How to sew documents with a corner. General scheme of document firmware

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

Firmware (lacing) of documents: from A to Z

Proper preparation of documents is a painstaking and difficult task. Indeed, the final result of their consideration in institutions and the consequences associated with it largely depend on almost every letter and comma.

Despite the fact that today there are many guides on the Internet on how to properly fill out, compose and structure documents, you are unlikely to find a complete and detailed instructions by their firmware. From our point of view, the correct firmware of the document is no less important than all other stages of its preparation for the reasons below.

First, the incorrect firmware of the document will definitely serve as a weighty reason for refusing to accept it. As you understand, each such refusal entails lost time, additional efforts and financial expenses. But this is not the most dangerous in this situation.

Secondly, low-quality or careless firmware of your company's documents can be used by interested parties not in your favor. That is, important documents can be embroidered and disbanded, and sheets containing important information changed. And it will be very difficult to prove the substitution.

We think that there is no need to dwell separately on what deplorable consequences sloppy firmware can have for the future of your organization and your business as a whole.

Legislative Perspective

To date, there are a number of regulatory legal acts that regulate the procedure for not only filling out, but also flashing documents of this kind. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

Methodological explanations on the procedure for filling out individual forms of documents used in state registration legal entity approved by the order of the Ministry Russian Federation on taxes and fees dated April 18, 2003 N BG-3-09/198;

Clause 2.6.22 of section 2.6. Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 536 of November 8, 2005 "O Model Instruction on paperwork in federal executive bodies”;

Clause the Instruction of the Central Bank of Russia "On office work in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)", which was approved by Order No. 02-213 of December 7, 1992;

P.p. 4, 5 "Requirements for the execution of documents used for state registration of legal entities, as well as individuals as individual entrepreneurs”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 N 439 (as amended on October 16, 2003, February 26, 2004).

GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions.

Basic concepts and tools needed for flashing

Guided by the above regulations, we will consider one of the final stages of preparing documents, namely their firmware.

Basic, i.e. such that are used when flashing all types of documents are the following principles:

Mandatory gross pagination, which, as a rule, is carried out in Arabic numerals in the upper right corner of each sheet of the document (clause of Instructions of the Central Bank of Russia No. 9 of 12/7/1992);

All documents that consist of two or more sheets are subject to firmware;

Copies of statutory documents should also be flashed, with the only difference being that after flashing, a sticker is not glued to them and no seal is affixed;

The firmware must be done with a special thick stitching needle using an awl and stitching threads or twine. For high-quality firmware, reliable glue is required that will not lose its properties for a long time.

Firmware step by step guide

For the correct firmware of your documents, you must perform the following steps in strict sequence:

1. We remove all pins, paper clips and other metal fasteners from sheets of documents.

2. We fold the sheets to be stitched evenly and neatly in the required order, not forgetting to check the correctness of their numbering.

3. We take a special awl or, if the number of sheets is not large, a stitching needle and along the left margin of the document, indenting about 1.5 cm from the text part, we make 3 through holes. These holes must be vertical relative to the bottom of the document, and the distance between each of them must be at least 3 centimeters relative to the central part of the sheet.

4. We measure the length of the thread equal to 70 cm (slightly more than the length of your forearm) and thread it into the needle;

5. For our maximum convenience, the stitching holes in the further test of the instructions will be numbered from #1 to #3 from top to bottom;

6. After that, trying not to displace the sheets, we thread the needle through hole No. 2, leaving one of the ends of the thread on the back side and making sure that it remains in this place throughout the entire firmware process.

7. Then, on the front side of the sheets, we pass the needle through hole No. 1;

8. Now that the needle has come out from the back of the document, we pass it through hole No. 3 again, and then we pass it through hole No. 2 from the front side so that the needle and thread are again on the back of the sheets.

9. Thus, both ends of our thread ended up on the back of the sheets, threaded through holes No. 2 and No. 3.

10. We cut off the excess length of the thread, while not forgetting to leave the ends about 6-7 cm long to tie them into a knot.

11. We make a knot from the ends of the thread as close as possible to the sheet of the document and tightly apply it to the back side last leaf.

12. We glue a sheet of paper measuring two by five centimeters (sticker) on top with clerical glue so that it covers the entire specified knot and partially the remaining length of the threads. At the same time, the ends of the threads about 1-2 cm remain free from the sticker.

13. On the indicated sheet of paper, we make the inscription “Numbered, stitched and sealed on ___ (___ number in words) sheets” so that it partially extends to the back of the last page of the document, going beyond the sticker.

14. We certify this inscription with the signature of the relevant authorized person and the seal of the legal entity. Both the seal impression and the signature must cover part of the last of the sheets, going beyond the sticker.

The situation when entrepreneurs are faced with the need to flash documents is far from uncommon. Papers may be needed tax office, pension fund or for archiving.

It is strictly forbidden to glue documents or fasten them with a stapler. To avoid problems and not earn a reputation as an illiterate person, you need to know how to flash documents in accordance with all requirements.

General rules

At first glance, it may seem that there should not be any difficulties in stapling documents, but this is not entirely true. The process must be approached responsibly so that the papers are in proper form. Many printing houses can do this work for a set fee and within short time, but not every entrepreneur will risk entrusting important papers to strangers. In order not to use the services of professionals every time, it is worth figuring out how to properly flash documents.

Supervisory structures do not provide entrepreneurs with specific guidance on this issue, so you will have to figure it out on your own. Information can be gleaned from the Methodological recommendations in the field of office work.

Sewing paper with thread

How to flash documents in this way? To do this, you need to prepare accessories. You need to have threads, needles and glue. The process consists of three steps:

  • Preparation of documents. All papers must be laid out in the correct order and numbered with a pencil in the corner of the sheet. Holes can be made with an awl or a hole puncher can be used. In the case when there are a lot of papers and it is impossible to pierce them with a hole punch, you should use a sharp nail and a hammer. The number of holes depends on the importance and purpose of the document. Top-secret documents are sewn into five holes to avoid substitution of sheets. The holes must be placed on the left, in the center of the free field. The distance should be approximately three centimeters from one puncture to another.
  • Write-off. Understanding how to flash documents with threads, you need to know important nuances. In most cases, it is customary to use twine or LSh-210 thread. Other strong threads are also allowed. It is necessary to start the process from the back of the hole, which is located in the middle. It is customary to stitch documents twice to give the desired strength. The thread is brought to the back from the central puncture and tied with a knot. If you need to fasten papers that are not of particular value, you can use a regular thread.
  • Document verification. To properly certify the papers, it is necessary to prepare a small piece of paper measuring 4 by 5 cm. It must be glued to the knot so that the ends of the thread are free. On the sheet it is necessary to indicate the number of papers filed in number and in words, as well as the position, surname and initials of the person in charge. After that, the certifying person puts his signature and seal, if any. The edges of the signature and seal must necessarily go beyond the sticker sheet.

How to prepare paperwork for the tax office?

Any entrepreneur is required to provide various reports on their activities, so knowledge of how to flash documents for the tax service is necessary. To avoid inconsistencies, it is advisable to check with the responsible person about the rules for fastening documents.

A list of all attached papers should be compiled with the finished document. The inventory must be enclosed at the very beginning of the case and numbered separately. It is also necessary to indicate the dates of documents and the number of sheets. It must be remembered that the number is placed on the sheets, and not on the pages. If the document is multi-volume, the pages of each volume are numbered separately.

For tax authorities you need to flash documents into 3 holes, no more and no less. The distance between the punctures should be more than three centimeters. You need to place them in the fields on the left side. Holes are made with an awl or a thick needle. Punctures should be in the middle of the field so that the text is clearly visible. All holes must be made so that they are strictly under each other.

What thread to sew?

Documents for tax must be sewn only with a piercing needle, using twine or LSh-210 thread. In extreme cases, flashing with a nylon thread folded several times is allowed.

The thread is output on the back of the last sheet. The ends, the length of which cannot be more than 6 cm, must be tied. The sticker is made according to generally accepted rules and is certified by a signature and a seal. The ends of the thread must be free.

If the document will be stored for more than ten years, five punctures must be made. In this case, the sticker must be made of tissue paper.

Document cover

You need to know not only how to flash documents, but also how to choose a cover for them. They can be of three types: standard, non-standard and those used for long-term storage of papers. As a rule, most often the dimensions of the cover are 229 by 324 mm, they are used for A4 sheets.

If the document bigger size, you need to make a custom cover. To do this, you can contact the printing house or do it yourself. Those papers that need to be stored for more than 25 years should be framed in a strong cover made of thick cardboard. If the transfer of the document to the state archive is meant, the material for the cover must be acid-free.

Firmware in 4 holes

Depending on the terms of storage of documents, registration can be of two types:

  • Partial, in which the sheets may not be numbered. In this case, the inventory and certification sheet do not need to be drawn up. Such registration is allowed for documents that are stored for no more than ten years.
  • Full registration is necessary when the papers have been in the archive for more than ten years. In this case, you need to flash the documents into 4 holes.

The cover must be hard, made of thick cardboard, the thickness of which is 0.35-1.5 mm. Description elements must be arranged in accordance with GOST 17914-72. When filing papers, you need to remember that the text should be well read. All metal items such as paper clips and staples must be removed.

For flashing in 4 holes, you need to prepare an awl, a clamping device, large needles and threads. If there are a lot of sheets, it is more advisable to take a drill.

Subtleties of "archival stitching"

Before flashing the documents, you need to check all the papers and arrange them in right order. The sheets of the inventory should be numbered separately. At the end, a witness is required.

If the case is drawn up partially, cardboard must be applied above and below. In the case of a complete design, it is necessary to sew and make a binding using PVA glue.

To clamp the pack, you should use oppression or a special device. The lower and upper puncture should be placed at a distance of 30 mm from the borders of the fields. The remaining two holes are located at a distance of about 80 mm from the extreme punctures.

The ends of the thread must be threaded through different needles and held in the middle punctures on the front side. The thread is brought out from the back side through the extreme punctures to the front side. Then it is threaded into adjacent holes. The ends must be tied from the back.


Proper reporting and document management is one of the essential aspects of successful activity. Therefore, managers must approach this matter with all responsibility and know how to properly flash documents.

In office work, a rule has been established that all documents that consist of more than one sheet must be stapled and certified.

Despite the lack of an approved unified procedure for this process, enterprises and government agencies often need to staple all generated documents for archives, submissions for consideration in any instances (for example, when registering legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, to participate in tenders), etc. .

Therefore, any clerk and person who encounters in their activities with large quantity documentation, it is important to know how to properly flash documents. After all, this occupation is quite painstaking and requires care and accuracy.

For flashing documents, the specialist who will deal with this will need the following items:

  • needle (awl, hole punch, drill) - depending on how much paper you need to sew;
  • threads LSh-21 (or bank twine);
  • case cover 229 × 324 mm (if you need to form and flash archival files);
  • paper sticker 4x8 cm - certification sheet;
  • scissors;
  • office glue.

Preparatory work

In all institutions, documents are stitched by a specialist to whom such powers were transferred on the basis of internal departmental acts regulating the rules for handling documents (order of the head, service instruction).

Such an employee of the organization is called a clerk.

As a rule, if he received a special education, he should know exactly how to flash certain documents.

However, often, a person who does not fully possess accurate knowledge can also sit in this position.

In this case, he should know that the following is necessary before stapling documents:

  • Prepare in advance all the tools that will come in handy while stapling papers.
  • Fold all documents according to their dates and numbers, on the correct side and in the correct order.
  • Before stapling, make sure that there are no paper clips and staples on the sheets, and if any are attached somewhere, then they must be removed. Such extraneous stationery will interfere with the stapling process, and they are superfluous during the subsequent storage of documents.
  • Then the stapling pack must be folded flat so that each sheet lies equally with all the others. If this is not followed, then as a result of fastening the pack will look sloppy, and the edges of the knocked-out sheets will wrinkle. When too large volume stapled sheets for alignment, a special tool is used.
  • Prepare a thread with a length of at least 70 cm.

Firmware step by step guide

  1. Once again, you should check the numbering and correctness of the documents folded into a single bundle.
  2. Further, armed with a needle, a special awl or other tool for making holes in the paper (depending on the thickness of the pack), you need to make three through holes vertically. The distance between them should not be less than 3 cm in relation to the center of the sheet.
  3. Take a pre-prepared thread, thread it into a needle for stapling documents.
  4. For convenience, you should designate the holes on the document from top to bottom as: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. The specialist should start stitching by threading the needle into hole No. 2, while leaving the end of the thread on the back of the paper stack. During the entire sewing process, you need to make sure that this part of the thread remains there.
  5. Then, on the front side, you need to pass the needle through hole No. 1 and get it from behind.
  6. From the back, thread the needle again into hole No. 2. Now the needle is again on the outside of the sheet.
  7. Next, you should pass the needle from the outside of the paper into hole No. 3 and remove it from the back.
  8. Taking the end of the thread that initially remained on the back side and the one that appeared from hole No. 3, they must be leveled, and the excess length cut off with scissors.
  9. The ends of the two threads are tied into a knot 2 times, as close as possible to the back of the document. The stronger the document is bound, the more convenient it is to leaf through. Moreover, it will not crumble individual sheets and will be stored for a long time in a fastened form.
  10. The final stage of stitching is gluing a small sheet of paper with accompanying inscriptions. To do this, you need to take glue, a sheet of paper measuring 2 * 5 cm, stick it on the very place where the stitching was completed. The sheet should completely cover the knot and partially the ends of the thread. And the remaining 1-2 cm of the threads should be outside the sticker.
  11. The seal of the organization is put on the sheet with the accompanying inscription, the imprint of which should capture both it and part of the back of the document that was sealed with a sticker. This will avoid the possibility of opening the stapled documents and replacing sheets.

How to properly flash documents with threads - photo

If the stack of documents is not too thick (up to 5 sheets), then the holes in the sheets can be carefully made with the sewing needle itself. It is important to keep the document in good condition, without wrinkling.

Accompanying inscriptions

This is the text that is written on a sheet of paper that fastens the document from the back.

As a rule, it contains:

  • the inscription "stitched, numbered";
  • the number of numbered sheets, in numbers and in words;
  • position and full name responsible person;
  • place for the signature and its decoding.

You can either pre-print the transcript on a computer, create ready-made stickers and multiply them, or write the entire text of the accompanying inscription by hand. Neither one nor the other will be an error and the document will not lose its validity from this.


The most common papers in practice that require stapling are documents that are being prepared for submission to the tax office for registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, or changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP. In order for them to be accepted and there was no refusal to register, the following papers must be certified by the method described above.

  1. Charter (for organizations).
  2. Official application form.
  3. Minutes of the general meeting.
  4. Other documents.

Some documents are stapled and certified by a notary.

Stitched magazine with stamp

For example, application forms for the tax office. In this case, there is no need to staple the papers yourself, because the notary office specialist will deal with the entire process of stitching and certifying documents.

Each structural division of the enterprise, no matter what size it is, at least once faced with the need to file documents.

This becomes necessary both for archiving and for some legal procedures. There are several methods for performing stitching. They will be discussed below.

Hemming in shape

Any enterprise during the year generates a certain amount of documents, some of which, after the expiration of the storage period, must go to the archive. This includes documents that have already been executed, as well as documents related to the personnel of the enterprise. According to the established practice, cases are transferred to the archive, one year after they are completed in office work.

The obligation to transfer documents is assigned to the employees of the service responsible for document management, or is entrusted to the secretary, accountant and other responsible person, and is fixed by the appropriate order.

In addition, secretaries are also involved here. separate subdivisions. Naturally, the transfer of cases occurs only after their final registration.

This procedure includes several steps:

  • Cases are checked for the correct distribution of documents into groups;
  • The filing is done;
  • The page numbering is checked;
  • An accompanying inscription is drawn up;
  • An internal inventory is being made;
  • Correction of requisites on the cover. This means a possible change in the name of the enterprise, registration index, as well as correction of the timing of the transfer and headings;
  • A description of the filed case is carried out.

Allows partial registration of cases whose shelf life does not exceed 10 years.

In addition, it is allowed:

  1. Do not organize documents;
  2. Don't do pagination;
  3. Exclude the design of the certification inscription;
  4. Exclude firmware cases.

Legislation on "sewing"

Office work and paperwork are sufficient complex processes. It is not uncommon for documents prepared and transferred to the archive to be returned due to incorrect execution. Therefore, a completely logical question arises, how to properly stitch the documentation? You can find the answer in methodological recommendations on office work, which are fixed by the order of the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009 No.

>Legislation regulates the filing procedure. In this regard, recommendations are given that should be followed. Incorrectly bound documents may not be accepted into the archive for storage.

The archive of any enterprise allows you to save documents for a certain time period. Then the said documentation in without fail submitted to the archives.

The law provides for very specific deadlines that allow you to save the following documents:

  • In relation to personnel, notarial records, business books - 75 years;
  • Documents related to the transfer of state housing stock to private ownership - 75 years;
  • Patents for inventions - 20 years;
  • Capital construction - 20 years;
  • Design documentation - 20 years;
  • Scientific works - 15 years;
  • Archival documentation of enterprises associated with agriculture- 5 years;
  • Cinema - and photo documentation - 5 years;
  • Video - and photo documentation - 3 years.

When an enterprise is liquidated, then documents with an indefinite period of storage are transferred to the state archive. In addition, documents on the personnel of the organization are also subject to transfer.

In the case of non-governmental organizations, it should be noted that a special regime of relations is provided for them. In particular, the law obliges them to enter into a separate agreement with the Federal Archival Service. If the contract is concluded late, then the archive will be obliged to accept only those documents that are related to the personnel of the enterprise. The fate of the rest of the documentation, i.e. the place of its storage, will be determined by the head of the liquidation commission.

Documents to be flashed

According to the letter of the law, it is necessary to flash all documents consisting of more than two sheets. This also applies to copies of statutory documents. However, documents that are not subject to subsequent transfer to the archive may not be flashed.

Why might this be needed?

The main factor explaining the need is the possible protection of documents, for example, from the removal or replacement of sheets. In this regard, they are stitched with threads, numbered and sealed.

A similar need arises in relation to accounting, personnel documents, as well as profit books and especially important agreements.

Additionally, this list may include notarized copies and translations. In addition, bound documents are easier to store. Cases arranged in this way take less space. Whereas, thread binding and sealing allow you to confirm the integrity of the documentation. Other official methods have not yet been invented.

How to properly archive documents

Following the completion of the case, the final step is filing. This involves removing all metal objects (paper clips, pins). The documents are then to be released from the binder.

If the documents are completed, you need to add Blank sheet for an accompanying caption. In addition, at the beginning of the case, you can additionally attach sheets for an internal inventory. But, if there are already printed forms, then you can add them.

Regulations set limits on the number of pages in each case. Therefore, it is allowed to complete cases up to 250 sheets. In case more documents have been collected during the year, they should be divided into separate volumes. According to the standard procedure, documents are filed in hardcover.

If the case materials contain documents of different formats, it is necessary to file for 4 punctures. This is done in order to securely fasten documents.

As for cases that have a long shelf life, in this case they can be stitched through, along with the cover. Whereas, the generally accepted procedure for stapling documents with constant terms of savings, provides for the beginning of filing from the sheet that follows the binding. Then, on the first sheet you need to put a cardboard gasket and flash the case. This is necessary in order to protect the threads from premature wear.

Here we should not forget that the case will actually be stored forever. The main thing during filing is border control, so you also need to make sure that the threads do not go beyond the text. It should be easy to read even when stitched.

Documents with a shelf life of no more than 10 years can be stored without firmware in a binder.

In some institutions, for convenience, special booklet machines are used. But this method is unacceptable for archival filing.

The next step in the affairs of indefinite storage is numbering. It is usually done for convenience in working with documents. To make the numbering, use a black pencil or a special numbering machine. For setting numbers, it is provided separate place, is the top right corner of the document.

It should be noted that the numbering occurs exclusively on the front side. The numbers should not interfere with the main text. The use of colored pencils is prohibited. The use of ink is also not allowed.

When a sheet of a larger format than A4 is placed in the case, then it is allowed to hem it at one edge and fold it, after which it must be numbered as 1 sheet. In case the sheet was folded and then hemmed in the middle, then it must be numbered as 2 sheets. Illustrated materials are to be numbered on the reverse side.

A separate place is provided for putting numbers - this is the upper left corner of the document. In the case of stitching envelopes that are accompanied by attachments, such documents are subject to self-numbering. Attachments are numbered with the number that follows the one on the envelope. If you need to divide the case into separate volumes, then each of them is numbered separately.

The design of the cover takes place at the stage of the establishment of the case. Here you need to be guided by the recommendations of GOST 17914-72. Covers of cases of long-term storage ....

Therefore, at the stage of opening a separate case, certain information is submitted for binding, in particular:

  • Company name;
  • The name of the separate subdivision;
  • Office work index;
  • case title;
  • Storage period.

Cases that should be transferred to indefinite storage are mandatory stitched into a strong cardboard cover, on which the spine is attached. The resulting folder cannot be thicker than 4 cm.

An archival book has its own standard, which cannot exceed 320 x 230 mm.

To simplify the firmware procedure, you can use archive folders. A separate option for solving this problem are binding machines. As another option, you can bring the procedure for filing banking cash documents. The thickness of the folder of this category of documents can reach up to 10 cm.

So, analyzing the archival processing of documents, we can come to the conclusion that the most difficult task is the procedure of drilling paper blocks. However, high-performance paper drilling machines can come to the rescue here.

Preparatory work

To staple documents, you must first straighten the stack of paper. But if the pack contains a large number of documents, consisting of small sheets, then it is necessary to lay the stack so that it can be evenly clamped with a clamp. To align too many documents, such as up to 1,000 sheets, then it is wise to use an electric paper pusher.

After laying the documents, you need to fix them well in the clamp, after which you can start drilling the entire block. In this case, the number of holes can be 2–5 pcs. Drilling is carried out using a conventional electric drill or specialized piercing equipment. Separate stitching models are equipped with a mechanism that automatically threads the thread through the holes made. In case drilling is done with a drill, do not rush to remove documents from the clamp so that the holes do not move.

Hand threaded

Photo: How to properly sew documents with threads

When asked how to properly stitch documents with a thread, it must be said that for this you need to take an ordinary needle, thread and stitch sheets that have only 2 punctures.

After the document is stitched, you need to tie the ends of the thread on the back of the document and glue a small piece of paper onto the resulting knot.

After that, a certification inscription is made about how many sheets the document contains, by whom it is certified. This procedure is done in such a way that the inscription (print) protrudes beyond the borders of the sticker. It should be recalled that pages are subject to mandatory numbering. As practice shows, stitching documents correctly with a thread is simple, but, unfortunately, this method has its limitations. More than 5 sheets are hard enough to pierce with a needle. Therefore, it is better to use a hole punch in such cases.

Hole punch (lacing)

As mentioned above, if there are more than 5 sheets of documents, it is better to use manual stitchers. More best solution can devices with an electric drive (electric punches). To do this, 4 holes are evenly distributed on the margins of the document, but in such a way that the text is readable.

Next, the lacing of documents is used, with its help the documents will be ordered, and control over their safety will also be ensured. These rules are regulated by various regulations. Contracts, notarized documents, cash books, bank documents are stitched in this way. This list also includes personal files, registration journals, as well as strict reporting forms.

Watch the video on how easy it is to sew documents using a hole punch:

Accompanying inscriptions

After stitching and numbering the case, you need to draw up a certification inscription. In practice, this is done on a separate piece of paper, which is then fixed on the back of the case. Mandatory to indicate in the certification inscription is the number of numbered sheets.

This information is indicated both in numbers and in words.

It should be noted that the position of the responsible person and the decoding of the signature should be indicated on the accompanying inscription. The prepared inscription is attached with high-quality glue. At the same time, its function is also to fix the node. In such a way that the ends of the thread are free. All this is sealed at the end with a seal, the imprint of which should be on the sticker and sheet.

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How relevant is the firmware of documents in 2019?

Every organization has its own internal archive, which provides systematization of various documents. This includes accounting registers, personnel orders, etc. Documentation intended for subsequent transfer to storage in the state archive must necessarily go through a preparatory procedure in accordance with the existing GOST.

And in 2019, no one canceled the mandatory procedure. Thus, the firmware of documents has not lost its relevance.

"Archival binding of the case", i.e. dealing with the formed archival documents is the result of work on the execution of cases in the process of preparing them for subsequent storage and use in the archive of the organization (or simply for archival storage if there is no archive in the organization).

Registration of cases represents work package according to the description of the case (the composition and content of the documents contained in it) on the cover of the case, i.e. the design on the cover of a specific heading, refined in comparison with the nomenclature of cases, the numbering of sheets, the preparation of an internal inventory of the case documents and the case certification sheet, and, finally, brochures, i.e. filing and binding cases. This set of works is also called archival and technical processing of documents in the process of their preparation for archival storage (preparation for delivery to the archive of the organization or to the state, municipal archive). Practice shows that organizations currently prefer to order services for archival and technical processing of documents on an outsourcing basis or, in extreme cases, invite a trained binder to stitch together files already formed and described in the office work, intended for archival storage.

Depending on the terms of storage of documents, either full or partial processing of cases can be carried out:

  • complete filing of cases applied to documents permanent term storage, according personnel and temporary storage period (over 10 years);
  • partial clearance, in which it is allowed not to number the sheets of the case, not to draw up an internal inventory and a certification sheet, applies to cases of temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage.

The established forms of the internal inventory of case documents (storage units) and the case certification sheet can be found in:

  • Basic rules for the work of departmental archives (approved by the decision of the collegium of the Main Archive of the USSR on August 28, 1982, approved by order of the Main Archive of the USSR of September 5, 1985 No. 263; applications No. 4-5),
  • Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the collegium of the Federal Archive of February 6, 2002; applications No. 9-10) and
  • Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of the Federal Archives of December 23, 2009 No. 76; applications No. 26-27; hereinafter - Methodological Instructions).

The rules for systematizing documents within the case, their numbering and description on the cover of the case are discussed in detail in the same regulatory and methodological documents.

The documents that make up the case sewn on 4 punctures in a hard cover made of cardboard or intertwined taking into account the possibility of free reading of the text of all documents, dates, visas and resolutions on them. When preparing files for filing (binding, binding), all metal fastenings of documents (paper clips, staplers) must be removed.

The requirements for the cover cardboard and the form of the case description on the cover (the arrangement of the description elements) are established by GOST 17914-72 “Case covers long terms storage. Types, sizes and technical requirements”, the validity of which was extended until 1985 and which, without further revision, actually continues to be valid to the present day. See Figure 2.

So, the cardboard used for the cover must be 0.35 to 1.5 mm thick (archival companies that provide outsourcing services for archival and technical processing of documents comply with these requirements), the spine of the cover must be 40 mm wide (because thickness of the case - approximately 250 sheets of documents, which is 4 cm), and the form of the cover of the case according to this GOST is currently recommended in the Guidelines (Appendix No. 25).

To complete a brochure of a prepared case, i.e. filing for 4 punctures, use an awl, a drill, a clamp for clamping a pack, needles of large numbers, natural linen or cotton threads, but it is best to use special devices for stitching (binding) that are available on the office equipment market.

Particular attention should be paid to the technique of "archival stitching", i.e. craft question:

  1. The composition of the case is checked, in which first the sheets of the internal inventory are located, which have independent numbering (from 1 to N), then the numbered sheets of the case documents (from 1 to about 250), at the end - the witness sheet of the case.
  2. Narrow sheets of paper, as wide as the margins of the bound documents of the case, are superimposed on top and bottom of the case bundle (of course, 35-40 mm is better, but 20-30 mm is also possible).
  3. Under the condition of a partial registration of the case with documents of temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage, sheets of cardboard (cover) are immediately superimposed on the bottom and top of the pack-case.
    When a file is fully processed with documents of permanent storage, by personnel or temporary (over 10 years) storage, the bundle-case is first sewn together, and then the case is bound according to the established “typographical” technology, subject to which it is necessary to use PVA glue, and synthetic glue - only if it is protected from decay and mold.
  4. The pack-case is clamped under pressure, or in a clamp, or in a special device.
  5. Pack-case punctures are carried out:
    • lower and upper - at a distance of 30 mm from the border of the lower and upper margins of the pack;
    • the middle two punctures at a distance of about 80 mm from the lower and upper punctures, between them there should also be a distance of about 80 mm.
  6. A natural thread is passed into the punctures in one of two ways:
    • 1 way(shown in Figure 1). Each end of the thread is threaded into a separate needle (i.e. both ends of the thread are each threaded into its own needle). The thread with two needles is carried out in two middle punctures on the front side. From the back, the thread is brought out into the upper and lower punctures on the front side. From the front side, from the upper and lower punctures, the thread is threaded with needles into the nearest middle puncture. The thread is released from the needles, aligned, and its ends are stretched and tied on the back of the pack-case;
    • 2 way(also shown in Figure 1). The thread is threaded into one needle. From the back side of the pack-case, the thread is passed into the second puncture from the bottom (the end of the thread is left for subsequent tying), it is removed from the front side and passed into the bottom puncture. On the back side, the thread is again drawn into the second puncture from the bottom to the front side. On the front side from above, the thread is inserted into the second puncture from the top and along the back side it is carried out to the upper puncture. Through it, the thread is led into the second puncture from the top along the front side, threaded and brought out to the back side of the pack-case. On the back side, the thread is released from the needle, and its two ends are tightened and tied.

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