Model range of well pumps “Vikhr. The principle of operation and types of borehole pumps Vortex Types of borehole devices Vortex and their features

landscaping 20.06.2020

Every day, owners of private houses or summer cottages are increasingly asking themselves the question of drilling a well or a well on their territory. But in addition to drilling, it is also necessary to somehow supply the extracted water to the house, and here the owners are stunned, and a lot of questions arise in their heads. Which well pump to choose? What should its performance be? Choose expensive model or save money? Let's consider the domestic well pump Vikhr SN-100, because they have proven themselves to be reliable and inexpensive products. Over the many years of the company's existence, the range of pumps has become very large, since each operating condition requires an individual tool.

The main purpose of borehole pumps is to pump water from various sources, for example: a well, a deep well or a reservoir. Since the device operates in extreme conditions for it, it requires an increased degree of protection against corrosion, damage electric shock and abrasive materials.

Based on the above requirements, “Vikhr” borehole pumps have a protection class against short circuit and electric shock IPX8, which allows the use of these devices at depths from 1-2 to 70 m with varying contents of polluting particles.

Difference between models based on operating principle

IN model range There are three types of “vortex”:

  • The downhole pump Vortex SN 100, SN-50 is a product that operates on the vortex principle. In such models, water is captured from above;
  • Pumps for wells CH-90V and CH-100V use a screw-type water capture and draw water from above;
  • The CH-50N model uses a centrifugal operating principle and liquid intake at the bottom.

Vortex borehole pumps are designed for collecting and supplying the purest possible water containing abrasive particles (sand) of no more than 40 grams per cubic meter.

The device is quite simple; its working part is a flat disk with blades on the edges. This disk is placed in an annular cavity with tightly fitted ends. At the edges of the cavity there are inlet and outlet pipes, which are separated from each other. When the disk rotates, water is captured and spun in the cavities of the disk, after which, due to centrifugal forces, the liquid is fed under pressure into the outlet pipe and supplied to consumers. As the blades operate, a kind of vortex motion is formed in the pump body, ensuring continuous capture and supply of water. Due to this operating principle, the pump is called a vortex pump.

  • Pros: This type of pump provides excellent water pressure and operates on the simplest principle, and they are also the most common and budget-friendly.
  • Cons: For high-quality and long-lasting operation, the suction water must be as clean as possible, otherwise the device may quickly fail or lose its power. Also, such models can create significant noise from operating blades.

Centrifugal well pumps are used to supply clean liquid with a small abrasive content, which should not exceed 180 grams per cubic meter.

The pump operates on the following principle: water enters a rotating wheel with blades. After which centrifugal forces act on the liquid, and a vacuum is formed inside the wheel, and pressure is formed at the edges, which pushes the water with great force. The pump body is made in the form of a snail, this is done to increase the swirl of water and increase the pressure in the system.

  • Pros: This type of pump is very productive and reliable. They can work long time and at the same time they do not heat up, and high pressure is provided at depths of up to 60 meters. The device also has protection against overheating and emergency shutdown to prevent equipment failure.
  • Cons: These pumps have no obvious disadvantages, and reviews about them are extremely positive. The only disadvantage may be the price and quality of parts, on which the cost of the product depends.

Screw well pumps 90B and 100B are designed for pumping water from wells, large tanks, ponds and even mine wells. The maximum permissible degree of water contamination can be 250 grams of abrasive per cubic meter.

Screw pumps operate on the following principle: in the body of the device there are two screw pairs, one of which is stationary, that is, it is a stator and is made of rubber. The second spiral is a rotor and is made of a special steel alloy with a coating applied to it. During rotation, friction points are formed between the rotor and stator, which create fluid pressure. How more places contact, the higher the productivity and working pressure.

  • Pros: Among positive qualities One can highlight greater reliability and performance, as well as noiselessness and depth of operation of the device.
  • Cons: CH-90V and CH-100V are the most expensive, because they require higher quality materials and protective equipment, since the devices are often used in polluted reservoirs, wells with a high sand content, etc.

Model specifications

Pump model CH-50 CH-50N CH-90V CH-100V CH-100
Mains voltage 220V/50Hz 220V/50Hz 220V/50Hz 220V/50Hz 220V/50Hz
Protection class IPX8 IPX8 IPX8 IPX8 IPX8
Device power 750W 600W 550W 1100W 1100W
Water supply height 50m
Pump capacity 2400l/hour 3600l/hour 1500l/hour 2400l/hour 3000l/hour
Max. water temperature +35°С +35°С +35°С +35°С +35°С
Outlet size 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch
Max. depth of work
Pump interior brass plastic chromemir. metal chromemir. metal brass
Housing material stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel
Pump size 102mm 100mm 90mm 102mm 102m

Pump selection criteria

  • Depending on the diameter of the well, the size of the pump is selected, taking into account the fact that it must fit into the pipe with a gap (at least 10-15% of the diameter of the well);
  • The operating capabilities of the pump are selected in accordance with the depth of the well.

Advice! It is better to take a more powerful pump due to the fact that over time, the abrasive agents present in the water will weaken the device;

Important! As the pump immersion depth increases, its performance decreases;

  • Regardless of the pump model, it must have automatic protection. For example, all models of Vikhr pumps have a thermal relay in their arsenal, which is activated when the device heats up to a temperature of 110 degrees. Some models also have anti-clogging protection.

The video below shows:

Review of the CH-100V pump:

Problems with the Whirlwind pump – vibration:

Repair of the Whirlwind pump:

The domestic manufacturer of various pumping equipment under the Vikhr brand today offers a fairly extensive model line of its products. But in this article we will be interested in the “Vikhr” borehole pumps. The whole point is that the units of this type today they have become very popular, because with their help you can organize water supply country houses not only from wells, but also from wells. And everyone knows that the water in wells is cleaner and its flow rate is quite high. That is why wells are summer cottages today they began to appear more and more often regarding wells. And even the complexity of their construction does not repel the owners of country houses.

We should talk about the “Vikhr” submersible pumps of the borehole type as very high-quality devices. Their models have excellent power and good pressure, and since these characteristics are most often the main selection criteria, they are also the main popularity of the units.

Well pump "Vikhr"

Types of Vikhr pumps for wells

Let's start with the fact that the manufacturer today offers several purely constructive positions. That is, all proposed models are divided into three groups:

  • centrifugal pumps;
  • vortex;
  • screw

Attention! Let’s immediately make a reservation that centrifugal devices are equipped with a lower water intake, vortex and screw devices are equipped with an upper one. Basically, according to this design feature they can already be distinguished.

Centrifugal model

Now distinctive features designs. The Vikhr centrifugal pump differs from a vortex pump only in its impeller with blades. In a centrifugal one, they are curved, which is why, when water hits them, it immediately rebounds to the periphery, where an area is formed high pressure. And in the center of the wheel an area will form low pressure. And since centrifugal force acts on the water inside the compartment, that is why the name of these models appeared.

The impeller of vortex devices has smooth blades, running from the center to the edge without bending. This design allows you to create water vortices between them, which in turn create pressure inside the working chamber. However, it should be noted that pumps of this type have a small SOP compared to centrifugal ones, so they are inferior to the latter in both pressure and performance.

As for screw units, this is a unique design in which there are two screw parts: a screw and a chamber. They repeat each other in the configuration of the internal cavity, which is the screw. There is a small gap between them, through which the pumped liquid moves. It should be noted that “Vikhr” screw well pumps are not as popular as the two previous models. They are more expensive, however, they have good efficiency and fairly high technical characteristics. For example, at centrifugal pumps the maximum pressure is 50 m, for screw ones 100 m when the device is immersed to a depth of 35 and.

Screw unit with top water intake

All three models can also be compared in terms of pumping water with varying degrees of contamination. Many people may think that this is not the most important indicator and make a big mistake. After all, as often happens when you come to a store to buy. He selects a well pump based on performance and pressure. And this is correct, but we should not forget about the concentration of suspended particles in water.

  • the Vikhr centrifugal pump can pump water with an impurity concentration of up to 180 g/m³;
  • vortex up to 40 g/m³;
  • screw up to 250 g/m³.

That is, it turns out that vortex models are the least capricious in terms of pumping contaminated water. Therefore, they can be used not only for installation in wells, but also in mine wells.

Popular models

It should be noted that there are a small number of popular models that are used today by residents of suburban villages. Let's look at two of them. By the way, it should immediately be noted that units of this type are designated “CH”, that is, a well pump.

Whirlwind CH 90v

So, the “Vikhr” CH 90v well pump is a screw-type unit with an upper water intake. Let's start with its technical characteristics.

  • The pump diameter is 90 mm, which allows them to be installed in wells with a barrel diameter of 100 mm. And they, as you know, are considered the most common.
  • It can be submerged to a depth of 35 m.
  • Its productivity is 25 l/min.
  • Head – 90 m.
  • Electric motor power – 0.55 kW.
  • The package includes an electrical cable 17 m long.
  • Operates on 220 volt AC power.
  • Can pump water with temperatures up to +35C.
  • The recommended distance to the bottom of the well is 60 cm.

CH 90v

The body of the device is made of stainless steel, internal parts are made of brass and chrome-plated steel. But according to consumer reviews, it turns out that the CH 90v pump also has some disadvantages. For example, the studs and lugs are made of plain steel, so they rust quickly. And with long-term use they simply break down. As consumers say, after three years of operation, the pump may end up at the bottom of the well forever. The eye will rust to the end, and when lifted, the pump will simply break off and fall down. It will be almost impossible to get him out of there. Moreover, the depth of its descent is 35 m.

Speaking about the “Vikhr” CH 90v borehole pump (its design and technical characteristics), it should be noted that this pumping unit has exactly the design that can be used for pumping not very clean water. This is probably why this model is so popular today among residents of suburban villages. After all, a depth of 35 m is an opportunity to build a well on sand, in which suspended impurities great amount, especially at the first stage of operation. This is exactly what a screw type pump can handle.

Vortex CH 50

The next popular model is the “Vikhr” CH 50 well pump. This is a centrifugal type unit with a lower water intake. Here are its technical characteristics.

  • Capacity – 60 l/min.
  • Head – 50 m.
  • The power of the electric motor varies depending on the modification: either 600 or 750 W. The first is installed in the CH-50N model, the second in the CH-50.
  • The diameter of the device is 100 mm.
  • Can dive to a depth of 40 m.
  • Can pump water with temperatures up to +35C.

The pump housing is made from of stainless steel, the pump part is either plastic or brass. This again depends on the manufacturer. By the way, about the manufacturers. Downhole, submersible and surface pumps“Whirlwind” is produced in Russia, China, and Latvia.

There are also more compact devices in the Vikhr model line of well pumps. For example, grade CH 60. Its diameter is only 75 mm, which allows the device to be installed in wells with a barrel diameter of 80 mm. That is, when deciding on the choice of unit, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of installing it in a mine hydraulic structure. And if a well with a diameter of 80 mm was drilled on the site, then the optimal pump for it is CH-60. Two previous positions Obviously, they simply won’t fit into such a well.

Like the CH-50, the CH-60 has two modifications that differ from each other in electric motor power and performance. CH-60 – 800 W, CH-60v – 370 W. Respectively 50 and 25 l/min.

Model CH-60

Key advantages of Vikhr well pumps

So, let's summarize all of the above and note the advantages of this type of equipment.

  • The first thing I would like to draw attention to is the small dimensions device in which it can pump water to a fairly decent height. And although the performance of the unit is not the highest, it is enough to provide water for a small Vacation home with several consumers.
  • The high reliability of the pump is confirmed by its degree of protection, which categorizes it as IPX8. Each manufacturer sets this category himself. But there are two positions in it that are considered standard. This is an immersion depth of at least 1 m, in which the pump must operate for at least half an hour.
  • Different caliber electric motors used in different models guarantee fairly decent pressure. In any case, the minimum of them is 40 m, this is for household pumps well type is the optimal indicator.
  • All Vikhr well pumps are designed for frequent switching on and off, which is an important indicator for units of this type. Especially if the pumps do not operate as part of pumping station or without storage tank.
  • For such technical characteristics, the pumping unit does not have the highest price. And this is one of the biggest advantages.

Attention! The cable length of 17 m is not always enough to ensure the installation depth of the device. Therefore, it can be increased. The only requirement for twisting is that it must comply with electrical safety requirements. The ideal solution is if the twist is located outside the wellbore.

Variety of models

Installation rules

Like all well pumps, the “Vikhr” is installed in the shaft of a hydraulic structure, suspended on a cable. To do this, you can use nylon or metal (stainless steel) cables. The unit has specially installed eye bolts, and the cable is attached to them.

You can connect a hose to the supply pipe with clamps, and a pipe to the threaded adapter. An electrical cable is also attached to them. For them, holes are provided in the well head, for each separately. The cable is attached to the head with special eyes.

It is very important to correctly lower the unit into the shaft of the structure. In this case, all elements: cable, hose and cable are discharged down simultaneously and evenly. This process can usually be handled by one person. The small dimensions of the device allow this to be done.

Installation of a well pump

Conclusion on the topic

To summarize all of the above, we must pay tribute to the “Vikhr” (well) pump. The variety of models makes it possible to select a unit of a type that would fully satisfy its operating conditions. But when choosing, you will have to take into account the contamination of the pumped water. Therefore, before giving credit to one or another model, it is necessary to analyze the water from the well.

To provide residential and production premises water is used to drill a well far from the main water supply. In this case, the supply of liquid from a deep source is carried out by borehole pumps. This type of pumping technology is characterized by high pressure characteristics, continuous flow and long term operation.

Among domestic models of devices for wells, the Vortex borehole pump is popular. A wide range of models and modifications of the brand allow you to select a device ideally for the characteristics of the source.

1 Types of downhole devices Vortex and their features

Depending on the specific application, performance and other performance characteristics, there are several versions of Vikhr submersible pumps. The company produces models with upper water intake, designed for heavily polluted sources, and with lower water intake, which are used in wells with clean water. Based on the materials used, devices with components made of steel, brass, and durable polymers are distinguished. Mechanical seals in such devices are made of graphite or ceramics.

One of the main criteria for the distribution of wells pumping devices A vortex is a type of working body. In this regard, the following stand out:

  • screw pumping apparatus;
  • centrifugal submersible pump;
  • vortex deep well pump.

1.1 Screw type devices

The screw electric pump is a fairly universal model. Such a device can be used not only in wells, but also in wells, mine tanks, and open reservoirs. Thanks to its design, the device is capable of passing liquid with a solid particle content of up to 250 g/cubic meter. m. Models of this type support pressure up to 100 m.

The design of the screw device assumes the presence of an electric motor installed in the upper part of the steel body, a working chamber, electric cable and eyelets with cable. The working chamber in screw devices consists of two elements:

  • movable rotor (screw);
  • fixed stator made of rubber.

The elastic stator has internal thread. A rotor with external thread rotates inside it, connected to the motor shaft. The spiral threads of both elements are offset relative to each other. The result of this displacement is the appearance of sealed cavities in the stator during the movement of the screw. It is in these cavities that the device transports water from the suction holes to the outlet pipe. The total pressure created by the model depends on the number of cavities formed.

The main advantages of this type of pump are noiselessness, the ability to pump heavily contaminated water, and convenient repair or maintenance. In addition, the device can be used in both horizontal and vertical orientation, which expands its application possibilities.

1.2 Centrifugal well unit

As in the case of screw models, the centrifugal apparatus consists of a motor compartment and a working chamber, combined in one housing. Only the design of the working chamber of the device differs. It is a snail-shaped diffuser, inside of which a wheel with blades rotates on a shaft.

During operation, the wheel rotates, the blades capture water and rotate it in a circle. Under the influence centrifugal force the liquid moves under the walls of the diffuser. As a result of the displacement, an area of ​​​​discharged pressure is formed on the inlet pipe of the device, which leads to the suction of a new portion of water. In contrast, under the walls of the cochlea the pressure increases, which ensures high pressure. Some options may include multi-stage impellers consisting of several standard discs with an impeller.

In terms of sensitivity to mechanical impurities, centrifugal models are less functional. The maximum content of abrasives in water should not exceed 160-180 g/cubic meter. m. Pressure characteristic centrifugal devices is 50 m. They are characterized by high productivity and wear resistance of the units. To prevent the unit from overheating most of centrifugal models are equipped with an automatic emergency shutdown system.

1.3 Vortex deep unit

In terms of design, vortex-type models are similar to centrifugal ones. The difference is that the working disk of vortex devices is equipped with shorter blades of closed or open type. During operation, the blades take water from the inlet pipe and accelerate it in a circle under the influence of centrifugal force. During the circular motion, the flow again enters the blades, which gives it additional rotation and force. Vikhr brand devices use multi-stage pump options.

Thanks to its thinner design and smaller clearances between the impeller and housing, throughput vortex type units are only 40 g/cubic. m. Protection against larger particles is provided by a mesh filter installed on the suction openings. The feed height of the vortex apparatus is over 100 m, which allows it to be installed in a deep source.

Also, the advantages of models of this type include a small diameter, suitable for wells with a cross-section of up to 100 mm.

Among the shortcomings, the efficiency should be highlighted with an indicator of only 45%.

2 Main range of well models Vortex

For buyers Russian manufacturer offers a wide range of pumping devices for various well parameters. Among the most popular models in the series are:

Model CH 50 is a vortex downhole tool with inlet holes located in the upper part of the body. The device is made of stainless steel, and the cross-section of the body allows the CH 50 to be mounted in a well with a minimum diameter of 100 mm. Liquid is taken from a depth of up to 50 m. The model is powered by a motor with a power of 750 W. In a minute, such a unit is capable of pumping up to 40 liters of liquid.

The description of the CH 50 N model actually coincides with the previous model. The difference is that the centrifugal apparatus CH 50 N is equipped with a lower water intake. Specifications devices have the following meanings:

  • the maximum productivity of the model is 3600 l/hour;
  • liquid is lifted from a depth of up to 50 m;
  • the minimum cross-section of the source is 100 mm;
  • The maximum temperature of the pumped liquid is 35 degrees.

Using the Vikhr CH 60V borehole pump, water is drawn from wells with a minimum cross-section of 75 mm. The body of the centrifugal device is made of stainless steel, and Working wheel made of durable plastic. It is used both for supplying liquid to the home water supply and for watering the garden. Liquid suction occurs in the area where the housing is divided into the motor and working chambers (in the middle part). On the top cover of the housing there are eyes for a cable that secures the CH 60B to the head of the reservoir. The technical characteristics are as follows:

  • the pressure characteristic of the device is 50 m;
  • the content of abrasives in the liquid is no more than 40 g/cubic meter. m;
  • volume of pumped liquid per hour – 3000 l;
  • motor power – 800 W.

The Vortex SN 90V well pump is equipped with a thermal relay and a check valve, which prevents water from entering back into the device after it is turned off. The device is a screw model and is suitable for working with clean water. The minimum diameter of the well into which the device is mounted is 100 mm.

Main performance characteristics of the well pump Vikhr SN 90b:

  • the liquid lifting height is 90 m;
  • apparatus productivity – 1500 l/hour;
  • motor power is different maximum indicator 550 W;
  • The pipe adapter has a cross-section of 1 inch.

Water in screw pump The CH 100B vortex is sucked through holes in the upper part of the housing. The screw working mechanism allows you to work exclusively with clean liquid. As in previous versions, the case is made of stainless steel. The cover of the device is equipped with eyelets for the cable. The powerful 1100 W motor has a protection class of ipx8. The operating characteristics of the model are as follows:

  • the maximum performance of the unit is 2400 l/hour;
  • the pressure characteristic has a value of 100 m;
  • the device during operation is capable of immersing 60 m in the water column;
  • The weight of the device is 13 kg.

The most productive model of the series is the Whirlwind SN 135. The device is a centrifugal type of pump. In addition to the well, the device can be installed in open reservoirs, tanks, and mine wells. Sensitive components of the device pump liquid containing abrasive particles up to 40 g/cubic meter. m. The body of the device is made of steel, and the material of the impeller is a dense polymer alloy.

The device has a motor with a power of 1800 W. This power unit is the most powerful in the line and provides performance up to 5700 l/h. In this case, the fluid temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, as the motor begins to overheat. In this model, the liquid supply height is 135 m, and the pump itself goes 60 m deep into the liquid thickness. Water is drawn in through suction holes in the central part of the housing. The minimum well section for the device is 102 mm.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

Borehole pumps are used to provide water resources to residential and industrial premises. They operate at great depths with complete immersion in water over 50 meters. A powerful power plant allows water to be supplied uninterruptedly from wells and deep wells. A domestic example of high quality is Vikhr well pumps.

Operating principle and types of Whirlwind pumps

The difference between submersible pumps The vortex serves the principle of pumping water into the device. On this basis the following are distinguished:

  • centrifugal;
  • screw;
  • vortex devices.

Centrifugal deep well pump lifts drinking water from a depth of up to 50 meters. At the same time, it copes with sand concentrations of up to 180 grams per cubic meter. The device is quite powerful and provides an uninterrupted supply of water. Such pumps include the Whirlwind SN-50N.

Its structure resembles a snail. It consists of a cylindrical body and an electric drive. A propeller with wide curved blades is connected to the drive. When submerged, the pump freely passes water inside the housing and it fills the entire space between the blades.

After this, the electric drive is activated, which intensively spins the screw. The water is pushed out by the propeller from the spaces between the blades to the inner surface of the housing walls. There is a hole here that connects the housing and the pipeline. The result is a pressure difference that causes the water to rise.

Devices of this type are equipped with special thermostats, which, in case of overload of the electric drive, turn it off.

Screw pumps maintain water pressure when immersed in a well or well with a depth of up to 100 m. At the same time, the immersion depth of the device from the surface of the water should not exceed 35 m. The design of the device allows you to work with water, the concentration of sand in which does not exceed 250 grams per cubic meter.

For a well, it consists of a thin cylindrical body connected to an electric power unit. Inside the housing there is a screw mechanism consisting of a steel rotor (screw) and a rubber strator (internal rubber gasket of the housing with ribs). As a result of immersion to depth, water is supplied to the chamber of the screw mechanism.

Under the action of an electric drive, the internal screw turns inside the strator. By contacting together, the friction pair forms sealed spaces that are maintained until water is released into the pipeline. The next portion of water increases the pressure and throws the water mass even higher.

This operating principle is used on the Whirlwind SN-90V and Whirlwind SN-100V devices.

Only suitable for ponds with low sand content. Its maximum concentration should not exceed 40 grams per cubic meter. This device consists of a round flat body with two pipes and a disk inside. The work is provided by an electric motor.

When diving, water enters the chamber with the disk through the inlet pipe. Driven by an electric motor, a disk with blades creates a vortex flow of water along the walls of the housing. After this, it is pushed out into the outlet pipe by centrifugal force.

This class includes the Whirlwind CH 100 and the more productive model Whirlwind CH-50.

Model range of downhole devices of the “Vikhr” type

Based on their performance characteristics and scope of application, the following “Vikhr” borehole pumps stand out:

  • sn-50N;
  • SN-60V;
  • SN-90V;
  • SN-100V.

The device “Vikhr SN-50 N” is designed for pumping out water resources from wells and pits, the depth of which does not exceed 50 meters. In this case, drilling holes in the reservoir must be at least 10 cm. The device is suitable for working with water without impurities. In moderately and heavily polluted reservoirs, they quickly become unusable. The device is made of chrome steel. Equipped with a thermostat with a forced shutdown system.

The model has the following technical characteristics:

  • water enters through the lower holes;
  • rated power reaches 600 W;
  • the pressure is maintained up to a height of 50 m;
  • works with liquids up to + 35 degrees;
  • device productivity 60 l/min.

When using a borehole pump sn 60v, you can lift water from reservoirs and wells with a depth of up to 60 meters and a diameter of up to 100 mm. The system uses water supply. Made of stainless steel. Suitable for water containing abrasive materials not exceeding 40 grams per cubic meter.

The technical characteristics of the device are as follows:

  • operating power is 370 W;
  • optimal working depth 50-60 m;
  • the water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees;
  • the volume of pumped water is 25 l/min.

The immersion depth of the Vikhr sn 90v well pump is significantly higher than previous models and is 90 m. For easier immersion into the well and removal, the chrome-plated steel body is equipped with special hooks to which a cable or rope is attached. The optimal distance from the surface of the water mass to the device is 35 m. With deeper placement, negative pressure is applied to the mechanism components.

Performance qualities of the well pump Vikhr sn 90b:

  • water passes through the upper channels;
  • power consumption within 550 W;
  • optimal pumping depth is 90 m;
  • the device operates with liquid temperatures up to 35 degrees;
  • productivity – 25 l/min.

Using the Vikhr sn 100v pump, you can pump out water masses from mines, deep pits and wells. In this case, the cross-section of the hole must be at least 120 mm in diameter. Like the previous deep model, CH 100B is equipped with additional hook rings that allow you to use the device more safely when diving. The case is made of stainless and partially chromed steel. Equipped with a thermal relay with the ability to turn off if the load is too high.


  • The upper inlet channel is used for water injection;
  • operating power limit – 1100 W;
  • the pressure is maintained up to a height of 100 m;
  • permissible water temperature – + 35 degrees;
  • volume of pumped out liquid – 40 l/min.

Not long ago, a model also appeared on sale that provides the deepest (in the model range) water withdrawal from a depth of 135 meters. Pump Whirlwind SN-135, like previous models, it is made of chrome and stainless steel. Its productivity is 40 l/min, and the power of the device is 800 W. For other points, the description repeats the previous model.

How to choose the right pump?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing is the diameter of the device. When entering the well, a cavity of at least 10% of the well diameter should remain between the channel wall and the surface of the apparatus. Therefore, for sources with a cross section of up to 10 cm, models CH-50N and CH-60V are used. If the hole diameter exceeds 10 cm, it is optimal to use CH-90N and CH-100V and CH-135.

When taking into account the power of the required device, it is better to focus on the depth of the well. Numerous reviews indicate that it is effective to take a model with a power slightly greater than the theoretically correct one. Since a high percentage of abrasive substances significantly reduces the capabilities of the device.

Some models have built-in special filters and cleaning systems that protect the device’s mechanisms from sand. This option is more expensive, but has a significantly longer service life. Also, when purchasing, you should definitely check the presence and working condition of the thermostat, which turns off the device when the engine reaches a temperature of 110 degrees.

How to install Vikhr well pumps correctly?

Proper installation of the pump will preserve its performance and functionality longer. To do this you need to adhere certain rules. First of all, the device should run idle as little as possible. Such loads may damage the device.

When deepening the apparatus into a body of water, the distance to the surface of the reservoir must be at least 4 meters. The distance from the device to the bottom is at least 60 cm. When installing the mechanism, you should not rely only on the water supply channel. Fix the ends of metal cables with a small cross-section to the device body, and secure the free ends at the well outlet.

Periodically, you should remove the pump from the well and clean it of accumulated abrasive.

Whirlwind pump repair (video)

Rating: 5 out of 5

Advantages: the pump pumps perfectly for 2 years

Disadvantages: the studs that attach the pump to the motor are made of ferrous metal, after six months the water ate them... they must be made of stainless steel!! The fastenings to the rope were also eaten away by water.. everything must be made of STAINLESS STEEL.... THE SICK POINT IS THE STUD

Comment: overall the pump is excellent NO PROBLEMS

Rating: 4 out of 5

Evgeniy H.

Advantages: Value for money

Disadvantages: The studs that secure the pump rust. Sensitive to network voltage. If it is less than 190-200 volts, it does not turn on at all.

Comment: I bought it at a market in the Moscow region in May 2015 for 7,000 rubles. In May, he lowered it into a well (18 meters). Until October, they used it in simple mode - plugged the plug into the socket, pumped up the containers, and removed the plug from the socket. No problem. I decided not to take it out for the winter and hung in the water all winter. In May 2016, I took it out for an external inspection. The mounting pins are completely rusty. The stainless steel body is ok. It was mounted in automatic system with hydraulic accumulator and pressure switch. I worked well for the season, without any problems. The only remark is that when there were cold evenings and the heating was turned on at the dachas, it did not work due to a decrease in the voltage in the network. But then at some point when the voltage increased it worked again. We need to install a voltage stabilizer, but we haven’t gotten around to it yet. In general, for 5200, for which it can now be bought, a good option for the dacha. Enough for two seasons. (maybe more, but you probably need to lift it, disassemble it, maintain it, change the studs, I’m reluctant) I’m thinking of buying a couple, as consumables, change once every two years, normal. :-) There was a little bit of very, very fine sand in the well - it did not affect the work in any way.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Advantages: PRICE! This is the best offer on the Internet. Good performance

Comment: I don’t know why I don’t pay so much good reviews, but we’ll give the same one to our parents for the dacha, the performance is enough for the eyes + they are now even cheaper than 3 years ago. PEOPLE - a life hack especially for you: in order not to force the pump and extend its service life, put check valve and immediately change the studs to stainless steel and you will be happy.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Advantages: From experience of use, I want to confirm that this pump is ideal for organizing a water supply system for a private home. Has been working for 4 years.

Disadvantages: only advantages for the money.

Comment: the sand in the well gives me no peace that soon I will have to buy a new one. but I’ve already worked for 4 years and I’m happy.

Rating: 4 out of 5

After five months of use, the studs rotted, so if you buy them, immediately replace them with stainless steel. This is a good pump. It will work in the country.

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