) at all.

To make crispy pickles for the winter in jars, you will need:

  • Cucumbers - from 1.5 to 2 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Umbrella dill -2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Black peppercorns - 10 - 12 pcs.
  • Currant leaf - 4-5 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf 4-5 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf

Seam lids are boiling. Wash the vegetables, cut off the ends on both sides. Pierce with a fork in 2, 3 places. Banks are washed. Pepper, dill umbrella, cherry leaves, currants, horseradish and garlic are placed at the bottom. Lay the prepared cucumbers tightly, but do not ram. Prepared boiling water is poured, covered with a lid. Leave to warm up. After 15 minutes, the water is drained into the pan and brought to a boil again. Pour a second time, boil again. In the meantime, granulated sugar, salt, vinegar are poured into the jar, all according to the recipe indicated above. Boiling water is poured in for the third time, the jars of cucumbers are rolled up, turned over on the lid, set aside until they cool completely. Crispy, pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars are ready!

3. Recipe for crispy cucumbers for the winter with mustard

A successful recipe for cucumbers for the winter in jars, crispy with mustard. Vegetables acquire a special, characteristic taste. For this method, jars with a volume of 0.5 liters are needed.

To make crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter, you will need:

  • Cucumbers - 4 kg.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salts -200 gr.
  • Vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground pepper - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Grated garlic - 4 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 200 gr.
  • Mustard seeds - 2-3 tsp

Banks are rinsed, the lids are poured with boiling water. wash, cut off the ends. Cut vegetables lengthwise into four pieces. Spread in a deep bowl, add all the ingredients. Stir and let stand for 2 hours. Carefully lay out in jars, cover with lids. They put it in a saucepan, fill it with water by 2 cm, not reaching the shoulders. As soon as the water boils, sterilize for 15-20 minutes. Then they roll up. Turn over, wrap, leave to cool completely.

4. Pickled cucumbers recipe for the winter crunchy with aspirin

Not all households like preparations with vinegar. Someone prefers salty for the winter crunchy with acetylsalicylic acid. One time trying alternative way, forever remain fans of this recipe:


  • cucumbers
  • Garlic - 4 - 5 cloves
  • Dill - green umbrellas
  • Parsley - 4-5 sprigs
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. per liter of brine
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l. per liter of brine
  • Hot pepper (peas)
  • Aspirin tablets - 3 pcs.

So glass jars for blanks, the same manipulations are performed as described above. Half a serving of greens, hot peppers, parsley and a few cloves of garlic are placed in them. Vegetables are laid tightly to each other, leaving some room for garlic and the rest of the greens. The jar is filled with boiling water. After 1 hour, the brine is drained and boiled again with the addition of sugar, salt, pepper. 3 aspirin tablets are thrown directly into the jar. Fill with prepared boiling brine. Roll up the lid, cover with something dense, leave to cool.

5. Recipe for cucumbers for the winter in crunchy jars without vinegar

And here is another recipe for pickled cucumbers without vinegar. All the necessary ingredients are taken in a 3-liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg.
  • Dill - 1 umbrella
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Salt - 100 gr.
  • Currant leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Horseradish - green leaf or one root
  • Black pepper - 10-12 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Red chilli pepper

Note to the owner:

  • The presence of horseradish leaves (root), cherries according to the recipe allows the product to remain crunchy for a long time;
  • Mustard and horseradish leaves prevent mold;
  • Too much garlic in the seam will make the cucumber soft;
  • It is not recommended to use table salt saturated with iodine, its presence induces pickles to ferment;
  • When sterilizing, do not put baths immediately in hot water. Glass may break;
  • In no case should the sterilization process be ignored if required by prescription;

Good luck with your new recipes. Enjoy your meal!


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