What year was Alexander Nevsky born? The reign of Alexander Nevsky: stubborn facts

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Name: Alexander Nevsky

Age: 42 years

Place of Birth: Pereslavl-Zalessky

A place of death: Gorodets, Russia

Activity: commander, Grand Duke

Family status: was married

Alexander Nevsky - biography

More than seven centuries ago, Prince Alexander Nevsky defended Russia from the invasion of the Crusaders. But to this day, millions of people turn to him for help as a heavenly patron.

The reign of Alexander Nevsky fell on difficult times: the Mongols imposed tribute on Russia from the east, and “civilized>> Europe threatened military expansion from the west. The prince had to maneuver between two fires. The fate of the entire Russian people was at stake.

Childhood of Alexander Nevsky

Alexander's father, Grand Duke Yaroslav of Vladimir, knew that his sons would have to prove their right to reign by force. When Alexander was five years old, his father "performed a princely tonsure" - he conducted a ceremony of initiation into warriors. At the age of 10, together with his older brother Fedor, Alexander began to rule Novgorod. Of course, the rule was formal (the real power remained in the hands of Yaroslav), but the external side was executed by the Novgorodians impeccably.

So the mind of the ruler and the winner was formed in the little prince. His father's victory over the crusaders on the Omovzha River strengthened him even more. Unlike the Asians, they wanted to take away the faith, language and traditions from the Russians, so Alexander understood which of the enemies was more dangerous as a child.

When Fedor died of an illness, young Alexander alone remained to reign in Novgorod. But the calm rule did not last long: in 1237, when he was only 17 years old, the hordes of Batu poured into the Russian land. Many cities were burned, their princes were captured or killed. In order to save the remaining lands, Yaroslav agreed with Batu on the terms of the tribute. Meanwhile, the threat loomed from the west: after the Horde invaded Russia, the German crusader knights counted on easy prey. Knowing this, Alexander built several fortresses on the Shelon River.

Wife of Alexander Nevsky: wife from the monastery

In 1239, in order to strengthen his position in the west of Russia, Yaroslav married Alexander to the daughter of the Polotsk prince, Alexandra. Unlike other lands in Polotsk, the reins of government were often held not by princes, but by their wives or daughters. That is why Alexandra was famous for her rebellious character, clarity of mind and erudition. Observing the life of other princesses, the freedom-loving girl did not want to go down the aisle and at the age of 16 she was tonsured a nun. However, politics was more important.

Before the wedding, the young did not even know each other. Nevertheless, a year later, the couple had their first child, and later three more sons and a daughter. It can be assumed that neither the husband nor the wife were happy in this marriage. Historians believe that later the prince could get himself a sweetheart, known as Vassa. It is likely that over time Vassa became his legal wife, because there is also no information about the death of Alexandra Bryachislavna, which allows us to talk about her possible exile to the monastery. Some experts are sure that Vassa is the monastic name of Alexandra, because the churched prince could not so openly destroy the sacrament of the wedding.

The first victory of Alexander Nevsky

In 1240, an event took place that brought the first military glory to the biographies of Alexander Nevsky. The Swedes decided to take advantage of the deplorable situation of the Russians and capture the northwestern principalities. Having conquered the Sum and Em tribes, they moved to Novgorod. Their ships entered the Neva and stopped at the mouth of its tributary, the Izhora. But the young prince decided to meet the uninvited guests himself. At night, the Novgorodians attacked the enemy and defeated him. After this victory, the honorary nickname Nevsky was assigned to the prince.

And yet, despite the merits of Alexander, the Novgorod nobility found a reason to be dissatisfied with the princely rule. They escorted him out and began to live as a boyar republic. Only when the news of the approach of the German knights reached them did the Novgorodians ask Yaroslav for help. He offered to send his youngest son Andrei, but the Novgorodians insisted on Alexander - and did not fail.

At the head of the squad, Alexander Nevsky returned the fortress of Koporye, the city of Pskov and had the audacity to invade the order. On April 5, 1242, on the ice of Lake Peipus, a meeting of heavy German knights and Novgorod warriors on foot took place. Having crushed the Russian regiments in the center, the German "pig" was stabbed to death by attacks from the flanks and rear. Many heavy horsemen went under the fragile April ice. This victory made it possible for 11 years to forget about the threat of an attack by the Crusaders.

Three visits of Nevsky to the Horde

When Yaroslav was poisoned at the headquarters of the Mongols in 1246, the title of Grand Duke was to be inherited by his son. But first, the candidate had to appear before the eyes of Batu and receive his approval. Alexander's visit went surprisingly smoothly: he withstood all the tests and was even awarded the title of adopted son of the khan.

Having received Kiev, the prince took up the restoration of Russian cities. However, three years later, the khan ordered to come to him again. Enemies of the prince associated this visit with his complaint against his brother Andrei, who reigned in Vladimir, for soon Batu sent regiments of the temnik Nevryuy to the city. Andrei fled, his wife and children died, and Alexander became the ruler of Vladimir. In fact, Andrei was punished by the Mongols for his loyalty to the deposed khansha Ogul-Gamish. Alexander, having received Vladimir, did everything to revive the burnt capital.

The third time Alexander visited the Horde shortly before his death, in 1263. The reason was the unheard-of impudence of the inhabitants of Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov and Yaroslavl, who killed the Khan's Baskaks. For this, cities were doomed to destruction, and their inhabitants to death. The prince, having learned about this, hurried to the Horde to mitigate the punishment. Bringing with him the heads of the main troublemakers, Alexander saved cities and thousands of lives from the punishing sword of the khan.

The long trip was not easy for the 43-year-old prince. On the way home, he became seriously ill and, realizing that he did not have long to live, he decided to accept the schema under the name of Alexy. The prince died not a warrior, but a monk, in the Feodorovsky Monastery on the Volga.

Russia received the news of his death with deep sorrow. Metropolitan Kirill, having learned about this, exclaimed: “My dear child, understand that the sun of the Russian land is coming,” and the flock answered with weeping: “We are already perishing.” The chronicler, pointing to the deeds of the prince, says that he was "born by God." With great honors, Alexander was brought to Vladimir and buried in the Nativity Monastery.

Alexander Nevsky - protector of the city on the Neva

After 300 years, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the prince. And two centuries later, the first Russian emperor Peter I ordered to transfer his relics to the new capital - St. Petersburg. And there was a good reason for that.

Karelia and Ingria, surrounding the city of Petrov, were once conquered by Alexander from the Swedes. V Time of Troubles these lands fell away from Russia, but Peter restored the status quo and ordered to honor Alexander Nevsky. He ordered to build a monastery near the city in honor of the noble prince. The road between the monastery and the capital later became Nevsky Prospekt. But even before that, on August 11, 1723, the ark with the relics of the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky was taken out of Vladimir and sent north on the shoulders of 150 walkers.

When the ark was delivered along the Neva to St. Petersburg, the people greeted it with delight and jubilation, with cannon shots and a parade of ships. Peter saw in the transfer of the relics a great providence of God and the acquisition of heavenly protection for his capital. It was this that, many years later, helped Leningrad withstand the blockade and not surrender to the enemy.

By a fatal coincidence, this enemy wore the same crosses as the knights who had once been sent to the bottom of the lake by Alexander Nevsky.

Alexander Nevsky - Grand Duke of Kiev, Prince of Vladimir and Novgorod, as well as the great Russian commander.
You can talk about the personality of Alexander Nevsky for a long time, but we will consider his brief biography.
Early years.
The future prince was born in May 1221. Four years later, he was already initiated into the warriors. Alexander's independent life began when he was fifteen years old.
Alexander is a great commander.
The first military experience came to him in the war for Smolensk against the Lithuanian army, where he emerged victorious. In 1239, he married the daughter of the Polotsk prince Alexandra, and a year later he had a son.
In 1240, a large Swedish fleet came to the Neva, which threatened his state. Alexander decided to act decisively and with lightning speed. He did not even wait for reinforcements, the militia - only with the help of his squad he attacked the Swedes and was able to win a decisive victory. It was this victory that gave him the nickname - Nevsky.
At the end of 1239, the Teutonic Order began its campaign against Russian lands. They managed to capture a number of cities, but Alexander Nevsky met them at Lake Peipus. The battle took place on April 5, 1242 and went down in history as the Battle of the Ice. Alexander managed to turn the tide of the battle when his center was defeated, thanks to flank attacks, he threw back the Teutonic army. The Russian army pursued the knights running across the ice, and at the same time, many Teutons went under the ice forever. After that, peace was concluded between the Order and Novgorod.
In 1245 Alexander defeated the Lithuanian army.
Alexander is the Grand Duke.
In 1252, Alexander Nevsky became the Grand Duke, which was immediately followed by a war with the Lithuanians and the Teutons, where they were again defeated and were forced to sign a peace treaty.
During his short reign, he managed to win the respect of the Golden Horde, repel many attacks from Lithuania and the Livonian Order.
In 1262 he went with Golden Horde in order to calm the Mongol khan, embittered by the anti-Mongol uprising - he managed to do this, but Alexander fell seriously ill in the Horde and returned to Russia.
In 1263 the prince died. He was remembered as a knight who did not lose a single battle, Mongolian women frightened him with the name of their children, and Western knights admired his exploits. In addition, he was a saint of the Orthodox Church.
The majority evaluates Alexander as a Grand Duke and a warrior - this is what Russian historians, many Eastern, as well as a number of Western historians say. But many Western historians also evaluate his reign negatively, and his role in the war against the Teutonic Order is of little importance, since they did not pose a big threat and the battles were small.

Alexander Nevsky (born May 30, 1220, died November 14, 1263) - saint, Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Theodosius, daughter Mstislav Udaly. Alexander spent his youth in Novgorod, where he reigned with his brother Fedor (d. 1233), under the leadership of two Suzdal boyars, and from 1236 on his own. In 1239 he married Alexandra, daughter of Bryachislav of Polotsk.

In 1240, the Swedes, who disputed Finland with the Novgorodians, moved, prompted by the papal bull on a crusade, led by Birger, to Novgorod, but Alexander defeated them at the confluence of the Izhora into the Neva (Birger "put a seal on his face with your sharp copy"). This battle gave Alexander the name of Nevsky (see - Neva Battle).

In the same year, he quarreled with the Novgorodians, who limited his power, and left for Pereyaslavl. But a war arose with the Sword-bearers, who united with the Teutonic Order, conquered the Pskov region in 1240, occupied Pskov in 1241, built a fortress in Koporye, took Tesov and imposed tribute on Vod. The Germans began to rob merchants 30 miles from Novgorod. The Novgorodians sent the lord with the boyars to Alexander; he returned, in 1241 he conquered Koporye, in 1242 - Pskov, moved to Livonia and on April 5, 1242 utterly defeated the Germans on the ice of Lake Peipus (""). According to the concluded peace, the Germans abandoned the conquests and returned the prisoners.

Battle on the Ice of Alexander Nevsky. Painting by V. Nazaruk, 1984

In 1242 and 1245 Alexander Nevsky won a number of victories over the Lithuanians; in 1256, to intimidate the Swedes, he devastated Yem (Finland).

After the death of his father, Alexander and his brother Andrei went in 1247 to the horde to Batu, and from there, by the will of the latter, to the great khan in Mongolia. Andrei received the first important Vladimir table, Alexander - Kiev and Novgorod. Andrei did not get along with the Tatars; in 1252, the Tatar hordes of Nevruy were moved against him. Broken Andrei fled to Novgorod, and then to Sweden. At this time, Alexander was in the Horde and received a label on Vladimir.

The struggle of Alexander Nevsky with the Swedes and Germans

Sitting there, Alexander Nevsky prevented the emergence of uprisings that were useless under the then conditions and tried to deliver benefits to the Russian land by obedience to the khan. In Novgorod, Alexander planted his son, Vasily. In 1255, the Novgorodians expelled him, inviting Yaroslav Yaroslavich of Tver to reign. But Alexander moved to Novgorod and restored Basil. In 1257, unrest resumed in Novgorod, caused by rumors about the intention of the Tatars to conduct a census to tax the inhabitants with a general tribute. Vasily was on the side of the Novgorodians, but Alexander sent him to Suzdal and severely punished his advisers.

In 1258, Alexander Nevsky traveled to the Horde to “honor” the influential dignitary Ulovchai, and in 1259 prompted the Novgorodians to agree to a Tatar census. In 1262, an uprising arose in Suzdal, Vladimir, Rostov, Pereyaslavl and Yaroslavl, caused by the Tatars - tax-farmers. Alexander again went to the Horde, averted the pogrom of Russian cities and secured for them an exemption from compiling militias for the Tatars.

Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. Icon

On the way back, Alexander Nevsky died in Gorodets Volzhsky. Metropolitan Kirill, announcing the death of Alexander in Vladimir, expressed the then public mood with the words: “My dear child, understand that the sun of the Russian land is setting.” Alexander Nevsky was the largest figure in Russian history from Vladimir Monomakh to Dmitry Donskoy. His memory is surrounded by poetic tales. The church canonized Alexander as a saint. His relics were discovered in 1380, and in 1724 they were transferred to St. Petersburg, to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Born May 13, 1221 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. He was the son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich of Pereyaslavl. In 1225, according to the decision of his father, initiation into the warriors took place in the biography of Nevsky.

In 1228, together with his elder brother, he was transferred to Novgorod, where they became princes of the Novgorod lands. In 1236, after the departure of Yaroslav, he began to independently defend the lands from the Swedes, Livonians, and Lithuanians.

Personal life

In 1239, Alexander married the daughter of Bryachislav of Polotsk, Alexandra. They had five children - sons: Vasily (1245 - 1271, Prince of Novgorod), Dmitry (1250 - 1294, Novgorod, Pereyaslav, Vladimir prince), Andrei (1255 - 1304, Kostroma, Vladimir, Novgorod, Gorodets prince), Daniel (1261 - 1303, Moscow prince), as well as daughter Evdokia.

military activity

The biography of Alexander Nevsky is significant large quantity many victories. So, in July 1240, the famous Battle of the Neva took place, when Alexander attacked the Swedes on the Neva and won. It was after this battle that the prince received the honorary nickname "Nevsky".

When the Livonians took Pskov, Tesov, got close to Novgorod, Alexander again defeated the enemies. After that, he attacked the Livonians (German knights) on April 5, 1242 and also won (the famous Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipsi).

After the death of his father in 1247, Kiev and "All the Russian Land" went to Alexander's board. Kiev at that time was devastated by the Tatars, and Nevsky decided to stay in Novgorod.

The prince repelled the attacks of enemies for 6 years. Then he left Novgorod for Vladimir and began to reign there. At the same time, wars with Western neighbors continued. In military campaigns, the prince was helped by his sons - Vasily and Dmitry.

Death and legacy

Alexander Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 in Gorodets and was buried in the Nativity Monastery in the city of Vladimir. By order of Peter I, his relics were transferred in 1724 to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery (St. Petersburg).

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky is given an exceptional role in the history of Russia. In all his life, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky did not lose a single battle. He was considered the beloved prince of the clergy, the patron of the Orthodox Church. He can be briefly described as a talented diplomat, commander who was able to protect Russia from many enemies, as well as prevent the campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars.

Nowadays, streets and squares are named after him, monuments have been erected in his honor, Orthodox churches in many cities of Russia.

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