Christina in different languages ​​of the world. Family and marriage

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The meaning of the name Christina, starting from early childhood, reveals a far from simple personality. The mobile, cheerful, smart little girl never ceases to amaze her loved ones with her photographic memory. This female name periodically rises to the peak of popularity, after which it is in the shadows for several years.

Accordingly, in order to compare the interpretation with the features of behavior specific person There will be no difficulty in finding an example.

Regardless of what time of the year the baby was born, she pleases her parents with a careful attitude to things and toys, over time she will take on a significant part of household duties, giving the mother the opportunity to do her own thing. the meaning of the name Christina for a girl is associated with a strong, one might even say masculine character.

The girl is used to defending her point of view, regardless of the age of the interlocutor, but even in the most tense situation she shows cold restraint, does not allow herself rudeness and rudeness, prefers to achieve her goal in civilized ways.

The meaning of the name Christina for a child relieves worries about how the girl will feel in the circle of her peers. Christie's self-esteem is, to put it mildly, overstated, heading towards the goal, she simply tries not to notice the obstacles. The girl is 100% sure of her knowledge, it is almost impossible to take her by surprise.

A diligent student, I freely combine my studies and all kinds of circles. Periodically appearing hobbies for some period are turned into a “slave”, however, after a fairly short period of time, interest “evaporates”, all life is in a creative search.

Willpower and courage allow you to achieve your goal. In addition to neatness, undeniable positive quality is the desire to always look fashionable, impeccable taste allows you to make a choice that matches the features of the figure.

The girl has very few friends, but if she maintains a relationship, then throughout her life and is ready to help in the most difficult moments of life.
At the first meeting at any age, she gives the impression of being shy and modest, however, when faced with injustice that is contrary to her interests, she reincarnates and can become the initiator of serious conflict situations.
To achieve her location is quite simple, compliments and original gifts are of particular importance.


Has a strong character. This means that he cannot imagine a weak-willed person next to him. For a girl, the financial situation of a guy matters. In her youth, when it is rather difficult to judge the social status of her chosen one, Krista, wise beyond her years, really assesses the potential of a young man.

Often an obstacle in a relationship is a mask, behind which a girl tries to hide tenderness and femininity. The young man must make every effort to reveal her true face, as a result, the most unforgettable romantic moments await him.

Men at any age pay attention to the fair sex, who always looks perfect. Spectacular appearance in any society - business card Christie.


The choice of a spouse is treated with the utmost responsibility. Once defined, it changes beyond recognition. This means that she becomes a gentle and caring wife, does not hesitate to show tenderness and love. The value of the family for a woman is too great, for the sake of loved ones she is ready for crazy deeds.

Agrees to get married, convinced of the reliability and sincerity of a man, tries to save the marriage, overcoming life's difficulties, but betrayal is a serious blow.

Her house is a unique combination of a fortress and a cozy nest, well-being matters, she categorically disagrees with the statement that with a cute "paradise in a hut." If the spouse proves his worth, he is ready to devote himself entirely to maintaining household and children. A caring mother is ready to do anything for the sake of her children.

You can sympathize with a person who tries to interfere in her personal life, a woman will turn into a predator, confidently protects her family.

If the spouse is not able to provide for the family, he will easily find a solution to this problem.

Business and career

Confidence and purposefulness allow you to realize yourself in business. She is also attracted to fashionable modern professions. Regardless of which path she chooses, the girl strives to take a worthy position in society, which means that the level of earnings is of fundamental importance for her, she will definitely not work for "pennies".

Natural aristocracy is harmoniously combined with creative activity; style cannot be left without attention. As a rule, men become her business partners; it is much easier for a straightforward and confident woman to negotiate with them.

origin of the name Christina

The origin of the name Christina has European roots, the etymology of the name provides a fairly specific definition of "Christian". History contains many facts about worthy of emulation of personalities, whose name has become the pride of the country. Having decided where it came from, you can continue to get acquainted. The secret of the name will allow you to get comprehensive information regarding amulets, talismans, lucky numbers.

History testifies that in Russia it was called ordinary people. For some time, the name disappeared, after the appearance, it began to be perceived as foreign.

Characteristics of the name Christina

The characterization of the name Christina begins with an acquaintance with a strong, purposeful personality. Character, just like any person, has pros and cons that you need to learn to live with.

The ability to accept non-standard solutions helps to find a way out of difficult life situations.

Loves life, always in good mood. Easily converges with people, the main drawback is irascibility and arrogance, education is of particular importance for the formation of personality.

He tries to get everything from life, confidently moves towards his goal, not paying attention to the difficulties.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: jasper, amber.
  • Name days: February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, August 6, August 18.
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign: Virgo.

Famous people

  • Christina Aguilera - famous pop star;
  • Kristina Orbakaite is a pop singer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Christina is quite simple, thanks to popularity in different countries over a long period. It is useful for a child to learn how to translate for further unhindered communication with foreigners.

  • in Chinese - Kè Lǐ Sī Jīn Nà;
  • in Japanese - Ku-ri-su-chi-na.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Christina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Krista, Christy, Christinka, Christina, Christya, Kristinochka, Krisya.
  • Declination of the name - Christina, Christina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Khrestina.


The name Christina is of Latin origin. According to the main version, it comes from the word "Christianus", which translates as "Christian". At the same time, it is believed that the name Christina is a Russian variation of the pronunciation of the name Christina. Although there is an opinion that it is closely connected with Byzantine culture.

The female name Christina is in demand today in almost most countries. former USSR. Moreover, recently it has become popular in the West, however, in a slightly modified form. And this name also has one big plus - it has a very strong energy ...

Popularity: The name Christina is one of the thirty most popular female names, is listed in 23-25 ​​positions and, according to statistics, accounts for 9-11 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Christina, Christia

Modern English counterparts: Christiana, Christiane, Kristen

The meaning and interpretation of the name

It is believed that the meaning of the name Christina promises only a girl so named such character traits as impulsiveness, energy, quick wit, unpredictability, love of life, practicality, purposefulness and shyness. Women who received this name at birth know how to listen and understand, easily immerse themselves in the experiences of loved ones, but are often too vulnerable.

Decisiveness and communication skills make Kristin successful and respected, but often other traits mentioned above, such as shyness and impulsiveness, become the causes of loneliness.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of Christine, without exception, is their ability to achieve their goals even in conditions that are not intended for this. Even in the face of hatred and lack of outside support, Christina will never give up.

Christina treats badly rude, conflicting and evil people, she avoids communicating with rude men, tries to surround herself only with decent and kind personalities, and never messes with selfish ones.

The name Christina is in demand mainly in Ukraine and Russia, and for quite a long period of time.

The nature of the name Christina

The character of the name Christina is such that it promises the bearer of this name form many good and perfectly combined qualities, but at the same time it rewards her character with a bunch of shortcomings, which was actually already mentioned earlier. Among the list of these shortcomings are self-doubt, and indecision, and incredulity, and timidity, and suspiciousness, and fear of responsibility. The character of this girl is very unpredictable and endows with a mysterious nature - it is very difficult to predict the subsequent actions of the name Christina, you never know what cockroaches will move in her head next time. But she is kind, generous, respectable, she will never go to betrayal or deception for the sake of self-interest or gain, and there are very, very few such people in modern times. And it would also be worth saying that the character, thanks to the patronage of such a factor as value, is very diligent in terms of obedience ...

On the other hand, it should be noted that this parameter itself is very theoretical. In general, the character of this girl largely depends on a bunch of additional factors, including parental upbringing, and even the time of year of birth ...

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl who received the female name Christina at birth is a period of peace and tranquility, which is in no way inherent in modern children. But it just so happened that the meaning of the name Christina promises exactly this - usually, the baby named by this name is the owner of a calm nature. Calmness, tranquility, regularity, cheerfulness, obedience, unscrupulousness, mobility, energy, sensitivity and receptivity - these are the main features that can characterize a baby, who is patronized by the significance of this name. In appearance, she may seem timid and suspicious, but this is not so - she is self-confident and can do things that many simply will not do, easily makes contact, knows how to interest children in herself, is always surrounded by children.

But there are several disadvantages, disadvantages - one of them is the unwillingness to be in the spotlight, because of which Christina herself often experiences a clear lack of popularity in society. In addition, he does not have an organizational gift or any leadership ambitions, and she does not need it - Christina by nature is an ordinary girl who loves entertainment and fun, but only in moderation, without pampering, leading to problems and troubles. By the way, Kristina usually has quite a few like-minded people, even though she sometimes behaves strangely and looks boring ...


The teenage period of the girl, for whom the parents decided to choose the female name Christina, proceeds mostly calmly and without any teenage problems. It can be characterized by such characteristics as tact, politeness, attentiveness, obedience, purposefulness, non-conflict, unscrupulousness, calmness, responsibility, diligence, and sentimentality. The only thing that she really lacks is diligence - perseverance and diligence gives the minimum value, she hardly concentrates on business, does not like the boring daily routine, which she considers schooling, and besides, she is a little lazy.

As for laziness, laziness is especially pronounced in the course of studying school subjects, in which the teacher simply cannot interest students, and especially in the course of studying the exact sciences. Christina is not created for such subjects, the meaning endows her with a craving for the humanities, and, at most, creative ones. But Christina easily makes contact and often is a very sociable person - this girl has many friends, many comrades and like-minded people, she is not an outcast, not a loner. True, there is one huge "BUT". The fact is that she herself will never take the first step towards a person, she is not a lover of dating, a person who does not want to become a leader, she did not start - she is a passive person, but not active in any way ...

grown woman

Adult Christina, who is patronized by the meaning of this name, is a woman with an excellent character, calm, balanced, kind, fair, good-natured, benevolent, cheerful, eloquent, sociable, unprincipled and conflict-free. In other words, the meaning endows the bearer of this name with a huge number of well-combined qualities, but in addition to all of the above, there are also disadvantages that bring problems to the girl herself.

The fact is that Christina is too insecure and indecisive lady, it is difficult for her to go ahead with her goal, and it is just as difficult to achieve what she wants in conditions when something interferes with this. She does not know how to overcome obstacles, does not know how to be callous when necessary. And no less important, she needs help and support and cannot live without compliments that add to her self-confidence. But she is proud and freedom-loving - not only does she treat herself with extreme care, she also loves freedom so much that she is ready to sacrifice anything and anytime for her sake. By the way, self-doubt, indecision, timidity and suspiciousness interfere in building the personal life of a girl named Christina ...

The interaction of Christina's character with the seasons

Winter - born under the power of the meaning of Winter, the bearer of the name Christina is most often a calm, serious, silent and balanced person. At any moment, this girl is ready to become a predator with a quick temper, stubbornness and vindictiveness. She is independent and values ​​\u200b\u200bindependence - it is difficult to get along with such a person, and therefore it will not hurt her chosen one to acquire great patience.

Summer - and this baby is already too simple and easy, good-natured, sympathetic, romantic person, whose softness of character will not allow her to break through to the top of the career ladder. But she is romantic and sensitive - men adore her, appreciate, love and revere her, for them she is a model of femininity. Stealth also plays into the hands - after all, men are attracted to riddles ...

Spring - here a girl with incredible imagination is born. She is by nature emotional, impetuous, impulsive, persistent and possesses a creative nature. Her problem is guided solely by emotions and heart, but not by common sense, and her character leaves much to be desired. Having fallen in love, she can change to the edge - she cannot be recognized, she can become a fierce jealous woman, or an accommodating and obedient slave of love.

Autumn - and this season we are already talking about an emotional, principled, and naughty lady, whose high morality repels people, has a complex character. Strict and demanding, but patient and courteous, ready to surround her family with care and affection, but in return she will demand the same. Always follows a plan and never obeys the rules.

The fate of the name Christina

The fate of the name is one of the most mysterious factors, at one time many researchers were engaged in unraveling it, and all of them were sure that the fate of the name, in some way, affects the fate of all carriers of one or another name form. The same is true in our case - the fate of the name Christina in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and marriage, has an extremely strong influence on the bearers of this name as a whole - although again, this is only a theory ...

However, this theory reveals several interesting moments. So, there is an opinion that the fate of a girl named after Christina implies the presence of many different problems in her personal life, and all through the fault of Christie herself. Her incredulity, illegibility in people, inability to make contact with unfamiliar people, and exactingness do not allow her to find a potential partner until maturity.

But having reached maturity, Christina will change. Fate suggests her becoming a real, exemplary wife, a spouse that can only be envied, an excellent mother and a good keeper of the hearth. But again, this is a theory, and therefore it is not a fact that everything will be as it is written above ...

Love and marriage

The amorous nature of Christina makes her break many men's hearts. Reassuring a man, she can quickly become disillusioned with him and lose interest. The strength of her feelings largely depends on the behavior of the chosen one. It is important for her that he constantly brings novelty into the relationship and does not get tired of pampering her with his courtship and compliments. Her chosen one should be not only a skilled boyfriend, but also an ideal man with high moral and moral values, strong and reliable, with whom Christina will be calm and good.

Temperamental Christina marries either very early for great love, or quite late. Marriage affects her quite positively. She becomes a little calmer, softer and more compliant, of course, if her husband takes on the role of a strong and determined protector and patron of the family, who was able to deal with any problems. However, her love of freedom and vanity can interfere with her family happiness, so she should resolutely fight them.

Christina values ​​the atmosphere of her family nest very much and does not like being disturbed by uninvited guests. She great hostess with perfect clean house and cooked lunch. At the same time, she simultaneously manages to build a successful career. Christina is extremely demanding of her husband, which sometimes leads to conflicts, but in the end she will be able to find a compromise to restore peace and harmony in the family. In addition, trust and stability in family relationships, because of which she will never cheat on her husband, but she will not forgive his infidelity either. Surrounded by care, love and affection, Christina will in return surround her beloved husband with warmth and tenderness.

Christina as Mother

Christina accepts motherhood as an integral part of most women's lives. It cannot be said that children become the meaning of life for her, but she certainly loves them and takes care of them. Her children always look perfect: clean, tidy, tidy and tasty and fed on time. Yes, she doesn’t spend too much time with them, because she is unlikely to give up work even with the birth of children. There are women who are simply not created to be homebodies, and Christina is one of them.

In the educational process, Christina often shows strictness, and teaches children to be independent from an early age. Very often her children begin their personal growth still from the nursery kindergarten, a long decree is also not for her. She tries to raise children strong and strong-willed personalities.

Very often, either her husband or grandparents take care of her children's leisure time. However, of course, she devotes her weekends to her children and spouse. A family dinner in a narrow circle or a trip to nature, where you can relax carefree and frolic with children can be considered best ideas for the weekend.

Compatibility with male names

Christina has the worst compatibility with such male names as Ignat, Luka, Maxim, Vilen, Vladimir, Jan, Julius, Demyan.

But with Azariy, Venedikt, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Ernest, Trofim, Kuzma and Yegor, it will be possible to build a strong and happy marriage.

Well, with people like Akim, Fedor, Andrey, Boris and Gordey, there will be real, sincere feelings, passion, love.

But the name Christina, despite the fact that it has been popular for a very long time and without any reference to fashion, never joins the ranks of too common. Let's figure out what the secret of this name is, what fate it prepares for and how it will affect the character and abilities of its owner, and also consider it from the point of view of astrology and numerology.

Origin and meaning of the name

The origin of the name Christina is rooted in the distant past, and, if stated summary his history, it turns out that originally in Latin this name sounded like "Christianus", which means "Christian". The Greek version of the name for the girl "Christina" appeared a little later and translates as " dedicated to Christ"," the name of Christ.

Name Forms

The full name Christina has various derivative, abbreviated and affectionate forms. More briefly they are called: Baptizing, Tina, Christia, Christia, Khresya, Christie, Chrissy, Chris, Stina, Nana, Kina.

Diminutively, the girls are called: Kristinka, Khristinka, Khristyusha, Kristyusha, Khristyon, Khrisya.

Important! In Russia, the name Christina, despite the fact that in Greek it means “dedicated to Christ”, was used only by peasants, and this was due to the fact that these words were consonant in the phonetic transcription of the Russian language.

Declension of the name by cases looks like this:

  • I. p. Christina
  • R. p. Christina
  • D. p. Kristine
  • V. p. Kristina
  • T. p. Kristina
  • P. p. Kristine
If you decide to baptize Christina in the church, then the name will be written in the certificate as Christina, since the patroness of this name is the Martyr Christina of Persia, and in order to comply Orthodox rite girls are baptized under that name.

name angel day

Christine has Angel Day four times a year. Name days are associated with the patron saints - the martyrs Christina of Caesarea, Christina of Persia, Christina of Lampsaki and Christina of Tire. By church calendar Angel Days fall on February 19, March 26, May 31 and August 6. But this does not mean at all that you need to congratulate girls with that name all 4 times, there is only one name day, and they are celebrated on the day that is closest after the date of birth. In order to congratulate on Angel Day, it is best to purchase gifts related to spiritual education and faith.

Did you know? It turns out that the secret to a lasting, happy marriage is that spouses should like their names. Psychologists have studied a group of people and found out that if lovers don’t like their names and they don’t feel pleasure when pronouncing them, then they subconsciously come up with affectionate nicknames for each other and thereby strengthen relationships in a couple.

Name in different languages

The name Christina sounds and is written almost the same on different languages. Apparently, therefore, its owners can be found all over the world, and at the same time it sounds relevant and beautiful everywhere. in English and French correctly write "Christine", in Spanish "Cristina", in Czech "Kristina".

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

The name Christina in all languages ​​sounds about the same, which means that its owners can be found all over the world. And as a good example, famous people from different parts of our planet, the fate and nature of which, albeit partially, are known to the general public.

Russian singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite grew up in a bohemian family and has shown her creative potential since childhood. She is hardworking and persistent, not afraid to experiment and always clearly knows what she wants. She brings up two sons and a daughter and, despite being constantly busy, is an excellent caring mother. The children have different fathers, and, by the way, she managed to build personal happiness not on the first try. But now Christina is a happy and beloved woman and wife.

Her namesake from America, singer Christina Aguilera, was born into a simple family that had nothing to do with show business, but at the same time, the girl from an early age aspired to popularity and fame. The future star devoted a lot of time to music and singing, took part in television programs and competitions. She repeatedly radically changed her images, reincarnating from an innocent cutie, into a daring and sexy girl and a femme fatale. Aguilera also experimented with styles and trends in music.

At the moment, the singer is happy in a relationship, raising two children and dreaming of a third. After a divorce from the father of the first-born, he is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship, despite the fact that he has been dating his daughter's father for a long time. The singer is involved in charity work, participates in various international programs to protect children and the needy.

Among the successful and famous owners of this name are also:

All these women are united by similar character traits, such as assertiveness, self-criticism and powerful creative potential. Glory and popularity were preceded by years of fruitful work on themselves, that is, these "star" Christinas had to work hard and make efforts to become successful and famous. But, looking at these examples, we can say with confidence that there are no such obstacles that Krista cannot overcome, if desired, everything is subject to these women.

The main character traits of people with this name

The name largely determines the character of a person, therefore, before naming it, you need not only to understand its meaning, but also to understand what behavioral features and talents are inherent in a girl named Christina. Be prepared for the fact that Kristyushi is distinguished by a changeable mood and a difficult character. Since childhood, these girls are very active and love to be in the spotlight, they easily make contact and make friends. Christy will certainly not have any problems with her studies, because she grasps on the fly humanitarian sciences and languages, and having paid a little more attention to the exact sciences, he masters them brilliantly. Problems with learning can arise at a transitional age, but if you give the girl due attention and help set priorities correctly, everything will be solved easily and simply.

Important! Parents should be friends and support for Kristyusha. Having built a trusting relationship with mom and dad and with support, the girl will certainly succeed in all endeavors.

Growing up, these girls become zealous realists, vanilla dreams and fantasies are certainly not about them. It cannot be said that everything in life is easy for them, but at the same time, despite the difficulties, Christina will systematically go towards her goal until she reaches it, and this applies to almost any area. Women with this name can succeed both in science and pedagogy, write poetry and be an excellent leader, which indicates the diversity of these personalities.

In relationships and love, Krestya is very picky, she can look for her prince for a very long time. She is always in the center of male attention due to her innate sexuality and sharp mind, but at the same time her requirements for a life partner are quite high, and her partner must certainly meet them.

Krista is a wonderful, caring mother, she easily finds mutual language with kids. As a wife, she also succeeds, this woman is able to equip the family hearth and create comfort, as well as resolve all domestic issues.

The name Christina is not tied to nationality, women named after Christ dutifully fulfill their mission, they are kind, patient and enduring, they can overcome any difficulties in their path. No matter how difficult the problem is, Krista always knows how to solve it.

These girls may give the impression of being closed, but this is not at all the case, they are sociable, love noisy companies and fun.

Important! Do not try to criticize Christina, since even constructive comments, most likely, the woman will perceive with hostility.

She does not forgive insults and can even take revenge on her offenders, moreover, after she waits a pause.

It is difficult to predict what profession a woman named Christina will choose for herself, since since childhood the circle of interests of girls is quite wide. For them at an older age great importance has financial independence and freedom, so they rarely become housewives, and most often they are leaders, designers, artists, poetesses, directors and models. Do not be surprised and do not interfere if even in adolescence, Christie decides to prepare a portfolio and become a fashion model, as she has all the prerequisites in order to succeed in this.

As far as Christie is concerned, it is recommended to lead a healthy life and not to overwork too much. It is heavy loads that can provoke various ones - from nervous disorders to problems with the spine and joints. Long walks and proper sleep should be an integral part of Krystyusha's life.

Did you know? Worldwide statistics show that the most popular female name is Anna, this is how girls are most often called in different parts of our planet.

Name astrology

  • Planet: Saturn and Sun.
  • Sign: Leo and Virgo.
  • Color: orange, brown and yellow.
  • A rock: diamond and amber.
  • Tree: cypress.
  • Plant: myrtle.
  • Animal: toad and dove.
  • Character: mysterious, interesting and sexy persons.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

This name has 8 letters. This suggests that its owner is a person who is constantly in search of new, bright and thrilling sensations. This woman must constantly be inspired and delighted by something, otherwise she just gets bored. They have incredible charm, intrigue and fascinate men.

Important! Lucky number for Christina - 6. It is this figure that brings good luck.

After meeting Christie, male representatives often lose their heads and lose their common sense, because in order to achieve this woman, they are ready to do seemingly crazy things. This is a general characteristic of the name Christina from the point of view of numerology, let's see what it means by letter.

"K" - innate charm and attractiveness. The ability to make contact with people, to show diplomacy. Maximalists and have a powerful fortitude.

"P" - patience and the ability to make concessions, but only in those matters when Christina's interests are not affected.

"C" - the life priorities of these people are mainly aimed at obtaining financial resources and, in turn, providing a comfortable and luxurious life. They are very demanding of their life partners.

"T" - creativity and craving for art. Women whose name contains this letter are very passionate and sexy, they quickly fall in love and are just as quickly disappointed. They do not tolerate lies and always strive to find out the truth.

"I" - spirituality and natural grace. Honest and straightforward, which often plays into their hands.

"N" - critics and skeptics in life. Honest and diligent in work.

"A" - very active people. They are constantly developing and improving, which, in fact, is also required from their environment. They have leadership qualities.

The owner of this name will certainly become successful. Christinas are purposeful and self-confident, excellent careerists and excellent mothers and wives. They are characterized by mystery and elegance, a sharp mind and sexuality, beauty and excellent taste, and these are precisely the features that make a woman perfect.

Career, business and money

Christina is a true workaholic. Her ambition allows her to achieve professional heights in the field of a diplomat, doctor, politician, teacher, engineer. Work should bring her real pleasure, success should amuse pride.

In building a career, Christina adheres to a clear plan; there is no place for emotions in her work. A woman never asks or listens to the advice of others. Failures do not frighten her, but inspire her to go to the top with redoubled strength. Christina is an excellent leader, requiring her subordinates to strictly comply with her orders.

She doesn't have to go to work for someone. Analytical mindset, determination and assertiveness will allow her to become a successful entrepreneur. For profitable business she doesn't need partners. She knows a lot and is ready to deal with everything unknown in the process. Difficulties do not frighten a woman, she is used to handling money carefully, but she is not afraid to lose it.

The family budget is completely in her hands. Usually she earns more than her husband, but she will not stoop to reproach him in case of a quarrel.

Marriage and family

The house is an indestructible fortress. This expression fully reflects Christina's attitude to the family. For the arrangement of the "fortress" she spares neither physical nor mental strength. Strangers are not welcome in your home.

Christina is a woman who is excellent at combining housekeeping and building a successful career. She demands identical organization and dedication from her husband. If this is not the case, conflicts will not be avoided. Divorce for a woman with that name is an extraordinary decision. She is ready to compromise in almost any situation. Only treason is considered unacceptable. He brings up children in strictness, from early childhood he teaches them to be independent and responsible.

Sex and love

Christina is a wise girl beyond her years. She evaluates each potential contender for her location in terms of prospects. To create a couple with Christina, a young man must have potential. For the sake of perspective, she is ready to forgive the chosen one for minor flaws in appearance and character. In a relationship with a man, sometimes he becomes a tough manipulator. She always has a lot of fans, Christina is not indifferent to compliments, but she cannot always recognize flattery.

Behind the coldness and restraint of a woman with that name lies incredible sensuality and tenderness. TO sexual relations she treats with care, throughout her life they remain a sacrament for her. Christina will show her sensual nature only to her lawful husband and only after she realizes that he is worthy of her complete trust. If troubles begin in a relationship, Christina instantly retreats. She should always feel that her partner needs her. This woman will definitely not run after anyone, she values ​​\u200b\u200band loves herself above all else.


In early childhood, she often suffers from colds. In adolescence, parents are advised to pay attention to the respiratory organs of their daughter, she may have problems with her lungs. The best prevention is daily walks in the fresh air.

Sedentary work is not suitable for a girl, because with age there will be a predisposition to joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Throughout life, you need to pay attention to your teeth - this is one of the weakest areas.

Interests and hobbies

In Christina's life, two hobbies are family and work. If you perform labor obligations she is interested, she can devote the maximum of the available time to them.

In establishing a comfortable life, she has no equal, for this she is ready to master all the girl's hobbies: from embroidery to alteration of old furniture.

Today, not every person has an idea that the meaning of the name Christina is a variant of the ancient name Christina, given to girls from European countries at christening. However, it was only taken from the language ancient greece. The female name Christina came to the territory of Russia simultaneously with the advent of the Christian religion, and is translated from the language of ancient Greece as “Christian”.

Attention should be paid to the fact that in ancient times the female name Christina was given only to girls from the common people, while among the aristocracy this name was not used at all. Over time, women bearing the name Christina practically ceased to meet, since such a name lost its popularity, and in the years after the revolution it was forgotten.

However, then a phonetically deformed version of this name was formed - Christina, which began to be perceived as foreign and possessing a certain aristocracy, and sometimes elitism. For this reason, the meaning of the name Christina and Christina is completely different, i.e. a gigantic abyss lay between these names, which gives every reason to assert that these names are completely different.

Characteristics of the name Christina

A woman named Christina fully corresponds to this stylish name - this person is quite emotional, whole, with early years attracting dreams of a rich, beautiful life. In the process of work, as well as when communicating with practically strangers is a reserved person, sometimes somewhat detached.

Nevertheless, those around are well aware of what a passionate temperament is hidden in a woman named Christina behind a deceptive, calm behavior. This is what makes the meaning of the name Christina so unusual. A certain arrogant behavior pattern, as well as a quick temper, characteristic of every woman bearing the name Christina, is perfectly corrected by excellent education.

In general, a woman named Christina is a rather sociable person, able to perfectly find a common language with different people. The surprisingly beautiful name Christina is capable of arousing a feeling of envy, and sometimes hostility among individual natures, for this reason, its bearer will have to be able to protect herself. Otherwise, a woman named Christina will become a timid, notorious person.

In this scenario, the meaning of the name Christina will work to the detriment of the bearer. Nevertheless, the strong energy field of this name provides an opportunity for a woman named Christina to have a huge supply of strength and immunity to stress, for this reason, such a nature from an early age will begin to feel her own chosenness, as well as a desire to be in the highest strata of society. Being a simple housewife, a woman named Christina feels her exclusivity.

However, in the process of chasing a distant dream, there is a possibility that a moment will come when a woman named Christina will not see the usual happiness of ordinary people, will not be able to experience the pleasure of everyday small achievements. Here, perhaps, lies the main secret of the name Christina, which influences her entire life. Despite this, a woman named Christina is not only able to build sand castles, and then just sit doing nothing, waiting for the time when happiness, success itself will come into her life.

Christina's character traits

On my own life path a woman called Christina counts only on own forces. So, it is characterized by such features as assertiveness, reasonableness, and sometimes perfectionism. Such a woman is distinguished by the ability to predict events long before they occur, for this reason, decisions of such a nature are only exceptionally rash.

Thus, the secret of the name Christina gives her the opportunity to follow generally accepted moral and ethical standards on her life path, respects ordinary family values, and only in exceptional cases can such a person take part in a dubious case. A woman named Christina can be called with full confidence a kind with a powerful character, reacting rather painfully to critical remarks and long time remembering the hurt.

Nevertheless, even in a very "hot" situation, a woman named Christina will not allow herself a rude, boorish attitude and will not tolerate such an attitude from other people. Individuals believe that the woman named Kristinochka is a conservative nature, which to some extent is true. It is not at all easy for strangers to communicate with a woman named Christina, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described in this article, because. this person does not really trust others, always strives to keep his own soul closed.

The presence of strong convictions, as well as excessive justice, can be for Kristina a bottomless well of all sorts of difficulties. Her moral convictions are much more important than friendly feelings, since the woman named Kristinochka firmly follows her own convictions.

Kristinka's childhood

Now you need to try to give as much as possible exact value name Christina for a girl to help future parents with choosing the right name. Child Christina is a little talkative and somewhat closed, sometimes it may even seem that she is somewhat inhibited. However, Christina is very savvy, observant, but most often this child is in his own world, hidden from outsiders.

Nevertheless, like the bulk of other children, such a child needs praise, various encouragements, because it is very important for her that both her parents and school teachers think of her. This child should overcome his own shyness, and mom and dad should provide assistance in such a matter. In general, the meaning of the girl's name Christina and her fate are closely interconnected.

Kristinka experiences great difficulties in the process of full disclosure in front of strangers, i.е. she needs more a long period for getting used to the "fresh" society, especially in adolescence. Christina makes her parents happy with her careful handling of her own toys, things, and over time she is able to take on her shoulders some of the household responsibilities.

Thus, the meaning of the name Christina for the girl and her fate give her the opportunity to easily assimilate the information of training, especially the humanities. Sometimes she is subject to a variety of hobbies that capture her to the fullest. Mom and dad should pay attention to all kinds of talents of the girl and make every effort for them. further development, while the presence of purposefulness in a girl can not be worried.

Christina's health

As a child, Christina does not have strong health, since such a child is quite susceptible to all kinds of infectious, viral diseases. Having become a mature woman, Christina may face problems with her joints, lungs, and bronchi.

Thus, a woman bearing the name Christina, whose origin and significance is being considered, should pay considerable attention to own health. Those. she should spend as much time as possible in the open air, sleep the prescribed hours and follow exclusively healthy lifestyle life.

Christina's intimate life

When a woman named Christina falls in love with a representative of the opposite sex, she gives him all of herself. Such a person almost never remains alone, and intimacy for her is not in last place. The woman named Christina lacks tenderness, femininity. In other words, a man may form an opinion about her as an icy, strong personality, which sometimes scares the opposite sex away from her.

However, the meaning of the name Christina and her fate show that behind the ostentatious coldness hides a passionate, uncontrollable character, as well as amazing sensitivity. Thus, the partner who will be able to see this will be happy. Intimacy for a woman named Christina is a natural continuation of the feeling of love, while sex without such a feeling is completely uninteresting to her.

During falling in love, Kristinka feels full own life experiencing a lasting euphoria. To be loved by someone and to love at the same time is the most secret and sincere desire of such a person.

Career and business of Kristinka

Today, Christina, the meaning of the name whose character is described, prefers a modern, and most importantly fashionable profession, while she does not see herself as an ordinary worker or housewife at all. Regardless of the chosen profession, a woman named Christina will try to improve her own position in society, and the degree of income plays a decisive role for her.

If such a person nevertheless becomes a housewife, she will always experience dissatisfaction, discontent. Thanks to the huge energy, this woman is distinguished by amazing aspirations in life. At the same time, Christina, whose character and fate is being considered, does not want to be financially dependent on other people, for this reason she tries to accumulate her strong financial base.

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