Impersonal sentences in English. Impersonal sentences in English: structure and features of use

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

In Russian, we can easily build sentences consisting of one word: “It's cold. Hot. Difficult. Late".

But how to do it on English language?

After all, English has its own word order, and the sentence must necessarily have the main actor.

Therefore, according to the rules of the English language, we cannot translate these sentences "in Russian" in one word: "Cold. hot. Difficult. late".

To build them there is a special construction It is, which I will tell you about in this article.

From the article you will learn:

  • How to build impersonal sentences in English

What are impersonal offers?

impersonal proposals(impersonal sentences) are sentences in which no main character . Let's look at this with an example.

We use impersonal sentences:

1. To describe the weather and natural phenomena
For example: It's cold. Dark.

2. To indicate time, date, day of the week, etc.
For example: 6 hours. Monday.

3. To indicate the distance
For example: far. Close.

4. To express the opinion of the speaker
For example: Fun. Difficult.

Attention: Confused in English rules? Find out how easy it is to understand English grammar.

To build such sentences in English, you need to use the it is construct.

Let's look at it in detail.

Rules for the formation of impersonal sentences in English

Such sentences are formed very simply: using the pronoun it and the verb to be at the right time. Offer scheme:

It + verb to be + other members of the sentence

It does not indicate a person and is not translated into Russian, but in the formation of a sentence it takes on the role of the main character.

The verb to be is a special kind of verb. We use it when we say that someone:

  • Is somewhere (He's in the park)
  • Is someone (She's a nurse)
  • Is somehow (Grey cat)

Depending on the tense in which we use this verb, in combination with the pronoun it, it changes its form:

In present time present simple- It is…= It’s….

It is hot.

It is 5 o'clock.
5 o'clock.

In the past time past simple- It was…

Itwas dark.
It was dark.

It was easy.
It was easy.

In the future tense Future Simple - Itwill be…

It will be difficult.
It will be hard.

It will be fun.
It will be fun.

Negation in impersonal sentences in English

Sometimes we need to say negative sentences: “It's not difficult. Not windy. Not far." To form such sentences, we need to add a negative particle not to the verb to be.

The scheme of such a proposal:

It + verb to be + not + other members of the sentence

We can build such negative sentences in the present, past, future tenses.

Present Simple - It is not…= It's not…

It's not important.
Doesn't matter.

Itsnot cold.
Not cold.

In the past tense Past Simple - Itwasnot

It wasn't funny.
It wasn't funny.

It wasn't dark.
It wasn't dark.

ATfuturetimeFuture Simple - It will not be… = It won’t be…

Will it be windy?
Will it be windy?

So, now you know what impersonal sentences are. Let's move on to practice.

Reinforcement task with It is construction

Translate the following sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments:

1. Friday.
2. It will be difficult.
3. Was it interesting?
4. 6 hours.
5. Not far.
6. Will it be fun?

The English language is rich in idioms and interesting phrases, but not only them. Often we need to say simple sentences that seem simple in speech, but for some students are problematic in construction. For example, how to say in English about the weather ''sunny'', ''evening'' or ''winter''? As you can see, there is no face in such sentences, they are impersonal. Impersonal sentences in English are such sentences in which not only the person who performs the action is often missing, but also the action itself. Confused? Just! Consider the features of the formation of impersonal sentences, get acquainted with vivid examples and shed light on frequently asked questions.

To learn impersonal sentences, you first need to understand the features of constructing simple sentences, gradually taking on more complex ones. As examples, we use the above sentences ‘’Sunny’’. ‘’Evening’’. ''Winter''. In English it would be like this => It is sunny. It is getting dark. It is winter.

On a note! Most often, impersonal sentences in English are used to refer to weather and natural conditions.

What does the construction of an impersonal sentence consist of, if it does not have an actor? Pronoun it+ verb to be- the main active members of the proposal.

But! Remember that the verb to be can be used in different tenses - past, present and future. Exact time can be learned from the context. For example, it is, it was, it will be – verb variations tobe at different times (present, past and future).

Here are some examples:

Verb to be plays the role of a predicate, and the role of the subject belongs to the pronoun it. Pronoun it performs the function of the subject always and everywhere (in any type of impersonal sentences).

To better understand the principle of forming impersonal sentences, let's explain the situation with examples:

  • Autumn => It is autumn.
  • Spring will come soon => It will be spring soon.
  • Warm => It is warm.
  • Cold => It is cold.
  • It's hot => It is hot.
  • It will be cool in summer => It will be cool in summer.
  • It was getting dark => It was getting dark.

A specific tense (the form of the verb to be) is chosen depending on the specific situation or based on the context. The particle it remains unchanged for all temporary forms.

Constructions it is, it was, it will be used to translate different offers in which there is an adverb. For example, how to translate sentences containing adverbs close, long away, impossible, Maybe, difficult, easily etc.? Let's explain everything with examples:

Interrogative form of impersonal sentences

To form an interrogative form, the verb to be should be placed at the beginning of the sentence:

  • Is it already dark? => Is it already dark?
  • Is it near the window? => Is it next to the window?
  • Is it drizzling? => Is it drizzling?

Note that the verb to be will have different forms (is, are, am ).

To form a negative form, you only need to add a particle not .

  • It wasn't raining. => There was no rain.
  • It is not snowing. => It's not snowing.

Impersonal sentences: where they are used and when they are appropriate to use

  1. If you need to answer the question: "What time is it?", it is appropriate to use impersonal sentences:
  • It is 9 o'clock now => It's nine o'clock now.
  • It was half past 5 => It was half past six.
  • When I return it will be 11 o'clock => When I return it will be 11 o'clock.
  1. If you need to say about the weather, describe it, then use impersonal sentences with verbs to snow, to rain, to drizzle, to hail etc.:
  • It is snowing days and nights => It is snowing days and nights.
  • It often rains these days => It often rains these days.
  • It will be drizzling => It will drizzle.
  1. If you need to say how long it will take to perform a particular action:
  • It takes me half a day to get to the station => I need half a day to get to the station.
  • It will take some time to learn so many rules => It will take some time to learn so many rules.

Note! We use the design i t takes… to… . If there is such a construction, it automatically means that you need to use an impersonal sentence.

  1. If you need to describe an action where the infinitive is used. In such sentences, the following words are often used => to seem, to appear, to happen, to turn out, never:
  • It is hard for me to say ‘’hello’’, but it is never late =>
  • It happened to be clear and sunny => It happened to be clear and sunny.
  • It turned out funny but this young director is my close friend => It turned out funny, but this young director is my close friend.
  1. If you need to express modality with verbs must, may, can. In this situation, the subject is the word one:
  • One cannot cope with everything at once => You cannot cope with everything at once.
  • One have to wash hands before his dinner => You need to wash your hands before dinner.
  • One must sign in here => Here you need to register (log in).

On a note! When translated into Russian, the word one omitted (it is not translated in any way).

Summing up

By doing the exercises every day, you will quickly learn the intricacies of forming an impersonal sentence. It is important to change the words in sentences every time, make up different situations and use all the possible words in your vocabulary. Regular exercise, patience and diligence will lead you to success and new knowledge. Learn and improve!

Personal sentences are sentences in which the subject expresses a person, object or concept.

The child began to cry.
The child began to cry.

Sometimes the subject is not indicated, but is implied (more often in imperative sentences).

And don't cross the street against the lights.
And do not cross the street in the light (meaning you "you").

Note. For ways to express subjects, see Subject in English

Indefinitely personal sentences

Indefinite personal sentences are sentences in which the subject expresses an indefinite person.

In English, in the function of the subject of an indefinite personal sentence (in the meaning of an indefinite person), pronouns are used one, you or they(the latter - excluding the speaker).

In Russian, there is no subject in indefinite personal sentences. When translating English indefinite sentences into Russian, pronouns one, you and they are not translated, and English indefinitely personal sentences are generally translated into Russian by indefinitely personal or impersonal sentences.

One must be careful when driving a car.
Need be careful when driving.

You never know what he may bring next time. (- One never knows…)
You never know(hard to say) what it might bring next.

You may walk miles without seeing one.
Can(You can) walk many miles and meet no one.

They say that a new theater will soon be built here.
They say that a new theater will be built here soon.

impersonal proposals

In Russian, an impersonal sentence is a sentence in which there is no subject: Winter. Cold. Dark. It's time to start working.

In English, in impersonal sentences, there is a subject, but it does not express the person or thing that performs the action. The function of this formal subject is expressed by the pronoun it which is usually not translated into Russian.

Impersonal sentences are used:

1. When designating:

a) time:

It is 6 o'clock. 6 hours.
It is late. Late.

b) distances:

It is three miles from here. (It's) three miles from here.

c) natural phenomena, weather conditions, emotional state person:

It is winter. Winter.
It is cold. Cold.
It is snowing (raining). It is snowing (raining).

2. In the presence of impersonal turns it seems - seems, it appears - obviously, apparently, it happens - turns out.

Even younger students know that there are very different sentences according to the grammatical structure: simple, complex and complex, etc. We use them every day and they seem completely natural to us. In this motley group, impersonal sentences occupy a special place. In truth, the British crown has a few surprises in store up its striped sleeve, so we finish our traditional milk tea and start focusing.

So, in impersonal sentences in English (Impersonal Sentences), you will never see either the performer of the action, or even the action itself. Remember the unforgettable "Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy." or the beginning of the standard tabloid publications "Darkness ...". It is these cases that will be discussed.

It would be logical to divide such structures into two groups: without subject and without a predicate. And if in Russian you can use any members of the sentence as you please, then the English language inevitably imposes a certain strict structure, namely: in any sentence there are always both main members. Moreover, the subject comes first, and then the predicate. Let's not be too lazy to remind: always! So if you don't see any of them in the source on mother tongue, then they will appear during translation. If you ignore them, feel free to subtract points from your exam paper or say goodbye with respect in the eyes of your English-speaking friends.

Using Impersonal Suggestions

These structures are used to denote:

  • natural phenomena:

It was so cold that I could hardly breathe. It was so cold that I could hardly breathe.

It has been drizzling since morning. - It has been raining since morning.

  • weather conditions:

It will be sunny and hot tomorrow. Tomorrow it will be sunny and hot.

It was very frosty and slippery last January. — Last January it was very frosty and slippery.

  • Time and distance. Especially note for yourself the construction of the phrase “It takes me ... / I need ...” with the value of the time interval, which combines it and take:

It was five o'clock when I returned home. It was five o'clock when I got home.

It is not very far to the barn in the field from my aunt's house. “It’s not very far from my aunt’s house to a barn in the field.

It takes me nearly an hour to get back home from school. It takes me almost an hour to get home from school.

  • Actions described by the infinitive:

It is never too late to say thank you. It's never too late to say thank you.

It is hard enough to part with your boss friends. It's hard enough to say goodbye to your bosom friends.

  • Impersonal turnovers with verbs to happen - to happen, to seem - to appear, to turn out - to appear, to appear - to appear, etc. So, complex sentences in English may include an impersonal representative:

It appears that Melissa won't visit us today. “Looks like Melissa won't be visiting us today.

It so happened that I hated hot milk with mineral water. - It so happened that I hated hot milk with mineral water.

  • Modalities with the corresponding verbs: can - be able, may - have permission, must - be due, etc. In this case, you need a formal subject one, which has no equivalent in translation:

One must not cross the road here. - You can't cross the road here.

One cannot learn all the cards for the exam in a day. — It is impossible to learn all the tickets for the exam in a day.

As you may have noticed, almost all impersonal sentences in English have a formal subject. it. Remember that it is not translated into Russian.

Well, let's look at two groups of interest to us. Don't forget that all phrases can use different times Simple, Continuous and Perfect Continuous groups:

  • Nominal sentences in English do not have a predicate in their composition, which, however, must necessarily emerge when translated in the form is verb to be or another copula in the third person and singular. Here it combined with nouns, adjectives, adverbs and phrases like adjective + infinitive:

It is very dirty outside, put on your old boots. It's very dirty outside, put on your old shoes.

It was so easy to swim across the river. It was so easy to swim across the river.

It is almost September and my nephews don't want to start school. It's almost September now and my nephews don't want to go to first grade.

  • Verbal sentences do not fundamentally differ from their aforementioned relative. Here you will meet all the same it and impersonal verbs: to rain - go (about rain), to snow - go (about snow), to hail - go (about hail), to drizzle - drizzle, etc.:

Let's go home, it is getting dark. Let's go home, it's getting dark.

It hailed yesterday and I am afraid that my garden was damaged. There was hail yesterday and I'm afraid my garden has been damaged.

When it doesn't snow in winter one cannot ski or skate. When it doesn't snow in winter, you can't ski or skate.

As for interrogative and negative sentences, everything works here classic rules English grammar- use auxiliary verbs, and everything will work out:

Is it windy today? Should I take my hat? — Is it windy today? Should I take my hat?

It hasn't rained for a week already, the ground is very dry. It hasn't rained for a week now, the ground is very dry.

As a result, it should be noted that impersonality is widely used in English: both simple and complex sentences have their own design options. In fact, there is nothing difficult in memorizing this material and using it correctly in speech. Everything is quite logical and justified, so feel free to take on the development and consolidation of the rule.

Rule 3 Every English sentence has actor, so if it is not in the Russian sentence, put it yourself. To do this, use pronouns it and they.

Impersonal sentences in English with construction It is…

Rule 4. If there is no offer action verbs, then replace it with linking verb be(in one of its forms of present time, i.e. am, is, are).

Building on these 2 simple rules, let's translate nominal sentences(as they are called in Russian): October. Morning. Six o'clock.

Remember, if there is no offer D.L., nor D, then such a sentence should always begin with the construction " It is……»

    1. October. — It is Oct.
    2. Morning. — It is morning.
    3. Six o'clock. — It is 6 o'clock.

* * *

Impersonal sentences in English with the construction It is ... (exercises)

Exercise 1.Translate into Russian.

1.It is spring.2. It is cold today. 3. It is dark. 4. It often rains [ 1] in March. 5. It is a beautiful day. 6. It is nine o'clock. 7. It is a long way from here to London. 8. It is dangerous to drive so fast. 9. It was interesting to talk to him. 10. It always snows in the north.

Exercise 2.

1. Winter. 2. It was winter. 3. Last year was Cold winter. 4. Cold. 5. It was very cold. 6. Five o'clock. 7. It's five o'clock now. 8. It often snows in February (to snow is a verb). 9. It was a warm spring day. 10. The living room is warm. 11. Wonderful day. It'll be cold tomorrow.

Exercise 3Translate into English.

1. Spring. 2. Now it's spring. 3. It was late spring. 4. Hot. 5. It was very hot yesterday. 6. It's midnight now. 7. Early morning. 8. Dark. 9. It was dark. 10. The room was dark. 11. It's cold today. 12. It often rains in March (to rain is a verb).

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