Organization of a system of motivation and incentives at the enterprise. Step-by-step instructions for developing a personnel motivation system

garden equipment 21.09.2019
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One of the most important parts in personnel management is the motivation of employees in the enterprise, since their behavior depends entirely on incentives. Orientation of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise is in fact the most important task of personnel management. One of the ways to control the behavior of personnel located at different levels of the hierarchical pyramid is to stimulate labor. .

There is no clear and generally accepted definition of the concept of motivation. Different authors define motivation based on their point of view.

Motive as the basis of motivation, according to Professor Vikhansky O.S. - inside the person. In other words, a motive is an ideal image in the inner plane of a person's consciousness. This is not to say that this is just a perfect performance. This is an energetically saturated image of a necessary, need-significant object. .

Motivation can be any human need. As Aleksey Nikolaevich Leontiev, a classic in the psychology of activity, rightly noted, only as a result of a meeting of a need with an object that meets it, for the first time does it become capable of directing and regulating activity. A good can become a stimulus for labor if there is a motive for labor. In other words, each worker seeks to obtain this or that benefit through labor activity. . Of course, there are management bodies that have a set of benefits necessary for the employee and provide them to him under the condition of effective labor activity.

The main functions of effective incentives are:

  • - economic;
  • - social;
  • - psychological.

According to Serbinovsky B. Yu. “Motivation is the motivation of people to activity”. We can absolutely say that all definitions of motivation are similar in one thing: motivation is understood as active driving forces that determine the behavior of living beings. On the one hand, there is an urge imposed from without, and on the other hand, the urge itself. It should be noted that human behavior is always motivated. To motivate employees means to affect their important interests, needs for something.

It is generally recognized and widespread, even among wide circles of economists, a slightly different definition of motivation, which, for example, was outlined in their book by the authors of the Fundamentals of Management:

“Motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization,” it follows from these words that motivation is aspiration, motivation, internal mental processes, and this definition clearly states that motivation is an external influence on a person, which in a certain sense is similar to the concept of stimulation. .

These functions most fully cover progressive social relations, being the impact on the control object. In accordance with the goals set, the impact involves the creation of some kind of external situation that encourages an employee or group to act. In this case, people themselves are free to choose exactly those actions that will create all the necessary and sufficient conditions. A change in labor indicators entails an increase in the level of satisfaction of any needs of an object or a decrease in the completeness of their satisfaction. .

A well-established process of stimulating labor leads to the fact that labor collectives can function effectively for an unlimited amount of time without the intervention of a management body. .

Direct arbitrariness from the side this body no, since each employee has the right to independently choose the line of his behavior. Whatever the choice, it implies the existence of alternatives, as well as their evaluation based on one's own preferences.

Taking into account the interests of personnel, groups of employees, the level of their satisfaction, this is what incentives involve as a management method. Do not forget that the needs of individuals, even those who are part of the same social system, are not the same.

The following definitions are also found in the literature:

Motivation - stimulation to activity, the process of encouraging oneself and others to work, influencing human behavior to achieve personal, collective and social goals.

Motivation is a set of external and internal driving forces that encourage a person to carry out activities aimed at achieving certain goals, with the expenditure of certain efforts, with a certain level of diligence, conscientiousness and perseverance.

The need alone cannot induce an employee to any specific actions. But when there is an object that can satisfy it, the need can control behavior, direct and regulate human activity. Awareness of needs causes interests, desires, aspirations, drives.

The motivation system is based on direct exchange, in three cases:

  • - symmetry, when, in the presence of a contract for payment of non-gratuitous labor, the efforts of one of the parties imply compensatory actions of the other;
  • - equivalence, the presence of a contractual relationship between action and reward that suits both parties;
  • - guarantee, requires both parties to unquestioningly comply with obligations in relation to each other.

Of course, the main place in stimulating and motivating the work of an employee is occupied by wages. It is she who is the main source of increasing the well-being of the working people, because it makes up three-quarters of their income. As the basic form of the necessary product, it is distributed according to the quantity and quality of labor expended and its individual and collective results.

Despite the similarities between motivation and stimulation, there are certain differences. It is they who leave their mark on the effectiveness of the actions of the leader in relation to the staff.

So that a person, and more often a group of people, performs the assigned tasks. As a result, the manager will receive a result for the company.

Motivation, first of all, concerns the inner world of a person, his needs, interests. External motivation is also present. The manager, colleagues, relatives or friends can act as external motivators. For example, a friend has achieved good results in his career. A person has an interest to prove himself and win this unspoken competition.

The task of the leader in managing motivation is quite extensive. On the one hand, it is important to choose main factor. For some it's money, for others it's money and recognition. For the third, money and a good team (communication, emotions). The manager is also obliged to interest the employee in the task itself.

Even if there is an impact of external factors on motivation, they still pass through an internal prism. A person asks a question, correlates with how interesting or profitable it is for him. Moreover, it is beneficial from the point of view of satisfying needs.

As you can see, motivation is quite complex and deep process. Managing motivation even in a small team is difficult. Therefore, most leaders do it easier.

Stimulation is a simpler mechanism. It does not require the head of a deep study of their employees. This is where the term “average model” comes into play. In principle, every person has physiological, social and emotional needs. It's just that each person has a different degree of importance of these factors. And along with the status, income, this ratio can change. Tracking such processes is a delicate psychological work, for which there is not always time.

Stimulation is the process of external influence on an employee in order to get a result from him or perform some part of the work. No wonder the word incentive comes from the Latin name of the stick, which was used to drive working cattle. Theoretically, incentives are an additional tool for personnel management. But in practice, it often becomes the main, and even the only one.

What questions will you find answered in this article?

  • How to develop a staff motivation system

When implementing personnel motivation systems The General Director should not be limited only to the position of the personnel service - it is necessary to take into account the needs of his employees. Thanks to a better understanding of their employees, the effectiveness of the personnel motivation system in the organization will be much higher. In a small company, such measures are quite acceptable and simple, but they become much more complicated in the practice of large enterprises - a significant amount of work remains to be done. In the work of such companies, it is recommended to combine different methods of stimulation. We will pay special attention to them in order to understand in more detail how to develop a system of motivation for staff.

Development of a personnel motivation system step by step

Step #1. Training. The General Director needs to inform the employees about the plans of the company, to consider specific activities (in particular, during the general meeting). Such a meeting for all employees of a large enterprise turns out to be quite difficult, so you can instruct the director of personnel or PR staff to write a letter on behalf of the general director - to set out the provisions of upcoming events in a detailed and accessible form.

Step #2. Studying your staff. The Human Resources department needs to report on categories of employees. This document will allow you to understand the general portrait of your team - understanding age groups, education, experience, specialization, etc. In the report, you need to indicate which departments of the company work to support daily activities, which ones work for the result.

Step #3. Analysis of employee motivation systems from other companies. The human resources department or marketers must determine the salaries and compensation packages in competing companies for their personnel of a similar group. Based on the analysis, incentives can be set that will suit the work of your company.

Step number 4. Survey of employees. At this stage, a survey of employees is to be conducted (it can be based on an anonymous survey). You can suggest prioritization of different types of incentives. For convenience, it is possible to distribute different questionnaires, depending on the departments of your company. With this kind of analytics CEO together with the head of the human resources department will be able to determine the appropriate incentives for staff.

Step number 5. Informing staff. After the survey and before the introduction of your motivation system, it is imperative to inform employees - tell them about the timing of the introduction of innovations, planned measures. Because employees may otherwise feel cheated.

Examples of personnel motivation systems

Example #1. Inna Samoilova, Analyst of Gradient Alfa group of companies (Moscow). We had to reorient activities in connection with the growth of one of the companies. It required the development of new software products, with a change in the duties of employees. To reduce resistance from the staff, it was decided to provide bonus funds and expand the social package. But they did not pay attention at all to informing employees about the company's strategy and its work goals.

The employees did not have the main thing for success - the trust of the General Director, there was no consistency in the orders of the head. The manager's actions were interpreted as a "bribe", a negative direction of the "motivation system" arose, which led to the departure of several valuable specialists.

Example #2. Alexey Dmitriev, Corporate Development Director of the Enter retail chain (Moscow). Since January 2012, our company has introduced the Olympiad gaming program to motivate employees. The motivation measures taken, including this program, made it possible to achieve employee engagement at the level of 83%, exceeding the average market indicators by 10%. Improving the personnel motivation system allowed our company to receive a gold award in the framework of the international competition IntranetInnovation Awards ( see Personnel motivation system - for the sake of achieving new indicators).

Personnel motivation system - for the sake of achieving new indicators

Alexey Dmitriev, Corporate Development Director of the Enter retail chain, Moscow

Business for its successful activity needs not just professional employees, but a real team of like-minded people. For this, a motivation program was formed - with the provision of points to employees who are recorded in the internal social network of our organization. 30 winners (about 1.2% of the staff) each quarter receive a trip for 3-5 days as a reward.

Given the different tasks of employees, it is problematic to objectively compare the results of their work. Therefore, quotas are allocated for subdivisions, taking into account their number. For each division, an individual set of criteria for obtaining points is introduced. Let's consider some "Olympic disciplines" within the framework of this program.

"Golden fever". The participants in this game are only front-line divisions, retail, delivery departments, a warehouse and a contact center. In addition to awarding points to employees, they are also given cash bonuses. A competition is held among the same units from different regions (stores against stores, teams in the warehouse, delivery with delivery, etc.). The list of criteria in this competition depends on the goals of the company at the current moment. In particular, to increase sales jewelry. So that employees do not forget about the event and information to achieve victory, we send reminders by e-mail, publish data on bulletin boards and the corporate website. The Department corporate development each month publishes a rating on the achievement of reporting goals. Distinguished subdivisions are given a financial bonus of 72,000 rubles. The department itself will already distribute the money between employees - 100 points are awarded for each of them (other departments are given only points, without money - depending on the place in the ranking). Immediately, the bonus is paid only for delivery service employees - in equal installments during the quarter. With this long-term system, it is possible to retain employees from departments with a high level of turnover.

"Imago". This program is aimed at collecting ideas from employees aimed at improving business processes and developing the company. The system used to be based on self-regulation - a potentially interesting idea is put to the vote of employees. Taking into account their votes, a rating of ideas was compiled - by grading on the corporate portal.

But a year ago, the approach would have been changed - they relied not on ideas that employees simply want to offer, but on projects that would improve the company's efficiency. We are waiting for not only interesting and useful ideas, and proposals already ready for implementation. We collect them in the corresponding section of the portal in three ways:

  1. Employees provide feedback on business processes (from operations in the warehouse to recruitment), they also publish their feedback and comments on the problems that they have identified as customers of our company. For such feedback, experts (top managers, heads of the relevant direction) give employees points (the number of points is calculated according to the formula: utility score x 2).
  2. Employees describe their experience in solving typical problems in the company's work. They will also receive appropriate points for this information - the accrual scheme is similar, the score is 1-5, which is multiplied by two. If another employee takes over this experience by posting a photo report about it, he will also be awarded points.
  3. 1-2 times a month, on average, managers hold competitions to solve an urgent problem. When informing employees, it is necessary to warn about the date of acceptance of proposals (as a rule, the duration of the competition is 2 weeks). You can find a list of current and recently held competitions on home page our section "Imago" (on the corporate website).

Workshops. We introduced this project even before the start of the Olympics. However, the points accrued here are included in the overall Olympic standings. Workshop topics are formulated at the request of employees (with the placement of wishes on the corporate portal). In particular, last year employees asked for a master class on conducting real estate rental transactions. After-hours workshops are organized on the premises of the company - an Internet broadcast is organized for regional offices. Conducting and participating in such workshops will also be awarded additional points.

Confession. Every month, department heads choose 1-2 employees who have shown super results over the past period. Recognition involves subjective evaluation. For example, in order to recognize the manager, the employee decided on his own initiative to do the work of a colleague who took a vacation. We give out medals to the selected employees - for example, “Number One of December in June”, “Best Employee of July”, etc. We present medals as part of a solemn ceremony in the conference hall - to the applause of the team and the famous Queen song “We are the champions”. In addition to the medal and recognition, employees also receive points for their Olympic standings.

Thank you letter to family. We send this letter by mail to the spouses or parents of employees who have been awarded the medal. Parents are simply impressed by such an award - the awardees themselves say.

Example #3. Vladimir Kamenetsky, General Director and owner of the SoftBalance group of companies (St. Petersburg). The "trump card" in the system of personnel motivation: employees need to be given freedom, and they can handle the rest on their own. To effectively motivate employees, it is necessary to provide more working freedom, including in choosing preferred methods for solving their problems, creating a convenient work schedule, determining the composition of their project teams, etc.

  1. Minimum orders from above. But at the same time, the formation of goals and the definition of areas of responsibility deserve special attention. Consider the example of office managers, whose area of ​​responsibility is represented by the reception, conference room and meeting rooms. Their task is to create a cozy and comfortable environment for guests so that they are in good mood. How to achieve such an effect is decided by the office managers themselves, they are determined with the appropriate design, decorations, purchase of accessories, depending on the event. In fact, any design is quite affordable financially - many tasks can be handled on your own. Office managers themselves draw up work instructions. This position is characterized by a high level of staff turnover - usually girls after 6-18 months go to work in other departments. Before transferring, they need to train their shift, draw up appropriate instructions. The situation is similar with other specialists - a lot of things are transferred at their discretion. Including determine how to write code, how to serve customers, etc. The company simply recommends that you follow the recommendations of more experienced employees.
  2. Rigid rules should be uncomfortable to disregard. Our company has strict rules, which are determined by the norms of the law, common sense or supplier regulations. Therefore, we take the necessary measures to make it extremely inconvenient, impossible or immediately noticeable to the management to violate such rules. If we talk about examples, then in the IT field they will be quite difficult to understand. Consider a simple case from life. My grandmother worked in a printing house. There, to start a powerful cutter, it was required to simultaneously press 2 buttons. However, due to their location, they had to spread their legs quite widely. Thanks to this principle, it was possible to eliminate the risk of the master accidentally falling under the knife.
  3. Free work schedule. For employees whose activities are not directly related to customer service, a free work schedule is offered. In our company, the number of such employees is more than half. The main condition is to maintain the timeliness and quality of work. Although, despite the free schedule, the majority chooses a standard schedule - it is much more interesting to work together with colleagues to discuss the news, ask for advice, and eat together.
  4. Independent decision-making on the use of profits. Each department has a development fund that can invest in attending a seminar, improving the existing IT infrastructure, organizing a picnic, etc. This fund usually makes up a third of the net profit of this department during the previous month (a third remains in the general fund of the company, a third is given to the head of the department like a premium). Although there are certain exceptions. At the disposal of divisions with a stable income remains half of the received net profit. For promising, although still unprofitable divisions - up to 80% of net profit. We leave all net profit for development to new departments. At the same time, we do not introduce restrictions on the terms of spending this fund. If a large purchase is necessary, the department may even go into negative territory.
  5. Demonstration of the best results. In my work different ways we cultivate and strive to support the desire of employees to provide the highest quality of work performed. In our work, it is extremely important that, based on the results of each new project, an employee in his qualifications reach a new level. First of all, we strive for more employees to learn about such examples of work. After reaching each excellent result a mailing list is provided, and a digest is published at the end of the month. Public praise from immediate supervisors is also required.
  6. Peer ratings. In our company, all tasks are recorded in the corporate information system. When an employee ticks the “Completed” checkbox, a notification is automatically sent to the customer – who must tick the “Verified” label. He will also be able to rate the implementation of the project in terms of quality, efficiency and effectiveness - a cheerful, neutral or sad emoticon is offered to choose from. A detailed comment may also be left. An employee receives such feedback on completed projects - the manager receives statistics. Given the subjectivity of such an assessment, they will not affect the premium, they simply help the employee improve their service.
  7. Thanks to colleagues. Each employee in a special section of the information system can thank his colleague working in another department. The head of the second employee receives a notification, so a bonus can be approved from the money of the unit fund.

Why the staff motivation system may not work

The first reason is the discrepancy between wages and the average level. At the enterprise, the salary should correspond to the average indicators for the region or industry for a similar position. Otherwise, there is a high probability of staff turnover and the need to regularly fill the vacancies that have arisen. Be sure to remember that the remuneration scheme should be formed by the company's specialists, and not by external consultants. This condition is mandatory.

In order for the salary to meet the expectations of employees, the HR service must regularly (at least once a year) organize labor market monitoring. Companies typically use one of the following methods:

  1. Purchase of the results of ready-made studies. But it should be understood that you cannot simply trust the data received. Market reviews can be performed on various samples. Including data on salaries only in Russian or only foreign companies, or companies that paid funds for participating in the survey, or for enterprises in a certain industry. Therefore, before using these results, HR employees should conduct their own additional analysis.
  2. Self-monitoring of the labor market. Enough difficult option, since many companies use gray wages. Monitoring can be entrusted to the HR service. In the staff of large or medium-sized companies, we recommend the involvement of a staff specialist in benefits and compensation. AT small companies data collection can be carried out by the deputy or secretary of the director.

The second reason is that bonuses are not related to the goals of the company. Among the common mistakes that can neutralize the entire motivation of the staff, there is a bonus scheme, which is not tied to the results and tasks of the company.

First of all, when forming bonus schemes, it is necessary to determine the goals for the employee - they must be related to the goals of the enterprise. I can recommend the following scheme how to develop a staff motivation system:

  1. The Board of Directors determines the goals of the company's activities for a certain period - in particular, for half a year.
  2. Bringing the goals to the CEO, who passes this information to the vice president, and so on. The global goal, as it is further transferred up the hierarchical ladder, should be divided into sub-goals by departments and employees.
  3. When sub-goals are set, a period for achieving them must be set. It is also necessary to form a methodology and criteria for assessing the achievement of the goal (quality of work).

Therefore, the bonus scheme will work if time frames are indicated and a clear scheme for evaluating results is established. Employees will know why they are given bonuses, how they themselves can influence the achievement of goals - this provides a rather powerful incentive to work.

CEO speaking

Dmitry Kolokatov, General Director of OJSC "Agrika Foods", Moscow

Quite often, inflated financial data is included in the plans of shareholders and CEOs - one of the most common mistakes. Managers are confident that employees will work more effectively in an effort to achieve these indicators. But in the end, only demotivation arises - employees become aware of the unreality of their plans, so there is no reason to spend a lot of time and effort to fulfill them.

Another common mistake- in the work of middle and lower managers who use motivation at the discretion of the head. In this case, the employee cannot objectively understand why he was given the bonus, and what needs to be done to receive it in the future.

There is also a problem in the form of overlapping assignments for departments or individual managers. The CEO believes that partially coinciding tasks will increase healthy competition. But in reality, there is a struggle of managers - either they strive to survive each other out of the company, or both stop working on the project.

Third reason- managers are not involved in the creation of motivation schemes. As long as there is no clear mechanism for evaluating the performance of employees by managers, it is not necessary to count on the effectiveness of bonus motivation. Therefore, the personnel department will have to tell managers about the principles for evaluating the work of employees, what benefits such a system of personnel motivation provides in the organization. The development and implementation of evaluation and bonus schemes should be carried out by the personnel service together with managers - so that both parties understand the process and achieve effective results.

The work of any enterprise depends entirely on the labor activity of its employees. At the same time, the efficiency of their work can and should be improved by various methods, the main of which is staff motivation. In successful companies, the development of a correct and effective motivation system is given special attention by managers and HR managers. Firms and executives who care about the needs and success of their employees tend to create a passionate and satisfied workforce.

Behind these words lie facts familiar to every employer. Applicants are in no hurry to get a job in the company. Young employees play the fool and are careless about the matter. The HR manager constantly receives complaints about the staff he has selected. Some of the experienced employees constantly send newsletters, the system administrator can spend hours telling the accountant why he will not fulfill his requests to simplify work in 1C, although the head of the IT department solves the problem in an hour. Applicants, especially those with no formal work experience, leave after being offered a probationary period informally. All these troubles and routines indicate serious problems with motivation and ideas about it. Of course, we will not do without a solid theory, but our material is designed to help you solve such problems in practice, without being limited to the buzzwords of textbooks.
Here it is important to immediately note that the best employee motivation is internal, which does not require “additives” from the employer. The realization that an employee's motivation has disappeared or that it is insufficient in itself is an extremely depressing factor. Therefore, the first task in any motivational scheme used in an organization should be to maintain the internal motivation of employees, cultivate awareness of the company as unique and promising, maintain real progress in work and eliminate conditions that destroy and reduce the employee’s internal motivation.

The concept of staff motivation

The term "motivation" is used in various spheres of society. However, at the heart of each definition, one way or another, are psychological features the specified process. AT broad sense Motivation is the impulses that cause the activity of the organism and determine its direction. AT economic sphere this term is used as an external or internal motivation of an economic entity to act in order to achieve any goals, the presence of interest in such activities and the ways of its initiation, motivation.
In a narrow sense, the motivation of labor activity is the process of satisfaction by employees of their needs and expectations in the course of performing their chosen work, carried out as a result of the realization of their goals, consistent with the goals and objectives of the organization, and at the same time, a set of measures used by the subject of management to improving the efficiency of workers.
Thus, the following can be distinguished character traits staff motivation:
1. The incentive nature of the activity;
2. Meeting the needs and expectations of the employee;
3. Common goals and objectives for the employee and the organization;
4. Desire and interest of the employee;
5. Complexity of measures at the enterprise.
The essence of staff motivation is to ensure the effective use of labor potential employees to achieve the goals of the organization, focusing directly on the system of their needs. A full-fledged study of the concept of staff motivation is impossible without studying the concepts of "need" and "expectation".
A need is a certain state of an individual experiencing a deficiency of significant vital factors. At the same time, this state is an internal psychological or physiological feeling of lack of something. It is the presence of a need that motivates action. In the economic and legal literature, it is customary to single out primary (genetically laid down) and secondary (produced in the course of life) needs. The primary needs are mainly physiological needs (the need for food, drink, warmth), and the secondary needs are the psychological needs of belonging, belonging to a society or a group of people.
Expectation is a subjectively estimated probability of obtaining a result in case of choosing a given behavioral alternative. At the same time, expectations are formed on the basis of the individual's past experience and analysis, assessment of the current situation.
It is also important to note that the work of each worker will be effective only if he wishes, i.e. it is possible to influence this or that employee by various negative methods, however, his work will be more successful only if his duties become his internal goals.
The process of selecting the right personnel motivation system is a complex and time-consuming task that requires special knowledge and a deep study of the needs of employees and working conditions. The development of an effective motivation system should begin directly from monitoring the labor market and studying the expectations of applicants. The labor market will also dictate to us the size of the market wage and the scope in which we can vary it. At the same time, a comprehensive analysis from various angles is important: conversations with employees in the company, interviewing for vacancies, studying sites on the Internet of competing companies, conducting custom research, etc. Having made generalized conclusions from practice, the employer should definitely turn to the theories of motivation, of which there are a great many. Also, don't underestimate the importance psychological theories in this matter. The study of the latter will help to avoid some of the mistakes of choosing the wrong methods of motivation by identifying patterns of psychological behavior of people in certain situations. Well, having compared the analysis of the labor market and theoretical material on staff motivation, it is necessary to work out the appropriate personnel policy of the enterprise.
It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the personnel motivation system of the company should be extended to all employees without exception, i.e. it must be complex. It is likely that enhanced motivation can be applied in some areas, but this does not mean that other employees do not need it.
In addition, regular changes in the personnel motivation system are mandatory, as the company's work activity is dynamic and constantly evolving. Also, do not forget about the impact of changes in situations in the country, in market relations, etc., which also affects the needs of people.
Thus, staff motivation is their incentive to work. The personnel motivation system should be selected individually for each company, taking into account the needs and expectations of its employees, and in this case it will contribute to the successful work of the organization as a whole.
To bolster the reader's strength, at the end of this long paragraph we will tell him that a well-motivated staff performs better than a well-intimidated one, demands a smaller payroll and salaries, and is more comfortable with interruptions in the payment of wages.

Theories of motivation

The development of motivation theories began at the beginning of the 20th century. Traditionally, the following groups of theories of labor motivation are distinguished:
1. content theories: based on the study of the internal motives (needs) of a person for labor activity (Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, etc.);
2. procedural theories: based on the study of people's behavior, taking into account their perception (Vroom, Adams, Porter and Lawler, etc.);
3. theories based on a person's attitude to work (McGregor, Ouchi, etc.).
Let's consider each of them in more detail.
1. Content theories of labor motivation.
These theories of work motivation explore primarily the needs of the employee. Different theories give different distributions of them in a hierarchical order, influence and correlation among themselves, however, the fact that it is the needs of the employee that prompt him to act is common to all.
Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation is a theory of employee motivation, according to which people in their motivations rely on five types of needs:
1. the need for self-expression: in the realization of one's potential and growth as a person;
2. need for respect: self-respect, personal achievement, competence, respect from others, recognition;
3. social needs: belonging to a certain social group;
4. the need for security and confidence in the future: the need for protection from physical and psychological dangers from the outside world and the confidence that physiological needs will be satisfied in the future;
5. physiological needs: the needs for food, water, shelter, rest and sexual needs.
It is important to note that these needs are considered in descending order of the hierarchy level, and the first three points are secondary needs, and the remaining two points are primary.
The main idea of ​​A. Maslow's theory is that a higher level need becomes a motivator only after the lower needs in the hierarchy of needs are satisfied.
Two-factor theory of motivation by Frederick Herzberg is a theory of employee motivation, according to which their needs can be divided into two categories:
1. hygiene factors- these are external factors, needs aimed at eliminating negative working conditions: sufficient wages, normal working conditions, interpersonal relationships with superiors, colleagues and subordinates, etc.;
2. motivating factors are internal factors, needs that determine job satisfaction: recognition and approval of work results, success, promotion, etc.
It is important to note that the first group of factors is referred to as those that keep the employee at work, and the second group of factors directly motivates them. It is also interesting to introduce in this theory the concepts of "satisfaction" and "dissatisfaction", which are not interpreted by the author as opposite. Thus, the analysis of the causes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction requires consideration of two different groups of factors. At the same time, the opposite of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with feelings is only their absence.
Thus, the theory of F. Herzberg is closely connected with the hierarchy of needs of A. Maslow: hygiene factors correspond to primary and social needs. They eliminate dissatisfaction, but do not lead to satisfaction. At the same time, hygienic factors do not create motivation, but only motivating factors encourage people to work. Consequently, the last factors correspond to the two highest levels of needs according to the theory of A. Maslow.
David McClelland's Theory of Motivation is a theory according to which work motivation is determined by three higher-level needs:
1. the need for power - the need for skills to influence and establish control over the actions of other people, to influence the course of events;
2. the need to achieve success - the need to take personal responsibility and achieve successful completion of tasks;
3. the need for involvement (attachment) - the need to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships.
It is precisely the need to achieve success that has received special elaboration in this theory. The author argued that the strength of the need for achievement depends on three factors: the expectation of success, the value of the results obtained (rewards and encouragement), and a sense of personal responsibility for achievement.
Thus, this theory is also closely related to A. Maslow's theory of needs: the need for power and the need for success fall somewhere between the needs for respect and self-expression, and the need for belonging can be attributed to the social needs in A. Maslow's hierarchy.
2. Procedural theories of labor motivation.
These theories of work motivation do not dispute the existence of the needs of the employee, however, the dominant role is recognized for the behavior of the individual based on his perception and expectations associated with a particular situation, and the possible consequences of the chosen type of behavior.
Victor Vroom's expectancy theory is a theory according to which it is not the needs of employees themselves that have a motivational effect, but the thought process in which the individual evaluates the reality of achieving the set goal and receiving the desired reward. The author of the theory identifies four main components that constantly interact with each other:
1. Expecting a certain level of work performance depending on the effort;
2. Expectation of the result depending on the level of work performance;
3. Instrumentality - understanding that the performance of work and the achievement of the required result is the main condition (tool) for receiving remuneration;
4. Value - motivation is directly affected by the value or attractiveness of the results obtained for the employee. In the absence of interest in the results, his motivation is at a low level.
In addition, V. Vroom introduced the concept of valency, which is understood as the expected degree of relative satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) as a result of receiving a reward, i.e. the extent to which the reward meets the expectations of the recipient.
Thus, when analyzing the theory of motivation by V. Vroom, the relationship of three elements is traced:
— costs — results;
- results - reward;
- valency.
Those. The motivation of an employee depends on his expectations related to the fact that certain behavior or certain actions will lead to a certain result.
The theory of justice (equality) by John Stacy Adams is a theory based on the motivation of an employee in terms of his assessment of the situation and the idea that he develops in this connection about the fairness of the relationship between him and the organization. At the same time, the concept of justice also includes a comparison of the work of employees among themselves, their contributions to the common cause, the amount of their remuneration, etc. It is also important to note that such a comparison should only be made between employees with a similar position and work tasks. Thus, the author of the theory, drawing attention to the clear relationship between the efforts (contribution) of an employee and the result (remuneration), when compared with the corresponding characteristics of another employee, identifies three options for the final assessment:
1. underpayment;
2. fair pay;
3. overpayment.
The theory of J. S. Adams suggests that workers strive to establish fair relations with others and try to change those relationships that they regard as unfair. Also, inequality clearly does not contribute to an increase in performance results. The author of the theory identified six possible reactions on the part of the employee to the state of inequality:
1. A person reduces individual costs and works less intensively.
2. The individual makes an attempt to increase the reward (goes to the boss with a request to raise the payment).
3. A person overestimates his abilities downward and begins to believe that the level of his payment corresponds to his abilities and work. There is a general decrease in self-esteem of the employee.
4. The person makes an attempt to influence the compared persons or the organization in order to force others to work more intensively or to force the organization to reduce the remuneration of the compared persons.
5. A person can change the object of comparison for himself, deciding that the compared persons are in special conditions. These may be special personal connections and contacts of these people, the distinctive qualities and abilities of the compared persons. A person decides that he has nothing to compare with them, and chooses a more suitable object of comparison.
6. The person is trying to move to another department or organization.
The model of Lyman Porter and Edward Lawler is a complex theory of motivation that includes elements of expectations theory and equity theory. The authors identify five main elements that must be taken into account for work motivation:
1. effort expended;
2. perception;
3. results obtained;
4. remuneration;
5. degree of satisfaction.
The Porter-Lawler model is that the results achieved depend on the efforts made by the employee, his abilities and characteristics, as well as his awareness of his role. At the same time, the level of effort applied will be determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that a given level of effort will indeed entail a well-defined level of reward. An important point in this theory is that the authors establish a relationship between remuneration and results, i.e. a person satisfies his needs through rewards for the results achieved.
Thus, based on the patterns discussed above, this theory allows us to conclude that productive work leads to satisfaction. Such a conclusion is rarely perceived in practice, since most employees involved in motivation issues in an organization believe that it is necessary to achieve employee satisfaction, which will be the reason for improving their performance. L. Porter and J. S. Lawler not only rearrange the links in an important connection for understanding the motivational process, but also show the complexity and versatility of labor motivation.
3. Theories based on the relationship of man to work.
Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Y is a theory that differs from all the ones discussed above in that it concerns the behavior of the leaders of the organization, who, despite their position, are also characterized by motivation.
In accordance with this theory, the main behavioral characteristic of the head of the organization is the degree of his control over his subordinates. In this regard, we can talk about autocratic (theory "X") and democratic (theory "Y") leadership. In the first case, we are talking about a leader who centralizes authority in managing subordinates and completely imposes decisions on them. D. McGregor identifies the following prerequisites for this behavior:
- A person is lazy by nature, does not like to work and avoids it in every possible way;
- A person has no ambition, he avoids responsibility, preferring to be led;
- Efficient work is achieved only through coercion and the threat of punishment;
- Under democratic leadership, subordinates and the leader make all decisions together. The prerequisites for such guidance are the following points:
- Labor for a person is a natural process;
- In favorable conditions, a person strives for responsibility and self-control;
- He is capable of creative solutions, but realizes these abilities only partially. .
Theory "Z" by Wilma Ouchi is a continuation of the theories of D. McGregor. According to this theory, the main motivator of employees' behavior is the corporation built on the clan principle. W. Ouchi formulated the basic rules of enterprise management, the observance of which should lead the organization to success:
1. Long-term recruitment. The motives of people's behavior are both social and biological needs, so a person wants to be sure that he can satisfy them not only at the moment, but also in the future.
2. Group decision-making is based on the fact that people prefer to work in a group, and decisions made on the basis of group interaction serve both to increase the motivation to achieve the goal and to increase the efficiency of the decision-making process.
3. Individual responsibility for the results of work.
4. Slow assessment of personnel and their moderate promotion, the organization should have a rotation of personnel linked to self-education.
5. Informal controls are preferred, but should be based on clear methods and criteria.
6. Non-specialized career. Career advancement is accompanied by work in various departments and in various positions, which makes it possible to form a holistic view of the organization.
7. Comprehensive care for employees. Since a person is the basis of any organization, the success of the whole business depends on each employee.
Thus, after analyzing the provisions of the main theories of motivation for the work of personnel, we can conclude that despite the fact that the theories themselves appeared in different periods of time, their relevance is not lost. An important point in the development of an effective motivation system for each enterprise is a detailed study of these theories. This article discusses only some of them, which demonstrate the diversity of views on the problems of labor motivation.

The practice of applying staff motivation

Staff motivation is the most important tool for increasing labor productivity, because without it it is impossible to ensure the growth of the company's competitiveness. Having explored the concept of work motivation and having studied the basic theories, it is necessary to go directly to the practice of applying these systems.
It is important to note that important point for the effectiveness of the motivational system of an enterprise is its complexity, which must be achieved in the process of planning, implementing and managing motivational processes. However, another element of the complexity of the system of motivation of employees of the organization is the use of various tools.
There are many different approaches to the classification of motivational tools, but traditionally it is customary to divide them into tangible and intangible ones. However, due to the diversity of modern motivation tools, this classification is conditional, since some tools cannot be clearly attributed to one group or another.
It should be noted that motivation depends directly on the area in which it is applied. So, ways to motivate employees can be effective in one company and completely ineffective in another. The personnel motivation system must be arranged in a certain way, all necessary principles taking into account the specifics of a particular job. Thus, we will pay attention to motivation in some areas, but first we will graduate all production processes into two large groups:
1. Requiring creativity;
2. Routine.
In practice, it often turns out that motivation methods that work great in the second group of processes have a negative impact on workers employed. creative work. Routine processes should be understood as monotonous operations, equipped with a mass of rules and regulations. A vivid example is the work of a personnel officer, a lawyer in an ordinary company, an assembler on a conveyor line, an operator in a bank.
In the second group, which includes all free professions, science, engineering, programming, journalism and other areas in which it is important to go beyond the boundaries of the template and situational thinking.

IT sphere

In this area characteristic feature employees is a combination of interest in their activities and a high level of knowledge. It is important to note that it is representatives of technical specialties who are most often able to refuse work in the absence of interest in it. Consider the motivational tools used in this area:
1. Material motivation.
The monetary component of any profession is always important, since a person gets a job primarily for the purpose of obtaining material benefits. It should be noted that highly qualified employees in the IT field are highly valued and large companies offer high financial opportunities in order to get them. However, it is not logical to constantly use material motivation in the form of salary increases, bonuses and compensations in the IT field, since special effect this will not cause and the employee will always have few of these measures. The ideal case would be an elementary correspondence of wages to the market level.
A great way to shoot your own team in the foot will be the use of various certifications, KPIs (key performance indicators), created according to the canons modern for 1990, which ultimately lead to wage differentiation within the same team. As we have already found out, any reward system is based on the expectation of a reward, usually very clearly defined. This expectation automatically narrows the field for creativity and finding non-standard solutions, as a person begins to engage in auto-training: “I work well” and reduces labor productivity. Based on the results of evaluating his work, he, of course, receives an underestimated score compared to self-esteem. As a result, depression, conflicts with colleagues or open dissatisfaction with the methods of evaluating work. Entering various indicators into KPIs, such as the number of rational code proposals per month or an increase in the productivity of program code by certain indicators, leads to outright deception and manipulation of indicators. If since the time of Soviet planned radio electronics it is well known that bonuses and bonuses for a fixed number of rationalization proposals can be made to the board when developing its scheme and then during the whole life cycle product to deliver the improvements that were originally planned.
If you decide to pay bonuses, pay them irregularly and, if possible, unexpectedly for the employee. The bonus should objectively reflect his generally recognized success and exceptional competence (simplification of work on the product due to the ability to think strategically, the habit of coming to the rescue of colleagues, independently promoting their ideas), or apply to the entire development team and pay for the delivery of the project or product. At the same time, taking into account the needs of the market, bonuses should be significant.
A well-built KPI should help the company's management to feel the real situation in it and manage it effectively, but not distribute money among the team. In other words, KPIs will help you understand that the technical support of the product is no good, and the “new, convenient, intuitive interface” in practice is not entirely clear even to the developer, and these oversights should be corrected before they turn into jokes.
However, an important bonus to the material motivation of an employee in the IT field will be the offer of a social package in the form of payment for mobile communications, full or partial payment for meals, visits to sports clubs, etc.
2. Non-material motivation.
This type of motivation is of particular importance in the area under consideration due to the importance of staff interest in their activities. The most intangible motivation can be various factors, however, when choosing them, one should take into account the specifics of the work of the employees to whom it is directed. It is fundamentally important not to disturb the established atmosphere in the teams by introducing any “Drummer of Labor” pennants or any ratings. The former kill the motivation of everyone, including those to whom they were awarded, the latter work perfectly in non-commercial projects with the individualization of labor: this is Wikipedia, the administration of game servers, forums, torrent trackers. The principle of rating motivation in them solves the problem of fair remuneration according to merit and time spent in the project for its old participants and motivates new ones to develop it. In some cases, when operations are routine, it is appropriate to use ratings based on logging the work of employees - criticized as a method of differentiating KPI salaries. The one who has done more useful and effective actions gets a higher score and a place in the top 25 best administrators. A formula and a set of indicators by which the need to vary is calculated in order to avoid cheating.
In both cases, hierarchical structures that empower employees different levels grades (ranks) with different access rights to the project they are working on. In fact, this is career growth motivation. In commercial projects, it is supported by a growing salary, the size of the workplace, transferring an employee from a cell in a room with 100 people to an office with a lower concentration of people, and then allocating their own office, in non-profit, a few lines of virtual regalia are enough.
Information technologies are developing very quickly, and it is difficult for professionals in this field to keep their knowledge and skills relevant, to satisfy the need for professional growth. That is why the constant opportunity for training and development (advanced training, additional training, foreign language courses, etc.) is of great importance in the system of motivation of such employees. This principle can be implemented in different ways: centrally send employees for training in accordance with the ideas of the company's management, allow them to independently determine how and what they will study, but compensate for their costs, or allocate them free time from direct duties for self-education and the development of anything, using the power provided.
Another characteristic tool for motivating personnel in the IT field is the admissibility flexible schedule work. Workers in this field spend a lot of time at the computer and their work requires maximum concentration, and therefore setting a rigid work schedule can negatively affect productivity. Here, different degrees of freedom of the employee are possible, but one thing is important - he must be able to do what he likes. Here it is appropriate to cite the experience of digging Google, in which 20% of the employee's working time belongs to him and obeys one rule: work on anything other than his main duties. This time is paid as usual, according to the average earnings.
The second variant of this method of motivation is the days or nights of free creativity. Employees of the company in the allotted period of time have the right to work on any of their ideas and, if desired, announce them to colleagues. As you know, people work best for the idea that they support or the authors of which they are. In this case, there is only a time limit. All ideas and products go to a joint discussion the next day, and those that pass the "morning check" fall into further development.
This increases his internal motivation and gives strength for the main work, and the company receives services developed by employees in the course of free creativity.

Sales area

In this area, a characteristic feature is the direct dependence of profit on the activity of the company's employees. Many companies use grading systems (ranks) depending on the position. These systems represent a kind of career ladder within the same position. At the same time, in order to be promoted, as a rule, it is necessary to achieve a high grade (rank) in the current one. The assignment of a higher rank is an additional incentive to develop skills and improve the knowledge of an employee. True, it is required to create a clear and precise system of rules according to which grades are assigned. In most companies, the gradation system affects the bonus part of the salary.
1. Material motivation.
Salary in the field of sales consists of a salary and a bonus part. The latter, in turn, is a variable value and directly depends on the activity and success of the employee. The employer establishes a sales plan for the employee and evaluates success in accordance with its implementation. An effective tool for material motivation of employees in this area is the use of bonuses for overfulfillment of the plan.
It is also possible to switch to a commission system of remuneration, when the employee receives a percentage of sales and does not receive a salary at all.
Another problem of the industry in question is that employees do not always work legally. In this case, “white” wages and the presence of a social package will become a special motivation.
On the other hand, the growth of wages is faced with the emotional burnout of employees, since their activities in this area are quite monotonous. A person, having received a promotion or even changing the company, soon realizes that the job has remained the same, only more highly paid, and loses efficiency.
2. Non-material motivation.
Training is also a tool of non-material motivation in the field of sales. Continuous improvement of sales skills is a guarantee of development not only for the employee, but also for the company as a whole. It is important to remember here that improving skills leads to growth from the position in which the employee works. Ideally, when he, after several years of training and improving his skills, gains the ability to work autonomously, without instructions from his superiors, he needs to go for a promotion.
An overly qualified specialist retains in most cases good or even excellent performance in ordinary operations, but loses motivation to solve complex problems. The person evades their fulfillment, although he has the necessary skills, the management turns on negative motivation and aggravates the situation, as a result, the person leaves the company. If his role in the company is critical, it makes sense to look for new, alternative ways of motivation, based on personal conversations with the employee - for example, integrating him into the team, establishing feedback with management - in all other cases it is easier to free up the place he occupies for less experienced but more motivated employees.
Due to the peculiarities of working with clients, employees in the field of sales have a motivational tool to transfer to another place of work with more favorable conditions. Settlement in areas of work over time negatively affects the sales of an employee and is reanimated directly with the change of territory.
The sales sector is also characterized by the regular holding of various promotions in order to increase the customer base, strengthen the position in the sales market. As part of this activity, the motivational tool is additional encouragement for the implementation of special strategic tasks. When holding a certain competition in a team or organization, the winners also receive recognition of their own contribution, since the field of sales is an area for individualists, not team players, and any competitive factor positively affects their performance.
An important factor is the time that the salesperson spends at work. This is not the established 40 hours, but 60 or even 80 hours. All this time, he must be provided with conditions for a comfortable stay at work and the opportunity to briefly disconnect from his direct duties. Corporate rest, used to its fullest, also helps to motivate staff who are tired of boring corporate parties and team building events.

Sphere of production

In this area, a characteristic feature is the complexity of the production process and the availability of special knowledge. In connection with the introduction information technologies in all spheres of society, the sphere of production is also no exception. Currently, there is a re-equipment of equipment in various areas of production, which in turn reveals the problem of retraining employees.
1. Material motivation.
Wages in the manufacturing sector consist of a salary and a bonus. As a rule, enterprises have work performance plans and, based on their results, bonus systems are applied.
However, another characteristic feature of the sphere of production is the different cost of performing work. So, the worker produces one quantity of products at the same price, and in case of overfulfillment, the price of products becomes higher. Thus, the material rewards of each employee depend on his activity in fulfilling the set plans on time and additional motivation for his overfulfillment.
In the February issue of the magazine, we addressed the issues of choosing a wage system at the enterprise. Most of our recommendations related specifically to the manufacturing sector. You probably remember the ways to motivate workers at the bottlenecks of production - wages that grow in progression, lump-sum and brigade remuneration systems, focused on the work of the team or the success of its individual members.
In production, as in more or less physical work, special attention should be paid to the social package. Firstly, this is a traditional plus for industrial enterprises, a weak social package will not help recruit young personnel and retain experienced ones. Secondly, there are objective reasons for the introduction and expansion of the social package - workers in a number of industries simply lose their health from the impact of a number of production factors. That is, maintaining their health is the duty of the employer.
In the course of assessing the system of material motivation available at the enterprise, it is necessary to study in more detail the ratio of salaries and bonuses in different areas of production, in the administration of the enterprise, and make adjustments aimed at stimulating labor. As an example, we will give one of the models according to which the administrative staff of the plant receives a salary five times higher than the bonus, because they need a stable salary, and not its variation, while the sales department functions on the opposite principle - the salary is one fifth of the annual income of employees, 4/ 5 they get from sales. Directly in production, the ratio of salary and bonuses can be either equal or proportional. In any case, lowering the salary to less than half of the annual income does not make sense.
2. Non-material motivation.
The main tool of non-material motivation in the field of production is additional encouragement for the implementation specific tasks. The well-known scheme, in which the size of the bonus and the competitive element are directly proportional to labor productivity, works in most cases without fail. The main problem is emotional burnout, to eliminate which it is necessary to use traditional motivation schemes.
Second important element non-material motivation, as in IT are the improvement of working conditions. If in the first case it was implemented within the framework of OpenSpace and offices of the new generation, then here it is necessary to create normal living conditions: tasty and free meals in the canteen, changing according to the wishes of the employees, comfortable showers and dressing rooms, rest rooms, good overalls, free mobile communications.
The third point that works well in production is the corporate culture. Strengthening the team, sports, traditions and holidays. The camaraderie on the shop floor often does more than well thought out bonuses and good pay.
Employee motivation is one of the hottest topics at any time. Having considered the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of personnel motivation systems, we can conclude that motivation systems are constantly evolving and supplemented in new ways. At the same time, one should not forget that the most important condition for the effective operation of this system is its correct compilation for a particular enterprise, depending on the area in which it operates.
At present, due to the financial situation in the country, the main tool for motivating labor activity is its material forms, taking into account the specifics of the sphere in which the organization operates. At the same time, one should not underestimate the intangible tools of staff motivation, which are becoming increasingly important every day.

Remote workers

This is a sore subject for everyone who has come across them. A remote worker is prone to missed deadlines for fulfilling contracts and the risk of misunderstanding the ideas of management. The guide is in constant stress from the fact that he cannot control how the employee works. We will give some methodological and financial recommendations.
1. Material motivation.
The proposed system is simple and depends on how confident the parties of the partnership are in themselves. If there are no doubts about reliability and professionalism, it is possible to use the project method, expressed in the fact that the employee is set a goal, a deadline is requested, and this joint and responsible decision of the parties is fixed as a condition for receiving wages. The rest of the worker is left to himself. He himself decides when, how, where and with the help of what he will complete the work on time. From our own experience, we can say that writing materials for the February issue on a veranda overlooking the sea at +26 is much more pleasant than in the office. People who have consciously chosen freelancing as their main way of earning will hardly change it to the standard 5 working days + 2 days off.
If there is a need for constant monitoring of the employee, you should avoid the temptation to surround him with reports or require him to be in touch in certain time. An hour spent filling out spreadsheets is better spent at work, and the need to sit by the phone or Skype for 6 hours a day betrays an extremely insecure manager. You can simplify everything by using the James R. Chapman motivation triangle. The sides of the triangle are responsibility for the task, tools and knowledge, and regular reporting. The relationship between the employee and the employer is built as follows:
- A task is set that meets the criteria of purposefulness (create a system for a quick search for the headings of the journal), measurability ( desired material should be found in the issue in a minute), reachability, compliance (the solution should be intuitive and implemented by standard means) and time binding (it is assumed two weeks for development and implementation in the next issue);
- It is discussed with the performer, and the latter indicates his thoughts about the task and the time of its execution;
– The task is approved by the parties and its execution begins;
— During the performance of the task, the employee must have, in addition to the skills and knowledge necessary for solving the task, access to all the necessary resources, tools and people with whom he needs to work. He should be able to coordinate his actions with the designer, layout designer, magazine editor, test group, quickly receive answers from them, and all of them should be able to follow his work and make their suggestions. There should always be a channel to alert the project manager of problems urgently, with clear rules for its use.
- The employee reports to the employer about the progress and completed stages as he progresses. Reports should not contain masses of information. In most cases, a simple e-mail message in 3-4 lines is enough: “I prepared three schemes for searching materials by number. I integrated two into the number presented for work. I sent it to the test group and the designer. Waiting for an answer". Reports are easily verified by sharing content that a remote worker is working on. Reports must be specific. Abstract or general words in the report indicate that the employee is busy with something other than work and this is a reason to return them and demand more detailed ones. Moreover, the responses to the manager's reports are extremely important for the entire team. They mean that he keeps his finger on the pulse and does not miss the threads of the project. An enthusiastic and attentive leader unites the team.
2. Non-material motivation.
It consists in maintaining the integration of a remote worker into the team. Relationships within a group working remotely should be close, transparent, and trusting. This is the concern of a good manager, who implements it through periodic rallies and video conferences, since many issues are easier to resolve in the course of voice communication, rather than correspondence.
It is important to clearly understand why and for what people in the formed team work. Money is important to one, the second is eager to make the world a better place, the third expects to get a full-time position and grow into managers, the fourth works because he works, the fifth prefers to solve new problems and does not linger on projects of the same type. As a result, five different types of motivation are formed:
- money,
- Internal, which should be fueled by awareness of the importance of work,
- Career, during which the employee needs to clearly understand his prospects and conditions for promotion,
- Negative, based on the dominance of the leader over an unambitious, unmotivated employee,
- Positive, in which the employee is constantly supplied with tasks that he willingly solves.
Summarizing, it is necessary to point out some elements that have a decisive influence on workers. We identified them by studying a lot of discussions of various kinds of specialists on motivation issues, and they are trivial: this is feedback from superiors and personal communication.
Feedback is demonstrated using a simple example, which we took the liberty of taking from the material “Problems of Motivation: Dealing with Burnt Out Employees” by user amikityuk:
One bank started a project to introduce a new functionality for credit cards in the Internet bank. The functionality is know-how, there are no direct analogues on the market. The signing of the specification is seriously delayed - the person in charge from the product development department has to make a number of key decisions, but he constantly evades this, saying that he needs to "discuss everything with colleagues first." Other departments do not have such problems, where decisions are made by authorized persons quickly. The specialist is very experienced - he is about 45 years old, ten of which he has been working in this bank, now he holds the position of card product development manager.
Is this person burned out? Quite possible. In order to be sure of this, it is best to personally talk to him and his superiors. It is worth acting directly, but tactfully - describe the facts (“delay in the signing of the specification”) and your vision of solving the problem (“you need to make decisions on specific issues faster”). Answers should be listened to carefully, in no case getting involved in disputes. Our goal is to make a diagnosis, not to convince a person that he is wrong.
In our example, it turned out that this specialist was transferred to this department with a promotion just a month ago - before that, he had been the manager of another, less complex product in the same department for five years. Unfortunately, the management could not allocate a more experienced specialist for parallel participation in meetings, so our hero has to discuss the details of the project with his colleagues in the evenings in order to be able to make the right decisions.
The second point is illustrated by an even simpler example: regular informal, personal communication in a team, participation in the life of staff, studying their problems, searching for approaches instead of an authoritarian leadership style emphasize the importance of an employee for the company in his own eyes and perfectly motivates. There is an opinion among journalists that if the editorial office does not have a favorite pub, it is no longer an editorial office. Good motivation for you.

What is motivation and material incentives for staff? How to motivate and stimulate labor activity? What is staff release?

Tell me, what will inspire you more - the promised bonus for work performed at a high level, or the threat of a fine for a production violation?

It is not difficult to guess what any employee of any organization will answer. But it would be nice to understand what drives management when assigning rewards or penalties.

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBober business magazine! We continue the topic of staff motivation. I, Anna Medvedeva, a regular author of publications, today will analyze for you such a thing as staff incentives.

At the end of the article you will find tips on how to consolidate the results achieved and keep the team motivated.

1. What is staff motivation and stimulation and how do they differ?

The object of attention of our new article will be two concepts - motivation and stimulation of staff.

These terms are closely related to each other and are often mistaken for the same thing. But their essence is somewhat different, so to begin with, we will select a definition for each.

Motivation- this is the motivation of each employee to work for the result, created by any measures from the outside and supported personally by the employee himself. Motivation is always driven by needs.

Motivation can be internal and external. Just external is often confused with stimulation. What it is?

Staff incentives is the use by management of the factors of influence that act as the very driving force that increases the productivity of each employee and the entire team.

It can be concluded that motivation is an internal motivation for activity. It can arise without the influence of external measures. This is its difference from stimulation, which most often consists of tough measures.


Sergey works as a sales representative. The size of his salary directly depends on how many outlets will be in the list of his clients.

The company has its own motivation system, but Sergey became a leader even before its implementation. He became one of the best employees simply because every summer he realizes his dream - he goes on vacation to the sea. And for this you need to accumulate a certain amount during the year.

All measures to motivate and stimulate the ultimate goal are to increase the rationality of work and the profitability of the enterprise. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about the release of personnel - another concept of the management process.

Release of staff This is a reduction in the volume of work or its complete reduction.

What is the release of staff:

2. What are the ways to stimulate staff - 3 effective ways

Now let's see how you can awaken the desire of employees to work efficiently and conscientiously. So that the work process has both practical benefits and moral satisfaction.

We divide the methods known to us into 3 categories.

Method 1. Financial incentive

This method is very reliable and loved by everyone (by workers, for sure). Material incentives for personnel are especially important during a crisis, but at other times everyone is always happy to receive them.

What are the types of financial incentives:

  1. Traditional methods of material incentives are annual or quarterly bonuses, bonuses for advanced training, interest accrual for overfulfillment of the plan, etc.
  2. Another type of material incentives is the so-called special rewards, which are given out for certain achievements at work in accordance with the hobbies of employees. These can be theater tickets, gym memberships, magazine subscriptions, travel packages, tuition fees, insurance policies, etc.
  3. There are one-time monetary incentives that do not depend on the work activity of employees, but speak of the support of the management of their employees in their personal and family life. For example, cash gifts on the occasion of a wedding, anniversary, birth of a child, or assistance in the event of the death of a family member.

Method 2. Non-material encouragement

It is important for the vast majority of members of our society to be aware of their social significance. People are not indifferent to how they will look in the eyes of others and what people will say about them. Therefore, signs of attention and praise from management are not the least important in stimulating staff.

Types of non-material incentives:

  • verbal or written gratitude;
  • presentation of certificates of honor;
  • entry in the work book;
  • photograph with a characteristic on the honor roll, etc.

This also includes various collective awards, which unite the team in an informal setting. For example, corporate parties, picnic trips or visits by the entire theater / cinema department.

Someone will object that such methods of encouragement were a priority only in the days of the Soviet Union. However, practice shows that they do not lose their relevance to this day.

There are also quite non-standard methods. For example, arrange after-hours holidays for women on sales days, and for men on important football matches. Or organize a budget kindergarten for the children of employees.


In Western companies, there is a practice of opening stores specifically for employees of the organization. Goods there are purchased for their own currency, which is issued and has value only within the enterprise.

They give out such currency for certain achievements in production.

Step 3. We draw up a system of rewards and punishments

There is no universal system of motivation that would suit absolutely any team. However, there are general principles by which it is created.

When developing a system of rewards and punishments, we recommend:

  • do not allow vague formulations - for example, with material rewards, name specific numbers for specific achievements;
  • review any provision on reward or punishment monthly and focus only on those documents that are relevant now, and not six months ago;
  • at least encouragement, at least punishment must be carried out;
  • praise publicly, and punish in private (in both cases - with an analysis of the situation).

And remember: it is not the employee who needs to be encouraged and punished, but his actions.

Step 4. We implement the planned activities

The motivational system in the organization is launched after it was announced at general meeting. If the company is large, then the CEO notifies the heads of departments, and they make the appropriate announcement to their subordinates.

Be sure to inform employees about main goal scheduled events. It is one thing to simply strive for a certain reward, and quite another to be aware of yourself as part of an important and complex process.

Step 5. We get the effective work of the staff

If all factors are taken into account and the motivation system is developed correctly, it will definitely justify itself. And you won't have to wait long for results.

However, in order for the result not only to be established, but also not to decrease, constantly analyze the ongoing activities to motivate and stimulate and adjust the implemented system.

4. Where to get help in motivating and stimulating staff - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

What to do if your own skills in developing a motivation system are not enough?

Refer to third party resources. That is, to find a company that is engaged in professional business training or compiling motivation systems for various institutions.

1) Moscow Business School

The company has existed for only 5 years, but it already occupies a leading position in the field of business education in the Russian Federation. Experts and practitioners of the highest level conduct seminars, courses and trainings in all areas of business.

A dynamic business environment requires constant change and a flexible approach to learning. Therefore, domestic and foreign specialists who develop training programs here constantly use the current market development trends.

Training is conducted in open and corporate formats. The business school also offers training in the most modern format - with the help of webinars and video courses.

2) Volgasoft

This consulting company has a richer experience, operating in the business market for 18 years. Here they will help to solve the most complex management issues and improve the efficiency of any institution.

The firm offers a unique "Management by Objectives and KPI" training program that takes into account all modern tendencies business. Thanks to this methodological complex, an effective management system is built for any business model.

In addition, you are waiting for:

  • practical methods for managers on staff motivation;
  • consulting services;
  • seminars, webinars and other training events.

Read the conditions, offers and tariffs on the company's website.

3) MAS Project

"Pay employees for results, not for presence" - says the main slogan of the management system proposed by this company.

Experienced MAS Project specialists have developed a business performance system that combines project and task management, time, interaction and other planning tools.

The system offers you more than 30 tools to improve the efficiency of your enterprise, increase profitability, develop the company and each employee individually.

The site contains videos good examples using the MAS Project system. In the near future, there will also be a mobile application for the convenience of working with the program.

5. How to prevent the loss of staff motivation - 3 practical tips

Even if the implemented motivation system gives tangible results, it is worth considering how to maintain what has been achieved.

What needs to be done for this?

Tip 1: Prioritize Motivation Over Incentives

Staff incentives can be positive or negative. Often it borders on the imposition of sanctions.

Therefore, in order not to have to correct the consequences of the negative side of stimulation (and it will certainly manifest itself), pay more attention to motivation. It is more positive and reliable.

Read a separate article on our resource.

Tip 2. Create favorable working conditions

The quality of life and working conditions certainly affect the quality of work performed. In order for performance to be high, a person must also have a good rest.

How can working conditions be improved:

  • equip the premises with additional heaters if it is cold there in winter, and air conditioners to create coolness in summer;
  • install coolers with drinking water;
  • allocate a separate room for a rest room;
  • at a large enterprise - open a canteen for employees, etc.

Naturally, such events must be carried out in accordance with the specifics of the departments and activities of the company as a whole.

This will allow you to make the right moves and adjust the motivation system in time. This approach brings management closer to the team and creates a trusting atmosphere.

After all, the basis of any relationship in the team is the human factor, no matter how tempting the prospects for career growth are.

The role and importance of the motivation of the personnel of the enterprise. The main methods of staff incentives: material (allowances, surcharges) and intangible. Typical mistakes when creating a motivation system. Choice of rational forms and systems of personnel remuneration.

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