Why mobile data is not connected. What to do if mobile Internet does not work on Android

garden equipment 15.10.2019
garden equipment

The ability to “dive” into the Internet at any moment to find the necessary information, check mail or just for fun has become a familiar and even necessary reality of modern life.

It becomes even more offensive when access to the mobile Internet suddenly disappears. And according to the unwritten "law of meanness" this happens just when it is especially needed. So, let's talk about the causes of Internet access failures and the possibilities of its restoration.

Problem in the router

If you are not using mobile Internet (from a mobile operator), but a Wi-Fi connection through a router connected to a fixed line, then most likely the reason is a router failure. To restore communication, just turn off and turn on the router, after which the connection is restored.

In order to use secure WiFi connection, you need to connect by entering a password local network devices. Without knowing this password, you will not be able to connect to the router and use it to access the Internet.

There is, of course, another way out - to try to make an antenna to receive a free Wi-Fi signal from the nearest distribution point. It is not difficult to find such a router in a large city - they are usually equipped with cafes and restaurants, educational establishments, libraries, some state institutions etc.

Many "craftsmen" are now using this to get access to completely free internet by connecting to these distribution points using homemade antennas and signal amplifiers.

Coverage problem

Mobile Internet depends on mobile network coverage, signal strength, station congestion and other factors. Therefore, if the Internet on your mobile phone suddenly disappeared, try:

Check for a network - if it has disappeared, the Internet will not work either;

Check the signal level - too weak a signal may be insufficient for a full exchange of data packets;

Try to open other sites - perhaps the problem is in the address of the site you want to visit.

If you find out that the Internet really does not work due to the lack of a mobile network, nothing can be done - you will either have to change your location and look for an area in which there is a strong reception of the mobile station signal, or put up with the inability to use the usual service.

Phone problem

The more complex the device, the easier it fails - this axiom also works in relation to mobile phones. There may have been some kind of malfunction in the operating system of your smartphone - to fix it, try turning your phone off and on again. Often after that, the connection is resumed, and you can freely use the Internet.

If this is your first time accessing the Internet from this phone, you need to check the settings and parameters specified in the corresponding section.

All mobile operators send Internet settings automatically, but for some rare models, sometimes you have to manually set the settings. To do this, it is better to contact a specialist in the service department of your mobile operator.

The rarest case is a hardware malfunction, i.e. phone itself. Here, the possibility of recovery can only be assessed by a specialist in the repair of devices.

Account problem

This happens not so rarely - you simply forgot to top up your phone account or mobile Internet account on time, and the operator turned it off as soon as the money ran out.

The problem will be solved as soon as you get to the nearest recharge terminal and deposit the required amount into your account.

Let's analyze this situation: you connected to the router from your phone, the Android system shows that Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work. In addition, the network icon shows that the signal is excellent, and no online program is functioning. In our article, we will consider options for solving this problem.


Unfortunately, there can be no unambiguous solution in this situation, and this is the whole difficulty. We will describe obvious solutions for the most common reasons why the Internet does not work on the phone.

Important nuances

Before you start looking for a problem in your phone, we strongly recommend that you perform some actions; at the same time, it may turn out that the problem is not in your device, but in the router or even the provider.

  1. Make sure that your Internet access service is paid for by the operator.
  2. Check if the Internet is working on your computer, which is connected via cable.
  3. Try connecting any other device to the router via Wi-Fi and access the Internet through it.

If at any stage you have difficulties, most likely the malfunction is not in your Android. If everything went well, then proceed to setting up Android.

Rebooting the Router

If your router has not been turned off or rebooted for a long time, then during long continuous operation it may fail. They can manifest themselves in completely different ways, for example: two Android devices are connected to Wi-Fi, but the Internet is distributed to one of them, and it does not work on the other.

Rebooting the mobile device

The situation described for the router also applies to your tablet or phone: there may be failures in software. To fix minor problems, the easiest way is to reboot, after which they are automatically fixed by the system.

Reconnecting to the network

This means not just turning off the network module, and then turning it on again and waiting for reconnection, but doing it through the settings: “Forget network”, and then reconnecting by entering the password (if any).

On Android 6.0.1, this is done in the following way:

  • Go to settings.
  • Select "Wi-Fi".
  • Find the name of your network and pinch it until a list of actions appears.
  • Select "Delete this network"
  • Next, tap on the same network and select "Connect" by entering a password in advance (if one has been set).

Setting the correct date

A date that does not correspond to the real date on your smartphone can also be the reason for the situation when Wi-Fi does not work on the phone: Wi-Fi is connected, but there is no Internet on Android. Check - if the date is really wrong, you can change it as follows:

  • Select "Date and time" in the settings.
  • Activate the checkboxes opposite the items “Use network time” and “Use network time zone”, although the second item is not so mandatory.

After that your real time will be requested from your carrier's network and become true.

If there are other wireless gadgets in the room, they can interfere with your smartphone or tablet with their signal. We recommend changing the channel in the router settings.

Due to the wide variety of manufacturers of routers, we cannot provide universal instructions for changing the channel: for this, refer to the user manual of your model.

In our case, TP-Link was used: it was necessary to go to the administrative menu in “Wireless”> “Wireless Settings” and change the channel to any other, then click on “Save”, as shown in the figure.

In the router settings, you need to select WPA2-PSK protection and AES encryption in the "Automatic" modes. This mode is guaranteed to ensure successful connection of most devices.

Signal strength test

If you and your device are not close enough to the access point and the Wi-Fi icon shows that the signal is weak, in rare cases this may cause a problem with the Internet. Try to get closer to the broadcast source and see if the situation changes for the better.

Web Authorization Check

If you are not using your home Internet, but simply connected to a password-free point, then most likely this is the Internet of some company that uses protection not by setting a password for the connection, but through web authorization. That is, you can easily connect to an access point, but no program will show that you are online. To check this, just open your browser and go to some page. If there is indeed web authorization, then you will be automatically redirected to the authorization window.

Changing a static IP address

And the last step in solving the problem is to try changing the address that the router issues to your version. This is done as follows:

  • In the Wi-Fi settings, click on the name of the desired network.
  • Tap on "Change Network".

Good time everyone!

Today it is impossible to imagine a phone without an Internet connection. (at least for most): part of the functionality will simply be cut off (neither find out the weather, nor answer messages in social networks, nor overlook the latest news ...).

In general, the reasons for the lack of Internet on a mobile gadget are not so few. In this article I want to highlight the most basic of them (the most popular ones that almost all users face). I think the note will be very useful and will help you out in difficult times ...

And so, closer to the topic.


How to increase the volume on Android (too quiet, I miss calls) -

Reasons why the Internet does not work on the phone (Android)

This article, I think, should be divided into two parts: in one, to analyze problems with mobile Internet (the same 3G / 4G), in the other - when the Internet does not work through a Wi-Fi network.

No mobile internet

Is the balance in place?

Perhaps this is the first thing to start with. Even if you just deposited 1000 rubles yesterday. to the account - they could "evaporate" from it (for example, if yours - it could transfer funds to another number).

To check the balance, you can use your personal account on the operator's website, or use the following USSD requests (see the screen below):

  1. Megaphone: *100#
  2. Beeline: *102#
  3. Tele2: *105#
  4. MTS: *100#

Are you in a network coverage area

If you are outside a major city, please note that 4G (and maybe even 3G) may not work in this area. The territories of our country are quite large, and there are places where there may not even be a simple connection ...

In order to find out the coverage area of ​​​​your operator - just go to the official. website of your mobile operator and see the map. For example, MTS has it (see the screen below).

By the way, in this regard, it would also not be superfluous to pay attention to the signal level. For Android devices, this can be seen by the network icon at the top of the window (see example below).

Is the limit enabled in Android settings?

In the Android settings there is such a "trick" as limiting traffic when a certain limit is reached (i.e. the phone itself monitors statistics, and so that your balance does not go negative, it turns off mobile data transfer in time). True, usually a notification appears on the screen, and you should be aware that this is the reason ... (but you never know ...).

You can view the set limit and limit in the Android settings in the "Data transfer" section (see screenshot below). You can also set new options there.

Whether the traffic has ended (perhaps your tariff limits have been exhausted)

This is the most common reason for not having internet. Even a limit of several tens of gigabytes can be spent by watching a few online movies (for example).

You can find out the "remains" at your tariff - in personal account operator (or by calling the call center). At Megafon, for example, all this is quite simply organized: just open the appropriate tab in the personal account.

Check your internet settings

In some cases, the settings on the phone required to access the Internet are reset. The easiest way to get them again is by calling or sending a USSD request to the operator. Below is a small table with 4 popular operators in our country ...

You can, by the way, set these parameters manually (but in my opinion, this is troublesome). To do this, open the Android settings section "Points access APN", and enter following parameters from the table below (screenshot to help).

Parameter plate for large 4 operators.

SIM card problem

If you have purchased new phone, then they put in an old SIM card and found that the Internet was not working - perhaps the whole point is that you just need to replace it with a new one (this may also be required if you accidentally damaged it). Fortunately, operators give out new SIM cards for free (at least for now ...).

To double-check, you can remove the SIM card and insert it into another phone. Such a simple test will be able to tell you exactly what the problem is: with the device itself, or with the card...

No internet over Wi-Fi

Problems with accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi are a separate "mansion" (that's why I put them in a separate category).

Note! If you want to connect your phone (on Android) to WiFi networks, but he does not see it - check out this instruction:

Is the date and time wrong?

This is the first and very popular reason. And, to clarify, check not only the time itself, but also the time zone, date formats. Try to set them manually and then check the network.

Pay attention to security apps

Often, when access to Wi-Fi can be blocked by antiviruses (especially when the maximum level of protection is enabled). Most often this applies to public Wi-Fi networks, somewhere in parks or airports (antiviruses strongly dislike them, considering them rather "leaky" through which personal data can leak).

During testing, you can disable the antivirus (or add your home network to the list of trusted ones).

Try deleting the Wi-Fi network in the settings and reconnect to it. You can do this in the section "wi-fi" .

ISP's DNS servers crashed

To replace them, just open the settings of the Wi-Fi network to which you are connected and specify DNS from Google (they will definitely be no worse than from your Internet provider). In my example, I specified and

Addition to the above!

If none of the above tips helped you, it may be worth trying to reset all phone settings to factory settings (i.e., perform a Hard Reset). I note that in this case, all user data will be deleted (you must first backup them), but at the same time, all parameters (including those responsible for the operation of the Internet) will be reset (Which usually solves the problem if it's not related to the phone's hardware...).


How to reset Android settings to factory settings (i.e. delete all data from your phone, tablet) -

That's all for now...

Alternative solutions in the comments are welcome!

Non-working access to the World Wide Web is a very common problem today, so many people today are looking on the Internet for why the Internet does not work on their phone.

Moreover, this is true for all, without exception, operators that are only on the territory. Russian FederationMTS, Megaphone, Tele 2, Beeline and others.

Although, the problem may not be in the operator, but in the smartphone.

On devices running Android platform this is a very common problem.

In any case, it would be useful to understand what are the causes and solutions to this phenomenon.

Banal reasons

Let's start with some of the most banal reasons why Mobile Internet may not work.

  • Negative balance on the phone. To exclude this option, you should check how much money you have in your account. The method may differ depending on the operator.
    To find out how to check the status of the account on your phone, you should contact the operator. Most often, the SIM card has both a balance number and an operator number.
  • The subscriber is outside the network coverage area. Another very simple and common reason. To exclude this option, you should look at the network indicator in your smartphone. An example of this can be seen in Figure 2.
    To fix this problem, there is only one way out - to go where the device can normally catch the signal. By the way, a weak network can cause the Internet to simply work very slowly..

  • The "Data Transfer" option is not enabled in the settings. All modern smartphones have this option. You can easily turn it off in the settings.
    True, depending on the specific smartphone model, the location of this item will be completely different. For example, in phones with a platform android it can be found in this way:
    • go to settings;
    • select the item "More ..." (Figure No. 3.a);
    • go to the "Mobile network" menu (Figure No. 3.b);
    • check the box next to the item "Mobile data transfer" (Figure No. 3.c).

As mentioned above, in different operating systems this item will be in different places, but its name will always be approximately the same.

  • There was no automatic registration in the network after it was not there for some time. Such a phenomenon may occur after the subscriber leaves the subway or simply returns from places where the Internet did not work.
    This is especially true for networks 3G. In this case, there is also one and only way to fix everything, and it consists in rebooting your device, that is, turning it off and on again.
    Depending on the phone models this process occurs in different ways, see the instructions.

Lost settings

To exclude this option, you should go to the Internet settings on your phone and find the items there related to the APN, that is, the access point.

Depending on the model, the location of this item may also differ, but APN will remain APN anyway.

  1. Request settings from the operator.
  2. Manually set up the network connection.

The easier option is, of course, the first one. To find out how to request these settings, you should contact your operator or visit your mobile operator's website.

Information on the most common of them can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Request numbers for obtaining Internet settings for the most popular mobile operators in Russia

As for the rest of the operators, you will need to call the operator and ask him how to get automatic Internet settings.

In most cases, the settings will be set automatically and the user will not even notice it.

Only at the end will he receive a message with the following content: “Congratulations! Internet settings on your phone have been set successfully."

It happens that an SMS arrives, upon reading which the "Install" button appears.

Accordingly, you must click on it and the settings will be installed.

Manual network setup

With manual adjustment, everything is somewhat more complicated. An example of finding access point settings on Android phones can be seen below.

Step 1. We go to the settings, then select the "More ..." item, which is shown in Figure No. 3.a, then select "Mobile network" (Figure No. 3.b).

Step 2 In the menu that opens, open the "Access Point (APN)" item, as shown in Figure No. 4.a.

Step 3 Click on the button to add a new access point. Usually it consists of a simple "+" sign, as shown in Figure 4.b.

Step 4 Fill in the fields "Name", "APN", "Username", "Password", which are highlighted in Figure No. 4.c.

As for the values ​​of these fields, you should also find out about them from the operator, for each network they are completely different.

For the most popular operators, the values ​​of these fields can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Internet settings for the most popular operators in Russia

These menu items may be completely different depending on the phone. There are other reasons why the Internet does not work well or does not work at all.

The Sony Xperia 261j phone is almost awkward to connect, and from the very beginning, in order to fix the problem, the board was replaced, but it didn’t get any better, replacing the SIM also didn’t bring any result, I don’t know what to do, advise what to do?

Good afternoon! My DNS S4705 phone is already a year old and some communication problems have begun to arise. I have a 2-sim phone. 1 sim card megaphone is used for the Internet, 2 beelines for calls and sms, and so in the middle of the day or in the evening, the connection for calls and sms first disappears, and then the Internet also disappears. Tell me what to do?

Good afternoon, perhaps in the evening you are in the zone of an unstable communication signal. Try turning off 3G mode, reception cellular communication should improve.

I can not switch to dual mode, gsm mode is selected now, the network mode is foggy how to switch to dual mode, please tell me the phone brand HUAWEI Y511-U30

Hello. I bought a smartphone HTC 516 dual SIM. Lost 3g internet. Before that, there was a Lenovo 680 with this SIM card in the same area, everything worked. Changed the settings as I could, does not help. Tell me please.

Good afternoon, on the Lenov S960 phone, the network is being restored, I am restoring the factory settings again, it is catching it, it is completely discharged and the network is selling, the reboot does not help, and changing the sim too

Hello! Please tell me why on Android my network disappears, and in order for it to reappear, you need to restart the tablet?

Hello! Please tell me, my phone has an iPhone 5 with the network disappearing. in different places. when on the road it disappears on different bridges and overpasses. but by flat road norms. and in the rooms such nonsense. I reboot the phone even changed the SIM card. but the problem remains

Hello, you may be using your phone in an area of ​​poor network reception. Make sure you have a strong network signal in the area.

Hello, the phone lost connection when I tore off the stickers on the back of the phone! What should I do?

Hello, perhaps this sticker was an antenna. AT this case diagnostics is needed.

2 days ago I bought an Alcatel one touch idol 2 phone, before that there was fly on both phones, the MegaFon SIM card network disappears every day and is not restored, after rebooting the phone everything is fine again. It says "emergency calls only". How to deal with it?

Good afternoon, it is possible that in the area where you use the phone, the reception of the cellular network signal is not reliable. Try changing the SIM card to a new one, or to a SIM card from another mobile operator.

I have a simple android. The network mode function is foggy and does not work. Why? If even when updating the whole phone, it remains the same

Good afternoon, perhaps the radio unit is damaged on the phone or the phone does not support mode switching.

Good day! The problem is, the network disappeared and does not appear anymore. Missing IMEI can this be related to this and how to restore it? Thanks everybody!

Good afternoon, Since the IMEI has disappeared, the phone cannot register with the base stations of the operators, so it does not see the network. IMEI often "flies" when updating the software of "gray" phones. It is possible to restore the programmer, but not always possible.

Good afternoon, Vasily. Try changing the sim card to a new one. Make sure you have good network and 3G reception in the area.

Good afternoon! I have a situation like this. Unstable network. The Internet, that is, it does not exist. I reboot either the phone or the network, first there are 15 seconds and then it disappears again. Sometimes it suddenly appears where it was not, sometimes it disappears where it was just before. What it is? fly era phone

Hello, I bought a phone yesterday, for 2 SIM cards, while I use one, this one constantly jumps the network, basically one stick then 2 then 3! Well, there is a connection of calls! Please tell me is this normal?

Hello Julia. Make sure that the area where you use the phone has good network reception. If possible, install a SIM card from another carrier.

Good afternoon! Lost internet on phone. I turn on the Internet, everything is fine, the 4G icon is on, everything works. After some time, he writes "No mobile network signal", but I can call. Samsung S4 phone.
P.S. The problem started after a software update, before that there were no problems.

Good day, Sergey! The software update may not have happened correctly, try resetting the phone settings (attention: user data will be deleted in this case, make a backup copy). Also try replacing the SIM card. Make sure your phone is within a good signal range.

Please tell me, my phone tekhet x-medium lost connection and no longer appears. What could it be and how can I fix it ?????????????????????

Good afternoon, the connection could be lost due to a faulty radio module, bring it for diagnostics.

Hello, please tell me what can be done if the phone does not support 3G? Are there any options to connect

Hello! Please help! , and everyone writes about this shortcoming, that is, that this 3G module disappears, and then it doesn’t work at all. Please tell me what can be done, can it be reflashed, will it help? I live in the Irkutsk region, Korshunovsky village, 3G connection catches well in our village

Good afternoon, if you are confident in good, stable 3G signal reception, then the problem is probably in the software. A flashing will be required. It is also possible that the radio unit itself may be faulty.

Hello, help me, the network does not disappear, but I can’t call on the premises and sms and the Internet also doesn’t catch the network, but only on the street you can use it

In the premises you need to set the automatic mode, in the premises it does not catch "only 3G", it catches only automatic, i.e. "2G-3G"

Good afternoon, I can not switch the phone to 3G On Lenovo A516, help.

Good afternoon. In order to enable 3G, you need to go to the settings, select the network mode - network settings - select GSM / WCDMA (automatic mode).

I bought an iPhone 5s for a month and it worked fine, but then the Internet suddenly began to disappear and the connection jumped.

Good afternoon, it is possible that these are malfunctions of the cellular operator (base stations) or the signal power amplifier has failed, you can find out by handing it over for diagnostics.

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