Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory group. “Letter from Pinocchio! Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory group “On the roads of fairy tales”

Decor elements 10.10.2019

Complex lesson V preparatory group"Want to know everything!"


To unite the efforts of teachers and parents to successfully prepare children for school;

To help parents understand the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by their children.


In a playful way, consolidate children’s knowledge of speech development and literacy, the formation of elementary mathematical representations;

Develop speech logical thinking;

Cultivate attention and perseverance;

Create an atmosphere of community of interests and emotional mutual support.


Letter, crowns for queens, marker, geometric figures, numbers from 1 to 12, cash registers of letters, a set of large format letters, squared notebooks, simple pencils, a test sample, a tape recorder, an audio recording of the song “On the Road of Goodness” (composer Mark Minkov, text author Entin Yuri), a sweet surprise for children.


Organizing time

Children enter, say hello and take their seats. There is a knock on the door, the teacher goes to the door and finds a letter.

Guys, what a surprise! A letter has arrived at our address. Let's see what's in it. Opens and reads:

“Hello, dear guys!

You have become quite grown up, so we want to invite you to go on a journey to the Land of Knowledge. The journey will not be easy, but we are confident that together we will overcome all difficulties, because at the end of the road a reward awaits you. To get to the magical Land of Childhood, you must complete all the tasks that will be offered to you. Good luck and see you soon.

Queen Mathematics and Queen Grammar."

Guys, we received such a mysterious letter. Well, how can we cope?

Entering into activity.

If you're ready to hit the road, there are a few things you need to take with you.

D\game “Name the generalizing word”

Sandwiches, tangerines, cookies, candies, crackers, apples (Food)

Overalls, sweater, socks, hat, scarf, jacket, mittens (Clothing)

Let's think about what transport we can use to travel? (Plane, car, ship, bicycle, train, etc.)

Close your eyes and count to 10 and back. Go! (While the children are counting, the teachers turn into Queen Mathematics and Queen Grammar)

Main part .

D\game "Slam-top"

The correct answer is clapping, the wrong answer is stomping.

Four is more than three;

The neighbors of the number 7 are 5 and 8;

In the morning we come to kindergarten, and return home in the evening;

Spring gives way to winter;

The moon shines during the day and the sun at night;

Before 10 comes the number 8;

January is the first month of the year.

D\game “Say the opposite”

Strong - weak, cheerful - sad, dirty - clean, light - dark, day - night, warm - cold, talk - remain silent.

D\game "Geometric shapes"

Geometric shapes of the same color are attached to the carpet - square, triangle, circle, rectangle.

Name the shapes;

Which figure is the odd one out? Why?

How many corners does a rectangle have?

Why is the triangle called that?

How many sides does a square have? then we know about his sides?

Outdoor game “Find your place”

Each child has numbers from 1 to 12 (according to the number of children). At the signal, line up in order. Disperse and line up at the signal. Take a step forward:

A number that is 1 more than 5;

A number that is between 10 and 8;

The number that comes after 3;

The number that comes before 8;

A number that is 2 more than 10.

Sound-letter analysis of the word “Castle”

The children have a box of letters on their desks.

How many sounds?

What is the first sound, is it a vowel or a consonant?

Soft or hard?

What color is it indicated by?

What letter will we use to denote it?

Similar work is carried out with all sounds.


How many letters are there in total? How many sounds? How many consonant sounds? Hard? Soft? How many vowels? How many syllables? What is the first syllable? Second? Which syllable is stressed?

What does the word “lock” mean (emphasis on the first syllable)? If you change the stress to the second syllable, what happens? What does this word mean? Now you see how important it is to put the accent correctly in a word!


Quickly stand up, smile,

Stretch higher, higher.

Come on, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turned left, right,

Hands touched with knees,

Sit down and stand up, sit down and stand up

And they ran on the spot.

Problems in verse

Two spoiled puppies

They run and frolic.

Three friends for the naughty girls

They rush with loud barks.

It will be more fun together.

How many friends are there in total? (2+3=5)

Four sheep were lying on the grass,

Then the two sheep ran home.

Come on, think, decide quickly,

How many sheep are there on the grass now? (4-2=2)

Write down the solutions to the problems on the board.

D\game “Say the word”

The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke overhead

House in the snow. White houses

At night she came to us...winter

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron runners

I filled the bars with slats.

Give me snow! Ready …sled

Thunder struck, cheerful thunder,

Everything around was sparkling!

Rush into the sky tirelessly

Multi-colored fountains.

Splashes of color are pouring everywhere.

This is a festive...firework

Pop - and the candy shoots like a cannon.

It is clear to everyone that this is...firecracker

D\game “Name the days of the week” (with a ball)

Fifth day of the week; last; first; the day following Tuesday; day between Friday and Sunday; second day; Thursday - what day?

D\game “Catch the sound” (with a ball)

Goat, cat, noise, poppy, mom, beetle, cheese, mouse, house, fox, wolf, dad.

Graphic dictation “The Key to the Land of Knowledge”


So we completed all the tasks and found ourselves in the magical Land of Knowledge. Did you enjoy the trip?

You have shown good knowledge in this country. But soon you will go to school and find yourself in School Land, where everything you have been taught in kindergarten. And Queen Grammar and Queen Mathematics say goodbye to you and turn into your educators. And for you - a sweet surprise.

The song “On the Road of Goodness” is played (composer Mark Minkov, text author Entin Yuri)

Galina Shchipunova

Summary of a comprehensive lesson (mathematics, literacy) In the preparatory group "Letter from Pinocchio"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge of the days of the week, practice problem solving

Continue to train children to do sound-letter analysis of words, drawing up word diagrams

Achieve a complete solution to the intended word

Learn to differentiate words that answer different questions (which, which, which, who, what, etc.)

Practice selecting the right word for a semantic series (based on supporting features, adding the right word)

Develop attentiveness, memory and interest in the activity. Create a desire to help a friend.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, very soon you will go to school, and in order to study well at school you need to know and be able to do a lot. So today we will show our guests what we learned in kindergarten classes.

Attention, what miracles!

Someone in the corridor is making a lot of noise,

Someone is knocking loudly on our door... (postman Pechkin enters)

Hello guys! You recognized me?

I'm a funny postman!

I have known the children for a long time!

Lots of letters and newspapers

Carries my bike!

Multi-colored envelopes,

And postcards and packages

And I’m very happy with the parcels

I deliver to kindergarten!

Here is a package for you...or maybe not for you...

Reads: “Scarlet Sails Kindergarten” (reads to himself)

What is your d/s called? ,What about the group? Everything is accurate, everything matches... sign and pick up your parcel...

Postman Pechkin, since you came to our garden, sit and rest. Look how our guys can do it.

Thank you for the invitation,

But I won’t stay, unfortunately

There are still quite a few letters here,

And they are probably waiting for them too!

Excuse me, I'll go

I need to be in another garden.

I made a promise to the guys

And to you - another time, goodbye! (Pechkin leaves)

Let's open the parcel, guys. Who do you think it could be from (children's answers)

Now we’ll find out... oh, I think I can guess!

Guess the riddle and you will find out...

What a very strange thing this is

Wooden man.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

His long nose sticks everywhere,

Who is this...Pinocchio!

Well done! (we open the parcel) ... Yes, there is a letter! You need to read it.

“Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you - Pinocchio! My dear children: girls and boys! Please help me find my friend the Dwarf. He was in a hurry to go to the kindergarten, but ended up in the Kashcheevo kingdom. In order to find and save him, you need to unlock 10 locks. All these castles are MAGICAL. But he definitely needs to be saved on the third day of the week! Do not forget! Good luck. Pinocchio"

...So these are the keys and magic locks...

Guys, do you remember what day of the week we need to save the Dwarf? How many days are there in a week? What day of the week was yesterday? Will be tomorrow? What is today? So today! Then let's go! Aren't you afraid of difficulties? There are different tasks ahead of us, if we cope with them, we will save the gnome! Have you changed your mind? SO, so... which lock will we open first? Go, Julia, choose!

Task “Make a word”

Wow! This is a real “Field of Miracles”... we look at a poster with children on which there are magic flowers, a code is given for them to decipher (it is indicated which number corresponds to which letter). Children need to solve the problem that is written on the flower, write down all the answers in one line, then each replace the number with the corresponding letter, and read the word using the indicated code: 1-CH, 3-E, 8-B, 6-U, 2-R 4-A, 5-SH, 7-K, 9-A)

1. How many suns are there in the sky? (1)

2. A hedgehog walked through the forest and found mushrooms for lunch

Two under the birch, one under the aspen

How many will there be in a wicker basket? (3)

3 There are 10 birds sitting on a tree: two sparrows, the rest are crows

How many crows are sitting on a tree? (8)

4 Andryushka arranged toys on the shelf:

Next to the monkey is a teddy bear.

Together with the fox, the bunny with a scythe,

Following them are a hedgehog and a frog...

How many toys did Andryushka place? (6)

5 How many tails do two donkeys have? (2)

6 May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother,

7 Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries.

But one kid was tired, fell behind his comrades,

Now find the answer - how many bears are there ahead? (5)

8 Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats

Fisherman Korney caught three perches,

Fisherman Evsey - four crucian carp.

How many fish did the fishermen catch from the river? (7)

9 How many heads do nine cows have? (9)


We substitute the resulting letters, we get the word: CHEBURASHKA

Well done! Next task...

To study well, you need to be very attentive

Assignment Game table “What’s missing?”

(unfinished letters are drawn on the table; children need to find the part and “complete it”)

Let's take a close look at the table. Dunno probably wrote the letters here...

Children complete and correct mistakes.

Well done guys, they did it again!

Task "Be careful"

(for the sounds “zh”, “sh”)

I will tell you the words, if you hear the sound “w” in a word, you will “flapping” your wings together, and if you hear the sound “w” in a word, show the snake, like this...

Task Game table “Guess whose rug”

(Multi-colored rugs are drawn on which squares indicating the number of syllables are placed, and at the bottom of the table various animals are attached (cat, lion, bear, dog, giraffe, etc.)

(by the number of syllables in a word, children need to determine whose rug is where)

Good guys, they found it quickly.

Task game "Ball"

(children come up with words that answer this question)

Catch the ball, don’t yawn, answer the questions...

Who is this? (cat, mom, Roma, Vika)

What is this? (book, apple, car)

What is he doing? (draws, sleeps, washes)

Which? (green, big, snowy)

Which? (juicy, red, tasty)

Task “Say it differently”

Guys, I’ll throw the ball to you, and you answer quickly...

A house for a starling is...a birdhouse,

Brick house...

House made of logs...

Walk in the evening -…

Chocolate candy -...etc.

Quest “Magic Word”

(children look at the pictures attached to the board: HAT, KEY, CLOUD, Watering Can, WATERMELON,

It is necessary to create a new word using the first letters of these words)

What happened? SCHOOL

We have a very necessary word. We need to make a diagram of this word. Who wants it, guys? Go, Zhenya (the child is at the blackboard, and all the children in the field are making diagrams, then we check)

Task "Telegram"

Guys, we received a telegram.

This is not a simple telegram, who can read it? (children read)


How many words are there in a telegram?

What is the first word in this telegram?

What's the fourth? 2nd, 3rd?

Knock on the door...

Who could it be? Guys, look, Gnome! (the gnome thanks the children and is interested in the tasks that the children had to overcome)

For the sake of our friendship, let's dance with the Dwarf!

Dance “Stamp my foot”

The gnome gives out his “Photos” to the children as souvenirs.

Municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Pudozhgorsky, Pudozh district of the Republic of Karelia.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson

in the preparatory group “On the roads of fairy tales”


Boltasheva Larisa Vasilievna.

Goal: Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students preparatory groups, provided for by the “Program of Education in Kindergarten, edited by

M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Training tasks:

1. Improve quantitative and ordinal counting skills. Answer the questions “how much?”, “which?” (“What’s the count?”).

2. Continue to teach how to solve arithmetic problems and examples.

3. Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week.

4. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.

5. Strengthen knowledge of sounds, the ability to divide words into syllables, and pronounce sounds correctly.

6. Continue learning to find differences in pictures.

7. Learn to solve riddles.

8. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.

8. Develop attention, mental operations, speech.

Developmental tasks: Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.

Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

Educational tasks: To foster independence, the ability to understand learning task and do it yourself. Develop study skills.

Preliminary work with children: reading fairy tales, guessing riddles, individual tasks.

Equipment: toys – Aibolit, Pinocchio, dog, pig, doll, bear, frog.

Techniques: verbal, visual, practical, gaming, encouragement.

Handout material: cards with numbers from 1 to 10, cards with images of different objects for generalization common feature, cards with examples, checkered sheets, simple pencils.

Demo material: canvas with images of animals, letters.

Progress of the lesson:

Children in a circle: “All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together,

And let’s smile at each other.”

Educator: Guys, we have guests today, let’s give them our smiles and greet them.

Now sit quietly in your seats.

Pay attention to your posture: sit correctly on a chair, the back is straight, your eyes are raised and tuned in to work...

Let's start studying. Be attentive in class.

Educator: Do you guys like fairy tales?

Educator: What do fairy tales teach us?

Children: good, how to fight evil, mutual assistance, friendship.

Educator: A fairy tale will teach us

How to defeat evil

How to deal with enemies

How to get happiness.

Educator: Today our guests are fairy-tale characters from different fairy tales. And from which fairy tales these heroes came, you will guess with the help of riddles. Every fairy tale hero prepared for you small task, which you will need to complete.

1.Who was the first to come to visit us?

He is kinder than everyone else in the world

He heals sick animals

He is famous, famous. This is Doctor...AIBOLIT.

Who will find Aibolit faster? Children find and bring a toy.

Let's see what task Aibolit has prepared for you.

1. There is a typesetting cloth on the board, cards with numbers are on the table.

Once upon a time there lived a doctor Aibolit

He is sitting under a tree

Come to me for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf

And the bear

And the fox came to Aibolit

And the watchdog came to Aibolit

All the forest people have gathered:

Hedgehog, hare, elk, badger

Count quickly

How many animals were there?

Let's count how many animals are in the queue. (direct count)

(Children complete the task).

Let's count the patients from the end (count down)

What is the price of a hare?

Indicate the number of its queue with a number.

Who is behind the wolf?

Who is to the right and left of the moose?

Put your numbers in order.

Name the neighbors of number 7.

What number comes before 4?

Show the number 5, 8,9,10. (Children complete the task).

Now I will remove one number from each, and you tell me which number escaped. Cover your eyes with your hands (I remove one number at a time, the children guess)

Well done, they coped with the task of Dr. Aibolit.

2. Who else came to visit us?

What a very strange thing this is

Wooden man?

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?......(Pinocchio)

Children are looking for Pinocchio. What task has Pinocchio prepared for you?

Guys, we need to solve the examples. ( Children have two examples on each piece of paper, counting on sticks).

1. There were 2 mosquitoes sitting on a stem. The breeze blew. 1 mosquito flew away. How many mosquitoes are left on the stem?

2. There were 2 squirrels sitting on a branch. Another one is rushing towards them. How many squirrels are there in total?

3. There were 3 apples on the plate. Mom gave one apple to her son.

How many apples are left on the plate?

Well done guys, you did a very good job with this task.

Who is our next guest?

3. Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who is the hero of this fairy tale?

(three Bears)

What task has Misha the bear prepared for us?

There are exactly seven of these brothers

You all know them

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other

The last one will say goodbye

The front one appears (days of the week)

Please name the days of the week; parts of the day.

What day of the week is it today? Which one?

A GAME " Finish the sentence"

We sleep at night and do exercises (in the morning)

We have breakfast in the morning and lunch (in the afternoon)

We have lunch during the day and dinner (in the evening)

We have dinner in the evening and sleep at night.


The deer has a big house,

He sits and looks out the window.

A bunny runs across the field,

There's a knock on his door:

“Knock, knock, open the door,

There's an evil hunter in the forest."

“Bunny, bunny, run in!

Give me your paw."

( Hands above your head - we represent the roof of the house.

We support the cheek with our right fist, and support the right cheek with our left hand.

Run in place.

Stomping feet, hands on belt.

Imitation of knocking on the door with each hand in turn.

Hands on the belt, turn right and left.

Inviting hand movement.

We stretch out our hands with open palms)

Let's find out who else has prepared a task for you.

4. The nose is round, with a heel,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of hoof shoes (pig Nuf-nuf)


Guys, you have cards with pictures of objects on your table, look carefully and tell me which object is superfluous and explain why it is superfluous.


Apple, orange, banana are fruits.

Potatoes, beets, carrots are vegetables.

Birch, spruce, pine trees.

Dress, skirt, jacket - clothes.

Table, sofa, wardrobe - furniture.

Our next guest.

5. Grandmother loved the girl very much

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name (Little Red Riding Hood).


Draw a circle in the upper right corner, an oval in the lower right corner, a square in the upper left corner, a rectangle in the lower left corner, and a triangle in the middle.

What other geometric shapes do you know? Children call it: trapezoid, cone.

Guys, do you hear any sounds?

Someone else is rushing towards us.

6. The young man’s arrow landed in a swamp,

Well, where is the bride? I'm eager to get married!

And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head.

The bride's name is….(frog princess).

Exercise. Guys, name the first sound in your name. Children call. Now count how many syllables are in your name.

Children count the syllables in their name.

And now I say a syllable, and you continue the word.

And the last fairy-tale hero also prepared a task for you.

7. He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple-minded

The dog's name was….(Ball).

Task: “find the differences” Children look for differences in two pictures.

Guys, since you have completed all the tasks, a surprise awaits you.

I'm handing out candy. I really liked you, you were active, attentive, smart, and answered questions correctly. Our lesson is over, thank you everyone.

Complex lesson in the preparatory group “Soon to school”

(with the participation of a primary school teacher)

Compiled the outline


higher education teacher qualification category

MDOU "Kindergarten "Beryozka" of the city of Tetyushi"

Tetyushsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Program content:

Introduce preschoolers to the future teacher, establish a friendly relationship with him;

Promote a positive attitude for success in school;

Develop thinking, memory, ability to make inferences;

Foster a sense of collectivism and independence.

Benefits: map of the neighborhood, drawings of stamps, cards, geometric figures for each child, a tree with numbers, counting sticks, a silhouette of a briefcase, a notebook with an assignment, a tape recorder.

Progress of the lesson:

I. - Guys, very soon you will be schoolchildren. And today I invite you on a tour of the school. Look, we also have a map. Let's look at it.(Working with a map.)

Find our kindergarten on the map.

What is it called?(Kindergarten “Beryozka”)

What street is it located on?(on Lenin Street)

What else do you see?(houses, roads)

What do you think is shown on the map with red arrows?

Our path will be long and difficult, but with friends no trials are scary.

Finger gymnastics “Friendship” (in pairs)

Friends in our group (connect fingers )

Girls and boys.

We'll make friends with you(make a “castle”)

Little fingers.

1-2-3-4-5 (join fingers)

Start playing again!(clap each other)

So, let's go!

(They pass and sit at the tables.)

II . - Look at the map. Tell me, when we leave the kindergarten gates, which direction should we turn?(right)

Which building should we go to?(to the post office building)

Who works at the post office?

Guys, the postmen are asking for your help. Let's come in and help?

Listen to the first task: you need to find an extra stamp.

Well done! Next task: you need to deliver a letter to the addressee.

A game of orientation on a plane.


Well done boys! Helped the postmen.

Look at the map. Where should we turn now?(right)

(Freedom Square)

Where are we getting to? What kind of building is this? That's right, CDO.

Who knows what the word CDO stands for?

That's right, the Center for Children's Creativity.

Guys, we learned a lot of letters,

We also know the letter “C”.

There are words where “C” is at the beginning,

There are words with “C” at the end.

The CDO workers offer us the following task: name words based on the sound “C”.

(heron, chicken, circus, center, flower, church, chain, gypsy, Tsokotukha)

Name the words so that the sound “C” is at the end of the word.

(well done, daring, cucumber, crown, jellied, singer, end, brave, lead)

Now listen to the poem and help me finish it:

I will say the word HIGH,

And you will answer... (low) ,

I will say the word FAR,

And you will answer... (close) ,

I'll tell you the word COWARD,

Answer -... (brave) ,

Now the BEGINNING I will say,

And you will answer... (end)

Look at the map. Which direction should we go from the CDO?(right)

What's the name of this street?(Malkina street)

What is the building on the left side?(Administration of the city of Tetyushi)

Who works there?(district leaders)

The heads of various services in our Tetyushsky district work there correctly. These are an architect, a district ecologist, economists, a district lawyer and others.

The district architect announced a competition to build the best house. Let's build it from geometric shapes(children are building)

What geometric shapes do your houses consist of?(triangles, squares, rectangles)

Count how many triangles are there in your house?(children's answers)

How many squares? How many rectangles?(children's answers)

Guys, the district ecologist suggests completing the following task:

“Trees were brought to the city for planting. Here's one of them. This amazing tree neither apple tree nor pear tree. And what kind of fruits grow on it?(numbers)

Direct and reverse counting.

Name and show numbers from 1 to 10.

Name and show the numbers from 10 to 1.

Well done boys. We completed the task.

Look at the map. What building is opposite?(House of Culture building)

Can you hear the music? Let's go there?

Children get up from the tables and go to the palace.

Dynamic pause.

(2 finger snaps)

If you like it, then do it...(2 hand claps)

If you like it, then do it...(2 claps on knees)

If you like it, then do it... (2 stamps)

If you like it, then show it to others too

If you like it, then do it this way... (repeat all together)


Guys, from the House of Culture, using the map, in which direction should we go?(directly)

What's the name of this street?(Vorobyova Street)

Where should we get to?(to the end of the street)

That's right, we go to the end of the street and turn left.

Who knows what this street is called?(Shkolnaya Street)

Here we are. Let's go to school.(children approach the board)

III. Meeting with the teacher.

Hello. I am Tetyushskaya's teacher high school No. 2. My name is Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Children: Hello. We would like to meet you and learn everything about you.Children's questions:

What is your name?

What is your job?

Where do you live?

Do you have a family?

Do you have a big house?

You have friends?

Teacher: - Go to class. Sit down at your desk.

Now we will conduct a Russian language lesson.(call)

1. Asking riddles.

I will tell you riddles, and you will find the answers on the table.

1. I'm in a line, I'm in a cage

I'm expecting a good grade.

I'm silent in class

I want to be an excellent student.


2. In this narrow box

Anything for the soul:

Pens, erasers, sharpener,

And colored pencils.

(pencil case)

3. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller.


4. How boring, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back.

The residents here are made of paper

All terribly important.


5. Guess what this thing is

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows and sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook.


2. Dividing words into syllables.

Tell me how many syllables are in the word PE-NAL, KA-RAN-DASH, RUCH-KA, CHALK.

(children's answers)

The bell rings. Turn.

Physical education minute.

It's time for us to take a break

Stretch and breathe

We'll shake our heads

And all the fatigue is gone.

The bell rings.

The second lesson is a math lesson.

1 . Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Guys, you need to pack your school bag


There is a round sharpener in the lower right corner.

There is a triangle in the upper left corner.

There is a rectangular notebook in the lower left corner.

In the upper right corner there is a square pencil case.

Well done boys.

2. Game: “Lay out the pattern from memory”


Laying out a pattern of counting sticks.

The teacher displays the sample for 1 minute, then removes it. Children make a pattern from memory.

3. Work in a notebook.


You need to connect the numbers in order.

What happened?(pencil)

Well done! All tasks were completed correctly.

Every future student takes an oath to study well, let us say it too.

Wake up early in the morning

Wash thoroughly

So as not to yawn at school,

Don't peck your nose at the desk - you swear?

Always come to class for the first lesson,

Even before the bell rings, you swear?

Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks

Always keep it in perfect order - you swear?

Become good and faithful friends,

Do you swear to help your comrades everywhere?

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

Never let me into class, no matter what - you swear?

Teacher: Guys, you completed all the tasks. I'm waiting for you at school on September 1st.

The bell rings.


Our excursion to the school is over. I think you will remember it for a long time. About the meeting with the teacher, I give you these notebooks.


    Holiday of Numbers (Entertaining mathematics for children): A book for teachers and parents. -M.: Knowledge, 1993

    Development of logical thinking in children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. –Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1997

    Children's speech development. Didactic material on speech development in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. –Yaroslavl: Development Academy LLC, 1996

Target: generalization of knowledge, children through organization various types activities



- strengthening the counting of cardinal and ordinal numbers within 10, the ability to compare numerical values;

- consolidation characteristic features seasons, names of months, days of the week, day;

- practice selecting several adjectives for a noun;

- practice determining the number of words in a sentence;


— expansion of children’s vocabulary and dialogical speech;

- develop logical thinking;

— develop constructive activities;

- develop hand motor skills.


- cultivate curiosity and observation;

- cultivate mutual assistance and independence;

Form of work - frontal, individual

Equipment and materials: Pictures (Dinosaurs, eastern sultan, European princess, picture of the first printers Cyril and Methodius), geometric figures, counting sticks, cards with a number series, cards with numbers, board, chalk, TSO.

Progress of Direct Educational Activities:

Educator: Today I suggest you go on a journey, but not an ordinary one, but on a journey through time, look at this magic clock by turning the hands on it, you and I will find ourselves in different eras and the heroes of these times will ask questions, how are you ready to go on a journey .

Educator: Then let's turn the hands of our magic clock and set off.

(music sounds)

Also an interesting activity for the preparatory group:

Educator: You and I found ourselves in ancient times in the era of dinosaurs, we are met in a mathematical clearing by cheerful dinosaurs, they really love geometric shapes and have prepared the first task for you.

1 Task:(work on carpet)“Lay out the figures.”

  • Lay out 5 triangles, 1 less squares.
  • Lay out the shapes equally (two ways: add one square or remove one triangle).
  • Lay out 5 ovals in descending order
  • Lay out 5 circles in descending order

Educator: Well done, you completed the task. Let's continue our journey and turn the clock hands.

Educator: We're in ancient Persia it was here that the first writing of numbers was invented, as we know them now. Look, the Persian Sultan is meeting us, and he has prepared a task for you.

Task 2: “Number series”(work at the easel)

Fill in the missing numbers in the number line.

Task 3: “More, less”

Cards with a task from the Sultan, in it you need to compare the numbers and put a greater or less sign between them.

Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Fizminutka:(walk in place)

Who walks together is unlikely

Groups "Rainbow" squad (use any group name)

Brave, skillful,

Tanned under the sun!

Educator: Well done, let's continue our journey, turn the clock, where are we?

IN ancient Europe, the guys invented the first clock with hands here.

Task 3: “Drawing time” (work at the board)

Educator: Look guys at the beautiful European princess, she decided to find out how well you know the time.

The teacher calls the time; the children draw the hands of the clock with chalk on the board (the dial is drawn in advance).

Well done guys, you did it.

Task 4: “First letters” (work at tables)

Educator: Let's turn the hands of our magic clock and find ourselves in ancient Rus', we get acquainted with the first writing in Rus'. The first to come up with the letters of our alphabet were Cyril and Methodius. And they are another task for you: the letters are written on the cards and lay them out using counting sticks. Count how many counting sticks you needed to make a letter, come up with a word that will contain this letter.

Task 5: “Making proposals”

Educator: Divide into pairs, there are colored strips in front of you, take apart strips of the same color with your pair, turn them over, there are words written there, put them together into a sentence and read it.

Let's continue our journey, turn the arrows and behold, we are already in the times of our grandfathers. Look at the TV screen, they sent us a video of a riddle, let's try to guess it.

Educator: Well, our journey is coming to an end, it’s time for us to return home, let’s turn the hands of the clock one last time to find ourselves in our time. (music sounds)

I hope you enjoyed our trip.

Title: Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Time Travel”
Nomination: Kindergarten - Lesson notes, GCD - game activities

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 257 “Little Country”
Location: Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region

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