What glue can be glued to hunting skiing. How to glue a broken plastic or semi-flag ski alone

Encyclopedia plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Scratches, bundles, recesses, dents and bubbles on plastic skiing are easily repaired. Normal slip will not interfere with 1-2 scratches, this factor will not affect the speed of movement. Much worse if the skis is burned or badly Otzkichevan. More harm to sports inventory can cause irregular repair and maintenance, rather than a pair of scratches.

To repair skis, you will need:

1. Burner;

2. Epoxy resin;

3. Acute cycle;

4. Repair pencil p-tech;

5. Sandy paper.

How to repair plastic skis?

1. If the fastening completely broke out on the plastic ski, then the holes that appear should be dried. Fill small holes with epoxy resin using toothpicks or matches. Screw the attachment to the place with a self-tapping screw, without waiting until the applied tool dry. Screw do not wrap too much, as you can damage the top layer and the core of the skis. Epoxy resin should dry.

2. If large holes were formed on the site of the fastening, they need to be poured with glue and insert corks (small metal chips, wooden chips and other similar material). When everything is pretty frozen, fasten the screw to the screw. If the hole is very large, then you can easily shift the place of the attachment. But in this case, the holes should be seen.

3. Wide and deep excavations and scratches also need to be repaired. But you should not start repair if there is a lubricant on the ski surface. Clean the damaged area. Wash the surface and wipe dry. The sandpaper of medium grain is sanding scratch - this will make it possible to raise the pile, which will make it easier for the adhesion of the defective surface and repair plastic.

4. Reception can be seal with epoxy resin, which slowly freezes. Use the one that is suitable for metal parts, it is well processed by a plumbing tool and gripped. Complete over the repair section of the soldering lamp - from the fire plastic will slightly oxidize, which will allow it to be better to grab with a resin. Apply an epoxy on the damaged place and leave for about a day for about a day.

5. For plastic there are special repair sticks of district. Pick up such sticks that are suitable for your skis. The best type of polyethylene is contained in chopsticks, which are used in repair shops, so preference is better to give them. The site will also need to warm up the burner or hairdryer - be very careful that the slip surface is accidentally not burned.

6. Heat the burner chopper. Fire Keep close to the sliding surface, as the repair candle will be fluffing on the scratch. When the patch will be freezed, you need to remove the surplus by sharp cycles, making light movements.

7. To repair the sliding surface of the skis, you can buy a special pistol. Inside the damage, it pushes pieces well, providing an excellent connection of materials when repairing.

8. Small emery paper Treat small scratches and this section of the reinstate. Sut the buris on the side surface with a knife.

Now you know how to repair plastic skis! Good repair!

The broken ski is a huge problem for continuing a ski campaign. However, there is always a way out, although field conditions are not the most comfortable for such a repair. Nevertheless, almost any skier with many years of "hiking" experience possesses such experience. Wooden skiing is now rarely used, because it is them easier to break. All experienced skiers have long been transferred to the use of semi-plastic and plastic devices. The first breaks more often, the second - less often. What to do, is there a breakdown? Consider several options.

What materials are the repair kit?

What should have a lover of long winter walks for fixing a broken ski:

  • Colenta.
  • Reinforced plumbing scotch.
  • Medical adolescent.
  • Samores having different lengths. Nails are suitable as an alternative.
  • Metal plates (better lighter titanium). At least two. Their width should be equal to the width of the ski. On the surface of the plates, holes are drilled in advance.
  • Epoxy resin.
  • Fiberglass.

The above indicates the optimal list of set. Depending on the type of breakdown and repair point, one or another material is used. For example, a plate, which is fixed by bolts, is attached to the flame. Many use epoxy resin and fiberglass only for repair at convenient conditions of the domestic workshop.

If ski break in half?

Shot and rearranged fastener mechanism is used as an emergency measure. It is acceptable in cases where the NAST density is good or there is an excellent skiing and the rest of the path cannot be called great. Bonked part of the ski fasten on the backpack. The main repairs are started at the nearest prival (in the workshop).

In fact, there are several technologies that allow you to continue the winter walk on skis even after such a serious "accident":

1. The first method

  • Split tree. The diameter of its barrel must correspond to the thickness of the ski.
  • Slightly bend (similar to the upper part of the ski).
  • A meter length is scorn from the trunk.
  • This is followed by a double-sided wood drying before receiving a bottle, having a thickness of 0.25-0.3 cm. No less important is the presence of a small deflection.
  • Skis is removed fastening.
  • Then the connection is followed with the subsequent imposition of the manufactured board. It stacked on top.
  • The mounting board to the ski is carried out using self-tapping screws or nails. The main thing is not to do it on one straight line to avoid unnecessary cracks.
  • The ends of the fasteners are bent in the direction of the ski back.
  • Permissible to resort to the additional enhancement of the broken place. In this embodiment, the amplifier function will perform a piece of tin. The benefit of a lack of empty canned banks with long walks in travelers does not happen.
  • The finished design is rejected by the reinforced variation of the scotch. In extreme cases, it is permissible to use the conventional ads. The winding begins with a ski back and continues in the direction of the sock.

After the repair is completed, the mount is established using longer tapes, rather than in the initial version. So it will be more reliable.

2. Second technique

Ensures fastening the ski parts of the Vangest. Here is the order: the lower position of the front is relatively rear. That is, the search tree does not have to. However, the presence of self-tapping screws and specially scotch is not excluded.

Method of repairing a ski sock

The breakdowns of ski socks occur more often than other fractures, in particular in half. Some skiers are engaged in preliminary amplification of socks. Their skis are equipped with several layers of fiberglass, which are glued to epoxy. Someone prefers an independent manufacture of metal socks. Such a pre-prepared attribute "decorates" broken skiing. For its fixation will also require screws.

In other cases, they are bypass. Ideally use plywood (not too big piece). It is possible to replace two small branches. Bottom design is strengthened with a tin strip. Everything is fixed with scotch.

For your information . When urgent repairs use a bottle of plastic appropriate size. She dresses on a broken ski, heats over fire, bends and grabbed by self-drawing.

Universal home technique for any breakdown

The easiest gluing method is based on the use of fiberglass:

  • After applying epoxy on the Sloma zone, a dense connection of both pieces of ski is performed.
  • Then the top area is covered with adhesive composition and fiberglass passes on it. One layer of material is not enough. This operation is repeated several times. As a result, it turns out a wature in a multi-layer variation. In this case, each layer of missed resin.
  • At the end, the place of breakdown is binting fiberglass (in the direction of the heel to the sock), which is also missed by epoxy resin.
  • After the final layer of epoxy, it remains to wait for the drying of epoxy glue.

Reading time: 3 min

Scratches, bundles, recesses, dents and bubbles on plastic skiing are easily repaired. Normal slip will not interfere with 1-2 scratches, this factor will not affect the speed of movement. Much worse if the skis is burned or badly Otzkichevan. More harm to sports inventory can cause irregular repair and maintenance, rather than a pair of scratches.

To repair skis, you will need:

1. Burner;

2. Epoxy resin;

3. Acute cycle;

4. Repair pencil p-tech;

5. Sandy paper.

Articles on the topic:

1. How to choose mountain skiing?

2. How to lubricate skis with notches?

3. How to determine the size of the mountain ski?

How to repair plastic skis?

1. If the fastening completely broke out on the plastic ski, then the holes that appear should be dried. Fill small holes with epoxy resin using toothpicks or matches. Screw the attachment to the place with a self-tapping screw, without waiting until the applied tool dry. Screw do not wrap too much, as you can damage the top layer and the core of the skis. Epoxy resin should dry.

2. If large holes were formed on the site of the fastening, they need to be poured with glue and insert corks (small metal chips, wooden chips and other similar material). When everything is pretty frozen, fasten the screw to the screw. If the hole is very large, then you can easily shift the place of the attachment. But in this case, the holes should be seen.

3. Wide and deep excavations and scratches also need to be repaired. But you should not start repair if there is a lubricant on the ski surface. Clean the damaged area. Wash the surface and wipe dry. The sandpaper of medium grain is sanding scratch - this will make it possible to raise the pile, which will make it easier for the adhesion of the defective surface and repair plastic.

4. Reception can be seal with epoxy resin, which slowly freezes. Use the one that is suitable for metal parts, it is well processed by a plumbing tool and gripped. Complete over the repair section of the soldering lamp - from the fire plastic will slightly oxidize, which will allow it to be better to grab with a resin. Apply an epoxy on the damaged place and leave for about a day for about a day.

5. For plastic there are special repair sticks of district. Pick up such sticks that are suitable for your skis. The best type of polyethylene is contained in chopsticks, which are used in repair shops, so preference is better to give them. The site will also need to warm up the burner or hairdryer - be very careful that the slip surface is accidentally not burned.

6. Heat the burner chopper. Fire Keep close to the sliding surface, as the repair candle will be fluffing on the scratch. When the patch will be freezed, you need to remove the surplus by sharp cycles, making light movements.

7. To repair the sliding surface of the skis, you can buy a special pistol. Inside the damage, it pushes pieces well, providing an excellent connection of materials when repairing.

8. Small emery paper Treat small scratches and this section of the reinstate. Sut the buris on the side surface with a knife.

Now you know how to repair plastic skis! Good repair!

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