What does the barometer show in what quantities. Aneroid barometer

Landscaping and planning 12.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Types of barometers: A mercury barometer consists of a tube filled with mercury and a container of liquid. One end of the tube is sealed, and the other is lowered into the liquid. The aneroid barometer does not use liquid; the sensitive element in it is a corrugated box with slightly rarefied air. This box slightly changes size depending on atmospheric pressure, these changes are displayed by an arrow attached to it with sensitive springs. Aneroid barometer can often be found in everyday life, beautifully designed it can serve as an unusual gift, not only beautiful, but also useful, especially for a weather-dependent person.

Method of measurement: If you have a home barometer, it is not difficult to measure atmospheric pressure. You just need to look at which division the arrow points to, often on home barometers there are additional designations “clear”, “variably”, “rain”. Moreover, there are barometers with 2 arrows - one of them is movable and indicates pressure, and the second can be moved independently. By installing it in the zone indicated by the movable arrow, after a while you can check the reading of the device and understand whether the pressure rises or falls. It is more difficult to determine the level of atmospheric pressure without a barometer. To do this, you can watch the sparks from the antennas of a tram or trolleybus, with high pressure sparks will be bright blue, and at low slightly greenish. In nature, you can use a branch coniferous tree. To do this, you need to remove all the needles from it except for one, then fix it vertically on the plank and observe. In clear weather, the needle will rise, and fall in the rain. However, it is still more convenient to have a ready-made device on hand.

Barometric Pressure Benefits: Needless to say, it helps meteorologists predict the weather. First of all, weather-dependent people need readings of atmospheric pressure. The level of pressure begins to change before the weather changes, which means that by observing the pressure variable, you can prepare for possible health problems. People with cardiovascular diseases, hypotension and hypertension, migraines and other diseases react to the weather. Timely intake of the necessary drugs will reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease during the period of weather change.

The level of atmospheric pressure is not the readings that the announcer lists during the broadcast of the weather forecast on TV or radio. These are indicators that can significantly improve the quality of life for you and your relatives, if you understand them and follow the change in pressure. After all, information about the drop in pressure may prompt you to take an umbrella with you.

Except mercury barometer, there is also an aneroid barometer (Greek - liquidless. It is called so because it does not contain mercury). It is a metal barometer shaped like a clock with only one hand.

The structure of an aneroid barometer

Its mechanism is quite simple. It consists of a metal box with corrugated edges, from which the air is pumped out. To prevent atmospheric pressure from crushing this box, the lid is pulled upwards by a spring. When atmospheric pressure decreases, the spring straightens the lid, and when the atmospheric pressure increases, the lid bends down and pulls the spring.

With the help of an accessory mechanism, an arrow-pointer is connected to the spring, which moves to the right or left when the pressure changes. A scale is attached under the arrow, the divisions of which are plotted according to the indications of a mercury barometer. Therefore, if the arrow points to the number 750, then the atmospheric pressure is now equal to 750 mm Hg. Art.

Atmospheric pressure is measured, also in order to predict the weather for the coming days. A barometer in meteorological business is an indispensable thing.

Atmospheric pressure at various altitudes

in liquid The pressure depends on the density of the liquid and on the height of the column. We also know that a liquid is incompressible. From this it follows that at all depths the density of the liquid is practically the same and the pressure depends only on height.

With gases, everything is much more complicated., since they are highly compressible. And the more we compress the gas, the greater its density will become, therefore, it will produce more pressure, since the pressure of the gas is created by the impact of molecules on the surface of the body.

Near the surface of the Earth, all layers of air are maximally compressed by the layers that are above them. But if we rise, then the layers of air that compress the one where we are will be less and less, therefore, the air density will decrease and the pressure will decrease because of this.

If they launched into the sky balloon, then with height, the air pressure on the surface of the ball will decrease and decrease. This is because the density and height of the air column decreases.

Atmospheric pressure observations show that the mean pressure of a mercury column at sea level at 0°C is 760 mmHg. Art. = 1013 hPa. This is called normal atmospheric pressure.

The higher the altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure.

On average, when lifting for every 12 m Atmosphere pressure decreases by about 1 mm. rt. Art.

If we know the dependence of pressure on altitude, then according to the readings of the barometer, we can determine what height above sea level we are. To do this, there is a special type of aneroid barometer called an altimeter, which is used in aviation and when climbing mountains.

A barometer, or anerograph, is needed for fishing by a fisherman in order to measure atmospheric air pressure with it, which, in turn, affects the size of the catch. In other words, with the help of a barometer, a fisherman can accurately determine which day there will be a good bite. If within three days the barometer readings are approximately at the same mark, feel free to go fishing! The catch is guaranteed! If the pressure has changed by 7-8 points during the day, it is useless to fish today. Did the pressure change while fishing? Change location. If the pressure value has increased, then the fish has risen to the surface.

The barometer monitors even the slightest changes in the weight of the atmospheric column, which is indicated by an arrow. To take readings, you just need to compare the shift of the pointer arrow with its previous value. A rapid decline means an imminent storm. A constant increase in warm sunny weather.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on the behavior of fish

Different types of fish react to changes in the weight of the atmospheric column in different ways. Predators, for example, with a decrease in pressure, begin to actively hunt and feed. An increase in pressure, on the contrary, affects them negatively. This is actively used by such fish as white salmon and other peaceful fish. In the absence of a threat from predatory species, they actively move and look for food.

The most negative effect on the results of fishing is a sharp change in atmospheric pressure (both upward and downward). During such drops, the fish is in a "suspended state", and practically does not react to any bait.

A good interest in food and, therefore, a good biting in the ichthyofauna is observed before the onset of a cold weather front or before a gusty wind, which may be associated with a premonition of worsening weather conditions.

Fishing barometers

Among the variety of designs for fishing, two main categories can be conditionally distinguished:

  • household;
  • Pocket.

The former are mainly used in an apartment or house. When fishing, such a device can be placed on a table or wall of a fishing house located near the coastline. In this case, it is necessary to have access to fresh air. The accuracy of a measurement made in a tightly closed room will be noticeably lower.

Pocket devices are more compact, they can be placed on a wristband or in a fisherman's pocket.

Such a device can be taken directly to the shore, to the place of fishing.

According to the principles of the device, pressure meters are divided into mercury, mechanical (or aneroid barometers) and electronic (digital) devices.

  • Mercury anerographs are as accurate as possible. They are widely used in weather stations. But they are completely unsuitable for use in fishing, as they contain a large number of mercury and can be dangerous.
  • Aneroids are somewhat less accurate, but much less brittle and safer. In addition, they have a presentable appearance.
  • Electronic devices are a high-tech product. They are light and compact, and in addition, they have a very wide functionality. These devices are often real weather stations in miniature and allow you to measure not only the dynamics of pressure fluctuations, but also temperature, altitude, humidity and a number of other parameters.

How to choose a barometer for fishing

The barometer is a complex instrument and there are several things to consider when choosing this device.

  1. Often the reason for the low accuracy of the instrument readings is poor build quality and a variety of errors when installing the mechanism. To avoid voiding your warranty, do not repair the mechanism yourself. It is better to try to immediately select a workable device.
  2. When choosing a mechanical barometer in a store pay attention to the position of the adjusting screw. It is located on the back cover of the instrument case. The closer it is to the hole under it, the better. If the screw is not located coaxially, then the entire mechanism of the device is skewed and you should not hope for measurement accuracy.
  3. Looking inside the mechanism pay attention to the size of the bellows. The accuracy of the anerograph readings is directly related to its size.
  4. Examine the barometer from all sides. Pay attention to the dial (clearness and sufficient size of the numbers), the quality of the glass (the absence of unnecessary glare and reflections).
  5. An important requirement when choosing a device for fishing is waterproof. No matter how you take care of your device, the risk of swimming is very real. Yes, and unplanned bad weather can cause moisture to enter the case.
  6. impact resistance- also an important characteristic, especially for a pocket and wrist barometer. On a slippery shore, it is easy to slip and hit the device on a stone or tree.
  7. When choosing a digital weather station or multi-function watch, it is advisable to develop a list of features that you will need. This will help you choose the right weather model and not overpay for unclaimed functionality.
  8. If you prefer night fishing also check the backlight of the dial or display.
  9. For wrist devices, it is also important secure strap or bracelet. There is nothing more offensive than losing an expensive item due to an unfastened or torn strap.
  10. The trident of the mechanism is installed in the center of the barometer scale. When the instrument reads 750 mm. all parts of the trident must be parallel. This means that the arrow is set correctly and has not gone astray relative to the mechanism of the device.
  11. In some types of barometers, not only a thermometer is built-in, but also a hygrometer. Special devices designed for fishermen have special scales on which, in addition to marking the pressure in mm. rt. Art. there are notes about the state of the weather: "Clear", "Variably", "Rain". In some modifications, a special bite scale is applied to the dial.
  12. remember, that any barometer requires calibration and verification, like any other measuring device. Verification and initial installation of the anerograph can be done according to the readings of the city weather station. To set the readings, use the adjusting screw on the back of the barometer. Please note that you can rotate it no more than 45 degrees in any direction, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the mechanism.
How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Popular barometer models

PB-8(anerograph, thermometer, hygrometer). This device is a complex of three main meteorological instruments. The mini weather station is produced in wooden case, mechanism material – brass. The weight of the device is 1.4 kg. Price - 3770 rubles.

The Swedish-made mechanical pressure gauge has stylish design and shows very high precision measurements (provided by manual assembly). Price - 2980 rubles.

Belongs to the class of compact wall-mounted meteorological instruments. It is a complex of anerograph, hygrometer and thermometer. The error in the accuracy of measuring atmospheric pressure at this station does not exceed one millimeter of mercury. Price in various trade organizations and online stores ranges from 1950 to 2500 rubles.

Reliable and relatively affordable weatherman made in Sweden. Equipped with a built-in thermometer, has a very low measurement error - only 0.3 mm Hg. Art. The price varies in the range from 1700 to 2000 rubles.

An electronic device jointly produced by Sweden and China allows measuring the dynamics of atmospheric pressure and air temperature, as well as recording readings. The bright orange plastic case makes the device noticeable and will not let you lose it on the shore. Price - 2883 rubles.

Wristwatch with barometer SUNROAD FX 702. Complex of measuring instruments includes clock, barometer, stopwatch, altimeter and thermometer. The watch is enclosed in a waterproof case, has a dim, economical display backlight. There is a function of recording a pressure change diagram, as well as notification with an audible signal. Weight - 55 gr. Price - 4200 r.

It has a pressure measurement range from 695 to 805 millimeters of mercury. The temperature range is from +10 to +50 degrees Celsius. Cost - 1250 rubles.

How to make a barometer with your own hands

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a barometer in a store. However, a fully functional device for measuring fluctuations in atmospheric pressure can be constructed at home from available materials.

You will need:

  • Transparent bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
  • A glass tube about half the inside diameter of the bottle neck. The length of the tube should be equal to the height of the bottle.
  • Plasticine for fixing the tube.
  • Distilled water to fill the barometer.

Fill the bottle with distilled water one third of the volume. Place the glass pipe inside the bottle so that it is 2-3 centimeters from the bottom and protrudes from the neck to the same height. To prevent it from slipping, tightly cover the neck of the bottle with plasticine. For ease of observation, the water can be slightly tinted, for example, with a drop of brilliant green.

After manufacturing, a home-made instrument for measuring pressure needs a period of a couple of months for self-regulation. At this time, it is highly undesirable to allow direct contact with it. sun rays. It will also be useful to maintain in the room where it is stored homemade device, constant temperature. In this case, he will begin to give correct testimony much faster.

Good weather can be expected if the tube is completely filled with air. But if liquid oozes through it - expect inclement weather!
Another simple and original design uses the property of a pine cone to open in clear weather and close before rain.

To make the device, glue two small boards at a right angle. On the upper edge of the horizontal board, draw a scale with the image of a cloud and the sun. Fix a dry cone on the edge of the base, after gluing a light, dry blade of grass to one of its scales. To calibrate the device, observe it for 1 - 2 months, following the same rules as in the previous instructions.

  1. Atmospheric pressure measurements must be taken at the same altitude to avoid charting errors.
  2. Every 12 meters of height gives a measurement error of 1 mmHg. Therefore, do not be surprised if your barometer shows different readings in the apartment on the 16th floor and on the lake.
  3. If the banks of the reservoir are steep and steep, try to take pressure measurements near the water's edge line, because you will catch it there! And the difference in height can distort the readings.
  4. Do not forget that each body of water is unique in its depths, bottom topography, currents and many other factors. Therefore, it is not surprising that observations that are valid for a lake may not be justified when fishing in a river backwater or near a rift.
  5. When predicting bite, keep in mind that different types fish react to pressure changes with different intensity. As a rule, the reaction of bottom fish is less pronounced. Peaceful fish endure fluctuations in atmospheric pressure much more painfully than predatory ones.
  6. When fishing for pike at high pressures, it is worth putting smaller lures. Experienced anglers manage to catch even very large pikes! This is explained by the fact that a predator at high pressure does not want to chase large fish, and evaluates small bait as easy prey.

Good luck to you!

Columbus, of course, is not the only brand of weather stations in Russia. Their main difference is an attempt to create an object of interior decoration from a traditionally applied instrument, previously presented in classical forms. A wide range of shades, decoration, the use of brass and aluminum decoration - all this turns an ordinary weather forecasting device into a small masterpiece (a full-fledged interior element).

Why do you need a weather station at all?

Usually we learn the weather from the reports of the Hydrometeorological Center and do not always understand what the final forecast is based on. With the Columbus weather station at our disposal, we can always trust our own eyes to make our own personal weather forecast. This issue is covered more fully in the passport of the Columbus weather stations.

Operating instructions for weather stations, barometers

1. Taking into account the height of the terrain when adjusting the barometer

In meteorological observations, all data on air pressure are correlated with height above sea level. To obtain comparable values, the influence of the height of the terrain on the air pressure is corrected (pressure decreases with height). The room barometer is adjusted so that it indicates air pressure in relation to altitude. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to adjust the barometer to the appropriate height of the place of use. The principle of terrain height adjustment is that the change in air pressure is compensated by correcting the instrument pointer in the opposite direction.
At the factory, the barometer is set to the altitude indicated on the package. Therefore, only in rare cases is it possible to operate the barometer without a new adjustment.
The easiest way to correctly adjust a barometer is to adjust it to a barometer already available in the area or to air pressure data reported in weather reports.
If the height of the place where the barometer is used is already known exactly, then a correction value can be calculated. This calculation is based on the following considerations: air pressure decreases with increasing altitude and dependence: 1 mm of mercury per 10.7 meters of height difference.
Terrain altitude - 200 meters
Operating height - 40 meters
Height difference - 160 meters
It is required to move the arrow by 160 / 10.7 = 15 mm Hg in the direction of more low pressure to increase air pressure.

2. Adjusting screw

The arrow is moved by turning the adjusting screw. It is made of brass and is located in the hole in the back wall. When adjusting, always take the shortest path.

Because in enclosed spaces If the air pressure is the same as outside, then the barometer can be hung anywhere. However, it is not recommended to hang it on damp exterior walls or near heat sources. This is especially important for barometers with which thermometers and hygrometers are combined.

Tap the glass lightly before each reading. At the same time, a small friction of the barometer makes it possible to determine the trend in the change in air pressure. It is also possible to make a comparison if, each time after reading, an additional arrow is aligned with the barometer needle.

At an air pressure of 765 mm Hg or more, you can count on calm and dry weather, and the weather is more stable, the higher the air pressure. In summer the weather is mostly cloudless and warm, in winter it is frosty. However, when high humidity and western wind (for the European part of Russia) fog (especially in winter) and rain is possible.
- With a slow and steady increase in barometer readings, an improvement in the weather should be expected, while a slow decline means an improvement in the weather.
-Rapid rise in unsettled weather is often followed by a rapid drop and means continued instability, cloud cover, gusty winds and downpour or hail.
-In winter, an increase in pressure indicates frost, a decrease indicates a softening of frost and thaw.
-Values ​​of 750 mmHg and below are often associated with heavy cloud cover and precipitation. If the air pressure drops significantly below 750 mm Hg, then one should expect strong wind or storms.
- In summer, a rapid drop in pressure during high heat means a thunderstorm.

6. Temperature and humidity in the living room

A person feels comfort at a temperature in the range of 18-22 degrees and relative humidity in the range of 45-70%. Fluctuations in air humidity in a residential area are mostly insignificant, but humidity usually drops to 25-40% in winter (especially in rooms with central heating), which is associated with a large difference in the temperature of the room and outside. In this case, the air is very dry, and high humidity can be provided with humidifiers.

7. Correction of indications on thermometers and hygrometers

Although the adjustment of dial thermometers and hygrometers is accurately checked at the factory, in some cases, for example: after strong shaking during transport, correction may be required. Corrective adjustment can be made with a screwdriver through the hole on the back cover. In this case, insert a screwdriver into the visible slot on the support of the measuring mechanism. It is recommended to carry out a correction only if reference measurements made with several liquid thermometers or regenerated hair hygrometers or psychrometers show noticeable differences.
The performance of hygrometers and pointer thermometers can be verified by breathing on them from the back. If the capillary thread of the liquid thermometer is broken, it can be reconnected by shaking towards the top of the capillaries or towards the cup. The best way to do this is to use a slow pre-heat that causes the thread to move upwards. In this case, the thermometer must be unscrewed from the frame.

Altitude of the area of ​​application - no more than 300 meters above sea level
- pressure measurement range - from 695 to 805 mm Hg (927-1073 hectopascal)
- temperature measurement range - from minus 10 C to plus 50 C
- humidity measurement range - 0-100%

Instructions for handling weather stations "Columbus"

1. If it is necessary to mark weather stations or stick a price tag, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following rules:
do not stick stickers on the wooden parts of the case of weather stations;
do not use strong adhesives, including adhesive tape;
RECOMMENDED: to identify weather stations, stick a sticker on the back of the product.

2. Pay Special attention for packing weather stations. Factory packaging protects weather stations from scratches. We strongly recommend that you package weather stations in the following order:
plastic bag;
bubble wrap.

3. DO NOT use non-wood cleaners. Pay special attention to the varnished parts of the body.

4. Since the weather stations use glass, be extremely careful when unpacking/packing, displaying and moving the weather stations. It is recommended to use special gloves when handling weather stations.

5. When placing weather stations in the display case, make sure that the weather stations are at the maximum distance from lighting fixtures(especially halogen lamps). The heat emitted by these luminaires can damage the coverage of weather stations.

6. When packing, transporting weather stations with clocks, be careful not to leave batteries in the case. This is due to the risk that the battery may leak.

Careful observance of these conditions will help you provide the buyer with a weather station in perfect condition and avoid possible problems with appearance and performance of weather stations.


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