How to cook jellied beef legs according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. How to make jellied beef legs

Chercher 19.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Today I will tell you in detail how to cook beef jellied meat at home - step by step, a recipe with all the details and details so that you succeed the first time!

So, to prepare delicious and beautiful beef jellied meat, you need to follow only two rules. First, choose the right meat. And secondly, cook it for a long time, at least 5 hours, then the broth will turn out rich and will harden perfectly.

What kind of meat is suitable?

Before you cook beef jellied meat, you need to choose the “right” and fresh meat. You will need beef on the bone, with cartilage and sinews, which will give the broth the necessary richness and ability to gel. Pure flesh, that is, fillet, is not suitable. Most often they take for jellied meat: front drumstick, motoleg, ribs, beef tail and legs. It is these parts that contain greatest number collagen, which will be responsible for the density and hardening of jellied meat.

Total cooking time: 6 hours
Cooking time: 5 hours
Yield: 10 servings


  • beef on the bone (shank, joints, ribs) – 3.5 kg
  • water – 2-2.5 l
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide or to taste
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
  • cloves – 2 pcs.
  • onion– 1-2 pcs.
  • large carrots – 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • allspice – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 1 head
  • parsley, boiled eggs- For decoration

How to cook beef jellied meat

For jellied meat this time I took a beef shank on the bone, a couple of joints, and also ribs with meat. Total weight meat set amounted to 3.5 kg.

The beef was thoroughly washed and cut into pieces so that the pieces fit in the pan. For large bones, ask a butcher to cut them at the market or cut them with a hacksaw yourself - in the latter case there will be much fewer bone fragments. The more tightly you pack the beef into the pan, the less water you will need it to pour over the meat, which means the broth will end up more concentrated.

I placed the meat parts tightly, without gaps, in a large saucepan (volume 5 liters). Pour boiling water over the top and place the pan on maximum heat. As soon as it starts to boil (do not allow active boiling!), I immediately drained all the water - along with the first broth, the “noise” will go away from the pan, since we did not soak the meat, the protein particles will curl into large reddish-gray flakes. Don’t worry, in 5-7 minutes the meat will not have time to cook and will not lose its gelling properties.

After draining the first broth, I thoroughly washed the contents of the pan in cold water. Returned the pan back to the stove and filled it with clean cold water- it should cover the contents by 3 fingers (the ratio of water and meat products is 1:1 or less, I used 2.5 liters of water). Bring to a boil again and cook the beef over low heat with the lid slightly ajar for 4 hours.

After the specified time, you need to add onions, garlic, carrots and spices to the pan: black and allspice, cloves, bay leaf. You can expand the list to include parsley root and celery. Also at this stage I added salt - 1 heaped tablespoon (use your taste). Returned the pan to the heat and continued to cook the jellied meat for another 1 hour over medium heat.

As a result, the meat should be easily separated from the bones and divided into fibers, the broth should be clean and transparent, golden in color. I removed the beef from the broth to cool slightly.

In the meantime, I prepared the dishes for the jellied meat. Deep bowls, bowls, muffin tins, etc. are suitable. If you plan to turn the jellied meat over onto a flat dish after hardening, then first place the decoration on the bottom of the molds. As decoration you can use pieces of boiled carrots, eggs, herbs, peas, corn, etc.

I divided the slightly cooled meat into small pieces (using a pair of forks). I filled the molds about 3/4 full.

Strained the broth through cheesecloth folded 4 times to get rid of small fragments of bones. I poured clean broth into the molds so that the liquid completely covered their contents. I left it at room temperature until it cooled and then transferred it to the refrigerator.

Beef jellied meat, cooked according to all the rules, hardens very quickly - after 3-4 hours it will become elastic and dense, but it is still better to wait until the morning so that it can be easily cut with a knife. It comes out of the silicone molds very easily. Place dishes made from other materials in the hot water, then the jellied meat will easily fall onto the plate with which you cover it on top.

It is best to serve beef jellied meat with mustard or horseradish. Have a delicious holiday!

I really love jellied meat; for me this dish is always associated with the holiday. Even though the process itself takes considerable time, learning how to cook aspic is very simple. I’ll tell all readers how I prepare jellied meat from beef moth.

How to cook jellied beef leg

Beef contains vitamins A, D, group B, as well as macro- and microelements. IN knee joint large cattle a lot of tendons, a source of gelatin, thanks to which the broth is not only tasty, but also hardens well.

Kitchenware: 5-6 l saucepan; board and knife; skimmer; sieve; gauze or clean cloth; molds for jellied meat.


  • All products must be fresh, so buy chilled beef. Take a closer look at its appearance: the meat should be Pink colour, no stains, plaque.
  • You can’t store it in the refrigerator for more than three days, otherwise the meat will lose beneficial features and spoils.
  • I always drain the first broth. I do this so that the aspic is transparent and clean.
  • For aroma and spiciness, I add ginger root at the end of cooking.

Cooking steps

  1. I put the meat on the bottom of the pan and fill it with water. The weight of my beef leg was 3.5 kg.
  2. I put it on the fire and bring it to a boil.

  3. As soon as the water boils, I drain the primary broth, and rinse the meat and dishes thoroughly.

  4. I place the washed meat in a clean pan. I cut one large onion into pieces and add it to the meat. I also send one peeled carrot there. I cut it in half.

  5. I fill it with water so that the entire contents are covered. I put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat to low. I leave it to cook for 5-6 hours.

  6. When there are 40 minutes left before the end of cooking, I add a couple of dry dill stalks and 5-6 pcs. black peppercorns. I peel the ginger, cut it off somewhere around 2 cm and, cutting it into thin slices, add it to the broth, add 1 tbsp. l. salt.

  7. When the cooking time is over, remove the pan from the heat. I take out the meat and vegetables.

  8. Using a sieve and a clean cloth, strain the broth.

  9. When the meat has cooled a little, I begin to disassemble it. Separate from the bone and finely chop into strips.

  10. Using a tablespoon, skim the fat from the broth. I taste it and add more salt.

  11. I place the shredded beef in plastic molds. I level it with a spoon.

  12. Carefully pour the broth over the meat.

  13. When the jellied meat has cooled to room temperature, I put it in the refrigerator, covering it with a lid.

I serve the finished dish on the table, turning it out of the plastic. We use it with mustard or horseradish.

Video recipe

The entire process of preparing jellied meat is perfectly demonstrated in the video. The broth freezes well and tastes great. Take a look and see that making jelly at home is not at all difficult.

  • Do not cook jellied meat over high heat under any circumstances. otherwise it will be cloudy and its appearance will deteriorate. Many housewives cook jellied meat with gelatin. I don’t add it to the dish; the broth freezes perfectly and does not require additional ingredients.

If desired, you can decorate the dish. Add a boiled egg, cut in half, to the bottom of the dish before pouring it, or make shapes from boiled vegetables, such as carrots. You can put fresh parsley or dill leaves on top.

  • This dish will not leave anyone indifferent and will become the main decoration of any festive table. Beef tongue aspic turns out very tasty.

Beef shank jellied meat

More often I cook jelly from beef meat. It seems to me that this way it turns out to be not very fatty, aromatic, and low in calories. The benefits of eating beef meat can hardly be overestimated - the active substances contained in meat are of vital importance for us. It has a high collagen content, and this, in turn, prevents the wear of cartilage human body and slows down the aging process.

I’ll tell you another recipe for beef jellied meat with the addition of shank (lower leg).

Cooking time: 6-7 hours.
Number of servings: 10-12.


  • Of course, for jelly it is better to choose the meat of a young calf. It is of rich colors with light, almost white fatty layers. If the veal is dark red, it is most likely the meat of an older animal. I purchased a beef leg weighing approximately 1.5 kg.
  • She washed and cleaned it thoroughly. To fill the future jelly, I took about 1.5-2 kg of beef meat. Jellied meat made from beef strips using the same recipe will be delicious.
  • I add the onion in its husk, after rinsing it with water and cutting off the roots. Due to this, the future aspic will acquire a golden hue and a pleasant aroma.
  • For spiciness, I add a few cloves of garlic.

Cooking steps

  1. I put the washed meat in a pan and fill it with water.

  2. I put it on the fire and bring it to a boil. I remove the foam and leave it on low heat for 6-7 hours.

  3. After the specified time, I add 2 onions in the husk to the meat. I don't cut it all the way. I put 4-5 bay leaves, as well as 8-10 pcs. black peppercorns and 1.5 tbsp. l. salt.

  4. After 30 minutes, remove the pan from the heat.
  5. I lay out the meat and let it cool. I turn to the analysis of meat products. I separate the beef from the bone and cut it into small pieces.

  6. Finely chop 5-6 cloves of garlic and mix with chopped beef.

  7. I transfer everything into a container for jellied meat; I have plastic molds.

  8. I strain the broth through a strainer into molds.

  9. Let it cool and put it in the refrigerator.

After 2-3 hours, the jellied meat will harden and can be served. I cut it into portions and carefully place it on a plate. I serve mustard with jellied meat. I decorate with fresh herbs.

Video recipe

All stages of preparing this meat dish can be seen in the video. Look how incredible beautiful view The jellied meat is finger-licking good!

  • You can substitute pork shank for the beef shank, but the broth will be a little cloudier and oilier. Pig ears, tails and marrow bones are suitable. If you like poultry, add chicken legs, necks, wings. All these parts make the broth viscous and sticky.
  • Choose meat according to your taste. If you love pork, prepare -pork knuckle jellied meat-. But the most delicious is jellied pork and beef, different types of meat make the dish richer and it solidifies without any gelatin.

Jellied beef leg, pork and chicken

For those who don’t really like beef, I offer a recipe for jellied chicken and pork. There are so many tendons and ligaments in the knuckle that they are quite enough to make the broth solidify. Chicken is considered a dietary meat; it contains a large amount of easily digestible protein.

Cooking time: 6-8 hours
Number of servings: 10-12.
Kitchenware: board and knife; pot; sieve; container for jellied meat.


  • As I wrote above, the meat must be fresh. I took pork knuckle, weighing approximately 1.5 kg.
  • I added a leg of beef, which was enough for the jellied meat to freeze.
  • I washed it thoroughly, cleaned the skin of mucus and trimmed off all excess. I did the same with chicken. If there are hairs on it, they need to be burned on a gas stove.

Cooking steps

Let it cool and put it in the refrigerator. The jellied meat is ready in 2-3 hours. Carefully cut into portions with a knife and serve.

Video recipe

You can see how the aspic is prepared in the video. The jellied meat turns out transparent and freezes well. It is very tasty due to the fact that I put three types of meat.

You can pour the jelly into beautiful grooved molds, having previously placed it on the bottom green pea. Make decorations in the form of flowers from boiled eggs, inside which put a ring of boiled carrots. Or make flowers from lemon slices. If you know how to make figures, cut out piglets or swans from eggs. Place them on top of the jellied meat. Give free rein to your imagination and decorate the jelly to your taste.

Main ingredients:

  • 2 kg of beef (leg, tail, ears, meat);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 onions;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • black allspice in the form of peas;
  • 4.5 liters of water.


We process the meat, place it in water, and cook after boiling for 15-20 minutes. Drain the broth, rinse the beef under the tap, and add fresh water. When the liquid boils, skim off the foam and fat, add salt, reduce the heat as much as possible, and cook. In this case, the lid should not be tightly closed. The next step is adding whole peeled onions and carrots. After this, the pan remains on the fire for another 3 hours. In the last 5 minutes of cooking, add pepper and bay leaf. Next, let the meat cool, disassemble it and grind the pulp. Divide the beef into containers, sprinkle with crushed garlic, and fill with warm, strained broth. Cool and wait for the dish to harden.

How long to cook beef jellied meat

The most delicious jellied meat is obtained when the meat is sufficiently boiled and the broth is rich in vegetables and spices. First, the beef should be cooked for 3-4 hours. And after adding carrots and onions, as we already said, for another 3 hours. Jelly that has been cooked for less than 6 hours will most likely not harden, and then the appetizer will not be a success at all.

Advice! Some housewives recommend adding vegetables after 5 hours of boiling, as this makes the broth even more aromatic. And to give it golden color, onions can be thoroughly washed and placed in water directly in the peel.

It is important to cook the jellied meat over low heat all the time, otherwise the water will quickly boil away and the broth will turn out to be too concentrated.

How to cook clear beef jellied meat

Some cooks, having once prepared cloudy jelly, despair and no longer make this appetizer. And in vain, because clear broth Pretty easy to get! The basic rule is described in the recipe: drain the water after boiling, rinse the meat and then cook it in clean water. Neglecting this point means not only making the dish unpresentable, but also increasing the calorie content of the jellied meat.

Important! Don't forget to properly prepare raw meat! Initially, it needs to be soaked in water for three hours or overnight to get rid of the clotted blood. Then thoroughly scrape the skin to remove soot and dirt. These steps will also affect the clarity of the broth.

The freshness of the products for jellied meat is important. Stale legs or heads will a priori give a little cloudiness, so buy meat components only from familiar sellers. Refrigerated goods should have a characteristic, slightly sweetish odor, and frozen ones should have a smooth odor. light color.

Recipe ingredients:

  • kilogram soft beef with veins;
  • 5 pork legs;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 heads of garlic and the same amount of carrots;
  • bay leaf, coriander, salt, cloves, black pepper.

How to cook jellied meat correctly:

Place the prepared meat in a pan, add water so that it covers the legs by a couple of centimeters. After boiling, change the water, add carrots and onions, cook for another 4 hours, or longer if possible. Next, add finely chopped garlic (1 head) and spices. For an 8-liter cauldron you will need three bay leaves, 20 peppercorns, 4 cloves, a teaspoon of coriander. Bring to readiness for 30-40 minutes. Check the meat for tenderness. We disassemble the beef and legs, strain the broth. Pour the remaining chopped garlic and ground pepper onto the meat, laid out on trays, pour in liquid, and place in the refrigerator.

Important! Do not cool homemade beef jellied meat on the balcony when outside the window subzero temperature. There the liquid will not turn into jelly, but into “meat” ice.

Products for aspic:

  • 1 kilogram of beef and chicken meat;
  • 1 kilogram of chicken feet and necks or beef legs;
  • bulb;
  • garlic, salt;
  • about 20 black peppercorns;
  • 5-7 bay leaves.

Cooking method:

If possible, chop those meat components that contain bones and cartilage and place them in a saucepan along with the pulp. Drain the water after the first boil, cook for 5-6 hours on low heat. An hour before readiness, add the onion and spices. If the broth is not sticky enough (a drop of liquid does not stick your fingers together at all), cook for another hour, opening the lid and adding a little heat. Cool, remove the meat, remove from the bones and cut. We pass the broth through cheesecloth, pour it into the molds with meat, and leave to harden.

What is useful about jellied chicken and beef is that it is dietary, if jellied meat can even be classified as light dishes. When we use pork, the aspic immediately becomes fattier, even on the surface of the finished snack unappetizing white fat accumulates. In the case of our meat, this does not happen; the jellied meat looks attractive and is eaten with pleasure!

Beef jellied video

In many cuisines of the world there are many variations of the recipe for making jellied meat. If you don’t know how to cook beef jellied meat correctly so that the broth comes out rich, transparent, tasty and aromatic, read the article.

Beef jellied meat with gelatin: recipe

Jellied, jelly and jellied meat are associated with New Year holidays and ceremonial feasts. The main ingredient of the dish can be fish, poultry, pork, beef, lamb. Jellied meat rarely appears on the table, not so much because of its complexity, but because of the length of time it takes to prepare.

Beef jellied meat is not only tasty, but also healthy dish. It is lower in calories and fat than pork. Because of high content natural collagen, beef jelly is considered the first remedy for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

To prepare beef jellied meat, prepare the following products:

  • meat - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l.;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

To make the jellied meat rich, choose shank, ribs or tail. These parts of the carcass are rich in bones and cartilage. The pulp does not give fat. If you want the aspic to be with meat, use different parts of the carcass with bones and meat.

Each housewife prepares jelly based on her own taste preferences. This applies to the choice of meat, spices and how dense the jellied meat will be. The recipe assumes that meat and water are taken in a ratio of 1:3.

Some housewives act differently, calculating the amount of water based on the number of servings of jellied meat, and not on the weight of the meat. It turns out that 6 servings of aspic require 7 servings of water. Portions are measured using containers into which the jellied meat will be poured, for example, serving plates.

There is a third opinion: there is never too much jellied meat. In this case, housewives take the largest saucepan that is in the house and pour as much water into it as will fit, adjusting the density of the jelly with gelatin.

Traditional spices for jellied meat are black and allspice, bay leaf. Cumin, coriander and mustard seeds will not spoil the taste of the dish. In addition to carrots and onions, you can add celery, parsnips and other aromatic root vegetables to the broth.

Before adding food gelatin to the broth, it is important to check whether the natural gelatin from the seeds and tendons has been boiled down. Scoop a couple of spoons of broth into a container, dip two fingers into it, let cool slightly and check if your fingers stick together. If they stick together, it means that a sufficient amount of collagen has been released, which has turned into gelatin, and the jellied meat will harden on its own. This jelly will be soft.

Edible gelatin is added to make the jellied meat elastic, such that a spoon can stand in it. Gelatin is also added to broth, which does not stick, or broth from young beef, which has little collagen.

Many housewives, before daring to prepare aspic, wonder how to cook meat correctly so that the broth comes out clear and light. To prevent the jellied meat from being dark, the meat is cooked in a second broth, over low heat, without allowing the liquid to boil.

How to cook beef jellied meat with gelatin

Be prepared for the fact that jellied beef, like any other meat, will take about a day, or even more.

Before you start preparing the dish, it is important to prepare a pan in which the broth will be cooked, another pan or a large basin in which you will put the meat. In addition, you will need a sieve and a piece of gauze, and forms for pouring the broth in which the jellied meat will solidify.

The recipe for jellied meat is as follows:

  1. Soak the meat in cold water for 8–12 hours.
  2. Drain and rinse the meat. Cut pieces that are too large.
  3. Cover the beef with cold water.
  4. Bring the broth to a boil.
  5. Let the broth simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  6. When noise is formed, drain the first broth.
  7. Rinse the meat and place it in a clean pan.
  8. Pour cold water over the meat again.
  9. Bring the water to a boil.
  10. Remove noise as it forms.
  11. Peel the onion and carrots.
  12. When the broth boils, put the vegetables in the pan and reduce the heat as much as possible.
  13. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the broth to simmer for 8–10 hours.
  14. When the meat begins to easily separate into fibers and falls away from the bones, remove it from the broth and leave to cool slightly.
  15. Leave the broth to simmer over low heat.
  16. Add spices and salt, chopped garlic to the broth.
  17. Disassemble the meat. Slice it and place it on the bottom of a dish to serve as jellied meat.
  18. Dilute the gelatin as follows: pour boiling water into a separate container; gradually pour gelatin into hot water, stirring it in boiling water; Stir the gelatin until it dissolves in the water, but do not allow it to cool.
  19. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the broth for jellied meat through a sieve with a gauze layer so that undissolved gelatin particles do not fall into the broth.
  20. Stir gelatin into broth.
  21. Prepare a sieve with a gauze layer.
  22. Strain the broth through a sieve and pour into dishes for serving jellied meat.
  23. Leave the jellied meat to cool at room temperature.
  24. When a greasy film begins to form, carefully remove it.
  25. Place the jellied meat that has cooled to room temperature in the refrigerator.

It happens that the broth turns out not light and transparent, but dark, even brownish. The reason for this is the noise not being removed in time or the meat being boiled over high heat. Protein will help clarify the broth. This procedure is called methanation, or pulling out the broth.

To clarify the broth, separate the whites of 2 eggs from the yolk. Beat the egg whites and add one part of the white foam to the broth first. Let the broth boil, then add the second part of the protein foam.

Continue cooking the broth until the whites rise to the surface of the liquid. Then strain it. When introducing protein for the first time, the temperature of the broth should be about 60 °C.

Jellied meat, like any dish, can be decorated. At the bottom of the mold into which you are going to pour the broth, place pre-cooked chicken or quail eggs, cut in half.

Won't ruin it appearance jellied sprig of parsley or dill. Greens poured with boiling water will not lose color and will remain juicy green.

Serve the jellied meat to the table in portions if you poured the hot broth into separate plates. The frozen jellied meat is easily separated from the mold.

If you originally poured the broth into a large dish, cut it into portions and transfer to a serving plate. Place horseradish and mustard on the table along with the jellied meat.

Knowing the basics of how to make jellied beef, you can make jellied meat from poultry, fish, other types of meat, and game. Stock up on time, patience and a good mood.

Spend a day preparing the dish and please your household with delicious jellied meat!

Jellied meat is considered "winter" dish.

Great for appetizers and as an addition to side dishes.

There are many recipes for making beef jellied meat. But each housewife does it “in her own way.”

Today we are sharing our own secrets of making beef jellied meat.

Beef jellied meat - general principles of preparation

The main ingredient is beef, always on the bone.

Jellied meat prepared from several varieties of meat is considered real.

Both the simplest ones - bay leaf, allspice and peas, and the oriental ones - ginger, thyme, cloves are suitable.

You will definitely need fresh onions, a few carrots, fresh parsley and an egg for decoration.

For servingmustard is indispensable.

The meat and legs are placed in a large pan and filled with water. The broth is simmered over low gas, skimming off the foam for the first fifteen to twenty minutes. After five to six hours, fresh prepared vegetables, spices and seasoning are added to the broth. Let it simmer.

Remove the meat with a slotted spoon, place it on a dish and let it cool. In the meantime, be sure to strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Finely chopped or fiberized meat is placed in molds, sprinkled with garlic, decorated with carrots, herbs, eggs, maybe peas, olives, and poured with broth.

Place in the refrigerator for several hours. The jellied meat is ready!

Beef jellied meat “Ostrenkiy”

This is a recipe for jellied meat made only from beef. A variety of seasonings and spices will add flavor and wonderful aroma to the dish.


One kilogram of beef with bones;

Three carrots;


Two bay leaves;

Fifteen grams of thyme;

Fresh parsley;



Three feathers of garlic;


One table. spoon of olive oil;

One tea spoon acetic acid.

Cooking method:

Beef on the bone, carrots, onions, bay leaves and other spices and seasonings are placed in a large saucepan. Fill with three liters of cold running water. Place on low heat for five hours. After boiling, the broth is filtered through a fine sieve. The meat is placed on a dish, allowed to cool and finely chopped.

Chopped parsley, garlic, mustard, olive oil and vinegar are mixed with chopped beef.

A little broth is poured into a special form, the meat is laid out and the broth is poured again. Place in the refrigerator for six hours.

Beef jellied meat “Classic”

The combination of beef leg and tender veal pulp will make your jellied meat rich and delicate in taste.


Beef leg weighing one and a half to two kilograms;

Two liters of water;

Half a kilogram of veal;

One onion;

One carrot:

Twenty peppercorns;

Three bay leaves;

Head of garlic;

Cooking method:

Primary broth is made from beef leg. It is completely filled with water and brought to a boil over high gas. After five minutes, the broth is drained, the leg is washed and again filled with running water.

The secondary broth should simmer on low gas for several hours. The boiling should not be bubbling, but should be a slow rise of small bubbles. The cooking process takes five to six hours.

The onion is peeled and cut in half. Place the flat side in a frying pan and fry a little. The carrots are peeled and left whole. First, the meat is boiled in broth in a separate pan. An hour before the end of the cooking process, veal and vegetables are added to the leg. They make more gas and let the broth boil again. They throw in spices and salt.

Meat and bones are removed from the cooked broth. Strain through a saucepan. The boiled cartilages are separated from the bones, finely chopped along with the meat or passed through a meat grinder.

Garlic is passed through a press or finely chopped, added to the meat and mixed. The veal is placed on the bottom of the form for jellied meat. Pour in broth. So that the meat is on the bottom and the broth on top, you need to pour it with a spoon without stirring the ingredients. The filled form is placed in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Beef jellied meat in a slow cooker

Most quick way preparing jellied meat is jellied meat from a slow cooker. Minimum time, maximum benefit.


Two pork legs (700 grams);

One and a half kilograms of beef on the bone;

One and a half liters of water;

Five bay leaves;

Salt and garlic - to taste.

Cooking method:

Pork legs are thoroughly washed. Place in a saucepan and fill with cold water. Leave in water for five hours. Then drain the water from the legs and wash again. The beef is washed, the carrots are peeled. Place pork legs, beef, whole carrots, bay leaves, and peppercorns in a multicooker pan. Pour water over the meat. Add salt. Select the “jelly” mode.

Remove the meat and legs from the broth, transfer to a bowl, cool and separate the meat from the bones. The carrots are taken out; they will no longer be needed. Place the meat in molds in which the jellied meat will harden. The broth is filtered and poured into molds. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped, added to the broth. The jellied meat is placed in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Bon appetit!

Beef jellied shank

You will need beef leg and shank. Typically, such jellied meat turns out to be quite fatty and “sticky”, which does not require the use of gelatin.


Four kilograms of beef leg and shank;

Two large onions;

Three carrots;

Head of garlic;

Four liters of water;


Black pepper (peas);

Cooking method:

The meat ingredients are poured with water and washed thoroughly, freeing them from bone fragments. The legs are first scraped with a knife and singed.

Meat with bones and legs are placed in a large saucepan or enamel bucket and filled with water. When the broth boils, remove the foam and leave on low heat for five hours. Cover with a lid.

At the end of cooking, peeled onions, garlic and whole carrots are added to the broth. Salt, add spices. After this, the jellied meat should simmer for another two hours.

After cooking, remove the carrots and onions from the broth, and place the boiled meat and bones on a dish. Allow to cool, separate the meat from the bone and chop finely. The prepared meat is placed in molds. For decoration, you can put bright pieces of boiled carrots, fresh herbs, and an egg on the bottom of the molds. You can sprinkle finely chopped garlic on top. The strained broth is poured into molds, closed and left in the cold.

Beef jellied meat with ribs

Beef ribs make an excellent broth for jellied meat. Add more onions, only whole heads.


Beef shank with bone (one and a half kilograms);

One kilogram of beef ribs;

Two hundred grams of onions;

One or two carrots;

Allspice and peas;

Bay leaves;

Head of garlic.

Cooking method:

Place fresh drumsticks and ribs in a large pot and cover completely cold water.

Bring the meat to a boil over high heat. Then the gas is reduced and the broth is left to simmer for six hours. Periodically remove the formed foam.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. Peel onions and carrots. An hour before the end of cooking, put them in the broth, also add pepper, bay leaf and salt.

Then vegetables, meat and spices are removed from the broth. Carrots are left to decorate the jellied meat. The meat is separated from the bones and finely chopped.

Place the meat in a layer in special forms, sprinkle with garlic passed through a press.

The broth is filtered through a sieve and poured over the meat. The jellied meat is placed in the refrigerator until it hardens. Skim off the fat from the top before serving.

Beef and chicken jellied meat

Chicken meat will give the jellied meat tenderness and will also guarantee that the jellied meat will harden quickly.


Calf tail;

Pork knuckle;

Two onions;

Ginger and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed and placed in a large saucepan. Fill with tap water. Add a whole peeled onion, garlic, ginger and salt. Cook the broth over low heat for seven hours.

After the meat is cooked, strain the broth through a sieve. The meat is separated from the bones and finely chopped. Place into portioned bowls, add fresh garlic and ginger. Pour in the broth and put in the refrigerator until it hardens.

Beef jellied meat with gelatin

Consider a recipe for making beef jellied meat with the addition of gelatin. It does not affect the taste, but only promotes rapid hardening.


Six hundred grams of beef meat;

A packet of gelatin;

One large onion;

One carrot;



Cooking method:

The meat is washed and placed whole in a large saucepan or enamel bucket. Fill with water and place on high heat.

After boiling, the gas is reduced and the broth is left to simmer for three to four hours. Remove the foam. The most convenient way to remove the foam is with a slotted spoon.

After three hours, add salt, onion, carrots and peppercorns to the jellied meat. Cook for another hour. Before the end of cooking, add a bay leaf.

Then the meat is removed from the broth, allowed to cool and cut into finely chopped pieces.

Gelatin is poured into a glass boiled water. The gelatin should swell and stand for half an hour. After this, it is mixed and poured into the broth.

The meat is placed in molds or deep plates and filled with broth strained through cheesecloth. Leave in a cool place until hardened.

Beef and pork jellied meat

Add some pork feet to the beef shin.


Seven hundred grams of pork legs;

Half a kilogram of beef shin;


Three carrots;

Four cloves of garlic;

Cooking method:

The meat is thoroughly washed. Peel onions and carrots. Fill a large saucepan with water and place meat and vegetables in it. Cook over low heat until the meat comes off the bone easily.

At the end of cooking, the broth is salted. Remove the meat with a slotted spoon, let it cool and separate it from the bones. Divided into fibers and laid out in forms. Place chopped carrots and garlic on top. The broth is filtered and poured over the meat. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

It is better to take a leg for jellied meat that has already been processed and sawn into several parts. If necessary, the leg is singed and soaked in water for five hours, then scraped.

If you cover the form for freezing the jellied meat with cling film, you can easily pull it out and cut it into pieces before serving.

To harden the jellied meat, you can use a regular springform baking dish. Then it is first lined with foil so that it does not leak.

In order for the legs to fit into the container for cooking jellied meat, they are first chopped into pieces.

The ratio of water and meat when cooking broth for jellied meat should be one to one.

To make the jellied meat harden faster, food gelatin is added to the broth.

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