Poppy, First or Honey Savior - traditions, rituals, signs. Honey spas: all about the holiday

landscaping 15.10.2019

The Dormition fast begins with the Honey Savior. The wonderful celebration included both Christian and folk traditions, the observance of which will help to tune in to spiritual self-improvement.

The Assumption Fast is a single fast in honor of the Blessed Virgin. During the period of abstinence, a strict veto will be imposed on excesses in food. Fasting is strict, but the menu during this period will definitely not be monotonous - it is not for nothing that the people called it “Gourmet”. The beginning of the post opens Honey or Poppy Spas. The clergy are not forbidden to observe the folk traditions of this day, but they urge not to forget about the sublimity and significance of the sacred celebration celebrated on this day.

Honey Savior: the origin and customs of the holiday

On August 14, the Church celebrates the Origin of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross. The history of the holiday originates in ancient times. A deadly epidemic broke out in Constantinople. In order to somehow stop the disease, the authorities decided to remove the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, on which Jesus was crucified, from the temple. As soon as it was dipped into all reservoirs, rivers and water sources, salvation descended: the epidemic disease left the city. This miraculous healing served as the beginning of the feast of the Honey Savior, or Savior on the Water, famous among Christians. The customs of the celebration were preserved: it is customary to consecrate water in churches and houses, as well as to conduct religious processions to water sources.

It is on the first day of the Dormition Fast that bee hives are overflowing with honey, and it must be collected. It is customary to consecrate a sweet delicacy in the church. Honey is given as a sign of respect, and also distributed to those in need. On Honey Spas, you can not indulge yourself with meat and fish treats. The table should be decorated traditional dishes: pancakes with honey, poppy seeds and mead.

The third name of this holiday is Poppy Spas. According to legend, it is on this day that poppies ripen. After harvesting, it must be consecrated in the temple. From poppy, our ancestors prepared not only festive treats, but also amulets from the evil eye and damage. For example, poppy seeds placed under the threshold will protect your home from negative impact. And a poppy bouquet, supplemented with sunflower, mint, oregano, wormwood and viburnum, will become original decoration your interior and a protector from the evil eye, damage and witchcraft.

Traditions of the Honey Savior

It is customary for women and young girls to repent on Poppy Spas. According to the clergy, on this day God is merciful to the fair sex and forgives all sins.

It is customary to eat illuminated traditional dishes. On this day, housewives bake various bakery products with the addition of honey and poppy seeds, which have been popular since ancient times.

On the first Spas, the harvest of the first harvest begins.

Makovian bouquet, complemented different plants, has magical powers and serves not only as home amulet, but also as a magnet for attracting happiness, prosperity and abundance to the house. Often such a bouquet is given to people suffering from insomnia.

To make hair stronger, not fall out and not split, dried poppy flowers are braided into them on Honey Spas.

On this day, it is customary to help the poor and starving people, give consecrated gifts and commemorate the dead. Part of the honey and poppy seeds should be left in the church to treat all parishioners and clergy.

On Poppy Spas, our ancestors helped widows and orphans with the housework: they swept out all the rubbish, washed the floors and dishes from dirt, brought treats and provided financial support in whatever way they could.

Signs on Honey Spas

The beginning of August is always marked by three Spas, the first of which is Honey. They are named in honor of the Savior. After the Poppy Savior, it is no longer possible to plunge into the reservoirs. It is believed that this holiday heralds the end of summer and the beginning of the flowering of water. It is customary to see off the heat and prepare for the winter. Signs on Honey Spas:

  • Spas on the water - time to bless the water, so that later it can be treated;
  • Get ready for winter so you don't starve;
  • The collected poppy is the protector of well-being and happiness in the family;
  • If it rains, it will save you from fires;
  • Roses have faded - summer has faded;
  • The deer washed its hooves in the water - you can’t swim;
  • The Honey Savior has come - the bee will no longer bring honey.

The traditions of the Honey Savior will help you meet the holiday in all the rules and enlist help Higher Forces. Do not neglect such an important and sacred holiday, on which you can change your life for the better. We wish you good mood. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The origin of the holiday is deeply rooted in antiquity and has an unusual and interesting story. With the date, 14 August, related a large number of events worth remembering on the First Spas.

Folk origins of Honey Spas

In Russia, Honey Savior was celebrated even before the adoption of Christianity. The Slavs, on this day, began to collect honey and poppy seeds and made various amulets from herbs, which, according to tradition, were collected by women. The first collected honey was sacrificed to the spirits and departed parents, after which a prayer service was held over it and only after that they were treated. People asked the pagan gods for a good harvest and for the collected stocks to be enough for the winter.

It was customary to treat neighbors and loved ones with delicacies made from honey and poppy seeds. And in the evening, after a hard day's work, festivities were organized, with round dances and songs. Young people especially had fun, on this day they were wooing unmarried girls and selected brides.

A prayer service was held for water, horses and livestock were driven into open water, it was believed that this way they would be healthier. Some of these traditions have survived after the spread of Orthodoxy and have come down to our days.

Heavy rain or bad weather on the first Savior was considered blessed, because the bad weather could scare away all evil spirits and clean the streets and houses from everything unfavorable and evil.

Honey Savior in Christianity

The Church on this day celebrates the feast of the Origin of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The holiday was established in Constantinople in the 9th century

According to the old style, the holiday fell on August 1, the beginning of the hottest and sultry month, which often brought epidemics and diseases. To protect people, the church, with the help of a part of the Life-Giving Cross, consecrated wells and springs. After this ceremony, the disease receded, and the sick could be healed with consecrated water.

Every year on this day, a part of the Cross was brought to the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, where everyone could venerate the relic and bless the water, which after that became healing.

People who consecrated the water in the church calmly and favorably experienced the end of summer.

In Russian Orthodoxy, this holiday coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Fast. And from the incorrect interpretation of the Greek language, in Orthodoxy, the holiday was combined with the day of the Baptism of Russia, August 1, 988. The word “origin” in the name of the church date should be translated as “wear and tear”, because in Constantinople, part of the Life-Giving Cross was available to people for two weeks, and on August 14, according to the old style, it returned to the house church of the emperors.

Honey Spas in the Orthodox tradition

AT Orthodox Christianity the first Savior, August 14, coincides with the feast day of the seven martyrs Maccobees.

Seven disciples of Elizar, a ninety-year old man who was martyred for the sake of faith, followed in his footsteps and appeared before the king for judgment. The brothers announced that they would not renounce the true God and would not make sacrifices to pagan patrons. Each of them accepted death with dignity, having previously experienced terrible torment and torture at the hands of idolaters.

The feat of the Saints strengthened faith in the people and inspired people to revolt against the unfaithful king. That's why Honey Spas also has a different name - Makavey.

Each religious holiday carries a deep meaning and is associated with important religious events. When marking church dates, it is important to turn to history and understand where the Christian or folk holiday. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

13.08.2015 01:00

In the last month of summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, three Spas - Honey, Apple and Bread. Find out, ...

On the First Savior, holy wells, bathe horses in the river, pinch peas, prepare a threshing floor, plow under winter.

Rescue on the water. The holiday deserved this name due to the fact that on this day (August 14) it was supposed to make procession to reservoirs for the consecration of water. New wells in Russia were also blessed on August 14th. It was believed that if you bathe in a pond after its blessing with water, you can wash away sins and illnesses. Livestock also needed to be bathed on this day, for good health.

Maccabeus. So Honey Spas began to be named in honor of the Old Testament martyrs Maccabees, whose memorial day falls on this date.

Seeing off summer. This is not just a name, it is the ancient essence of the holiday, even pre-Christian. It all comes down to the end of the season and it's felt in everything: the birds fall silent, the nights get colder and longer, the bees stop collecting honey. Nature is slowly but surely preparing for winter, just like people.

The Savior has everything in store: rain, and a bucket, and gray weather.

Poppy Spas. Poppy is one of the favorite products in Russia. It was used not only in everyday cooking, but in ritual food. There are many proverbs, sayings and riddles about him.

Machok with honey - you will lick your mustache.

And just, from about the second week of August, it is already ripening, which makes it possible to add it to treats. In the poppy Spas, it was necessary to collect poppies.


Honey Spas has many traditions. Moreover, the most diverse: both purely folk, and church, and mixed. It cannot be said that all of them are associated exclusively with honey, but there are many of them.

    From ancient times, the custom has come down to us to bring fresh honey to the church for consecration. So did beekeepers in Russia. In addition to honey, the fruits of the new harvest were also consecrated. In general, honey collected on Honey Savior is considered super-healing, but only after consecration in the church.

    After the honey was brought home from the church, they should have treated everyone. Especially the poor.

At the first Spas and the beggar will try the honey!

    To get a charge of vivacity, a spoonful of honey should be washed down with three sips of well water. But this should be done only on Honey Spas, on other days you can get sick.

    On this day, the hostesses prepared various treats (pies, gingerbread, pancakes, etc.) using honey and poppy seeds.

    If you make a wish before eating a spoonful of consecrated honey, it will certainly come true.

    Since the summer was already approaching its final point, people no longer risked swimming in open water. It's cold, and the water is blooming. Wet Spas is the last opportunity to swim in rivers and lakes in the outgoing year.

    The dew of this day is healing. And everything else, able to wash away sins and give spiritual strength.

    A holiday is a holiday, but no one canceled the preparation for winter. From that day on, the peasants began to clean the stables, put the barns in order, and sow winter crops. There was a custom

    The oldest man in the family was asked to go out into the field and throw a handful of grain into the first furrow.

Sow you, grandfather, the first handful for your old man's happiness!

    While the men were engaged in the yard and the field, the women went into the forest for raspberries. This is also one of the favorite berries in Russia. They tried to prepare more for future use.

    They began to dry the cherry berries.

    On this day, young people had fun in their own way: they sang songs, danced round dances, showered each other with poppies.

    On this day, you need to help the underprivileged. Those who at least help to chop wood for a lonely woman will not know grief all year.

    The tradition of organizing fairs, especially honey fairs, is still alive.

    On Wet Spas, women are forgiven all sins. To do this, you need to come to church and ask for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart.

    From August 14, the so-called Spasovki (or simply Spas) began among the Slavs - earlier, according to the old style, it was the first half of August, the time of three Spas.

    The poppy collected on Poppy Spas had the ability to scare away evil spirits from the house. Only for this it needs to be consecrated in the church for seven years in a row.

    On Honey Spas, chickens were fed with holy water. This was done so that later they would carry large eggs for a whole year.

Proverbs, sayings and signs on Honey Spas

Of course, like most public holidays The peasants watched the weather. Based on this, our ancestors made predictions for the future. And popular rumor added sayings.

  1. Rain on August 14 - to the harvest and a small number of fires.
  2. If the birds fly south, the winter will be early.
  3. Scatter a basket of raspberries in the forest - fortunately.
  4. Large raspberries indicate that it is time to sow rye. If the berry is still small, then sowing should be postponed.
  5. Get wet on Honey Spas - for profit.
  6. If during the service a bird flew into the church, then this will turn into happiness for all those present.

Congratulations and postcards

Now more and more holidays are gaining new popularity. This also applies to Honey Spas. People congratulate each other, give cards, send poems. We have collected for you a few postcards with congratulations to the Honey Spas.

Very soon, one of the most important holidays for believers will come - Spas. These holidays remind believers of the Savior! But in our time, not everyone knows what these holidays mean and how they should be celebrated.

What date Honey Spas

For this holiday, a certain date is set in the calendar, and every year it takes place at the same time. Day of the Honey Savior - August 14.

The essence and traditions of the Honey Savior

As you know, many Orthodox traditions among the Slavs, holidays and valuable dates are inextricably linked with ancient religious beliefs and beliefs, in general, with paganism. From here it is possible to describe even the same Honey Spas both from the Christian side and from the folk side. Let's pay a little attention to each of them.

By the way, "Spas" means salvation, to save oneself.

As mentioned above, this day is called “Wet Spas”, and this is not at all because there may be precipitation in the form of rain. The fact is that August 14 is considered the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

According to legend, some kind of epidemic broke out in Constantinople, doctors and healers did not know what to do - nothing helped. Then the priests took a piece of the cross from the Church of Hagia Sophia (Jesus was crucified on this cross), walked along the local rivers, lakes, reservoirs, sanctified everything, and the infection passed.

People believed in the power of water, and therefore it is believed that if you swim in a pond on August 14, then all sins will be forgiven, your health will improve, and in general life will go uphill. Very comfortably.

It is also the day of remembrance of the Maccobean martyrs (there were seven of them), who were executed by the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes in 166 BC. As for honey affairs, on this day you can take the first sample of honey, as it has gained strength, taste, volume, in general, it has been infused.

Beekeepers inspect their hives, choose the fullest combs, break off some and bring them to the church for consecration. There the priests take part for themselves, and give part to the poor. Those who help themselves praise and pray for the beekeeper. Ordinary people also bring honey and water to the church for consecration.

Since this is the first day of the Dormition Fast, any bright fun and feasts are not welcome. On the contrary, it is recommended to spend the day in prayer, quietly, calmly, in the family circle.

After the Honey Spas, summer ends

If you believe the legends, then the Honey Spas ends the summer, then the cold starts. After the Honey Savior, two more others follow, namely: Apple and Walnut. According to the established custom, on this holiday all beekeepers are obliged to treat everyone with fresh honey, this will contribute to big harvest next year.

The first Savior just falls at the beginning of the Dormition Fast, which will last until August 28. After the first Savior, swallows and swifts fly off to warmer climes, cold dews appear and roses fade.

History and names of the Christian holiday

In church legends, the feast of the Savior is associated with the Savior, since it was the consecration of Constantinople in the 9th century that helped save the city from epidemics, from which many people traditionally died in August. Stop spreading on the background summer heat the illness came about after the Life-Giving Cross was carried through the village. Since then, on this day, it is customary to pass the procession to the reservoirs, where the clergy bless the water.

Also in the church on this day it is customary to celebrate other important dates:

  • Makovey - in honor of the martyrs of the brothers Maccabees;
  • Savior on the water - a small blessing of water is associated with the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir;
  • memory of saints Alexander, Leonty, Katun, Mineon;
  • Wet (Water) saved - in honor of the crusade to the river after the victory in 1164 of Andrei Bogolyubsky over the Volga Bulgars after a prayer to the Holy Cross of the Lord and a vision that sanctified the soldiers with a holy glow from the icon of the Mother of God.

It was these events that formed the basis of the modern church holiday.

Signs and beliefs on Honey Spas

According to folk beliefs, the bees are already finishing collecting honey and preparing for the cold weather. The main beliefs are:

1) The First Savior brings the sun, wind and rain.

2) Cranes begin to fly off to warmer climes.

3) Even a beggar on Spas will try honey.

4) On Poppy Spas you need to collect poppies.

5) Any sin of a woman is forgiven on the Savior.

6) If it rains on Spas, then fires can not be expected.

7) On Spas, they begin to harvest forest raspberries, bird cherry and other berries.

8) On the second day after the Savior in the house, you should do general cleaning to get rid of negative energy.

What can you do on Honey Spas

Traditionally, for many centuries, on this day, when the Honey Savior comes, beekeepers begin collecting honey from hives, and this is quite reasonable - after all, by mid-August, the honey collected by bees, as a rule, already ripens. Traditionally, the first honey is served at the table - it is eaten with bread, apples, mead and other traditional dishes are prepared. Be sure to bake traditional honey gingerbread on Honey Spas.

Since Makovey is also Orthodox holiday, after collecting honey, it must be consecrated in the church. Moreover, it must be brought in new dishes - for believers this is a matter of principle.

But Honey Spas is not famous for honey alone, it is not for nothing that it is also called Makovey. By mid-August, boxes with poppy seeds ripen, which are harvested and used in baking. It is on Makovey that dishes with poppy seeds are always present on the table - pies, buns, and everything that is enough for imagination.

Not only honey and poppy heads are consecrated on Makovey, but also water, it is especially important on this day to consecrate newly built wells. You can swim in any open reservoirs on this day, this should add health, especially since after Makovei you can no longer swim.

Consecrated poppy should be sprinkled on the far corners of the room, so you can protect yourself from evil spirits- another merging option Orthodox traditions with pagan superstitions.

In the old days, they also believed that on Makovey, all unrepentant sins are forgiven for women if they forgive themselves and pray for forgiveness.

What not to do on August 14

You can not perform any heavy physical work, wash, clean the house, it is better to complete such things the day before.

You can not quarrel and swear or wish someone harm.

In the series of August Spasovs, Medovy takes the first place, opening the series of harvesting and the meeting of autumn. This holiday falls on August 14 and coincides with the beginning of the two-week Assumption Fast, which lasts until the third Nut Savior. The history of this holiday goes back centuries and is worthy of coverage.

history of the holiday

(Makovsky Konstantin Egorovich "Apiary")

Honey Spas has several synonymous names: First or Poppy Spas, Makovei, Spas on the Water. Each of its names carries its own history and is an integral part of this holiday.

The very word Spas is a reminder of the Savior and salvation. The day of this Savior coincides with the Christian holiday of the Exaltation of the Trees of the Cross of the Lord. It has its roots in 9th century Constantinople. August in this city was invariably hot and brought people many troubles in the form of diseases that spread with spoiled water. But after the Life-Giving Cross was carried around the city, the diseases receded and the procession began to be held annually.

The name Makovey refers to the biblical story about the martyr brothers Maccabees and their mother Solomei, who kept the faith in spite of all trials.

According to ancient manuscripts in Russia, the First Spas began to be widely celebrated in the 12th century after the victory over the army of the Volga Bulgars. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky before the battle prayed to the Holy Cross and at night had a dream in which the light from the icon Mother of God consecrated his soldiers. In honor of the victory, the prince ordered to arrange Crusades to the river. The name Savior on the Water is associated with this event.

The mention and consecration of water on this day is also associated with the Baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir, which took place on August 1, according to the old style. Until now, there is a belief that Honey Spas is one of the last frontiers, after which you can not swim in the reservoirs. It can bring sickness and death.

The name Poppy Saved is associated with the coincidence of the holiday with the collection of poppies, which, like honey, was sacred in the church.

Holiday traditions

(Gremitskikh Vladimir Georgievich "Apiary")

Traditionally, from this day in Russia, the pumping of honey began. It was believed that bees stop taking bribes from flowers. The owners of the hives broke out the first combs and brought them to the church for consecration.

On this day, pies with honey and millet porridge were a traditional treat. It was also customary to bake pancakes. There was a whole merchant rite: a merchant had to eat a pancake folded into a square, biting off a corner in each of the corners of his shop. This promised success in business and good profit for the whole year.

The collection of poppies was also accompanied by a number of rituals. One of them said that if the poppy consecrated in the church is scattered around the yard, then not a single evil spirit will enter the house.

Traditionally, on this day, girls and women collected an amulet of herbs, which was blessed in the church along with honey. It necessarily included several herbs, each of which had its own sacred meaning:

  • Calendula and rue were amulets against ailments and diseases;
  • Spikelets of oats prophesied good harvest;
  • Sprigs of mint were added to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family;
  • Kalina was a symbol of girlish beauty.

The bouquet must be tied with a red ribbon and kept in the house until next year. Often such bouquets were hung at the head of the children's beds to protect their sleep and scare away evil spirits and bad dreams.

On the First Spas, it was customary to help the poor and destitute. Widows and old people were helped to prepare firewood and harvest crops, the poor were treated to pies and honey. On this day, harvesting began in the village.

Signs on Honey Spas

Like many other holidays, the First Spas has many signs:

  • It is believed that on this day a woman will be forgiven all her sins;
  • Wells were sanctified on Honey Spas and the cattle were bathed for the last time in lakes and rivers;
  • Makovey was the last day to sow winter crops;
  • There is a belief that if honey is not pumped out on this day, then bees from neighboring hives will pull out all the collected honey.

Modern traditions of celebrating the Honey Savior largely follow the ancient customs of our ancestors. Consecration in the church of fresh honey, water and bouquets of wild flowers is common in our country to this day. Traditionally, a special time in agriculture begins in mid-August - harvesting, preparation for sowing winter crops. Despite the passage of time, old Russian traditions continue to live in modern society.

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