Scenarios like a rooster fox blew up the New Year. Scenario of the New Year for children “How the Rooster and the Monkey shared a place

Engineering systems 22.09.2019
Engineering systems

(musical drama in two acts)



"Is it because of the suit
Will I not be happy in my life?
I am offended by an evil fate.
Oh, why am I blue?
From m / f "Blue Puppy"

Picture one

(The hut of the Cat and the Rooster. In the upper room, by the window, a sad Cat is sitting.)

Well, the occasion must happen -
So miss with this stupid bird!
No wonder they say, vigorous louse -
Learn all your life, and you will die a fool.
I bought at the market from a merchant
Chicken is cheap this summer.
Expected just in time for the New Year
Pamper your belly with chicken.
He fed him with selected wheat,
But the chick was not a girl,
And a nimble, vociferous cockerel
With a fun light blue scallop.
Yes, it looked very strange
But, frankly, on the drum.
For me, let him get all blue,
Only there would be no salmonella in the meat.
I remember that I once read somewhere,
That the bird of happiness is blue,
He believed that the blue comb is a good sign.
Oh God, what a fool I was!

(The melody of the song "Blue Moon" from the repertoire of B. Moiseev and N. Trubach sounds.)

Cat (singing):
Near the forest on the edge,
Where the cherry blossoms
Lived in a small hut
Cockerel and gray cat.

Like brothers lived together
The cat went hunting
And the Rooster was cooking dinner at home
And put things in order.

Well, everything would be fine
Yes, a rumor crawled through the forest,
What is not Petya at all, but Pedril
That fucking rooster.

The blue scallop is to blame -
Everyone in the area was talking.
And the side of the hut
And the side of the hut
Smiling, they walked around.

Blue scallop (blue scallop)
Blue Cockerel (blue).
Unexpected for a bird
Agree, wrong.

Blue scallop (scallop)
Blue Cockerel (blue).
If this is confirmed,
I'll grind it to powder.

(The cat puts its paw "visor" to the eyes and looks out the window.)

There he is digging something in the garden.
From afar, the Rooster is normal, like,
And you come closer - e-mine!
Put on chicken underwear again
Bright lipstick shines on the beak.
Well, what the hell does he need all this for?
I can't answer the question -
Where did this twist come from?
After all, the fact that in the house with women is tight,
No reason to love each other like that.
And if he is really unbearable,
I would catch mice, but not climb to the Cat.
An idea came to me at my leisure -
I'll buy a chicken for him as a friend.
He is in front of her for sure
Feel the beginning of a man.
Both eggs and chickens will appear:
And I will live well and richly!

(The cat from the window waves its paw to the Rooster.)

Cat (shouting):
Petrushenka, stop pecking manure!
Go home and wash your nose.

(The cat closes the window and locks it with a latch.)

Picture two

(The Blue-Combed Cockerel enters the room, wagging his tail, and begins to pester the Cat.)


I flew to you on the wings of passion.
Did you call me buddy? What happiness!
My cat is marmalade! My idol!
You are sweet, like a creamy ice cream!
Hold me to your fluffy coat
And give in substituted lips
One (at least brotherly) kiss.

(The frightened Cat fights off the Rooster and jumps aside.)

Stop kissing! Don't pamper!
I'm tired of it, the right word.
Chicken found Casanova!
You can’t love a Cockerel with a Cat.
Look, I'll twist my head before the holiday.
And what day is today?
I'm going to the market for fun.
I shop millet or rye,
And you, Petro, guard the hut.

(The melody of the song "Lisa" from the repertoire of A. Gubin sounds.)

Rooster (sings):
Don't leave, stay with me.
Belongs to us day off.
So rarely you and I are together, Kitty,
My dear gray earthly angel.
Your fluffy fur is wonderfully good,
Green eyes - well, just baldness!
And the fact that you are leaving me again, Kitty,
It hurts my heart like a knife.
Oh Kisa!
Kisa, don't go!
Kitty, well, wait,
Stay with me a little longer, Pussy
What a pity that the parting moment is already so close.
Kitty, affectionate friend,
You see the Rooster is crying.
And you again go to these ugly cats.
Well, hold on, stay with me a little longer.
May you shed tears, Petruha.
Buzzing like an annoying fly.
When will you finally be convinced
What are you - a man! A rooster, not a chick!
And one more thing, Petya, be sure -
I don't intend to marry you.
My passport (if I had one)
I'd like Ukupnik in front of the registry office ate.
And I really need to go to the market,
Stocks of food - at the limit.
You, Petya, dry your tears, don't be sad.
What do you bring from the Maidan?
Soccer ball? Skates? A bottle of vodka?
Buy me better fishnet tights
Deodorant, perfume and curlers,
Lilac shadows:
Wait a minute!
I don't know half of the words.
Are you kidding, Petya? How do I understand:
It's funny, of course, but seriously
I'll buy you a shovel to dig manure.
I watched you get into it sometimes
Tirelessly dive headlong
And then, having finished the job, so to speak,
You try to kiss me.
It's time for me to gather a little -
Backpack on the shoulders, and on the road.
I also want to buy something
But this, brother, is a surprise! While I am silent.
Rooster (enthusiastically):
Ah, my prankster! Subtle nature!
What a surprise? A pedicure set?
Hurry back, mon amour!
Cat (bewildered-suspicious):
Words what - faggot? Pedicure?

(The melody of the song "Petrukha" from the repertoire of A. Ukupnik sounds.)

Cat (sings):
You don't cut shit
In true trading.
Do you know where the rush is?
When catching mice.

Be careful, don't rush
Act on the Maidan.
Or you'll be penniless
With a hole in my pocket.

The market is a delicate matter, Petruha!
There can be a hole for everyone.
Bazaar is a delicate matter, Petruha,
Don't yawn here, keep your eyes open
Eyes and both ears.
Don't yawn here, keep your eyes open
Eyes and both ears.

Okay, I'm off. And you, Petrusha,
Be smart, don't listen to other people's speeches,
And do not conduct conversations with strangers,
Finally, don't go to the window.
Sit in your hut, and not a step into the forest,
If you don't want to get into trouble again.
Haven't forgotten like last time
Did I save you from the eagle's claws?
I can't forget the intoxicating smell of love,
When the eagle, squeezing me in its paws,
Flew somewhere up, under the sky,
And the flame of passion burned his eyes.
I also remember your feat:
Cat (interrupting):
This business!
I'll go before the sun goes down.
Come back soon, my hero!
You, Petya, better close the door tighter.

(The cat leaves. The rooster locks the door, throws open the window and waves a lace handkerchief at it.)

Left: Didn't look back once:
In vain did I wave my handkerchief to him.
Oh, I can smell what kind of market this is
And what does he need there for the goods.
Nasty! Traded me for a cat!
And here I am, by the open window
I sit alone, crushed by fate,
Bowing low blue comb.

(The melody of "Ballads of Angela" by M. Tariverdiev from the film "The Deer King" sounds.)

Rooster (sings):
Gray cat left home
As if on the Maidan.
But the one who loves will understand
That it's all a lie.

The heart string is ringing
Like a bell ringing
That somewhere she is waiting for him:
Or maybe even him.

Only poor Petya
Falling into sadness
Sings: "Ku-ka-re-ku:"

(The rooster, sitting by the window, cries and wipes his eyes with his lace handkerchief.)


End of the first act


"If you are loved by everyone,
It's good to be blue!"
From m / f "Blue Puppy"

Picture one

(Clearing in front of the hut of the Cat and the Rooster. A rooster sits on the windowsill and cries. A black-brown Fox comes out of the forest in a large "airfield" cap and with a shopping bag with tangerines in his paws. The fox hears crying and goes to the window of the hut.)

fox (with a southern accent):
Wah dear! Such a beautiful baby
He sits and weeps bitterly at the window.
Hey, ara, why are you sad alone?
And what is your name? Peacock-mavlin?
No, I'm not Peacock, uncle. Just Petya,
The most unfortunate Rooster in the world.
Seeing this blue crest,
Almost anyone will understand my sadness.
No need to cry tears, blue bird,
Listen better to the wise Fox:
- In the distant Arctic, I have
Relatives live on the father's side.
All white as the walls of the toilet,
Only grandfather is azure
Plus, the name is bestowed by fate -
Fox! Are you listening, ara? Blue!
But even then he does not waste tears in vain,
And it feels pretty great.
And I got used to the color scheme and the name,
And he drinks wine and eats kebab-mashlik.
Oh, mommy, it's not just the color that's the problem.
Beloved Cat treacherously abandoned Petya.
Rushed off to his cats to the market.
How to endure a treacherous blow ?!
After all, I opened my heart to the Cat,
And he blew out my love like a candle.
That's why I cry and mourn:
But still, I will avenge Judas.
I agree with you, young bird!
It is useful to pay off a traitor,
To no longer offend anyone.
Do you want, ara, I'll give you a dagger?
Ah, slut! It's so bloody!
But I came up with better fun.
Take me home now
We'll live together for a day or two.
Break down the doors in this room
So that the appearance remains of abduction.
The Cat will return, and in the hut - emptiness,
From Petya there is neither comb nor tail,
No fluff, no feather, as they say.
Wah-wah! What a cunning bird!
What a great plan you came up with.
But there is one significant gap.
I am happy to help, there is a lot of space in the hut,
But Lisa lives there, my fiancee.
And here is the thing: happy - not happy,
But I can't kick her in the ass!

(The melody of the song "The Bride" from the repertoire of Gluk "Ozy" sounds.)

Rooster (sings):
What is Lisa? And why do we need it?
I know for sure - the bride is not yet a wife.
Of course, I feel sorry for her a little, but it is impossible without loss.
We carry her to the threshold and lock the door behind her.
And I swear - together with me you will forget about the bride - e!

I'll be instead, instead, instead of her

You are a jigit! And healthy as hell.
If you have undertaken to help, so come on, help.
And to break the horseman's word, I see no reason.
A woman can't mean so much in a man's life.
Yes, cynically and cruelly, but without unnecessary equivocations - oh!

I'll be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride. Honest? Honest? Yo!
I'll be instead, instead, instead of her

Hey ara! I hear it's messed up.
What if they think I'm a terrorist?
After all, I risk the skin, mind you.
And what will I get from this?
I agree, rascal, the risk is considerable.
Moreover, the Cat is a seasoned fighter.
And I remember that he is with me more than once
He talked about "alpha" and special forces.
I flew to America for an internship,
The "seals" underwent special training.
But you keep in mind, my soul,
That I will be the main reward.
Wai, Petya, why didn't I remember right away,
What is this tattered cat from the special forces?
Your reward is good, what is it about,
But it seems that the game is not worth the candle.
Listen, here comes a thought.
Let the cat leave a letter here
On behalf of the robber and in him
We will transparently hint about the ransom.
Let's write like this: "If Petya is dear to you,
One hundred bucks in a sealed bag
You have to put it in that hollow."
Why in the hollow? And it seems to have arrived!
What same you, however, cunning beast!
Let's ask for two hundred bucks right away.
For your life, my peach, my bud,
Asking for a hundred bucks is bad manners.
Let, macaw, this gray beast
Pay me at least tangerines.
For a couple hundred I'm willing to take the risk.
Then get down to business and hit the road!

(The Rooster writes a note to the Cat, leaves it on the windowsill. Then he jumps to the ground and approaches the Fox.)

Do you see this crowbar by the tub?
Break the lock on the door of the hut,
As if there was a real robbery.
One moment, my baby bird is blue.

(The fox takes a crowbar and breaks door lock. The melody of the song "They Won't Catch Us" from the repertoire of the Tatu group sounds.)

Rooster (sings):
We cut the ends
Beyond the Rubicon.
We are runaways
We are above the law.
Runs beside
New acquaintance.
Our path lies
In fox mansions.
Hearts are beating
Louder and more often.
Two fugitives
Directly more often.
blue arrow
And black and brown
Through the bushes
Skin sacrifice!
Rooster and Fox (singing together):
The cat won't catch
Petya and Lisa!
We run away
We won't give up!
The cat won't catch
Petya and Lisa!
We run away
But we are not afraid!
fox (sings):
Fox and Rooster -
Sweet couple.
Us gray cat
Worse than a nightmare.
From jitters
Wet palms.
Only forward!
Behind the chase!
secretly pass
Along the gully.
We can't be found
Even dogs.
Escape smells
Our adventure.
Through the bushes
Skin sacrifice!
Rooster and Fox (singing together):
The cat won't catch
Petya and Lisa!
We run away
We won't give up!
The cat won't catch
Petya and Lisa!
We run away
But we are not afraid!

(The Rooster and the Fox run backstage, not noticing that a tangerine has fallen out of the Fox's shopping bag.)

Picture two

(Clearing in front of the hut of the Cat and the Rooster. The Cat enters the clearing with a bag of purchases and with a cage in which the Chicken sits.)

Petrusha, so I came from the Maidan.
In the bag you have millet, and I have sour cream.
Open the door, hurry up!
Here is the promised surprise.
Where are you? Let's unlock the hut!
I brought a chicken, you girlfriend.
Although she is still young
But a beautiful wife will grow up.

(The cat suddenly notices a broken lock, looks into the hut. Then he goes to the window, takes a note from the windowsill and reads it.)

So that's what, it means, gingerbread!
Thieves worked in the hut.
They stole the Rooster and, therefore,
Did you decide to get some money easily?
Not! It will hardly burn out for you,
The wrong one, my friends, was attacked.
Have you decided to play with me? But I swear
I'll deal with you very soon.
So, judging by the piece of paper with scribbling,
They scratched here with a chicken paw.

(The cat looks around and notices a tangerine that has fallen out of Fox's shopping bag. He picks it up and examines it carefully.)

Everything is clear, the southern trace is clearly visible.
Well, where's my submachine gun and pistol?

(The cat enters the hut and comes out of it painted and equipped, like Schwarzenegger in the movie "Commandos". A cage with a Chicken is attached to the belt. The melody of V. Vysotsky's song "Soldiers of the "Center" group" sounds.)

Cat (sings):
I'm from the sea cats
And our motto is harsh -
No extra words needed
And always be ready to fight!

Covered the buttocks
protective pants,
Our faces shine
Mustaches bulge!

We will do it skillfully
Any order.
Where it's bad
Always call SWAT.

The task of the "sea cat" -
Only forward!
Retribution with enemies is simple -
Beat him in flight!
And if he yells, a bayonet in his mouth!
Gnaw your throat until it freezes.
And a bullet in the stomach
Bullet in the stomach
Bullet in the stomach!

(The cat looks at the footprints on the ground.)

So, paw prints I clearly see,
But you need to take a closer look at them.
There were two, they confused everything cunningly.
Here is the fox trail. And this? My Petro!
This fact brings to mind.
And I came to this conclusion
That my Petya is in fact, oh, not simple.
I wrote the note myself, what a scoundrel!
And there was no theft at all, but cleverly
A stage play was set up.
In the forest, I know foxes without exception,
And we'll see who wins.
I am sure that my conclusion will be confirmed.
Well, beware, bird and fox!

(The cat, looking closely at the tracks, goes backstage.)

Picture three

(Clearing in front of the Fox hut. The cat comes out into the clearing.)

I overtook the fugitives, achieved the goal.
They failed to cover their tracks.
Here is the Fox of a black-brown hut.
There seems to be a riot going on.

(From open window the melody of A. Babajanyan's waltz "Blue Taiga" sounds from the hut.)

Rooster and Fox (singing together):
Tomorrow is inevitable
We need to move south.
Hold me tenderly
My beloved friend.
And the forest hut
You and I are dear...
And around - blue,
Blue taiga!
Our meeting is random
At the cat's hut.
It's an eternal mystery
Blue dream.
And love is captivating
Fox and Rooster:
And around - blue,
Blue taiga!
Well, nevermind! Yes, here is a nest of debauchery!
Whether on windows that to give from the automatic machine?
For Fox and for Petit-Cockerel
Do not feel sorry for the last horn.
Set fire to the hut with a flamethrower?
For something to hang on the gate?
Maybe put a grenade under their door?
Not! I am a beast, of course, but I am not a beast.
Listen to what the villains say
And then I shoot from the machine gun.
Hey, blue company! How are you?
Get out of the house! The hour has struck.

(A frightened Fox and a Rooster appear from the door of the hut.)


What can you say to justify
Should I set a penalty?
Forgive me if you can, big brother.
I am very guilty before you.
I believed jealousy, not reason,
When he started this cruel joke.
You can reproach me that I -
Alas, ungrateful pig.
Yes, I forgot about everything in the heat of passion.
But, finally, today I met happiness!
Once again, brother, I ask you - I'm sorry,
And let me go to the Fox in peace.
Yes, Petya, you really are a faggot.
Such will be corrected only by the grave.
It turns out that in vain I brought the chicken:
What do you say, black-and-brown dog?

(The melody of G. Movsesyan's song "Seeing off Love" from the repertoire of V. Kikabidze sounds.)

fox (sings):
girlfriend for many years
girlfriend for many years
I searched desperately.
But how wound up
Moved in circles
Unable to find your ideal.

This Sunday
This Sunday
I found my blue bird.
Someone will say: "Just
It's a coincidence."
But it is destined.

That's all there was
That's all there was
Here is such a shish kebab-mashlyk, friends.
So that you are also happy
Visited in life
I will tell you a simple secret.

Follow the flow
Follow the flow
Never argue with fate.
Maybe someone will say:
"This is a perversion"
But this is pure love.

Vigorous louse! What an idyll!
Their love was blue.
Sorry for the uninvited visit.
I'm sick of your tenderness.
Do you want to live together? So that's great!
I'll raise Chick myself.
There are women in this world.

(The Cat unfastens the cage with the Chicken and releases it onto the grass.)

What's your name, baby?


(Amazed Cat flops to the ground. Silent scene.)


HOW THE FOX STEALED THE COCK. New Year's musical parody script for adults.


ROOSTER. Beautiful. Narcissistic. Likes flattery and female sex. Proud to be nominated for the title of "Symbol of the Year".
FOX. Cunning. Bright. Daring. Naturally red. He has long dreamed of catching a Rooster, but so far he has only caught admiring glances from males, that is, males.
WOLF. Gray in every way. Tied up with the past, at the same time waved his paw at himself. A typical "collective farmer".
CHICKEN. Legal wife of the Rooster. Despite her tough temper, she was used to enduring his antics. And where will you go - love ...
CROW. A typical representative of the crow family. Loves everything bright and shiny. She repeats endlessly that she is old and sick, but, despite this, she desperately hopes to brighten up someone's loneliness.
BABA YAGA. Since Santa Claus "coded" her with his staff - kind ... Right up to stupidity. Breeds snowdrops and Leshy - on schelbany.
TIPTOE. Three. Daughters of the Rooster and Hen. Modern teenagers.
SANTA CLAUS. Despite the red nose, completely sober. Appears, as always, at the end.
SNOW MAIDEN. The eternal tail of his grandfather. But without it, what is a holiday?


Forest. On the side of the stage is the hut of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga sits on the porch and embroiders with a cross. Lisa runs onto the stage. She is wearing a fashionable red outfit, in her hands are the keys to the car, on a huge key ring it says “BMW”.

FOX. Hey Yaga! Have you heard the news?
BABA YAGA. Hello, Lisa. Haven't heard anything! Look, I'm sitting, I'm embroidering a gift to Leshy with a cross.
FOX. What are you! Do not know such news!
BABA YAGA. Yes, what is the news? Speak already!
FOX. Tomorrow is the New Year! Do you know who will be the symbol of the New Year?
BABA YAGA. Koschey?
FOX. Not!
BABA YAGA. Dragon?
FOX. Did not guess!
BABA YAGA. Is it really some kind of monster overseas ?!
FOX. Yes, not overseas! Our!
BABA YAGA. Who is it?!
FOX (indignantly). Rooster! Can you imagine?! This upstart! And why didn't I fry it at the time?! Listen, Yaga... Help! I need to catch this Rooster ... Together we will fry in your oven, but on New Year let's eat! Come up with some dirty trick, huh? I won't be in debt!
BABA YAGA (sadly). I can't! I'm tapericha coded! Santa Claus encoded me the year before last with his staff, so I can’t do dirty tricks anymore. Already the bones turn everything out, like hunting for someone to create some kind of harm! And instead of entogo, daisies will bloom, then a rainbow will light up. Ugh!
FOX. Like this?!
BABA YAGA. But like this!

Baba Yaga sings a song.

THE SONG OF BABA YAGA. (To the motive "Childhood" gr. "Tender May").

Santa Claus made me nervous.
And once coded.
I can't do evil anymore
And from me - like milk from a goat.

And I want, and I want again
Frighten passers-by in the forest at night.
Fool the head, give a kick,
And put Ivan the Fool in the oven.

Recently Kashchei came to visit.
I immediately kicked him out.
Said "Shoo" to him for courage,
Don't you see, I'm knitting socks for Leshy.

I sit and weave macrame
And friends go a mile away.
Various rumors are spread
Apparently, they think it's contagious.

FOX. Well, you butted in, Yaga ...
BABA YAGA. Tapericha, I only embroider with a cross, but I breed flowers.
FOX. Well, give me at least some potion, sleeping pills! Some kind of tincture on spiders and frog legs ... Or a fly agaric decoction!
BABA YAGA. There is no such thing! Only cherry liqueur ... And - cherries ... drunk.
FOX. Give me your cherries! (to the hall). Someone has to be blackmailed!

Wolf enters the scene. He is in a padded jacket, felt boots, a hat with earflaps. On the feet - boots "goodbye youth".

WOLF (to Fox). Hello, Lisa! That's the meeting!
FOX (happily). Hello, hello Grey! You are what I need!
THE WOLF (looks at the Fox). And you, I see, are packed ... (Touches the fox's tail) Fur coat ... New, or what?
FOX (beats him on the paws). Well, you!.. Be quiet! Don't open your paws here! (Shakes off his fur coat) You have already torn off one of my tails! By the way, when will you return the debt?
WOLF. What debt?
FOX. Like what? For a new tail. Do you know how much tails are on the market today?
WOLF. How should I know? I don’t go to the markets ... So, I live in the place ...
FOX. You, Volchara, owe me three hens, four geese and one ram!
WOLF. What is so much?
FOX. And you yourself count: three chickens for a tail, four geese for plastic surgery, a ram for moral damage! (proudly looks at his tail, smoothes it). By the way ... I did it abroad! In the neighboring forest!
WOLF (with envy): You know how to live, Redhead!
FOX (boastfully): I can! Because always in chocolate, not like you.
WOLF. BUT! (waving his paw in dismay). In general, I am lost! .. No family, no den!
FOX (meaningfully) Well, how are you with Little Red Riding Hood? ..
WOLF. No way! She, as soon as she squeezed the house from her grandmother, she left me! I found myself one here ... Hunter ...
FOX. How about the goat? Did you try to approach her? True, there are seven kids there ... But, nevertheless, a woman - with a house, with grubs ...
WOLF. Yes, the Goat is nothing ... it seems to agree ... Yes, these goats are against it ... Well, they grew up! Now there are seven goats!

The wolf sings a song.
SONG OF THE WOLF (To the motive "It smelled of spring" gr. "Butyrka")

I was born, apparently, in a leap year.
That's why I'm not lucky in life.
What happens in the forest - they immediately shout:
"It's Gray, it's Gray's fault!"
I don't set traps or nets
But they scare little children with me.
From resentment, the soul is torn -
All the villains were recorded as a sidekick.

I'm in the thicket of the forest
I am sitting under a pine tree.
And one song
I sing to the moon.
Then I'll smoke
I'll brew a seagull
And all night long
I look at the stars.

I have long since tied up with a criminal past,
All the forest bustle is the bazaar-station.
Even in the flock there is no place for me now,
Because I'm not a beast at all.

I'm not young, but rather old.
They call me "forest orderly".
Gray paws hurt in the weather,
I can't even catch up with seven kids.

FOX (thoughtfully). Mdaaaa ... Well, how are you going to return the debt to me now? Look, I'll complain to the Boar!
WOLF. Don't lose, Lisa! I’ll serve whatever you want, but don’t complain to the Boar!
FOX. Do not complain, you say ... Well, well ... I have a job for you! If you do it, I'll forgive the debt... If you don't do it, I'll turn on the counter!
WOLF. Speak, Red! I’ll serve, I won’t see a century of will!
FOX. Well, listen. I need to steal one Cockerel ... I have been sharpening a tooth on him for a long time! We would have fried them together later, and eaten them on New Year's Eve!
WOLF (angrily). What are you, Lisa? I don't subscribe to mokruha anymore! (Points to the neck) Well I'm in the eyeballs!
FOX (threateningly). Well, then you will tell the Boar ...
WOLF. Yes, I tied it up, Lisa! I can't, you understand? Even in the summer - all right, and now it's winter, Santa Claus roams through the forest, finds out that I took up the old, turn it into an ice! Even last time he threatened when the Boar and I wanted to drive the Deer! Yes, he forgave me on the occasion of the new year ... I let him down under the amnesty!
FOX (smartly): Come on, Wolf... Well, we are one team! Remember how you and I were in our youth ... (Playfully pushes the Wolf in the side).

Fox and Wolf sing a song.
SONG OF THE FOX AND THE WOLF (To the motive of "Dream" by F. Kirkorov and M. Rasputina).

Do you remember our children's gang - Lynx, Bear, Boar.
They stole chickens in the village, Polkan drove us.
I even envied him - he is at the kennel,
And I've been in a hare hole for a year.
Do you remember how they sat in ambush, hunting for a goat.

And I was a wolf...
I was a fox.
They caught the rooster, but suddenly they ran into the Elk.
And I was a wolf...
And I was sweating all over.
I remember how I licked the wounds from his horns.
And ever since then I
I don't like roosters!

Chorus (together):
And let it be, we don't know how to be
We'll catch the Rooster anyway.
Well, hold on, cock face,
Let us be the symbol of the year!

We will have a roast in the New Year, scallop soup.
Something made me feel sorry for Petushka.
You do not relax here Gray, but look ahead.
You will also be a symbol in a year.

WOLF. And anyway, Fox ... Let's burn! As it is - let's sleep!
FOX. So after all, we are going to a noble cause! Tell me, is there a Year of the Wolf?
WOLF. Never heard!
FOX. What about the year of the Fox?
WOLF. It never happened!
FOX. But the year of the Rooster is here! It starts at midnight today! This is a terrible injustice! There are all sorts of years - both Snakes and Cows ... there is even a Hare! There are even Goats! But the year of the Fox and the Wolf - no! How long are we going to endure this?
THE WOLF (spreads its paws in confusion): So what to do?!
FOX. So I say ... You need to catch this Rooster and fry it! And instead, declare the year ... the year of the Fox! (Looks at the Wolf, speaks ingratiatingly) And the next year is the year of the Wolf ... How do you like the prospect?
WOLF (thoughtfully scratching the back of his head). The prospect is good ... But how to catch this Rooster? Yes, so that Frost has no suspicions? You and I have been ordered to enter the village ... They will figure it out right away! (Shows a thug gesture) Well, I say - let's get caught!
FOX. Calm down! There is one bird in the forest ... She will help us! That's it, find me a Crow. Yes, hurry up!
WOLF. Raven? What for?
FOX. You'll see!

The wolf leaves to look for the Crow. Fox sings a song.

THE SONG OF THE FOX. (To the motive "Red-haired girl" by V. Korolev).

Once I came to the poultry yard.
I hear a conversation from the chicken coop.
The Rooster boasted before Kura,
He called me a red-haired fool.
The Rooster boasted before Kura,
Said I was stupid.

And I'm so - I'm cunning
Fox, fox, fox, fox, fox.
And my life is only red
Solid stripe.
And since childhood, I only wound the truth around my mustache:
Cockerel tastes good!

Met him the following time:
On the fence he sang at the midnight hour.
But I couldn't catch him.
Only a cock's tail stuck in his teeth.
I failed to catch him again.
Just caught the tail.

But, this time beware, Rooster!
Let's see which one of us is a moron.
You wear your red shorts
There will be a new year with the name of Lisa.
You wear your red shorts
Only with the name Lisa.

At the end of the song, the Wolf again comes from behind the scenes, dragging the Crow by the hand. The crow rests, is indignant. Stops, fights off the Wolf.

CROW What kind of outrageous things are these? She sat on a stump, did not touch anyone! He grabbed it, dragged it away, crushed it all! .. (breaks out into the middle of the stage, theatrically wringing his “arms”) I am an old, sick crow! .. I didn’t see anything! .. I didn’t hear anything! .. I’m not betraying anyone!. (to the hall) Well, if only for a very good reward ...
FOX (feigned admiration). Crow! You look so wonderful!
CROW (memorized). I am an old, sick crow!..
FOX. Yes, you are slandering yourself! .. (touches feathers) Oh, what feathers! .. (touches beak) What a sock! .. Well, sing! ..
CROW. Kar!
FOX (feigned admiration). And an angelic ... well, just an angelic raven voice! (The crow blinks its eyes uncomprehendingly). And with all these virtues, you are a lonely bird!.. Where are the peacocks looking?! Where the hell are the flamingos going?!
FOX. Where is your prince, I ask? (theatrical) No! Not a prince!
CROW (stunned) And who?!
FOX. King! Where is your king?!
CROW. Which king?
FOX. Bird King! Do you even know who will be our king now? And not only birds, but all-all-all!
CROW. Who?!
FOX. Rooster! FROM tomorrow he is the bird of the year! So, the king! And who does the king want?
CROW and WOLF (at the same time). Who?!
FOX. Queen! (to a crow) Here you are, for example... You could become his queen!
CROW (embarrassed, but she likes the idea). Well... actually... he's already married!
FOX (outraged). On whom?! On a chicken?! You just listen to this word: Ku-ri-tsa! Where is the greatness?! Where is the melody?! And listen to your own: Vo-ro-na! Every letter is music! In every syllable - a hymn to beauty! No, no and NO! You should be the only queen!

During the speech of the Fox, the Crow cheers up, transforms, begins to proudly walk around the stage, admires himself.

CROW. Well... of course, I don't mind... (He stops, turns to face the audience, raises his "wings") But - how?!
FOX. It's very simple! Come on, I'll tell you everything!

(The Fox and the Wolf take the Crow backstage).


House of the Rooster. Rooster and Hen on stage. Rooster gets nervous, tries on ties, throws them around the stage. A chicken in a dressing gown and curlers runs after him, serving either ties or socks.

COCK (running from side to side). Where is my tie?! Where is my socks?! Ku-ku-where did my ponytail comb go?! (Stops in front of the Hen.) What are you giving me all sorts of rags?! Well, who wears such ties now?! What about socks?! They don't match my tail! Chicken!
CHICKEN (begins to get angry, hands to hips, stamps her foot). Ta-ah-ak ... I see. Are you going to the goose again?
COCK (a little lost, apparently, the wife's suspicions are not groundless. However, he makes an indignant face). Where do these ridiculous suspicions come from? What goose? I'm waiting for the coronation! I am the symbol of the year!
CHICKEN. Tomorrow you are the symbol of the year! And today you are a womanizer!
ROOSTER. What kind of expressions?! You undermine my authority!
CHICKEN. Less need to hang around the women! Why do you have goose feathers in your tail, huh?!
COCK (grabs his head). Who am I married to? On some chicken! Mom told me!

The rooster and the hen sing a song.
SONG OF THE COCK AND HEN (To the tune of "Nikolay" Natalie)

I'm filing for divorce!
Come on, come on!
I'm breaking the contract!
Come on break it!
We do not fit each other, we are different birds,
And I had to marry so unsuccessfully!
Perhaps you were joking?
I am not kidding!
Did you forget about alimony?
I'll pay for everything!
I'd rather fly alone in the open!
Yes, your business is to yell at the fence all day!
Well, what is fashion?
Here is the breed!
I am the symbol of the year
From tomorrow!

Cockerel, Cockerel, Cockerel,
Do not disgrace, do not disgrace my scallop!
Cockerel, Cockerel, Petya!
You have grown children!

Where is my tail shampoo?
Yes, it's on the shelf.
Where's my new suit?
Hanging in the closet behind the door!
Are you going to Goose again?
Or maybe an Indian?
Look, it's Turkey again
Knock on the top!
Are you scared again?
You yourself know everything!
you undermine
My authority!

At the end of the song, the Crow enters the stage. She is in a festive outfit, red beads, with a purse and a cake in a box. On the box it is written in large letters: "CHERRY CAKE". At the sight of the Crow, the Rooster takes on a gallant appearance. She looks at him and pretends to faint.

The duration of the entire performance is approximately 1 hour. 10 min. It contains 8 musical parody numbers, provides for several dance numbers.

Dear reader! If you are interested in this script and want to get the full version, then write to e-mail:
[email protected]
Terms of purchase full version purely symbolic. Details in personal correspondence. It is possible to discuss an individual scenario.
Thank you in advance for your attention and interest!
With warmth and sincere respect, Evelina.

Tanzilya Usmanova
Scenario of the play "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox" (based on the Russian fairy tale of the same name)



Merchant 1

Merchant 2

Narrator: In the forest in a small hut there lived a Cat and a Rooster. The cat got up early, went hunting, and Petya the cockerel remained to guard the house. The Cat will go hunting, and the Cockerel will clean everything in the hut, sweep the floor cleanly.

Dance: "Cockerel works"

Narrator: And as soon as the Cockerel finishes his homework, he jumps on the perch, sings songs and the Cat is waiting.


Ah, you canopy, my canopy,

My new canopy.

Canopy new maple,


Lisa appears.

Fox: Oh! How sweetly he sings (licks his lips). I wish I could taste some rooster meat!

(The fox goes to the window and sits down.)

Lisa: (singing)

Cockerel, Cockerel,

Golden comb.

Look out the window

I'll give you peas!

Cockerel does not hear me, does not look out. (turns to the audience). Guys, help me. Sing along with me. (children sing along with Lisa).

Narrator: The Cockerel looked out, and she grabbed him and carried him.


(Cat appears with an ax on his shoulder).

Cat: Looks like the rooster is crowing. Did something happen to him? We must hurry (runs after the Fox) I hear, I hear, Cockerel! I’m running! Now I’ll help you (runs up to the Fox and takes the Cockerel).

Cat: Oh, you cunning cheat! Here's to you, here's to you! And so that you don't dare to show your nose at my house!

Rooster: Thank you, Kitty-brother, for helping me out.

Cat: It's too late. It's time to go to bed. Go hunting early tomorrow morning.


Cat: Morning is already in the yard. Get up, Petya, it's time to get down to business. And I’m going to hunt! Look! Don’t look out the window, don’t listen to the Fox, otherwise she will take you away, eat and leave no bones.


(The cat leaves.)



Ah, you canopy, my canopy,

My new canopy.

Canopy new maple,



Cockerel, Cockerel,

Golden comb.

Look out the window

I'll give you peas!

Fox: What should I come up with? Aha! I figured it out! I have peas with me. I'll throw Petya out the window. (throws peas)

Narrator: The cockerel pecked at the peas, but did not look out.

Fox: What are you, Petya, how proud have you become? Look how many peas I have. Where should I put him?

(The cockerel looks out. The fox grabs him)


Rooster: The Fox is carrying me beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains! Cat-brother, help me out!

(Cat appears)

Cat: It seems that Petya is screaming again! Probably, trouble has happened to him. We must hurry (Running after the Fox) Run, run. Now I'll help!

(Running up to the Fox and taking away the Cockerel).

Cat: Have you taken up your own again, cunning cheat? Here you are! Here you are!

(The fox runs away. The cat brings the Cockerel home.)

Rooster: Thank you, Kitty-brother, again you helped me out of trouble!

Cat:(yawns) It's late. It's time to go to sleep. Go hunting early tomorrow morning.

(A lullaby sounds) The cat and the Rooster are sleeping.

Narrator: The night passed quickly. The sun has already woken up and illuminated the house of the Cat and the Rooster.

Cat: It's time for me, Petya, to hunt. Look! Today I will go far into the forest, and if you scream, I won’t hear it. Do not listen to the Fox, do not look out the window,

otherwise she will take you away, eat you and leave no bones.

Rooster: Good! More Fox will not deceive me!

(The cat leaves.)

Narrator: The Cat left, and Petya the cockerel cleaned up everything in the hut, swept the floor cleanly, jumped on the perch and sits, sings a song, the Cat is waiting.

(Fox sneaks. Sits under the window.)


Cockerel, Cockerel,

Golden comb.

Look out the window

I'll give you peas!

(The cockerel listens and does not look out.)

Fox: Ah, Petya the cockerel, what do I want to tell you! That's why I was in a hurry. I ran along the road and saw: the men were driving, they were carrying millet, one bag was thin, all the millet was scattered along the road, and there was no one to pick it up. , From the window to see, look here!

(The cockerel looks out. The fox grabs it and runs away.)

Narrator: Petya looked out, and the Fox grabbed his scratch-scratch and carried him.

Rooster: The Fox is carrying me beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains! Cat-brother, help me out!

Narrator: No matter how the Cockerel cried, no matter how he shouted, the Cat did not hear him.

The Fox Petushka took it to her home.

(The Cat appears, singing a song. He comes home.)

Cat: Petya-cockerel, where are you (Searching). Doesn't answer. Didn't you listen to me again, looked out the window? Oh, you poor, poor! What am I going to do without you (Grieves) Okay. Grieved, grieved, nothing to do. I have to go rescue my friend. The Fox must have taken it.

Narrator: The cat went to the market. (cat leaves)

(Two vendors appear with trays of goods.)

Trader1: Come! Buy! Cheaply give!

(Cat comes out. Approaches the sellers and buys goods)

Narrator: I bought a cat boots. He walks through the market, looking at the goods!

Merchant2: Come, try on! The caftan is just a miracle!

Narrator: I bought myself a cat and a blue caftan. He walks around the market, asking the price. And the merchants are calling!

Trader1: Buy a hat, buy a hat! A hat with a feather!

Merchant2: And I will sell you a harp very cheaply. Buy, fly!

Narrator: I bought myself a cat and a hat with a feather and sonorous psaltery music. A real musician has become! The cat is walking through the forest, playing guselki, singing.


Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings. (approaches Lisa's house)

Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

Is Lisa at home?

Come out Lisa!

Fox: Who is calling me there? There is no time to look. I can not move away from the stove, the pancakes will burn.


Stren, nonsense, guselki,

Golden strings.

Is Lisa at home?

Come out Lisa!

Fox: And how nicely he sings! Go, Petya, look who is calling me, but come back soon!

(The rooster jumps out onto the porch, the Cat grabs it and runs away.)

Fox: Petya, Petya, where are you? (Leaves the house) Come back home! Nowhere. Oh, you must have saved his cat again?

(The fox goes into the house. The Cat and the Rooster come out)

Rooster: Again you rescued me, Cat-brother. Thank you! I won’t believe the cunning Fox anymore!

Narrator: Since then, the Cat and the Rooster have been living together, and the Fox has not shown up to them anymore.

(Heroes bow out.)

Cool script for the New Year “The Year of the Dog is not biting at all!” is a kind of theatrical performance with elements of games and competitions.
Suitable for celebration in any company. The holiday begins indoors - at home and, if desired, can then continue on the street.

New 2018 - the year of the Yellow Dog and New Year's Eve should by no means be spent alone, we have written this funny script for you, so that you, with humor, fun and provocatively, enter the upcoming, undoubtedly, the best year!

Actors and props

1. Lead.
2. Rooster (outgoing year).
3. Dog (the coming year).

Clothes for Rooster:

Feather tail;
beak and scallop made of cardboard;
wings made of paper or fabric.

Dog Clothes:

tail from any suitable material;
dog ears made of cardboard;
brown tunic.

Prizes and props for competitions and games:

1. Wide and long dense fabric.
2. Disposable paper plates.
3. Markers.
4. Nylon tights.
5. Balloons.
6. Elastic band on the head.
7. Deep plates - 3 pieces.
8. Beans, raisins.
9. Numbers and blanks with tasks.
10. Clairvoyant hat.


Musical accompaniment is necessary for tasks and for entertainment. All cuts must be prepared in advance. Each task of the Rooster should be accompanied by music to cheer up all participants. For table entertainment, you need to prepare New Year's songs that will be played backwards.

In addition to games and competitions, do not forget about the disco. You can simply turn on background music that will play when the audience will chat and eat at the table. Closer to New Year's Eve, as a rule, there is a desire to dance or sing songs. Prepare a suitable playlist in advance.

Scenario "Year of the Dog - not biting at all!"

Leading: New Year is coming soon. He brings a lot of happiness. Seeing off Old year- our Petya Rooster, we thank him for everything and welcome the New Year - the year of the Yellow Dog, which, of course, will arrive on our holiday as soon as its turn comes. By the way, who knows why Yellow?


Leading: Nobody knows. The Chinese invented fun for themselves, and the whole world indulges them. But still we will not lag behind the generally accepted rules. I have one gift, and it will go to the one who scores the most points. Now, tell me the famous yellow objects.

(Guests name their options; for each proposed option, the participant receives one point; the one who scores large quantity points, receives a symbolic prize in the form of a yellow lemon or a bunch of tangerines)

Leading: Winter is a cold and frosty season. Children, do you know how to avoid a blizzard? Now let's check.

Game "Winter snowdrifts"

Entertainment for children with the participation of adults. Two adults hold the bare cloth at both ends. A melody sounds like a blizzard in the background. Adults raise and lower the cloth. Children should have time to run one by one to the other side so that they are not covered by the fabric. The one who did not have time is wrapped in a cloth and pumped. True, it is possible that children will not refuse the opportunity to ride and will deliberately lose in this competition. But they will certainly enjoy such entertainment.

Leading: As a child, you especially look forward to the New Year. This is not just a holiday, it is a hope for a miracle, receiving gifts, new plans. And who did we ask for gifts in childhood? No, not those who have a lot of money. At Santa Claus. Although now many of us have already grown up, it is never too late to ask Grandfather for a gift.

(The facilitator gives everyone a disposable paper plate and a felt-tip pen)

Leading: The gift will be given to the most talented artist, because Santa Claus loves drawings so much. All together put the plates on your head and draw a Christmas tree, a snowman and snowflakes with a felt-tip pen.

(All the resulting drawings can be glued to the wall or on a rope; it is advisable to distribute multi-colored felt-tip pens to everyone to get a bright picture of the drawings).

Leading: Let's hope that Santa Claus is not afraid of such "beauty".

Leading: Well, are we spending the Old Year? Let's say "thank you for everything" and...

(The host's words are interrupted by the appearance of the Rooster)

Rooster: Wait a second... And who told you that I'm going to leave?

Leading: (surprised) Rooster?

Rooster: Well, not a chicken.

Leading: But you must leave, otherwise 2018 will not come!

Rooster: So that's good. The world should be ruled by a handsome man like me, not some primitive plush animal.

Leading: No! You must pass on the furrows of the board.

Rooster: Here's another! I will only do this if you convince me that it is really necessary.

Leading: And how to do it?!

Rooster: We need proof! What do you know about the Dog? Name me, for example, at least five songs in which there is a mention of this monster.

(Guests offer their options)

Rooster: Okay, what do you say about this task?

Imagine a dog contest

Two participants are called. In front of them lies a pair of flesh-colored nylon tights, an elastic band and Balloons small size. The task of the participants is to guess how these things can be used, given that the next year is the Year of the Dog.
Answer: air balloons must be placed in tights to make ears. Put tights on tights and secure with an elastic band.

Rooster A: Well, that was easy! Do you know that a dog is a flea animal? Do you need such a symbol of the year? Then show me how you can do the next task?

Competition "Get extra"

Three participants are invited. In front of each is a deep plate, which contains beans mixed with raisins. The task of the participants is to separate the raisins from the beans. When the time is up, the Rooster checks the "work". If not all the raisins are taken, then he refuses to continue further negotiations. In this case, the facilitator must convince him to change his mind.

Rooster: You definitely won’t cope with the next task, and then I - a beautiful, smart, courageous Rooster - stay for another year instead of some inelegant, inelegant Dog!

The game "What's behind"

The rooster fastens numbers on the backs of the players so that others do not see him.
In the hands of everyone has a number that he has to find. On command, all participants look behind the rest to find their mate. A pair is two members with the same number.
When the pairs are formed, they run up to the Christmas tree, where the task prepared for each pair is located, and complete it.

Examples of buildings that players will find under the tree:

1. Feed the Rooster some fruit, preferably grapes.
2. Juggle tangerines.
3. Stand on a chair and crow loudly.
4. Dance the cancan, while singing a well-known melody for this dance.
5. Stuff your mouth with food and shout "Happy New Year!"

Rooster: (laughing) You have amused me to glory. At least now I'm ready to retire. But! Purely out of harm, I'll stay anyway.

Leading: Yes, what is it? We performed all your stupid tasks, but you don’t want to leave harm? Yes, we will roast you now!
(Swings at the Rooster)

Rooster: OK OK! Don't fry, I don't like a tan. I'm just sad to leave, that's why I behave like this. I've been putting things in order here for a whole year, but they drive me away. Everyone is waiting for this Dog, but they don’t give a damn about the Rooster ...

Leading: And don't give a damn. We were going to see you off with all honors!

Rooster: And how is it?

Leading: But like this! Now let's sit down at the table. Let's fill our glasses and thank the year of the Rooster for all the good things he has given us. And since you're here, sit down with us.

Rooster: It's interesting how you do it, yeah ...

Leading(after a toast to the outgoing year and a small snack): Let's not turn the holiday into an ordinary feast. There are very few left before the chiming clock, and we have not yet sung songs. Yes, and the state is too sober - it does not allow singing songs, but you can guess, so we will guess!

Contest "Guess the New Year's Song"

The host includes New Year's songs that are played backwards; whoever guesses the most songs wins a prize.

Leading: What's more, but do you know that men have the ability to guess not only songs, but also the thoughts of women? Now I will prove it to you!

Game "Clairvoyant"

The facilitator gives each woman a piece of paper on which she must write her thought. After that, the chosen man, who will play the role of a clairvoyant, is put on a magic hat for solidity.
He stares at the woman, tries to concentrate, and speaks out loud whatever thought he thinks the woman has in mind.
Naturally, thoughts do not coincide, which causes laughter among those present.

Host: Well done! Almost guessed right! Now we are seeing the dear Rooster: let's drink again for a good last year, very close - the New Year is already at the very door!

Leading: Everything! Hooray! There are only a few minutes left, it's time to make a wish and, according to old tradition, under the chiming clock, burn the desire written on paper and drink along with champagne.

(The New Year is coming; everyone congratulates each other, sit down, have a snack, after a while the Dog appears).

Dog: Woof! I'll tell you, friends: Happy New Year! with new happiness!

Rooster: And you don't get sick. Got it anyway.

Dog: As you can see, your stories did not stop me. So go ahead, give me the rights and go on vacation. Your year is yet to come.

Leading: What stories?

Rooster(embarrassed): Uh, Doggy is just joking. (Gladly to everyone, transferring the conversation to another topic) New Year, after all! It's time to receive gifts. And whoever wants to get it first comes up to me.

Dog: Why is it for you - I'm in charge here - the year of the Dog has come !!

Game "The Princess and the Pea"

The participant is blindfolded and a chair is placed in front of him. The dog puts any object on the chair. The task of the participant is to sit on a chair and guess what object was placed on him. 3 attempts are given, if he guesses correctly, he receives a gift. If not, there is no gift.

Dog: And now let's drink to the coming New Year, of course, better than the previous year! And have a good meal! And then we'll have some fun playing Mystery of the Numbers - you'll love it!

(After a short break for a snack, the game begins).

The Mystery of the Number

Everyone is given a piece of paper, where they write any number, starting from 1.
The dog approaches any of the guests and asks him a question, the answer to which should be the number that the person wrote. For example: "How many more glasses do you plan to drain tonight?" etc.
A list of questions should be made up in advance.

Dog: We stayed at home, let's go outside already.

Rooster: I won't go outside. It's cold out there, my feathers will freeze.

Leading: (turns to the Rooster) It's time for us to part. New Year 2018 has already arrived, transfer the rights to the Dog.

Rooster: For the last time, I suggest you think it over carefully again. I am cheerful, bright, sonorous, a hundred times more beautiful and stylish. With me you will have much more fun!

Leading: Don't you want to leave? So let's solve the problem differently. Let's have a competition. Dog will win, you're leaving. If not, stay.


The bottom line is to pass all the tests and the one who copes faster remains. Guests, of course, actively support the participants, music should play in the background. It lifts the mood and morale. There are only three tasks to avoid a draw. For obvious reasons, the Dog must win.


1. A rooster and a dog are animals that eat without the help of hands. Before the participants put plates with flour, in which sweets lie. Hands are tied behind the back. On command, the participants take out sweets with their mouths. When time runs out, the presenter counts who got the most candies, he won. Flour can be replaced with buckwheat or rice.

2. The language of animals is incomprehensible to people, but this time they will have to understand. The facilitator first chooses who will be the first to explain the words. For example, Dog. She runs up to the host, reads the word and without words explains to the guests what the word is. Each participant is given 2 minutes and 5 words. Whoever has the most guessed words wins.

3. The rooster somehow, but knows how to fly, the dog - to run fast. This time they will switch places. The facilitator distributes to each a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. The dog depicts what a rooster would look like if it could run fast, and the rooster what a dog would look like if it could fly. The most creative drawing wins. As a jury - all the guests.

Leading: And in a fair fight, the dog wins (pauses)!

(Stormy applause, cheers.)

Rooster: Teek, okay! It was a fair competition, so I officially and solemnly transfer the rights for the New Year 2018 to the Dog (shakes hands)! And we will see you in 2029. See you soon in 11 years!

Who has less


This competition needs a lot of snow. All participants are divided into teams. The task of each team for a certain period of time is to create some kind of creature out of snow and any improvised means. Snowman doesn't count!

Rabid dog

An outdoor game is more suitable for children, because. you have to run a lot. First, choose one who will play the role of a rabid dog. After that, all the other participants scatter, and the "dog" catches up and tries to bite someone. The one she bites (pretend) becomes a rabid dog and catches up with others, while not immediately touching the one who just bit him.

More children's entertainment. It consists in the fact that you need to jump into the snow further than other rivals. To do this, you need some kind of hill from which they will jump. You need to land on the ground with only two legs, it is forbidden to spread your legs with a longitudinal twine when jumping.

Relay race

Thanks to entertainment program, Scenario "Year of the Dog" ideal not only for a family celebration - it can be safely used for any company. Both adults and children can take part in games and competitions.
funny scenario create good mood and will help to celebrate the upcoming New Year with humor.

We wish you a great holiday and a successful, prosperous year!
Happy New Year, with new happiness, dear friends!

Once upon a time there lived a fox sister, cunning and fluffy. She loved to eat a bunny, a mouse, and especially a hen or a cockerel. He would go, used to go to the village, find a chicken coop and sit, waiting until he could steal a chicken. As soon as she sees an opportunity, she immediately scratched and stole a chicken, and immediately in dark forest dragged. And then one day the fox heard about the fair in the city, and so immediately got ready. But she doesn’t have money, so she can’t buy anything. And the fox conceived a trick to steal the rooster, but you can’t steal!
So she came to the market and looks out where the living creatures are for sale. I saw it and immediately went there with an air of importance, as if I was going to buy it. He walks, chooses, finds fault, sometimes a thin chicken, sometimes very fat, everything is wrong. So she says to the old man: “You killed me completely with your useless goods, bring at least some water to drink, and then I will continue to choose”
The grandfather went for water, and meanwhile the fox grabbed the rooster and ran into the forest. She runs, rejoices that she deceived the old man and stole the fattest rooster. The grandfather returned, and the foxes and the trail caught a cold along with the rooster. He sat down on a bench and became sad, what a misfortune ...
And the fox keeps running and running, holding the rooster tightly in its paws. The cock broke out and screamed, but did not escape. He says to the fox these words: “Let me go, little fox, before trouble happens. You can't steal, it's bad"
“Are you a rooster completely stunned with grief .. Where has it been seen that a fox stole a rooster and released it? Are you completely ill with a fright?
“No fox, he didn’t get sick, but it’s not good to steal, you’ll call trouble. Whoever steals will never go unpunished.”
“Shut up, you bunch of feathers, don’t bother running away. Here's how to eat you then and see what the punishment will be ”The fox was tired, and she got angry with the rooster, decided to sit down somewhere and devour the nasty rooster. She looks, there are iron rails, and she sat down on them, but she does not notice the train. And let's scream and frighten the rooster, so the train cut off her paw. As the fox screams, he wails, yes, the trouble has already happened. She released the rooster, grabs her leg, screams with a cry, bursts into tears.
At first, the rooster started to run away, but returned, he decided to help the fox. He brought a leaf of plantain, put it on his paw, tied it with a blade of grass. He says to the fox: “I will help you to be so, but when you get better a little, you will immediately take me back.”
The fox agreed and thanked Petya for his help, and also asked for forgiveness.
Two days later, the fox felt better, her rooster came out and carried water in her beak, and fed him slowly with what he could. And so they began to make their way. The rooster brought a stick instead of a stick and went slowly. We got to the market, and when my grandfather saw them, he couldn't believe his eyes. Where is it seen that the fox brought back the rooster. He rubs his eyes, he thinks he imagines a marvelous marvel, and indeed it is true that a fox leads a rooster or a rooster leads a fox. The grandfather was completely confused, he could not understand anything.
The animals came closer to him. And the fox began to ask for forgiveness tearfully, from the bottom of her heart she confessed. She told about her misfortune and made a promise never to steal again. Of course, her grandfather forgave her, and he asked: “How will you live on without a leg. After all, you won’t be able to hunt anymore, you’ll die of hunger. ”
“What can you do, my share is like this, it’s my own fault and I have to answer”
Her grandfather took pity on her and said: “For the fact that she returned the rooster, she did a good deed, I will also help you. Stay with us, you will help with the housework, and I will feed and water you to your heart's content.
The fox was delighted, does not believe in happiness, agreed without hesitation. And from that time on, she never stole, she didn’t even take a crumb of bread without asking. The fox remembered for the rest of her life that only trouble comes from bad, and good always comes back with good!
That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done! And who understood everything even more well done!

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