Life of Saint Mary of Egypt. Venerable Mary of Egypt

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Today, April 14, the church honors the memory of the great saint! Mary of Egypt is one of the most revered saints among Orthodox Christians. Learn more about St. Mary of Egypt from the prepared material below! Happy and useful reading!


The Monk Mary, nicknamed the Egyptian, lived in the middle of the 5th and at the beginning of the 6th century. Her youth did not bode well. Mary was only twelve years old when she left her home in the city of Alexandria. Being free from parental supervision, young and inexperienced, Maria was carried away by a vicious life. There was no one to stop her on the way to death, and there were many seducers and temptations. So for 17 years Mary lived in sins, until the merciful Lord turned her to repentance.

It happened like this. By coincidence, Mary joined a group of pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. Sailing with pilgrims on a ship, Mary did not stop seducing people and sinning. Once in Jerusalem, she joined the pilgrims on their way to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Jerusalem

People entered the temple in a large crowd, and Mary at the entrance was stopped by an invisible hand and could not enter it with any effort. Then she realized that the Lord did not allow her to enter into Holy place for her impurity.

Seized with horror and a feeling of deep repentance, she began to pray to God to forgive her sins, promising to radically change her life. Seeing the icon of the Mother of God at the entrance to the temple, Mary began to ask the Mother of God to intercede for her before God. After that, she immediately felt enlightenment in her soul and freely entered the temple. Shedding abundant tears at the tomb of the Lord, she left the temple a completely different person.

Mary fulfilled her promise to change her life. From Jerusalem, she retired to the harsh and deserted Jordanian desert and spent almost half a century there in complete solitude, in fasting and prayer. Thus, by severe deeds, Mary of Egypt completely uprooted all sinful desires in herself and made her heart a pure temple of the Holy Spirit.

Elder Zosima, who lived in the Jordanian monastery of St. John the Baptist, by the providence of God, he was honored to meet in the desert with the Monk Mary, when she was already a deep old woman. He was struck by her holiness and gift of insight. Once he saw her during prayer, as if rising above the ground, and another time, walking across the Jordan River, as if on dry land.

Parting with Zosima, the Monk Mary asked him to come back to the wilderness in a year to give her communion. The elder returned at the appointed time and communed the Monk Mary with the Holy Mysteries. Then, having come to the desert a year later in the hope of seeing the saint, he no longer found her alive. The elder buried the remains of St. Mary there in the desert, in which he was helped by a lion who dug a hole with his claws to bury the body of the righteous. This was around 521.

Thus, from a great sinner, the Monk Mary became, with God's help, the greatest saint and left such a vivid example of repentance.



They pray to Mary of Egypt for overcoming the prodigal passion, for granting a repentant feeling, and in every circumstance.


O great saint of Christ, reverend Mary! In Heaven, the Throne of God is coming, but on earth, in spirit of love, you are with us, having boldness to the Lord, pray to save His servants, who flow to you with love. Ask us from the Greatly Merciful Lord and Lord of the Faith the immaculate observance, our cities and towns of affirmation, deliverance from prosperity and destruction, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, resurrection for the fallen, strengthening for the erring, prosperity and blessing in good deeds, orphans and widows - intercession and those who have departed from this life - eternal rest, but for all of us on the day of the terrible Judgment, on the right hand of the country, the fellows of being and the blessed voice of the Judge of the world hear: come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and receive your stay there forever. Amen.


Materials used: site,; photo - A. Pospelov, A. Elshin.

Place of the feat of St. Mary of Egypt

It was here, next to the Place of the Baptism of the Savior, that the Monk Mary of Egypt lived in complete seclusion for 47 years.

This story happened at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th centuries. The Monk Mary accomplished a feat that strikes the imagination of everyone who learns about it: having decided to overcome her sinfulness, she went into the wilderness, undergoing incredible dangers and trials, reached the heights of the spirit and is now our intercessor before the Lord.

You can find the biography (life) of the saint on Orthodox websites. And you can bow to the place where her feat, repose and burial took place very close, a few minutes walk, from the Jordan River and the Place of Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Memory to her April 14
(April 1, old style)
and on the Week (Sunday) of the 5th Great Lent.

Saint Mary was born in Egypt. In the twelfth year of her life, she fled from her parental home to the city of Alexandria, where she indulged in unrestrained and insatiable fornication and earned shameful fame for the extreme debauchery of her life. This went on for 17 years, and it seemed that all hope for the salvation of the sinner was lost. But the Lord did not turn His mercy away from her.

One day, Mary saw a crowd of people on the seashore who were going to sail on ships to Jerusalem for the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Not at all out of pious motives, but simply wanting to have fun, she begged to take her too, and behaved defiantly shamelessly on the way. Upon arrival in Jerusalem, Mary followed the people to the church, but she could not enter it: some unknown force repelled her and did not let her inside. After several unsuccessful attempts, Maria retreated to a corner of the church porch and thought. Her gaze accidentally stopped on the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos - and suddenly, shocked, she realized all the abomination and shame of her life. The light of God touched her heart - she realized that her sins were not allowed into the church.

Mary prayed long and hard to the Most Holy Theotokos, begging for a long time to let her enter the church and see the Cross on which Jesus Christ suffered. At last it seemed to her that her prayer had been heard. Trembling with excitement and fear, Maria approached the church doors - and this time she entered without hindrance. There she saw the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord and realized that God is ready to forgive the penitent. She again returned to the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and turned to Her with a plea to show her the way to repentance.

And then she heard, as it were, a distant voice: "Go beyond the Jordan, there you will find peace for your soul." Mary immediately set off, reached the Jordan River, crossed to the other side, and withdrew into the depths of the Jordanian desert. Here, in the desert, she lived in complete solitude for 47 years, eating only roots. For the first 17 years, she was overwhelmed by lustful thoughts, and she fought them like fierce beasts. Enduring hunger and cold, she remembered the food and wine she was used to in Egypt, the merry songs she once sang; but most of all she was overwhelmed by lustful thoughts and tempting images... Mary begged the Most Holy Theotokos to deliver her from them, fell prostrate on the ground and did not get up until repentance was accomplished in her soul - then heavenly light penetrated into her, and she was at peace again. After 17 years, her temptations left her - the years of concentrated and detached peace came. Finally, it pleased God to show the world the unusual feat of the repentant sinner, and by the permission of God, Mary was met in the desert by the elder Zosima, a monk of a neighboring monastery, who had retired here for ascetic feats.

By this time, all the clothes on Mary had decayed, but the elder covered her with his cloak. The ascetic told him her whole life, asking him not to tell anyone about her and to come to her a year later on Maundy Thursday with the Holy Gifts so that she could take communion. The next year, fulfilling the request of Mary, the elder Zosima took the Holy Gifts and went to the Jordan. On the other side, he saw Mary, who, going up to the river, made the sign of the cross over the water and calmly walked along it. With reverent awe, the elder looked at the saint walking on the water. Coming ashore, Mary bowed before the elder and asked for his blessing. Then she listened to “I believe” and “Our Father”, partook of the Mysteries of Christ and said: “Now you let your servant go according to your word in peace!” Then she asked Zosima to fulfill her last request: to come a year later to the place where he met her for the first time. A year later, the elder again went to the place where Mary was saved, but found her already dead there. She lay on the ground with her hands clasped as if in prayer and her face turned to the East. Next to her, the sand was inscribed: “Father Zosima, bury the body of the humble Mary, who died on April 1st. Return dust to dust." With tears and prayers, the elder betrayed the great ascetic to the earth and returned to the monastery, where he told the monks and the abbot everything that he had heard from St. Mary.

Rev. Mary of Egypt died in 522. On the first and fifth weeks of Great Lent, the penitential canon of St. Andrew of Crete with the addition of prayer verses about Mary of Egypt.

From book
"About life Orthodox saints,
icons and holidays
(according to Church tradition).
Compiled by O.A. Popov.

Prayers of Saint Mary of Egypt

Prayer one

O great saint of Christ, reverend mother Mary! Hear the unworthy prayer of us sinners (names), deliver us, reverend mother, from the passions that are fighting on our souls, from all sorrow and finding misfortune, from sudden death and from all evil, at the hour of separation of the soul from the body, holy saint , every evil thought and evil demons, as if our souls would receive in peace in a place of light Christ the Lord our God, as if from Him the cleansing of sins, and He is the salvation of our souls, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit , now and forever, and forever and ever.

Prayer two

O great saint of Christ, Reverend Mary! In Heaven, the Throne of God is coming, but on earth in spirit of love with us abide, having boldness to the Lord, pray to save His servants, flowing to you with love. Ask us from the Greatly Merciful Lord and Lord of the Faith the immaculate observance, our cities and towns of affirmation, deliverance from prosperity and destruction, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, resurrection for the fallen, strengthening for the erring, prosperity and blessing in good deeds, intercession for orphans and widows and those who have departed from this life - eternal rest, but for all of us, on the day of the Last Judgment, at the right hand of the country, we will be partners and hear the blessed voice of My Judge: come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and receive your stay there forever. Amen.

Prayer three

O great saint of Christ, reverend mother Mary! Hear the unworthy prayer of us sinners. The image of repentance has been given to us, Mary, with your warm tenderness, return the victory, Having acquired the Mother of God Mary as an Intercessor, pray for us with Neyuzha.
Oh, Reverend Mother Mary, calling you to a warm prayer book, strengthening those who are exhausted in battle, soon encouraging those who are discouraged. In troubles and sorrows, a grace-filled helper to us, a suffering healer, an ambulance and wonderful, as if with your help the intrigues of the enemy are crushed. The Reverend Mother Mary, a miracle of God's mercy, from the Lord of all the good giver to us, pray to Him for a servant of God, a seriously ill baby (the name of the baby). Amen.

Troparion, tone 8

In you, mother, it is known that you have saved yourself according to the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and giving it taught you to despise the flesh, it passes away: diligently about the soul, things are immortal: the same and from the Angels will rejoice, Reverend Mary, your spirit.

Kontakion, tone 3

First of all, the bride of Christ is filled with all sorts of fornications, today appearing in repentance, angelic residence, imitating the demons of the Cross, destroys with weapons. For this sake of the Kingdom, the bride appeared to you, glorious Mary.

Prayer texts found on the Internet.

In the Church, Mary of Egypt is a model of perfect true repentance, which is why the saint is especially often remembered during Great Lent, the fifth week of which bears her name. The service of Matins on Thursday of this week was popularly called “Mary’s standing”, since at this service the life of the Monk Mary is read, shared by the singing of the Great Canon of Andrew of Crete, to the end of each song of which troparia of the corresponding song of the saint’s canon are added. We can also hear the troparions of the canon of the saint on Wednesday and Thursday of the first week of Great Lent during the reading of the Penitential Canon. The memory of Mary of Egypt, celebrated on April 1/14, also often falls during Lent.


The Monk Mary, nicknamed the Egyptian, lived in the middle of the 5th - beginning of the 6th century. When she was twelve years old, she left her home in the city of Alexandria and became addicted to a vicious life. She lived this life for 17 years. Once Mary got on a ship bound for the Holy Land, where she also did not leave her sinful occupations. Once in Jerusalem, she joined the pilgrims on their way to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. People entered the temple in a crowd, and Mary at the entrance was stopped by an invisible force and could not enter it with any effort. Then she realized that the Lord did not allow her to enter the holy place because of her uncleanness.

Seized with horror and a feeling of deep repentance, she began to pray to God to forgive her sins, promising to improve. Seeing the icon of the Mother of God at the entrance to the temple, Mary began to ask the Mother of God to intercede for her before God. After that, she immediately felt enlightenment in her soul and freely entered the temple. Shedding abundant tears at the tomb of the Lord, she left the temple a completely different person. Mary retired from Jerusalem to the desert of Jordan and spent almost half a century there in complete seclusion, in fasting and prayer. Thus, by severe deeds, Mary of Egypt completely uprooted all sinful thoughts in herself and made her heart a pure temple of the Holy Spirit.

Elder Zosima, who lived in the Jordanian monastery of St. John the Baptist, was honored to meet in the desert with the Monk Mary, when she was already a deep old woman. He was struck by her holiness and gift of insight. Once he saw her during prayer, as if rising above the ground, and another time, walking across the Jordan River, as if on dry land.

Parting with Zosima, the Monk Mary asked him to come back to the wilderness in a year to give her communion. The elder returned at the appointed time and communed the Monk Mary with the Holy Mysteries. Then, having come to the desert a year later in the hope of seeing the saint, he no longer found her alive. The elder buried the remains of St. Mary in the desert, in which he was helped by a lion who dug a hole with his claws to bury the body of the righteous. This was around 521.

Thus, from a great sinner, the Monk Mary became, with God's help, the greatest saint and was a vivid example of repentance.


According to tradition, the Monk Mary of Egypt is depicted naked or half-naked, wrapped in a piece of himation given to her by Zosima. This is due to the circumstances of her life: the Monk Zosima found her completely naked in the desert and gave her part of his himation to cover her nakedness.

The saint can be depicted with her arms crossed on her chest, with a gesture of speaking, or with two open palms.

Rev. Mary of Egypt. Antonova E.E. (A graduate of the Icon Painting School in 2003 at the Moscow State Academy of Arts.) Icon. Sergiev Posad. 2003

Arms crossed on chest most likely, they represent an image of the cross in the likeness of how we fold our hands when we approach Communion, affirming with this gesture our belonging to Christ, the assimilation of His Cross Sacrifice. The whole desert life of the Monk Mary was a feat of repentance, and not long before her blessed death, she took communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, saying: “Now you forgive Thy servant, Master, according to Thy word in peace, as if my eyes have seen Thy salvation…”.

Rev. Alexei Man of God and Mary of Egypt. Middle of the 17th century. From the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow. Central Museum ancient Russian culture and art to them. Andrey Rublev, Moscow

The speaking gesture, traditional for rhetoric, in which the index and middle fingers are slightly crossed, and the thumb, ring and little fingers are closed, are borrowed from ancient culture. With these gestures, the saints addressed a prayer of repentance to God and to all the people who came to the temple. We see such an image on the icon depicting St. Alexis the Man of God and Mary of Egypt from the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow. (Mid-XVII century, Andrei Rublev Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art).

Rev. Maria. Fresco. Georgia (Vardzia). 11th century

Two palms open on the chest some researchers interpret this as a gesture of accepting grace, others as a prayerful appeal to God.

The veneration of Mary of Egypt increased in the middle - second half of the 17th century, due to the fact that the Reverend was the patron saint of Empress Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya - the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. At this time, the icons of the patron saints of the royal couple, for example, the icons of "Mary of Egypt and Alexy, the man of God" from the collection of the Andrei Rublev Museum, are being distributed.

On some icons, the Monk Mary of Egypt is depicted with the Monk Andrew of Crete, the author of the Penitential Canon, in which in the 11th century. there are special troparia dedicated to the saint.

Often Rev. Mary of Egypt is depicted with Saint Zosima in scenes that are described in the icon-painting original as follows: “... Mary is standing naked, and Zosima gives a mantle, looks back. In another place, Zosima gives communion of the Holy Mysteries, they stand by the Jordan River, the mountain is low above the Jordan, near their tree, decent for desert places, is depicted ”(Filimonov. Icon-painting original.).

Stroganov icon-painting original. April 1 (detail). Rus. End of XVI - early XVII in.

On the icon of 1596 from the monastery of Dechany, the scene of the communion of St. Mary is placed next to the single image of St. John of the Ladder, which is most likely due to the menaean principle - the memory of the monk falls on March 30 (April 12).

Life icons:

Icon with the life of St. Mary of Egypt 2nd floor. - con. 14th century from the sacristy of the monastery of Hilandar on Athos, small in size (25 x 29.5 cm), its entire field is occupied by sixteen hallmarks, in which individual scenes from the life of the saint are illustrated. The absence in the icon of a centerpiece with a single image of the saint suggests the importance for the author not so much of the image of the saint as of her ascetic life, the cardinal change that happened to her.

Icon with the life of St. Mary of Egypt. 14th century Hilandar, Athos.

In Russia, hagiographic icons of Mary of Egypt became widespread in the 17th century, which is connected, as mentioned above, with the fact that the Reverend was the patron saint of Empress Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya.

Examples of the image of Mary of Egypt in monumental painting.

In addition to half-length and full-length depictions of the saint, which are found in the murals in a row of holy wives and saints, the plot of the communion of St. Mary of Egypt by St. Zosima, which was largely connected with the liturgical significance of the repentance of Mary of Egypt.

In Byzantine painting, a stable iconographic scheme of the plot under consideration has developed. Elder Zosima and St. Mary of Egypt is depicted full-length, facing half-turned to each other. St. Zosima is dressed in a monastic cassock, a mantle and a cockle, usually removed from his head. In one hand he holds a bowl with the Holy Gifts, in the other - a liar, which he brings to the lips of Mary. Rev. Mary is depicted with an uncovered head, dressed in rags. Her thin hands are folded crosswise on her chest or in a gesture of prayer are extended to the Holy Chalice.

Holy Communion Mary. Fresco. Church of St. Andrew on Treska in Macedonia. Serbian Orthodox Church. 1388 - 1389 years.

The main themes of this plot are the Eucharistic, monastic, repentant, the theme of a righteous death and the answer at the Last Judgment.

The plot of "Communion" can be placed in the eastern part of the temple, for example, on the altar pillars, in the altar apse or the altar, in which case the emphasis is placed primarily on the theme of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In some cases, this composition can coexist with images of saints, in which case attention is also paid to the monastic theme.

Fresco on the prealtar pillar in the Church of the Virgin Forviotissa in Asinu (Cyprus), 1106.

Often the composition "Communion of Mary of Egypt" is placed in a row of images of the venerable fathers, a series of which Saints Mary and Zosima often begin, or next to other "monastic" compositions, such as "The Ladder of St. John of the Ladder” (in which there is a clear connection with the memories of the fourth and fifth weeks of Great Lent, when these pure ascetics are remembered), “An angel gives St. Pachomius the monastic charter (as an indication of two ways of monastic life: cenobitic and hermitic) and others.

This plot is often depicted on the facade or at the entrance to the temple, in the narthex. In a number of churches, the composition "Communion of Mary of Egypt", divided into two parts and placed on both sides of the doors, can also emphasize the theme of repentance, or it can also focus on the ascetic feat aimed at the internal restructuring of a person, readiness for such a feat as, for example, in the temple of Arakiotissa in Lagoudera, where Mary and Zosima are depicted in close proximity to the saints and hermits.

Fresco on the sides of the southern entrance to the Church of the Virgin Arakiotissa in Lagoudera (Cyprus), 1192

The image of Mary of Egypt can emphasize the penitential theme in the painting of the western part of the temple, as in the case of the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa near Novgorod (1199), where her figure is placed in the southwestern corner compartment above the arch of the passage to the naos of the temple. Here Mary is depicted with her hands raised in prayer and is located opposite the image of the Mother of God on the throne, symbolizing Paradise, reminiscent of an episode from the life of the saint, her prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God at the entrance to the Jerusalem temple.

Church of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa. 1199 year.

In some churches, the image of Mary of Egypt was located in the immediate vicinity of the burials, and was associated with the funeral theme: the composition “Communion of Mary of Egypt”, which took place just before her death, and “Burial of Mary of Egypt” are a symbol of accepted repentance and a righteous death and Doomsday.

In the western part of the temple, the image of St. Mary of Egypt, as a repentant sinner, is found in the compositions of the Last Judgment, where she can be depicted among the righteous wives marching to the Judgment (in some compositions, the holy hermit leads a group of righteous women) or in the process of the righteous, brought by the apostle Peter to the gates of Paradise, as , for example, in the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (1195).

Church of St. Dmitry Solunsky. Vladimir.XIIcentury. Western wall lunette.

The plot of "Communion of Mary" in miniatures of manuscripts.

On the miniatures of the manuscripts, the story of Zosima and the Monk Mary became the subject for illustration of the Psalter. For example, in the Kyiv Psalter (1397) two events separated by a year are connected: a meeting in the rocks (Zosima turns away, holding out her outer clothing to Mary); below, on the shore, Zosima communes Mary. This is how psalm 118 “Blessed are the blameless on the way, walking in the law of the Lord”, the general content of which can be defined as “confession of ardent and all-encompassing love for the law of God”, is illustrated, and the image of the hermit Mary, apparently, was for the miniaturists who decorated the psalms, the most striking example a radical change in life and an extreme degree of spiritual achievement.

Saint Mary of Egypt is one of the greatest saints in the history of Christianity. Not many ascetics have been awarded the special honor of a seven-day commemoration during the repentant time of Great Lent before Easter. And among them there is only one woman - Reverend Mary.

Her life is unusual, her way of turning to God is also unusual, her spiritual feat and its fruits are exceptional. Her life in Russia was one of her favorite home readings, and during Great Lent it was also read in its entirety in the Church. What is it connected with? The fate of Mary of Egypt is one of the deepest examples of repentance and at the same time a reminder of God's inexhaustible love for man.

It is known that she was born in the 5th century in Egypt and was, as they say, a difficult child. At the age of 12, the girl ran away from home and went in search of adventure to Alexandria, the largest city of the Empire after Rome. There, all her adventures very soon came down to ordinary debauchery.

She spent seventeen years in continuous fornication. Fornication was not a way for her to earn money, because only in it did the girl find the only and main meaning of her existence. Maria did not take any money or gifts from her acquaintances, reasoning that in this way she would attract more men. And so, she was a well-known sinner, an object of temptation and temptation for everyone.

Once she got on a ship carrying pilgrims to Jerusalem. But it was not at all for the worship of Christian shrines that Mary set off on this voyage. Her goal was the young sailors, with whom she spent the whole journey in the usual amusements.

Arriving in Jerusalem, Mary continued to debauchery here. But one day, during a big holiday, out of curiosity, she decided to go to the Temple in Jerusalem. And she was horrified to find that she couldn't do it. Several times she tried to get inside the temple together with a crowd of pilgrims. And every time, as soon as her foot touched the threshold, the crowd threw Maria against the wall, and everyone else passed through unhindered.

Of course, one could consider all this to be a coincidence. But Mary saw a very definite meaning here. She suddenly realized that her dissolute life had cut her off from God, and bodily pleasures had obscured Heaven in her soul. Mary became afraid and began to cry.

In the vestibule of the temple hung the icon of the Mother of God. Mary had never prayed before, but now, in front of the icon, she turned to Mother of God and vowed to change her life. After this prayer, she again tried to cross the threshold of the temple and now safely passed inside along with everyone.

Bowing to Christian shrines, Mary went to the Jordan River. There, on the shore, in a small church of John the Baptist, she received the Body and Blood of Christ. And the next day she crossed the river and went into the desert in order to never return to people.

But even there, far from the usual temptations big city Mary did not find peace. Men, wine, wild life - all this, of course, was not in the desert. But where could one escape from one's own heart, which remembered all the sinful pleasures of previous years and did not want to give them up? Pernicious desires tormented Mary here too.

It was incredibly difficult to deal with this disaster. And every time when Mary no longer had the strength to resist passion, she was saved by the memory of the holy vow given before the icon. She understood that the Mother of God sees all her actions and even thoughts, turned in prayer to the Mother of God and asked for help in fulfilling her promise.

Mary slept on bare ground. It fed on the meager vegetation of the desert. But she was able to completely get rid of fornication only after seventeen years of such an intense struggle. After that, she spent another two decades in the desert. Shortly before her death, Mary for the first time in all these years met a man among the sands.

The Lord, who brought her out of the world, also arranged for the elder, the monk Zosima, who retired to the Jordanian desert for the duration of Great Lent, to become an astonished witness to her feat. The hidden "hermit" who had passed him like a shadow in the desert was black from the scorching sun, incredibly thin, his hair was short, rolled up like felt and white as snow.

Seeing the old man, the hermit rushed to run and stopped only after heeding his prayers. Then, asking the monk for a piece of clothing to cover his body, the man addressed him, calling by the name... No one could recognize in this almost ethereal creature, found by Father Zosima, the former beautiful Egyptian. And then the elder listened to the most amazing confession in his life.

He no longer accepted it from a sinner - many years of repentance and struggle with passions in a deserted desert washed away the traces of sin - from an enlightened soul, which entered the measure of the fullness of Christ and, out of humility, considered herself the worst of people! Her sin was always before her. Meanwhile, the ascetic, unknown to the world, taught by the Holy Spirit, not only knew the name of Father Zosima, but also the place where he came from, she also knew about the disturbances in his monastery. She cited the words of the Holy Scriptures and lines from the psalms without errors, never having learned to read and write. And, finally, the elder saw with his own eyes how, in prayer, she rose above the ground.

Exactly one year later, as they agreed, the elder came to Jordan with the Holy Gifts to give her communion, and witnessed a miracle. Having overshadowed the waters of the river with the sign of the cross, the saint crossed to him along the river from the other side, as if on dry land, and, having accepted the Gifts, she withdrew deep into the desert. In obedience to her request, Father Zosima again came to the place of their first meeting after the appointed time and found her already dead. The name of the Servant of God was inscribed on the solid, like a stone, earth - Maria, and the time of rest - it was the day of her last earthly communion.

Rev. Mary of Egypt

Desperate, confused in life circumstances, people resort to her prayers. Her example indicates the conditions for salvation - sincere heartfelt repentance, hope in the help of the Lord and the Mother of God, and a firm decision to put an end to sinful life. The icons of St. Mary of Egypt usually have a lot of candles. How many weak, outcast, despised human souls acquire from her image a clear understanding of what God only sin is hated, and any person who turns away from evil becomes a dear child of God, about whom “there is more joy in heaven” than about one who does not need to repent. Having reconciled with God, the soul regains its lost dignity and likeness to its Creator, and with them peace and salvation.

An example of the image of St. Mary is offered to us as the final moment of Lenten time, this spring life. A week ago we heard the teaching, the call of St. John of the Ladder, who made up a whole staircase of perfection, with the help of which we can overcome evil and come to the truth. And today we see an example, an example of one who, from the very depths of evil, has risen to the heights of holiness.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov told those who came to him more than once that the whole difference between a perishing sinner and a sinner who finds his way to salvation lies in one thing: determination. The grace of God is always near: but we do not always respond, as Mary did; how she responded to the horror that seized her when she realized herself and, together, the holiness, beauty, integrity and chastity of the Mother of God, and she was ready for everything, for everything in order to change her life.

Let her image be for us a new inspiration, a new hope, even a new joy; but also a challenge, a call, because in vain we sing the praises of the saints if we do not learn anything from them, do not strive to imitate them.

Prayers of Saint Mary of Egypt

Prayer one

O great saint of Christ, reverend mother Mary! Hear the unworthy prayer of us sinners (names), deliver us, reverend mother, from the passions that are fighting on our souls, from all sorrow and finding misfortune, from sudden death and from all evil, at the hour of separation of the soul from the body, holy saint , every evil thought and evil demons, as if our souls would receive in peace in a place of light Christ the Lord our God, as if from Him the cleansing of sins, and He is the salvation of our souls, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit , now and forever, and forever and ever.

Prayer two

O great saint of Christ, Reverend Mary! In Heaven, the Throne of God is coming, but on earth in spirit of love with us abide, having boldness to the Lord, pray to save His servants, flowing to you with love. Ask us from the Greatly Merciful Lord and Lord of the Faith the immaculate observance, our cities and towns of affirmation, deliverance from prosperity and destruction, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, resurrection for the fallen, strengthening for the erring, prosperity and blessing in good deeds, intercession for orphans and widows and those who have departed from this life - eternal rest, but for all of us, on the day of the Last Judgment, at the right hand of the country, we will be partners and hear the blessed voice of My Judge: come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and receive your stay there forever. Amen.

Troparion of Saint Mary of Egypt, tone 8

In you, mother, it is known that you have saved yourself according to the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and giving it taught you to despise the flesh, it passes away: diligently about the soul, things are immortal: the same and from the Angels will rejoice, Reverend Mary, your spirit.

Kontakion, tone 3

First of all, the bride of Christ is filled with all sorts of fornications, today appearing in repentance, angelic residence, imitating the demons of the Cross, destroys with weapons. For this sake of the Kingdom, the bride appeared to you, glorious Mary.

Life of Mary of Egypt

is a saint of the Christian religion. She is patroness of penitent girls. The first history of the life of Mary was published by Sophronius of Jerusalem, and most of the information from the life of Mary of Egypt was transferred to medieval times. Legends of Mary Magdalene.

In the article you will see the icons of Mary of Egypt, as well as Mary of Egypt photo, you will find out on what day the memory of the saint is honored.

righteous life

Maria fulfilled her vows and began a completely different life. From Jerusalem, she went to the deserted and gloomy desert of Jordan, and there she spent about 50 years in complete solitude, in and in strong prayer.

Thus, by careful and regular deeds, Mary of Egypt was able to remove sins and transgressions and made her heart and soul a real holy temple for the Holy Spirit.

Elder Zosima, who was on the territory of the Jordanian desert at the monastery of St. John the Baptist, doubled his faith in the Lord when he met Saint Mary in the desert. At this time, Mary of Egypt was already at an advanced age. He marveled at her unusual holiness and foresight.

Once he saw her in the process of prayer, as if rising above the surface of the earth, and the next time, when she was heading across the Jordan River, she walked at that time as if on land.

At the moment of parting with Zosima, St. Mary asked him to come here again in one year to perform before her. The elder complied with the request and exactly after the specified time returned and took communion with St. Mary. Then, returning to the desert one more year later, hoping to meet the saint again, he no longer found her alive. The elder buried the remains of St. Mary of Egypt in the desert. In this he was helped by the lion himself, who with his strong claws dug a hole for the burial of the body of the holy seer. This happened around 521.

So from a girl shrouded in sins, with the help of the Lord, Mary turned into a great saint and left behind a very useful example for repentance to the Lord.

Fulfilled my prayer and right amount bowing to the ground, the elders, having asked for forgiveness from each other, began to ask for blessings from the abbot and, to the general singing of a psalm, opened the gates of the monastery, so that they could then go into the desert.

At the same time, everyone took with them the right amount of food, whoever wanted what. Some did not take anything with them at all and ate only the roots. The monks set off from the Jordan and settled as far as possible from it, so as not to watch someone fast and labor.

During the time when great post was coming to an end, the monks went back to the Jordanian monastery on Palm Sunday, together with the fruit of their work, having tested their souls. With all this, no one asked others how they prayed and did good deeds.

At this time and Abba Zosima according to monastic traditions, he crossed the Jordan. He longed to go as far as possible in the desert in order to find one of the great saints or elders who were being saved there and praying for the unity of soul and body.

He walked in the wilderness for 20 days and one day, when he continued to sing psalms for about six hours and did simple prayers, suddenly to his right he noticed a real shadow of a person. He became frightened, because he decided that he saw a tribe of demons in front of him, but, having crossed himself several times, he put aside all his fears and, having finished one of the prayers to the Lord, turned towards the shadow and saw a naked man walking through the desert. The body was completely black from the heat of the sun, and the burnt short hair became white as a lamb's fleece. Abba Zosima became happy, because during this time he did not meet a single living person or even an animal on his way, and at the same time he went towards the creature.

But the moment the naked man saw Zosima approaching him, he began to run away. Abba Zosima forgot both his old age and complete fatigue, and began to move faster and faster. But soon, completely exhausted, Zosima stopped by a dry stream and began to ask the departing person in tears: “Why are you running away from me, a sinful old man, fleeing in this sultry desert? Wait, wait for me, an unworthy and weak old man, and give me your prayer and blessing, for the sake of Christ, who never shunned anyone.

The unknown person did not even turn around, but shouted in response: “Forgive me, Abba Zosima, turning to come to your face: I am a woman, and, as you can see, I don’t have any clothes to cover my nakedness. But if you want to pray to me, the great sinner, then throw your cloak to me for shelter, so that I can come to you for your blessing.

“She would not know my name if holiness and great deeds were not hidden in her, which were given to her from Christ himself,” Zosima decided and hastened to fulfill the demand given to him.

Covering herself under a cloak, the saint turned to Zosima: “What did you decide, Zosima, to talk to me, a woman full of sins and unwise in my word? What do you want to learn from me and, not sparing your efforts and efforts, spend so much of your time on me? He at this time, on his knees, began to forgive her blessings. At the same moment, the saint bowed before him, and for a long time they asked each other: “Bless.” In the end, the saint said: “Abba Zosima, blessing and prayer befits you, since you are honored by the very dignity of the presbyter and for a long time, standing before the altar of Christ, you bring great gifts to the Almighty.”

These words became even more terrible for Zosima. Afterwards, the nun said: “Blessed is God, who wants salvation for all people on earth.” Abba replied to this: . And they simultaneously rose from the surface of the earth. The ascetic again asked Zosima: “Why did you come here, to me, a sinner, in whom there is no virtuous power? Although, apparently, the grace of the Holy Spirit instructed you to perform one church service, which is necessary for my soul. Tell me first, Abba, how do Christians live, how do they grow and achieve the prosperity of the saints who are in God's Church?

Abba Zosima said to her: “Your strong prayers God gave the Church and all of us a real and righteous world. But listen to the unworthy old man, my mother, pray for the sake of Christ for all nations and for me, a sinner, for only then this walking will bring real fruits.

The saint answered: “You rather need, Abba Zosima, having the rank of a sacred character, to pray to the Lord for me and those around me. That's why you've been given a dignity. Although, everything commanded by you will be willingly done for the sake of obedience to the truth and from my purest heart.

Having said these words, the saint turned towards the east and, raising her hands up, began to pray quietly. The elder noticed how the saint rose into the air for a whole cubit from the surface of the earth. From this strange and unusual event, Zosima fell to his knees, began to pray fervently and did not dare to say anything except, Lord, have mercy!

A doubt came into his soul - is it not a ghost that introduces him into some kind of temptation and instructs him to sin? The holy ascetic, turning around, lifted him from the ground and answered: “Why are you so embarrassed by good intentions, Zosima? I'm not a ghost at all. I am just a woman, unworthy and full of sins, although I have found the holy

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