Love lyrics feta theme of love in the work of feta composition. The timid breath of Maria Lazich

Decor elements 24.09.2019
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December 5 marks the 195th anniversary of Fet's birth. The date is vague. Nearby is a completely inconspicuous anniversary: ​​165 years since the death of the poet's muse - Maria Kozminichna Lazich.

In Fet's biography, the love story for Maria Lazich usually occupies two or three lines. Only now is the understanding coming to researchers that meeting this amazing, out of this world, girl is the main thing in Fet's life. The death of Mary in 1850 crossed out the entire former life of the poet, gave a tragic sound to all his poems, even the most joyful and bright.

It seems that the first who wrote deeply and convincingly about this was the monk Lazar, in the world Viktor Vasilievich Afanasiev, a literary critic who devoted his whole life to studying Russian poetry of the 19th century. Here is one of our last conversations recorded last winter.

How did the meeting between Athanasius and Mary take place?

It was like this: after university, Fet entered the military service. He ended up in the garrison near Kherson and met a girl on a neighboring estate, the daughter of an impoverished retired general. Mary was then twenty-two years old. She was a very sensitive and cultured young lady.

Did Maria know that the young officer was a talented poet?

Of course! From childhood, she loved Fet's poems - after all, he had been publishing them in periodicals for ten years already, he already had a book. Maria knew both Russian and world poetry very well.

Fet's most famous poem is "Whisper, timid breath..." Does it have anything to do with Lazic?

The most direct. It is written in better days their relationship. Fet then wrote to his friend: "I was waiting for a woman who would understand me, and I waited for her." So they fell in love with each other. But Fet did not dare to marry. With his indecision, he tortured both Mary and himself.

The situation is quite modern. Now young people are justified by the need to "stand on their feet": to save up for an apartment, to make a career. What justified Fet?

Roughly the same. He really was poor, and Lazic was not rich. And now Fet went to a complete break. If only he knew what despair he had brought Mary to! She felt that her whole life was slipping away from her. She begged a lot, begged him not to cut off the correspondence, and finally realized that it was all over. And in the fall of 1850, Fet was struck by terrible news: Maria had died.

What happened?

Her muslin dress accidentally flared up. Maria, all on fire, ran through the suite of rooms, opened balcony door- from fresh air the fire flared up even stronger and engulfed his head. She covered her face with her hands and shouted to her sister: "For Heaven's sake, save the letters!" Maria was referring to Fet's letters, since pieces of the dress that had fallen off were burning everywhere. The girl rushed up the steps into the garden and fell down there. At the cries of the sister, people came running, who carried Maria, all burnt, to the bedroom. Four days later, in incredible agony, she died with the words: "He is not to blame, but I ..."

Supposed portrait of Maria Lazich.

What happened to Fet after this news?

It was a completely different Fet. He realized that he had lost the woman he loved with all the strength of his soul. Lost the happiness of my life. Then he acquired everything: he became a wealthy landowner, a local nobleman, a chamberlain of the imperial court. But Mary could not be returned. And Fet spent the rest of his life tormented by the fact that he left her, blaming himself for the death of the girl.

This history, it seems to me, belongs not only and not so much to the history of literature. It contains an eternal reminder to us of how fragile the first feeling is, how fragile and tender the vessel of life is in general...

Fet reverently saved in his soul everything that was connected with Maria Lazich. In another poem, it seems, it is not there, but it only seems to be. Everything is there - the music of the word, the colors of nature, and the feeling of the poet - everything is about her. The poems dedicated to Lazich are not invented, not "composed", no, the poet pays with his life for the memory of his heart. "Where are you? Really, stunned, / / ​​Seeing nothing around, / / ​​Frozen, whitened by a blizzard, / / ​​Knocking at your heart? .." Fet was confessional, all open ...

But not everyone felt and understood this.

Who could then understand what it is, about what and why? Even Fet's friends did not understand why, in his advanced years, he continued to write about love. Konstantin Leontiev, writer and philosopher, was on friendly terms with Fet. He read "Evening Lights" and was so angry that he decided to write a letter to Fet "with friendly advice about love to be silent." Elder Ambrose, confessor of Leontiev, found out about this intention and forbade writing such a letter.

Was the elder familiar with Fet?

Only based on Leontiev's stories or Fet's poems. But that was enough for him. Elder Ambrose had an all-penetrating intuition. So he said, "Don't." He realized that Leontiev had the wrong opinion about Fet.

The soul of Maria Lazich did not leave Fet all his life: last poem dedicated to her was written in 1892, the year of the poet's death...

Regarding the poem "On the Swing", Burenin slandered: "Imagine a seventy-year old man and his" dear "thrown each other" on a shaky board ... How not to worry that their game may end unfavorably for the old men who have played out! That's the extent of the criticism.

Fet could not understand how people came up with such a thing.

After all, everything is pure to the pure.

That's it! Afanasy Afanasyevich wrote to Polonsky about this poem - only twelve lines! - and rising newspaper persecution: "Forty years ago I was swinging with a girl, standing on a board, and her dress crackled from the wind, and forty years later she got into a poem, and pea jesters reproach me ..."

But still, "Evening Lights" brought fame to Fet ...

Glory? "Evening Lights" was printed in the amount of 700-800 copies and was not sold out for many years.

It turns out that Fet cannot be understood without the tragic story of his love?

Fet cannot be understood outside of Maria Lazich. Earthly immortality does not exist, but so far, by the grace God's world ours stands while people read poetry, the memory of Maria Lazich will live on earth. The image of a young sufferer who suffered a lot for her love, like an angel flies over Russian fields. If it were not for her, there would not be that Fet, who forever remained in Russian poetry.

But someone will ask: why didn’t he go to the temple with his repentance?

Fet was in the church. When he lived in Moscow on Plyushchikha, he attended services at the Novodevichy Convent. But after forty years, he developed asthma, and then they did not know how to treat it. Afanasy Afanasyevich lived in the summer in his Vorobyovka, often not even having the strength to go out onto the terrace. He was barely breathing.

In general, I must say: he bit himself too much. Answering a home questionnaire in the Tolstoy house to the question: “How long would you like to live?”, He writes: “Least long.”

Friends did not understand why he wrote love poems even in his old age.

In many memoirs of contemporaries, one can find caustic and mocking reviews of Fet as a stingy and rude old man.

Yes, until his very old age he struggled with the sins of his poor youth: ambition and avarice. But these sins did not kill the poet in Fet, they did not destroy the huge gift of love. And that our human courts ... After all, not everything about Fet is open to us.


Many schoolchildren have difficulty distinguishing Fet's poetry from Tyutchev's creations - undoubtedly this is the fault of the teacher, who failed to correctly present the masterpieces of two meters of Russian literature. I assure you, after this article about Interesting Facts from the life of Fet, you will immediately learn to distinguish the poetics of Afanasy Afanasyevich from the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, I will try to be very brief!

In Tyutchev's poetry, the world is represented as cosmic, even the forces of nature come to life and become natural spirits that surround a person. The motives in Fet's work are closer to reality (mundane). Before us is a description of real landscapes, images of real people, Fet's love - the same complex feeling, but earthly and accessible.

The secret of the poet's surname

As a child, A. Fet experienced a shock - he was deprived of his noble title and paternal name. Real surname writer Shenshin, his father is a retired Russian captain, and his mother is a German beauty Charlotte Fet. Parents met in Germany, where they immediately had a whirlwind romance. Charlotte was married, but completely unhappy in marriage, her husband liked to drink and often raised his hand to her. Having met a noble Russian military man, she fell desperately in love with him, and even maternal feelings did not interfere with the reunion of two hearts - Charlotte had a daughter. Already in the seventh month of pregnancy, Charlotte runs away to Russia to Afanasy Shenshin. Later, Shenshin will write a letter to Charlotte's husband, but in return he will receive an obscene telegram. After all, the lovers committed an un-Christian act.

The future poet was born in the Oryol province, was recorded in the register of births by Afanasy Shenshin. Charlotte and Shenshin got married only two years after the birth of their son. At the age of 14, Athanasius was recognized as illegitimate, he was given back the surname Fet and is called a "foreigner." As a result, the boy loses his noble origin and the inheritance of the father of the landowner. Later he will restore his rights, but after many, many years.

Fet and Tolstoy

In the works of Lotman there is a mention of one unusual case from the life of two great writers. Everyone played card games in those days, he especially liked to gamble (but now it’s not about him). So, the process of the games was quite emotional, in a fit of rush the players tore and threw the cards on the floor, money fell along with them. But it was considered indecent to raise this money, they remained lying on the floor until the end of the game, and then they were taken away by lackeys in the form of a tip.

Once, socialites (including Fet and Tolstoy) were playing a card game, and Fet bent down to pick up a fallen banknote. It was a little strange for everyone, but not for Tolstoy, the writer bent down to his friend to light a candle. There is nothing shameful in this act, because Fet played with his last money, unlike his rivals.

Fet also wrote prose

In the 60s of the 19th century, Fet began work on prose, as a result, two prose collections were published, consisting of essays and short stories, sketches.

"We can not be separated" - the story of unhappy love

The poet met Maria Lazich at a ball in the house of the famous officer Petkovich (this happened in 1848, when the sun mercilessly burned down on the border of the Kyiv and Kherson provinces). Maria Lazich was charming - tall, slender, swarthy, with a shock of dark thick hair. Fet immediately realized that Maria for him is like Beatrice for Dante. Then Fet was 28 years old, and Maria - 24 years old, she had all the responsibility for the house and younger sisters, because she was the daughter of a poor Serbian general. Since then, all the writer's love lyrics have been dedicated to this beautiful young lady.

According to contemporaries, Mary was not distinguished by incomparable beauty, but she was pleasant and seductive. So Athanasius and Maria began to communicate, write letters to each other, spend joint evenings discussing art. But one day, leafing through her diary (then all the girls had diaries in which they copied their favorite poems, quotes, attached photographs), Fet noticed musical signs, under which there was a signature - Franz Liszt. Ferenc, a well-known composer of that time, who toured Russia in the 40s, met Maria and even dedicated a piece of music to her. At first, Fet was upset, jealousy surged over him, but then when he heard how great the melody sounds for Maria, he asked to play it constantly.

But the marriage between Athanasius and Mary was impossible, he has no means of subsistence and title, and Mary, although from a poor family, is from a noble family. Lazich's relatives did not know about this and did not understand at all why Fet had been communicating with their daughter for two years, but did not propose. Naturally, rumors and speculation about Fet himself and Mary's immorality spread around the city. Then Athanasius told his beloved that their marriage was impossible, and the relationship must be urgently terminated. Maria asked Athanasius to just be there without marriage and money.

But in the spring of 1850 something terrible happened. In desperation, Maria sat in her room, trying to gather her thoughts on how to live on, how to achieve an eternal and indestructible union with her beloved. Suddenly, she stood up sharply, which caused the lamp to fall on a long muslin dress, in a matter of seconds the flame engulfed the girl's hair, she only had time to shout "Save the letters!" Relatives put out the fire of madness, but the number of burns on the body was incompatible with life, after four painful days, Maria died. Her last words were "He is not to blame, but I ..". There is speculation that it was suicide, not just an accidental death.

Marriage of convenience

Years later, Fet marries Maria Botkina, but not because of strong love, but by calculation. In his heart and poems, the image of the tall and black-haired Maria Lazich will forever be preserved.

How Fet returned the title

It took the poet several years of service in the infantry to achieve the rank of officer and receive the nobility. He did not like the army way of life at all, Fet wanted to engage in literature, not war. But in order to regain his rightful status, he was ready to endure any difficulties. After the service, Fet had to work for 11 years as a judge, and only then did the writer become worthy of receiving a title of nobility!

Suicide attempt

After receiving the title of nobility and family estate, having achieved the main goal in his life, Fet, under some pretext, asked his wife to go to visit someone. On November 21, 1892, he closed himself in his office, drank a glass of champagne, called the secretary, dictating the last lines.

“I don’t understand the conscious increase of inevitable suffering. Volunteering towards the inevitable. November 21, Fet (Shenshin)"

He took out a stylet for cutting paper and raised his hand above his temple, the secretary managed to snatch the stylet from the writer's hands. At that moment, Fet jumped out of the office into the dining room, tried to grab a knife, but immediately fell. The secretary ran up to the dying writer, who said only one word "voluntarily" and died. The poet left no heirs behind him.

Poetry is one form of love. It is difficult to disagree with the above statement, especially when it comes to the love lyrics of such a classic of Russian literature as Afanasy Fet. Poems about love were his companions not only in his youth, but also in his advanced years. What prompted the poet to create lines that are now known to many, and how does Fet's works stand out among others?

Fet's love lyrics: background

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that love is the most powerful catalyst for poetry. Not a single poetic masterpiece was written from scratch. The authors were driven by both a fleeting love and a feeling carried through a lifetime. In the life of Afanasy Fet, both the first and the second were present. But the key role in Fet's love poems still belongs to Maria Lazich. It is to her that one of the most famous works of the poet is dedicated - “Whisper, timid breathing”.

Fet fell in love more than once, but only a feeling for Maria Lazich was always with him. He dedicated poems to this woman both during the relationship, and when there was no longer any hope of seeing her. Fet met Maria while serving in the garrison near Kherson. The girl was from the family of an impoverished retired military man. Maria then turned 22, and Fet - 28. Lazich was considered an educated young lady and, even before meeting with the poet, she was well acquainted with his work. Maria was not one of the dazzling beauties, but soon after they met Fet recognized in her your soul mate. However, the lack of funds for both prevented a reunion.

Correspondence continued for some time, but, in the end, Fet became the initiator complete break. In 1850, the poet was struck by terrible news: Maria died. The girl's dress accidentally caught fire. She died from her injuries a few days later. It is difficult to say whether it was a suicide or an absurd accident, but Maria died with the words: "He is not to blame ...".

Love in the works of Afanasy Fet

The story described above left a considerable mark in Fet's love poems. Moreover, without knowing this background, it is difficult to understand the full depth of his works. So, in addition to a sense of hope and hope, there is a fair amount of tragedy in them. For the sake of circumstances, Fet refused love, but his works clearly show that in fact the feeling for that one did not leave him even in his advanced years. This is well evidenced by the famous "Evening Lights", collections that were written by Fet, who was already on the slope of his life.

Poems about love, written by a classic, are full of love-experience, merged with the image of nature. At the same time, many works are the embodiment of the memory of Mary. The motives of punishment and guilt give a tragic connotation to this lyrics. Emphasizing the latter, Fet sometimes calls his lyrical hero "the executioner." The only way to atone for guilt is death. Not without reason, in one of the questionnaires, the poet admitted that he would like to live "the least long."

In addition, Fet's love poetry is characterized by a persistent motif of burning, which undoubtedly has some connection with the circumstances of Lazich's death. For example, the poem “Don’t wake her up at dawn” begins with a description of the girl’s quiet and peaceful sleep, but at the end, terrible words await: “Here a man burned down!”.

As a result, Fet's lyrics clearly show the opposition of images - the lyrical heroine and the hero. The first died long ago, but lives in the memory of the hero and his poems, the second is alive, but dead in his soul. The image of Lazich became a moral ideal for the poet, and his life turned into a desire for this ideal, in the hope of reuniting with it. Therefore, in the works of Fet earthly life often painted in dark colors, while the sky is dazzlingly bright. female beauty for him it is like nature, and the contemplation of a beloved woman is comparable to admiring nature.

According to many researchers, Fet's love poems are the only area of ​​\u200b\u200bit of his work where the life impressions of this master of the word are fully reflected. That is why these works are so different from the rest. They lack that incredible feeling of happiness in life and joy that can be traced in the landscape lyrics of the classic. The cycle of works dedicated to Lazich covers almost 4 decades. It included many poetic miniatures: “An irresistible image”, “You suffered ...”, “Old letters”, “For a long time I dreamed of screams ...”, “No, I have not changed ...”, etc.

Fet belongs to that amazing category of poets who, by telling about their experiences, awaken in readers their love and their memories. His poems can be compared with a bow that awakens the music of thoughts and feelings.

Behind the short name of the poet, like a sigh, lies the secret of his birth and origin, love and the mysterious death of his beloved, the secret of an unchanging feeling for Maria Lazich until last days life of Afanasy Afanasievich Fet.

When Fet was under seventy and, in his own words, “evening lights” were already shining, this poetic confession was born:

No, I haven't changed. To deep old age

I'm the same devotee, I'm a slave to your love

And the old poison of chains, sweet and cruel,

Still burning in my blood

Though memory insists

that there is a grave between us,

Even though I wander every day

languidly to the other, -

I can't believe

so that you forget me

When you are here in front of me.

These verses are exactly one hundred and twenty years old, but they still amaze with the fiery power of love, overcoming everything, even time and death. Referring to a beloved woman who has long passed away, as if she were alive, the poet claims:

Love has words, those words won't die.

A special judgment awaits you and me;

He will be able to distinguish us immediately in the crowd,

And we will come together

we can't be separated!

These are lines from the poem "Alter ego", which means "second self" in Latin. So the ancient Romans called the most dear and close people to them. Fet considered his "second self", his "other half" - as they say in our people - the girl whom he met and lost in his youth. After the tragic death of her beloved, motifs and images associated with fire became stable in Fetov's lyrics, whether it be a blazing fire, a blazing fireplace or a quivering candle flame.

The coals are fading. In the twilight

Transparent twisted light.

So splashes on the crimson poppy

Winged azure moth.

Visions of colorful string

Gets up, tired look,

And unrevealed faces

They look from the gray ashes.

Gets up nice and friendly

Past happiness and sadness

And the soul lies that it does not need

All that is deeply regrettable.

The scorching summer of 1848 was drawing to a close. Afanasy Fet served in a cuirassier regiment stationed on the border of the Kyiv and Kherson provinces. The military encirclement in the Ukrainian wilderness weighed heavily on the poet: “Various Gogol Vii climb into your eyes, and you also need to smile.” The monotony of official everyday life was brightened up only by acquaintance with local landowners. Fet was invited to balls and amateur performances.

Once in the hospitable house of a former officer of the Order Regiment
M. I. Petkovich was given a ball. Light flocks of numerous young ladies, waltzing with officers, fluttered around the hall. In the large mirrors, the lights of candles trembled, the jewelry on the ladies mysteriously sparkled and flickered. And suddenly - as if a bright flash of lightning struck the poet: he noticed a slender girl who stood out among others with her tall stature and natural grace. Dark skin, a gentle blush, the luxury of black hair. With a heart trembling with excitement, Fet wished to be introduced to the stranger who struck his imagination. It was she - Maria Lazich, who from now on, like Beatrice for Dante or Laura for Petrarch, was to become the only heroine of Fetov's love lyrics. Year after year, until his death, he dedicated to her a shining constellation of his beautiful poems:

Where are you? Really, stunned,

Seeing nothing around

Frozen, whitened by a blizzard,

Knocking at your heart? ..

Maria was the niece of M. Petkovich and the daughter of a retired cavalry general of Serbian origin K. Lazich, an associate of Suvorov and Bagration. The retired general was not rich and burdened with an extensive family. Maria, his eldest daughter, shared all the economic and educational concerns of her father. By the time she met Fet, she was 24 years old, he was 28 years old.

Maria Lazich was not a dazzling beauty. It was admitted that she was "far inferior in face" to her younger married sister. However, Fet unmistakably recognized her as a kindred spirit. “I was waiting for a woman who would understand me - and I waited for her,” he wrote to his friend Ivan Petrovich Borisov, with whom he spent his childhood together in the Oryol province. The girl was superbly educated, literary and musically gifted. “Poetry and music are not only related, but inseparable,” Fet believed. Maria fully shared his convictions. It turned out that from an early age she fell in love with Fetov's poems, knew them all by heart. The poet, recalling the first moments of communication with Lazich, wrote: “Nothing brings together like art, in general - poetry in broad sense the words. Such intimate rapprochement is poetry in itself. People become sensitive and understand that for a full explanation of which no words are enough.

One day, sitting in Maria's living room, the poet leafed through her album. At that time, all the young ladies had such albums: they wrote down their favorite poems in them, placed drawings, asked their friends and acquaintances about the same. Everything is as usual in a girl's album. And suddenly one extraordinary page riveted Fet's attention: he read the farewell words, saw the musical signs and under them the signature - Franz Liszt.

The famous composer and pianist toured Russia exactly one year before Maria met Fet - in the summer and autumn of 1847. Liszt also visited Elisavetgrad, where he met Maria Lazich. She attended his concerts, the musician visited her, listened to Maria play the piano and highly appreciated her abilities in music. Did a mutual feeling flare up between them, or was the entry that Franz Liszt left in the girl's album before leaving was just a sign of friendly sympathy? Who knows? However, it was impossible not to notice that in the words of farewell, the genuine pain of the impending separation is seen, and the melody composed by the composer for Mary breathes with passion and tenderness.

Fet felt a pang of jealousy, but the painful feeling immediately passed when he heard Liszt's music: “How many times have I asked her to repeat this amazing phrase for me on the piano!” - the poet recalled.

I never get tired of thanking heaven for sending me a meeting with you, - Maria once admitted. - And yet I do not understand why you - a university educated person, a refined poet - decided to enter the military service, which, as I feel, is so burdensome for you?

Warming himself by the fireplace on that rainy winter evening, Fet shivered, as if from the cold. The question touched him to the core, touched upon the most important thing in his life and demanded secret confessions. After a pause, he told the girl a difficult, largely mysterious, romantic and at the same time painful story of his family.

His mother - a young pretty German woman Charlotte Feth (Foeth) - lived in Darmstadt and was married to an official of the city court, Johann-Peter Feth. The couple had a one-year-old daughter Caroline, but Charlotte did not feel happy in marriage. Her husband treated her rudely, preferring to spend time with a glass of beer with friends. Her soul languished and waited for deliverance. And at the beginning of 1820, he appeared - a stranger, courteous and wealthy Russian nobleman Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. A descendant of an ancient illustrious family, a landowner from Mtsensk and a district leader of the nobility, a former officer, a participant in hostilities against Napoleon, he came to Germany on the waters. The Darmstadt hotel turned out to be overcrowded, and its owner placed a new guest in the house of his neighbor - Karl Becker, the father of Charlotte Vöth.
And even though the Russian nobleman was more than twenty years older, she saw in him her hero, whom she had dreamed about in her girlish dreams. A flash of passion scorched both: twenty-two-year-old Charlotte forgot about the duties of mother and wife and fled to Russia with her new lover, leaving her little daughter in the care of Fet. By that time, she was already expecting her second child. While kidnapping someone else's wife from Germany, Afanasy Shenshin left a letter to Charlotte's father asking him to forgive and bless their union. AT Oryol province- in the town of Mtsensk, hitherto unknown to Becker, an answer flew, full of reproaches and threats: the lovers who secretly fled from Germany committed an offense "which is prohibited by the laws of God and man, and the Christian religion considers it among the greatest sins."

In the Mtsensk district, on the estate of Shenshin Novoselki, Charlotte Fet had a son who was baptized according to Orthodox rite and recorded in the register of births under the name Afanasy Shenshin. Two years after his birth, Charlotte converted to Orthodoxy, was named Elizaveta Petrovna and married to A.N. Shenshin. He was an extremely caring father for Fet. Elizaveta Petrovna wrote to her brother in Germany that her husband treats little Athanasius in such a way that "no one will notice that this is not his natural child." And suddenly thunder broke out among clear sky. The Oryol diocesan authorities, having discovered that the boy was born before marriage, decided that "it is impossible to recognize the aforesaid Athanasius as the son of Mr. Captain Shenshin." So at the age of 14, the future poet learned that from now on he was not a full-fledged Russian nobleman, he had no right to be called Shenshin, but should bear the surname of a person whom he had never seen in his life, and be called Afanasy Fet "born of foreigners."

After graduating from the verbal department of the philosophical faculty of Moscow University, Fet brilliantly showed his poetic talent, was successful in literary circles, but there was still no definite place in society. title of nobility in those years, only military service could return him. And Fet decided to enter the cuirassier regiment: one could count on an officer's rank after six months of service. However, fate seemed to laugh at him. Soon, Emperor Nicholas I issued a decree according to which it was possible to become a hereditary nobleman only by rising to the senior officer rank. For Fet, this meant that he would have to wait another 15-20 years.

He spoke about all this with pain on that distant December evening to his beloved.

Noisy midnight blizzard

In the forest and deaf side.

We sat next to each other,

The deadwood whistled on the fire.

And our two shadows of the bulk

Lying on the red floor

And in the heart there is not a spark of consolation,

And there is nothing to drive away this darkness!

Birches creak behind the wall,

Bough spruce cracking resin ...

Oh my friend, tell me what's wrong with you?

I know for a long time what's wrong with me!

A vague premonition of trouble, thoughts about the lack of funds for both overshadowed Fet's love. His poverty reached such an extent that the poet confessed: “I knew very well that it was impossible to appear in society in a uniform of thick cloth. When I asked how much a pair would cost, the tailor asked for seventy rubles, while I didn’t even have seven in my pocket. Not knowing what to do, and in the hope of friendly advice, Fet sends letters to the Mtsensk village of Fatyanovo, his childhood friend I.P. Borisov: “I met a girl - a wonderful home and education, I was not looking for her, she was me, but fate ... And we learned that we would be very happy after various worldly storms if we could live peacefully<…>but for this it is necessary somehow and somewhere ... My means are known to you, she also has nothing.

However, the poet still hoped that marriage would be possible if relatives would provide material support: “I cannot throw the last board of hope out of my hands and give my life without a fight. If I received from my brother<…>a thousand rubles a year, and from my sister - five hundred, then I could somehow exist. financial assistance did not follow, friendly advice was also powerless. “If you are the wisest from Solomon,” writes Fet Borisov, “then you won’t come up with anything for me.”

Almost two years have passed since Maria Lazich met Fet. They used to look at him as a groom, but there was still no marriage proposal. Gossip and rumors spread. The girl's relatives tried to force Fet to explain his intentions.

Desperate, Fet decided to “burn the ships of mutual hopes at once”: “I gathered my courage and expressed my thoughts loudly about how I considered marriage impossible and selfish for myself.” With dead lips, Maria objected: “I communicated with you without any encroachment on your freedom, and I am completely indifferent to the judgments of people. If we stop seeing each other, my life will turn into a meaningless desert in which I will die, I will make an unnecessary sacrifice to anyone. From these words, the poet was completely at a loss.

Sorry! In the haze of memories

I remember all the evening alone, -

You alone in the silence

And your blazing fireplace.<…>

What kind of thinking is the goal?

Where has the madness gone?

In what wilds and blizzards

Did I take away your warmth?

“I am not marrying Lazich,” he writes to Borisov, “and she knows this, but meanwhile she begs us not to interrupt our relationship, she is in front of me - cleaner than snow. To interrupt is indelicate and not to interrupt is indelicate... This unfortunate Gordian knot of love, which the more I unravel, the tighter I tighten it, and to cut it with a sword, I have no spirit and strength... You know, I got involved in the service, and everything else only torments like a nightmare.

But even in the most terrible dreams, Fet could not imagine that this was only the eve of a nightmare. He decided on the final break.

The spring of 1850 came. Nature was awakened to life again. But Maria felt like she was in an icy desert. How to keep warm in this deadly cold penetrating the soul? Late in the evening in her bedroom, she stared at the light of the lamp for a long time. The quivering butterflies flocked to the flame and, dying, fell down, singeing the fragile wings ... But what if this pain were to stop at once? her loose hair. She was engulfed in flames and ran out of the room. night garden and instantly turned into a burning living torch. Burning, she screamed: "Au nom du ciel sauvez les lettres!" (“For heaven's sake, save the letters!”). Her torment continued for four more days. “Is it possible to suffer more on the cross than I do?” her lips fluttered. And just before her death, Mary managed to whisper the last words, largely mysterious, but they sent forgiveness to her beloved: “He is not to blame, but I ...” Human happiness and life itself were placed on the fiery altar of love.

Fet was shocked by this tragic news. Subsequently, he became a celebrated poet; married a rich merchant's daughter, Maria Petrovna Botkina - not very young and not very beautiful, who also survived a difficult romance. Fet became the owner of estates in the Oryol and Kursk provinces; in Mtsensk district he was elected a justice of the peace. Finally, he received the long-awaited nobility and the right to bear the surname Shenshin. And yet, in the heart of the poet who lived his life, not fading for more than four decades, the fire of his distant youthful love burned. Addressing Maria Lazich, Afanasy Fet wrote:

<…>You understood everything with the soul of a child,

What did the secret power give me to say,

And though life without you is destined

me to drag

But we are with you, we can not

Alla Novikova

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian poet. The first collection of his poems, Lyrical Pantheon, was published in 1840. By the beginning of the 1860s, when the social forces associated with the revolutionary situation disengaged in Russia, Fet advocated the rights of the landowners. He wrote little during this time. Only in his declining years did the poet return to creativity, releasing four collections of poems under common name"Evening Lights" In his work, he is a supporter of the doctrine of "pure art", which avoided appeal to social reality, a direct answer to the burning questions of our time. At the same time, his poetry - in a broader sense - has a solid ground of life. The poet managed to masterfully convey the material reality of the world, given to a person in his direct perception. The originality of Fet's poetry lies in the fact that for the first time he recreated fleeting emotional moods and states. His poetry is musical, melodic. The poet prefers to deal not with meaning, but with sound - a particularly malleable material for expressing a momentary mood. In the lyrics of A. A. Fet, the main theme is love. Possessing a great gift and special talent, the poet writes beautiful poems. Big influence Fet's tragic love had a creative effect. The poet passionately fell in love with the talented and educated girl Maria Lazich. She inspired the young poet. But high and huge love ended in tragedy. Under mysterious circumstances, Maria dies, and Feta is constantly haunted by his own guilt throughout his life. Experiences about the loss of his beloved are reflected in the world of Fet's lyrical experiences, moods, feelings, embodied in poems. Only in poetry Fet did not feel lonely, only here next to him was his beloved girl, Muse - an inspirer. And there was no longer any force that could separate them - they were together again:

And though life without you

I am destined to drag

But we are with you

We cannot be separated.

The poet never forgot his beloved, he constantly felt spiritual closeness with her:

You suffered, I still suffer...

In the silence and darkness of the mysterious night...

Fet created a moral ideal for himself and strove for it all his life in the hope of reuniting with him. This ideal was Maria Lazich. love lyrics Feta is filled not only with a sense of hope and hope, but also with tragedy. Love is not only joy, quivering memories, it also brings mental anguish and suffering.

In the poem “At dawn, you don’t wake her up,” a quiet dream of a girl is shown, but then anxiety appears:

And her pillow is hot

And hot tiring sleep.

Over time, Fet's love did not fade away. Forty years have passed since the death of a beloved woman, and Fet continues to write about her: “Forty years ago, I was swinging with a girl, standing on a board, and her dress fluttered in the wind.”

In his poems, he re-experiences love feelings, memories.

Mental upheavals, the loss of a loved one opened the way for A. Fet into poetry, where he was able to express his feelings and experiences.

There is not a drop of prose in his poems, it is pure poetry. Whatever Fet wrote about: about pictures of nature, about rain, about the sea, about mountains, about forests, about stars, about the simplest movements of the soul, even about momentary impressions - everywhere there was a feeling of joy and light, peace.

His poetic language is natural, expressive, musical. “This is not just a poet, but rather a poet-musician…” Tchaikovsky said about him. Many romances were written to Fet's verses. They quickly gained wide popularity.

The poems of A. A. Fet are also loved by many people. They reveal the beauty of the surrounding world, affect the human soul. Love lyrics Fet allows you to penetrate and understand the views of the poet.

Reading his poems, you are more and more convinced that love is really an extraordinary force that works wonders: “All ages are submissive to love.”

Love is a wonderful feeling and every person wants to love and be loved.

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