Why does the computer not see the epson printer. Solving printer and printing problems on a Windows XP computer

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

There may be several reasons why the computer does not see the printer. In this article, we will consider them and try to solve the current problem.

First, check the cable that the printer is connected to the computer. If it is not broken anywhere and the wires are not exposed, then pay attention to how the plugs sit in the ports of the computer and printer. To provide good contact, they should not hang out, you can still move them a little. Now turn on the printer using the switch located on it. The red or green indicator light on the front of the printer should turn on.

The next thing to do is to check installed drivers on the computer. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel""Device Manager". Then we look for the printer in the list. I don't have it connected, so I'll show it on another device. Right-click on it and go to "Properties".

On the "General" tab, we look at the status of the device. If it says there, too, as in the figure below, everything is fine. If not, you need to reinstall the drivers. In some cases, even if the system reports that the drivers are working fine, it is better to remove them and reinstall them.

To do this, go to the "Driver" tab and click "Delete".

To do this, go to the official website of your printer manufacturer: HP, Canon, Samsung and others. Then go to the "Support" section. Here we select the device itself, its subtype and model. Next, click "Select".

For HP printers, the site looks like this. Here you need to go "Support"- "Software and drivers". Then enter your printer model and click "Product Search". You will be offered drivers, select the appropriate one and click "Download".

Here in the section "Printers and Faxes" your printer should appear.

In the event that your computer multiple printers connected, select the one you need, right-click on it from the menu, select "Use by default".

Then in the same menu go to "Printer Properties". On the tab "Additionally" check that the marker is near the item "Available always".

Another reason why the computer does not see the printer may be disabled print service. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel""Administration". Here we double-click on the item "Services".

In the next window, look for the item "Print Manager" and double click on it.

Here, see that in the item "Status" it says "Working". If you have the "Run" button active - click on it. Then, in the "Startup type" field, select from the drop-down menu "Automatically". Click "Apply" and "OK".

I think that everything worked out for you and you will be able to print the desired document without any problems.

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The interaction between various external devices and a computer always causes numerous difficulties, in particular the computer does not see the printer. Failures can occur at 3 stages: on the device, at the connection points, and on the computer. Even if there is a serviceability, the computer does not always correctly recognize and identify the printer, but there are methods for restoring the normal function of both devices.

The computer does not see the printer: what to do first?

First and most probable cause why the computer does not see the printer is the presence of poor contact in the cables. The equipment is not actually detected, the signal does not arrive at all or has interruptions in some area.

To check the serviceability, it is recommended to remove the cable from the socket on the computer, wait 10 seconds and insert it again. Now wait a bit and check if the device is connected correctly. Similarly, you need to do the reverse side, where the cable connects to the printer. If the cable is non-separable, you can check it with a tester.

You need to confirm that the wire is connected to the correct USB socket, since many devices work according to the old USB 2.0 standard, so USB 3, 3.1, 3.2 do not always process the transmitted data correctly. If possible, you need to try other connectors by moving the keyboard and mouse for this. It is worth checking each socket, it is likely that some individual socket will respond.

Check if the cable is working. The simplest, but less informative method is to manually detect a power cable break. First of all, you need to pay attention to places of friction on the corner, areas where people walk, and various bends. It feels like the cable will be inconsistent, if the alleged section is found, you need to bend the wire a little, probably the resistance will be less. The way out is to replace the cable or solder it.

Despite the banality, everyone may experience a lack of attention - check that the power button is pressed and the printer itself is connected to the network. Given the inconvenient placement of the button, there is a possibility of incomplete pressing. The diode light indicates the start of the device.

Checking Drivers

If the computer does not see the USB printer, you need to pay attention to the presence and serviceability of the drivers. Drivers are required software for device interaction.

To install, you just need to find a disk from the device kit or download the appropriate version from the manufacturer's website. For installation, it is worth inserting the disk into the drive and exactly following the recommendations of the wizard. The procedure is obvious and no assistance is required.

If there is no installation disk, you should look for drivers on the network. The very first place to search should be the device manufacturer's website, every self-respecting developer has a "Support" or "Driver" section. In the search bar or in the form, you need to insert the printer model, which is indicated on the case or in the documentation. Before downloading, you must correctly specify the bit depth and version of the system.

  1. Click on the Start panel and click on the "Control Panel" tab;
  2. Select the "Printers and Faxes" tile and click on it;
  3. Check if the appropriate device is present.

Periodically, there is a situation when the driver is installed, but the relationship between the PC and the printer is still not established. In this case, you will need to first uninstall and install from scratch.

Step by step instructions for reinstalling the driver:

  1. Click on Start and RMB on "Computer", select the option "Properties";
  2. Go to the "Device Manager" section;

  1. Find the appropriate driver for the printer, RMB on it and "Delete";
  2. Go to the "Programs and Features" section from the "Control Panel" and also remove the program, if any;
  3. Reinstall the driver.

The computer does not see the printer via USB due to incorrect device selection

When the computer does not see an HP or any other printer, and several devices are installed in the system or there is a virtual printer, you need to check that HP (or another installed one) is selected as the main printing device.

To solve the problem, just make RMB on the printer shortcut in the notification panel and set the selection next to the "Set as default" sentence.

Service deactivated

A special service called "Print Manager" is responsible for printing documents, so if the computer does not see the Canon printer, it is worth checking the activity of the service.

To activate you will need:

  1. Click on Start and "Control Panel";
  2. Select the "Administration" tile;
  3. Next, go to the "Services" section;
  4. Find the item "Print Spooler" and double-click;

  1. In the column "Startup type" you need to set "Automatic" and click "Run".

Windows malfunction

Checking for a problem in this area is quite simple, you need to connect the printer to another PC and check the operation of the printer.

If the problem is indeed in the system, you can run the Microsoft Fix It utility, which is downloaded from the official website and contains detailed instructions by use. An alternative option that does not require the use of third-party programs is the sfc utility. To apply, you need to press Win + R and enter cmd, in a new window, paste sfc /scannow and wait for the end of the system integrity check.

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There are several reasons why the computer does not see the printer. These include problems with the device's hardware, or problems with the ink cartridges or ink system. There are situations when the computer (PC) does not see or has stopped seeing the printer, despite the fact that both devices are working normally.

There can be many sources of problems with any HP, Canon, Samsung, Epson and others printer, so you should first determine the problem, and then look for a solution.

The most common reason why the computer does not see the printer via USB is wrong connection. You must first make sure that the printing device is connected to the PC or laptop at all. If this is not the reason, then pull outUSBcable from both devices and insert it into the sockets again until it stops.

Some modern printers use USB 3.0 for connection when most computers have USB 2.0 connectors. It is worth considering this, read the connection instructions.

Damaged USB cable or connector

The next reason why a computer or laptop does not see the printer is damaged cable or USB connector. In that case, you should disable all computer peripherals and insert the cable one by one into all USB ports on the computer. Each time you connect, you need to wait a bit until the system responds: a beep or an alert on the monitor.

Incorrect drivers

The next step in the case when a Windows 7, 8, 10 computer or printer does not see the printer will be checking for drivers and correct installation. As a rule, everything you need is included with the printer. software. In this case, it will not be difficult to install the drivers by following the instructions. If there are no drivers, then you can download the required software from the official website of the manufacturer. But first you need to check the compatibility of firmware and hardware of a personal computer.

But sometimes the drivers crash and start behaving incorrectly. There is a solution here too.

First you need to find the printer: " Start» — «» — « Device Manager". Right-click on the icon of a printing device found in the list, a context menu appears. Press " Properties».

If in the section " General"It is written that the device is working normally, it means a malfunction in another. And if an error, then the driver is needed uninstall and install again.

In order to remove the firmware, you need to go to the tab " Driver» and press « Delete».

After that, install the driver again from the disk or download the software from the Internet and install, after that the error when the computer does not see the driver should be fixed.

Another print device selected

If the printer does not connect to the computer via USB, you should check if other printers and devices are connected to the PC. Then you need to go to Start» — «» — « Devices and printers».

Right-click on the desired print device and " Use by default».

Print service disabled

Sometimes the computer does not see the printer when the print service is disabled, so the printer refuses to print. You can fix the problem by going to " Start» — «» — « Administration". Find in the list Services” and double-click.

Next, select "", just click on it twice.

In the services table, you need to make sure that the value is " Works» in the column « State". If not, then click on the button Run» and in the field «» select « Automatically". Next, click on the button below Apply”, then to “OK”.

Automatic printing enabled

In some cases, automatic printing is enabled on a Windows 10 PC. This setting can be found under " system and safety" in " Control panels". Next select " Administration» — « Services"-"", click on it with the right mouse button to display a menu where to select " Properties". Here, the startup type should be selected with the value " automatically” and the state - “ works».

Operating system failure

If all of the above methods did not help, then there is a failure in the operating system. In this case, you will have to run a Windows diagnostic. The reasons for the failure can be:

  • Availability viruses in system;
  • blocking antivirus;
  • wrong settings BIOS.

To find out if there are viruses on your computer, you should scan it for viruses using antivirus programs. Moreover, it is better to check with several tools, running them in turn. This provides a more reliable check.

Sometimes antiviruses themselves block the work of certain processes, mistakenly “thinking” that a virus is running, therefore may conflict and printer drivers. To avoid such a conflict, simply turn off antivirus during driver installation.

Using the BIOS, you can configure the components of the system unit and other important parameters. Sometimes the BIOS itself may be incorrectly configured, which is fraught with incorrect operation of the USB ports. By running the BIOS, you need to check what state the ports are in. Need to focus on the names of these options like USB Function, Legacy USB Port and USB Controller Mode. Then you need to turn on the controller and select "Exit and Save Changes".

A fairly common problem is when the computer does not see the printer throughusbhp. After checking both devices, it turns out that both of them are fully functional, the printer works fine on another PC. That eats, it turns out that it is yours the computer does not see the printerhp. Then there are several possible reasons. Consider each of them and ways to solve the problem.

  1. Wrong connection
  2. Bad contact is a common problem due to which the PC does not see the printer throughusbhp. You need to try disconnecting and reconnecting the device. Both connectors should be checked, on both sides.
    Perhaps the usb connector is faulty, then disconnect the mouse, keyboard and try connecting the device to each in turn, perhaps in one of them the connection will be successful and the problem is - the computer does not see the printerhplaserjet or another - will be decided.
    Look closely to see if the power button on the device has been pressed. Until it is pressed, the PC will issue, printer not connectedhp.
    If all these actions are carried out and checked, then we move on for possible reasons.

  3. Drivers are missing.
  4. Therefore, the computer does not see the printer throughusbhp. Perhaps you just forgot to install them. In this case, you should find the installation disk and, following the instructions, install the printer - then your PC will immediately see it. If there is no disk, then look on the Internet. The computer does not find the printerhp, if you installed the wrong drivers, for example, the wrong manufacturer or year of publication. Drivers should be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of your device. Be careful when choosing operating system- it must match yours on PC.
    Restart your computer if necessary. The printer should now appear in the Start menu - Printers and Faxes.
    If the system is still does not see the printerhp, then perhaps the problem is in the operating system itself. That is, check the settings on the laptop itself or a stationary machine. If everything is done correctly and the printer is detected, but it does not work, then it is worth uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling. After that the problem the computer does not see the scannerhp or printer, must go. But other problems are also possible.

  5. They chose the wrong device and therefore can't find printerhp your firm.
  6. Turn on autostart printing, which can be done from the Start menu.
  7. If a printer not connectinghp, then the PC operating system may fail.

There can be many reasons for such a malfunction, and it is impossible to indicate the exact reason in absentia!

Below we list only the possible most common causes and ways to eliminate them.

First, you may not have printer drivers installed. Try uninstalling the printer driver completely and reinstalling it. We recommend that you download updated drivers from the manufacturer's website.

It is also possible that the matter is in the cable - this happens - the Chinese worked, and then fell into disrepair. Replace the usb cable - buy more expensive: in a transparent casing with a metal braid, they are better.

Or maybe you are using a USB cable that is too long, so try using a shorter cable.

Third, check if the computer and printer are properly connected:

Make sure the USB cable is securely connected to the printer and computer and is not damaged or twisted.

The printer will not be recognized during driver installation if connected to a printer switch or buffer. In this case, try connecting the printer to the computer directly using a USB cable.

If using a USB hub, connect the printer to the first level hub. If the printer is still not recognized, try connecting it directly to the computer without using a splitter.

If you are connecting the printer to your computer with a USB hub, make sure the hub is recognized by the computer.

Check if the port through which you connect the printer to the computer is working. To do this, use a simple test - insert a flash drive.

Attention! Don't use the ports that are on the front of the case or on the side - their computer builders have a habit of "forgetting" to connect. It is best to use the rear ports, the same connectors where you connect the mouse and keyboard.

Similarly, you can test by connecting the printer to another working computer. If this problem occurs again, then the problem is with the printer and not with the computer. In this case, you should contact the service center, or return the defective product to the store, unless, of course, the guarantee is valid.

In addition, you need to check if your version of Windows supports USB. To check if your computer usb, do the following:

In Windows XP, click Start, right-click the My Computer icon, and select Properties. For Windows 98, Me, or 2000, right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties.

In Windows XP and 2000, click the Hardware tab and click the Device Manager button. For Windows 98 and Me, open the Device Manager tab.

Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers node and make sure the USB Universal Host Controller and USB Root Hub are defined. If both USB Universal Host Controller and USB Root Hub are listed, your Windows OS supports USB.

If your Windows OS does not support USB, do the following and then open the Universal Serial Bus controllers node again. If your Windows OS still does not support USB, please contact your supplier.

Such reasons can be listed for a long time. We recommend that you make an internal diagnosis with a specialist. This will allow in as soon as possible identify the problem and fix it in a timely manner.

All the best!

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