The most delicious redcurrant jelly recipes. Cooking jelly from red currant berries

reservoirs 17.10.2019

To prepare redcurrant jelly for the winter, you do not need anything but berries and sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1 - this is a simple recipe. Currants need to be cleaned of twigs and leaves, then boil and rub through a sieve. At the output, you will get a pure berry puree, without skins and seeds, and the jelly will eventually be transparent and uniform. It remains to add sugar, boil for 15 minutes and pour into jars.

The output from the specified amount of ingredients is 750-800 ml. I recommend using small jars for seaming, the smaller the container, the more actively the gelling process takes place. The preparation is worth it perfectly, you can store it in the cellar and in apartment conditions, away from sun rays and heating radiators.

Total cooking time: 50 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 750-800 ml

  • red currant - 700 g (net weight in the form of puree - 500 g)
  • sugar - 500 g

A simple recipe for making redcurrant jelly

Ripe berries are rinsed with running water. cold water let the water drain. We sort through, freeing from twigs, leaves and other debris. For jelly according to this recipe, select ripe, and even better, even a little overripe currant, but without signs of mold and spoilage.

Next, the berries need to be crushed with a wooden pestle. We carry out the procedure with an ordinary pusher, pressing down the currant with force so that it bursts and releases the juice. Why crush berries? Thus, the juice will stand out from them and it will not be necessary to add water to the pan. Some housewives use a meat grinder or blender for this purpose, but I don’t see the need for this. The berry softens so well, and after cooking it completely turns into a homogeneous puree.

We put the pan with currants on the stove, over medium heat. Bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes. During this time, valuable pectin, which is necessary for currant jelly to harden, will have time to boil out of the skin. You will see how, as it heats up, the remaining whole berries will burst and even more juice will stand out. As a result, the volume will decrease significantly, and the berries will boil well, it will be easy to grind them through a sieve with minimal cake waste.

Next, the currants need to be wiped through a fine sieve. It is most convenient to perform the procedure in small portions, 3-4 tablespoons at a time. The skin contains the most pectin, so we grind diligently so that the waste is minimal. The cake is discarded or reused for cooking compote. We weigh how much puree turned out - from 700 g of fresh berries I ended up with 500 g of pulp and juice. So, sugar will also need 500 g (ratio 1: 1).

Mix redcurrant puree and sugar. Stir until the sugar crystals dissolve completely.

We put on the stove and cook over low heat for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling, stirring often, without a lid to remove excess moisture. If you digest the jam, it will turn out to be a darker color. During the boiling process, do not forget to remove the foam.

Pour hot jelly into jars - sterilized, hot and dried in the oven. We roll up the boiled lids, after which we turn the jars upside down and leave them in this form for 1 hour.

We remove the jars in a dry and cool place for storage for the winter. Don't be fooled by the fact that visually, redcurrant jelly seems liquid. As it cools, it will become thicker due to the pectin contained in the berries. Already on the second day it will become thick, and after spending 3-4 weeks in the cold, it can be cut with a knife.

Redcurrant contains quite a lot of pectin, so in order to thicken the juice and puree obtained from it, you do not need to purchase and add additional components. Berry, sugar and a little time - that's all it takes to make redcurrant jelly for the winter.

Cooking features

In order to prepare a tasty and healthy redcurrant jelly that can be put in for the winter without fear that it will deteriorate, a number of points should be taken into account.

  • Regardless of the conditions under which currant jelly will be stored, it should be made from good, intact berries. Previously, the berries should be sorted and washed. Some believe that it makes no sense to remove the stalks from the berries, since the currants will still be rubbed through a sieve. In fact, for better preservation of the delicacy, it is still better to remove the stalk in advance.
  • The dishes in which the jelly will be prepared must be dry and clean. Aluminum utensils are not suitable due to their ability to release during oxidation. toxic substances. Stainless steel, enamelware, wood and ceramics, as well as plastic can be used without fear.
  • Store currant jelly in glass jars which, before filling, must not only be washed well, but also sterilized and dried. If the product was prepared without heat treatment or it was minimal, it can only be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Heat treatment allows you to store the jelly at room temperature, provided that it is sealed tightly.
  • You need to lay out the jelly in jars before it has time to thicken, so you need to prepare them in advance.
  • In order for jelly made without cooking to “seize”, you should not put it in the refrigerator immediately. It is better to do it in a day. For a longer period, you should not leave jelly prepared in the "cold way" at room temperature.

In more detail, the technology for preparing jelly is described in recipes, on which, in particular, the storage conditions of the sweet blank also depend.

Classic redcurrant jelly recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the currants, remove the stalks and debris, crushed and rotten berries. Rinse remaining in running water.
  • Place the berries in a bowl or large bowl. It is better to give preference to dishes as flat and wide as possible - this way the heating and evaporation area is larger, which significantly saves time for preparing jelly.
  • Fill the berry with water, put the basin on the fire and heat until the berry starts to burst and release juice.
  • Strain the currant juice, squeeze it out of the remaining berries by placing the berries in a sieve and rubbing through it with a wooden spatula. Try not to press too hard to avoid getting the berry skins into the jelly. If there is a lot of cake left and it would be a pity to throw it away, you can cook it delicious compote by adding sugar, water and a little citric acid.
  • Pour sugar into currant juice, stir.
  • Cook the jelly over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. After 15 minutes, the berry mass will decrease in volume by about a third.
  • Spoon the jelly into the prepared jars while still warm and roll them up. Turn over the jars and wrap. After a day, put it in the pantry - such a blank is well worth it at room temperature.

Redcurrant jelly prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very thick and sweet. It is good to use it for making various desserts.

A simple redcurrant jelly recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the berries, wash and dry. Sprinkle with sugar.
  • Leave the berry for 10 minutes, stir - the sugar should become wet.
  • Pour a little water into the basin with the berry and put it on low heat.
  • Boil 10 minutes after the water boils.
  • Transfer the resulting mass to a colander and crush a little with a spoon so that the juice pours out. Hold the colander at this time over a clean bowl or other similar container.
  • Immediately spread the resulting mass into sterilized jars.
  • Cork jars, turn over, wrap. Once they have cooled down, store them.

Jelly prepared according to a simple recipe turns out to be slightly less thick and sweet than the classic one, but it also keeps well.

Redcurrant jelly "Five minutes"

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting and washing the berries, cover them with sugar. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars.
  • Mix the berry with sugar and put the container with it on the fire. The fire must be strong enough, and the berry must be constantly stirred.
  • Boil exactly 5 minutes after boiling.
  • Wipe the berries through a sieve, while trying not to get anything extra (skins, twigs, if they were not removed immediately) into the jelly. It is better to leave more cake than to ruin the workpiece.
  • Arrange in jars, close with boiled plastic lids.
  • Leave the jelly at room temperature for 18-20 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for the winter.

The jelly prepared according to this recipe is very tender. The minimum heat treatment time allows you to save a significant part of the vitamins present in red currants.

As a rule, in each of the areas where red currant grows, it gives every year big harvest. And many housewives simply do not know what to do with such large quantity berries. And from it you can make a lot of delicious dishes.

I have already told in my articles how to cook delicious canned food for the winter. And I received feedback that many do not even know about this method of pickling cucumbers. I hope that now, having learned about this recipe, they will make one or two jars for testing, and after trying, they will already prepare more for the winter.

I also suggested cooking. And this recipe is also loved by many.

And I have another delicious currant recipe in my piggy bank, this is jelly. The recipe, I must say, is in demand. Everyone who tries the yummy cooked on it, be sure to ask to tell how to cook it.

And it's really easy to prepare. You just need to be patient and choose one and a half to two hours of free time for cooking. And then you will provide yourself with the most delicious and healthy dessert for the long cold winter.

And I will tell you that when you open a jar of such a delicacy, then get ready for the fact that nothing will remain of it on the same day. That's how delicious it is.

And it can not only be eaten with spoons, washed down with hot tea, it is good to use it for cooking second courses. The same rolls that we prepared from fresh berries can be made from it too. And nothing that it contains sugar, from this the dish will become even tastier and more aromatic. Currant jelly can also be added to various desserts, ice cream, served with and. And take my word for it tastier dish— will be hard to find.

Well, enough words, it's time to get down to business, and prepare delicious preparation for the winter.

A simple recipe for making redcurrant jelly

We will need:

  • red currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

The number of ingredients is given per 1 kg of currant. If you want to make more jelly, then put more sugar as well, but following this proportion.

If you put less sugar, then it will be sour. In addition, there is a possibility that the berry may ferment. And most importantly, instead of the declared dish, you can get thick currant juice.

We will also need a mixer, a sieve, a saucepan, a large bowl, a colander, a tablespoon, sterilized jars with screw lids.

Cookware should not be aluminum. Currant contains a large number of various natural acids, and in interaction with such dishes, its beneficial features are lost.


1. To begin with, red currants need to be thoroughly washed. During its collection, a lot of leaves, sticks and it is not clear what kind of garbage from the bush gets into the bucket.

mine this way. Pour a small portion of currants into a bowl, and pour water. All rubbish begins to float up. The whole berry remains at the bottom. Under running water all debris is flushed with water. Thus, we remove large debris.

2. Then put the berry in a colander and rinse under running water, gently moving the berry, keeping it intact. We do not want the juice from the berries to flow out. After all, it is from it and the pulp of the berry that it turns out delicious jelly.

3. Now the berries should be dried. To do this, I spread them on a large towel. There, water drains from them, and they quickly dry out.

4. Now also put the currants into the mixer bowl in parts. We scroll it at low speed. If you turn on too high a speed, then the currant turns slightly white. Therefore, in order to get a bright product beautiful color scroll it at low speed.

You can also squeeze currants through gauze. This even makes it a little faster.

5. If we still use a mixer, then after this procedure, we will rub the currants through a sieve. We put the sieve in a pan of a convenient volume, transfer the currants from the mixer bowl into it, and begin to grind with a spoon. If there is a wooden spoon, then it is better to use it.

6. Grind to such a state that only the bones and skin remain in the sieve. All the pulp and juice flows into the pan.

7. Remove the bones and skin, and put a new portion in a sieve. Thus we grind the whole berry.

When you pour out the bones, carefully scrape the pulp into the pan, with a spoon, from the back of the sieve. And then it will drip on the table, or even worse - on the floor.

8. When the whole berry has been ground, pour it with the right amount of granulated sugar and mix.

9. Leave at room temperature for 24 hours. During this time, it will be necessary to mix the mass 3-4 times so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the currant with sugar acquires a jelly-like appearance.

10. During these 24 hours, take the time to wash and sterilize the jars and lids. Wash them with baking soda or detergent. You can sterilize in any way.

Either steam, using a colander and a saucepan, or in the oven, or simply pour boiling water on 1/3 of a jar and cover with lids boiled for 10 minutes in water. Hold for 5-10 minutes, then twist the jar with hot water from side to side to cover the entire surface of the jar with it. Then drain the water, and turn the jar upside down and put on a towel to drain the water.

If you scald jars with boiling water, then so that the jar does not burst, you can use this method.

Put a tablespoon in the jar, and pour boiling water not into the jar, but into the spoon. Gradually pour right amount water. Do not do it quickly, and then the bank will remain safe and sound.

11. After 24 hours, mix the contents again and transfer to sterilized and dried jars. Screw on the lid.

It is better to use new covers. If the cover is old, and even more so if there are scratches on it, then it is better to refuse this one. When interacting with such a surface, the acid contained in the berries will continue to corrode the scratch and all the consequences of this reaction will be in our workpiece. And we can't let that happen!

After all, we want to get a natural useful product, in which all useful vitamins and micronutrients. And there are a lot of them in red currant.

12. It is recommended to store such a redcurrant preparation in the refrigerator. Still, this is a fresh berry, and it is in the refrigerator that it is likely to save all its useful substances.

As you can see, the recipe is quite simple. Most of the time is required to wash and grind the berries. The rest of the time it stands, and cooks almost on its own.

And in conclusion, I want to say that the finished product according to this recipe is very tasty and healthy. Get ready and try it!

We examined the recipe, where the currant is not subjected to any heat treatment. But there is another recipe where currants can be boiled and also get a delicious result.

Jelly - five minutes

We will need:

  • red currant - 1 kg
  • sugar 1-1.3 kg


This method is very similar to the first, except that here we cook currants. Therefore, I will not describe all the steps in such detail. You can see them with all the details in the first recipe.

1. Wash and dry currants.

2. Scroll it in the blender bowl.

3. Grind through a sieve.

4. Add sugar. Since currants are cooked, less sugar can be added than in the first recipe. First, add 1 kg of sugar, during the cooking process, try it, if the taste seems sour to you, then add more to your liking.

5. Put on a slow fire. Boil.

6. Remove foam carefully. If you leave it, then the product may ferment.

7. After it boils, cook for 5 minutes.

8. Then turn off the heat, and cover the jam with a lid and leave for 12 hours until completely cooled.

9. Then put on fire again, bring to a boil, stirring and removing the foam. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes.

10. Immediately pour into sterilized jars to the very top. And close with screw caps.

11. It is better to store in the refrigerator, but it is also possible in a cold place, for example, in the basement, or in the "Khrushchev" refrigerator, who still has such a rarity. My mother keeps in such a refrigerator both lingonberries grated with sugar and other jams. Everything is well kept there.

When you pour the jam into jars while hot, it will be liquid. Then, when it cools down, it will thicken. It will thicken even more when left in the cold.

This jelly will differ in color from the first option. There it turns out a bright, saturated color. And here the color is thicker, darker. But no less beautiful.

In what cases is it better to use the second recipe?

Usually I try to harvest fresh berries. But if for one reason or another I don’t have time to process the whole berry, and I have it for 2-3 days in the refrigerator, then I’d better cook such a berry. You need to cook if the berry is no longer whole, slightly bursting. If you cook such a berry without cooking, then it can ferment. And if you cook it twice for 5 minutes, then it will definitely remain, and will delight us all winter.

Choose one of the ways and stock up on red currants for the winter. And this delicious useful berry will give you many pleasant moments in winter. Save for you a piece of warm summer and sunshine!

Bon appetit!

Summer is the most the best time for the health of the body. After all, it is in the summer that most fruits, berries and vegetables sing, which perfectly saturate the body with a mass of vitamins and minerals. minerals. They can be eaten fresh on their own, and in the form of various desserts, complex and simple meals, snacks and even drinks. And an excellent berry for such culinary experiments will be red currant. From it you can cook a variety of dishes: fruit drinks, jams, juices and jams. Today we’ll talk about how redcurrant jelly is prepared, we’ll give proven recipes for the winter.

The easiest recipe for currant jelly

To prepare the simplest currant jelly, you need to prepare two kilograms of currants and one kilogram of sugar.

First of all, wash the berries thoroughly and peel them from the stalks. Then grind the fruit through a sieve using a potato masher. As a result, you will get currant juice in an amount of about one liter. For this liter of juice you need to use one kilogram of sugar. Gradually stir it into the juice so that the sugar dissolves. After that, roll up the resulting composition in sterilized jars and send it to the refrigerator for storage. Since redcurrant contains quite a lot of pectin, it will turn into jelly on its own.

Another easy redcurrant jelly recipe

To prepare this version of jelly, you need to stock up on a kilogram of berries and a kilogram of sugar.

Wash and dry the fruit a little. It is not necessary to clean them from tails. Send currants to a suitable container. After pour one kilogram of sugar into it and mix well. Leave the currants alone, and only stir occasionally until the sugar is moist. After that, send the container with the sugar-berry mixture to a strong fire and cook the future jelly for eight minutes. All this time, be sure to stir the mixture using a wooden spoon with a long handle.

Next, pour the resulting mass into a colander and wipe. As a result, you will get a jelly that will harden pretty quickly. Pour it into jars and leave without lids until completely cool. This could take all night. In the morning you will find a film on the surface of the jelly. Wrap the jars with lids and send for storage. This dessert keeps well outside the refrigerator.

Boiled redcurrant jelly

To prepare this version of jelly, you need to stock up on one kilogram of red currants, eight hundred grams of sugar and fifty grams of water.
First of all, wash the berries, dry them a little and remove the stalks. Put the fruits in a saucepan and cover with water. Send them to a medium fire and cook, stirring. After the berries begin to burst from heating, push them a little with a pusher. So the currants will begin to give juice a little faster, and you can shorten the heating period, so that the finished jelly will contain more vitamins.

After boiling, boil the currant mass for five to seven minutes, with constant stirring. Then quickly strain it through a fine sieve.

In the event that you want to get the most transparent jelly without impurities, you should not apply force and squeeze out all the puree from the berry mass: use only the liquid that drains from the berries itself. In this case, you need to stir the currants with a spoon so that the juice drains easier.

Next, pour sugar into the currant juice, put it on the fire and cook exactly until the syrup thickens. Remove the mass from the heat and pour it into sterilized jars. Cork the jelly with lids, cool and store.

Redcurrant jelly with raspberries and blackcurrants

To prepare this variant of jelly, you need to prepare three glasses of red currant juice, a glass of raspberry juice and another black currant juice in the same volume. One glass of juice is obtained from about two glasses of berries. Also use one kilogram and two hundred grams of sugar.

To obtain juice, the berries can be mashed with a crush or blender and squeeze the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Combine all three types of juice in a saucepan, add sugar to them and heat with vigorous stirring so that the sugar disperses. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Additional Information

Redcurrant jelly is not only very tasty, but also very healthy dessert. Such a preparation is a source of a mass of vitamins and minerals, especially if it is prepared without heat treatment or with minimal heating. Red currant jelly saturates the body with the lion's amount of provitamin A, which is extremely important for the health of hair and skin, for maintaining immunity and for the full functioning of the visual apparatus. This dessert contains several antioxidants that prevent aging and reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

Red currant jelly has a positive effect on the digestive tract, prevents constipation and improves appetite. Useful components in its composition provide a decrease in body temperature, help reduce pain, eliminate anemia. Such a dessert will be especially useful for colds, loss of strength, some allergic diseases if a violation occurs menstrual cycle in women, chronic fatigue syndrome. But it is not recommended to eat it beyond measure, because it contains quite a lot of sugar.

It is quite possible to cook redcurrant jelly without cooking. Moreover, without the use of heat treatment, such a delicacy is much tastier and healthier. After all, it is no secret to anyone that elevated temperature many berries are deprived of most of their vitamins and other elements.

There are several ways to make redcurrant jelly at home without cooking. In this article, we will present you the most simple recipes, for the implementation of which will not require too much free time.

Step-by-step recipe for redcurrant jelly without cooking

Many cooks know that redcurrant contains a large amount of pectin. Such a substance is a gelling agent. Thanks to him, currant jam always turns out thick and very tasty. By the way, pectin is very useful for those who have problems with joints and cartilage. Therefore, we recommend that you stock up on the mentioned berry in advance and make a large amount of a delicious dessert out of it, which you can enjoy throughout the long winter.

Product selection

Where can you buy a product like red currant? It is advisable to prepare jelly for the winter without cooking using freshly picked berries. Therefore, it should be purchased on the market, from summer residents.

If you yourself are one, then the red currant should be harvested only after it is fully ripe, when it has just begun to crumble from the bush. If you use such a berry in an unripe form, then your dessert (especially without heat treatment) will turn out to be impossibly sour.

processing process

How is red currant (jelly) processed? A recipe without cooking may require a different sequence of actions. It depends on which method of preparing this delicacy you have chosen. But in any case, the berry must be carefully sorted out and separated from the branches.

This product must be washed. It is poured with warm water and kept in it for about 10 minutes. After that, red currants are put in portions in a colander or sieve and rinsed thoroughly. Then it is shaken off and used for its intended purpose.

Cooking delicious jelly from redcurrant juice without cooking

From the very beginning, it may seem that making such a treat is very difficult. But when you delve into the process of its preparation, it will become clear that there is nothing supernatural in this. You only need to strictly follow all the recommendations of the recipe and use required amount products.

So what ingredients do we need to make redcurrant juice jelly without boiling? To implement this recipe, you must purchase:

  • freshly picked ripe berry (red currant) - about 3 kg;
  • beet sugar - about 2.8 kg.

Step by step cooking method

Now you know how red currants are selected and processed. Jelly without cooking will turn out to be the most delicious if you use a conventional meat grinder to grind such a berry.

All currants are carefully passed through this kitchen device. In this case, a rather thick and fragrant slurry of bright red color is formed. How to get berry juice from it? A juicer is not suitable for this, so we decided to use the old-fashioned way.

Taking a deep dish, put on it a multi-layered gauze or any other cotton fabric (preferably dense). A few tablespoons of berry gruel are laid out in it, and then they are taken by the edges and squeezed hard.

As a result of such actions, you should get highly concentrated currant juice. By the way, the cake left after spinning should not be thrown away. It can make a very tasty and healthy fruit drink.

As soon as the juice is completely squeezed out of the twisted red currant, proceed to the preparation of jelly. To do this, put all the granulated sugar into the drink and stir it very intensively. By the way, for these purposes, you can use a mixer or blender.

How many red currants are whipped? Jelly without cooking should not crunch on the teeth. Therefore, the ingredients should be mixed until the granulated sugar is completely melted. During this process, you should end up with a thick, jelly-like dessert.

How to store and eat?

As you can see, redcurrant jelly without cooking is quite simple to make. After you have formed a thick and sweet berry mass, it is distributed among the jars. Containers for such a dessert should be used in small sizes (0.5, 0.7 and 1 l).

A fragrant product is laid out in them, covered with plastic lids and cleaned in refrigerator compartment. If you store such a delicacy at room temperature or in a cellar, then it can deteriorate very quickly, since it has not been heat-treated.

Tasty and fragrant berry jelly should be consumed with hot tea. Some cooks use this product to make sweet sandwiches. To do this, jelly is applied to a slice of bread or crispy toast, and then served for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

Making a delicious berry dessert with gelatin

Redcurrant jelly can be cooked without cooking different ways. Like it or not, but the above recipe is quite laborious. If you don’t have time to squeeze out all its juice from berry porridge, then we suggest making such a dessert, bypassing this difficult and costly process.

So, to make redcurrant jelly without cooking, you need to purchase the following components:

  • freshly picked ripe berries (red currant) - about 3 kg;
  • beet sugar - about 2.8 kg;
  • drinking water - 2/3 cup;
  • food gelatin - 25 g.

The process of making homemade dessert

Prepare red currants for jelly in exactly the same way as described at the very beginning of the article. After the berry is devoid of debris and twigs, they begin to grind it. To do this, the product is portioned out in a blender bowl, where part of the granulated sugar is also added.

After whisking the ingredients well at the highest speed, they are transferred to a deep bowl and proceed to process the remaining components.

As soon as the redcurrant with sugar turns into a puree, it is thoroughly mixed and left at room temperature for 45-60 minutes. Meanwhile, start preparing the gelatin. Pour it into a bowl and pour 2/3 cup drinking water. In this state, edible gelatin is kept for 35 minutes. After that, it is put on a very low fire and slowly warmed up.

After preparation and partial cooling of the gelatin solution, it is poured in a thin stream to the sweet berry mass. At the same time, it is constantly stirred with a large spoon.

Final stage

Having achieved complete dissolution of sugar and obtaining a homogeneous berry mass, it is distributed over pre-prepared jars. Having closed the containers with boiled lids, they are sent to the refrigerator.

Red currant treats should be consumed only after a few hours (6-8). During this time, the dessert will harden well, become thick and very tasty.

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