Do-it-yourself electrical wiring repair in the apartment. What to do if the hidden wiring cable is damaged How to fix the wiring in the apartment

Garden equipment 16.06.2019
Garden equipment

The final cost of repairing an electrical network in any apartment is built from several important factors ...

Repair of wiring in the apartment price

Among the factors that determine the final monetary cost of repairing electrical wiring are the following:

  • The volume of the required restoration or renovation work
  • The timing of the required restorativeor renovation work
  • Quantity and quality of required building materials
  • Overall quality as well as quantity mounted electrical equipment
  • Total residential and non-residential area electrical wiring for replacement
  • The presence of warm sexAlso, the cost of repairs will be higher if the dwelling is made according to the system of the so-called Smart House. It should be noted that repairing the wiring in an apartment, the price of work may vary in direct proportion to the remoteness of the house. An important factor is number of storeys in an apartment building as well as general apartment area... Moreover, even the material of the walls of the house affects the final cost of repairing electrical wiring.

    Shtrobing walls made of bricks will cost about 300 rubles - strobes 2 × 2 centimeters. Slitting concrete walls will cost about 500 rubles - a 2 × 2 centimeter line. Shtrobing walls made of plaster will cost about 200 rubles - a groove 2 × 2 centimeters.

It costs about 50 rubles to lay a cable in a gutter in an open form, in a cable-channel - 150 rubles, in a corrugation - about 120 rubles. Installation of the electrical network on brackets, that is, in an open way on concrete walls, will cost about 150 rubles, on gypsum walls - about 100 rubles, on brick walls - about 120 rubles. Dismantling of the electrical network starts from 100 rubles and more. Finding a break in the electrical circuit will cost 1000 rubles and more. Eliminating an open circuit will cost from 500 rubles and more.

High-quality repair of the wiring in the apartment, the price of which is too low - this is a reason to think. It is more expedient to use only high-quality materials and spare parts - this will insure the electrical network system during future operation.

The wiring in the apartment, as well as in a private house, can be replaced partially or completely. To achieve this, an impressive number of events are held, including:

  • Complete electrical circuit diagnostics
  • Determination of ways to modernize the electrical circuit
  • Installation of grounding contacts
  • Installation of a new electrical wiring
  • Carrying out wiring to the required premises of the house
  • Shtroblenie all necessary walls
  • Slitting all the required floors
  • Installation of new sockets
  • Installation of new switches
  • Installation of new electrical panels
  • Equipment for the creation of telephone lines, signaling and other specific equipment

It is important to voice the fact that the repair of the wiring in the apartment, the price of the work becomes known only after the final project is drawn up. Repair of the electrical network provides for a strict sequence works:

  • Project creation
  • Strobing
  • Cabling
  • Closing the gouging
  • Dismantling of old lines
  • Installation of new lines
  • Arrangement of an electrical panel
  • Installation of electrical machines
  • Installation electrical switches It also connects all power lines. The last thing happens installation of switches and electrical outlets... Costs for boxes are paid separately. In addition, installation is paid separately sockets and electrical machines... You also need to pay separately for connecting lighting systems, electric stoves and other household appliances.

High-quality repair of electrical wiring in the apartment price

Replacement wiring most often happens partial. Less often, the wiring is completely changed. Replacing the electrical wiring is one of the most popular services that is in demand during any repair. It is best if the master has appropriate education in electrical works and other works related to electricity. All the necessary documents and approvals, as well as impressive work experience will not be superfluous.

Seeming simplicity electrical work related to the replacement of the entire wiring does not correspond reality- only professional the master is able to organize the replacement of wiring in Moscow in whole or in part. You can contact both the company and private traders. The price indicated in the estimate should not differ from the one that will be paid at the end of all work. The final cost of changing electrical networks or wiring will depend on several important factors. Among them :

  • Customer-consumer power
  • The volume of all ordered works
  • The material from which the house is made
  • Open or hidden type of installation Repair of wiring in an apartment, the price can be especially high if a short circuit occurs, or in another case when an unscheduled replacement of the electrical network is necessary. The cost of the work can also be increased, since at the beginning it will be necessary to organize a temporary electrical supply a private house or a simple apartment... Sometimes together with the shift electrical wiring all are replaced electric meters, especially in Moscow, however, as in other cities of Russia.

You shouldn't try to skimp on safety - when replacing electrical wiring only the highest quality materials should be used. Most of the houses of the old housing stock have been made wiring made of aluminum - it is no longer suitable since modern electrical devices and other devices require a different device electrical wiring, especially those with high current consumption. If you do not change the old electrical network in time, then you can disable all electrical appliances that are in the apartment. Short circuits and other accidents often occur - that is why it is important to replace aluminum wiring with copper or another that meets the necessary modern safety standards and, accordingly, operation. You should never forget about safety - even the highest quality wiring has a service life of about 20 years.

Repair of wiring in an apartment price - what it consists of and how to save

Carrying out electrical wiring- this is a necessity for absolutely any apartment and, no less important, for a private house. The electrical network ensures that all household appliances and household appliances will work correctly and without interruptions. Cables, threads, tapes, and other recovery supplies electrical wiring can be purchased independently or from specialized companies. Option number one is more profitable from a material point of view, but there is also a drawback - the purchased consumables may be of low quality, or not at all correspond state standards. Factory consumables in this regard are much more effective - they have a long service life, and also have a manufacturer's warranty.

Trying to replace all or not completely electrical wiring on their own or to conduct an electrical network with their own hands, home craftsmen often forget about safety. An electrician requires special skills from a master - she does not forgive mistakes. Special knowledge is also required when creating an electrical circuit diagram, when grouping wiring depending on the level of electricity consumption, the number of rooms and other important factors. Knowledge is required in everything - from the choice of wire cross-section to the organization of a project to replace electrical wiring. Most often, a home craftsman without special technical education a priori is not able to make the most complex circuit of an electrical network. For example, the phase and zero are often confused - only one such error can cost the grief - the master not only material resources, but even life. Repair of wiring in an apartment, the price can be completely different.

A complete change of electrical wiring in a private house requires a specialist. As such a person can act not just one electrician, but a whole team of craftsmen. To save money, many companies offer turnkey wiring. The electrical network in a private house or apartment follows a similar pattern:

  • Installation of new wires and cables in all rooms of the house
  • Installation of new luminaire switch devices
  • Installation of new sockets
  • Installation of new protected outlets in rooms with high humidity levels The required number of outlets is selected based on the total number of household appliances and other electrical appliances... Adhering to the requirements of the normative documents, it is necessary to choose a copper or other cable with the required cross-section. For this it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculation of the total power, respectively, which is consumed by all electrical appliances available in the house. With the help of a special law (Ohm's Law), the current strength is calculated, which becomes the foundation when the conductor cross-section is selected. When overload wiring what kindor wires may easy catch fireexactly That's why need to take cable With necessary (necessarily) reserve. V such case even if net will overwhelmed ignition not will arise. Repair wiring v apartment price always individualselect the average meaning cost renovation problematic, but To the end articles this number will voiced.

From quality fulfillment of all electrical works v straight dependencies located not only level life inhabitants apartments, but and safety Total buildings. Exactly That's why electrical workers processes it is better Total trust only people with appropriate knowledge and education. Only right established wiring will be able serve long time and not will become remind O myself extra once. V Moscow creation electric wiring under key will cost from 16 before 50 thousand rubles (ceiling at all not limited) — v dependencies from difficulties the project, a also quantity rooms and others characteristics buildings.

V the end offer three video v which in detail told how to execute repair wiring on one's own:

What to do if you interrupted the electrical wiring in the wall? Usually, in such a situation, a person is lost, but nothing terrible happened, the electrical wiring can be successfully repaired with your own hands using one of the methods below.

When drilling walls for fastening objects, rarely does anyone think about the fact that electrical wiring is laid in the walls. But even if you remember and mentally draw a glance at the possible path of wires from junction box to sockets and switches, there is still no guarantee against getting the drill into the wire.

Electrical wiring is especially often damaged when installing stretch and suspended ceilings. Ceiling-holding corners or a baguette are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws and their attachment line runs just at the level of the wires.

According to the requirements of the rules for electrical installations (PUE), twisting the wires when installing electrical wiring is prohibited. When connecting conductors hidden wiring in the wall, this rule should not be violated!

It is best to replace the entire section of the broken wire from the junction box to the point of its connection, but this is not always acceptable.

Since the broken conductors are short, the connection can be made using terminal blocks. But in this case, a junction box will have to be installed for the terminal block, which is laborious and not always satisfactory.

The proposed technology for connecting broken wires in the wall under plaster has been tested by me in practice and has shown high reliability. For more than 16 years, hidden electrical wiring has been working in my apartment with several similar connections, two pairs of conductors had to be connected when moving the meter, one pair was connected in two places when moving a wall and two pairs when moving electrical outlets.

When repairing electrical wiring in mandatory it is necessary to de-energize it!

The repair should begin with very careful removal of the plaster in the damaged area of ​​the wires. This work is done with a chisel and hammer. As a chisel when laying electrical wiring in the wall, I usually use a rod from a broken screwdriver with a sharpened end of a blade.

With such a chisel, it is good to make small grooves in the wall when laying wires for hidden wiring, for example, when moving an outlet, or installing an additional one.

When the wires of the hidden wiring are exposed, it will become clear if one wire is broken, two or three. What metal are the conductors of electrical wiring made of, copper or aluminum.

Connecting broken copper wires of electrical wiring

Interrupted connection copper wire in the wall by soldering ensures the reliability of the contact of the wires not worse than that of an undamaged one and allows you to close the connection with plaster without installing a junction box.

One of the two copper wires is broken

An autopsy showed that one copper conductor was broken, the second wire was not touched and the insulation around it was not damaged.

For repair, you first need to select the plaster to the sides of the damage site by 3-5 centimeters to a depth of centimeters under damaged place wires. This is necessary to create conditions for connecting wires. Next, you need to disconnect the wires and cut the insulation along the center.

A prerequisite for obtaining a reliable mechanical connection of aluminum wires is the use of a grover washer. The connection is assembled as follows. A grover is put on the M4 screw, then an ordinary flat washer, rings of wires to be connected, then a simple washer and nut.

The screw is screwed into the nut with the maximum possible hand force. It remains to cover the connection with electrical tape.

To protect against mechanical damage, the resulting connection should be closed with an insulating tube. You can wrap the top with one layer of electrical tape again.

Several broken aluminum wires are also connected using the technology described above. You just need more screws and jumpers.

Based personal experience I dare to assert that the connection of aluminum conductors of hidden electrical wiring using the above technology will ensure its trouble-free operation until the end of its service life, provided that the load current does not exceed the permissible value.

If the cable, which is frequently bent, tangled, and kinked, begins to fray, you can neutralize the damage.

1. Insulating tape

The cheapest method is to cover the gap. It will not look very solid and will hardly save the cable for a long time, however, in terms of price-quality ratio, this method is quite good. It is better to wrap the frayed area or gap several times, and then walk the tape along the entire wire to strengthen it. But still, don't expect it to last you forever.

2. Heat shrink

It is a more durable wire repair tool. True, it is more expensive and will not work if both ends of the cable are much larger than its main part. Heat shrink tubing comes in a variety of diameters, lengths and colors. One piece will cost from one hundred to several thousand rubles. Having found right size, you just have to put the tube on the cable at the point of the break and activate it with a high temperature, for example a hairdryer. The tube will shrink and wrap around the wire, keeping the frayed area still and preventing damage from spreading.

3. Sugru

4. Spring

A temporary solution to the problem can be a spring from a fountain pen. By stretching it and putting it on the cable, you will strengthen it in a certain place and protect it from kinking and further tearing. But this will not prevent the wire from being damaged in other places. You can also put on a spring and then use heat shrink tubing in the gap zone. This combination will provide additional hardening.

5. Protector

Since damage to cables is a very common problem, they came up with special devices to protect the wires. In fact, they are needed to prevent ruptures, but they are also suitable in case of wiping that has already begun. On the same AliExpress, for the request "cable protector" or "cable protector", you can find many options for such devices: both for chargers and for headphones. Basically, they are designed to protect the most fragile part of the wire - one of its ends, but there are options for strengthening the entire cable.

Damaged chargers and earbuds can last for some more time if you use any of these methods. This is especially true if buying a new cable is quite expensive: for example, Charger for MacBook.

This happens quite often. With great difficulty we hang a carpet on the wall, but we are not happy with the result for long: for some reason, the lamp in the room stops burning. Or, to hang a shelf, but sparks fly out from under the drill, a crack is heard, and the apartment is plunged into ominous darkness and silence.

The cause of unhappiness is outrageously simple - we were unlucky, and we damaged the hidden wiring cable... In the case of the carpet, most likely, the phase or zero core was interrupted. And when they were preparing the holes for the shelf, they damaged the insulation of both cores and made a short circuit (the drill, of course, can be thrown away immediately).

To resolve the situation, the damage to the line must, of course, be found. In the case of the shelf, this will not be difficult - where were they fought at the moment short circuit, there is also a damaged area.

It will be more difficult with the carpet, which we have safely hung, having punched it, that way, with a dozen holes. Two questions arise. First: "Which wire is damaged - phase or neutral?" And the second: "In which of the holes did we damage the cable line?"

If installing a dowel and a self-tapping screw in the hole, we broke the phase wire, then there is a danger of injury electric shock... Self-tapping screw, metallic profile, metal elements of decor and interior - all this can be energized in case of unsuccessful installation. You can verify the absence / presence of danger with the help of a serviceable and reliable one. In addition, one must remember that damage can be not one, but two or more. The identified danger should be eliminated by first disconnecting the voltage: unscrew the self-tapping screw, dismantle the metal parts.

Next, you need to decide which part of our apartment wiring is out of order as a result of damage. It is extremely rare that after the line is damaged, light disappears in the entire apartment, usually one lamp or one or several sockets simply stops working.

If, then the indicator can check the presence of a "phase" in it. There is a "phase" - the neutral conductor is damaged. There is no "phase" - we are looking for the place of its breakage with the help of devices that react to a change electromagnetic field, for example, an indicator screwdriver with a phase detector.

Just remember that outsiders cable lines passing parallel to the test subject can interfere and distort the readings of the device. Therefore, group groups that are not related to our tests should be disabled.

If the lamp refuses to work, then the input cable of the box, the cable of the switch, or the cable of the lamp itself may be damaged. Usually, by the location of the box, you can understand which cable we are dealing with. Damage to the phase conductors of the luminaire wiring is detected when the switch is turned on.

In any case, the break points of the phase conductors are usually found quite easily.

With a damaged neutral conductor, the situation is a little more complicated. It will be necessary to make some preparatory work: disable circuit breaker of the injured group, disconnect the damaged neutral wire from the bus and apply a "phase" to it. Further damage can be found in the same way as in the case of damage to the phase wire.

A similar method is used to detect damage to the luminaire switch cable if they are located after the switch itself. Since they are phase, then under voltage in this situation it will not be possible to find out anything. It will be necessary to turn off the "machine" and the switch, and then apply voltage to the phase conductor from the side of the lamp - then it will be possible to find the break point.

At search for faults in neutral conductors it is often not known which of the wires on the N bus in the switchboard belongs to the faulty line. Then you can disconnect the input neutral conductor from the common bus, open the nearest branch box of the affected group and, having determined the neutral wire, apply a phase to it from the load side. Then everything is still the same scenario.

But finding the damage is only half the battle. As a matter of fact, you can not do this at all, but immediately replace the damaged cable section. Much depends on the situation. Let's say a damaged wire goes from to a lamp, outlet, or switch. Then it makes sense to change the cable completely.

But if the cable of the group coming from is damaged, replacing the entire cable may seem impractical. After all, the cable can run along the walls of several rooms and have a great length. And in order to replace part of the cable, you will need to install at least one additional branch box, and this is already paired with. The groove will need to be cleared to free the ends of the cable running through the wall and to prepare the hole for the box.

Clearing the groove- is a responsible business and requires caution. It is best done with a hammer and chisel, chipping off small pieces of plaster and being careful not to damage the cable. Of course, the voltage must first be turned off. You should refrain from using a power tool, because one careless movement is enough - and the damage will become even more serious.

It is necessary to clear the strobe about 15 centimeters from damage in both directions. Then you need to take the ends to the side and punch a hole for the branch box. We install the box with alabaster, and put the cable from the groove into it. If the damage has not particularly reduced the length of the conductors, or there is some margin, then a cable can be brought into the box on both sides and the conductors can be connected with standard terminal blocks. That is, it is possible to do without replacing the cable by simply connecting the old cores by color. This is especially useful if the cable is damaged in only one place.

A new piece of wiring, if any, is usually installed in the. The most important thing here is not to overdo it or damage other cables while drilling the holes for the dowels. Well, do not forget to turn off and drown out the old and already unnecessary part of the wiring.

We close the newly mounted branch box with a lid, plaster, level the wall and glue the wallpaper - the work is completed, voltage can be applied.


Although it is quite clear that damage to the cable of the hidden wiring is not a "tragedy", when doing renovation works it is still better to pre-use devices to search for live conductors so as not to create unnecessary problems. Better yet, have detailed plan the location of wiring lines with an accurate indication of the height of the passage of cables. Still, repairing damage is a rather troublesome and messy business. Yes and interior decoration premises, such repairs will not do any good.

Alexander Molokov

How to properly repair apartment electrical wiring.

In our long-suffering country, people do not have enough money to buy new housing. Secondary market for apartments, i.e. apartments "B.U." is becoming more and more popular. The first thing that new settlers do after the purchase is to prepare for the renovation. But you need to repair not only the walls, floor, and ceiling, but also the wiring.

The fact is that in the last century, when this housing was built, they counted on the energy consumption of an apartment of 1-2 kW, and now it can easily reach 10 kW. Almost everyone has washing machine, Microwave oven, iron, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, electric toaster, electric grill, etc. Most of these devices easily consume 1-2 kW, and they can be turned on at the same time! Even have to change. A modern electric meter is designed for a current of at least 50 A.

But how to get started repair of electrical wiring? For this there are certain rules... They will help you save time, money and health.

Rule one

Start repairing electrical wiring with a project. Determine which appliances will be in each room. What kind of lighting will be there, where will they be. At what height they need to be installed. It used to be customary to install sockets at a height of 80-90 cm, and switches 150-160 cm from the floor.

Now another fashion has come: sockets are at a height of 30-40 cm, and switches are 80-90 cm. The exception is, there they are placed at a height of 10 cm from the level of the table top. Do not skimp on sockets, it is better to put them at a distance of no more than 3 m from each other.

Second rule

You need to change the wiring during repairs immediately and completely . Firstly, because they used to use aluminum wires, and they are short-lived and have a lot of very significant drawbacks. Secondly, when repairing electrical wiring, you cannot connect aluminum and copper wires. Thirdly, the work related to wall chipping. Better to do it in an unfurnished apartment, because there will be a lot of dirt and inconvenience.

Third rule

Calculate the consumption before replacing the wiring. Add up the power of electrical appliances that will be powered from one line (one machine). It is assumed that no more than 5 sockets were connected from one machine. The total power of the loads of these outlets should be no more than 5 kW. The cross-section of the wire for sockets is 2.5 squares. The automatic machine is put on a current of no more than 25 A. The cross-section of the wire for lighting is not less than 1.5 squares. The power of lighting devices is not more than 3 kW. The machine is put on a current of no more than 16 A.

Rule four

Don't skimp on materials. It is better to take a cable VVGng 3x2.5, VVGng 3x1.5 or a vvp cable 3x2.5. Choose mid-range sockets, boxes and switches. The evaluation criterion should be the quality of the contact connections (preferably chrome-plated or nickel-plated contacts), a thermostable base (better ceramics).

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