Games about minecraft how to make a sticky piston. How to make sticky pistons in Minecraft and how to use them

The buildings 23.09.2019
The buildings

The piston is a special unit that allows you to interact with blocks, objects and players. BCHO in Minecraft There are two types of pistons: 1) - sticky piston, 2) - ordinary piston. I think it is already clear what the usual piston differs from the sticky piston. Pistons are used to move various blocks, etc. Also, pistons are used to create different mechanisms (For example: Sliding doors etc). Go to the crafth of these pistons.


Using a regular piston:

Pistons serve to move blocks (up to 12 blocks in any direction), but they can also affect other objects, such as players or objects. Pistons cannot push blocks that have additional information, saved separately from the gaming level array (English. Tile Enitities - Chest, stove, plate, spaner ...), as well as obsidian, portal blocks and indigenous rock. One piston can push another if one is compressed. Some blocks, such as torches or pumpkins, when trying to move the piston, fall out as objects.

Pistons are activated by a red stone signal. If the bulk block falls on the rising / descending piston, then it will fall as an object. Pistons can block fluids (because of this they can be used as a controlled Watergate) and do not burn from lava. It will not be possible to push the piston block behind the upper or lower border of the game card.

The piston is set by a retractable part to the player.

Using a sticky piston:

Sticky pistons, as well as ordinary, can move up to 12 blocks in any direction. When deactivation, sticky piston returns a block, standing directly next to the front side of the piston. Sticky pistons cannot move the rooted breed, obsidian, plates, pumpkins, other pistons in the position and some other blocks, such as torches that do not prevent passing through them.

The "stickiness" of these blocks does not counteract gravity - they will not be able to keep sand or gravel in the air. The bulk block will rise, but as soon as the piston stops, falls back.

If the sticky piston is activated to one of the red stone clock (the minimum delay on the repeater), it will perform only half of the action - if the block is close to it, it will only move away as the usual piston, but if the block is located at a distance of one block from the piston, it Returns back as it should.

Sticky pistons can be used to create large doors, hidden passages, traps, they can be controlled by fluids and make many other interesting fixtures.

The piston was offered to introduce minecraft on the forum. Suggested his player under the nickname Hippoplatimus. And later, this man independently created this block and in his will he was introduced into the game. And not in vain, this unit was useful to players and plays a lot of important role in the game.


It provides pushing blocks in Minecraft, with the help of it you can build many different mechanisms in minecraft, which much simplify life in the game Minecraft. This is a special, unique mechanism that ensures the pushing of blocks in different directions. In horizontal, vertical. If you want more and more mechanized, it's worth crafting it.

The power of the piston in minecraft is large, it is able to move as many as 12 blocks. Possessed unique properties And it is done for the convenience and creativity of the use of items that the player uses. Thereby providing more automated existence in the world of minecraft. Everything is suspended or lever, or the button and do not need to do unnecessary movements. It can also affect players or make any movements towards the items you want to use.

But the piston in Minecraft has one feature they can't push some things, blocks. For example, they cannot push oversidian, because it is a rooted breed, or signs, stoves, chests, sauners.

One piston can even push the other if it is in a compressed state. Some items such as a torch when moving falls out or for example, pumpkin.


The pistons in minecraft are activated in an interesting way, it can be activated by a red stone signal or otherwise called Redstone. Red stone is not done, it is mined in mines at a depth of 1-20 blocks, it is impossible to make it.


There are 2 types of piston in Minecraft, which in their properties have differences. There is a sticky piston and ordinary.

Normal piston (video)
How to make a piston in Minecraft, many players are asked by this issue. You can scratch it with boards, cobblestones, red dust and iron ingot. (Kraft is shown in the screenshot below) To scratch the usual piston, you do not need to look for the right resources for a long time, because they are often found. Therefore, players who did not have time to get comfortable in the world can afford to scratch this piston, because it is not so difficult to do it.

When you can do, you can use the boards of any breed, which greatly simplifies the Kraft player.

Sticky piston (video). Make it is not so difficult. It is done as an ordinary one, also pushes up to 12 blocks. But he has one feature that is important to players. It has a property to return the block to the same place in which it stood, that is, it can be de activated. What allows you to create more more possibilities Interact with him. It has no gravity, so sand and gravel can be kept in the air and it will not fall down, which allows him to be unique and so useful for players.

Kraft. You can make it using mucus and ordinary pistonAs shown in the screenshot. You can crafty sticky piston without any difficulty and is available for almost every player. How to crafting the piston, you can also look at the video.

Before you think how to scream piston, let's see what it is generally for the subject and how it can be used in the game. After that, it will be possible to start learning crafting.

What is it?

So, what is the piston in the "minecraft"? In general, this is the so-called block that can affect the other, pushing them in horizontal or vertical directions - depending on how it is installed.

How to scream piston and use it? Let's see how good it can be this subject, After all, it will not be so easy. To begin with, it is necessary to understand that the piston can move several blocks, up to 12 pieces at the same time. Excellent lift!

In addition, after you learned how to scratch sticky pistonsYou will be granted a great opportunity to build cunning traps for unfriendliers and other players. For example, you can push the enemy to the pit.

Remember that pistons can block fluids. Thus, you can make a good trap. The main thing is not to get caught. Now let's talk to minecraft.


So, let's start with you to study our today's crafting items. In order for you to create a piston, you need to stock up so-called boards. Without them, you will not be able to make conceived.

Blackboard in "Mineraft" is basic resourceused in construction. It turns out at any work with wood. Generally there are as many as 6 species of wood. They are all the same by properties, but different in color. For the piston perfectly suitable boards from oak.

Try to stock company in this resource. After all, the boards can be disassembled on wooden sticks, which are also an important component When crafting game items. So, after you have a sufficient amount of resource, you can proceed to find the rest of the components.

Cobblestone and iron

Another thing that will help answer how to scream piston in the game "Minecraft", this is a cobblestone. The next resource needed in the toy. It turns out when working with a stone. More precisely, when exposed to pickle on any stone block. Sometimes it may turn out when the lava and water interacts.

Another resource used in the crafting is iron. It turns out when working with iron blocsbut may occur in pure form. So to speak, produced by natural forces.

If you think about, but do not know where to take the iron ingot, then try to work a little with iron blocks. Or kill iron golem. From one "mob" drops from 3 to 5 ingots. You can also receive this resource by firing but it is not all the components that will be used to create a piston.

Red dust

In order to practically any mechanism to work in the game "Minecraft", you will have to find the so-called red dust. This is the main material that ensures the work of all systems in the game. A kind of energy source.

If you think about how to scratch the piston in "Minecraft", you will have to think good about where you will take red dust. Without it, no matter how hard you try, the mechanism will not be created. This is all due to the fact that he simply will not be able to act.

Red dust is obtained when processing red blocks with ore. It can be used for the crafting of the red torch of the game). Dust can be bought from merchants or knock out with witches. In addition, as already mentioned, get this material You can with the help of working with a red ore.

In order to create a piston, you should collect all the necessary resources in a certain amount. For example, red dust will require only one unit. Iron ingots need as much. But the boards will have to take 3 pieces. Add 4 cobblestones to a bunch. Now you can use the piston as you want it. For one craft, one unit is obtained. If you want to make a sticky piston, you will have to get a little mucus.

To all those who like the Minecraft game (Minecraft), this small article, like from what, to make the usual piston and sticky piston for you. Pistons in this game are designed for very many tasks. With the help of a piston, you can make a lot of all sorts of baubles, traps opening up homemade glass doors, Retractable stairs, gates and more.

How to make a piston and sticky piston in minecraft

In order to make a sticky piston, we need to assemble an ordinary piston. And so we collect the usual piston and for this we will need such ingredients: three boards, four cobblestones, red dust and iron ingot. Celebrating B. the right order All these ingredients, we will get the piston.

For the invention of the sticky piston, we will need ready-made piston to make it the piston mucus and bunch. We can find a plump mucus by killing one or more slugs. The sticky piston is done very easily, we put an ordinary piston on the workshop, and on top of it a sticky mucus.

The varying of a simple piston from sticky piston is that when sticky piston pushes blocks, they return back, with a deactivated piston. And the usual piston simply pulls the blocks to the desired side. Most often, it is used in the structure of retractable stairs.

Video - how to make a piston and sticky piston

One of many types of sticky piston

With sticky pistons and pressure plates, you can make a very interesting and inaccessible design for mobs. Built the house, you can, build the trap from the entrance doors and windows. More precisely, it will not be a trap, but protection against the invasion of mobs into your home. And so that it will be needed for this. Depending on how many doors and windows you want to build up with these traps. In order to put a trap before entrance doorWe need to dig 1 block of the Earth and insert a sticky piston there, if we have a doorway out of two doors, then with a hole in a width of 2 meters, that is, the two blocks of the earth. Before sticking sticky pistons in the ground put pockplatesWith the help of which the pistons will ride, blocking the path of Mobs. In the same way, you can protect the windows.

Piston is one of the indispensable elements of the game minecraft. With it, players are able to create different mechanisms to promote their heroes.

How to make a piston in minecraft - appearance

  • First, the launch in the game piston was not. Enter it to the minecraft toolkit offered one of the players. He independently developed the first piston version and sent to developers for consideration. The subsequent update added this tool to the game. After that, all players were able to use a new feature in minecraft.
  • At first, some problems often appeared when it is activated. The most common of them is thrown up the character up.
  • The developers decided to improve the functionality slightly and eliminate flaws. When updating 12W27A (1.3.1), the piston began to work for an order of magnitude better, there were no such difficulties in the players anymore. From that moment on, the piston became one of the most useful and used tools in the game Minecraft.

How to make a piston in minecraft - the purpose of the combination

  • The "piston" function is needed to create items in the game like a car, elevator, mechanical door, traps or guns. The appearance of these objects is possible because the piston is capable of moving the horizontal and vertical blocks. However, moving is maximum possible only for 12 blocks.
  • This tool has an impact on some objects and individual characters. Thanks to the piston in the game, the movement of obsidian and indigenous breed is possible.
  • In the game, this reception is not affected by the lava and water, and also can destroy torches and pumpkins. At the same time it is easy to break the usual blow.
  • Due to the content in some blocks of a certain code, the piston will not be able to influence them. These exceptions include: portal; plate; spaner; chest.

How to make a piston in minecraft

In order not to look for a piston in the game, you can try to create yourself. For this there are 2 types of tool:

  • ordinary piston;
  • sticky piston.

To create a normal reception, the player will need the following materials:

  • iron ingot;
  • boards - 3 pcs.;
  • cobblestones - 4 pcs.;
  • red dust.

These materials can be obtained in the game as follows:

  • iron ingot is mined by overpaying ore;
  • to create boards, wood breed will be required;
  • cobblestones are mined by picking stone blocks;
  • red dust production is carried out from red ore blocks, and they are hidden under the ground at the level of diamond location.

The sticky piston is created when it is necessary to obtain a mechanism that can be returned to the source positions. It allows you to improve the work of some game systems.

To create a sticky piston you need:

  • find a mucus that appears from small cubic slugs inhabiting in caves and mines;
  • attach it to the main mechanism of the ordinary piston.

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