This page was not found. Excursion to the industrial zone, how to organize a business from nothing

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Today it is difficult to surprise people with familiar sights; ocean shores and palm trees are already a thing of the past. Now tourists are interested in all sorts of delights, which include industrial or social tourism.

  • Objects for industrial hikes
  • How to organize an excursion tour to the industrial zone, where to start
  • How to organize a tour of an existing enterprise
  • Excursions to inactive objects
  • Types of excursions, details about the main
  • How much money do you need to start
  • How much can you earn
  • Do I need permission to conduct industrial tours?
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for registering a travel agency business
  • How to choose equipment for excursions to the industrial zone
  • Technology for organizing tourist routes to the industrial zone

What is the secret of popularity? Many office workers have no idea how factories work, and some want to look at production. Moreover, this is a fashionable direction that has practically no competition, which is one of the few types of tourism activities for industrial zones or post-industrial centers.

Industrial excursions gained particular popularity in the early 2000s, when many “stopped” industrial facilities and disbanded military units appeared. Today, everything has begun to change dramatically: people again felt the desire to develop, to travel. Moreover, the start came from where many did not expect, the industry was “warmed up” by games. Metro 2033, the cult series Fallout 4 and the re-opened Stalker did the main thing, showed the audience the gloomy beauty of the post-industrial world.
If you are from Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk or any industrial city, you can start working on your client base.

It is not difficult to create an interesting, and most importantly, unusual route for an industrial excursion. Any city, especially a large one, has industrial zones in addition to historical sights, museums and architectural monuments. Particularly exciting are old, abandoned sites, oil and coal mines or full-time enterprises.

Objects for industrial hikes

Take a closer look at your city, and you will see many places that will arouse the interest of guests. Moreover, it can be the capital or distant, and almost forgotten towns.

Examples for conducting industrial tours in Russia:

  • Khavrinsky unfinished building (Moscow): the object is located in Moscow and attracts the attention of fans of extreme sports with legends and myths. Today the ruins are surrounded by a fence and are protected. You can get into the abandoned hospital building only with special permission.
  • Blue Crystal (Moscow): high-rise building, which was built as an educational and business center. The object can be interesting for excursions.
  • Old Nevyansk plant (Sverdlovsk region): an object of the metallurgical industry. Currently, it is one of the attractions for guests of the region.
  • "Fallen Plants" (Baikalsk, Chapaevsk, Asbest): excursions are conducted to the places of enterprises that have ceased to exist.
  • Metallurgy (Magnitogorsk): the region of heavy engineering, has many objects that are of interest all over the world.

Traveling can be called one of the most popular and vibrant human hobbies. Many people love to travel to new places, filling their lives with unforgettable travel experiences. Not every resident of Russia can afford a vacation abroad, but he has access to excursions to interesting places in his country. Recently, the number of people wishing to discover the amazing corners of the Russian Federation has greatly increased, and this circumstance has served as an impetus for business people to engage in excursion business.

Every entrepreneur has questions: how to open a tour desk, how much money you need to invest in the business at the start, whether the business will bring profit and where to start this process. It turns out that the organization of tourism activities is not difficult, and a person interested in it can easily build such a business and achieve success in it.

Starting a Business - Activity Planning

Before you start organizing any business, you need to make a plan. It will include the following items:

  1. Studying the demand market and the activities of competitors.
  2. Choosing an office for the future bureau.
  3. Selection of necessary documents for business.
  4. Development of excursion routes.
  5. Solving transport issues.
  6. Recruitment.
  7. Advertising campaign.

After collecting, studying and analyzing all the necessary information, the businessman must draw up a business plan for his future enterprise and calculate the approximate costs of opening it.

And now about all this in more detail.

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Study of tourism legislation, preparation of documents for business

Having decided to organize a business in the field of tourism, a businessman must study tourism legislation, and then prepare the documents necessary for opening own business. The main law that defines the principles of state policy in the field of tourism and regulates the rights and obligations of owners of tour agencies and their clients is The federal law"On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation"of November 24, 1996, N 132-FZ.

To better represent future activities, experienced businessmen advise beginners to attend special thematic courses, for example, "Organization of a travel agency from A to Z". Such firm courses and consulting groups conduct monthly and even provide their listeners ready-made kits all necessary documents for the excursion business.

To open a tour desk business person in the Russian Federation, you do not need to purchase a license or other special permit. All that is required of him is the registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. As the main documents, in addition to the registration certificate, it will be necessary to have independently developed contracts for the provision of services, contracts with transport enterprises, museums, Catering, job descriptions for staff, memos for sightseers.

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Demand market, competition study and development of excursion routes

Any novice entrepreneur understands that his business will be profitable if there is a demand for services. Therefore, in order to organize a tour desk in your hometown, you need to see whether this city, its surroundings or settlements located at a short distance from it, a large number of attractions and beautiful places. After all, before you start developing routes to the same Moscow or Suzdal, other distant cities, you must first try to conduct excursions closer to the "home". There are many amazing places in Russia with a rich history and beautiful nature.

If there is already a tour desk in the city, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the offers and routes of competitors. When setting the cost of excursions, you need to focus on the average salary of city residents and think about how much they can pay for the trip. The main criterion is the availability of the tour for everyone, and although the price should be made more attractive than that of competitors, it should not be too low.

When developing a route plan, several factors must be considered. First, you need to study the history of your native land, his customs, get acquainted with the biographies of famous fellow countrymen. To do this, you will need to visit the local museum of local lore, talk with its employees, look through books about your region and chat with old-timers who will be happy to tell you about interesting legends and past events.

Secondly, routes should be developed taking into account the age audience. If these are excursions for children, you should definitely introduce elements of entertainment into them, organize game moments, for example, dress up the guide as a fairy-tale character, come up with a thematic competition, etc. Children's excursions should not be prolonged in time, because children quickly lose interest in one and the same occupation.

Thirdly, you need to carefully work out the time spent on each route (from 45 minutes to the whole day), provide for stops along the way, recommend a cafe for lunch. If the tour takes several days, it requires tourists to spend the night in a hotel and provide them with food.

Fourthly, the plan for visiting city attractions should differ from the plan of competitors, for this purpose it is advisable to select other monuments for a city tour or, in addition to the main program, include “not promoted”, but interesting places which can be visited at an additional cost. The more interesting and unusual the tour, the more people who want to visit it, because "the earth is full of rumors."

An important circumstance is the conduct of an advertising campaign. In addition to advertisements in the media, handouts, booklets in stores, advertising in social networks it is necessary to create a website on the Internet, thanks to which large quantity learns about the bureau, sees the plan of excursions, gets acquainted in detail with their program and prices for them.

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Office for the tour desk and its staff

Business on initial stage implies a minimum Money. Therefore, the organizer of the bureau is at first almost its only employee. In his own apartment, he can receive calls from those who want to go on an excursion or conduct it himself. But over time, the presence of an office becomes a necessity, as well as an increase in the number of employees. It is better to find a room for an office in a busy place so that it catches the eye of many. A bright sign and a beautiful showcase are a must. Interior decoration The office should not be too expensive or extremely "soviet", but cozy and bright, so that the client feels comfortable in it.

The main employee of the bureau is the guide. He must be a competent specialist, have a well-trained, pleasant voice, and be endearing. He needs to constantly learn something new about the sights and famous people, adding Interesting Facts in the texts of excursions. In addition to tour guides, the company will need an accountant, a manager and drivers. The head of the bureau can agree with a transport company to provide a bus for routes on certain days, a larger company has its own transport and drivers.


The development of the route is the first thing you need to start drawing up an excursion plan. If the tour is planned in one place (palace, museum, etc.), consider a group scheme for this place in accordance with the plan of the building (or area). Write down where it will start, the group will spend near each exhibit, how long the tour will take in total and what time it will end.

If you plan an excursion around with visits to several attractions, plan an excursion as well, having worked out optimal scheme movement according to the situation.

The second stage is writing the text of the excursion. The text should not be in conflict with historical facts, so when writing an excursion, make references to those sources from where you get information. After all, if some listener disagrees with you and tries to challenge what was said, you can always tell him where your information comes from and how to check it.

The key to an ideal excursion is a guide who himself knows what he is talking about. In addition, it is worth possessing such qualities as tolerance, attention to the requests of sightseers and the ability to surprise them with details known only to you. You can also tell well-known facts, but present them with unique questions, actively addressing the group, trying to involve them in the study of the proposed area.

Recently, excursions have become popular, the main group for which is young people - this is Moscow at night, night visits to museums. You can borrow the idea and organize such a route in your own, especially since it will be very popular if on this moment there is no such offer in the market of tourist services.

The main thing is to start if you are interested in the topic of promoting your native land, if you like to open unknown pages of history and you want to know about them as much as possible more people, you should organize excursion routes.


Before taking a group or a single visitor, prepare for the tour. It is not enough just to walk through the floors of the building and see what is presented in the expositions. Read the sources, find out the history of each exhibit. This is necessary in order to identify what is most important to tell visitors about. Write a rough text of your story, write it down on sheets of paper or print it on a computer.

Some psychologists believe that school trips should be organized at least twice a year. For this, there are vacations where you can go on an exciting journey. In order to properly plan the time, agree with the guides, discuss the route with the driver, explain to the parents the importance of the trip, the organizer must take care of the excursion in advance.

First, decide which classes you are willing to merge. Most often, planned excursions are groups of children of approximately the same age category. This moment cannot be missed not only from the point of view of the same interests, but also the subject of the excursion. For example, children primary school it will not be particularly interesting to go to the Mosfilm film studio (the excursion program is possible). Similarly, with high school students who will not be delighted with children's fun.

Choice of the thematic direction of the organized excursion. It is better for students of grades 1-4 not to complicate the excursion program, since at this age enchanting spectacles are more interesting than long educational excursions.

For high school students, organized school trips are desirable with a subtext for studying a certain course, passing a topic on curriculum. It would be appropriate to go to a museum or gallery, meet a writer or artist. This will help you understand school material and bring students as close as possible to creativity famous person. Such an excursion will be much more interesting than a regular lesson and will be remembered by schoolchildren for a long time.

Focus on the weather and time of year. If you have the opportunity to go to another area, walk in parks and gardens, that's great. Children of all ages enjoy these excursions the most. Discuss with them the route chosen by the organizer in advance so that it is clear what they will be able to see. By the New Year holidays, many festive exhibitions open. It is important to visit the main Christmas tree of the country or the museum of ice sculptures in the pre-New Year fuss.

Determine the common interests of the children. Do a poll and try to find out what the students like. Traditional excursion programs are trips to a museum, theater, gallery, exhibition, plant, factory and other places. If you intend to diversify and bring a new idea of ​​​​excursions, choose more modern options: master classes for boys and girls, theatrical performances of one actor, webinars, interactive games and quests. There are a lot of ways to attract attention and arouse a desire to go on an excursion, the main thing is to find an approach to all children.

Organizational issues: how to gain trust?

Once you have decided on the excursion program, you need to take care of its implementation. Can travel with children classroom teacher, school organizer and one or two parents. After planning the route, discuss together how it is better and cheaper to book a bus. There are several options: through a company that deals with transportation or independently negotiate with the carrier. The second option entails full organizational responsibility.

The vehicle in which you plan to get to your destination with your children must meet modern standards: seat belts, comfortable seats, mirrors and a DVR. If parents are willing to pay more, you can choose a bus with a TV, air conditioning and other amenities. The driver must have all documents in order, Special attention apply for a license.

When you have managed to negotiate with the driver or conclude an agreement with the company, go to the internal organization. The day before departure, discuss with the children or parents what they need to bring with them. Have a safety talk with students and discuss critical moments that can happen on the road. Make sure all students know your phone number so they can always contact you.

Out-of-town excursions are more difficult to arrange because parental permission is required. Official documents 3 days before the trip, they are sent to the traffic police, only after that you can pack your bags. There must be a paramedic on the bus who, if necessary, will provide first aid.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize a tour desk in Rostov-on-Don ( trademark"Don tourist"). Specialization - the provision of services for excursions, for adults and children, in Rostov-on-Don and the region. Customers can be both individuals and organizations, travel companies.

The basis for the implementation of the project is the growing popularity of domestic tourism in Russia against the backdrop of a decrease in the general well-being of citizens and the blocking of popular international tourist routes.

The project is unlimited in time, the investment period is calculated for five years. The decision to invest is made on the basis of the integral indicators of the project (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral project performance indicators


Location and implementation of the project - Rostov-on-Don. The city is the capital of the Southern Federal District and the largest city in the South of Russia. The population of the city is 1.1 million people; the population of the Rostov agglomeration is 2.16 million people. Rostov-on-Don was founded in 1749 and has rich cultural traditions; Rostov region - the center of the Cossacks; Novocherkassk is the capital of the Don Cossacks. In addition, various cultural and historical sites are located in the region: Taganrog, Azov, Starocherkassk, Veshenskaya and others.

The principle of the company's activity is the provision of services for conducting excursions on the territory of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the main indicators of the industry in 2008-2014

As can be seen from Fig. 1, despite fluctuations in the number of travel companies showing a downward trend from the number since 2011, the industry's revenue is growing steadily. This is due to the development of domestic tourism in the country as a whole, and in the Rostov region in all honesty.

The state program of the Rostov region "Development of culture and tourism" provides for the following forms of direct financial support for the subjects of the tourism industry:

Subsidizing part of the costs (up to 80%) for the acquisition of fixed assets for the provision of services in the field of outbound and domestic tourism;

Subsidizing part of the costs (up to 80%) for the classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities in the Rostov region;

Subsidizing part of the costs (up to 70%) for advertising and information promotion of a regional tourism product.

Thus, all conditions for the development of the project are created by law in the region.

At the same time, no more than 15% of the total volume of travel companies specialize in domestic tourism. Given that the company provides services directly to the organization of excursions, and, in fact, is not a travel agency, these companies cannot be classified as direct competitors.

"Don tourist" accepts from travel agencies orders for the organization of excursions, which are then carried out on their own. Agencies receive a commission of 10% of the cost of the tour. The company's fixed assets include a 50-seat sightseeing bus equipped with TVs, a refrigerator, etc. There are two guides on staff with experience and knowledge of the region. Guides work simultaneously with two small groups, which provides a higher level of comfort for tourists compared to the usual scheme when one bus is served by one guide. Excursions are conducted to the cultural and historical sights of the city and the region.


"Don Tourist" provides services for organizing and conducting excursions in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region using its own transport and attendants. There are three main types of excursions, different in time. Several excursion programs have been developed for each temporary type. The list of programs is given in Table. 2.

Table 2. List of excursion programs

Ready-made ideas for your business

Each tour is accompanied by a professional guide. Outside the bus, the tourist group is divided into two small groups, each of which receives its own guide.

During the 5-hour programs, there is a break for a light lunch - 20-25 minutes; during 10-hour programs - a full lunch in a booked restaurant of the middle price segment (the cost of lunch is not included in the price of the tour), as well as two short breaks of 20 minutes each.

Variable costs for services are formed from the wages of guides, the cost of fuel and bus operation, as well as commission agencies. Variable costs and the final cost of services are given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Cost of services and variable costs


Sales of services are carried out by sales managers, they also accept applications from agencies. At the first stage, the most likely partners are determined according to a number of criteria:

Main focus on domestic tourism;

Good reputation in the market;

At least 1.5 years of experience with active development.

Then active work is carried out to develop partnerships. Proposals for cooperation are sent out, telephone conversations. If necessary, the project owner joins the negotiations, travels to meetings.

To accommodate complete information about programs, demonstration materials, terms of cooperation and other things, a website is being created high level. Through the site it is possible to book places for excursions. It is assumed that by the third year of operation, Donskoy Tourist's dependence on agency orders will be reduced by at least 30%.

The participation of the Donskoy Tourist Bureau in various image events of regional significance as a sponsor is expected, subject to the provision of an opportunity to promote regional tourist destinations. It is also expected to actively work with the schools of the city and the region with the aim of direct sales of excursion programs.

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The competitive environment is represented by five direct competitors - organizers of excursions on similar programs. Pricing policy - from budgetary to average. The quality of transport and services offered is below average to average. As a rule, companies use outdated vehicles in unsatisfactory condition, which not only reduces the comfort of the trip, but also makes the likelihood of breakdowns on the road high. In addition, only one guide per bus is used, which makes the tour not always comfortable due to the fact that not all tourists can get close enough to the excursion object or hear the guide. The pricing policy of competitors is mainly at the “standard” level with the above disadvantages.

Thus, competitive advantages Bureau "Don Tourist" are as follows:

Transport in good condition - despite the fact that the bus is purchased second-hand, it residual value significantly higher than that of competitors' transport; the technical condition is checked upon purchase in order to minimize the risk of breakdowns on the road;

High qualification of the driver - professionalism allows him to use the most convenient routes, navigate the movement of public transport, avoid accidents and make the trip as comfortable as possible;

Two guides - allow you to break large group into two small ones, which provides more comfortable conditions excursions, more attention to each sightseer and his questions, the availability of excursion objects, etc.;

High communication skills of the guides allow avoiding the dryness of the presentation of the material and make the tour more interesting and memorable.


The fixed assets of the enterprise include a tour bus of foreign production, used, in good condition. The capacity of the bus is 50 people. The estimated average occupancy is 45 people. The bus has everything necessary equipment for excursions lasting less than 12 hours.

The tour plan is compiled by the owner of the enterprise together with professional guides who are part of the staff of the enterprise.

The demand for excursion services is seasonal. The maximum level falls on the period from May to September; decline in winter. However, given that most programs are not seasonal, even in winter there is a certain level of demand. Seasonal fluctuations in demand and revenue figures are given in Appendix 1 of this business plan.

The maximum monthly sales volume is calculated based on a realistic scenario and is shown in Table. 4 of this business plan.

Table 4. Monthly Estimated Sales of Services

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Key assets in the plan labor resources- these are, of course, professional guides, who are subject to high requirements, which include not only extensive knowledge of the history and culture of the Don region, but also the ability to actively work with the audience, high communication skills, designed to ensure not only the information content of the trip, but also the interest sightseers. The form of remuneration for guides is piecework, with a rate of 1000 rubles. per hour of work. The remuneration of guides is charged to variable costs and is not reflected in the staffing table.

The professionalism of the bus driver also has great importance for the comfort and safety of passengers. For this reason, high requirements are also placed on the driver's qualifications - accident-free experience in driving a sightseeing bus for at least 10 years, knowledge of the basics of car business, and the absence of bad habits. The driver has a combined salary - a fixed salary of 30,000 rubles per month and 300 rubles per hour of the tour.

Sales professionals must have at least 3 years of experience in the tourism industry.

The subordination of all employees occurs directly to the owner of the project. The owner has experience entrepreneurial activity, knowledge of labor legislation and industry standards of the tourism industry.

Table 5 staffing and payroll


The financial plan has been drawn up for a five-year perspective. At the same time, the project is unlimited in time. Fixed and variable costs are calculated, monthly revenue is determined taking into account seasonality, cash flow(cash-flow).

Investment costs for the project amount to 5.85 million rubles, of which 2.0 million - own funds project initiator. The remaining amount is raised with the help of a bank loan for a period of 48 months and at 20% per annum. Payment of obligations under the loan is carried out by annuity payments, credit holidays - three months. The bulk of the investment is used to purchase a bus. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over a five-year period.

The cash flow statement is given in Appendix 2 of this business plan.

Table 6. Investment costs

Table 7. Fixed costs


On the basis of the financial plan, the integral indicators of the project's effectiveness are calculated (Table 1). Insofar as financial plan calculated on relatively long term, to account for the time value of money, a discount rate of 5% is introduced. The size of the rate is determined by the mastered technology of work, the offer is not innovative, the competition is relatively low, the market has been formed and researched.

The payback period of the project is 17 months, the discounted payback period is 18 months. With such fairly solid capital investments, this is a short time.

Net present value (NPV) - 16.93 million rubles, which is significantly higher than the initial investment. The internal rate of return (IRR) is 6.0%, which is higher than the discount rate, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project. Profitability Index (PI) > 1, which also indicates that the project is largely profitable.


The following risks associated with the implementation of the project can be identified:

Entering the market of a new competitor of a similar level - the market capacity today is large enough to accommodate several similar offers; at the same time, it is necessary to establish strong partnerships with key agencies;

Modernization of fixed assets by competitors - the probability is low, since according to known data, competitors are experiencing a shortage of free cash;

Deterioration of the general economic situation in the country - with the existing relatively low prices for domestic tourism, the decrease in the solvency of the population can potentially attract customers from more expensive market segments;

Failure to meet the sales plan is unlikely, since only experienced managers are accepted into the state, and price policy formed in the most competitive form.


Seasonality indicators and company revenue

Financial plan

Denis Miroshnichenko
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