Dante about the circles of hell. Complete the seven circles of hell

Garden equipment 21.09.2019
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Hell and its 9 circles made a rustle, in due time. The effect continues to this day. Our articles have already given you clear. But, today we will touch on what interests us more - a lie. After all, reality is not as attractive as fairy tales. Once upon a time, the great dreamer and entertainer Dante Alighieri made a description of hell in his " Divine Comedy". In his opinion, the underworld is 9 circles. The lower each circle, the heavier the sins that a person committed during his lifetime. The asshole Dante was not lazy and gave the world a clear structure of this warm place. Although, if most people had an IQ greater than a monkey, they would have treated it more simply. For the concept of 9 circles of hell reflects nothing more than a purely Catholic idea of ​​hell. Although, the craving of people for knowledge is strong. And we are obliged to describe the reality invented by Dante Alighieri. After all, we are writing articles. not only for the sake of truth, but also for fun. So, to your attention 9 circles of hell. Read:

According to Dante Alighieri, in front of the very entrance from hell, there are pitiful souls of people who have spent a rather boring life - they did neither evil nor good. But human souls who have lived like amoebas are not alone. They help to while away the eternity of "bad flock of angels." These are the once heavenly inhabitants who did not choose the side of God or the devil. Like you, during the elections. So let's get down to more detailed description 9 circles of hell. Dante's hell and its circles. Drove:

1 circle of hell. Bears the stylish name Limb. His guard is none other than Charon. Stern, sullen and principled grandfather. He transported the souls of the dead across the Styx River. Carrying out their duties clearly and specifically. Moreover, under no circumstances did he take anyone back. Souls in this circle are tormented by the punishment "painless grief". Basically, the representatives of the first circle of hell are babies who were not baptized and virtuous, non-Christians. I mean, just good people who did not quite obey the church.

2 circle of hell. This place is guarded by Minos - the intractable judge of the damned. During his lifetime, King Minos was a great lover of women, but the ruler was not bad either. He wrote the laws for all Cretans (Crete island). He received these notes from himself, in the cave. But what the hell, yet? After all, I remember, in all weapons (legal). Well, the nation is like that - it couldn't come up with anything clever. I had to steal the idea.

So, Minos rules in the second round and judges the souls of the departed. Voluptuous people spend eternity with him. That is, all adulterers, harlots and just people who showed excessive ardor in bed. 2 the circle of hell punishes these wretches with torsion and torment by the storm.

3 circle of hell. This circle is guarded by Cerberus. A wonderful dog that guards the exit from the world of the dead, and not the entrance, as many think. Cerberus has three heads and a snake's tail, and on its back there are snake heads. These heads are very similar to those worn by his mother, Echidna. Some are inclined to believe that he has 50 heads or even a hundred. He killed this handsome man - Hercules. It was the hitman who killed everything he was ordered to kill. All death for the glory of heifers, etc. Man is half, blasphemy ?!

3 circle of hell. Inhabited by unfortunate gluttons, gluttons and even gourmets! The most famous thanks to Dante Alighieri is Chacco. This glutton lives in a stinking swamp, cold rain constantly pours on it. In general, in the second circle of hell, everyone is punished - rotting. They decompose there under the scorching sun and pouring rain. Although, office workers are not afraid of this kind of torture.

4 circle of hell. Plutos reigns there. IN Greek mythology known as the god of wealth. Most often, when depicting Plutos, he was credited with a cornucopia. But the mischievous Dante described him in his "Divine Comedy" as a bestial demon. Old Man Disney probably took Dante literally:

4 circle of hell. Stingy, greedy and wasteful individuals languishing in it, unable to make adequate spending. The punishment for them is not as vile as in the third round, but more "heavy". They drag huge weights from one place to another, and if they somehow collide with each other, they begin a fierce battle.

5 circle of hell. Quite a gloomy and gloomy place, guarded by the son of Ares himself. The name of the son is Phlegius. For the fact that during his lifetime Phlegius burned down the temple of Apollo (for the connection of Apollo with his daughter), he is tormented by an eternal hunger in hell.

To get to the 5th circle of hell, you need to be very angry, lazy or sad. And better all at once! I went and killed a bunch of people, was too lazy to clean up the corpses and became sad. Um, okay, okay, let's move on. So, on the fifth circle of hell, there is an eternal fight. The place of the fight is the Styx swamp. The darkest thing in that river is the bottom. It consists of those who were discouraged and bored during their lifetime. So - smile constantly, you never know ...

Killed - smile. For despondency is a sin.

6 circle of hell. These are the walls of the city of Dita. He's Hades or Orc. All these are the names of the underground god, after whom the city was named. Although, the Greeks are so complicated there that it is not clear who slept with whom, what they named and how to live with this information.

Guard 6 circle of hell - furies. Grumpy, cruel and very angry women. Mother-in-law, former and aunts are conductors. Rumor has it that the furies appeared as a result of the very first crime - Kronos wounded his dad Uranus, drops of his blood that fell to the ground gave birth to these bitches to women. The furies scoff at heretics and false teachers. The most famous of them, at that time: Frederick II Hohenstaufen and Pope Anastasius II.

The punishment for the 6th circle of hell is existence in the form of ghosts, in graves red-hot to red. Not so scary if you remember the real ones. But, somehow I don't want to check.

7 circle of hell. It is divided into three belts. The main inhabitants are people who committed violence. But, in every belt they live different kinds rapists:

1 belt is called Flageton. Those who committed violence against their neighbor, over his material values ​​and property. So, tyrants, robbers and robbers spend their time in the first belt. The guys boil in a ditch of red-hot blood, and if anyone emerges, centaurs shoot at him. By the way, according to Dante Alighieri and his "Divine Comedy", Alexander the Great and the tyrant Dionysius swim there, splashing in the warm waves of the blood of their victims.

2 belt this is the Suicide Forest. Those who have committed violence against themselves languish there. Simply put - suicides. Also, those who senselessly spent their fortune - gamblers and the like. Spender and gamblers are tortured by hounds. The unfortunate suicides are turned into trees and are torn to shreds by the Harpies (pre-Olympic creatures). Known for suddenly appearing and abducting human children and human souls. Harpies are associated with the storm. It is believed that the number of harpies ranges from 2 to 5.

3 belt- Combustible sands. Blasphemers who have committed violence against deities spend their time there. Also, those who showed violence against their nature - sadomites, as well as art (extortion). The punishment is being in an absolutely barren desert, the sky of which is falling on the heads of the unfortunate in a fiery rain. Well, not very far from it all.

Protects those languishing on the 7th circle of hell and its belts - the Minotaur. The creature that turned out after the perverted relationship of the wife of King Minos - Pasiphae and the bull donated by Poseidon. Pasiphae copulated with a bull, seducing him by lying in a wooden model of a cow.

8 circle of hell. This circle consists of 10 ditches. And this is the most fucking popular of all circles. It also bears the name of the Evil Gaps or Slugs. Again, the former is remembered. The guardian of the 8th circle of hell is Geryon - a giant with six arms, six legs and wings. This monster consisted of three human bodies. The three left hands, as well as the three right ones, had spears. Killed this cutie, none other than Hercules! Although, this was not enough for him. He not only killed the unfortunate Geryon with one arrow, he also built a sanctuary for him. Probably, it was after this act of Hercules that modern murderers build temples. Lovers of myths ancient greece, their mother.

In the Evil Crevices, deceivers carry their difficult fate. And now, about the types of torture and executions in each of the 10 ditches:

1 ditch. Seducers and pimps sit there. All these sinners go in two columns to meet each other. They are constantly tortured by driving demons. By the way, among them is the famous thief and cunning Jason. He stole the fleece and did quite a few other small dirty tricks. By the way, there is a little bad logic here. For even the first-year students of the philological university know that Jason committed suicide. Well, maybe Dante Alighieri has his own version.

2 moat... Filled with flatterers. Their punishment is feces. Steeped in fetid feces, flatterers while away their time. As if, watching TV, we are not likened to these unfortunates.

3 ditch. The 8th circle of hell, according to Dante Alighieri and his Divine Comedy, is occupied by high-ranking clergymen who traded the positions of the church. They are simonists. The Simonists got their definition thanks to the attempt of the Jew Simon to buy the gift of performing miracles from the Apostle Peter and the Apostle John.

The punishment for them is the imprisonment of the body in a rock, with the head down. Hot lava flows down the feet of the Simonists.

4 ditch. Filled to the brim with stargazers, witches, fortunetellers and soothsayers. Their heads are turned half a turn (towards the back). It is here that the cute and funny little Jew Pavlik G.

"Don't you like my predictions? They are a little cut off."

In the 5th moat demons are having fun. They boil bribe-takers in pitch, and those who stick out - pierce with hooks. So, if you are a politician - train not to breathe, under the tar as long as possible, during your lifetime.

6 moat filled with leaden robes of hypocrites.
7 moat- thieves with whom earthly reptiles copulate: spiders, snakes, frogs and so on.

8 moat- sweet-voiced and crafty advisers, whose souls burn in hellish fire.
9 moat- the haven of the instigators of discord. They are subjected to eternal torture - gutting. By the way, this type of torture is very popular in.
10 moat- false witnesses, counterfeiters and metal forgers. People who carried out dishonest machinations with metal are very lethargic, but at the same time they are sick with a terrible scabies. False witnesses, in hell, run around in rage and bite everyone they meet. For some reason, the ex and her mother come to mind again. The counterfeiters are disfigured by dropsy and are dying of constant thirst.

9 circle of hell Dante. The most sinister and thus the most attractive. His name is Betrayal, the belt of Cain, the Middle is the center of the universe, the belt of Giudecca and the Ice Lake Cocytus. Among the most famous slabretes who spend eternity there are Brutus, Judas Iscariot and Cassius.

9 circle of hell is guarded by severe guards. Giants named Ephialtes, Antaeus, Briareus and Lucifer (guard of the road to purgatory).

Briareus is a half-bull-half-snake or giant with 100 arms and 50 heads. Defended 100 shields from the lightning of Zeus himself. Associated with whales.

Ephialtes is simply an aggressive and possessing immense physical strength giant. Known for asking for the hand of Athena herself. Although, some believe that to Hera. But, isn't it the one hell who dishonored him? After all, neither one nor the other was seen in an intimate relationship with Ephialt.

Antaeus is the son of Gaia and Poseidon. Antaeus received incredible strength in contact with the ground. And the earth is his mother, named Gaia. He is the king of Libya. During his lifetime, this giant loved to fight with all the travelers and conquered all of them. I even laid out a whole temple from the skulls of the losers. Defeated him, who do you think, Hercules! This smart-ass son of Zeus tore the unfortunate lover of cranial structures off the ground, and then strangled or broke his spine. By the way, they say that Hercules made life in Libya better.

Well, we have already laid out, according to full program... The only thing I would like to note is that it is with his three mouths that Judas, Brutus and Cassius are tormented. VIP seats, so to speak.

Traitors are doomed to the 9th circle of hell. The most insidious sin, according to Dante Alighieri. Everything possible types betrayed, languish there. Traitors to the homeland, traitors to relatives, traitor friends, and so on. All of them are frozen into the ice up to their necks, and their traitorous births are turned to the bottom. They experience eternal torment cold.

That's all 9 circles of hell Dante Alighieri. We hope you have gained some knowledge. But, our entertainment portal is in a hurry to remind that this is not just a lie, this is a purely Catholic idea of ​​hell. So, if this is knowledge, it is only in the field fiction... Here, our articles have been replenished with another masterpiece. Precisely a masterpiece, our wonderful monkeys. After all, get useful information, from which you fell asleep in lessons and couples, while remembering it - you can only with the help of our website. Good day, shit.

The first circle of Hell is Limb, where the souls of those who were not caught in unrighteous deeds, but died unbaptized, reside. Limbe is inhabited by ancient philosophers and poets (besides Virgil), Noah, Moses and Abraham were also here - all the righteous mentioned in Old Testament- but then they were allowed to ascend to Paradise.

Guardian: Charon.
Punishment: sorrow without pain.

Circle 2 - Voluptuousness

At the entrance, travelers are met by King Minos (a just judge and father of the Minotaur), who distributes the souls in circles. Here everything is covered with darkness and a storm is constantly raging - gusts of wind hurl the souls of those who have been pushed onto the path of sin by love. Desired someone else's wife or husband, lived in debauchery - your soul will be hovering restless over the abyss forever.

Guardian: Minos.
Punishment: torsion and torture by the storm.

Circle 3 - Gluttony

Gluttons are imprisoned in this circle: an icy rain eternally pours here, souls get stuck in a dirty slurry, and the demon Cerberus gnaws at the prisoners caught under the clawed paw.

Guardian: Cerberus.
Punishment: rotting under the sun and rain.

Circle 4 - Greed

The abode of those who "spent and saved unworthily" is a gigantic plain on which two crowds stand. Pushing loads with their chest, they go towards each other, collide and then diverge to start all over again.

Guardian: Plutos.
Punishment: eternal dispute.

Circle 5 - Anger and Laziness

A giant river, or rather the Stygian swamp, where they are exiled for laziness and anger. All circles up to the 5th are the haven of the unrestrained, and incontinence is considered a lesser sin than "malice or violent bestiality", and therefore the suffering of souls there is alleviated in comparison with those who dwell in distant circles.

Guardian: Phlegius.
Punishment: an eternal fight up to the throat in the swamp.

Circle 6 - For heretics and false teachers

The flaming city of Dit (the Romans called Ditom Aida, the god of the underworld), which is guarded by the sisters of Furies with tangle of snakes instead of hair. Inescapable grief reigns here, and heretics and false teachers rest in the open tombs, as if in eternal furnaces. The transition to the 7th circle is surrounded by a fetid abyss.

Guardians: Furies.
Punishment: being a ghost in a red-hot grave.

Circle 7 - For rapists and murderers of all stripes

The steppes, where the fiery rain eternally falls and the same thing appears to the eye: the terrible torment of souls who have stained themselves with violence. Tyrants, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, and even gamblers (who thoughtlessly destroyed their own property) fall here. Sinners are torn apart by dogs, harpies hunt them, they are boiled in scarlet boiling water, turned into trees and forced to run under streams of flame.

Guardian: Minotaur.
Punishment: boil in a bloody river, languish in a sultry desert near a burning stream, be tormented by harpies and hounds.

Circle 8 - For those who deceived those who did not trust

The refuge of pimps and seducers consists of 10 ditches (Zlopazuhi, Evil Crevices), in the center of which lies the most terrible - 9th - the circle of Hell. Soothsayers, fortunetellers, sorceresses, bribe-takers, hypocrites, flatterers, thieves, alchemists, false witnesses and counterfeiters are tormented nearby. The same circle includes priests who traded in church positions.

Guardian: Geryon.
Punishment: sinners walk in two opposite streams, scourged by demons, stuck in fetid feces, the bodies of some are chained in rocks, fire streams down their feet. Someone is boiling in tar, and if they stick out, the devils will drive the hooks. Chained in lead robes, they are placed on a red-hot brazier, sinners are gutted and tortured by reptiles, leprosy and lichen.

Circle 9 - For renegades and traitors of all kinds

The theme of the circles of hell has already been developed by artists, composers, and directors of the 20th century. Many video game lovers know there is a game called Dante: Inferno. And in 2010, a fantasy cartoon based on the book by D. Alighieri was even published.

9 circles of hell: "Divine Comedy" by Dante

The famous sings and, probably, the first science fiction writer Dante depicted the 9 circles of hell in the "Divine Comedy" as a huge funnel. The more serious the sin than more people suffered from a sinful person, the deeper into the funnel of the earthly underworld King Minos will lower him, meeting the deceased in the 2nd circle. The poet Dante described the 9 circles of hell as a place where on each "floor" the souls of the dead are serving hard labor. The poem was written in the dark ages, when the human mind was fettered by the fear of purgatory.

Dante worked on the poem for a long time - from 1307 to 1321. That is, the poem has been glorifying the name of this person for more than 700 years. For literature, this is an excellent example of medieval poetry. The entire poem was written in Terzins, with a stylistic charm unprecedented for those times.

The poet describes all these circles of hell as very dark and cruel, as a person who lived in the era of Catholic despotism could only imagine. For a general presentation, we will describe all 9 circles, as they are depicted in the original source - the poem "The Divine Comedy".

Description of the first 5 circles of hell

In the limb (1 circle) Dante "settled" poets and scientists of antiquity who were not baptized. So, in fact, their souls do not belong to either the lower world or the higher. In this place, the soul of a person experiences sorrow, but bodily torment, writes Dante, is not here.

On the 2nd circle, the souls are already tormented. Gusts of wind torment them. As on earth, they were restless and sought comfort in voluptuousness, and not in the spiritual world, so here they will be tormented forever by an unprecedented storm.

The next circle is the afterlife haven of gluttons and gourmets. They are doomed to rot in the continuous and vile rain. Greed follows. This sin is punishable by the fact that the soul of the miser is obliged to drag the weights on his back forever and fight with other souls who drag the same bales towards him.

The last circle of less serious sins associated with intemperance and craving for the material is the circle for the souls of angry, lazy or discouraged people.

Circles of hell for the most terrible agony

Most terrible sins, as the writer believes, is violence, deception, extravagance, hypocrisy and betrayal. Circle 6 is for false teachers who have directed human minds to lie for their own benefit. In all the "open spaces" of the 7th tier, rapists are tormented. And the 8th and 9th circles are for the most "refined" hypocrites, heretics, pimps and seducers. As well as trading priests and alchemists. It is these sins that Dante condemns, and for such souls eternal hard labor in the 9th circle is the most terrible.

On the very last circle, in the center, there is a fallen angel frozen into a lake with the ancient name of Cocytus. In his teeth, such historical figures as Judas, as well as Mark Brutus and Guy Cassius, who betrayed Caesar, are doomed to torture.

Dante Alighieri describes the 9 circles of hell as truly terrifying and unusual.

Who inspired Dante?

Like every writer, Dante had his own muse. A girl named Bice (the name Beatrice was given to her by the genius himself later) inspired the talented young man only by her existence. He was so selflessly and for a long time devoted by all his thoughts to only one lady of his heart that the greatest work, like his other poetry, was written in her honor.

Many brush masters depicted this girl with a poet. Artist Holiday Henry painted the painting "Dante and Beatrice" (year of writing - 1883).

The poem "Divine Comedy", which gives the broadest synthesis medieval culture and an anthology of the world, was written by Dante Alighieri between 1307 and 1321. In the work, Dante builds a strict system of the afterlife from the point of view of Catholic Christianity, presenting it in the form of 9 circles surrounding Lucifer frozen into ice.

In the opening song, Dante tells how he, having reached the middle life path, once lost his way in a dense forest and as a poet Virgil, having saved him from three wild animals blocking his path, invited Dante to make a journey through the afterlife. Upon learning that Virgil was sent to Beatrice (Dante's beloved), Dante surrenders himself to the poet's leadership without trepidation.

Dante's hell looks like a colossal funnel, consisting of concentric circles, the narrow end of which rests on the center of the earth.

The first circle of Hell is Limb, where the souls of those who were not caught in unrighteous deeds, but died unbaptized, reside. Charon is on guard. Punishment: sorrow without pain.

“He was born of painless sorrow,
Which seemed to be embraced
Crowds of babies and husbands and wives. "

There were Noah, Moses and Abraham - all the righteous mentioned in the Old Testament - but then they were allowed to ascend to Paradise. Limbe is inhabited by greatest poets antiquity - Homer, Horace, Ovid, Virgil, Lucan; Roman and Greek heroes - Electra, Hector, Aeneas, Caesar, Penthesileia, Camilla, Lavinia with his father Latina, Lucius Junius Brutus, Julia (Pompey's wife), Lucretia (dishonored by the royal son Sextus Tarquinius), Cornelia, Marcia (wife of Cato Uticus), Deidamia + Saladin; Scientists, poets and doctors - Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Democritus, Diogenes, Thales, Anaxagoras, Zeno, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Dioscorides, Seneca, Orpheus, Lin, Mark Tullius Cicero, Euclid, Ptolemy, Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna.

Botticelli Map of Hell

The circles of Hell described by the Florentine visionary are narrowing. Therefore, his underworld is a kind of funnel, placed on the tip. He rests on the center of the earth, where Lucifer is imprisoned. As the author says, the deeper the hell, the narrower the circle, the more terrible the created sin.

9 circles of hell in "Divine Comedy"

According to Dante Alighieri, just before entering hell, you can meet people who have spent a boring life - they did neither evil nor good.

Dante is depicted holding a copy of The Divine Comedy next to the entrance to Hell, the seven terraces of Mount Purgatory, the city of Florence and the spheres of Heaven above in a fresco by Domenico di Michelino.

1 circle

The first circle of hell is called Limb. His guard is Charon, who transports the souls of the dead across the river Styx. In the first circle of hell, infants who have not been baptized and virtuous non-Christians experience torment. They are doomed to eternal suffering through silent sorrow.

Alexander Litovchenko. Charon transports souls across the river Styx

2 circle

The second circle of hell is guarded by Minos - the intractable judge of the damned. Passionate lovers and adulterers in this circle of hell are punished with torment and torment by the storm.

llustrations to Dante "s Divine Comedy - Minos by William Blake.

3 circle

Cerberus is the guardian of the third circle, which is inhabited by gluttons, gluttons and gourmets. All of them are punished by putrefaction and decay under the scorching sun and pouring rain.

William Blake (1757 - 1827) Cerberus

4 circle

Plutos reigns in the fourth circle, where the miser, the greedy and the wasteful individuals who are unable to make reasonable spending fall. Punishing them is an eternal dispute when they collide with each other.

Avaricious and Prodigal, Gustave Dore, 1890

5 circle

The fifth circle represents a gloomy and gloomy place, guarded by the son of the god of war Ares - Phlegius. To get to the fifth circle of hell, you have to be very angry, lazy, or sad. Then the punishment will be an eternal fight in the Styx swamp.

Gustave Dore's illustration of Dante's Inferno in which the narrator is crossing the River Styx in hell

6 circle

The sixth circle is the Walls of the city of Dita, guarded by furies - grumpy, cruel and very evil women. They scoff at heretics and false teachers, whose punishment is eternal existence in the form of ghosts in red-hot graves.

Singer Sargent, John - Orestes Pursued by the Furies 1921

7 circle

The seventh circle of hell, guarded by the Minotaur, is for those who committed violence.

The circle is divided into three belts:

- First belt is called Flageton. Those who have committed violence against their neighbor, over his material values ​​and property fall into it. They are tyrants, robbers and robbers. All of them boil in a ditch of red-hot blood, and centaurs shoot at those who emerge.

- Second belt- Suicide forest. It contains suicides, as well as those who uselessly squandered their fortune - gamblers and motes. The squander is tortured by the hounds, and the unfortunate suicides are torn to shreds by the Harpy.

- Third belt- Combustible sands. There are blasphemers who have committed violence against deities and sodomites. The punishment is being in an absolutely barren desert, the sky of which is falling on the heads of the unfortunate in a rain of fire.

Lucifer, King of Hell; Canto XXXIV of The Inferno, by Dante Alighieri; Illustration by Gustave Dore

8 circle

The eighth circle of hell consists of ten ditches. The circle itself is called the Evil Gaps, or Zlopasuhi.

The guard is Geryon - a giant with six arms, six legs and wings. In the Evil Crevices, deceivers carry their difficult fate.

Inferno, Canto XVIII 1480s - Sandro Botticelli

The first moat is filled with seducers and pimps. All of them walk in two columns towards each other, while they are constantly tortured by demon-drovers.

In the second, flatterers languish. Their punishment is fetid feces, in which lovers of flattery are mired forever.

The third moat is occupied by high-ranking clerics who traded in church offices. The punishment for them is the imprisonment of the body in the rock, head down, hot lava flows down the feet.

The fourth moat is filled to the brim with stargazers, witches, fortunetellers and soothsayers. Their heads are turned half a turn (towards the back).

In the fifth, there are bribe-takers, who are boiled by demons in tar, and those who stick out are pierced with hooks.

The sixth moat is filled with hypocrites clad in lead robes.

In the seventh there are thieves with whom earthly reptiles copulate: spiders, snakes, frogs, and so on.

Cunning advisers fall into the eighth moat, whose souls burn in hellish fire.

The ninth moat serves as a haven for the instigators of discord. They are subjected to eternal torture - evisceration.

False witnesses and counterfeiters fall into the tenth moat. False witnesses run in rage and bite anyone they meet. The counterfeiters are disfigured by dropsy and are dying of constant thirst.

9 circle

The ninth circle of hell is Cocytus Ice Lake. This circle is guarded by severe giant guardians named Ephialtes, the son of Gaia and Poseidon - Antaeus, half-bull, half-snake - Briareus and Lucifer - guard of the road to purgatory. This circle has four belts - Cain's Belt, Antenor's Belt, Tolomey's Belt, Giudecca's Belt.

Judas, Brutus and Cassius languish in this circle. In addition to them, traitors - the homeland, relatives, relatives, friends - are also doomed to get into this circle. All of them are frozen into the ice up to their necks and experience eternal torment in the cold.

Gustave Doré "s illustration of the Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto 34. The hideous Dis, or Lucifer, once God" s most beautiful angel, frozen in the lake at the pit of Hell.

- in Greek mythology, the carrier of the souls of the dead across the Styx River (Acheron). Son of Erebus and Nyukta.

- Dante has a demon with a serpentine tail, entwining a newly arrived soul and indicating the circle of hell, into which the soul is to descend.

- in Greek mythology, the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, a three-headed dog with a poisonous mixture flowing from its mouths. Protects the exit from the kingdom of the dead, Hades, not allowing the dead to return to the world of the living. The creature was defeated by Hercules in one of his exploits.

- a bestial demon that guards access to the fourth circle of Hell, where misers and profligates are executed.

- in ancient Greek mythology, the son of Ares - the god of war - and Chris. Phlegius burned down the temple of the god Apollo and, in punishment for this, was killed by his arrows. IN underworld was condemned to eternal execution - to sit under a rock, ready to collapse every minute.

- the city of Hades, the god of the underworld.

- a monster with the body of a man and the head of a bull, which came from the unnatural love of Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, to the one sent by Poseidon.

- in ancient Greek mythology, a giant from the island of Erythia, who had six arms, six legs and wings, and his body consisted of three human bodies. He held three spears in three right hands and three shields in three left hands, three helmets on their heads.

- the son of Poseidon and Ifimedea, had superhuman strength and violent disposition.

- the ancient Greek goddess of the earth, the mother of everything that lives and grows on it, as well as the mother of Heaven, Sea, titans and giants.

- in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the seas, one of three main the Olympian gods along with Zeus and Hades.

- in Greek mythology, the son of the sky god Uranus and the earth goddess Gaia. A monstrous creature with 50 heads and hundreds of arms.

- a fallen angel identified with the Devil.

Brutus Mark Junius
- in Ancient rome led (together with Cassius) a conspiracy in 44 BC. e. against Julius Caesar. According to legend, one of the first stabbed him with a dagger.

Cassius Guy Longinus
- the killer of Julius Caesar, organized an attempt on his life.

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