Characteristic of Jourdin in the work of the Motorism in the nobility. And in this journey stands morally above them, he is cleaner in his thoughts and lifestyle

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/ // The image of Mr. Zhurden in the comedy of Moliere "Moisanman in the nobility"

Mr. Jourden - the main character Pieces Moliere "". He is rich, but not impressed. His father is a simple merchant. Jourden hides its origin and is trying to depict the nobleman from himself to get a pass to the Higher Society.

He believes that everyone decides money. And if there is, you can buy absolutely everything, ranging from knowledge and ending with posts and titles. Jourdin invites teachers to his home to comprehend the basics of science and learn the rules of behavior in a secular society. Scenes of training of a Great Student Comicy: Bourgeois is ignorant and does not know the most elementary things. This, of course, and a kind of stone in the garden of the formation of that time.

Jourden is silly and rustic, but ready for everything to achieve the goal. And so it is easily deceived by those who are hedied to money. Bourgeois Fall on flattery. It is easy to bribed to a good respectful appeal. In fact, all, from teachers to the tailors, interests only the tight wallet of Jurby. He himself does not cause them even droplets of respect.

Bourgeois without a kind and tribe of pity and ridiculous in his insane, reaching an ariser to become an aristocrat. The author shows how the vice and passionate desire to displace all the good thoughts and began. Jourden is passionate about his delusional idea so that it fills his whole inner world and external life.

In fact, he is not so stupid. He managed not only to preserve, but also to increase the capital left by his father. He notices fraud from the tailor and deception of the Dravel. True, hides that everything sees and understands in order to be able to communicate with aristocratic society. Jourdin and himself disassembled in music, giving preference folk motifs, not salon songs.

In the teachers, he also reveals bluff: they give truths that have long been dead, which can not affect the development of human nature, its departures and abilities. But the desire to become a nobleman is stronger than all the arguments and common sense: the inner deposits of Jourden are blurred before his vain passion.

Above the bourgeois in the play, all who are not too lazy. True, someone is open, and someone secretly. The wife is frank in their mockery and torment. The servants, Cove and Nicole, seeing Jourden in the secular dress, can not hold back the loud laughter. But this does not affect his path to achieving the goal, he will definitely not challenge him. Although over time, this desire is not just comic, but dangerous. And first of all for the family of Jurby: he deceives his wife, insulting her, in handling servants cruel and despotic, wants to give daughter for Marquis, without worrying about the fact that she is already in love with another person.

In the play, Jourden - uneducated and coarse bourgeois, in fact he is not deprived of goodness and sincerity, and sometimes touching and naive as a child. It seems for the first time for the first time, opens peace for himself, and it causes a smile, not contempt.

This is a person who is entirely captured by one dream - to become a nobleman. The opportunity to get closer to noble people - happiness for him, all his ambitions - in achieving similarities with them, his whole life is the desire to imitate them. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe nobility seizes them completely, in this mental blinding he loses any correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. He acts without reasoning, to harm himself.

It comes to the soulful light and begins to be ashamed of his parents. He will fool all who will do; His teachers of music, dancing, fencing, philosophy, tailors and different subsections are robbed. Roughness, uncompatory, ignorance, vulgarity of the language and Master of Mr. Jurden comically contrast with his claims to the noble grace and gloss. But Zhurden causes laughter, not a disgust, because, unlike other similar misstain, it bowing to the nobility disinterestedly, by ignorance, as a kind of dream of beautiful. Mr. Jourden is opposed by his wife, a true representative of the meshism. This is a sensible practical woman with self-esteem.

She is trying to resist his husband with all their forces, his inappropriate complaints, and most importantly - to cleanse the house from the unreasonable guests living at the expense of Jurby and exploiting his gullibility and vanity. Unlike his husband, she does not feed any respect to the noble rank and prefers to issue a daughter to marry a person who would have been even smooth and did not look having fun at the Meshchang family. The younger generation is the daughter of Jourdin Lucille and her groom Clert - people of a new warehouse. Lucille received good upbringing, she loves Clert for his dignity. Cleand is noble, but not by origin, but by nature and moral properties: honest, truthful, loving, he can be useful to society and the state. Who are those who want to imitate Jourden? Count Dragon and Marquis Dorimer - people of noble origin, they have exquisite manners, depicting politeness.

But the graph is a poor adventurer, a fraudster, for money ready for any meanness, even on paming. Dorimena, along with a disadvantage, buses Jourden. The conclusion to which Moliere of the viewer is obvious: let Journese ignorant and rustle, let him ridicap, selfish, but he is honest, and it's honest and despise him. In moral terms, the rustic and naive in his dreams of Journese is higher than aristocrats. So the comedy-ballet, the initial purpose of which was to entertain the king in his castle Shambo, where he went to the hunt, became, under the pen of Moliere, satirical, social work. In the work of the Moliere, you can highlight a few topics to which he repeatedly addressed, developing and deepening them. They can be attributed to the topic of hypocrisy ("Tartuf", "Don Juan", "Misanthrop", "imaginary patient" and others.

), the topic of the motion in the nobility ("School of Women", "Georges Danden", "Moorlan in the nobility"), the topic of family, marriage, education, education. The first comedy on this topic, as we remember, there were "funny chemmeters," she was continued in the "school of husbands" and "School of Women", and completed in the comedy "Scientists of Women" (1672), which rises the external passion for science and philosophy in Paris salons of the second half of the XVII century. The Moliere shows how the secular literary salon turns into a "Scientific Academy", where they appreciate the vanity and pedanthism, where the claims on the correctness and elegance of the language are trying to cover the vulgarity and infertility of the mind (II, 6, 7; III, 2). The surface fascination of Plato philosophy or the mechanic of Descartes prevents women to fulfill their immediate basic duties of his wife, mother, hostess at home. Moliere saw social danger in this.

He laughs at the behavior of his pseudo-handed heroines - Filamina, Beliza, Armanda. But he admires Henrietta, a woman of a clear sober mind and is not ignorant. Of course, the Moliere rises not to science and philosophy here, and a barren game in them, bringing harm to a practical reason for life. The last work of the Moliere, constantly reminding us of his tragic personal destiny, became a comedy "Mnimy-Patient" (1673), in which a deadly sick Moliere played main role. Like earlier comedies ("Love-Healer", 1665; "Lectery of Injury", 1666), "Mnimy Patient" is a mockery over modern doctors, their quarrel, full of ignorance, as well as on their victim - Argan. Medicine in those times was not based on an experienced study of nature, but on scholastic aging, relying on authorities who stopped believing.

But, on the other hand, Argan, a maniac, who wants to see himself with the patient, is an egoist, Samodor. He opposes the egoism of his second wife, Belins, women of hypocritical and mercenary. In this comedy, characters and morals depict the fear of death, fully paralyzed Argan. Blindly believing unless doctors, Argan will easily succumb to deception - he is stupid, deceived husband; But he is a steep, angry, unfair person, a cruel father. Moliere showed here, as in other comedies, the deviation from generally accepted behaviors that destroys the personality. The playwright passed away after the fourth idea of \u200b\u200bthe play, on stage he felt bad and barely preyded the performance.

On the same night, on February 17, 1673, the Molhera did not. The burial of the Moliere, who deceased without church repentance and did not redeember from the "shameful" profession of the actor, turned into a public scandal. The Paris Archbishop, who did not obey the Molor of Tartuf, did not allow to bury the Great Writer for the adopted church rite. It took the king intervention. The funeral was late in the evening, without complying with the proper ceremonies, behind the cemetery fence, where unknown vagrants and suicides were usually buried.

However, behind the coffin of the Moliere along with relatives, friends, the colleagues were a big crowd of simple people, whose opinion Moliere was so thin. No wonder Boya, highly appreciated the creativity of the Moliere, accused his friend in the fact that he was "too people's". The nation of the Moliere comedies, which manifested itself in their content, and in their form, was based primarily on folk traditions farce. The Moliere followed these traditions in his literary and acting work, keeping the addiction to the democratic theater. His folk characters testify about the nation of creativity of Moliere.

This is, first of all, servants: Mascarl, Sganarel, Correction, Skapen, Dorin, Nicole, Tuanetta. It was in their images of Moliere expressed specific traits National French character: Gaiety, sociability, welcomes, wit, deft, delete, common sense. In addition, in his comedies, Moliere with genuine sympathy was depicted peasants and peasant life (recall the scenes in the village in Lekare inevitable or in Don Juan). The Moliere Comedy Language also testifies to their genuine nation: it often meets folklore material - proverbs, sayings, beliefs, folk songs, which attracted Molheres to the immediacy, simplicity, sincerity ("Misantrophrop", "Moborism"). Moliere boldly used dialectisms, folk purse (dialect), various spaciousness, wrong from the point of view of strict grammar turnover. Acute, People's Humor give the comedies of Moliere unique charm.

Describing the creativity of the Moliere, the researchers often argue that he "went beyond classicism in his works." At the same time, they usually refer to retreat from the formal rules of classic poetics (for example, "Don Juan" or some comedies of a farce type). This cannot be agreed. The rules for building a comedy were not treated as strictly as the rules of the tragedy, and allowed wider varying. Moliere is the most significant and most characteristic comedized classicism. Sharing the principles of classicism as an artistic system, Moliere made genuine discoveries in the comedy area. He demanded truthfully to display reality, preferring to go from the direct observation of life phenomena to the creation of typical characters.

These characters under the pen of playwright acquire social certainty; Many of his observations therefore were prophetic: such, for example, the image of the peculiarities of bourgeois psychology.

Mr. Jourden is the main hero of the comedy. Moliere wrote a comedy "Mothanism in the nobility" in 1670. The reason for its creation was the direct indication of Louis XIV to make fun in comedies of Turkish ceremonies. However, Moliere went beyond the framework of the royal order and created an excellent thing addressed by his against its social diseases of modern France. He turned to the relevant problem at that time: the impoverishment of aristocrats and penetration in their medium of wealthy bourgeois, seeking to buy a noble title for big money. As we know, Moliere has always followed the principle of "correcting people entertaining them." So a great satirist tried in his work to make fun of Mr. Jourden, who is ready to donate to everyone to become his own man in aristocratic circles. But Zhurden could not be a nobleman neither by origin, no upbringing.

We, readers, already from the first minute dating with the heroes of the comedy, it becomes clear that the whole power of his talent of Moliere sent precisely to show the stupidity of Jarden's stupidity, seeking to give his capital just for the noble coat of arms. Otherwise, I will not call him an insight. This is talking about this music teacher, rightly noting the obsession of his owner: "Mr. Journey with his annexation on the nobility and in the secular severity is just a treasure for us."

A rich intention does not limit himself by the desire of milk when to gain the noble title and thereby becoming a lion with sewing commemorated that Jourden wants to internally reborn, acquire-all qualities and signs of the aristocrat. That is why he does not regret money and hires teachers, hoping with their help to fulfill his dream. He is not ashamed of "old age years" to learn. Journey in his own way understands that the charm of education is not so much in his applied, practical utility, as in the opening opportunities of communication: "I want to think about the mind, so that I could talk about anyone with decent people."

But how to ribbon journey in some of his confessions regarding his learning: "I did not suspect that for more than forty years I speak prose." Simple, childish joy, admiration for other people's knowledge, reverence on his own in front of science, sincere crushing with its uneducation - all this causes sympathy.

The Moliere shows that one of the main characteristics of the hero - vanity. Journey to a certain extent could be proud to be proud of many: the mined state, the ability to conduct business, intelligent daughter, wives-mistress. Now the connections of it with nobles for others are funny and completely do not correspond to the usual way of life of the bourgeois, but most importantly, they are disadvantageous. Money leaves the house, the usual order of life is disturbed, we are weakened with their circle.

Living in two worlds - real and fictional - Jourden is deprived of the opportunity to act and feel naturally, which serves as an inexhaustible start of ridicule over him. The paddle does not fall from the eyes of Jourden to the last replicas of the cubes: "Well, of the other such a madness in the whole world you will not find!" It is very ridiculous in his red velvet pants, green camsole, in narrow stockings with navigated loops, in paints of close shoes. Reading a comedy, you feel also uncomfortable, as well as Journese. The playwright gives us the opportunity to understand what the hero cannot understand: the culture and education can not be replaced, even a bright dress and the appeal "Your Grace."

The stupidity of Jourden is the reason for his loss. The glitter of aristocracy blossomed by the glitter, I lost a lot: the collapse of the raw launches his money. The author punishes his hero - he remains fooled, without understanding the essence of what is happening. Depicting so Jurby, Moliere declares his humanistic position: he rejects not only the path chosen by the hero, but also the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of the value of a person from the classroom.

Of course, we are sorry for this bourgeois, but at the same time I want to warn your contemporaries on his example: you can't buy the mind for money, but you will lose the latter; No appearance decorates man, and his inner rich world. Jourden recognized the defeat, and this was helped by people who he was expensive.

But the main conclusion that Moliere does, yet lies in the fact that the nobles, which, as a sample, took Jourdin, are not worthy of him that aristocrats are Pluts, thieves, idlers.

And in this journey stands morally above them, he is cleaner in his thoughts and lifestyle.

Essay on the topic: Characteristics of the image of Mr. Jourden

The main hero of the comedy of the Moliere "Motorman in the nobility" Mr. Journery - masterfully derived by the author the image of nouveau and attractive. His appearance in the work was due to the social position of the then French society: against the background of the depletion of the nobility, the bourgeoisie is increasingly enriched, more and more she seeks to be compared with the aristocracy. Here and the wealthy merchant Jourden has only one concern - in everything to become like a nobleman and deserve respect in the Higher Society.

Following the noble tradition, Mr. Jourden hires teachers for himself and seeks to gain knowledge of music, philosophy, learn to fencing and dance, like nobles. And teachers only enjoy his imperfection and, as they can, extract money from it. Each of the teachers declares that his science is important, and it is necessary to study her more deeply. But Mr. Journey needs much less from his mentors, because his knowledge of the highest light is only superficial. Therefore, in response to suggestions to learn physics, ethics and logic, Mr. Jourdin asks the philosopher teacher to teach him only to "find out the calendar when it happens, and when not."

Mr. Jourden naively believed in the all-standing power of money and believed that in order to become a real nobleman, it is enough to hire an expensive tailor, and not to regret the money on the dress, and learn "noble manners." For the expenses of Jourdin pushes and vanity. For example, once hearing the appeal to himself "Your Grace", Mr. Jourdin increases the tips for tailoring, and those, having envelops his weakness, in their appeals, bring it first in the "Bloody", and then in "Lightness", for which everyone gets More and more money.

The same vanity becomes the reason for the refusal of Jurden to Cleuto - the fiance of his daughter. Unlike Clert, who believes that a happy and strong marriage can only be with equal as a state, Mr. Jourden considers quite differently. At the request of the hands of Lucille, he answers: "My daughter will be a marquis, and you can get me even more, so I will do her duchess."

It should be noted that Mr. Jourden was a fairly good person. He earned his capital heavy laborAnd money for those who considered their friends, did not regret. But he was so naive that those who wanted to buy at his expense were simply used. If it were not for his blind desire at any cost to become a nobleman, his life would be quite different.

According to the tradition of comedy, everything ends happily. It turns out to marry the beloved daughter Mr. Jourden and, it seems, everything becomes in place. But the author remains an open question about whether Mr. Jourden to break into the highest light. The readers themselves must answer this question, considering all the circumstances and character of the hero.

"Motorman in the nobility" is a comedy-ballet created by the Great Moliere in 1670. This is a classic work, supplemented by elements of folk farce, features of the ancient comedy and satirical compositions of the Renaissance.

History of creation

In the fall of 1669, Paris visited the ambassadors of Sultan Ottoman Ports. Turks met especially pompous. But decorations, spectacular meeting and luxury apartments did not surprise guests. Moreover, the delegation stated that the reception was soothed. It was soon that the Palat was visited not to ambassadors, but impostors.

However, the offended King of Louis still demanded the Moliere to create a work, where pompous Turkish customs and specific morals were ridicule eastern culture. It took only 10 rehearsals and the king was demonstrated by the play "Turkish ceremony". A month later, in 1670, at the end of November, the performance was presented in Pale-Royal.

However, the talented playwright after some time radically transformed the initial play. In addition to satire to Turkish customs, he supplemented the work of reflections on the theme of modern morals of the nobles.

Analysis of the work


Mr. Jourden has money, family and good houseBut he wants to become a true aristocrat. He pays hairdressers, tailors and teachers, so that they did the honorable nobleman from it. The more the servants praised him, the more he paid them. Any whims of Mr. were embodied in reality, while those surrounding generously praised naive jourden.

The dance teacher taught a minette and art correctly. It was important for Jourdin in love with one Marquis. The fencing teacher told how to properly strike strikes. He was taught spelling, philosophy, learned the subtleties of prose and poetry.

Following the new costume, Jourdin decided to walk around the city. Mrs. Jurden and the maid of Nicole said a man that he looks like a jester and everyone worn with him only because of his generosity and wealth. There is a swing. A graph of Dramen appears and asks Jurby to overcome some more money, despite the fact that the amount of debt and so rather solid.

The young man named Cleon loves Lucille, who replies to him. Ms. Jourden agrees to marry her daughter with her beloved. Mr. Jourden, having learned about the fact that Clerton is not no noble origin, dramatically refuses. At this point, a graph of Dramen and Dorimen appears. An enterprising adventurer is caught by the Marquis, passing gifts from naive Jourden on his own behalf.

The owner of the house invites everyone to the table. Marquis enjoys delicious treats, as Jurden's wife suddenly appears, which we sent to the sister. She understands what happens and suits the scandal. Count and Marquis leave the house.

Immediately appears cubes. It seems to be another Father Jourden and a real nobleman. He talks about the fact that the Turkish heir to the throne arrived in the city, Mr. Jourden's daughter was insanely in love.

To encourage Jourda, you need to go around the rite of initiation in Mamamushi. Then the Sultan himself appears - disguised cells. He talks on the fictional language, and the cisel translates. Then followed by a funny dedication ceremony complemented by ridiculous rituals.

Characteristics of the main characters

Jourden is the main hero of the comedy, the bourgeois, who wishes to become a nobleman. He is naive and immediate, generous and reckless. He goes to his dream. I joy will lend money. If it is angry, instantly flashes, it begins to scream and scandal.

He believes in the issues of money, so enjoys the services of the most expensive tailors, hoping that it was their clothes "will make their own business." Everything will fool him: from servants to close relatives and falseworks. Roughness and uncompatory, ignorance and vulgarity are very noticeably contrasted with claims to the noble gloss and grace.

Wife Jurden

The wife of the self-director and Falcedvoryan in the work is opposed to her husband. It is raised and full of common sense. The practical and sophisticated lady always behaves with adequately. The wife is trying to send his wife to the "Truth path", explaining to him that everything is used.

She is not interested in noble titles, not preserved on the status. Even his beloved daughter, Mrs. Jurden wants to give a person equal to the status and the mind so that she was comfortable and good.


Count Drama represents a noble estate. He is aristocratic and vain. Drives friendship with Journese exclusively from mercenary motives.

Men's enterprise is manifested in how he deftly assigns the gifts of the in love of Jourden, presented by the Marquise, as their own. Even a presented diamond, he gives out for his gift.

Knowing the drawing of the cube, he is in no hurry to warn a friend about the insidious plans of mockery. Rather, on the contrary, the Count itself is treated with stupid Jourden.


The Marquis Dorimer is a widow, represents a notable noble family. For the sake of her, Jourden is studying for all sciences, spends unthinkable money on dear gifts and the organization of secular rounds.

She is full of hypocrisy and vanity. In the eyes of the owner of the house, she suggests that he has written so much to receive so much, but at the same time he enjoyed delicacies with pleasure. Marquis is not averse to take expensive gifts, but at the sight of his whager, pretending to be embarrassed and even offended.


Lucille and Clert - people of the new generation. They are distinguished by good upbringing, smart and resourceful. Lucille loves Clert, so learning that she would marry her sincerely opposed.

The young man really is for what to love. He is a smart, noble in manners, honest, kind and loving. He is not ashamed of his relatives, not chasing the ghostly statuses, openly declares his feelings and desires.

The comedy is characterized by a particularly thoughtful and clear structure: 5 actions, as required by the canons of classicism. One action does not break down secondary lines. Moliere introduces ballet into a dramatic work. This violates the requirements of classicism.

The topic is the thrustness of Mr. Jourden on the noble titles and nobility. The author criticizes the aristocratic way, humiliation of the bourgeoisie to the class, which allegedly dominates.

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