Where skis are professionally selected for skating. How to choose cross-country skis for a child

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In winter there great opportunities for outdoor activities and sports. One of the most popular activities at this time is skiing on snowy slopes and slopes. But before you go out on the track, you need to get comfortable and functional equipment, as well as equipment - a warm jacket, thermal underwear, boots.

For professional athletes, this is very easy to do, as they know all their parameters and the equipment they need. Beginners are usually lost in the store and do not know by what criteria to determine the purchase. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right cross-country ski size for height and other important features - model, riding style, stiffness, etc.

Pros and cons of renting

In order to make a purchase for yourself or children, you first need to decide on the question “how often are you going to ride?”. If you are going to do this only a couple of times during the winter, then it is more rational to rent equipment. But at the same time, it is important to remember what disadvantages this option has:
  • Depending on the place of rest, the issue point has a different quantity and quality of equipment. It is especially difficult to get the right size on weekends and holidays. If your plans include warm-ups in the park near the house or other specialized places, then you will not be able to take the skis outside the fenced area.
  • Each time you have to re-adapt to the features of the model - its rigidity, bending, length, material, fastening.
  • Minor breakdowns, which are not considered at the box office, can spoil the pleasure of winter sports. Inaccurate care, poor rubbing, loose foot lock, small chips - these shortcomings can greatly affect the style and speed of riding.
On the other hand, you can consider rental points in cases where you plan to go out on the track infrequently. Since it is much cheaper.

If “renting” is not your option, then you should pay attention to the following parameters:
  • The terrain on which you are going to ride. For very hilly terrain, we recommend that you opt for sport or mountain models. And if the site is fairly flat, then buy classic or shortened ones, they do not have strong plasticity, but they are very strong and hard to somehow damage them.
  • First of all, rely on your weight and height, physical fitness, since the width and length of the product will depend on this. If the purchase is intended for your child, then make sure that he can easily lift them and rearrange his leg while standing on the surface.
  • Do you have skiing skills? A lot depends on this. Beginners will also need to purchase other items of equipment - special sticks, protection for the knees, elbows.
  • Pay attention to the stiffness of the skis, because the softer they are, the easier they are to operate. But on them you will not be able to develop a very high speed, as they will bend during the push. When choosing a density, be guided by your weight. If you are a man of dense physique, then you need a massive inventory.
Tip: to check this indicator, attach the sliding sides of the product to each other. In the place where the bend passes, squeeze them with one hand. If it turned out to be done with average effort, this is your option.
  • If the models are made of wood, then you should know: in the spring season or at positive temperatures, they practically cannot slip, but stick to the surface. And plastic ones go great in any weather, as many products are equipped with notches.
If you are buying for a child primary school, then it’s better not to buy sticks at all, since the beginner’s task is to learn to stand without support. And if for high school, then it is necessary to select support for growth from the armpits to shoulder level. For an adult, the rule is typical - the longer the support, the stronger the push, and hence the speed.

  • On the handle must be present straps for fixation in the wrists. This is due to the driving technique - the hand should relax when the go-ahead is given. If there is no strap, then there is a high risk of losing the element or incorrect driving.
  • There is a tip at the end. It is sharp, since its purpose is to enter the thickness of the snow even with little effort. But if your purchase is for a small child, then you can find a model without such a needle so that he does not inadvertently get hurt.

How to choose the right cross-country skis for height and weight - the nuances

  • The type of model depends only on your preferences. If you want to walk very calmly and enjoy the beauties of nature, then you should buy classic ones. And if you want to overcome the track with sharp turns very quickly, then be sure to take the sports type option.
  • The length must be chosen according to your height. The most common way is to add 15-20 cm to your own centimeters. But remember that this is not optimal for everyone. For example, women's, men's and children's models will be different, even if their owners are the same height. For fragile girls, there are special lightweight and shortened offers.
  • With sticks it is much easier - they can be purchased provided that they are 20-25 cm higher than your shoulders.

Table: how to choose cross-country skis by weight and height

There are averages. They are developed by professionals on data obtained by experience. You can rely on them, but do not forget that there are always personal preferences and feelings. There are great athletes who break out of this framework, but this does not affect their skill and speed.

But beginners can safely start fitting in accordance with the recommendations:

For the weaker sex there is a small correction of 5 cm:

It is made because the legs of women are slightly shorter than those of men. These are the natural proportions of the human body. Accordingly, the step of the girls is less.

You can also choose your entire inventory, using only growth and nothing else. How to choose skis by height table:

Or use the following rule according to the inventory type:

Features of the classic move

Our grandparents still rode in this way, but so far this method has not lost its relevance. With this method, sliding occurs on two tracks, which must be parallel to each other. With this ride, you can work out the stability, which is great for beginners.

Correct stiffness

The product has a bend in the middle. If you put it on a flat surface, then the part will not touch the floor. The harder it is to press the wood to the surface, the harder the material.

Algorithm for determining the optimal value:

  • Stand with your feet on all the equipment, put a strip of paper under it. It should move freely there and not get stuck.
  • Now transfer all the weight to one part - the sheet should be tightly pressed, you will not be able to pull it out without damaging it.
Often, manufacturers indicate for what weight a particular model is intended.

The presence of notches

On skis, on the sliding side, there may be special notches.

Their use is intended for beginners, as they will not roll back. For those who are just getting used to this business, this feature will be a great plus. The only downside is that they will stick to wet snow.

Selection of skis for skating

This method has such a name, because when riding, athletes use the technique of speed skaters. To do this, they push off with the active leg and transfer their weight to the other, periodically changing them. With this manner, it is better to use the classic inventory, as it is more rigid. And for simple walks - choose soft and elastic models. They are easier to balance.

Equipment from the brand Stayer

Online store "Stayer" offers a wide range of jackets and overalls from modern synthetic materials. Their advantages:
  • Resistance to frost, temperature extremes.
  • Moisture repellent feature.
  • The filler does not roll down when washing.
  • Strength - the fabric is not torn from a slight mechanical impact.
Stayer products are very warm, so you can do your favorite sport even in extreme cold.

The company offers products with a bright, memorable, but timeless design. It is suitable for both outdoor activities and for walks in the city in winter.


We looked at many options for used skis and poles that people need different levels and experience. We have presented tables for you, according to which you can independently determine which model you need to buy.

If you come to a sports store for the first time, then heed the advice of a consultant. With it, you can pick up and try on exactly the inventory that you need. You also need to pay attention to the manufacturer - cheap ones are likely to glide poorly on snow, so you should not save on such a purchase, then it will remain intact for the next generation. It is better to give preference to those manufacturers who have proven themselves well. And then you will be provided with an excellent and exciting ride, you will definitely remember it for a long time. We wish you great winter holiday, have a good rest and go skiing!

When looking at skiing in the collections of popular brands, eyes literally run up: at least three dozen models are only for adults. Picking up “your” pair of skis can be difficult even for an experienced skier, let alone a beginner. Find among the variety of "your skis" or at least reduce the number of options will help the main characteristics of alpine skiing, which each manufacturer publishes both on the site and in the catalog.

How to choose skis according to their characteristics

Alpine skiing radius

The radius of alpine skiing, or more precisely - the radius of the sidecut, simply "radius", and sometimes you can also find the "radius of the arc", is measured in meters. A characteristic that determines how steep turns will be, which are easiest to perform on such a ski. The smaller the cutout radius (11 ... 13 m), the stronger the ski is tuned to frequent and fast turns, the larger this parameter (17 ... m), the more inclined this ski will be to smooth turns. Of course, an experienced skier will be able to "drive" a ski with a large radius into a short arc, and on skis with a large cutout - that is, with a small cutout radius, he will pass a long arc. But it will take a little more strength and skill to do this. This means that the pleasure of riding will be somewhat less.

This is not the most important of the characteristics when choosing. The lighter the ski, the easier it is to control, but at the same time it will go less stably in the direction given by the skier, it is easier to knock it off course. For beginners, this is useful - after all, the skiing speed is still low, and you learn faster on skis that are easy to control. As experience grows, so does the speed of skiing, more and more stable alpine skis with predictable behavior and on uneven snow are required - and the skis become a little heavier. Women's skis are shorter and lighter, lighter bindings are installed on them, so their weight is in the region of 4.5 - 5.5 kg / pair, men's are longer, more powerful and heavier, their weight is from 5 to 7 kg, you can meet more heavy models, especially for high-speed freeride.

Ski width

Ski width is measured in millimeters. The width of the waist of skis is one of the key characteristics that determines the all-terrain qualities of skis. Waist width up to 73 mm is typical for models for skiing on prepared slopes. The narrower the waist, the faster the ski can move from turn to turn, change the direction of sliding on a hard slope. Waist width in the range from 73 ... 75 mm to 85 ... 90 mm - the most versatile models ( all-mountain) for skiing on prepared slopes, and on broken snow, and on shallow virgin soil. The wider the waist, the better the ski floats in deep snow. Accordingly, alpine skis with a waist wider than 90 mm are chosen by those who hardly plan to ride on prepared slopes.

ski geometry

The geometry of alpine skiing is given in the catalogs in the form of numbers, for example 120/73/103 mm, next to it is the length of the skis - the size for which the geometry is given. The wider the toe in relation to the width of the waist, the more willingly the ski starts turning. And the narrower the heel, the easier the ski goes into slipping. In other words, a ski with a geometry of 125/73/97 mm will “dive” into the turn faster, and it will be easier to “drop your heels” on such skis than on skis with a geometry of 120/73/103 mm.

Dropping heels is a slang expression. This is a technique that is used to stop or change direction in the event of an unexpected obstacle - for example, a skier who has fallen in front of you. In this situation, the most natural movement is to put the skis across the slope, for which the skis are released into slippage with the effort of the legs - they begin to slide sideways, and the heels of the skis slide more than the socks.

Rigidity of mountain skis

The stiffness of skis is not standardized in some units, and you can only compare the two models in terms of stiffness with your own hands. In the general case, we can say that within the same line of skis, models for more experienced skiers are tougher, but you will have to compare with models from other manufacturers either “manually”, or by studying the design of the skis - how many layers of metal are in each of them, what the core is made of and so on. The more layers of metal, the stiffer the ski, the wider the ski, the stiffer it is with the same design, and so on.

The distribution of stiffness for different skis can be different - some models are characterized by uniform stiffness along the entire length, as a rule, these are models for prepared slopes, while others (universal models and skis for freeride - skiing off-piste) have a softer toe and heel, and an average part is noticeably stiffer. The most powerful reinforcement is the layers of metal located below and above the core, or only below. Alpine skis with two layers of metal will almost always be stiffer than models in which one layer of metal is replaced with lightweight fiberglass or carbon.

How to choose skis for height

Rostov skiing

When choosing skis for height, it is important to understand that in most cases a skier can ski on several sizes, depending on how he likes to ride, his level of technique, what slopes he prefers, what model of recommended skis, etc. Alpine skiers try to use sizes that are close to generally accepted. One of the reasons is that all men use skis with a size of 165 cm for slalom, and all women use 155 cm. cm): 165 cm for lovers of a short turn, 170-175 cm for medium and large arcs; for women (weight 40 - 80 kg and height 150-180 cm): respectively 155 - 165 cm.

Subtleties in the selection of skis for height

Shortening the size by 5-10 cm should be taken into account: for skiers who specialize mainly in carving skiing (on well-prepared slopes), for skiing on short and gentle slopes, if your weight or height is less than the above, for beginners, at the special request of the instructor, vacation girls who prefer careful and leisurely skiing.

Lengthening the size by 5-10 cm from the main one should be done if: your weight, your height is higher than indicated, you are going to ride on steep and long slopes, for carvers who prefer larger radius arcs and high speeds. Lengthening the size by more than 5-10 cm from the main one is advised to skiers in deep fluffy snow and radical supporters of traditional technology (make sure that the geometry of the recommended models is also not too radical).

We wish you happy shopping and great riding!

The choice of skis is a headache. Let it be small, not strong, but still pain. Not so long ago, I had to choose skis for my daughter - she began to study in the ski section. Those that had already been bought for the school turned out to be unsuitable for classes in the section ... It seemed that everything was simple, but it wasn’t there. Here are some tips for those who plan to buy skis.

Classic or horse?

First you need to decide how you will ski - classic skiing or skating.

It is not surprising, but different skis are needed for different moves, because different techniques. The design of the skis is also different - for the classics they will be longer in order to create less pressure on the snow, reduce friction and improve glide. And for the skate, you need to take it shorter, so that it is more convenient to “swing” from side to side.

For beginners, there is an option - combi: classic skis with increased rigidity. They allow you to sometimes skate. Pros: Saving money (one pair instead of two) and being able to try both moves. Cons: re-grease for a different move.

So, the classic is suitable for walking in a nearby park or on the nearest ski track. Skate - for those who love speed and drive - but for this you need to look for a specially prepared track, and not every park has them, like a simple ski track.

How to choose skis

For the classic move

Everything is simple here, since school days, it is known that skis are selected according to height. The formula is simple:


You can also select the weight of the future skier, usually there is such a marking on the skis themselves. But if not, then you can conduct a test: find the balance point of the skis, stand on them - the toes of the boots should be on the balance line, and drag a sheet of paper under the skis. If it passes under two, and when the weight is transferred to one ski, it is pressed down - your skis. Rough, of course, but it works. There is no paper at hand, use a credit card.

For skating

Here is the formula for growth:

L=H+10-15cm, H - height in cm, L - ski length.

It is also a little different with paper dough: when transferring weight to one ski, the paper should move freely in the binding area. Or again, look at the label.

Combined skis

Since combi is a cross between a classic and a skate, the growth formula is “averaged”:

L=H+15-20cm, H - height in cm, L - ski length.

If we talk about choosing by weight, then the classic version is closer.

What to look for when buying skis

Geometry: In the longitudinal direction, the skis should be straight, without bends. Take a closer look at the groove - if it is curved, it is better not to take skis.

Surface: The sliding belt must be smooth, free of bumps, pits or cracks.

Any damage to the skis will lead to the fact that the sports equipment will become unusable: moisture will get inside, causing the core to swell.


There are three main types of mounts, everything else is variations on a theme.

Nordic 75(Nordic Norm 75 mm) - a simple system familiar to adults from skiing in the Soviet school. They are still used - by younger students and amateurs, but for serious studies it is better to choose another option.

NNN(New Nordic Norm) - the development of the Norwegian company ROTTEFELLA. It has 2 longitudinal guides and a rubber stop (flexor) against which the boot rests; The shoe is fastened with a bracket on the toe.

There is an improved version of NNN - NIS (Nordic Integrated System), it provides for a special board on the skis, which facilitates the installation of bindings. But this system in 2017 almost "sank into oblivion", it was replaced by IFP (Integrated Fixation Plate) - this is the development of Fischer and Rossignol. NNN boots are compatible with NIS and IFP.

SNS(Salomon Nordic System) - fastening system from the French Salomon. It has one central protrusion and a rubber stop; the boot is fixed with two staples - 10 mm and 35 mm from the toe.

Fasteners are also available for the classic (soft elastic band) and for the skate (rigid flexor).

Fasteners are mechanical and automatic

The advantages of the “automatic” are the cost and convenience of fastening without tilting. Cons: the brace needs to be clean for clipping in, boots can come out at the wrong moment, boots can stick to the mount after long sessions.

"Mechanics" has its advantages: secure fastening and easy unfastening after class. There are also disadvantages: the price is higher than the “automatic” ones and the need to bend over to fasten / unfasten.

How to choose ski boots

When choosing shoes, you need to pay attention to comfort, decide on the style of riding and the type of bindings.

Accordingly, boots for the classics differ from those for the skate. The classics are characterized by low boots with a free top and soft soles. For the skate - rigid ankle support and a rigid sole. Combination boots have a soft sole and rigid fixation of the ankle.

Skating boots need to be selected according to size, and for classics - with a margin.

How to choose ski poles

Long gone are bamboo and metal. You can also buy aluminum sticks. But today the main material for sticks is fiberglass, carbon fiber and a combination of both. Plastic is cheaper, carbon is more expensive.

The stick selection formula is as follows:

L = H - 25-30 cm- for the classics L = H - 15-20 cm- for a skate, where L is the length of the sticks, H is the height in cm.

All right, you can ride.

All photos — Fischer

To understand which skis to choose for a beginner skier, you must first decide what style of skiing you prefer. For the skating style, when, like a skater, they move along a wide prepared track, or the classic style, when the movement is made on a ski track, different skis are made. It is not recommended to buy skating skis, implying the possibility of skating also on the track or vice versa. It will be hard and it is unlikely that such a ride can be enjoyed.

What are notches for?

Having set out to figure out how to choose skis for a classic move, remember that there are models with and without notches. If you are a beginner and have no desire to figure out how to properly apply ski wax depending on the temperature of the snow, then choose classic notched skis for skiing. If you bought smooth skis without a notch, then be aware that they are used only in conjunction with holding ointment, otherwise they will slip.

When driving on a ski track, the middle part of the ski flexes during repulsion and comes into contact with the surface of the track. Notches are made in such a way that they do not allow the ski to slip back, holding it, but allow it to slide forward almost unhindered. It should be noted that the speed of riding will always be slightly lower than on smooth skis. In difficult conditions, such as above zero temperatures or icy snow, the notches cannot cope with recoil and the skis begin to slip backwards. For these reasons, notched models are not used in skiing, but are very convenient for beginners and inexperienced skiers, as well as for children.

Lubricants for holding and sliding

Ski wax for plastic skis There are two varieties: sliding and holding.

Ski lubricants are designed to improve gliding properties. They are applied only to the front and back of classic skis, whether they are notched or not. And for ridge skates, the entire sliding surface is lubricated.

The holding ointment is applied only to smooth skis intended for the classic move, and only to their central part (block). Such ski lubricant comes in solid or liquid form and is selected according to the temperature of the snow. Serves the same purpose as the notches - it does not allow you to slip back when pushing off.

It is not necessary to apply grip lubricant to notched skis, but glide lubricant is applied to any ski.

Selection of skis by stiffness

If you want to know how to choose the right skis, remember that the most important thing is to choose the right stiffness. Each ski has a deflection that determines driving performance by more than half. The stiffness of a ski is determined by how much force must be applied from above in order to push it through.

One of simple ways the definition of stiffness for the classics is to push the ski with both hands until the sliding surface under the block completely touches the floor. If you can’t push through, then choose with less rigidity. As for skis for skating, when compressed with one hand, the gap should be 1-2 mm. By the way, some models indicate the weight range of the skier for which they are designed.

Beginners and non-professionals are best suited for low and medium hard skis. If classic skis do not push through completely during repulsion, then the stiffness is not chosen correctly.

As for how to choose skis for skating, they are almost twice as stiff as classic ones, and should not be completely pressed through when pushing off. Moreover, they are usually shorter than the classic ones by 15-20 cm.

If you are planning walks on virgin lands, without skiing, then choose special walking or tourist (touring) skis. They are wider than the usual classic ones and on them you will lay your own track anywhere.

Ski length selection

The length of the skis are selected as follows:

  • for a classic style, add 25-30 cm to your height;
  • for ridge - add 10-15 cm to the height.

The question of how to choose the right skis for height is less important than choosing the stiffness. Generally, the longer the ski, the stiffer it is. Therefore, if the skis chosen for the length are soft, take longer ones.

Choice of ski boots

Before choosing ski boots, right decision will buy thermal socks for cross-country skiing and wear them to try on boots.

Skating boots have a rigid cuff to support the ankle and a rigid sole. For classics, they should not be used, as the sole will not bend enough when pushing off. For a classic style, lower boots with soft soles are designed. In turn, it is not recommended to use them for skating style, because they will not provide the necessary support for the ankle.

Combination boots can be a good choice for amateurs, allowing you to ride both classic style, and skating. They feature a mid-soled sole and, on select models, a removable cuff.

When choosing, be sure to consider the comfort of the boot. If possible, choose boots that have a zipper in addition to lacing to keep snow out.

Choosing fasteners

To date, three main types of mounts are produced:

  • NNN (and her a new version NIS),
  • Nordic 75 (the so-called "75 mm", the old standard from the times of the USSR).

The first two are practically the same, and the last one can be ignored at all. The main thing is to choose comfortable boots, and then choose the appropriate bindings and install them on your skis.

Choosing sticks

Now let's figure out how to choose ski poles. They are made in the following types:

  • Carbon fiber. The most expensive. Lightweight and very tough.
  • Fiberglass. The cheapest. Less rigid and less durable. Heavier and easier to bend. Suitable option for kids and beginners.
  • Aluminum. Affordable. A good choice for beginners, amateurs, as well as for those who have a lot of weight.
  • Composite fiberglass and carbon fiber. The price and strength will greatly depend on the carbon content.

It is recommended to choose sticks whose hand loops are securely fastened with Velcro. It is not recommended to buy sticks with small support rings (paws). They will fall into the snow, because they are designed for specially prepared tracks.

With the advent of winter, winter sports goods disappear from the shelves. Ski equipment is especially popular. Below will be considered what should be the length of the skis for various types skating.

Rules for selecting inventory for a classic move

The first point is the correct length. There are two ways to find out which skis are the right size. The oldest and most common way is to stretch your hand up. The tip of the ski should reach the palm of your hand.

You can add 30 cm to your own height. This is another way to choose the length of skis for a classic move.

Beginners should stop at models with notches in the middle. They hold the ski and prevent it from slipping backwards. Skiing will be much easier. If you have some riding experience, then the presence of notches can interfere, since they also do not allow you to accelerate much, they slow you down.

Rules for selecting skis for skating

If another type of skating is used, then the rules for selecting equipment change. The length of skis for skating is slightly less. This is due to the fact that the heels can overlap or cling to one another, thereby interfering with the movement.

The length of skis for is determined by the following rule: your height + 10-15 cm. Beginners can purchase shorter models. Maximum size skating skis - 200 cm. They differ from the classic ones in appearance: a blunter toe and the absence of notches on the sliding side.

Skis "combi" or recreational

There is some intermediate option for those who have not yet decided how they will skate: classic or skate. Combi skis combine the features of equipment for both types of movement. They have a reduced length (maximum 195 cm), but may have notches, and are also softer. In this case, the length of the skis is also determined by height. To choose the size of this type of ski, you need to add 15-20 cm to your height.

By the way, in many sports stores there are usually special tables where the length of skis and poles for classic or skate is already calculated.

Stick selection rules

A necessary piece of equipment is ski poles. Their length will depend on the chosen type of skiing. For the classic move, shorter sticks are used. Their value is calculated by the formula: height minus 25-30 cm. As a result, they are obtained at the level of the armpit or shoulder. Sticks used for skating are usually 10 cm longer. Their maximum height is up to the ears.

How to choose the length of skis for children

AT in general terms all these rules for selecting the length of the inventory are applicable to the child. However, it should be borne in mind that children's skis are softer, since the repulsive force and weight of the baby are significantly inferior to those of adults.

You should not buy equipment “for growth”, the stock should not exceed 5 cm, because it will be difficult and uncomfortable for the child to ski in too long skis, and excessively high sticks will interfere with repulsion. In addition, the risk of injury increases significantly. As a result, the child will not receive pleasure, and his interest may disappear.

in the shop

Before going for equipment, you need to decide what kind of skis you need: skating or classic. If there are no preferences yet, then you can choose walking ones, on them, albeit with difficulty, you can master the skate. If you buy suitable ones for the last move, then it is impossible to master the classics on them, because, due to their rigidity, they will not allow you to perform a push on the track. So, the main points when choosing skis:

How to choose skis

For some reason, when choosing skis, they are guided by the height of the skier, as for cross-country skis. Some even use the same calculation formulas. However, this approach is wrong, because downhill and a walk in the forest are completely different things. And when choosing inventory, you need to take this into account.

First of all, you need to remember that alpine skiing provides downhill, so good control is necessary. As a rule, their length reaches the nose or equal to the height of the rider, and maybe even less. The growth rate is not the main thing here. First of all, you should pay attention to the type of skiing and the track.

Professional slalom skiers use 165 cm skis (the minimum size allowed). This is due to the fact that there are many sharp turns on the track, entering them is quite difficult. Good maneuverability is necessary for the successful execution of figures, which is provided by a small turning radius. And it is determined by the length of skis: the shorter they are, the smaller the radius, the more maneuverable the skis. If the rules allowed the use of shorter equipment, then the athletes would use it. The turning radius is indicated on each pair (it is indicated by the Latin letter "R"). The smaller it is, the shorter and steeper the turns can be.

On the other hand, on short skis with constant sharp turns don't accelerate much. Therefore, for high-speed descents in a straight line or with wide turns in the course, a longer pair will be needed.

For ski lovers and beginners, shorter skis are suitable, as they are easier to control and accelerate less. Longer models are suitable for experienced riders: they quickly develop high speed, make wider and smoother turns. They are also good for wide snowy slopes. You will have to maneuver on narrow or icy ones, which means that short ones will come in handy.

Alpine skiing is also divided into men's, women's and children's. And the difference is not just in color. The category affects the rigidity and the ability to carry a certain weight.

for a child

To properly equip a child, first of all, you need to take into account his weight and age. This will affect how long the skis should be. Also an important factor is the experience of skiing both downhill and cross-country skiing. If there is one, then the preferred method of descent must be taken into account. All this will affect the length.

Alpine skiing for children is selected based on the following correspondence tables:

  • with a weight of up to 20 kg, the length of the skis is up to 80 cm;
  • up to 30 kg - up to 90 cm;
  • up to 40 kg - up to 100 cm;
  • from 40 kg - the ski is no longer than from the floor to the nose or even the chin, if there is no skiing experience.

Otherwise, the same rules are followed as for the selection of equipment for adult riders.

Tourist skis

They are not intended for Sunday walks, but for winter hikes in places untouched by civilization. On them you can go through the virgin lands, deep snow, where there are no specially equipped tracks. They are quite rigid and wide (more than 6 cm), often have a reinforced base.

To determine what the length of the skis should be, you need to know the weight of the tourist along with the backpack: up to 80 kg - 160 cm, up to 100 kg - 190 cm, 120 kg or more - 200 cm. If the hike is light, then the skis should be equal to height or even be 5 cm shorter. Also, their socks are longer and higher than those of the running ones. This is necessary so that the skis do not bury themselves in the snow. Another difference is that in many of them the notch is applied almost to the entire length in order to ensure the most reliable grip on the snow.

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