What is the best way to marinate meat on a barbecue. With soy sauce

Engineering systems 17.10.2019
Engineering systems

The secret of delicious kebabs is simple - good meat and delicious marinade. If these two important conditions completed, then the barbecue will turn out excellent. So it's time to talk about how to properly prepare the marinade for barbecue, so that they turn out juicy and soft, such that you lick your fingers. All the secrets on how to marinate barbecue.

So, we offer you the top 5 barbecue marinades. These are the most popular types of marinade, the simplest and most reliable. Which option to choose is up to you! We will only offer the top 5 most popular and most delicious marinades.

tomato marinade

Our tomato marinade comes first. In a tomato marinade, the meat is soft, not sour, with an excellent taste. Tomato marinade is considered a culinary classic.

Cut the meat into pieces, salt and add cooked spices. Onion cut into rings. Mix everything gently. Pour the meat with tomato juice, it should be all covered with juice. Juice is best home cooking. Leave to marinate for at least 2 hours.

Shish kebab in tomato marinade after frying will acquire a beautiful reddish hue, and will have an excellent taste.

Marinade on mineral water

Marinade based on mineral carbonated water is in second place.

Using such a marinade, the meat of your barbecue will be 100% soft. Cut the meat into pieces 4 x 4 cm. Sprinkle with salt. Cut the onion into rings, put it in the meat and mix, while crushing the meat as if well. Pour the meat mineral water with gas, the barbecue must be completely immersed in water. Marinate for at least 2 hours.

Kefir marinade

Kefir barbecue marinade is also very popular, so it is in our third place.

Kefir marinade is best for pork skewers. Kefir is a fermented milk product, its advantage is that it does not dry out meat like other vinegar-based marinades or lemon juice. Therefore, the meat is juicy and soft.

Cut the meat into pieces, salt and add spices. Stir and add chopped onion. Stir again to evenly distribute the meat, onion and spices. Pour the meat with kefir so that the kefir completely covers it. Leave to marinate for 5-6 hours. Soft and juicy barbecue you are guaranteed!

Onion barbecue marinade

This is perhaps the easiest marinade for meat, it is made from onions. We have it in 4th place.

Per 1 kg raw meat 700 g of onions and 2 tsp are taken. ground black pepper. Rub the peeled onions on a fine grater or puree in a blender. It is necessary that as a result we get a liquid onion gruel. We mix the resulting slurry with salt and black pepper and marinate the meat in the resulting mixture for at least three to four hours. Before frying the kebab, you need to completely get rid of the onion marinade. This marinade is ideal for pork, lamb and beef. But for tender chicken meat, it will be harsh.

Classic marinade for vinegar skewers

In fifth place we have a classic vinegar kebab marinade.

Pork cut into pieces about 4 x 4 cm. Salt and sprinkle with spices. For 1.5 kg of meat, there are about 3 tablespoons of spices. We cut the onion into rings or half rings. Mix with meat. Dilute three teaspoons of 70% vinegar with a glass of water. We pour the meat. Once again, mix well and knead the meat. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and leave for at least 2 hours.

Classic barbecue with an unforgettable taste from childhood, ready!

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of a few important tips so that the barbecue turns out really tasty.

How to pickle a delicious barbecue

No matter how good the marinade you make, the quality of the meat chosen for the barbecue should be good. Otherwise, even the most exquisite marinade will be of little use. The softness of the shish kebab is given by mineral water (always with gas). Therefore, if the meat that you have prepared for the barbecue seems tough to you, it is better to marinate in mineral water.

Choose the right utensils for marinating meat. Do not pickle in aluminum dishes! Only in glass, enamel or plastic. If you are going to nature with a company, you can marinate the kebab in a tight plastic bag. This is quite convenient, because after use it is thrown away and there is no need to drag empty dishes back.

Don't overdo the acid! If you marinate meat in vinegar or wine, do not overdo it, the acid should be in moderation.

The larger the pieces of meat are cut, the longer you need to marinate. Therefore, remember, if time is running out and you need the kebab to marinate faster, cut the meat into not very large pieces.

You need to cut pieces of meat on a barbecue across the fibers! Otherwise, when frying, the pieces will “shrink.” And the most delicious barbecue is obtained on firewood from fruit trees.

The finer the onion for shish kebab is cut, the kebab turns out to be juicier and softer, and also marinates faster. Therefore, if you have little time for pickling, grate the onion. Even for a short time, the barbecue will be soft and juicy.

That's all, now you know how to marinate the kebab yourself at home, so that it turns out to be famous, tasty, tender, juicy and soft.

Bon appetit and have a good picnic!

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Spring is here, and with it the barbecue. I don’t know how it is in other regions where the heat comes earlier, but we have massive barbecue trips on the May holidays - people go to picnics and summer cottages, and it’s almost impossible to imagine without fragrant juicy meat on skewers or wire racks. And today I will tell you a few proven recipes, I hope they will be useful to you.

It seems to me that the love of meat fried on fire is some kind of primitive instincts that almost everyone has. Probably, our ancestors also enjoyed the meat of mammoths, fried at the stake, otherwise how can one explain the truly hypnotic effect of these pieces on a person. After all, even having felt the smell of a barbecue being prepared, you are already eager to taste it. It is no coincidence that there is an expression "barbecue basin pleases the eye."

There are so many recipes for delicious marinades, and the authors assure that each recipe is the best, and the meat turns out to be the most tender, that the thought involuntarily comes up that the kebab is just like that in itself. tasty dish which pairs well with a variety of dressings. So feel free to try the recipe you like from my post, and enjoy. Or you can try all the different flavors, marinating differently each time. I am for experiments!

Of course, kebabs can be cooked in the oven, but what can be compared with meat baked on the grill? Spring sunshine, young leaves on trees, happy faces of friends and juicy treats - what could be better?

What meat to choose for barbecue

The generally accepted opinion that the best meat for barbecue is pork neck, and here it is impossible to disagree. Although true experts also talk about the hind leg of a pig, the neck is still the most popular option.

Someone thinks that the classic is lamb skewers. But, here's what's interesting, when we rested in Abkhazia, the owner of the house where we lived regularly arranged barbecue picnics for us - chic feasts. At the same time, he himself is a professional barbecue fryer, did not welcome lamb, said that it is considered dirty meat, because the sheep eats everything. But, since vacationers definitely wanted to eat a ram, he prepared both options. I can say that pork kebabs were juicier and tastier. I will write about lamb kebabs later, and today all the recipes for pork neck kebabs that I or my friends have tested.

How to choose the right pork neck? There are a lot of tips on various blogs, such as pressing on the meat and something else. But I will tell you my method - I just come to the market, where I usually buy meat, and there is always a fresh, beautiful neck. I buy it, do not press anything, do not check, do not conduct chemical tests, as advised different specialists. By appearance meat and so it is clear if it is old or weathered. But in the market they always give me a good piece of the neck, in my opinion, nothing needs to be complicated. If you are buying meat for the first time, then just tell the seller: “Give me a good piece of neck for barbecue” - and they will give you everything.

If you came to the market for meat, then at the same time go to the counter with spices, which are sold by weight. You can tell the seller that you need spices to marinate so much meat. The seller usually professionally throws in various spices, it turns out a very tasty set for barbecue!

Preparing the pieces. What should be the pieces of meat so that the barbecue does not turn out dry

The ideal size of pieces of meat for barbecue is about the size of a box of matches. That is, not a very large parallelepiped elongated shape. If there is fat, then cut off the excess, leaving only a thin strip. They say that “a large piece pleases the mouth”, but in the case of barbecue, this is not the case, because the meat will be raw inside, or you will have to fry it for a long time and there is a danger of overdrying. Since shish kebab is often eaten from a skewer, a piece should be enough for just one bite. Try to cut so that nothing hangs from the piece, as it will simply burn.

How to marinate kebab correctly

For the marinade, use an enamel, glass or ceramic container. By no means aluminum. Since it heavy metal, and poisonous, and when interacting with an acidic environment, it oxidizes, spoils the taste of barbecue, and maybe add harmful substances to your body.

In order for the onion to give more juice, some prefer not to cut it, but to grind it in a blender.

If the pickled meat is in the refrigerator, then about an hour before cooking, you need to pull it out and leave it at room temperature. Then you can fry the kebab faster, and it will be more juicy. After all, to cook cold meat, you need more time, and there is a danger of overdrying it.

There is an opinion that salt should be added at the very end of pickling, or even salted already on a skewer. Because salt draws the juice out of the meat and it will turn out drier if marinated with it. But here everyone decides for himself. In this article I give such and other recipes. I myself add salt at the last moment usually.

A classic set of spices for barbecue: 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of ground cumin and 2 teaspoons of ground coriander. You can also add ground or chopped Bay leaf.

In many barbecue recipes, you do not need to write the number of ingredients, it is clear that we take a piece of meat that we bought at the market, and it can be more or less. Add salt and seasonings to taste, and enough marinade to cover the meat completely.

How to barbecue on the grill

What to choose - a skewer or a grill? I don't think there is any fundamental difference. We fry any meat on the grill - it's faster and easier. Although it’s nice to eat shish kebab from skewers, I immediately remember how I was on a picnic as a child and ate from a skewer.

So that the meat does not stick to the skewer or grate, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil or lemon juice and ignite for a couple of minutes.

Don't turn the meat too often. It is better to let it grab on one side, then turn it over and let it fry on the other. This is how it tastes the best.

To check the readiness of the meat, pierce it with a knife. If blood stands out, then it is still raw, if the juice is clear, then the meat is ready. If nothing comes out, you may have overcooked your dish.

When the kebab is ready, you can put it in a saucepan and steam for a couple of minutes on the fire. This makes it even more tender.

How to marinate pork neck skewers so that the meat is juicy

How to marinate the neck so that the meat is juicy?

First, I will write what, probably, everyone knows. The meat should be fresh, chilled, not frozen - this makes the most delicious kebabs.

Although, I confess that I also made it from frozen - from buckets of pickled kebabs, which are sold in the supermarket, it turns out delicious too. Apparently, I'm not an esthete) But still, the best result is when I bought fresh meat myself and marinated, besides, there is nothing very complicated about it.

I think the best marinade is just onion, salt and pepper and let stand. My friend is a professional kebab, her dad has a kebab, and she marinates perfectly, in her own juice. Enough onions, salt and pepper to make a wonderful, juicy kebab from the neck. But, if you want to try something more original, then I suggest you other marinade options.

In general, the most delicious kebab that I have tried, I cooked for my birthday, and it was the easiest. Now I will tell you how to do it.

Secret Ingredient good marinade- onion. It is necessary to take an equal amount of onion and meat, in any case, by volume, by weight, onion is lighter. That is, about half a kilo of onions per kilogram of neck, and then see for yourself that the volume is approximately the same.


  • Salt,
  • Pepper,
  • pork neck - 1 kg,
  • onion - 300-500 gr.
  1. Cut the pork neck into pieces, not too large, about the size of a matchbox. Cut an equal amount of onion into rings.

2. I don’t know exactly about salt, but many people recommend salting at the very end, I did. Add pepper, mix well.

3. Someone crushes the onion with salt, then puts meat in it. I mashed the meat with onions well. Experiment here for yourself.

4. Close with a lid or cling film. Put in the refrigerator overnight. Already before cooking - salt to your taste. Put the meat on skewers or on a wire rack.

5. Fry on the grill until cooked.

How to soak meat for pork skewers in vinegar? Marinating pork for barbecue

Although I write above that my favorite marinade is salt, pepper and nothing more, but for many in such kebabs there is not enough piquancy, and they consider the kebab marinated in vinegar to be the most delicious, this is the so-called Soviet taste from childhood. So I will share this recipe.


  • Pork (neck) - 1.5 kg,
  • Onion - 700 gr,
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml,
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp,
  • Pepper - 1 tsp

The most delicious barbecue is obtained by using apple or wine vinegar.

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces of 3 cm.

2. Cut the onion into rings.

3. Now we put it in layers in a pan. Meat - onion - a little vinegar - salt, pepper. Pour a little vinegar on the eye, in general, about 50 ml should be used up. Repeat layers.

4. Leave for an hour in a warm room. Then mix and put in the refrigerator.

5. For greater effect, you can do a press.

6. So, the next day, when the meat is marinated, we string it on skewers or put it on a wire rack.

7. And fry on the grill until cooked.

Should I string onions on skewers? Everyone decides for himself. Someone says that it is absolutely impossible, since onions spoil the meat when frying. Some people love fried onions. I cook without onions.

How long to marinate pork skewers in mayonnaise? Duration and stages of marinating meat

Pork skewers in mayonnaise is perhaps the recipe around which there is the most controversy. Someone condemns. As one of my friends with Georgian roots said, “putting chicken wings in mayonnaise is bad manners”. Needless to say, after that we didn’t invite her to picnics, we don’t need arrogance, the main thing is that it was tasty. I really believe that the best way for dryish chicken meat - mayonnaise. But many also use it for pork.

I have no prejudice against mayonnaise when frying. I think that mayonnaise copes with its role much better than sour cream. After all, mayonnaise is, in fact, vegetable oil. That is, it contributes to the creation of a crispy crust. And sour cream is, in fact, milk, that is, water. What can she do to help? I can’t forget the experiment of the brilliant chef Oksana Putan, when on one baking sheet the chicken was smeared with mayonnaise, and on the other with sour cream, the second turned out to be pale and unpresentable. And if you are afraid of chemicals, then make your own mayonnaise, it's very simple.


  • Neck - 1.3 kg,
  • Onion - 600 gr,
  • Spices - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.
  1. Wash the meat and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into medium pieces, transfer to a bowl.

2. Add salt and spices (to taste, for example, a barbecue set).

3. Rub one onion on a coarse grater or grind with a blender. Its juice will saturate the meat.

4. Cut the rest of the onion into thick rings.

5. Put mayonnaise, mix well.

6. Cover the meat with a lid and refrigerate overnight.

7. Fry the meat on the grill for about 30 minutes, turning regularly.

After 30 minutes, the barbecue is ready.

How to marinate pork skewers in vinegar and mayonnaise? In fact, there is a recipe that combines mayonnaise and vinegar. Here's how a friend of mine does it. At the beginning, a liquid marinade is prepared: 9% vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. The meat is mixed with onion, cut into rings, then poured with marinade. So leave for the night or five hours. Then, about one hour before frying, the vinegar marinade is drained and mayonnaise is added to the meat. The shish kebab turns out unusually soft and juicy.

Marinade for pork skewers with lemon and mineral water

If you don’t have much time before a picnic, I recommend you try this option - marinade with lemon, onion and mineral water. The meat is ready for frying in 1-4 hours, no longer, because if left overnight, it will be bitter due to the lemon. Mineral water gives softness, and lemon - a pleasant shade of taste.


  • Pork - 1 kg,
  • Onion - 250 gr,
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.,
  • Seasonings to your taste (for example, barbecue mix) - half a tablespoon,
  • Salt - 2 tsp or to taste
  • Mineral water - 0.5 liters
  1. Cut the pork neck into large pieces, about 2-3 cm wide and long.

3. Cut the onion into rings.

4. Cut the lemon into circles.

5. Put the meat, lemon, onion, seasonings into a saucepan and salt to taste.

6. Stir and pour half a liter of mineral water into it.

7. Let stand in the refrigerator for two to four hours.

8. Put on skewers or put on a wire rack.

9. Fry on the grill until cooked.

Barbecue on kefir. How to soak pork skewers on kefir to make it juicy?

Kefir barbecue is also a classic and popularly recognized option. Some say that it turns out the most tender. And it's not hard to do it. Just meat, onions, spices and pour yogurt. This marinade is enough for half an hour.


  • Meat - 2 kg,
  • Kefir - 1 liter,
  • Onion - 500-600 gr.,
  • Spices for barbecue
  • Salt,
  • Ground black pepper
  1. We cut the meat into small pieces.

2. Cut the onion into half rings or large pieces.

3. Crush the onion with your hands, mash it so that it starts up the juice. Do not salt, just pepper. Pepper well the meat and onions separately. Add other spices to taste, for example, ground bay leaf, or leaves, as you like.

4. When the onion and meat with spices are mixed separately, we combine everything together and mix.

5. Pour everything with kefir so that it covers the meat completely, mix well again.

Shish kebab marinated in kefir is not recommended to be put in the refrigerator, it is better to keep it at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

6. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Now the meat needs to be salted, that is, about an hour before cooking. Alternatively, you can salt directly on skewers.

7. And that's it, we can fry. Delicious kebabs are ready.

How to marinate pork skewers in mineral water?

This is also a popular way to marinate meat for barbecue. It turns out very tasty. Above, I write about the recipe for mineral water marinade with lemon. But I decided to write separately about the mineral water marinade, since it is still different, and you can safely leave it to marinate overnight.


  • 1.5 kg of meat (neck),
  • 3 bulbs
  • Bay leaf,
  • pepper mix,
  • Salt,
  • Mineral water,
  • Seasoning for barbecue

For the marinade, it is best to choose highly carbonated mineral water.

  1. Meat cut into pieces

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Salt the onion a little so that it starts up the juice.

3. Salt the meat a little too. Shake the onion well with your hands, add three bay leaves crushed into pieces, mix with meat.

4. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers, seasoning.

5. Fill with mineral water.

6. Cover the meat with cling film. You could send it to the refrigerator for six hours or overnight, or you can leave it at room temperature for one and a half to two hours.

7. Then string on skewers and fry until cooked on the grill.

Marinated in tomato juice. Recipe for barbecued pork in tomato juice

Highly delicious option marinade are tomatoes either tomato juice. Kebabs are juicy, soft, delicious.


  • Meat - 2 kg
  • Tomato juice - 0.5 - 1 l
  • Onion - 300-500 gr.,
  • Salt,
  • Black pepper, coriander, basil, suneli hops (to your taste)
  1. We cut the meat into pieces. We cut the onion, it can be rings, half rings or finely. Salt, add spices.

2. Pour everything with tomato juice so that it covers the meat completely. We mix the meat. Leave for 1-3 hours, or longer.

3. We string on skewers.

4. Now you can fry. The barbecue is very tasty.

Video barbecue recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

The recognized master of barbecue is Stalik Khankishiev. I suggest watching a video where he talks about all the intricacies of marinating and frying meat. True, the recipe shows this using beef as an example, but, of course, pork is also suitable.

Stalik believes that the most important thing is not the marinade, but the right choice of meat and the right frying. One cannot but agree with this!


  • Meat - 1.5 kg,
  • Onions - three large onions,
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp,
  • Ground zira - 1 tsp,
  • Ground coriander - 2 tsp
  1. We cut the onion in half rings. Sprinkle with salt and shake it with your hands so that the onion gives juice.
  2. We cut the meat into small pieces. We add spices. For one and a half kg of meat, about 1 tsp. with a slide of black pepper, 1 tsp ground zira and 2 tsp. coriander.
  3. Marinate the meat for about two hours. Then we string it on skewers, removing the onion from the meat (it will burn anyway).
  4. During frying, Stalik recommends spreading grass - thyme (or rosemary) on skewers with meat, to give a very wonderful aroma to the barbecue. Fry until done.

So, I have given in this post a lot of the most different recipes barbecue. Experiment with them. What's your favorite proven recipe? Write in the comments!

Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time for picnics and outdoor recreation. chief actor is still a kebab! No field trip is complete without a traditional barbecue. There are many recipes on how to marinate and cook barbecue. We will talk about this in our article.

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Which to choose barbecue marinade and how much meat to keep in it - it depends on individual taste preferences, as well as on the degree of rigidity of the meat. Do not marinate meat with fermented milk products, for example, kefir, if you will get to a place for a long time in the heat, and do not have a cooler bag. This can be hazardous to health. The tougher the meat, the longer it should marinate. In addition, there are some tricks and secrets barbecue, for example, how to tenderize meat with a marinade.

TOP 15 best kebab marinade recipes

Marinades are suitable for pork, chicken (see how to marinate chicken), lamb, beef and turkey.

    Marinade with mayonnaise

    You will need 200 g of any mayonnaise per kilogram of meat, 4 onions, spices. Mayonnaise is mixed with all the spices to taste. Then they smear the meat.

    Pink marinade (with ketchinez)

    It is prepared from exactly the same as the previous marinade with mayonnaise. Only a small amount of ketchup is added to mayonnaise, due to which the entire marinade turns pink.

    Marinade with wine

    White wine is mixed with seasonings. Then the resulting mixture is poured over meat, laid out in layers with onions so that a layer of onions is on top. The meat is covered with a plate with a load. This will marinate the meat better. It is advisable to leave it in the refrigerator until morning. You can also use red dry wine to prepare this marinade.

    Marinade with beer

    Here you can experiment. According to your desire, marinate the meat in light or dark beer, with spices.

    Marinade with port wine and prunes

    You can marinate meat in red port with spices and chopped prunes. While the meat is marinating, it is recommended to mix it several times. The taste of this meat is very unusual.

    Marinade with mineral water and lemon

    An excellent marinade is obtained from ordinary mineral water with gas. Add the juice of several lemons, spices to the water and pour over the meat. The bubbles make the meat more fluffy and tender.

    Marinade with tomato juice

    Tomato juice is mixed with spices to taste. The meat falls into the marinade for 6 hours. The meat is very juicy and tender. At the same time, slices of fresh tomatoes can be added to such a marinade, which you can then also string on a skewer.

    Marinade with kvass

    To prepare the marinade, you will need fresh (non-bottle) kvass. Add salt, pepper, coriander, basil, rosemary to it. Stir and pour over the meat.

    Marinade with vinegar

    Add a teaspoon of vinegar to 0.5 cups of water. Add to the marinade chopped on a blender onion, salt and pepper.

    Marinade with honey and pineapple juice

    To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of pineapple juice, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all the ingredients and pour the mixture over the barbecue.

    Marinade with kiwi

    For the marinade, you will need half of one kiwi (no more) for about one and a half kilograms of meat. Kiwi should be beaten in a blender or grated. You will also need a teaspoon of ground coriander, 0.5 teaspoon of sweet red pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of cumin, a little hot red pepper. Do not add salt to this marinade at all. Mix everything and rub the meat with the resulting mixture.

    Marinade with pomegranate juice

    Crush the pomegranate seeds, strain the juice through gauze. Add seasonings to the pomegranate juice to taste.

    Marinade with honey and mustard

    Mix in a bowl 2 tablespoons mustard, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil. Leave the meat in this marinade for 3 hours.

    Marinade with tea

    You will need black brewed tea. 3 tablespoons of tea pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and add 1.5 teaspoons of salt, black pepper, dried dill, and a little soy sauce to it. In such a marinade, the meat can be kept for only about an hour, and then proceed to cooking barbecue.

    Marinade with kefir

    Seasonings and salt are added to kefir of any fat content. Then the meat is dipped in the marinade for at least 3 hours. This marinade is not suitable if you have to travel a long time to the place of rest.

You will need information on how to properly marinate shish kebab, what spices are needed, how to fry already marinated shish kebab.

How to marinate barbecue

Many do not know how to marinate barbecue. It often turns out tough and tasteless, and if it is still overcooked at the stake, then it will be completely impossible to eat. Choose for barbecue fresh meat, but not fresh. It should be the meat of a young animal, without a high fat content. It can also be chilled meat from the store.

  • Try not to buy frozen barbecue meat, as it will taste completely different.

In addition to meat, we need onions. The amount of onion is regulated by the taste preferences of the person. There are people who generally can not stand onions in any form. In this case, it is better not to add it to the marinade at all or add it in small quantities.

  • Onions should be cut into rings so that later it is possible to string them on a skewer.
  • These should not be large rings, as some people think. This only indicates the illiteracy of the cook or his laziness.
  • Rings should be medium in size, not too thin so that they do not fall apart, but not thick.
  • You will also need garlic.
  • Slice the garlic cloves crosswise into thin slices, but don't put it through a garlic press.

The kebab should be left in the marinade for about 12 hours in the refrigerator. Then the meat will have time to marinate, and become quite tender. If you do not have time, then leave the meat in the marinade at room temperature, at least for 3 hours.

What spices are needed for pickling barbecue

To prepare marinades, you may need various spices: salt, black and red pepper, ground and unground coriander, chili, basil, dried garlic, bay leaf, fresh or dried herbs, etc. Before preparing the marinade, decide which one you want meat. Choose one of your favorite barbecue recipes and cook it. Do not mix ingredients from different recipes. It may turn out not at all what you expect. The stores also sell universal seasonings, which already have the name “For barbecue”.

How to make meat less tough

To make the meat softer, it can be grated and marinated in freshly squeezed kiwi and pineapple juices. You can also make a gruel from the same fruits, but these must be fresh fruits, not canned ones. The meat acquires a refined taste under the influence of pomegranate juice. Pomegranate should be mashed, strain the pitted juice through a strainer and grate the meat. Then it will become unusually soft and will melt in your mouth. To soften the meat, it can be marinated in grated lemon along with zest, or in lemon juice. Spices such as black pepper and zira soften the meat a little. You should not add too much vinegar to the marinade, it can completely drown out the taste of the meat, and make it tougher.

How to barbecue well

Cooking barbecue is a very delicate matter, requiring skillful hands. They say that shish kebab does not tolerate women's hands, but this is not entirely true. Women can also cook a wonderful barbecue, although it has become a tradition that this is a purely masculine business.

  • String the kebab on skewers in advance, while the fire has not yet burned out.
  • It is better to string the meat along the fibers, while leaving large pieces of meat closer to the middle, and smaller pieces from the edges.
  • Try to get the pieces of meat not too close to each other. In these places, meat usually remains poorly fried.
  • Stringing, alternate pieces of meat, onion rings and bell pepper, tomatoes, lemon.
  • Barbecue should be cooked over coals at a distance of no more than 15 cm.
  • It shouldn't be open fire in no case, as the meat will only brown on the outside, and inside it will remain raw.
  • It also should not be almost cool coals, as their heat is not enough to cook the meat well.
  • If the fire flares up, it is better to move the kebabs away or remove them from the fire, or lightly extinguish it with water.
  • Skewers should be stacked tightly to each other. Thus, there will be less fire, but more smoke, which will make your barbecue even tastier.
  • Flip the skewers several times as the meat cooks.
  • To make the kebab juicy, baste it from time to time with a mixture of water and lemon juice, or the remaining marinade diluted with water.

How to know if meat is ready

  • In order to understand whether the meat is ready or not, pierce it with a fork.
  • If the juice is clear, then the meat is ready.
  • If the juice is pink, then the meat is not baked.
  • If there is no juice at all, then the meat turned out to be too dry.

Have a good barbecue and enjoy your holiday Outdoors!

Properly marinating a barbecue is a great art. After all, it practically depends on what it will be. Break the recipe a little and the whole kebab will be either dry or cloying. But to prepare the marinade so that it would not be possible to break away from the barbecue is not an easy task.

On the eve of the coming spring, which means the most favorable time for all sorts of sorties and spending time in dachas and in nature, it will not be superfluous to get a few good advice about how to marinate barbecue.

I will only say one thing, that there is no single recipe for marinating barbecue. Each nation has its own.

Here are a few simple recipes collected and tested personally for the entire previous year.

1. Marinate using onions and spices.

As you know, the best and probably the only vegetable that is present in all barbecue marinades is onion. Everyone has long known about its miraculous properties to soften meat. There is never too much Luke. Usually it is put at the rate of 1 kg of onion for 1.5-2 kg of meat.

When using spices, always ask if they are comparable to meat. Will they make your barbecue tough and not tasty.

Recipe 1 for 2 kg of pork meat.

1.5 kg onion cut into rings

Spices for barbecue (Basil, bay leaf, coriander, black pepper, marjoram)

Sunflower oil (olive, corn) about 100g.

Salt to taste, preferably add just before stringing on skewers for 10 minutes.

Marinate pork skewers preferably 3-4 hours in a cool place.

Recipe 2. for 2 kg of pork meat.

Five six bunches of parsley and dill.

Onion 1.5 kg.

Ground black pepper.

Coarsely chop parsley and dill. Onion cut into rings.

First mix the meat with herbs and squeeze well. Then add the onion and squeeze it a little too.

Add salt before frying.

Marinate for about 1-1.5 hours.

2. Marinate in juices.

Sometimes for pickling I use a different combination of natural juices and preferably homemade.

Recipe 1 for 2 kg of pork.

Tomato juice 1l

Ground black pepper

Onion 1.5 kg.

Salt to taste.

Pour the meat over the tomato, add the onion and squeeze it well.

Add black pepper and leave in a cold place for 5-7 hours.

Salt before cooking.

Recipe 2. for 2 kg. pork meat.

Use lemon or orange juice.

Pour the meat with the juice of freshly squeezed fruit. Let stand like this for about 1 hour. Then add chopped onion and parsley. Add some barbecue spices.

Marinate for approximately 3-4 hours.

Recipe 3. For 2 kg of beef.

Pomegranate juice 2l

Spices for beef skewers.

Sunflower oil.

I dare to assure you that young beef skewers turn out to be just as juicy as pork if marinated properly.

We use for this pomegranate juice. The ideal option Of course, it will be possible to buy it on the market from Asian traders, but if this is not possible, then use the grenade.

Well, in extreme cases, juice (but not nectar) from a store with a content of at least 70%) of the natural component.

Pour over the meat so that the juice covers it. Add minced onion. Mix well. Add some spices for beef skewers.

Add one hour before cooking. sunflower oil and mix everything well.

Marinate for at least 12 hours.

This, of course, is not the whole list of juices in which I marinated the barbecue, but the principle remains the same.

I have used both apple and grape juices and a mixture of these juices.

4. Marinate using lactic acid products.

Ideal for softening meat and giving it the necessary tenderness, kefir and cheese are suitable.

Recipe 1 for 2 kg of pork meat.

Kefir (syrovatka) 1l

Ground black pepper

Sunflower oil 100g

Half an hour before cooking, add sunflower oil or any other oil to the marinade and mix well.

Marinate 4-5 hours.

5. Marinate in beer or kvass.

Beer is ideal for marinating barbecue. Just keep in mind that not all beers are suitable for this, and in no case do I recommend using pasteurized beer.

Live beer containing hops, malt and water is best suited for this.

For pickling in kvass, I use home-made kvass from barley or sea rice.

6. Marinate in wine.

In order for the barbecue to turn out juicy and tender, not every wine can be used to make a marinade.

I only use dry wines. I often use homemade wines.

By no means do I recommend using fortified or dessert wines. As well as wines made from powders. When frying a kebab, carcinogens are released from such a surrogate and thereby turn your kebab into a chemical weapon of mass destruction.

7. Marinate in vinegar.

Who remembers Soviet times the most common way to marinate a kebab was to pour vinegar over it.

Now this method is not very popular due to a large number opponents marinate kebabs in vinegar.

Although I sometimes pickle using only apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. I advise you not to use alcohol vinegar.

Recipe 1 for 2kg of pork meat

70-100g apple or wine vinegar.

1.5 kg of onions.

Black pepper.

Salt to taste

Sunflower oil.

Pour the meat with vinegar and mix thoroughly with onions. Salt. Spice up. Add oil 1 hour before cooking and stir.

There is certainly not much various ways marinating and preparing for barbecue. I tried to highlight the most popular in our country.

Have a nice holiday!!!

The meaning of marinating is not only to saturate the meat pieces with taste. The task is also to soften the fibers so that later you feel only softness and a pleasant crunch, and you do not have to chew each piece for a long time. By the way, that is why you can cook a delicious kebab from absolutely any meat. And the right marinade for beef skewers can turn a tough “steak” into a delicious culinary creation.

5 secrets of the right marinade

  1. Cut the meat coarsely. It doesn't matter if you know any secret recipe for lamb kebab marinade and what ingredients you put in it. But if you grind with meat, the result will be tough and absolutely tasteless pieces. The correct "dimensions" of the pieces when cutting should be approximately equal to a child's fist. This will allow the fibers to retain maximum juice when roasting.
  2. Don't use vinegar. Despite the fact that barbecue in vinegar is a classic of domestic picnics, this method initially dooms the dish to a complete failure. The fact is that acetic acid completely draws the juice out of the fibers, so as a result you get a coarse "net" of tasteless fibers.
  3. Use alcohol, white wine is better. Incidentally, it is used in classic recipe how to marinate lamb shish kebab, in the Caucasus. Highlanders even have special varieties of white wine designed specifically for use in meat marinades. With this component, you will get a rich, refined taste of the dish with any meat.
  4. Use the bow and do not save on it! This component gives the pieces that very, real taste of the Caucasian shish kebab. When marinating, spread the meat in layers, sprinkling them with coarsely chopped onion half rings.
  5. Leave to marinate overnight. The advice applies to all types of meat, except for chicken barbecue, which is enough to stand for 2-3 hours at room temperature. Pork, beef or lamb need a long marinating under oppression, which will allow the components to penetrate deep into the meat fibers.

Marinade options for different types of meat

Subject to general rules you can achieve the perfect taste of shish kebab from each type of meat. And we will recommend proven recipes for each of them!

Turkey skewers - marinade

You will need:

  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • spices hops-suneli, paprika, black pepper, adjika - ½ teaspoon of all components;
  • salt - a couple of pinches.


  1. Rub the garlic with salt into a pulp (or pass through a press).
  2. Pour vegetable oil into an enameled container, add garlic.
  3. Pour spices, mix and leave for 10 minutes to brew.
  4. Transfer the prepared turkey pieces to a bowl, mix well, massage each piece with your hands.
  5. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator at least overnight.

How to marinate beef skewers

You will need:

  • tomato juice - 300 ml (for every 1 kg of meat);
  • horseradish - 1 spine;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • sherry - 200 ml;
  • dry basil and black pepper - ½ teaspoon each.


  1. Peel horseradish, grate on a fine grater.
  2. In an enamel bowl, mix tomato juice with sherry, horseradish and spices.
  3. Add vegetable oil, mix.
  4. Add to the marinade cut into pieces across the grain and well beaten meat.
  5. Mix well and rub the composition into each piece.
  6. Leave under pressure for 24 hours.

How to marinate pork skewers

You will need:

  • pomegranate juice - 200 ml (based on 2 kg of meat);
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • carnation - 5 flowers;
  • fresh parsley and basil - 1 bunch each;
  • coarse sea salt, black pepper.


  1. Lay the prepared meat in one layer in an enameled container.
  2. Sprinkle with paprika.
  3. Chop the onion into rings, lay the next layer.
  4. Chop greens, sprinkle on top.
  5. Lay out the meat again, sprinkle with paprika, onions, herbs again.
  6. Alternate layers until you run out of meat.
  7. Put the cloves, pour in the pomegranate juice and refrigerate. Stir the meat every hour, you need to do this at least 4 times. Then leave the meat under oppression for the night.

Universal marinade recipes

And these options, how to marinate meat for barbecue, are suitable for any of its varieties. Try the popular and original ways for a great taste!

Shish kebab in kefir - recipe

You will need:

  • kefir - 1 liter (for every 2 kg of meat);
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • black pepper - a teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 pinches.


  1. Place the prepared meat in a saucepan, sprinkle with peeled and chopped onions.
  2. Add pepper and salt, bay leaf, mix.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Gradually pour in the kefir, stirring the contents of the pan. Pieces of meat should not float in it. Kefir should only slightly cover them.
  5. Remember the future barbecue with your hands, leave to marinate in the refrigerator.

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