For meat marinade: The best recipes. How to stew beef so it was soft

Garden technique 21.10.2019
Garden technique

Meat beef among many owners is considered "capricious". It would be more - with most ways to prepare it is hard and dry, reducing the epithet "rubber" and comparison with a shoe sole. However, the beef is still a juicy, gentle and soft, it is important to know about the features of her cooking.

Selection and preparation of the product

Preparation of this type of meat begins with his choice. Parts of the carcass differ in chemical composition and taste features. In other words, there are parts of the carcass that, in principle, are not intended for baking, extinguishing, frying.

The rigidity of the meat gives films and tendons. For example, the neck is almost 80% of such connective tissues, so this part is better not to fry, and boil the chopped cutlets from it.

For frying, roastst, bifhtex, baking is better to use cutting, front or back of the limbs. The meat will quickly prepare, while getting soft and juicy.

The mild place of the carcass - fillet. A clipping is made from the middle of the fillet part, such a piece is also called the Shuttless. The thinnest part is the Turnedo, and the sharp edge of the fillet is called Fille-Mignon. The best part of fillet is medallions. However, even beef shovels (pretty hard part of the carcass) can become a beautiful steak, if it is properly cropped meat and know how to cook it.

For frying and cooking in the oven it is better to use young meat. Veal is usually soft to the touch and brighter. If you look closely, you can find that it has thinner fibers and light fat. The meat of adult and the older cow is not suitable for these purposes, since the dish will be dry and hard. But it is good to cook the broths from it, however, there will be a lot of time on this. Visually to distinguish more old beef on a dark red shade of pulp and yellow color of fat.

The easiest way to determine the softness and juiciness of fresh, and not frozen meat. Invalid the presence of bruises and peels, it is possible only a small tangling. Before buying should be pressed onto the flesh, barely remove your finger, the dent must deal. This testifies to the juicing of beef.

If frozen meat is used, it is necessary to defrost it correctly before cooking. It should be remembered that the process should be gradual. Beef removed from the freezer should first be placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, and after a few hours to leave at room temperature. If the meat is defrosting, placing in hot water or into the microwave, despite all the tricks, after cooking it will become tasteless, rubber.

Meat preparation implies removal of films, lived, tendons and further rinsing a piece under water. After that it should be blown up with a towel. Thus, beef is prepared for almost all dishes. Exception - steaks. Before their cooking meat, it is not recommended to wash, but to get into the napkin - necessarily.Hard meat is better to pre-dock for softness in the marinade.

General Cooking Rules

If you need to cook small portion pieces, then cut meat is recommended across the fibers. Due to this, the pieces are less deformed, and therefore remain juicy. In addition, this cutting method provides more prompt cooking.

If the old meat is to fry, it is pre-it is recommended to be chopped. There are many recipes of the marinade, but almost all of them contain acids - so it will be possible to soften the rigid meat fibers. Marinade can prepare on the basis of kefir, lemon juice, wine, sour cream. In the marinade you can immediately add spices, garlic, onions.

The tougher meat, the longer it should be withstanding in the marinade. As a rule, the minimum picking time is 2-3 hours, the maximum day.

If frying a piece of beef is supposed, then it should be done as little action as possible. Ideally - rinse, dry and slightly cut into, after which it is immediately fastening on a hot frying pan. When extinguishing, on the contrary, the meat can be slightly repelled by the back side of the knife (nonostroy), finely cut and fry pieces on half an hour oil. Then pour the liquid and stew.

It is important to use a sharp knife for cutting, cut off with its help film and cartilage. It is important to fully clean the pulp from lived, because when heated, they are compressed, which interferes with high quality or bake meat.

With frying

Before frying meat, usually slightly knocks off from two sides with a special hammer. It helps to make a piece of thinner, and therefore speed up cooking. Prepared pieces need to be cooled to a paper towel. This will remove excess moisture and fat from the surface. When frying, the meat will not "shoot", and a uniform crust is formed on its surface.

Solo meat with frying follows closer to the end of the cooking process. The fact is that when adding a salt, an intensive hooker begins, so the bipfstex or other dish is hard. Singing at the end of frying will help keep juices, because they will be "locked" inside a piece due to a roasted crust on both sides.

Another important point is to prevent the flow of juice from meat. First you need to quickly achieve a crust on both sides, and only then take care to make a piece completely pleased. That is why the beef is needed to be a well-heated frying pan, while making fire more intense.

When the meat is covered with a crust, the fire should be reduced, and cover the frying pan. If the meat begins to burn, you can pour some water or broth, sauce. It is important that the fluids are hot, otherwise the taste of the finished dish will remind the notorious sole.

Beef fry time depends on the features of the recipe and sizes of sliced \u200b\u200bpieces. If we are talking about steaks that cut a thickness of 2-4 cm and fry in a pan with a ribbed surface, then the time toasting each side is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. It is the duration of the roasting causes a large variety of steaks - a strong root, weak, with blood and so on.

The chop is usually prepared for 4-5 minutes, on average, on the cooking one side takes 2-2.5 minutes. The meat chopped with slices is fried 20-30 minutes, periodically stirring the dish.

If the steaks are prepared at home, then first each side should be slightly grazing with vegetable oil. The frying pan should also be lubricated with oil, it is better not to pour it out of the bottle, but to use a culinary brush.

With cooking

Get soft boiled beef meat, if you lower the raw piece into boiling water. The more piece, the juicier it will turn out in the boiled form and the richer, the broth will become tastier. If a large piece climbs into the pan, then it is in this form that it costs, without cutting into parts.

Make boiled beef tastier and aroma will help spices and vegetables. The latter (usually it is onions and carrots) put in purified form in the broth after the hour of cooking meat. No need to grind them - maximum, can be divided into 2-4 parts. Spices are introduced to the meat for a quarter of an hour before the end of the cooking.

It is important to cook beef under the lid, not allowing access to the oxygen.

After the meat was welded, you do not need to rush to get it out of the broth. You should leave a piece to cool in the same broth. If you do not follow this advice and pull meat on a plate, it quickly covers a crust, which will seem dry and hard.

If the old piece of beef got, then it is certainly better to boil. But first - to withstand in marinade from 100 ml of vodka and 10 tablespoons of soy sauce. Even an hour in such a marinade will help me to become softer after cooking. You can also add a little vodka to the water, half a teaspoon of sugar or well-washed banana peel. These ingredients will help make softer meat.

When drying

Extinguish beef so that the dish gets juicy and soft, the task is not easy. It is better to cut it with small pieces. After that, they should be frying on a hot pan, lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil. Do this for a short time - a minute and a half, stirring pieces all the time or shaking the pan. As a result, dry crust is formed on the surface of the meat.

Now you can shift the pieces into a skeleton or cauldron (it is important that it was a thick-wing) and pour hot water.

Get a more fragrant and appetizing dish spices, as well as a bay leaf. But salt stewed beef follows 15-20 minutes before extinguishing. On average, the whole process takes 1.5-2 hours.

Another "chip" to get a soft stew - add a little grape juice to beef while cooking. It is poured in an hour after quenching.

When coating

Bake meat is better than a solid piece, so it will remain juicy. Almost all the good recipes for the preparation of baked beef suggest preliminary marination. The duration of the process is 2-3 hours.

After marinating beef, it should be wrapped in foil, better in two layers, so pairs will definitely not go out. Prepare a dish of 1-1.5 hours at quite high (200-220C), but constant temperatures. After the beef is ready, you can reveal the foil and give meat to twisted.

If, after cooking in the oven, the beef turned out to be tough, you can try to correct the situation by holding a piece over boiling water.

And a few more options for delicious beef dishes.

In sour cream sauce

The dish on this recipe can be made in pots or small calendar. Due to the sour cream and long-term heating in the oven on the slow heat of beef, it turns out incredibly soft, with a pleasant creamy aftertaste.


  • 1 kg of meakty beef;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream;
  • salt, spices.

Beef rinse, dry and cut into cubes with sides of 3-4 cm. Cutting across the fibers. Onions chopped by half rings, mix with meat.

Pour in iron or pot oil, put meat with onions and put in a cold oven. Prepare 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 180s.

At this time make a sauce: mix flour, mustard and spices. Add sour cream, if necessary (if the mixture is excessively thick) pour out some water. Pull out the pot out of the oven - the meat at this point almost completely will prepare in its juice, and the bow will become transparent. Now you need to pour the sauce to the dish and even half an hour to remove in the oven.

Baked in foil with carrots

Beef baked in foil, it is almost a classic of culinary art. However, the dish will play with new colors (in the literal sense, too, it will become brighter and festive), it will be soft and gentle, if they say it with carrots.


  • 1 kg beef tenderloin;
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 carrots;
  • salt pepper.

Beef prepare, grasp salt and pepper. Wash and cleaned carrots cut into cubes, to do in the meat of cuts and polish it with vegetables.

From sauce and garlic, missed through the press, make marinade and pour them beef. Leave for a couple of hours.

After the specified time to complete the dish in 2 layers of foil or sleeve for baking and put in the oven, it is heated to 220s. Cook for 2 hours, and after deploying foil and leave beef another quarter an hour in the oven. This will allow the dish to "get" the ruddy crust.

Beef meat is pretty lean, with rapid roasting on coals it can be harsh. Therefore, if you want to make a grill beef or make a kebab from it, the meat is better to pre-choke. When a bit of time remains a bit, you can use the rapid recipes of the beef marinade.

How to make marinen with kiwi

The fastest way to marine beef is to use Kiwi exotic fruit for this. The enzymes contained in it will be able to soften even very hard meat in a short time. For 1 kg of beef you will need: - 3-4 pcs. kiwi; - 4-5 medium bulbs; - black and red ground pepper; - salt; - Spicy dry herbs.

Cut the meat on the same slices of 4-5 cm in size, fold it into a deep bowl. Clean Kiwi and soda it on a small grater. Put in meat and mix. Onions Clean and cut half rings. On the cutting board, lay onions, slightly score it and ride several times with a rolling pin for a lot of juice, and the bow has become soft. Place the onions in meat, add herbs, pepper, salt, mix all well again and leave beef in this marinade for half an hour.

For pork or veal it will be enough to stand in the marinade from Kiwi from half an hour. Reworked meat - its structure can break, slices are divided into fibers

How to make fast marinade for kebabs with wine

Because the gourmets prefer to drink fried on coals with red wine, you can pick up beef in that fault, which will then serve to kebabs, especially since much wine does not need it. For such a marinade, take: - 1 cup of red wine; - ½ lemon; - ¼ cup of vegetable oil; - Fresh greens (Kinsee leaves, Parsley, Celery, Basilica); - ½ tsp Ground Coriander; - ground black pepper; - Salt.

Sliced \u200b\u200bslices of beef pour for a fork in several places and fold into a deep bowl. Suck, pepper, sprinkle with a hammer of a coriander and fresh greens. Stir. Sick the juice of half of the lemon and mix it with wine and vegetable oil, pour the mixture into meat and mix well so that every piece of beef is soaked with this marinade. An hour later, the meat can already be frying.

Fast marinade for beef on wine vinegar

For this marinade, it is necessary to use the wine vinegar - the usual table will make beef even tougher. You will need 1 kg of meat: - 1 cup of white grape vinegar: - 4 medium-sized bulbs; - ½ root parsley; - ¼ Celery root; - 2 carrots; - 3-4 cloves of garlic; - 3-4 laurel leaves; - 5 pieces. carnations; - ½ tsp Ground nutmeg; - ground black pepper; - Salt.

Roots (carrots, celery and parsley) Clean, wash and cut into small pieces, cut down with half rings, chop finely garlic. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of meat lay the layers, speaking them with salt and pepper, sliced \u200b\u200broot, adding a bay leaf, carnation, nutmeg. Divide the wine vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio and pour them meat, leave to stand within an hour.

Beef is distinguished by the finest taste nuances and a gentle dairy fragrance. But in order for beef dishes with a gentle structure, this type of meat should be prepared correctly. All culinary chorus can say that beef is needed before cooking soak in various marinades. The longer the meat is soaked, the better the dish is, the more tender it tastes, the more compliments get from the tastors. There are different ways to prepare marinades, fasteners and sauces for veal and beef. Each of them is distinguished by bright aroma, those or other taste shades that emphasize the piquancy of meat. What advise ordinary culinary sharks of the gastronomic business?

About how to soak beef so that it is soft, hundreds of brochures are written, and nevertheless many Russians know how to do it right. As a result, the meat turns out of them too hard, tasteless and not fragrant. Such beef is simply impossible to eat - the fibers will be stuck in the teeth, and the receptors will not be able to feel the finest taste shades of this type of meat. If you want to cook beef in the oven by an old recipe, which provides for a tomression of meat on slow heat for 7 hours, you should choose the most easy refueling. It can serve as ordinary lemon juice, cream or mustard. The most interesting taste of such beef will succeed, if it is on top of it with honey - the meat will be soft and slightly sweet enough. You can also try to mix honey with various spices.

Beef is very soft if they make marinade or cream-based coating for it. The cream in principle has a fragrance resembling the smell of boiled beef - characteristic "dairy" notes. You can prepare the following type of marinade: 500 ml of cream dilute 200 ml of natural yogurt. In the resulting milk mixture, you need to add finely chopped green bell peppers, salt and pepper. In the resulting marinade, there are pieces of beef, dip on both sides and put in the refrigerator for several hours. After the meat is as impregnated with the marinade obtained, it will be possible to fry it or bake. In any case, the beef will be softer and delicate taste. It can be served with a finely chopped fresh greens and a sharp cheese sauce based on Cheddar.

The Japanese believe that there is nothing better than soy sauce and marinade from fermented beans. That is why they are soaked with beef in these gas stations. Of course, in Russian stores it is easiest to find soy sauce than juice miso. As the most authentic sauces, the Kikoman is advised. Before pushing the meat in soy sauce, you need to take the necessary pieces, rinse them under cold running water, then put in an enameled basin and from above how to pour soy sauce. At the same time, the beef is not necessary - she will be quite salty. In the resulting marinade, meat is kept at room temperature at least three hours and in a dark place. The juice from fermented beans is also poured on top of meat. The pickled product is then placed in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Mediterranean cuisine includes two main components of sauces - lemon juice and olive oil. If you mix them between yourself, slightly putting it, it turns out excellent marinade sauce for beef. Two lemon are taken for the preparation of the marinade, 100 g of olive oil and a pair of pinch of sea salt. In the dishes divorced salted olive oil, as well as freshly luminous lemon juice. Optionally, you can add spices in the marinade. Beef fillet are put in dishes with this sauce, dip on both sides, sprinkled with dried celery. Lemon juice will make meat softer, celery - fragrant, and olive oil is delicious. If such a beef fillet fry on the Teflon frying pan, then it turns out very ruddy meat with a golden crust.

Another way to pick up beef is to soak it in wine with spices and honey. To do this, take red or white semi-dry wine (preferably not fastened, and natural), any spices, such as pink and black pepper, as well as lime honey. All components are mixed with each other, slightly warmed on the stove so that it turned out a uniform slightly thick mass, reminiscent of the form and the smell of Mulled wine. Then the wine marinade is removed from the stove, cool and poured into the enameled dishes, into which the beef pieces can then be put. And what about the national cuisine? American chefs usually soak pieces of beef in home ketchup. The French love various creamy sauces that make rigid meat melting in the mouth. Italians use olive oil in their gas stations and marinades.

How to make beef to be soft? Most importantly - before the preparation of that other dishes you need to pickle it. For refueling or marinade, you can use any ingredients - cream, soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, various spices, herbs and vegetables. You should also prepare such a tough meat like beef, on slow heat for a long time. Then the meat will be gentle and melting in the mouth. And some cooks are soaked beef for a few days in various marinades! They believe that it is possible to make beef soft.

What kind of cooking method you did not choose: quenching, frying in a pan or in the oven, and may not be recipe for a slow cooker, it will be better if you pre-pick up meat. There are various ways:
Marinade for beef

1. Lubricate with a large amount of mustard meat on both sides and leave for about 2 hours. Before you begin to fry chops, wash the entire mustard, which remained on the surface. This method is the perfect option for rigid old beef.
2. Cut meat with small pieces perpendicular to the location of the fibers. Take Kiwi, clean it and cut it with thin plates. Put in one container meat and kiwi, mix thoroughly and leave exactly 15 minutes. In no case leave for a longer time, as beef will become too soft, you can say loose. This option of marinovka is designed for the meat of medium hardness.
3. Take the container and pour such a number of kefir in it so that it can completely close everything available, add spices to it to taste. Lower the meat pieces into kefir and leave for the night. In the morning we boldly begin frying or baking and the meat will delight you with its unprecedented softness.
4. Take the container and fill it with 1 liter of mineral water. Put meat in it for about 2 hours. It is possible to pick up in this way with a soft or medium rigidity beef.

Beef baked in the oven

Take a baking sheet, lubricate it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Over the entire surface, put onions, sliced \u200b\u200bby half rings. I mean every piece of beef lard and gently spread them in Luka. Send a baking sheet into the oven and throughout the cooking water the meat of the alternating juice.

Stew meat

There are two most common ways to extinguish meat that gives him unprecedented softness:

1. We cut the beef into small portion pieces, add various spices, at your discretion, and fill with beer so that it is above meat about 2 cm. We put the dishes on a slow fire and shops within 1.5 hours. If the cooking time has not yet come to an end, and the beer has already been evaporated, then pize the required amount.
2. Prepare a saucepan and cut the beef meat into it small in size with pieces. Add spices to taste, pour the contents of the dishes with hot broth or, when there is no, conventional water. Put a shill on a slow fire and in the process of extinguishing, press a small amount of brandy or red dry wine.

Useful advice

1. If you plan to prepare meat in foil, we recommend to pre-fry it on a skillet on a high heat without adding oil. When the meat is roasted on a strong fire, then it has time to let juice, but it remains inside a piece of beef, which makes it particularly soft.
2. When you have very little time to prepare a delicious dish, but at hand there is a kitchen hammer, then this advice is for you. Cut the beef with portion slices and carefully take away each of them. In other words, you have to make chops. In the cooking, the most popular way of "softening" meat is precisely his chopping. It is important to observe the rule: the meat is cut across the fibers with pieces of medium thickness, which makes up about 2-3 cm. The cutting direction is very important for giving the softness of beef. Bringing meat, you can pep it, but in no case, do not solitize.

Cooking meat is considered a male prerogative. But women are such people who can get everything!

If you are skeptical about boiled beef, representing a hard, dry, tasteless piece, then these tips are for you.
It is also worth paying attention to them to those who try to stick to the system of proper nutrition. Well, for children boiled meat - one of the best options. Try specifically for children

The most important question is: how to make boiled beef soft - because the beef is quite a capricious meat. Of course, the only and correct answer will be to choose meat depending on its purpose. Draft, it does not always work. And then there will be advice.

Preparation of meat

  • it is best to take a frozen meat. Otherwise, it is necessary to defrost it correctly, that is, not in the microwave, not soaking in the cold, and even more so in hot water.
    Do not be lazy and pull meat in advance of the freezer and leave it in the fridge for the night. Then finish defrosting at room temperature.
  • in order for the meat to be soft, tick the beef with a dry mustard and put in the refrigerator for several hours. Then rinse and you can boil.
  • if you do not have these few hours, just pour meat mineral water for an hour before cooking.

How to cook meat

  1. the main and most important rule is to lay the meat into a good boiling water and not to reduce the fire, while it does not boil again. After 10-15 minutes of boil, reduce the fire and cook with weak heating. The meat is boiled at a temperature of 95 degrees - just tomit it until readiness.
  2. the second rule is to cook a whole piece, without cutting on portions
  3. the saucepan should be closed with a lid, overlapping access to oxygen.
  4. so that boiled beef was not only soft. But fragrant, add vegetables and spices. Onions, carrots, roots are pounded after boiling meat, spices - 20 minutes before graduation. At the same time, the salt add
  5. for the softness of meat, add to the water in which the meat is cooked, a tablespoon of vodka. In the process of cooking alcohol evaporates, you will not feel any taste, no alcohol smell
  6. washing a banana skunk, cooked with meat, makes softer the most hard piece
  7. another exotic way is to put into the water in which cook meat, 2-3 corks from wine bottles. Not plastic, of course, and real - from cork tree
  8. put the meat in boiling water, which is added half a teaspoon of sugar.

Using these tips you can make boiled beef soft and fragrant. And let this dish take a worthy place in your menu

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