Romantic games for two at home. Psychology

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Even in strong relationships, problems sometimes arise: minor grievances and discontent accumulate, conflicts occur. To minimize them, relationships need to be worked on: discussing problems, making compromises ... or playing games. There are psychological games for two that help to achieve greater mutual understanding in a couple.

Top down

When communicating with people, we always choose one of the positions: communication on an equal footing, from top to bottom (the bossy position, as parents often communicate with the child) or from the bottom up (dependent position). This is expressed both in our position in space and in intonation. Moreover, we ourselves may not notice that we are talking from one of these positions. But the “lower” in such a conversation usually closes off from the “upper”, does not listen and does not hear him. A common example of such an interaction is a mother lecturing a child, and he looks around with an absent look.

But often we communicate this way not only with children, but also with peers, including close people. A wife can say something to her husband from the top position, and then be surprised that he completely ignored her fiery speech. To better understand this situation, you can play it. Chat on some neutral topic in this position: one is sitting on the floor, the other is standing, as if hanging over him. Then switch places, and at the end take an equal position opposite each other. Usually the "bottom" is uncomfortable discussing even the most simple questions. Much nicer to talk on the same level. So why not communicate like this in real life?

I look at you like in a mirror...

Another one psychological game called "Mirror". Husband and wife sit face to face and in turn begin to "mirror" each other: repeat facial expressions and gestures. You can record all these funny antics on a video camera and compare the results - who did better. By playing this game, spouses learn to focus on each other, to think first of all not about themselves, but about their partner. And it will come in handy in any relationship.

Behind you - even to the ends of the world

Psychologists are very fond of trust games. The idea of ​​​​falling back into the arms of a partner is what they came up with. A safer game from this series is "Guide". One participant is blindfolded and the other must lead him around the obstacle room, guiding only with his voice. Then the spouses switch roles. During the game, they find out for themselves how much they trust each other, and at the same time learn to listen to each other's advice.

What are you thinking about?

Funny psychological game - "Telepathy". The rules are very simple: the spouses sit face to face and one tries to convey some kind of mental image to the other without words. The second monitors the eyes and facial expression of the interlocutor and tries to "read" his thoughts. At the end of such a session, the readings are verified. Practice shows that it is often possible to guess, if not the hidden object itself, then the emotional background associated with it. What causes thoughts about him: joy or sadness, fear or peace? Such a game will teach you to be more attentive to each other and understand the emotions of a partner without words.

Only good

This is not even quite a game, rather, a tradition useful for any couple. Arrange a positive session during which you will tell why you love your husband, what delights you in him. After all, we often voice claims and negative emotions, but somehow forget about the good. And, by the way, in vain! After all, when we talk about love, we feel it much more strongly. So tire yourself more often sessions of mutual love confessions.

The essence of the game: Taking turns completing tasks - telling revelations about themselves or solving intellectual puzzles - two potential sexual partners compete to see who will lose the phantom to whom.

Box contents:
300 cards
1 cube
1 magnetic frame

Experienced players suggest that there are three stages of a relationship: "Twister" to get to know each other, "In Love" to enhance feelings and tear-off "Party in bed" in order to unleash passion.
Recommendation on the seller's website

You can learn more about a person in an hour of playing than in a year of talking.

What animal does my penis look like?
Quote from one of the cards of the game In Love

You can put a lot of different things on the table: a chandelier for three candles, an aromatic lamp or plates with a ready meal. But, looking at this section, you imagine completely different things on your imaginary table: a complex tactical game, a collectible card game, an imagination parlor game ... Today we put an unexpected thing on the table - a romantic game for a couple in love. Or maybe it's better to place In Love on the bed?

The pink and black box with the unambiguously located couple looks tempting. I really want to know what's inside. We don't find the "Kama Sutra", instead of it - one sheet with the rules, a solid slide of three hundred cards, a kind of cube, a velor playing field and a magnetic frame.

A magnetic frame with the bonus card he or she won can be attached to the refrigerator to remind the loser of their new responsibilities.

Different cards for him and for her

Love, as you know, has no rules. The game In Love has them. Quite simple and specific, but freely interpreted.
The cards are divided into six categories. Two categories common to him and her are bonus cards and mission cards. They must be blindly picked up one at a time at the start of the game. The mission card must be studied immediately upon receipt - it contains a combination of colors that must be collected to win. It is forbidden to watch the bonus card, except for some specific game situations.

The remaining cards are divided by "gender" (blue - for him, pink - for her) and categories:
- Feel;
- Relations;
- Reflections;
- Competition.

These cards must be placed on the playing field so that the pink "shirts" look at her, and the blue ones look at him. On the cards, in addition to tasks and questions, colored spots are drawn. Further - at the same time sweet and hateful to every desktop player. We throw a cube. Depending on the combination of “hearts” that fell out on it (oh yes, this is a game for lovers, did you remember?), a category is selected. We blindly take a card from the pile, and the partner reads it to you. We complete or fail the task and pass the move. And so on until one of the partners has the coveted combination of colors. After that, the winner gets the right to read aloud aloud (or whisper in his ear, it all depends on the bonus and the environment) his bonus card, and the loser must follow the instructions written on it.

It is interesting: French company AV Editions, the publisher of this game, specializes in parlor games. In addition to In Love, such games as A game for sweethearts and French kiss party carry a romantic mood. They have a few more games, but it is these two that we would advise localizers to pay attention to. The motto of the company was the phrase of Plato, which we took as an epigraph to this article.

And what kind of tasks await lovers?

Partially, these are forfeits, but with a discount on the fact that there are two participants and they are not indifferent to each other. Phantoms are hidden primarily in the "Sensations" cards. There you can find things like, for example: "kiss me on the lips the way you would like you to kiss me" or "describe me as if you were describing a cake." There are questions of a personal nature (of course, this is “Relationships”): “what annoys you the most about me”, “what is your best memory associated with me”. The sections "Reflections" and "Competitions" are dominated by a quiz and the simplest word games: “alternately name as many words as possible ending in DUCK” or “what is a nadir?”. As an exception - physical collisions (in particular, arm wrestling) and cute nonsense in the style of "the one who last went to the toilet gets the card."

Do not chuckle in bewilderment - everything is not so decorous. That is, you already understood about kisses, but there are also hints of sex, and some cards offer to undress. And objections are not accepted. So the evening will not be languid. You're not going to play this game in the morning, are you?

And finally, bonus cards. Revealing all the secrets in advance is at least not good. You can't do without a photo of one of the cards, but for the rest we will limit ourselves to hints. The maps are very diverse, differ in complexity, and you can find both innocent tasks and very frank ones on them.

What does the game taste like?

Who will stand on treadmill leading straight to the counter with In Love? First of all, these are couples in love, looking at each other as a gift from heaven. Before the wedding, it’s like a snail before the stars, but you want to get to know the object of adoration better now. A lot of questions on the knowledge of your beloved will give the game due complexity and interest, and at the same time set topics for a pleasant conversation about each other. The game also gently pushes for physical contact, which, of course, can confuse those who have been together recently. But in most cases, this will just add spice and help to liberate.

Well-known couples run along the rest of the paths. Perhaps even... Although no, they are better advised to take up fencing. However, what just does not happen in the world. Yes, maybe even married for a long time. For them, In Love is an opportunity to cover an established life with a romantic flair. And just have a wonderful time.

At the same time, In Love itself is not so romantic. It has a lot of not the best quiz; verbal tasks can take up the entire space of the game or greatly delay it in time. Some understatement of the rules often forces you to come up with them on the go, which is not a problem for lovers, but can slightly disrupt the mood.
And, along with other salon games, In Love is exhaustible. In fact, the supply of cards is enough for one pair for five or six games, after which you want either new tasks, or new game, or ... yes, a new partner. So don't throw In Love away after playing all the cards. Better put it on the shelf for the time being. You never know.

Article written for 1/3

the fact of having such a game creates a romantic mood
The game itself does not really develop this mood.
good color scheme good materials, good artistic solutions? box adapted for playing in bed
for such a game - a huge box, overpriced

Verdict: Riddles, exciting questions, kisses, a little bit of striptease - this is what In Love consists of. As in a good parlor game, almost everything depends on the players. The game should appeal to two categories of people. It will help newly acquaintances to get to know each other better. Already established couples, if they lack the fire in a relationship, In Love can help to liberate themselves.

What do you need to give your loved one an amazing evening? Of course, candles and music will come in handy, but for the perfect romantic evening there will always be a game. The game is bewitching, charming, light, but at the same time promising a very serious, full of passion, continuation.
I'm writing this post from a guy's perspective. Well, just because I'm a guy :)

The players take turns taking off their things and putting them on a chair or on the floor. Whoever likes it ... Whoever stops first - he lost. It is necessary to determine in advance whether keys, coins, tokens, etc., pulled out of the pocket, should be considered as the removed thing.
Guess the word
Finger write on the back of your favorite words. Her task is to read the secret message left on the back. A kiss can serve as punishment. The more failures, the lower you need to go down, kissing your beloved. This game can be a prelude or a consequence of a massage. Or maybe even something more...
Dancing with vinyl
For this game, you will have to prepare four records. One for myself and three for my beloved. The plates must be placed ... between the bodies). It is better to prepare slow music to start the game. Music sounds, dance begins. The goal of the game is not to lose a single record during the dance, and for this you will have to dance closely clinging to each other. By the middle of the game, it is better to turn on rhythmic and incendiary dances. You want someone to lose ;)
Lovers of great cinematography
This game can be played with your loved one while watching a movie at home. It is necessary to think of some specific action of the characters in the film. When these actions are performed, kiss each other. For example, you can guess the following actions of the heroes: when the hero of the film drinks coffee, answers the phone, etc.
clockwork cube
The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The resulting number indicates what he will do if:
1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - squeeze, 5 - bite, 6 - lick.
The same player rolls the die a second time. The dropped number shows which part of the body he will do this with:
1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - forehead, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - neck.
It is better to write everything down on a piece of paper so as not to get confused.
Magic word game
Before a date, each of them must think of a word. If during a date someone utters a word conceived by another, then at the same moment he receives a kiss for this.
Draw and kiss
Draw lip prints on the girl's body. You can use lipstick, pastry paints, jam, cream, chocolate as a pencil... The next step is to kiss each print.
This is the same twister that you play with your friends. The only difference is that now you are doing it alone with your loved one and completely naked. Don't forget to hug each other tightly while playing. Although, even if you don't want to, it's a twister! Have to...
Reverse stripping
When you have a lot of time and Have a good mood, you can fool around a bit and dress up as each other. Each next thing will delight you more and more. Don't forget your underwear, it's the most fun.

Or just a pleasant pastime - there is something that each of the couple in love wants to organize for their loved one. Some resort to joint travel, others to unusual walks, the third invent something else.

It is an example of “something else” that can be games for couples in love. Haven't heard of this? Then be sure to read the article below. We promise - there will be no vulgarity.

Games for couples will refresh the senses

To begin with, let's pay attention to those games for lovers, where you have to "be active". Best Options such activities are described below.


Moderately mobile game, suitable for lovers who are already at a solid stage of communication. The essence of this entertainment is as follows:

  • The lovers determine among themselves which items they wear, they will consider clothing. For example, are socks two items or one?
  • After that, the playing couple tosses a coin or otherwise determines which of them will start the game.
  • Then each of them, of course, taking into account the previous lot, takes off things one by one and puts them somewhere. Whoever stops first or completely undresses, loses.

Duelists are exactly the kind of game that, perhaps, will not only entertain lovers, but also develop into something more ...

Fancy dances

The main thing is not to quarrel when determining the winner

In order to play this game, you will have to do some preparation. More precisely, you need to get four records (for playing music).

After that, already in the appropriate environment, you can start having fun. The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. Slow music starts first.
  2. Then the lovers place 2 or 4 plates between themselves and press against each other (it is advisable to place the plates without placing them one on top of the other, but place them separately).
  3. After that, the dance begins.
  4. By the middle of the game, you can speed up the tempo of the music. The one who loses is the one whose fault the last record falls.

The main thing in "unusual dances" is not to quarrel when determining the winner. If you succeed, consider that the entertainment was successful.

Reverse stripping

Such fun special difficulties doesn't have and is fun enough to spend. In the process of such a game, one "beloved" dressing up in the clothes of another "beloved" takes place. At will, the rules of the game can be modified and modernized.

Entertainment of this kind is valuable because it has no winner and is aimed only at making a couple in love fool around, cheer up and just have a good time.


Perhaps a familiar game to many. Regarding the couple in love, this game can be upgraded. Most good example will put the twister card on the bed and already there play it with his beloved.

If desired, the rules of such entertainment, again, can be modified. For example, playing naked or partially naked. In general, it all depends on the imagination and desires of the couple.

love hide and seek

Games for couples in love - not only for young people, but also suitable for couples

The essence of this game has little in common with the usual hide and seek, because it is as follows:

  1. First, by drawing lots, the couple determines the "seeker".
  2. Secondly, the one who will be searched for takes two glasses and pours champagne into them.
  3. Thirdly, the "seeker" blindfolds his eyes with a non-translucent cloth.
  4. Fourthly, with his “equipment”, the “desired” couple finds a secluded place in the apartment or private room(of course, you should not climb into the closet).
  5. And fifthly, the search begins. The one they are looking for may well tell the “detective” by tapping glasses or whistling.

If the "love hide and seek" is completed successfully, you can drink champagne for brotherhood and continue spending time together.

As you can see, in active games for lovers there is where to "roam". The main thing is the desire to have fun and an initiative approach to business.

Mind Games

Romantic feelings need to be nourished with the appropriate emotions and mood!

Let's say you have a couple of intellectuals. In that case it will ideal option arrange entertainment for quick wits. Fortunately, for couples in love, there are many. Let's take a look at the top three.

Guess the word

Enough interesting entertainment associated with the organs of touch and directly with the ability to think. The essence of the game "Guess the word" is that on an open torso (preferably on the back), one of the couple in love makes a massage to the other.

In the intervals between the corresponding movements, the “masseur” must clearly write a specific word on the back of his beloved with his finger 2-3 times. Each of the couple does similar manipulations several times. Who guessed the most words or was close to it - won.


A game familiar to everyone without exception. Its essence is as follows:

  • One of the couple thinks of a word and writes it down on a piece of paper, after which he hides it nearby.
  • Then the same person tries to explain the conceived word to his beloved with the help of gestures.
  • 5 minutes are given for the explanation, and the leaf is used so that no one deceives each other.
  • Making "Pantonyms" even more interesting will help inventing punishments for those who did not guess the words. For example, to make coffee or massage to the winner. In general, if you wish, you can give free rein to your imagination.

Lottery of lovers

The essence of this game is that, before the start of the game, each of the couple writes down 10-15 questions regarding the life together of lovers (date of meeting, first kiss, etc.). After that, all questions from both lovers are placed in some container and mixed.

Then each of them in turn takes out a question from the container and, accordingly, answers. The game goes up last leaf. The winner is determined by the number of given answers: whoever answered better and more correctly, then won.

To increase the interest of entertainment, you can also come up with a punishment for the loser or something like that.

Romantic entertainment options

At the end of the article, let's talk about, perhaps, the most important thing for any couple in love -. As for romantic entertainment, there are a lot of them, but the most interesting ones are represented by the following list:

clockwork cubes

So, for this entertainment, take two leaves and two dice. On each sheet, make a numbered list, on one of them write six actions (kiss, squeeze, bite, lick, etc.), and on the other six parts of the body (lips, forehead, cheek, nose, etc.).

Then, alternately throwing the dice, do what you get. Perhaps you will play too much, and the entertainment will grow into something more ...

Magic word

The game is extremely simple, requiring only two actions:

  • Secretly with your loved one, think of words from everyday life (one word each).
  • During a date, keep track of whether your soul mate pronounces the word you have guessed or not.
  • If so, feel free to kiss without warning.

Drawing and kissing

Also, everything is very simple. One of the couple draws 5 imprints of lips on his body, and the other must kiss them directly on the drawn imprint. Whoever does it faster wins.


Entertainment great for couples who love together. To play “movie buffs”, it is enough for lovers to think of one or two actions, during which they will kiss by the characters of the films. Thus, it is very easy to add variety to your favorite movies, making your vacation even more relaxing.

small bottle

The game takes place according to the familiar principle. At the same time, in order to improve it, it is necessary to write any intimate actions on 10 leaves, after hitting them with a bottle, the person twisting it must perform those regarding his beloved.

Perhaps this is the most interesting games everything for couples. We hope the above information was helpful to you. Love and happiness!

Board game In Love - game review:

In contact with

The older we get, the more seriousness and formality appears in us. We are trying to control everything, to lead everything, we have no time for fun. And then we transfer all this into our personal lives: we build serious, strong, stable relationships, which in the end are more like business ones. They lose their original carelessness, joy and lightness.

But there is a way out of every situation. Organize a romantic and playful evening for two, spice it up with cute pranks and spicy entertainment. Release your inner child, drop all worries, allow yourself to flirt, flirt with each other and just feel.

For such an evening, a variety of games for lovers are perfect. There is no competition for the championship, there are no losers. There are only seething emotions, feelings and closeness of two people.

"Find Your Love"

At the beginning of the evening (or maybe even the whole game day) go back to the past when we were lonely and looking for our soul mate. We are looking for her again, but already in a more limited space (room, apartment, garden country house, forest lawn, etc.).

The one who will search is blindfolded. And the second participant picks up two glasses of champagne, looks for a “secluded” place and stays there throughout the game. You can find it by the clink of glasses. When the "seeker" with his eyes closed raises his hand up, the one who is hiding should clink glasses. But you can only do this three times. The goal is to find a partner and share a sparkling drink with him.

Variations: To give sounds, you can use a bell or just say "I love you." If the search space is too small or you can navigate it very well with your eyes closed, then limit the number of sounds given or expand the area, outlining the boundaries of permitted movement. In the latter case, be careful "on the corners" so as not to overshadow the evening with an accidentally stuffed bump.

"Will of Fate"

At first, relationships develop by themselves, no one is completely sure of anything, so everything takes its course.

"Mystery Cubes"

For this game, you will need pre-purchased or made dice. On each side of one of the cubes, parts of the body are written: for example, lips, neck, arm, forehead, etc. And on the other, actions are indicated: kiss, stroke, pinch, bite, etc. Everyone in turn rolls the dice and gets a combination to perform - kiss the forehead, pinch the hand, and the like.

Variations: Dice can be replaced by cards, dividing them into two groups - body parts and actions. This option allows you to increase the number of possible final combinations.

"Sharp Kiss"

This game will allow you not only to rely on chance, but to try to direct it in a certain direction. Basically, it's a game of darts. But on the field, instead of points, we place the same cards with body parts. Wherever you go, kiss there.

Variations: Instead of inscriptions with the names of body parts, place an outline of a human figure on the wall and kiss your partner at the point on the body that corresponds to the hit of the dart. For a surprise effect, throw a dart while blindfolded.

"At my will"

When you get to know a person better, you begin to understand what suits you in him, and what you would like to “correct”. With mutual trust and openness, everything is simple: we decided, discussed, and resolved the issue. Like in games of desire.


We place cards with previously prepared desires in a circle and rotate the “arrow”, which can be any spinning handy tool including a bottle of champagne. We lay out the cards in two different circles - separately with the desires of one partner and the other, or we mix everything together. It’s even more interesting, because it may turn out that you will have to fulfill your own written desire.

Variations: The right to “turn the drum” must be earned. How - choose at your discretion. For example, it may be given to someone who has won some other game. Luck will smile on the lucky one with the most points. But one should be careful with the selection of the qualifying test, so as not to turn the evening into a gaming club. Prefer simple Tetris, match-3 or two-player games, use the old familiar fun: sea ​​battle, tic-tac-toe, card fool.

"Closer to the Body"

Every established and proven relationship sooner or later passes from knowledge inner peace to understanding the physical. We move on.

"38 parrots"

Probably everyone remembers soviet cartoon how the boa constrictor was measured. Removal of measurements - great way get to know the body. Parrots, of course, are not required. But you can use everything that your imagination is enough for - a matchbox, sweets, rose petals, kisses. What will we measure? Of course, the volume of the chest, waist, hips. If desired, the "route" is changed.


Also a well-known game, but with slightly modified rules. As usual, one person hides some object, for example, a gift for the second half. The task of the seeker is to find a surprise, using the hints of the hider. In our case, they will not be verbal, but emotional. For example, when “cold” - the one who hid the object does not express anything, “warmer” - begins to stroke the partner, “hot” - kisses. Everyone chooses their manifestations of "warmth", and the second participant must correctly solve them.

Variations: If the thing is not too voluminous, then it can be hidden on the body, for example, in clothes. Searching by touch will turn into a very exciting tactile entertainment.

"Alone in the World"

When feelings are mutual, bring happiness and pleasure, they absorb a person headlong. Only the two of you and your love remain in the world.

Perhaps at the end of the evening you want to take a walk, visit a restaurant or go to the movies. But this does not mean at all that the romantic games end there.

"Sweet Word/Sweet Action"

Before going outside, each of the partners thinks of a certain word. Then, throughout the evening, if the partner pronounces the word you have in mind, then you instantly kiss him. It doesn't matter where you are or how many people are around you. Nuance: if you want more kisses, try to guess what word your partner has thought of and repeat it as often as possible.

And when you go to watch a movie, think of some action of the characters together (eat, dance, laugh). And when these actions are performed in the film, kiss each other.

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