How to gain strength overnight: effective rules. How to relax and gain strength in a few hours

garden equipment 10.10.2019
garden equipment

Modern life very fast and full of stressful situations. However, despite this, we always need to stay in shape and keep our performance. That is why I really want to give a few simple but effective tips on how to quickly relax and in a few minutes return to work, full of strength and energy.

The main thing!

A hundred times tested on myself: in order to always be in shape, you need enough time to sleep at night, as well as eat right. Even if these simple rules, women should not have problems with working capacity. So, it is worth remembering that at night you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

And it must be continuous. healthy sleep. It is also important that the diet is balanced, fortified. It is necessary to completely abandon such harmful to the body products like "fast food", sweets, muffins, potato dishes.

This food is able to take away the energy of the body, letting it go in the wrong direction, but for overtime digestion and the fight against excess calories.

Rule 1. Calmness

In order to quickly get in shape and relax, you need to try to stay alone with yourself. So you can perfectly organize your thoughts and come to your senses. If a woman has a sedentary job, during a break you need to walk around, it is best to go outside or go to the nearest square. Already only from fresh air the body will receive a charge of vivacity and strength.

If a woman's work is connected with physical labor(work "on your feet"), you need to try to leave the body alone. It is good to sit or even lie down at this time.

At the same time, you should try to raise your legs above the usual level, so the blood will move away from them and it will become much easier.

Rule 2: Relaxation Techniques

Great help in shortest time relax a variety of relaxation techniques. For example, you can get carried away with yoga, there are many similar tips.

You can also get carried away with meditation. Experts in this matter say that having mastered a certain technique to the full, it is possible to as soon as possible give the body the necessary relaxation.

Rule 3. Breathing

In order for the body to rest, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. If a person is experiencing or is in stressful situation, his breathing becomes rapid, often confused.

Only by changing the breathing technique, you can give the body a chance to rest. So, for this you need to try at the very beginning to normalize inhalation and exhalation, to bring them into balance.

Next, you need to learn how to slow down your breathing as much as possible. "Why is that?" many may ask? Everything is simple here: it is in a dream that the body breathes very slowly. And if you learn how to inhale and exhale in the moments of wakefulness, you can make the body think in this way that it was asleep.

Rule 4. Dreams

You can cope with fatigue and get a boost of energy and strength with the help of daydreaming. To do this, you do not need to retire, you just need to learn how to turn off your consciousness in any convenient place.

To do this, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself at sea (in the forest, in your native village, etc.). Those. in the place where it is most pleasant to be and where you never feel tired. The next question arises: how long do you need to rest in this way?

So, it will take time to close a certain cycle. For example, if a woman imagines herself at sea, she must fully imagine how she lies on the beach, what she is wearing, what she is doing.

And as soon as the picture gets its maximum details and emotions, you can return to real world. At this time, the brain has a great rest, which gives strength and vigor to the whole body.

Rule 5. Massage

Excellent massage helps to relax and unwind. Of course, doing it yourself is not so pleasant, but it is possible. To relax, you need to massage the most sensitive points of the body. So, it can be hands and feet. There are many nerve endings here, massaging which, you can relax your body very much.

If possible, you need to change massage sessions with a friend. In this case, you can alternately massage your hands and scalp with each other.

Well, if possible, you can even go to an experienced massage therapist who will bring a tired body back to normal in about 10 minutes.

Rule 6. Distraction

What else can you do to relax and unwind? Many, for example, are helped by a simple distraction. Those. you just need to change the type of activity for a while.

If a person works, for example, with numbers, you need to go to the next department for papers.

At this time, you can take a walk and exchange a couple of words with colleagues, thereby perfectly distracting yourself. A small break with a snack helps to relax.

Here you can chat with friends or employees on abstract topics, pampering your body with something delicious.

Rule 7. Charging

In some offices, there is a rule: once an hour, the entire team must go out for a small exercise. And well, because it great way deal with fatigue. So, during charging, all the muscles warm up, the blood begins to circulate better throughout the body, thereby supplying the brain with oxygen better.

And this is directly related to the amount of strength and energy in the body of each of us.

Rule 8

It should also be said that the human body has a great rest in the moments of doing what you love. Those. if the human brain is satisfied and in euphoria, the body automatically becomes light and good.

To relax in 5-10 minutes, you need to listen to the songs of your favorite artists, make an entry in your diary, dance, or draw a sketch of a picture. Those. make time for your hobby.

The human body has a high energy potential. By directing energy in the right direction, you can achieve high results in your field of activity, become successful, increase productivity and leave more time for interesting, outdoor activities and family. There are a number of ways to control and restore strength and energy more effectively.

How to restore vitality and energy

Excess or lack of energy prevent a person from behaving correctly in the current situation, interfere with the achievement of goals. Excess energy leads to increased irritability, splashing out emotions on others, negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system, and, consequently, the health of the whole organism.

Lack of energy makes a person lethargic, compliant, unable to accept important decisions, going on about others sometimes against their will. Such people get tired quickly, do not have an active life position and prefer free time spends alone, which significantly interferes with a full life. That is why it is so important to know how to restore strength and energy.

Decided to restore strength and energy? What does all this mean? Just imagine that in your house the doorway is one meter wide. But at one delightful moment you decide to buy a huge incredible beautiful sofa. At the same time, you know for sure that the sofa is actually very good.

You also know that many of your friends have already set themselves the exact same one and are incredibly happy with it, you even already know where you can get it and at a reasonable price.

But this sofa can never be yours, because until it can fit into your meter-long doorway, you will not be able to start using it. It's the same with energy. The strength of our energy completely determines the very thoughts that can enter our brain.

Most people live in this way: they know perfectly well that there is some useful thought, they know very well in which such book it is beautifully described, and they also know very well people who have already made a lot of money with this thought. But this thought cannot affect their life in any way, because it does not fit into their head and does not belong to them in this way.

Without energy - almost nowhere

Just imagine that only in a very calm and balanced state, our human brain is able to consume 7 times more active energy than any other organ. Occupying only about 2% of body weight, it consumes about 20% of the body's energy.

Can you guess which sport is the hardest? That's right, chess. And this is not a joke at all, according to the research of the famous professor Ilya Arshavsky, at the very moment when any chess player sits down at his chess table, his arterial blood pressure, pulse and also cardiogram indicators are equal to the state of a weightlifter who lifts a record weight. But at the same time, a weightlifter does all this for about 5-7 seconds, and a chess player sits at the table for hours.

The level of active energy of a person will be able to form, somehow change and even in some way determine the level of all our mental abilities and abilities, and therefore the degree of some personal happiness, as well as life success!

A stabilized and reorganized psyche will help you see the problem in a new way, and then rebuild your life to match these changes. In the external world, where the reality of life is manifested by facts, completely different directions and goals will ascend to the leaders.

The onslaught of these new forms must supplant sexual dreams, a feverish search for a love idol, which by its presence can not only suppress and belittle human honor and dignity, but also can prevent the personality from developing its strengths and opening up energetically.

Decided to restore strength and energy? I would like to draw your attention to the fact that physiological recovery must be included in the training. In addition, it is necessary to simultaneously monitor your professional activity in order to develop as a professional.

To recover, you can do exercises that can, through physical movements, not only strengthen the body, while giving physical strength, but also balance the spirit.

Spiritual corner in nature

If you want to restore strength and energy, in the late afternoon, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime, it is recommended to do exercise in nature. If you do not have such an opportunity, then your favorite corner of the garden or park may come up. It is important that nature in the chosen place delights you with its vitality.

A similar corner can be made even in an apartment, if you fill it with the ones you like. indoor plants and stones. In it you can find physical and mental balance.

If you have the opportunity to make full walks, then it is recommended to perform the entire set of exercises. Wear light and preferably comfortable clothing. A sports suit will do. Next, you need to run at an average pace to some place you like in the forest or in the park.

If you manage to regularly take such walks in nature, then soon you will feel improvements in your inner world.

Nook at home

Psychotherapy will help you take control of your energy. It should include the following steps and training:

  • Restructuring of psychology;
  • Attention concentration training;
  • Work on the development of imagination;
  • Mastering the technique of meditation.

The restructuring of psychology helps a person to understand what place he occupies in society. To restore strength and energy, you should control your feelings, restrain irritation and not splash out your emotions on others. Outdoor recreation, a positive attitude, a kind attitude towards people help to concentrate and save energy.

If you want to restore strength and energy, remember: concentration of attention allows you to direct energy to one specific goal, without spraying it on extraneous actions. Often there are situations when our attention is distracted by foreign objects or sounds, even in Everyday life this can lead to disastrous consequences and become a source of danger to yourself and others. To train attention, special exercises have been developed, the regular implementation of which will significantly increase your attentiveness.

The development of imagination allows you to concentrate energy on an imaginary object, relax your muscles and brain. By diverting attention to imaginary objects, you can long time perform monotonous work that does not require high concentration.

Mastering the technique of meditation - important step to the development of complete control over energy. Meditation allows you to completely relax the body, relieving it of the influence outside world, concentrate thinking and direct all the energy of the body to solve specific task.

Control your energy and achieve your goals.

If you are after labor day feel completely overwhelmed, the most acceptable thing is to take a shower, if possible, a contrast one. During the day, a mass of bacteria accumulates on the body, sweat and sebaceous secretions clog the pores of the skin and prevent it from breathing. A contrast shower will help not only cheer up, but also open the pores, the skin will acquire a healthy color, begin to fully breathe, and you will feel a surge of strength.

A bath with a water temperature of 35 ° C for 3-5 minutes also perfectly relieves fatigue. You can add a few drops of lavender or rose oil to the water. Taken within 10-15 minutes warm bath soothes nervous system. While taking a bath, you can apply a cosmetic mask to your face, which will help give your face freshness and relieve swelling from the eyelids.

Mask for a tired face

To prepare a refreshing mask, take:

Lemon - 2 tablespoons;
- cucumber juice - 2 tablespoons;
- kefir - 2 tbsp.

Mix these ingredients, take a clean gauze and put this mixture on it. On a dry, clean face, apply gauze (without touching the eyelids) and hold it for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the gauze, rinse your face with warm, then cool water and pat your skin dry. After such a mask, the skin of the face is not only nourished with vitamins, but also noticeably tightens, which visually makes you younger and fresher. Be sure to moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream after the mask.

If you are under stress, a soothing decoction will help you relax. For him, take:

Peppermint leaves - 2 tsp;
- hop cones - 1 tsp;
- water shamrock leaves - 2 tsp

Tea from this collection is brewed with boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Strained infusion can be taken half a cup before bedtime.

Well refreshing infusion from the collection of oregano, yarrow, peppermint and lemon balm. A cup of fresh herbal tea can be a great energizer, especially if taken immediately after a shower.

Loss of energy may be due to a lack of vitamins. In this case, you can quickly restore the lost energy with lemon and honey. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass and add a tablespoon of honey to it, mix well and take the resulting mass one teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Arms, legs, eyes - relieve tension and fatigue

Finger massage will help relieve general fatigue and fatigue of the hands. sunflower oil. Lubricate each finger with a drop of oil, then make movements as if you are pulling narrow gloves on your hands. After that, massage each finger from the nail to the joint until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin.

For tired legs, warm baths with steamed leaves are recommended. walnut. To improve blood circulation in the joints of the legs, you can make contrast baths. If the ankles of the legs are tired, you feel pain, you can apply a compress from hot water and vinegar (2-3 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of hot water). Such a compress will relieve pain and fatigue from the legs.

If you feel a desire to stretch your arms or legs, close your eyes - this indicates that you need to get rid of venous blood. It stagnates in the vessels, especially the head and neck. It is enough to make a few head movements from side to side, touch your shoulders with your fingers and make circular movements with your hands, stand up and do a few tilts to the side - and blood circulation will resume, you will feel how you come to life.

During any work that is associated with a certain eye strain, you should periodically take short breaks. Eye fatigue can be removed by moving the gaze to a distant object. Or just close your eyes for a few minutes.

"Bags" under the eyes, which are not a consequence of the disease, will disappear after a compress of grated raw potatoes. The gruel is applied to closed eyelids with a linen cloth. Compresses made from raw potatoes, milk and wheat flour are also effective, for this you will need:

Raw mashed potatoes - 1 tsp;
- flour - 1 tsp;
- milk - 2 tsp

The resulting mixture should be applied in a thick layer on

Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs to be touched. Our body needs to move, knead. Otherwise, the energy stagnates, presses on the body from the inside and causes illness.
Visit to the hairdresser. A beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. A woman's hair is a reflection of her thoughts. Therefore, in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hair.
Manicure. Beautiful hands want to kiss! That's what men say. After a manicure with red polish, you attract the energy of prosperity and beauty.
Communication with other women. Mutual exchange energy greatly enhances the energy of women. A man needs silence to realize himself. A woman understands her feelings better in communication with her friends.
Long conversations and conversations (even on the phone). This is not a waste of time. This is the burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will surely splash them out on a man. And this is not the best way.
Walks. A woman just needs to go out at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the guardians of the hearth, the connection with nature is very important!

Music. Listen to music every day. Meditative, classical, just the one you like. Make it a habit to turn on music, for example, in the morning with a cup of herbal drink. It will be very good if mantras sound.
Refusal of difficult topics for reflection and negotiation. It is useful for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of the girl gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them into the house.
Bath with rose petals, oils. This is not a prank, but a necessity! Having presented such a small amount to your body, you will be surprised at your own radiance and excellent mood.
Meditation. Like any relaxing practice, it raises the level female power. Meditate at least once a day before bed. Meditation in nature is very helpful.
Vocal lessons. Singing cleanses the throat chakra, and we no longer want to swear, reproach men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words "she is like a song."
Shopping visits. Shopping is not just a way to look for new things. Learn to shop even if you don't have money. Try on things. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - the female energy is so strong that sometimes it is enough to see, touch a thing so that it soon migrates to your wardrobe. And the money for it is by itself.

Help. Helping someone or asking for help. Learn to give up the principle of "I myself", because this is a typical male principle.
Visiting a bookstore. Surprisingly, walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to dedicate at least a couple of hours a week to this activity. The woman is the keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge. Choose the right books that develop)
Request for help from a man. Any manifestation of care makes us more feminine. Do an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry your bag. The mood will rise - 100%!
Reading. Read a good book that you bought a long time ago and put on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. Studying fate better understand yourself.
Sharing household chores with someone. Feel free to trust some things to loved ones.
Cooking. Everything related to cooking significantly raises the level of female energy. A woman is a mistress who knows how to feed and drink. If you don't know how to cook, learn. If you know how - improve your skills, master the cuisine of some country. Cook with love, because this is the MAGIC of LOVE.

A house is not just an apartment in which we live. A woman has a powerful energy connection with the house. Therefore, we are so annoyed by a creaking door or a leaking faucet. For a woman, these are not just shortcomings; female energy flows through such “holes”.
But just in such trifles, sometimes it is important not to disturb a man. Why? A man thinks big: “when all the tiles in the bathroom become unusable, then we will make a new one. Why grease the walls ten times!” Sometimes it's easier to hire someone to fix minor bugs. Just remember to tell your husband that you did this knowing that he is very busy, and not because his arms are growing out of the wrong place. Male self-esteem very vulnerable.
Planning. Any incompleteness and doubts destroy a woman. A clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan for the little things, then move on to planning for several months and even years of your life. What will you do tomorrow evening?
A festive lunch or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and gourmet dishes. It turns out that we do all this even more for ourselves, although we want to raise the tone of our beloved. Bring those magical moments to life. Please yourself and loved ones.

Skirts, dresses. Such clothes restore the connection with the energy of the family through the female line. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates if you really want to charm a man. It has been established that the constant wearing of trousers negatively affects the female organs.
Club of young mothers. if you have Small child, be sure to communicate with the same mothers. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also an exchange of energy. Motherhood is personified by the Moon, and lunar energy is female energy.
Child care. Do not refuse to help a married friend play with a child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is the path to Strength. The main thing is not to consider a man as a child.
Feeding the needy. Mercy is a quality that enhances lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. Surely there is a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant trifle. Buy fruit for a lonely neighbor. Do not refuse a cup of tea to a guest who has run to you.
Communication. It is difficult for a woman to do without contact with other people. We draw energy from conversations. It is only important to ensure that the information you transmit is not gossip and other negativity.

Romantic cinema. Make an appointment with a friend and watch a melodrama together. Any film about love is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do it in the company of other women.
Exploring a new culture. It helps to expand the worldview and allows a woman not to lock herself in the inner world. Female energy tends to expand, there is no need to narrow it artificially.
Water sources. Rest on the river, lake, by the sea is a great way to raise your energy level. Water is the basis of a woman's sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adaptable to circumstances, or vice versa stormy.
In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses were taught to swim and communicate with the water element.
Exercise stress. If you feel a lack of energy, start mastering the new kind sports. It can be not only a new kind of fitness, but also just a morning run. Dancing is very helpful!

A great way to bounce back if you're exhausted after breaking up with your partner.
Outfits. A beautiful dress is one way to raise your energy levels. By the way, in order to dress up, you don’t have to go somewhere. Wear nice clothes at home.
Debris clearing. Old things, garbage and rubbish weaken the energy of a woman. If in life came difficult period- it's time to sort out the rubble.
Healthy lifestyle. Needless to say, bad habits have a negative impact on female energy and beauty. Not only smoking can be a bad habit, but also the habit of staying up late, slandering or being lazy.
Poetry. Reading poetry helps to reveal the romantic side of your "I". Feel free to write your own poetry. The energy splashed out on paper will save you from worries. A beautiful syllable teaches you to speak beautifully and think correctly.

Feeding birds, animals. A very simple way to raise your energy level. Build a bird feeder under a window. Get the canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.
Visiting a museum or exhibition. Everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
Communication with the Teacher. Go to a lecture by your favorite author, visit a training. Books give knowledge, this is indisputable, but when we meet the Teacher, we are recharged with energy from a person.
Diary. Write down your thoughts, desires, goals every day. You can paste pictures into the diary or draw yourself. Your feelings matter! Therefore, it is important to write them down. Accumulating the energy of emotions in herself, a woman will then be forced to throw it out on a man, which in itself is not very good. In addition, the recording of thoughts contributes to their analysis.
Album of their beautiful photos. Paste your very own best photos and feel free to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!
Definition of desires. Formulate desires for yourself: what you really want, especially in a relationship. And forget about "can". I can - this is the prerogative of the Man. The man says: I can win her, I can take her as a wife (or I can't). When a woman begins to think a lot in the “I can” style, she becomes a man. Compare: “I want to look good. I want to please him. I want to get married” and “I can look good, he can like me, I can get married.”

Affectionate speeches. Learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from a couple of gentle words spoken by you. Scolding, obscene words reduce female energy to nothing.
Obedience. Arguments, competitions and other aspects of active behavior reduce energy levels. Try to be gentle and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of a man is very debilitating for a woman. And a man does not want a woman who is proactive, because by her behavior she reminds him of himself.
Selectivity in sexual relations. If a woman has several sex partners, she is doomed to devastation. Join sexual relations only with the person you love. Be faithful to your husband. Try to postpone the first sex after meeting. In order to interest a man, you need a lot of energy. Do not lose it ahead of time in sex.
Purity. Keep your home, your body and your mind clean. Get home early. Do not accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to boost your energy is to get in the shower. Purity brings Strength.

FEEDING YOURSELF WITH LOVE. One of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak and cannot give anything to a man. Worse than that, she will begin to vampire energy from him. Hence - the decline of men, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your "well" with love. A woman is a giver. It must be FULL of love.
Decorative and applied art. Knitting, embroidery, modeling: everything that you can do with your own hands raises the level of your feminine energy.
Compliments to yourself and other women. kind word makes us stronger. If it's hard for you to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can give difficulties in relations with the mother, mother-in-law, daughter.
Expression of love in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, to people, to your things: the sun, the spring breeze, rain, and even your sadness, for she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.
Making bouquets. Working with flowers gives a charge new strength, renewal and flowering.

Proper nutrition. Use products that have been less processed and are closer to nature. Remember what strength an apple picked in the garden gives? And some hamburger. Feelings are very different.
Weasel. Gentle touches help a woman to understand and recognize herself.
Being alone with yourself. Do not be afraid of those moments when you are left all alone. Don't get married just because you're lonely. Use this time to take care of yourself. Nature has laid down a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself (menstruation).
Soft toy. Don't berate yourself for still sleeping with your teddy bear in your arms. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone, and a toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.
Learn to work with the energy of the moon. Stand outside in the moonlight, charge water with moonbeams, and then add it to the bath. Turn to the Moon for help in women's ailments.

Postcard for no reason. Having shown a sign of attention to someone, you will be filled yourself. Remember: a woman is a giver. Giving - is filled.
Charity. It is the purest expression of feminine energy. If you can help someone in some way, do it.
Change your hair color. If there is a long pause in your personal life, go to the stylist.
Fragrances. An aura of pleasant aroma should always emanate from you. The woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and choosing a fragrance enhances feminine energy.
Dignity. Be confident in your uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that the Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are charming! You are a woman!

Because this energy we "feed" our man, our children and ourselves.
Using this energy, you are able to influence the space around you and people.

I hasten to add that if you and I do everything else and do not save up energy, then we are not fulfilling our feminine duties. And we are not able to become happy ourselves, nor to make others happy.

Unfortunately or fortunately, this is the case.

AND even we are ideal housewives, and we wash, cook, clean, we still have time to earn money and give birth to children, but at the same time we have no energy, neither for ourselves nor for our loved ones, then we can say that we feminine nature did not disclose. They did not fulfill their purpose.

In the ancient Vedic treatises, 2 types of energy are distinguished. Male and Female.

It is considered that female energy - lunar energy. It is cold, or rather cooling, because it is able to calm a man.

So, for example, scientists have noticed that the sand in the desert, which is under the light of the moon, is much cooler.

Lunar energy - the energy of softness, humility, smoothness, emotionality, etc.

While male energy is the energy of the sun. Activity, risk, courage, strength, aggressiveness. This energy warms up and can burn.
Solar energy is the energy of achievements, great achievements and leadership.

I am glad to tell you that our lunar energy with you is a kind of gasoline for a car in which your man rides with you into a brighter future.

In other words, a man needs your energy, like air.

With her help, you inspire him, guide him, help him, cool him down.

One day I realized one simple truth.

If a woman does not care about anyone she is degrading. She becomes callous, angry, unhappy, dissatisfied, and so on.
A man is also prone to degradation, unless he takes responsibility for someone.

So. Your energy is capable of benefiting the world.
Amazing, right?

In my Power of Feminine Energy webinar, I always ask this question: “What do you think, when we are filled with maximum energy, what are we?”.

Here is what the participants answer: creative, happy, flying, soft, gentle, joyful, calm, charming. We love everyone. We want to embrace the whole world, we radiate beauty.

This condition is called by many different names. For myself, I made up my mind.

When a woman is filled with energy, she is in a state of self-sufficiency.
Fullness = self-sufficiency = inner abundance.

What does self-sufficiency mean?

Self-sufficiency is when there's enough.
This when you are good with yourself.
Self-sufficiency means that you have enough love and respect for yourself.

Therefore, you do not need to receive love and respect from other people. In other words, I'm self-sufficient when I don't need outside confirmation that I'm awesome.

Now all the attention is on the relationship with the man.

When a woman is self-sufficient (full, abundant), she easily directs her energy to building strong, healthy, happy relationships.

This means that female energy is a force that inspires a man to exploits, helps a man to reveal all his strengths and achieve success.

So, dear ones, whatever one may say, and when a woman invests her Energy and Femininity in a relationship, in her man, the relationship is transformed. They are filled with mutual understanding, tenderness, calmness, love.

Practice shows that a man from such a relationship becomes more attentive, gentle, caring.

What other reasons do you think this is happening?

This also happens because with the help of Energy, we are able to reduce the stress of our man.

And let's remember that a man periodically experiences stress. Practically every day.
He goes to work, where he makes decisions, solves problems, questions, etc.

Please remember how, with the help of hugs, care, affection and your words, you could calm both a man and a child, any person.

Indeed, when I am full, I am self-sufficient, I am full of inner abundance, at such moments I do it more often, better and able to give even more.


And that's the coolest thing - just love.
It's so great and wonderful. This is such happiness.
And what is most interesting is that the more I give without expecting anything in return, the more I receive.

How can you be filled with energy?

I will tell you more in my next article. Now I will give you some ways.

How to enter a state of self-sufficiency?

To do this, right from this very minute, it is important for you to start doing something for yourself.

1. Take a piece of paper and a pen. And start writing your list of pleasures. Think and write down EVERYTHING that you like to do, everything that gives you pleasure and can deliver. Do not pay attention to the cost and your capabilities, just write.
2. Did you write? Fine! And now underline those points that are relevant to you now, i.e. there is money and time.
3. Fill up! Find opportunities and time. Do what you like. Every day.

Let's take another look Abundance practice.

I urge you to start it today or tomorrow. Why postpone?

Abundance practice is based on the fact that we learn to see abundance in everything.
Wherever you are, repeat “This is abundance. I see and feel it! I accept it into my life!”
After all, abundance is not necessarily material values, it is also an abundance of love, air, objects, communication and everything that occurs and is in your life.

Gain strength for the whole year.

Everyone knows that it is important for each of us to rest. But not everyone knows what a healthy vacation is.
Some do not even think about the fact that without proper rest it is impossible to live a healthy and happy life.
Periodic rest, relaxation is what is extremely necessary for our body and psyche. If a person believes that he does not have time for rest, then soon he will involuntarily have to spend his precious time visiting doctors.

1. Rest a little every day.

During the day, in addition to sleep, we need to find time to rest and relax. American scientists have proven that a person who rests for 10–15 minutes every hour and finds about an hour to rest after lunch is much more productive and his health is stronger.

2. Don't miss the weekend.

Modern society requires us to work hard during the week - full commitment at work is required. There is a lot of unnecessary – by and large – fuss. Therefore, it is important to find time to completely disconnect from work, pay attention to family, children, look at yourself and your life from the outside.

We also have to rest one day a week. Buddhists believe that resting on the Sabbath prolongs life. In Indian astrology, Saturday is the day of Saturn - a day of rest and detachment from the general fuss. The Old Testament, Judaism also recommend resting once a week, on Saturday.

3. You need to go on vacation.

We must spend at least 25-45 days a year on vacation. It is best to relax away from the place of permanent residence, thereby we change the energy. It is difficult to fully relax in the city where we work hard, if only because we will not be able to completely escape from the routine.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the area where you are going. Israel and India can be recommended for recreation - there are places for outdoor activities, and medical clinics for purification, not to mention holy places where you can relax your soul. However, it is best to go to these countries in spring or autumn, when it is not very hot.

It is very important to relax in nature, because neither our physical body nor our soul relaxes in the city. New experiences are very important. If you are getting to know a new culture, then it is good to relax even in the city. The fact is that when a person, like a sponge, absorbs something new, all systems open in him, he becomes more sensitive. And if you get new experiences in nature, that's even better.

Remember that the average for adapting to others climatic conditions takes three to seven days.

4. Relax with decent people.

In addition to the place and type of recreation, it is also very important with whom we rest. It is desirable that these people inspire you, give only positive emotions. The ancient sage said: do not go where you are not loved. Accordingly, a good friendly atmosphere on vacation is very essential.

5. Eat right.

On vacation, you need to minimize or better to completely abandon the use of alcohol, smoking, black coffee, meat. During the rest, you fill the body and spirit with new energy for the year ahead, and if you eat junk food, then, on the contrary, you take away the strength from the body.

But there is one more important point, which is not always paid attention to: the body needs to fast periodically. After all, the digestive organs also need to periodically rest. The most favorable day for this is the 11th lunar day.

There are people who eat right throughout the year. They once and for all took for themselves certain rules and they are adhered to. Of course, if such a person relaxes control a little while on vacation, nothing bad will happen. Why is it important to watch your diet? Because during rest our subtle body opens up, and if you drink alcoholic drinks and eat heavy foods, it can nullify the whole rest. Of course, you can relax a little, it is not necessary to keep yourself in strict limits all the time. Eating right doesn't mean eating tasteless. Fresh vegetables and fruits - isn't it a wonderful food? Our body is very tired during the year, so it needs to be given a rest.

If you want to stop drinking or cut back on alcohol, it's important to give up meat, at least for a while. Meat stimulates aggression, therefore, in order to somehow soften it, a person intuitively reaches for alcohol, since it allows you to relieve tension for a while. Just imagine how animals are killed and what energy meat brings to us. The energy of decay, together with cadaveric poison, is transferred to a person.

There are people who claim that they cannot relax at all without alcohol. In fact, alcohol only exacerbates the problem, and the effect that it gives is very short-lived.

6. Spend time in the sun.

The sun is the main source of energy, it gives prana - the main driving force in the universe. Remember that exposure to the sun from 11.30 to 16.30 is harmful to the body. The most useful are the morning and evening rays. Try to spend as much time outdoors as possible.

7. Drink more water.

If throughout the year we must drink at least 2 liters of water a day, then in the summer we need at least two and a half liters. It is only about water, not including tea or other beverages. If you drink dehydrating and harmful liquids (coffee, black tea, beer, carbonated drinks, alcohol) during the day, then you need to drink even more water.

8. Choose favorable places for recreation.

Rest near the sea and reservoirs is very useful for adults and especially for children. In the first years of life, children are under the influence of the Moon, and the Moon is responsible for fluids. At an early age, the psyche and consciousness are formed, and water is very calming. Mountains with waterfalls and lakes are also a very good choice. Perhaps all natural places are good for recreation, with the exception of the desert. There is good energy in early spring when everything is blooming. The rest of the time it is undesirable to be in the desert: the hot desert takes energy. In addition, very cold desert places with strong winds. Do not rest in big cities, in which there is a lot of negative energy.

9. Rest not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Complete rest means rest of the body, rest of the mind and rest of the spirit. What people usually mean by rest refers precisely to the physical level. A person needs to get enough sleep, reduce activity in order to physically relax - this is true. But other points are no less important.

For example, resting the mind implies the ability to disconnect from work. This is especially important for people who are creative work. Fresh ideas appear only on vacation, when it turns out to be distracted from the routine.
Psychologists also confirm this, they have long noticed that happy insights that help people somehow improve their careers and solve complex issues occur just when a person is resting, preferably in nature. Therefore, in the West they even began to make more corporate trips out of town. Of course, the simplest and most effective rest for the mind is meditation. The easiest way to learn meditation is to start with the breath. Concentration on the breath very quickly calms the spirit and brings respiratory organs person in order. Try to breathe as slowly as possible. The slower a person breathes, the longer he lives.

A best holiday for the soul is reading good books, visiting temples, prayer, communication with wise and pleasant people.

The fact that a person, even on vacation, cannot be distracted from problems is (according to my observations) this is one of the main reasons for divorces and even early deaths.

Usually people of a mental warehouse are hardly disconnected from worries. Here is what you can advise such a person: first of all, you need to understand how important it is to be distracted from work. Just realize at the level of the intellect how dangerous it is. And then set a goal for yourself.

Great way to unwind mobile phone, do not check email and not watch TV. Lately, it is very difficult for people to relax because we are entangled with the Internet and mobile phones. A person can be anywhere the globe get in the literal sense of the word. It is also very important to disconnect from the TV, because the news that it gives us very rarely carries a positive charge. Politics, crisis, terrorist attacks - what kind of rest can there be?

It is best to spend as much time as possible in nature and not even talk about negative topics. It may seem that such a vacation is a waste of time. But in fact it has been proven that important discoveries and fresh ideas appear in a person just at those moments when he is as relaxed as possible.

The most rewarding vacation

There are four main types of recreation that help us gain strength:

1. Outdoor recreation.

They say that God created the village, and the devil created the city. In nature, we can gain positive energy. It is best to go to the forest, to the mountains.

2. Rest associated with pilgrimage to holy places.

In this case, our body, and our mind, and our soul will receive rest. We are charged with spiritual energy.

3. Medical tourism.

In the summer we have the opportunity to clean up. In winter, we move less, eat more canned foods. In spring and summer, it is important to eat more fruits, vegetables, drink freshly squeezed juices. It is also useful to take a course of cleaning the body of toxins that have accumulated over the year, in the clinic or on your own. There are Ayurvedic clinics, resorts near hydrogen sulfide springs, various kinds of SPA, etc. There are many books in Russian that tell how you can cleanse the body yourself.

4. Active recreation.

For example, hiking, kayaking, cycling, skiing etc.

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