The year Hitler came to power. Hitler's rise to power and the legislative consolidation of the fascist dictatorship

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As conceived by the Nazis, the "Third Reich" was supposed to be a thousand years old. Fortunately, he only lasted 12 years. How could the Germans let this happen? How did the demoniac "fuhrer" seize power? Or was there no capture? Be that as it may, the Weimar Republic - "a democracy without democrats," as one of the historians aptly put it - was step by step approaching a dictatorship that led Germany and all of Europe to an unprecedented tragedy.

Chancellor by the will of the President
The Weimar Republic began to slowly get out of the post-war devastation, but the global economic crisis that began in 1929, rising unemployment, and the burden of reparations that they paid under the Treaty of Versailles, still pressing on the Germans, put the country in front of serious problems. In March 1930, having failed to agree with Parliament on a common financial policy, the aged President Paul von Hindenburg appointed a new Reich Chancellor, who no longer relied on the support of the parliamentary majority and depended only on the president himself. The Reichstag no longer influenced the appointment of the chancellor and the formation of the government, but could remove them. Leapfrog succession of cabinets has become commonplace.

Entire libraries have already been written in search of an answer to the question: how could such a person legally obtain the highest government post in the country? After all, he openly stated all his criminal goals in the book " Mein Kampf": both the extermination of European Jews, and a military campaign to the east. How could such a person be at the head of a people who considered themselves a people of poets and thinkers? What role did the outcome of the First World War play here, a sense of national humiliation? And what role did the world depression leave every third German is out of work, or is it all about the fear that even before 1933, hundreds of thousands of units of Nazi stormtroopers from the SA managed to instill in the Germans?

Elites miscalculated
One thing is clear: the conservative elites of the country, who helped Hitler come to power in the belief that he himself would prove his complete failure, severely miscalculated. The hopes of those 60 percent of Germans who never voted for Hitler's party that he would come and go just like his predecessors, who lasted only a few weeks as chancellor, did not come true.
But having seized power, Hitler did not let go of it until the very end. In just a few months, he managed to establish a dictatorship based on terror. Already in February 1933, the new Reich Chancellor abolished freedom of the press and freedom of assembly, in March he effectively deprived parliament of power, in April he abolished the governments of the federal lands, in May dispersed free trade unions, in July he banned all parties except the National Socialist. Boycotts of shops owned by Jews began, Jews were forbidden to work as doctors, lawyers, journalists, teachers in schools and lecturers in universities. And to complete the picture: in the spring of 1933, the first concentration camps for political prisoners were set up.
On August 2, 1934, the President of the Weimar Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, died. The Nazi government decides that henceforth the post of President is combined with the post of Reich Chancellor. All the previous powers of the president are transferred to the Reich Chancellor - the "Fuhrer". The transition to a totalitarian state is complete.

Lessons from 1933
Everything happened within a few months. Moreover, the "Fuhrer" did not meet any organized rebuff. On the contrary, support for the regime grew to the extent that unemployment fell. This, probably, is the main fault of the Germans in that distant 1933: they exchanged civil rights and freedoms for imaginary political and economic stability. For the sake of this, they meekly agreed to the systematic oppression, and then the destruction of entire groups of the population. The Germans could not get rid of Hitler on their own. Therefore, the collapse of the "Third Reich" on May 8, 1945 was programmed as early as January 30, 1933.
What lessons can be drawn from what happened in Germany 80 years ago? Most historians are inclined to believe that there are two main ones. First, there is no democracy without democrats. It is impossible to introduce democracy by decree. She needs to learn - again and again. Second, democracy must be able to defend itself. Tolerance is one of its main virtues. But the limit of tolerance is where the very existence of democracy is called into question. This issue is non-negotiable.

Rise to power Adolf Hitler took place in January 1933. In this article, we will talk about how this happened, how the Germans themselves allowed a man to power who brought huge problems to both Germany and the whole of Europe. When Hitler came to power in Germany, no one even guessed how the dictatorial rule would end ...

Chancellor by the will of the President

Germany was in a difficult position. They had a huge level of unemployment, reparations, which, according to the Treaty of Versailles, must be constantly paid, so in addition, the crisis of 1929 began, which swept the whole world. At that time the president was Paul von Hindenburg. He appointed Heinrich Brüning as chancellor, who was independent of parliament and solely subordinate to the president. This new chancellor introduced austerity to the people for the first time. At the same time, Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party of Germany. In just a year, he increased the number of party mandates from 12 to 107. For comparison, the Communists during this time have achieved an increase from 54 to 77 people. As a result, Hitler's party made up a little more than 30% of parliament. It became impossible to pursue an active policy. If the communists had joined forces with the social democrats, they would have gained an advantage over the Nazis, but Stalin, who oversaw the German communists, flatly forbade this. For some unknown reason, he considered the socialists the worst enemies, and the Nazis, on the contrary, almost allies.

In the 1932 elections, the Nazis got 37% of the vote, which made this party the most influential. But this was not enough for Hitler, he wanted even more power. This man was really smart, because he understood that more could be achieved only by enlisting the support of influential officials. With a decent amount of money, success in the election campaign and a small army of soldiers, he filed a demand to appoint himself to the post of German Chancellor. At first he was refused, but in 1933 he was nevertheless given the opportunity to take this post. Only one problem remained in Hitler's path - his fellow party members occupied only two ministerial positions out of the existing eleven. Gidenburg did not succeed in using the active and persistent Hitler for his own purposes.

The attitude of the people of Germany towards Hitler

Although Hitler was appointed chancellor, although he headed the most influential party in the country, the threshold of even 40% of those who voted could not be overcome. In November 1933, this figure fell from 37% to 33%. From this we can conclude that people began to doubt their choice.

The exact answer to the question of why Hitler came to power in Germany was never found. Many historians most life explored this topic, hundreds of books were written, but no one got to the bottom of the truth. Hitler became the head of state, despite the fact that in his own book "Mein Kampf" he described all the plans, which included the extermination of the Jews and the war with the eastern countries.

The elites were wrong

Contributed to Hitler's rise to power German elites. According to the theory, they did this based on the fact that such a person is not able to govern the country and will soon be removed from office. More than 60% of the country's inhabitants were sure that Hitler's term of office would not last even a month, so they were not particularly worried. The people of Germany have never been so deluded.

Hitler received the desired power and did not part with it until the last second. A couple of months after his election, he established a dictatorship never seen before in the country. In February of the same 1933, people learned what the abolition of freedom of speech and total control are. printed publications. Parliament lost power. May was marked by the crackdown on trade unions, and in July all political parties(except, of course, Hitler's native National Socialist). And in order to consolidate the terror, concentration camps were opened for politicians, whose actions were not beneficial to Hitler.

Hitler and children Universal love

August 1934 brought even more pain to the Germans. The president died, and the ruling Nazis decided to combine the office of chancellor and president, making Hitler the most powerful man in Germany. From that day on, the country became totalitarian.


And the results are really impressive. Hitler managed to become head of state and establish dictatorship in just a few months of rule. Along with the level of dictatorship, the unemployment rate grew. The main mistake of the population is that instead of protecting their freedom and rights, they decided to achieve economic and political stability in the country. For the sake of achieving the goal, people were neutral about oppression, and then open humiliation. If not for the victory of the USSR, it is not known how the reign of the dictator would have ended, because the Germans could not get rid of this “burden” on their own.

When Hitler came to power. Concentration camps for Jews and political opponents.

After the end of World War I, this state found itself in a very unenviable and deplorable state. According to the Treaty of Versailles, it was infringed upon in many ways.

A significant part of the German lands went into the possession of the victorious countries. The German colonies were separated from their center and were also no longer German territory.

Part of the navy was selected. And foreign troops remained on its border territories for quite a long time, periodically ruining an already impoverished country.

These actions were carried out due to the fact that the state was not able to pay all the taxes imposed on it. And there were many. According to the same treaty, Germany was obliged to compensate material damage powers that suffered losses during the recent war.

In addition, the country was also limited in its capabilities. It was forbidden to exceed the number of its internal troops established by the agreement. The term of military duty was also limited. And she also had no right to have modern weapons of mass action in her arsenal.

All this gave rise to a decline in the country's economy, the depreciation of money, all resources were depleted. Which, in turn, led to the impoverishment of almost the entire population and, accordingly, its embitterment. On its territory, uprisings broke out every now and then, masses were born political currents and groups dissatisfied with the present state of affairs.

It is in this situation that A. Hitler appears against the backdrop of German unrest. Austrian by origin, he was a participant in the previous war. Now he was determined to elevate Germany.

Hitler was able to provoke people to the actions he needed at the right time. All the bitterness that ruled the people, humiliated and infringed in their rights and opportunities, resulted in bloody actions. Adolf knew how to convince and make believe in the correctness of the ideology imposed on them. The Germans saw in him a strong leader who is able to lead the country out of such a plight.

In January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, head of the German government.

After he got power into his own hands, some reforms were carried out. As a result, their economy and general position Germany has improved somewhat.

Further actions of the Fuhrer violated the clauses of the signed Treaty of Versailles. However, the world powers turned a blind eye to this, making concessions to the new German leader. After all, the states were still weakened after the recent war and tried to do everything, as they believed, in order to avoid a new one. Therefore, the defeated country began to rapidly and uncontrollably catch up.

And the conquest of the rich territory of one of the strong republics would be most welcome. In addition, Hitler regarded the USSR as a real and effective threat to his policies.

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On January 30, 1933, the President of the Weimar Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Adolf Hitler to the post of head of the new coalition government - the Reich Chancellor. And two days after the appointment, the future Fuhrer asked Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag (the highest representative and legislative body in Germany) and call new elections. At that time, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which was headed by Hitler, had only 32% of the seats in the Reichstag, and the politician expected that he would achieve a majority for the NSDAP in the elections.

Hindenburg went to meet the future Fuhrer: the Reichstag was dissolved, and the vote was scheduled for March 5. But Hitler's dream did not come true: the National Socialists again did not receive an absolute majority - they got only 288 out of 647 mandates. Then Wilhelm Frick, the Reich Minister of the Interior of Germany, proposed to annul 81 mandates, which, according to the results of the elections, were supposed to go to the communists. With the Communists, the issue was resolved a few days before the elections: by decree of the Reich President on the protection of the people and the state, their party was banned.

In addition, the decree allowed the viewing of correspondence and wiretapping, searches and seizures of property.

On March 24, 1933, under pressure from the NSDAP, Hindenburg approved a law to overcome the plight of the people and the state. This decree abolished civil liberties and transferred emergency powers to the government led by Adolf Hitler. Now Hitler's cabinet could make legislative decisions without the participation of the Reichstag. According to historians, the law on emergency powers was the final stage in the seizure of power by the National Socialists in Germany.

From that moment on, parliament was convened only to listen to Adolf Hitler's speeches and formally approve his decisions.

So, for example, the Reichstag was forced to agree with the concept of the "night of long knives" - the massacre of the assault squads, paramilitary formations of the NSDAP. The official reason for the massacre is the disloyalty of the stormtroopers, led by Ernst Julius Röhm, who, in particular, once said: “Hitler is treacherous and should at least go on vacation. If he is not with us, then we will do our job without Hitler.”

Soon Rem was arrested, and the next day a newspaper was brought to his cell, which reported on the execution of supporters of the leader of the assault squads. Together with the newspaper, Ernst received a pistol with one cartridge - Hitler expected that after reading the publication, the prisoner would commit suicide. But Rem was in no hurry to take his own life, he went to the window, threw up right hand and shouted: Hail my Fuhrer!» In a second, four shots were fired at the politician, and he died.

On November 12, 1933, an extraordinary nationwide vote was held for parliamentary elections. The vote took place simultaneously with the referendum on Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations (the vast majority of voters - 95.1% - supported the proposed decision).

In the parliamentary elections, the Germans were offered a single list of candidates without the possibility of a clear vote against.

This list was compiled by the Ministry of the Interior with the participation of the National Socialist Party. Although large protest votes were held in the major cities of the country, according to the results of the elections, candidates from the single list of National Socialists took all the seats in the Reichstag (661). And Hitler was waiting for good news: on average, the Nazis received 92.11% of the vote across the country.

On March 7, 1936, German troops occupied the demilitarized Rhineland, grossly violating the terms of the Locarno Treaties. On the same day, Adolf Hitler dissolved the Reichstag and announced new elections and a referendum on the occupation of the Rhineland.

Parliamentary elections were held on March 29 - according to official data, 99% of voters out of 45,453,691 came to the polls, and 98.8% of them approved of the activities of Adolf Hitler. 741 deputies of the new convocation of parliament were declared elected. Taking into account that the ballot contained only the “for” field, the “against” votes can conditionally be considered blank and spoiled ballots, which turned out to be 540,211.

Foreign correspondents who visited the polling stations noted some irregularities - in particular, open voting instead of secret, wrote historian William Lawrence Shearer in his classic work "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". -" And this is natural, since some Germans were afraid, and not without reason, that the Gestapo would take note of them if they voted against. I happened to write reports about the elections in different parts country, and I can say with confidence that Hitler's action was approved by the vast majority of the population. Why not? Breaking the Treaty of Versailles German troops marching in fact on German territory - every German would approve of this".

This gave him power over the generals, who were indecisive in crisis situations, while Hitler remained adamant.

This taught the generals to think that in foreign and military affairs his opinion was indisputable. They were afraid that the French would resist, Hitler was smarter. Finally, the occupation of the Rhineland is quite insignificant military operation- opened up, as Hitler understood, and besides him only Churchill, new opportunities in a shocked Europe, since the strategic situation changed radically after three German battalions crossed the Rhine.

On the night of March 12, 1938, German troops entered Austria, and the day before, the country experienced a coup d'etat: Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg announced the resignation and transfer of power to Arthur Seyss-Inquart, leader of the Austrian wing of the NSDAP. On March 13, Adolf Hitler arrived in the capital of Austria, proclaimed the "protector of the crown of Charlemagne", and the law "On the reunification of Austria with Germany" was also published. And on the night of September 30, 1938, an agreement was signed in Munich between Germany, Italy, Great Britain and France on the transfer of the Sudetenland, which was part of Czechoslovakia, to Germany. On the morning of the same day, the President of Czechoslovakia, Edvard Benes, on behalf of the Czechoslovak state, announced the acceptance of the terms of the agreement.

These events required a new vote in the Third Reich - this time the Germans had to approve the list of candidates put forward by the ruling National Socialist workers' party, as well as to approve the unification of the German and Austrian states. " Do you agree with the unification of the Austrians with the German state that took place on March 13, and do you support the list of our leader Adolf Hitler?"- was written on the bulletins. 99.01% of voters said yes.

During by-elections in the Sudetenland, the Nazis received 2,464,681 votes (98.68%), while 32,923 voters spoke out against their uncontested list.

The referendum in Austria on the Anschluss with Germany was held on April 10, 1938 - on the ballots, the diameter of the “for” cell was almost twice as large as the diameter of the “against” cell. According to official figures, 99.73% of voters were in favor of the Anschluss.

In October 1929, after the crash of the New York Stock Exchange, the world economic crisis. Germany suffered particularly hard, as the growth of the German economy was accompanied by and dependent on foreign loans. The crisis led to an increase in the popularity of radical parties (communists and Nazis). At the same time, Hitler's policy was more far-sighted than that of the left: he paid attention to the disasters of the peasants, whose fate neither the communists nor the social democrats were interested in, created Nazi organizations among socially unprotected students and the unemployed.

Having subjugated the trade unions and destroyed other political parties, Hitler unexpectedly met resistance within his own party - in the ranks of the stormtroopers. Many veterans of the Nazi movement demanded a "deepening of the revolution" (the redistribution of property and the dissolution of the army), decided that now everything was allowed to them, and launched a campaign of violence and murder. Realizing that the radicals are getting out of control, Hitler decides to destroy the top brownshirt thugs and win over the leadership of the army that Hitler needs to carry out foreign policy tasks. On the night of June 30, 1934, the SS forces (“Life Guards” of Hitler) carried out an operation to eliminate the leaders of attack aircraft units - “The Night of Long Knives”.

The last obstacle to Hitler on his path to unlimited power was the aged President Hindenburg. Together with his death on August 2, 1934, this barrier also disappeared. According to the issued law, Hitler was given the title Fuhrer(leader) and duty Reich Chancellor. The Nazi regime was finally established in the country, according to the creators of Nazi propaganda, the “Thousand-Year Reich” began in Germany.

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