Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia. Detailed vintage cards of the Nizhny Novgorod province of interviewing counties and others

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Nizhny Novgorod province is an administrative-territorial unit in Russia in the central in a volitional.

Ahead of the Obra-Zo-Va-on on January 26 (February 6) of 1714 on the terr-Rii, you de Lena From Ka-Zan-Gu-Beroi.

Administrative Center - G. Niyi New-Rod.

In 1714-1717, De Li-dared to Uz-dy: Ala-Tyr-sky, Ar-Os-Mas-Sky, Ba Lah-nin-sky, Va-Sil-sky, GO-RO-Ho-Easter , Kur-mouse-sky, Mu-Rum-Sky, the same-rod-sky, Yur-E-E-in-Wol-Sky, poison-rin-sky. Phase Zoi Pet-Ra I dated November 22 (December 3) of 1717, the Nizhny Novgorod province of WHO Vse.-on in co-becoming Ka-Zan-province. Again, you are de-le-on from it by Pet-Ra I from May 29 (June 9) of 1719. De Li-las for 3 pro-Winters: Ala-tyrny (Ala-tyr-sky, chicken mouse, poison-rin-sky uz-dy), ar-in-mask and neither -We-rhover (Ba Lah-nin-sky, the same-rod-sky, Yur-E-Even-in-free uz-dy).

The root of over 48.8 thousand km2 (1794), over 83.4 thousand km2 (1923). There are over 816 thousand people (1785), St. 1.1 million Cheliyek (1847), St. 1.5 million people (1897), St. 2.5 million people (1923).

In the XVIII century in Nizhny Novgorod province Ak-Utz - but once-Vi-Vas-Du-Stico-Nie, the price-tras of the ni-ni-na-genius and Ba Lah- Nin-Sky County (Ba Lah-on, Syu-la-Ro-decen, Va-Si-Loa War-Bo-yes, Ku-Bin-Tse-Wa, Black). One of the velocities of the Jav-La-La-Losi Ka-on-Top-de-De-Nie (Niy-Nov-Rod, Gor-Ba-Tov-Sky County), Maja-Maha Dos-Tig-La-Same-Via-Naya Industry (AR-Os-Mas, with. Bo-go-rod-rho-Ba-Tov-North County, with. Popular Mu-Rush-Ki-Knya-Guy Nin-Nin-Nine County, with. go-decen Ba-lah-nin-ski county). Oblast-PO-SIRS-Ski-Po-Willian and-Le-Zo-de-La Tel-Ksun-Sk - - Ba-ta-shy.

Administrative-territorial unit Russian Empire and the RSFSR, which existed in 1714-1929. The provincial city is Nizhny Novgorod.

The Nizhny Novgorod province bordered with the following provinces: in the West - C, in the north - with and, in the east - s and, in the south - s and.

The history of the formation of the Nizhny Novgorod province

In the course of the provincial division of 1708, conducted in the course of the regional reforms of Peter I, Nizhny Novgorod was counted among the Kazan province. From January 1714, the northwestern part of its territory was allocated to the Nizhny Novgorod province. The province, except for Nizhny Novgorod, included the cities of Alatyr, Arzamas, Balakhna, Vasilsursk, Gorokhovets, Kurdysh, Yuryevts, Nadrine with adjacent territories. In 1717, the province was abolished, the territory returned to the Kazan province again, but after two years by the Decree of Peter I dated May 29, 1719, the Nizhny Novgorod province again recreated.

In the course administrative reform Catherine II In 1778, the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod province first became part of Ryazan pricer, and in 1779 Nizhny Novgorod governance was established, which included the old Nizhny Novgorod province, as well as part of the Ryazan and Volodyimir (Vladimirsky) pricing and part of the Kazan province. With Pavel I, renaming is renamed: the vicarity was renamed in the province.

In October 1797, the size of the Nizhny Novgorod province was increased due to the territories received by the Penza province received. After joining the throne, Alexander I 9 September 1801, the Penza province was restored in the previous amount.

In the formation of Nizhny Novgorod pricing in 1779, it was divided into 13 counties. In 1796, when the governance became the province, Knyagininsky, Makarevsky, Pokhankovsky, Panskoperevozsky and Sergachsky county were abolished. In 1804, Knyagininsky, Makarevsky and Sergach district were restored. As a result, until 1917, 11 counties were part of the Nizhny Novgorod province:

County County city Square, Worst Population (1897), people
1 Ardatovsky Ardates (3546 people) 5288,0 141 625
2 Arzamassky Arzamas (10 592 people) 3307,1 138 785
3 Balakhninsky Balakhna (5120 people) 3688,6 141 694
4 Vasilsursky Vasilsursk (3799 people) 3365,9 127 333
5 Gorbatovsky Gorbatov (4604 people) 3190,1 134 160
6 Knyagininsky Knyaginin (2737 people) 2595,5 106 191
7 Lukoyanovsky Lukoyanov (2117 people) 5127,5 193 454
8 Makarevsky Makaryev (1560 people) 6568,2 108 994
9 Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod (90,053 people) 3208,2 222 033
10 Semenian Semenov (3752 people) 5889,2 111 388
11 Sergachsky Sergach (4530 people) 2808,4 159 117

After the 1917 revolution, the composition of the Nizhny Novgorod province has undergone significant changes.

  • 1918 - Gorbatov County was renamed Pavlovsky. The resurrection county is formed.
  • 1920 - Makarev County renamed Lyskovsky.
  • 1921 - Balahninsky County was renamed Gorodetsky. Formed Vyksynov, Pochinkovsky and Sormovsky counties.
  • 1922 - The provinces added: Varnavinsky and the Velluzhsky county of the Kostroma province, 6 volosts of the abolished Knevninsky district of the Kostroma province; Almost all the Kurdyshsky County of the Symbirian province, 4 volosts of the Tambov province. The Canvarian Worker District is formed.
  • 1923 - Ardatovsky, Varnavinsky, Vasilsursky, Voskresensky, Knyagininsky, Knyshensky and Pochinkovsky county are abolished. Educated Krasnobakovsky county.
  • 1924 - four parishes transferred Mari autonomous region, one parish - the North-Dvina province. Formed Balakhninsky and Tensuansky Workers. Sormovsky county transformed into the working area.

Thus, in 1926, 11 counties and 4 districts were part of the Nizhny Novgorod province.

Additional materials on the Nizhny Novgorod province

  • Plans of the General Interview of the counties of the Nizhny Novgorod province
    Ardatov district 2 vests -
    Arzamas County 2 vests -
    Balahninsky county 2 vests -
    Gorbatovsky county 2 vests -
    Knyagininsky county 2 vests -
    Lukoyan district 2 vests -
    Makarev County 2 vests -
    Nizhny Novgorod district 2 vests -
    Semenov district 2 vests -
    Sergach County 2 vests -
    Vasilsky county 2 vests -
  • Lists of settlements of the Russian Empire, compiled and published by the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of the Interior. - St. Petersburg: in the printing house Charles Wolf: 1861-1885.
    Nizhny Novgorod province: according to information 1859 / processed Art. ed. E. Ogorodnikov. - 1863. - XXXIII, 186 s., Col. kart. .
  • The first universal census of the Russian Empire of 1897 / Ed. [and from pre-following] N.A. Troinitsky. - [St. Petersburg]: Edition of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of the Interior: 1899-1905.
    Nizhny Novgorod province. Tetr. 1. - 1901. - 140 p., L. color kart. .
  • The first universal census of the Russian Empire of 1897 / Ed. [and from pre-following] N.A. Troinitsky. - [St. Petersburg]: Edition of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of the Interior: 1899-1905. Nizhny Novgorod province. Tetr. 2 (last). - 1904. -, XVI, 227 p. .
  • Essays of the Nizhny Novgorod province in historical and geographical terms: (materials for the country's science by the Nizhny Novgorod province) / Sost. M. Ovchinnikov, Inspector Nar. I'm learning Nizhegor. lips. - Nizhny Novgorod: Type. Lips. Relled, 1885. -, XIII, 60 s. .
  • About the composition and movement of the population according to the provinces of Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl: extract. By order of M-VA. Affairs, in details, Cons. special stat. Expeditions: [Stat. Tab.]. - St. Petersburg: Typography S. N. Bekheneva, 1861. -, 79, 108 p. .

Nizhny Novgorod province is an administrative-territorial formation with a center in Nizhny Novgorod, isolated from the Kazan province according to the regional reform of Peter I (1714-1719). During the Soviet authorities, during the economic zoning of the USSR, it was first transformed into the Nizhny Novgorod region (by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of January 14, 1929), and then to the Gorky region (1937). History After in the middle of the 15th century, Nizhny Novgorod finally became a controlled by the Moscow State, the management of the territories of nearby lands was based on locality.

The adjacent territories form the Nizhny Novgorod County, bordering the Knyschsky, Arzamass, Muromsky, Balakhninsky, Gorokhovetsky, Suzdal, Yuryevsky District. By the end of the XVI century, mills - a set of possessions of different character (palace, owned, monastic), without any uniform administrative structure of the Berezopol Station (birch field, Berezopol) - the most populated territories located near Nizhny Novgorod in the interference , Volga, kits and kisma.

On the territory of the station there was a "well-decorated structural unit" - the village of Bogorodskoye "with the villages and villages", in 1615 a complained king Kuzma Minin and his family for organizing the Nizhny Novgorod militia. The namotable mill was located east of Berezopoly, being for Nizhny Novgorod "Behind the Kuyma River", from where his name went. A successful settlement of territories contributed to the foundation at the mouth of the River Kergenets of the Makaryevo-Zholovodsky Monastery, which became one of the powerful Nizhny Novgorod feudal vessels in the XVII century. Strelitsky Stan (Strelitsa) - territory on the right bank of the Volga in the mouth of Oki, directly opposite Nizhny Novgorod. The camp was formed only to XVII century, Absoring the lands of the Strelitsky parish and the Seina Bortnikov.

In addition to the territory, the territories belonging to the palace possessions were well distinguished: palace villages with their villages surrounding them, the village from the "Lukinskaya Sokhi" with the center in the village of Lukino, the surrounding village of Slobodskoye, the Association of Bortnikov and Mordovskie villages. During the XVII century, some parishes are moving to Nizhny Novgorod submission from neighboring counties. So from the Kurdysh district, Lyskovskaya and Murashkinsky owner volosts, which have passed to the boyar Boris Ivanovich Morozov are added. By that time, the population of the village of Lyskovo and Murashkino exceeded the population of Kurvish ten times. Reverse processes also took place. So part of the settlements of the Tolokontsevsky parish passed to the State Suizolsky volost of the Balakhninsky county.

In the course of the development of the noble land tenure, almost all settlements Palace volosts, Mordovian settlements and Bortnikov are transferred to the possession of the feudalists. By the middle of the XVII century, the largest in the territories of Nizhny Novgorod County are focused Russian state Ownership of the feudalists (Morozov, Cherkasy, Vorotnsky, Prozorovsky). In 1682, the locality was abolished, the main management was carried out with the help of governors. Prior to the early XVIII century, P. M. Apraksin, G. G. Pushkin, Yu. A. Sitsky, A. Yu. Sitsky, S. L. Streshnev, Yu. P. Trubetskaya, P. V. Sheremetev, are mentioned among Nizhny Novgorod. The education of the province during the provincial division of 1708, conducted in the course of the regional reforms of Peter I, Nizhny Novgorod was counted among the Kazan province.

In January 1714, the northwestern part of its territory was highlighted in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The province, except for Nizhny Novgorod, included the cities of Alatyr, Arzamas, Balakhna, Vasilsursk, Gorokhovets, Kurdysh, Yuryevts, Nadrine with adjacent territories. In 1717, the province was abolished, the territory returned to the Kazan province again, but after two years by the Decree of Peter I dated May 29, 1719, the province again was recreated. During the administrative reform of Catherine II in 1778, the territory of the province was first included in the composition of Ryazan pricing, and in 1779 Nizhny Novgorod governance was established, which included the old Nizhny Novgorod province, as well as parts of the Ryazan and Volodimir (Vladimirsky) pricing and part of the Kazan province.

With Pavel I, renaming is renamed: the vicarity was renamed in the province. In October 1797, the size of the Nizhny Novgorod province was increased due to the territories received by the Penza province received. After joining the throne, Alexander I 9 September 1801, the Penza province was restored in the previous amount. In connection with the Zemstvo reform since 1865, the Institute of Local Department was introduced in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Geography, Nizhny Novgorod province bordered by the following provinces: in the West - with Vladimir, in the north - with Kostroma and Vyatka, in the East - with Kazan and Simbirskaya, in the south - with Penza and Tambov. The province area was 48,241 km² in 1847, 51,252 km² in 1905.

The Oka and Volga rivers (from Nizhny Novgorod) were divided by the territory of the province into two essentially different to the relief, geological structure, soils and vegetation Parts: Northern - lowland and southern - Nagorno. The population of the All-Russian Census of the Russian Empire of the Russian Empire in 1897 in the territory of Nizhny Novgorod province (744,467 men, 840,307 women) lived on the territory of Nizhny Novgorod province (744,467 men). Of these of the urban population - 143 031. The territorial composition of the province for 1796 in Geberynia included the following treashes: Ardatovsky (county city - Ardates), Arzamas (Arzamas), Balakhninsky (Balakhna), Vasilsur (Vasilsursk), Gorbatovsky (Gorbatov), \u200b\u200bPrinjininsky (Princess), Lukoyanovsky (Lukoyanov), Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod), Semenovsky (Semenov), Sergach (Sergach).

The territorial composition did not change until the disappearance of the Russian Empire.

Square of province - 53.5 thousand km².

Post-revolutionary changes after the 1917 revolution The composition of the province has undergone significant changes. 1922 - The provinces are added: Varnavinsky and Velluzhsky counties of the Kostroma province, 6 volosts of the Kourninsky County; Almost all the Kurdyshsky County of the Symbirian province, 4 volosts of the Tambov province. 1924 - four parishes were transferred to the Mari Autonomous Region, one parish - the North-Dvinist province. 1929 - the Nizhny Novgorod region is formed in the composition of which includes: Chuvash ASSR; Mari Autonomous Region; Last autonomous region. 1932 - Nizhny Novgorod is renamed Gorky, and Nizhny Novgorod Region - to Gorky. 1934 - 1936 - from the Gorky region stood out: the Kirov region; Udmurt ASSR; Mari ASSR; Chuvash ASSR. 1936 - Gorky Region renamed Gorky region

Nizhny Novgorod province - the administrative-territorial unit of the Russian Empire and the RSFSR, which existed in 1714-1929. The provincial city is Nizhny Novgorod.

The Nizhny Novgorod province bordered with the following provinces: in the West - with Vladimir, in the north - from Kostroma and Vyatka, in the East - with Kazan and Simbirskaya, in the south - with Penza and Tambov.

The history of the formation of the Nizhny Novgorod province

In the course of the provincial division of 1708, conducted in the course of the regional reforms of Peter I, Nizhny Novgorod was counted among the Kazan province. From January 1714, the northwestern part of its territory was allocated to the Nizhny Novgorod province. The province, except for Nizhny Novgorod, included the cities of Alatyr, Arzamas, Balakhna, Vasilsursk, Gorokhovets, Kurdysh, Yuryevts, Nadrine with adjacent territories. In 1717, the province was abolished, the territory returned to the Kazan province again, but after two years by the Decree of Peter I of 01.01.01, the Nizhny Novgorod province was again recreated.

During the administrative reform of Catherine II in 1778, the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod province was first included in the composition of Ryazan pricer, and in 1779 Nizhny Novgorod governance was established, which included the old Nizhny Novgorod province, as well as parts of Ryazan and Volodimir (Vladimirsky) pricing and part of the Kazan province. With Pavel I, renaming is renamed: the vicarity was renamed in the province.

In October 1797, the size of the Nizhny Novgorod province was increased due to the territories received by the Penza province received. After joining the throne, Alexander I 9 September 1801, the Penza province was restored in the previous amount.

In the formation of Nizhny Novgorod pricing in 1779, it was divided into 13 counties. In 1796, when the governance became the province, Knyagininsky, Makarevsky, Pokhankovsky, Panskoperevozsky and Sergachsky county were abolished. In 1804, Knyagininsky, Makarevsky and Sergach district were restored. As a result, until 1917, 11 counties were part of the Nizhny Novgorod province:

Additional materials on the Nizhny Novgorod province


County city

Square, Worst

Population (1897), people


Ardates (3546 people)


141 625


Arzamas (10 592 people)


138 785


Balakhna (5120 people)


141 694


Vasilsursk (3799 people)


127 333


Gorbatov (4604 people)


134 160


Knyaginin (2737 people)


106 191


Lukoyanov (2117 people)


193 454


Makaryev (1560 people)


108 994

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod (90,053 people)


222 033


Semenov (3752 people)


111 388


Sergach (4530 people)


159 117

After the 1917 revolution, the composition of the Nizhny Novgorod province has undergone significant changes.

    1918 - Gorbatov County was renamed Pavlovsky. The resurrection county is formed. 1920 - Makarev County renamed Lyskovsky. 1921 - Balahninsky County was renamed Gorodetsky. Formed Vyksynov, Pochinkovsky and Sormovsky counties. 1922 - The provinces added: Varnavinsky and the Velluzhsky county of the Kostroma province, 6 volosts of the abolished Knevninsky district of the Kostroma province; Almost all the Kurdyshsky County of the Symbirian province, 4 volosts of the Tambov province. The Canvarian Worker District is formed. 1923 - Ardatovsky, Varnavinsky, Vasilsursky, Voskresensky, Knyagininsky, Knyshensky and Pochinkovsky county are abolished. Educated Krasnobakovsky county. 1924 - four parishes were transferred to the Mari Autonomous Region, one parish - the North-Dvinist province. Formed Balakhninsky and Tensuansky Workers. Sormovsky county transformed into the working area.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

Transported municipal district

Nizhny Novgorod region

Transportation Secondary School

Abstract on the topic

"The formation of the Nizhny Novgorod province"

Performed:Novak Irina

Student 8 grade "B"

Nizhny Novgorod province is an administrative-territorial unit of the Russian Empire and the RSFSR, which existed in 1714-1929. The provincial city is Nizhny Novgorod.

In 2014, it marks 300 years since the creation of the Nizhny Novgorod province. It was then that our region, uniting the Russian lands of the Volga-Oksky Meternracy with the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas and Balakhna, according to the will of Emperor Peter the Great, first gained administrative independence, becoming a full-fledged subject of the state of the Russian. Past three centuries have confirmed the correctness of this state decision And allowed to comprehensively reveal the economic and spiritual potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which did the glorious pages in the history of Russia.

Geographical position The Nizhny Novgorod province was that she bordered with the following provinces: in the West - with Vladimir, in the north - from Kostroma and Vyatka, in the East - with the Kazan and Simbirskaya, in the south - with Penza and Tambov. The province area was 48,241 km² in 1847, 51,252 km² - in 1905, 81 458 km² - in 1926. The Oka and Volga rivers shared the territory of the province into two essentially different to the relief, geological structure, soils and vegetation Parts: Northern - lowland and southern - Nagorno.

In the course of the regional reform of Peter I 1708, Nizhny Novgorod was found to be the Kazan province. In January 1714, a new Nizhny Novgorod province was allocated from the north-western parts of the Kazan province. The province, except for Nizhny Novgorod, included the cities of Alatyr, Arzamas, Balakhna, Vasilsursk, Gorokhovets, Kurdysh, Yuryevts, Nadrine with adjacent territories. In 1717, the province was abolished, the territory returned to the Kazan province again. On May 29, 1719, as a result of the second Petrovsky reform, the Nizhny Novgorod province was again recreated. It includes 3 provinces: Alatyrasskaya, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod and 7 cities. During the administrative reform of Catherine II in 1778, the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod province was first included in the composition of Ryazan pricer, and in 1779 Nizhny Novgorod governance was established, which included the old Nizhny Novgorod province, as well as parts of Ryazan and Volodimir (Vladimirsky) pricing and part of the Kazan province. With Pavel I, renaming is renamed: the vicarity was renamed in the province. Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of January 14, 1929 were completely eliminated by the province. On the territory of Nizhny Novgorod province, the Nizhny Novgorod region was formed. In the formation of Nizhny Novgorod pricing in 1779, it was divided into 13 counties. In 1796, when the governance became the province, Knyagininsky, Makarevsky, Pokhankovsky, Panskoperevozsky and Sergachsky county were abolished. In 1804, Knyagininsky, Makarevsky and Sergach district were restored. As a result, until 1917, 11 counties were part of the Nizhny Novgorod province.

Popular education in the province, before the adoption by his land, was in a sad state: there were few schools (in 1860 - 87), and they were in bad condition; Teachers received a low salary. In all libraries of primary schools there were 513 books. In the 1893-1894 academic year, the province was numbered: Zemsky schools - 417, church-parish schools and schools of diplomas - 506, urban 2-class women's school - 1, rural schools 2-class - 8, 1-class Russians - 5, 1 -class Mordovian - 5,1-class Tatar with classes of Russian language - 3 (83 students). As of January 1, 1895, there were 1044 educational institutions in the province, in which 47,544 people were studied (38 104 m., 9440 g.). 8 medium worked in Nizhny Novgorod educational institutions:

Real School, Women's Gymnasium, Men's Gymnasium, Nobility Institute, Diocesan Women's School, Women's Institute, Spiritual Seminary, Cadet Corps. In other cities - women's deflection and real school in Arzamas. In 1872, a society of proliferation of primary education (Nizhny Novgorod), which had a book warehouse, a free library with reading items and 200 departments in the 11th Countries of the province was founded. The society has organized more than 50 school libraries in rural schools, 3 libraries for rural residents (in fixing, village Chernovsky Sergach County and Vasilyevsky County Vacifier). The society arranged folk readings in cities and villages. In addition, the province existed a circle of lovers of physics and astronomy, several charitable and educational fraternities.

The history of our region is very interesting and instructive. The creation of the province led in the XVIII century to the rapid development of the economy: new lands swallowed, the public division of labor is established, inventory is developing. One of the most famous crafts was the production of potash - a chemical used in glass production, soap, crustacean, the manufacture of powder. IN large quantities It was made in the Arzamas district, and then through Arkhangelsk exported abroad. Salt fishery was famous for Balachna, in which wooden shipbuilding was also developed. In Lyskov, skilled blacksmiths, carpenters, potters, tailors lived. Far outside the edge went out fame about Pavlovsky loovers and gunsmiths. The inhabitants of the Bogorodskoye village with surrounding villages were engaged in leather fishery. In Gorodetskoy parish, there was a large anchor plant, and near the gorotang - cast iron and iron plants. The largest industrial center of the region was the provincial city of Nizhny Novgorod. It was a center of cable production, shipbuilding, metalworking. Shipbuilders' masters participated in the preparation of the Volga Fleet for the transport of artillery and ammunition in Azov. Metalists cast bells and anchors, manufactured rifle locks. Here were created and successfully worked brick, pottery, steel, as well as leather, maltented, brewing plants, sailing fabrics.

The story about the history of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be incomplete if it is limited to only her economic Development. Since ancient times, our region was a significant center of Russian culture and spirituality: religious philosophy, literary creativity, painting and music, theatrical art, architectural and engineering thought of Nizhny Novgorod are known far beyond the region. About all outstanding creative personalities It is impossible to tell, but even a brief list of names and individual historical sketches are impressive.

This great date It makes it possible to recall the "works and days" of Nizhny Novgorod, preserved by archival documents and folk memory.

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