How to write a thank you letter to a teacher. Words of gratitude to the teacher from the parents

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Thanks to the first teacher from the parents

How much in a person's life depends on what his first teacher was. It is he, the first mentor, who can help us make the very first, such important steps along the path of knowledge. It is the first teacher who opens the door to the magnificent world of science and art for us, teaches us to be kind, patient, attentive.

How to write gratitude to the first teacher for graduation in 4th, 9th or 11th grade?

It has long been noted that success at school in high school largely depends on how professional and competent the training was in the "primary". And for the kids themselves, the first teacher often becomes not just a mentor, but also a “second mother”.

And the most The best way to express gratitude to the teacher is to express gratitude to the first teacher from the parents.

What to write in a thank you letter

Thank You Letter is an unofficial document. Therefore, there is no need to stamp clericalism and use hackneyed phrases. It is better to compose a text imbued with warmth and sincere wishes.


You can start the text with thoughts about the school, about how important it is to meet just such a first teacher: experienced, kind, sensitive, attentive and caring.

For example: "School ... How many memories and exciting events are associated with this word! Just a year ago, our children crossed the threshold of school for the first time. The first call, the first lesson and the first timid attempts to write a word and the first successes on this thorny road of knowledge.

What a blessing that our children were accompanied on this path by such a wise and kind teacher, how are you! The first teacher is a guiding star, which with its light and warmth warmed and protected, helped to overcome the first difficulties and instilled confidence ... "


It is desirable to continue the text in the same spirit - with sincere gratitude. Here you can list not only the spiritual qualities of the teacher, but also mention those memorable events and events that took place in the class. Maybe it was an interesting concert, a memorable excursion, interesting lessons.


In conclusion, it is customary to write wishes. What can you wish for a teacher? Excellent health, remarkable patience, universal happiness.

You don't have to write a whole novel. A letter of thanks belongs to the business genre of a letter, so it is enough for the text to fit on one page. In the end, your sincerity and really kind words are more important than listing all the merits.

Prose or poetry?

It all depends on your imagination. If you are friends with rhyme, then you can also make a poetic appeal to the first teacher. The only remark - do not rush to rewrite the first verse that comes across. Look for lines that convey exactly your thoughts and feelings.

You can also combine: for example, start writing in prose, and choose a poetic form for wishes.

How to write a thank you letter
first teacher?

It is desirable to write a letter on a special form.

You must also format the letter according to the rules:

The address to the teacher is written in the center at the top. It is advisable to use the words "Dear / Dear" in the appeal.

Thank you sample for first teacher from parents

Dear Maria Sergeevna!

We sincerely thank you for your work, for taking care of our children, for your understanding and attention, for your kindness and affection. You have become a real guiding light for our children. Thank you for being able to open the way for them to conquer the heights of knowledge, for the fact that your invaluable experience helped to reveal in each child his hidden talents and abilities.

We wish you to never get sick and always remain as cheerful, responsive and sensitive. Good luck and happiness to you!

Parents of 2 "A" class of school No. 15.

We look forward to further cooperation in promoting and popularizing healthy lifestyle children's lives. Sincerely, FIO Gratitude for the work: text Best worker

  • Dear full name, On behalf of the company "(name)" and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all employees of the company "(name)" for the productive and quality work, sensitive attitude to the requirements of the client and technically competent solution of our difficult tasks. Sincerely, Full name
  • Dear full name, I want to express my deep gratitude and universal gratitude to you for the impeccable work and for the invaluable contribution to our organization. We are very glad that you work with us, all our employees express only positive reviews and with sincere respect. I do not represent a better, more responsible worker than you in your position.

Thank you letter to teacher

A thank you note is often written to a teacher. The author can be the school management, thanks to successful work for outstanding service and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students, as a rule, it is written at the end of the school children, before graduation, on the occasion of the end of the school year. The students themselves can be the initiators. Below we offer several samples of the text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal).

Learn more about writing thank you letters here. Other samples of thank you letters: We recommend that you use the proposed sample letters only as an example. Add personality to your thank you texts, point out the features of your teacher.

Lawyer's Handbook

Warning: mb_ereg(): empty pattern in /var/www/heaclub/web/ on line 179 Match the right words gratitude for the teacher, educator, leader will help a thank you letter. This is what the article is about. The content of the article

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  • Letter of thanks to the teacher, director of the school
  • Thanks for the help: text
  • Gratitude for the work: text
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  • Video. Thank You Letter

Thank you letter - business letter non-commercial type, in which gratitude is expressed for the fulfillment of some request, assignment, work, for cooperation.
It is drawn up in an arbitrary form, so there are no strict forms and clear requirements for it.

Thank you letter to teacher

Your professional classroom guidance has enabled our children to reach amazing heights in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside of school. The children went to school with interest every day, attended extra-curricular activities with enthusiasm, and with a gleam in their eyes solved the complex and non-standard tasks assigned to them. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they revealed themselves more fully, becoming full-fledged personalities.

The class has always been dominated by an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other. We express our sincere gratitude to you for investing your soul and time in the upbringing of our children! We sincerely wish you further creative success and victories in your difficult teaching job! Parents of students in class 11 A 3.

Examples of a thank you letter to a teacher (texts)

A thank you note is a thank you letter writing addressed to a specific person, for example, a teacher for any successful activities. Gratitude can be issued by the parents of schoolchildren, or by the top management of the school. How to write a thank you letter so that it looks attractive and beautiful, you can read in this article.
Below are the texts of a letter of thanks addressed to the teacher of the school, from the director of the school, from the parents of the students. Sample letter of thanks to the teacher 1. The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of the students Dear Elena Alexandrovna! We express our sincere gratitude to you for your hard work, patience and individual approach to each student in preparation for graduation.

Thank you letter to class teacher sample

Your active life position, maternal care and increased attention to all citizens endow you with great authority and great respect. I want to wish you confidence in own forces, a sense of optimism and a businesslike attitude to work never left you! Sincerely, full name (organization) Letter of thanks to the head of the organization Head of the organization

  • Dear full name, The team of our company "(name)" expresses gratitude to you and your team for a successful and truly fruitful cooperation. We appreciate your professionalism and competent flexible approach to solving numerous problems. I would especially like to note the amazing friendly atmosphere that has developed during our cooperation with you.

Material on the topic: thank you letter

Thanksgiving solemn speech to teachers from parents in prose. In this article we will talk about such a powerful development tool corporate culture as a leader's speech to the team. Speech at the graduation ceremony of the medical college. Speech at the graduation ceremony of the medical college.

Let you, as a wonderful leader, a person, thank our words of a talented doctor. Sample thank-you speech to the head Material on the topic: To help class teachers in compiling texts of letters, thanks to students, the parent community (especially when summing up the school year). Download: Preview: 1. A letter of thanks to parents.
Dear ………. The teaching staff of MBOU "Secondary School No. ..." Expresses its gratitude to you and says a huge human "THANK YOU" for your participation in the upbringing of your son ... and the life of the class.

Thank You Letter to Teacher (Samples)

Gratitude to the first teacher from parents How much in a person's life depends on what his first teacher was like. It is he, the first mentor, who can help us take the very first, such important steps along the road of knowledge. It is the first teacher who opens the door to the magnificent world of science and art for us, teaches us to be kind, patient, attentive.


How to write gratitude to the first teacher for graduation in 4th, 9th or 11th grade? It has long been noted that success at school in high school largely depends on how professional and competent the training was in the "primary". And for the kids themselves, the first teacher often becomes not just a mentor, but also a “second mother”. And the best way to express gratitude to the teacher is to make gratitude to the first teacher from the parents.

What to write in a letter of thanks A letter of thanks is an unofficial document.

Thank you letter to a teacher class teacher can write to only the parent committee, but also the school administration represented by its director, gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in various events, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school. Below we offer sample texts of a thank you letter for a teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration. Examples of texts of thank you letters: 1. Text of a thank you letter to a teacher primary school from the parents of the students.

Dear Anna Gennadievna! We, the parents of students of grade 4 "A", thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you have accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times.

sample letter of thanks to teacher from parents

We wish you the best of health, optimism, well-being and success in your difficult, but such an important matter! Sincerely, the parent team of grade 11-A GBOU secondary school No. 791 Words of gratitude to the teacher Dear Olga Ivanovna! Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, pedagogical talent and devotion to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, goodwill, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student. Wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business! Sincerely, the director of GBOU secondary school No. 791 Zhukova A.
A. Zhukova It is better to issue gratitude to teachers, a class teacher on a holiday postcard or on the letterhead of an educational institution.

thank you letter to teacher from parents template

you uncovered Creative skills of each student of grade 11-A, gave rise to a desire for creation, self-development. You filled our children with self-confidence, directed them to formulate and achieve goals of various scales. Everyone managed to express themselves at the graduation concert without embarrassment, feeling the support of students, teachers, parents, guests.

The children realized that it is important to be not only a grateful spectator, but also to take an active part in the performances and their organization. Sincerely, the parent team of grade 11-A, school No. 3 2. A sample text of a thank-you letter to the teacher from the school principal Dear Svetlana Sergeevna! Thank you for holding a quality timely subbotnik.

Cleaning the territory did not just transform schoolyard but also had a positive effect on the behavior of children.

Thank you letter to teacher from parents template download

Openness and reliability are, in fact, very important in our work. Thank you for your truly invaluable experience, competence, prompt resolution of all those issues that periodically arose in the course of our active joint work. Thank you for your true friendliness, care and responsibility. We are glad that our long-term cooperation with you turned out to be effective and really fruitful.

Thank you for such high professionalism. We wish your organization further prosperity, well-being and successful retention of a leading position in the construction market. Sincerely, (company, organization) Video.

Thank you letter to teacher- this is an information letter with the purpose of expressing gratitude to the teacher, teacher, coach for teaching the student. The teacher (teacher) is one of the most important people in the life of each of us. His hard work often determines the abilities, future profession and fate of the student. Therefore, an understandable desire was the desire to thank the mentor for his contribution to the education and development of our children and ourselves. One way to formally express appreciation to a teacher is a thank you note.

Sample texts of the thank you letter to the teacher, we offer to read below. A letter of thanks can be written to the teacher personally, from the student's parents and from the head educational institution, this article describes the features of writing thank-you letters: “”

You may be interested in other sample letters: for a student -, for a doctor -, for cooperation -,.

Thank you letter to a teacher. Texts

Letter of appreciation to a teacher from the director of an educational institution

Gratitude from the director of the educational institution should be written on company or special letterhead and designed in the style of a regular business letter.

I express my deep gratitude for the patience, labor enthusiasm and personal approach to each student! I look forward to further collaboration. Wish good health and personal happiness! Sincerely, director of MBOU secondary school No. 81M. I. Dyakonova A letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents A letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of the students can also be written by hand, in a beautiful legible handwriting. Compilation requirements are simplified a bit. An example of gratitude from parents Dear Maria Petrovna! Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the contribution you make to the upbringing and education of our children. Your high professionalism, boundless kindness and patience help students to reveal their abilities, gain solid knowledge and skills.

Thank you letter to teacher

A frequent recipient of letters of thanks are teachers, to whom words of appreciation and gratitude are expressed by both the parents of the students and the management of the educational institution. In this article, we offer sample texts of a thank you letter to a teacher.


As a rule, a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher from the parents of the students at the end of the school year in order to express appreciation for the patience and work shown in relation to their children. In addition to gratitude, words of wishes are also written.

An exemplary text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher is below. For registration, it is appropriate to use a special typographical form or a suitable postcard.
We also suggest that you read the article on how to write a thank you letter. On our site you can also find texts of thank you letters for: 1.

Letter of thanks to the teacher (texts)

A very part of such a letter is sent to employees from the management (sample text for an employee), it is also often sent to another partner organization - download a letter of gratitude for the organization for cooperation. We also offer to see the texts of a letter of thanks addressed to a doctor - a sample, an educator - a sample, a student - a sample.
1. The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher Dear Sophia Nikitichna! From August 01 to August 14, 2014, a charity race for children from low-income families was held at the Sosnovy Bor sanatorium. The team of teachers of your school took an active part in organizing the arrival, in creative work with children, provided counseling and psychological support.
I ask you, on behalf of our organization, to thank the teachers who took part in the work of the charity race, and also to find an opportunity to financially encourage them.

Thank you letter to teacher

An example of a letter of thanks from the director to the teacher Dear Lilia Anatolyevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your pedagogical gift, competence and long-term work in teaching and educating our students. I express my deep gratitude for the patience, labor enthusiasm and personal approach to each student! I look forward to further collaboration.
I wish you good health and personal happiness! Sincerely, director of MBOU secondary school No. 81 M. I. Dyakonova Letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents A letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of the students can also be written by hand, in a beautiful legible handwriting. Compilation requirements are simplified a bit. An example of gratitude from parents Dear Maria Petrovna! Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the contribution you make to the upbringing and education of our children.

Examples of texts of a thank you letter to a teacher

It seems to me that it is best to use them in order to avoid all sorts of troubles. For you, I bring here letter templates for teachers, not only for Teacher's Day, but for all occasions.


A letter of thanks to a teacher is an informational letter with the purpose of expressing gratitude to a teacher, teacher, coach for teaching a student. A teacher (teacher) is one of the most significant people in the life of each of us.

His hard work often determines the abilities, future profession and fate of the student. Therefore, an understandable desire was the desire to thank the mentor for his contribution to the education and development of our children and ourselves. One way to formally express appreciation to a teacher is a thank you note. Sample texts of the thank you letter to the teacher, we offer to read below.
A letter of thanks can be written to the teacher on his own behalf, from the student's parents and from the head of the educational institution, this article describes the features of writing letters of thanks. A letter of thanks to a teacher from the director of an educational institution A letter of thanks from the director of an educational institution should be written on a company or special letterhead and designed in the style of a regular business letter. The letter is signed by the head or rector of the institution, indicating the position and date of compilation. It is presented at a solemn meeting, with personal words of gratitude. An example of a letter of thanks from the director to the teacher Dear Lilia Anatolyevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your pedagogical gift, competence and long-term work in teaching and educating our students.

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Your high professionalism, boundless kindness and patience help students to reveal their abilities, gain solid knowledge and skills. We wish you excellent health, happiness and success in this hard work! Sincerely, the parent team of grade 10-B MBOU secondary school No. 81 Sample letter of gratitude to the teacher from the student A student can also write a thank you letter to his teacher.

Compilation requirements are the same as in the previous version. It is advisable to do without loud pompous phrases. An example of gratitude from a student to a teacher Dear Nina Sergeevna! Let me sincerely thank you for everything you taught me within the walls of this school.

Your deep knowledge, wisdom and personal example helped me in my further study and work, taught me to accept right decisions, be persistent in achieving the goal.
A letter of thanks to a teacher or class teacher can only be written by the parent committee, but also by the school administration represented by its director, gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of a teacher and school. Below we offer sample texts of a thank you letter for a teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration.

Examples of texts of thank you letters: 1. The text of a letter of thanks to a primary school teacher from the parents of students. Dear Anna Gennadievna! We, the parents of students of grade 4 "A", thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children.

For 4 years, you have accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times.

The text of a letter of thanks to the teacher from the students: Dear Anna Pavlovna! Everyone knows that the school is the second family, and the teachers are the parents. Without you, we would not be who we are today. You are the person who instructs us throughout the school path and always leads others, serving as a great example.

Thank You Teacher Prep From Parents Template

A letter of thanks can be written to the teacher personally, from the student’s parents and from the head of the educational institution, this article describes the features of writing thank-you letters: “How to write a letter of thanks?” You may also be interested in other sample letters: for a student - download, for a doctor - download, for cooperation - sample texts, for a kindergarten teacher. A letter of thanks to a teacher from the director of an educational institution A letter of thanks from the director of an educational institution should be written on a company or special letterhead and designed in the style of a regular business letter.

The letter is signed by the head or rector of the institution, indicating the position and date of compilation. It is presented at a solemn meeting, with personal words of gratitude.

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  1. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher
  2. Sample thank you letter to class teacher
  3. Thanks to the teacher
  4. Download

A letter of thanks to a teacher is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the teacher, class teacher for the work of raising and educating children on behalf of the director of an educational institution or the parents of student children. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher A thank you letter to a teacher has the details of a business letter:

  1. The heading of the document - it indicates the name of the teacher to whom the words of gratitude are sent. Optional structural element thank you letter - written as needed.
  2. Appeal - contains the name of the teacher to whom gratitude is expressed.

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