A letter to a loved one in the army from a girl sample. I'll wait for you from the army

reservoirs 18.10.2019

It would seem - why in our modern world, in the age of high technology, write letters by hand? Even a guy in the army can just call mobile phone(it's good that they are now allowed by the servicemen) or send him a text message. But most of the time due to long distance you can go broke on calls, plus the phone is not always available to the soldier, and you can’t tell a lot over the phone - how and what happens in civilian life. And most importantly - a letter for an army man is like a kind of fetish - you just need to have a folded piece of paper with scribbles from your beloved in your inner pocket, near your heart - it warms.

The hardships of army service - why you need support by letters

A young guy who still does not know anything really about life, fledgling, almost immediately after school falls into the trap of the army. There is nothing to be done - it seems like the state needs to repay a debt that it did not borrow from it. But it is better to go through this "school of life" right away, so that later you do not run away from the state - the "creditor".

Only the psychological moment is not taken into account: 18 years is the age of first love, big plans and ambitions, but if you want to postpone everything for a year, you don’t want to, but you have to. The hardest thing is to part with your girlfriend or even a young wife. The blackest thoughts come into my head: what if she doesn’t wait, will she change or go to another? Even a close friend is scary to trust.

That is why, every news that comes from home (from parents or from a girlfriend) is so important for a guy. At one point, he is ready to abstract from everything around him and read every line with rapture. And no “boiled” psychologist is needed: it is the letter that can calm the heart.

Modern youth has practically forgotten how to write with a ballpoint pen: a letter typed on the “clave” is written much faster, and it is easier to read. But it has no soul. Kazenka "smells". And the letters carefully drawn with a ballpoint pen look even nicer. Well, imagine that you and your lover got into the past, and there is no way to write in the old fashioned way. And now a few rules:

    There is no point even talking about literacy and punctuation. Respect yourself and your young man- write correctly.

    Start your letter with a very gentle and affectionate address. Well, what did you call him before the army, and at the same time he was thrilled with a buzz? That's right.

    Dedicate the first paragraph to your feelings - how you miss him, how you wait for him, how you can’t sleep at night, thinking about him. This will immediately cheer him up and calm him down - it means that there will be nothing bad in the text.

    The more witty humor, the better. A guy in his unhappy position needs to laugh and smile more often.

    Of course, it is advisable to write without obscene slang - a fighter will want to read some passages from life in civilian life to his colleagues, and he will have to stutter to remove your verbal garbage.

    The middle of your message is all about news in civilian life, but only in positive tones. Even some minor troubles can be served under the "sweet sauce", if you look at the problem from the other side.

    Write about things that make him happy—about his parents you're on the phone with, about the last meeting that's coming up, even if there's still a good half of his service left.

    He does not need your girlish gossip - leave them for your girlfriends. And in general - be careful in words: the fighters' nerves are always on edge, and even a story about your harmless bachelorette party in a nightclub can become a reason for unreasonable jealousy.

    Avoid Internet formulaic phrases if you don't know what else to write. Better short and succinct, but in his own words, understandable to him. A paragraph about the weather, a paragraph about studying, and between them - touching words of love: now the letter has turned out.

    Ask your fighter more about his army and how he is served. Be absolutely interested in everything - he will be pleased to think that you care about how he lives there and what feelings he experiences.

    Do not forget to arrange everything beautifully: with hearts in the margins of your message, and of course with the word "Kiss" put the imprint of your lips in lipstick.

    Write as often as possible - the fighter is looking forward to it.

Put soul and surprises into the letter

It's not just your kind messages that can make a fighter smile. A photograph, a surprise or a small trinket enclosed in an envelope will also evoke tender feelings in your soldier (or sailor).


Seasonal surprises

All year round - that's how much any guy in the army now serves. As many as 4 seasons. And every season has its own peculiarities. Therefore, if you want to surprise him with something, send him a tiny herbarium along with your news. Just dry a leaf, flower or a thin twig between the sheets of the book, and clamp it with a press. But you will find the features of preserving the bright colors of plants on the Internet.

  • Winter: the very tip of the Christmas tree branch. It's great if your letter arrives at the very New Year, maybe even coniferous aroma will remain in the envelope. Such a surprise!
  • Spring: flower of lily of the valley, snowdrop, coltsfoot.
  • Summer: there is already a violent fantasy is not required. Summer itself dictates it.
  • Autumn: well, of course, yellow or red leaves.

cute bauble

With the advent of holidays (especially personal ones - for example, birthdays), every fighter wants some kind of gifts or surprises. Indeed, without them, this holiday will only add sadness to the army. Parcels with sweets are usually sent by parents, but you can also please your servant - for example, with an original postcard made by yourself.

If you don’t know how to do it, learn from those who are used to doing this on Valentine’s Day. Ribbons are glued there, foil, joint photos in a heart, again, a herbarium to help. Yes, and all the information can be found on the Internet - how to do it in an original way, the main thing is to put all your tender feelings into your craft.

And finally

A year of separation is an unpleasant but necessary test. It's good that it's not the same as it used to be - two, or even three years. Yes, and sent to serve very far from home, which is now a rarity. Plus, it’s difficult to communicate, but you can still use your mobile phone. It is not difficult to wait for a fighter at the present time. You will see - time apart will only strengthen your feelings if they are real. Therefore, take care of your beloved, write more often and be sure to wait.

Often the army becomes the first serious test of feelings for young people. Separation is not for everyone. But, according to the French writer Simone de Beauvoir, if love is strong enough, then expectation becomes happiness. This, first of all, concerns the soldier's girl, who lives for a future meeting.

Are you overwhelmed by the feeling that a separation of 1.5 - 2 years will last forever and never end? Believe me, you will not be so lonely if you start sending letters to your young soldier. But you need to do this correctly, so that after reading your news, he knows: he has where and to whom to return, and does not think that his stay in the service makes someone unhappy. No matter how sad you are, try to write lines so that they cheer up your boyfriend, and he was waiting for your meeting, and not cursing his days of service.

To write a wonderful love letter,
you just have to start writing without knowing what you want to say,
and finish without knowing what they wrote about ...
J.-J. Rousseau

Have you never written a letter before? Believe me, it's not scary. Pay attention to the words of the famous French writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Just pick up a pen, put it in front of you Blank sheet paper and try to put on paper everything that you are experiencing at this moment. The hardest part is getting started. And, let the first letters be decorated with droplets of your tears and, after re-reading it, it will seem to you that this is not at all, but your boyfriend will definitely understand you. After all, the feeling of resentment from the forced separation overwhelms not only you, but also him. Over time, it will not be so difficult for you to look for words to tell how you are waiting for the time of your meeting. Don't look online samples and templates of ready-made letters. A loving heart will tell you the right words. What can you write about?

  • The first thing that a guy who is in the army should experience is that his girlfriend is not only waiting, but proud and admire what he serves. Write that it’s very difficult for you, but at the same time it’s nice to feel like the one who is waiting for her beloved from the army. Tell how your girlfriends envy you, that you are so brave with her and didn’t deviate from your duty, as many do now.
  • There is no need to talk about the fact that some of your acquaintances, whose boyfriend is also in the army, goes to discos, to parties, but you do not do this, because you are waiting for him faithfully and faithfully at home. Just say that you don’t feel like it now, that without it you are not interested in going somewhere. But time will pass, you will come and we ... (then start talking about how you imagine the meeting and the first walk)
  • Be sure to try to keep in touch with his family. Call, and if you are well acquainted with his mother, run to her for a cup of tea. Believe me, the young man will be very pleased to hear from you.
  • Don't know what else to write about? Tell me about the weather. Yes Yes. Just describing the autumn rain, do not forget to drop a couple of lines that it reminds you that you have a similar state in your soul. And talking about the first snow, remember how fun you played in the winter, or how it warmed you with its warmth on winter evenings.
  • Are you wondering how your boyfriend lives? Ask him what a military unit, company, barracks is. How are the beds? Is it true that all soldiers have time to get dressed in 40 seconds? That is, let him tell you about his life.

In between the lines - the meaning
Well, there are a lot of good words in the lines

Do not write in letters to the army some intimate details your meetings. In many military units, messages from relatives are read. Also, you should not reproach him for the fact that he communicates little with you and does not answer letters. The main thing is that you keep in touch with him. Let it be his rare messages or a 10-minute telephone conversation but you know he loves you.

The guy will be very pleased to pick up a letter that at first glance will show that he was sent by his girlfriend. Take a few extra minutes and decorate the message once drawn hearts and next time let it be funny stickers. Perhaps these will be cool images of guys in uniform, and under them make comic captions that you can take from the Internet. We also recommend sprinkle the letter with your perfume. Believe me, a light aroma will remain. And be sure kiss in the form of traces of your lips.

Serving in the army is a difficult step that will test the strength of your relationship. You must support each other and wait. And the fact that you are always ready to be with him, he will find out when he receives a long-awaited envelope in which a piece of your love is hidden. After all, according to Liz Carpenter, people have lost so much by not writing letters. After all, a phone conversation cannot be read over and over again.

Julia Spiridonova especially for

Hundreds and even thousands of kilometers separate two loving hearts. This is a real test of the senses. A young man in the army has a much harder time than a girl who is waiting for him at home. It is not always possible to call. Sometimes loved ones do not hear each other's native voices for months. To show the guy you care and add romance to the relationship, you can write a letter to your beloved in the army.

No matter how hard it was for the girl, she is at home. She is surrounded by familiar surroundings, familiar activities, family and friends. The young man is different. He finds himself in a place completely unknown to him, he is surrounded by people unfamiliar to him. The guy's daily routine changes dramatically, to which he must get used. At this moment, he needs the support of his beloved more than ever.

How to support a guy in the army? Of course, write a letter to your beloved! Starting to write, you need to remember all the pleasant moments that are associated with your loved one. Memories will bring a smile to your face, which means it will be easier to write, and necessary words come to mind on their own. Write a guy a letter to the army - give a twist to the relationship. In a letter, you can describe all the feelings and emotions that a girl experiences for her beloved. All feelings must come from the heart. The girl in the letter should write about how much she loves the soldier and is looking forward to his return. You can also describe that the girl is very ill without him and she suffers.

A loved one can describe how the days go by while waiting. You shouldn't skimp on beautiful words. Guys also love it when nice things are said about them. In the letter, you can indicate the changes that have happened in life, but only good ones. After reading the letter by a soldier, he should have only pleasant emotions, so he should not talk about the conflicts that happened with his girlfriend, about the death of his beloved cat, etc. If he learns bad news, all his thoughts will be connected only with it, and it will prevent him from serving as he should.

Also, don't gossip. Most likely, he will not be interested at all. After all, everything that excites a soldier on this moment life is how the beloved girl spends her days apart, how much she loves him and waits. A girl can start a calendar and cross out the past day every day, count the days until the return of her beloved. He will love it.

A girl can write that she is very proud of her soldier. If she communicates with the mother of a soldier, then you can go to visit her and find out how she is doing. She will be very pleased. In a letter to a soldier, you can talk about this. He will be pleasantly surprised, and in this act he will see the serious intentions of his beloved. This will give him confidence that he is really expected.

A girl should not write that she does not hate the army, because for a young soldier, serving in the army can be very important. When he finds out about this, he is unlikely to be happy. It will only upset him and ruin his mood. This means that he will not be able to repay his debt to the Motherland with full dedication.

Having described in the letter all the changes that have taken place in the girl’s life, it is necessary to ask how he is doing, how he feels, being at a distance from his home and his beloved, whether he is used to new living conditions. In order to make the letter more original and memorable, you can attach a photo to the letter. It can be a separate photo of a girl, or a joint photo with a loved one. This will give him the strength he needs. You can put some kind of amulet in the envelope that carries a meaning. For example, a pendant in the shape of a heart.

Of course, he will not wear it around his neck, but most likely he will put it in his breast pocket, closer to his heart. Each time, looking into this pocket, he will see the pendant and remember his beloved, who is waiting for him very much. In the letter, you must definitely cheer up the fighter. You can write to him about your dreams for the future that are associated with him. You can find some beautiful verse on the Internet that would convey all the feelings, and write it in a letter as a beautiful conclusion.

If a girl has a poetic talent, then you can write a verse yourself. Your loved one will definitely appreciate it and be proud of it. At the end of the letter, the girl should definitely repeat once again that she loves him very much, misses him and is waiting. When finished writing, you can sprinkle the letter with your perfume, which is familiar to the soldier. Having opened the envelope, the beloved will feel the native smell and for a moment imagine that his beloved is somewhere nearby. He will be pleased. On the envelope in which the girl puts the letter, it is necessary to indicate the unit number, company and platoon.

You need to write a letter carefully, with love. After all, most likely this letter will be re-read more than a dozen times. After all, this is exactly the thread that will connect the soldier with his beloved girl. In the event that the girl receives a response letter, one should not scold the soldier for the fact that the letter went for a long time. Most likely, he did everything possible so that his beloved received his answer as soon as possible. There are times when letters get lost in transit. The girl should be ready for this, but still hope that all love messages will be delivered to the address.

Letters that girls send to guys in the army are very close. During the separation, both partners can realize all their mistakes, look at all the quarrels that have taken place from a different angle. You can even apologize again for some moments. All this will only bring together two loving hearts.

It should be remembered that a letter written by a beloved girl is very valuable for a soldier. Perhaps, in many years, both partners will remember with a smile this difficult time for them and re-read the letters written with great love and warmth!

The epistolary genre goes far into the past, so not everyone knows how to write letters correctly. And sometimes you have to do it. For example, when a guy leaves to serve in the army. A letter to a guy in the army helps him get through a difficult period.

A letter to a guy in the army is a special letter. Although they say that reading other people's letters is the highest degree of bad manners, letters to an active military unit are always looked through. And this is not done because the commander is curious about who the young soldier meets. It's just that it has long been known that the information that yesterday's conscript receives from a "citizen" can undermine his morale for a long time, drive him into depression, or, on the contrary, help him to serve with dignity.

It is especially important that the first letters do not contain negative information.

Even if something happened at home, you should not report it in personal letters.

To protect the soldiers from emotional breakdowns, negative information is presented officially in a business setting. If something happened to parents, relatives, the commander reports everything. In many cases, soldiers are given days off during rehabilitation. The impact of negative information when accessing firearms poses a danger not only to the life of the soldier himself, but also to those around him.

Personal information should also be positive. You should not blame your beloved for being inattentive, not writing, not saying the words that are expected of him. The everyday life of a soldier is filled with exercises to the maximum - he has no time to write long letters from the heart.

You should not understand situations that have not been fully clarified in civilian life. The guy is now quite difficult, he feels lonely. Why add emotional difficulties to him?

When starting a letter, you need to express your feelings for your loved one without excessive sentimentality. It is imperative to mention in the text of the letter that without him it is very difficult, difficult, that memories of meetings are constantly scrolling and pictures of future happiness are drawn.

It should be written - especially in the first letters - that there is pride in a loved one who fulfills his duty to the Motherland, that it is pleasant. Girlfriends envy that there is such a defender.

Not only is it worth talking about yourself, but also asking about his affairs, being interested in army friends, how is the service going? Trying to ask questions is required so that the guy shares his inner feelings, then it will be easier for him.

Even if it’s not very interesting, it’s worth asking again about some subtleties of the service, personal relationships. So the guy will understand that his affairs are not indifferent.

No complaints about others that they "stick" badly."

Some girls manage to insert phrases into a letter to a guy in the army that unsettle him for a long time. They try to show how much they are in demand, not suspecting how it hurts loving hearts. It is better not to report information on how many guys are courting.

You need to sit down to write a letter to a guy in the army in a calm atmosphere, carefully considering each phrase. If in oral conversation a careless word can be softened with laughter, a tone of voice, then the written is perceived directly.

The letter will look touching if you put it in own photo, a postcard, some picture that will bring back pleasant memories.

The text of the letter should be approximately similar to this.

"Hello, my beloved! I'm really waiting for you, and don't even doubt - this time will fly by unnoticed. I will study (work), and constantly think about you. Believe me, the military service will end, and we will definitely be together.

I feel sad and lonely without you, I constantly scroll through your words, our meetings. Remember you gave me soft toy and I'm offended? I thought you thought I was small. Now I sleep with this bunny-bear-mouse and think about you.

I love you very much.

I am proud that you joined the army, did not invent all sorts of nonsense. I am very pleased how serious you are about military duty, you will make an excellent husband and a wonderful father, you will always be the protector of the family.

How are you doing? What are you doing in free time do you have it? Be careful, take care of yourself for me.

I am happy when I receive your letters. They have so much tenderness. I am very pleased that you remember me even in difficult moments of your life. We will meet soon and we will never part.

I miss you, I kiss you, I wait! "

It happens that over time, the correspondence subsides, and not because love has ended. It’s just that letters gradually become monotonous – you can’t endlessly rewrite memories. In order to revive communication, it is required to ask a few questions among gentle words, but not on duty - how is your health? - and those that relate to the real situation and talk about their studies, work. It is good to consult how to communicate with colleagues or classmates.

You can talk about everyday problems in gentle letters, not forgetting about your love. It may look like this: “I got up this morning, thought about you, and applied it automatically toothpaste past the brush. Do you remember how when you called me? ” Or: “They turned off the light, and then the plugs burned out. Sat half the evening in the dark. If you, beloved, were nearby, you would immediately guess what to do.

When is it possible to send emails, the correspondence will be more lively.

A letter to a guy in the army should not be full of complaints that you need to come and deal with someone. From afar, he cannot do this, and the information upsets him. maybe you should not create situations yourself, after which you will definitely need a defender?

A letter to a guy in the army should convey all the love for him. He must feel that he has a reliable rear at home, that he is expected and loved. Thanks to letters, separation helps lovers to get even closer and understand how much they need each other.

Today, military service is a very rare phenomenon, it was once upon a time they waited two years from the army, while writing letters full of love and hope, it was a kind of feat. Nowadays, they serve only a year and the girl who saw the guy off to the army is waiting and believing in his love. In order to express all your feelings, you can write confessions in poetry or prose, but it is imperative that they come from the bottom of your heart. Guy serving in the ranks Russian army, this is her future protector, who will be pleased to hear words of love from a person dear to him. Surprise him and confess your feelings by writing him words dear to your heart. Let it be your little secret, in the vast ocean of love. Having received recognition from their beloved girl, they will not be able to leave anyone indifferent, and will only increase hope and faith in love.

I'll wait for you my dear
This year will fly by
You will come in rank, my love,
Our meeting will pleasantly surprise me.
I wish you happiness and health
So that the service is calm,
To bring up an army of serious
A brave and real man.

Time will fly by quickly, you won't notice
We will celebrate your return soon
I miss you always
I look forward to hearing from you.
I will wait for you, I promise
Without you, my love, I suffer
I wish you peaceful victories and good luck,
Let everything bring you luck in addition.

I miss you every day
I will give you my kiss with a fast wind,
And I expect an immediate response from you.
If you encounter difficulties, fight
Don't be discouraged - be confident
May you be lucky in everything, always
Let fate be your guardian.

Love at a distance is strong
She is pure, mutual and beautiful,
It blooms like a spring garden always,
Rest assured, I will wait for you, my dear.
I'm waiting for you, my love,
More than anything in the world, I love you
I want to cling to a strong shoulder,
To never fall apart again.

So I want to be with you,
You have a little more to do,
Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you
Your love is like a beacon for me.
You serve, and I'll wait for you,
And at the meeting I will gently smile,
I will hug and kiss you
I really miss you.

What a pity that I do not see your eyes,
What a pity that I can not hug you,
How I hate our separation, I hate distances,
You're in the army, I can only wait.
I will be strong, I will take an example from you,
When I want to cry, I still endure
When you return, I will hug you tightly,
I will say that I love you.

Gone to serve my dear boy,
And I'm proud of you, my love, I'm very glad
That our relationship is like in a movie, like in a book,
I love you so much, I don't need another.
I'm waiting for you, and you bravely serve the country,
I will wait for our desired meeting,
After all, you are the most important man in my life,
You are the best, my most long-awaited.

Today it's raining, tomorrow it's going to snow
You stand at your post, the country sleeps peacefully,
I'm waiting for you, my good soldier,
I need you, I need your love.
I will reach out to you with my heart through the distance,
I will not be afraid of the peaks of the mountains and the waves of the seas,
After all, my most cherished desire
So that you return home to me as soon as possible.

Every evening the stars draw your image for me,
I watch him until the night is gone
I'm alone without you in civilian life,
This service of yours has exhausted me all.
How I want to see the look at least once
Beloved eyes that look straight into the soul,
How long to wait when you come back
But I'll wait for you, soldier, I won't break my oath.

You are not next to me, only a photo,
How do you look in uniform okay, okay,
I look longingly as someone walks in pairs,
And my cute boy went to the army.
Separation once again check the relationship,
From trials, let love become stronger
All together let them fail,
And you and I will live brighter, more fun.

The night has fallen, and the city sleeps peacefully,
And I'm looking at your photo in uniform, I'm not sleeping,
My beloved, you stand guard over the Motherland,
My sweet boy, I love you.
I'll flip through the album a hundred more times,
Longing just bitten, that's an infection,
I mark each day in my calendar,
Stronger than you, I await orders.

For another day, happiness has become closer to me,
Another day your service has become shorter,
How long, my soldier, I don't see you
I counted the days before your order today,
Serve calmly, because I'm waiting for you and I believe
That the return day is not far off,
When the doors open one morning
With you, we will be the happiest of all in the world.

The train started, leaving a trail of smoke
We are at a distance now, and the hearts beat as one,
Three winters, autumns, springs and summers,
I will wait for you sms - hello.
Serve, my dear, and don't worry
I'll still wait for you
My love for you is so strong
That she has the strength to wait for you from the army.

We are not afraid of any distance,
Our love will endure any trials
We are separated by kilometers, but hearts beat in unison,
Our meeting is not far off, but already close.
You serve calmly, and I'll wait for you,
I will drive away sadness and sadness from myself,
After all, the year will fly by like a fast bird,
And happiness will knock on us again.

We were tested by fate,
I'll have to live without you for a whole year
Don't worry, I'll wait for you
Let our feelings be stronger.
I'll wait for you, my love
I can be persistent and strong
Distances don't scare me
My love for you is like granite, strong.

Are you in a tank or in a plane
At sea or underground
After all, the army is work for you,
Although a little more difficult.
I know you serve well!
And I'm always proud of you!
I, like the Motherland, am calm.
And I'll wait for you, soldier!

I'm waiting for you, my best
You open the door of your heart
Fill your soul with love
And make your heart beat.
But now I love you, I miss you
And I count the moments
You will come and melt
Ice of sorrows and doubts...

We are now apart,
These forced trials are just torments,
You are a thousand miles away from me
How I miss you.
My dear soldier, serve calmly,
All the best is ahead of us,
I love you more and more
I want to be only, my love, yours.

A year of separation is not much
Drive anxiety out of my heart
I'll wait for you, my love
Let the service be peaceful and calm.
I wish you only happiness
Let all bad weather disappear
Let the mood be great
May the return be sweet.

You are my protection and support,
If you are on duty, I am calm,
After all, real men serve in the army,
And you, my beloved, do not graze the back.
I'm looking forward to our meeting
Time flies by like the wind
You will come to demobilization in the spring,
Then we will play a wedding with you.

You are my soldier - I'm glad
After all, to serve the Motherland is a reward for a guy,
Winter and summer will fly by,
We will meet again, my love.
I'll be waiting for you, don't worry
Separation will make love stronger
May the service be peaceful and calm,
May the amulet of my love keep you.

On the platform we stand, holding hands,
Ahead of us are days of long separation,
In the spring you were drafted into the army,
It was like half of my heart had been torn off.
I love you, my dear soldier,
May your service be happy
I will always be with you in my thoughts,
I look forward to seeing you next spring.

You and I are separated by kilometers,
Fate gave us a test
We will definitely endure it.
Because our love is pure and strong.
Let my love protect you
Let all worries forget you
Soldier - sounds proud and beautiful,
I will miss you, my love.

You have matured so much
And became quite serious
A year of service, not a short term,
But a huge lesson for the guys.
I promise to wait for you, my love
May the service be peaceful and happy,
May my love always protect
May there be many good days.

My dear, serve your service
Make friends with fellow countrymen
Give a rebuff to those who climb,
And be useful for the country!
I'm waiting for you, my soldier!
I bought a new coat
When you arrive in a year -
I'll give you a striptease!

I will never forget a minute
That sad look "I miss you"
Fatal station morning
On this day, I accompanied you ...
A year will pass and we'll meet again
But why are these tears again,
Wasn't ready for a breakup
The pain of separation is serious...

I love you, and I'm waiting for you, soldier,
As our grandmothers once waited.
You will be happy with every news from home,
And I am glad for your short letters.
I look at the photo, my heart is hot,
After all, the year will fly by just unnoticed!
Hurry to hug your shoulder again,
And quietly melt under the smoke of your cigarette ...

Somewhere a soldier is serving in the distance,
But only the winds will carry my passion...
I think forever about you
Like a disease that dared to attack
And take over my heart forever
And again I wait, I remember you ...
Think about it and everything will be easier
Remember, your beloved is waiting and dear ...

Under the tearing soul march "Farewell of the Slav"
I saw you off for a long, long year.
Now weapons and footcloths are waiting for you there.
I am waiting for your greetings.
But I try to just wait and not cry
As our mothers and grandmothers have been waiting for a long time.
And let gossip scare them, they can’t croak grief,
I'll be the first to see you through my window!

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