human values ​​in our time. List of core values

landscaping 26.09.2019

Personal values ​​are a reflection of our needs, desires, and all that we especially value in life. Values ​​are huge driving force, which can be considered as a guide with which we create our entity. Determining your values ​​will help you figure out what to strive for and what to avoid. This will allow you to navigate through life with a strong inner compass. And finally, in the most difficult situations personal values ​​can serve as a reminder of what you truly value. Thus, identifying them will help you stay true to yourself in any circumstance.


Tracking Emerging Values

    Clear space for "your" time. Since defining your personal values ​​requires so-called soul-searching, make your own space for it. Turn off your phone, listen to soothing music, or do something that helps you relax and focus on the present.

    Write down the moments of your greatest happiness and deepest sadness. Remember all your ups and downs, while highlighting the details and feelings associated with each memory. List only those that have greatest influence on your life and well-being, and not on what you received praise or recognition from others.

    • For example, you may remember the evening you met your best friend. It may not have been the biggest achievement of your life, but on that day you may have learned a lot about your personality and how to start making friends and sharing experiences with other people.
    • Identify the themes that run through your most vivid memories, good and bad. They may also be backed up by your spiritual or political passions. Chances are you will identify several things that make you feel unfair, sad, angry, or all of the above. Try to do the same with happy moments.
  1. Consider the common values ​​of humanity. We all have relatively similar, very basic needs that come from the constitutions and evolution of human culture. The things we value ultimately stem from our needs - that's why we're so passionate about and committed to our values! Studying human needs will give you a powerful boost to understanding your own values. More or less universal needs include:

    • Physical well-being (food, rest, safety)
    • Autonomy (freedom of choice, self-expression)
    • Peace (hope, tranquility)
    • Feelings (praise, participation, understanding)
    • Communication (warmth, respect, attention)
    • Entertainment (adventure, humor, joy)
  2. Sketch out an initial list of personal values. Include in it the items you cannot imagine your life without. In it you can connect personal experience with your culture of values ​​as well as universal human needs.

  3. Record how you select these values. They may vary depending on the strategy you have used. Often the strategy comes from the religion of the family in which you grew up. By knowing this, you will have a better understanding of the values ​​that allow you to do things that you can be proud of.

    • For example, you have a value - a high position in society. But how will you follow it - will you wear designer clothes or become a human rights activist? If you value a deep sense of peace and order, would you set up a home plant in your home to create essential oils? Or maybe you are used to resolving conflicts that arise in your family? See the connection between values ​​and your daily life.

    Checking and balancing personal values

    1. Determine what drives you in life. One way to test your values ​​is to spend a whole day observing and identifying what drives you through life. If you have a certain primary value and you find yourself in a situation where it is threatened, you will feel anxious, defenseless, or even angry. What you hear or see on the news can also change the course of your life.

      • For example, your boss might tell you that your knit vest is not the most appropriate work outfit. Instead of just being a little upset, you might feel angry or even annoyed. In this case, you can say that your values ​​are making your own decisions and autonomy.
    2. Take a look at decisions that are influenced by your values. This can be done using both real and fictional situations. For example, you value independence and are considering moving in with a new roommate. What will you do if you consider your value? If you value peace and spontaneity, but your work takes 70 hours a week from you, how can you avoid stress and internal conflict? In situations like this, understanding your values ​​can really help you make creative decisions that reflect your own self.

      • Keep in mind that you will only see your value most clearly when you make a real decision. Sometimes we are so enamored with a certain value that we believe that it is sure to provoke acceptance. best solutions(although this is not required).
    3. Decide how you will defend it. If you're in a difficult situation and you're having a hard time standing up for your value, consider whether or not to speak up. Are you unable to live up to your worth because everything in the world is changing? What value is at stake, and why?

      • Let's say you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't appreciate your work, and you've made it your goal to get recognition for your efforts. Can this problem be solved by talking? Will you enjoy it if your partner starts expressing gratitude to you?
      • Another way to check is the following. Speak up about an issue in front of the community. Are you worried about funding cuts? public schools– would you like to know more about it, or did it hurt you in some way? Depending on the answer, your value can be either caring for future generations or a call to action.
      • If you look at your list of values ​​and connect those that could potentially conflict, you will gain insight into what creates creative tension in your life.
        • For example, you can value having your own space and at the same time support relationships unconditionally. In this case, you need to organize your communication with family and friends in such a way that you have time for yourself, but at the same time you should not forget about loved ones. Balancing between these potentially conflicting values ​​can be tricky, but being aware of this issue will help you make more informed decisions.

Life values ​​are an integral part of the human worldview, confirmed by his consciousness, upbringing, life experience, personal experiences. They are revealed by limiting the most significant and important from the secondary. The accumulated baggage of certain values ​​modifies the consciousness of a person, regulates and motivates his activity, and ensures the formation of a strong personality.

Each person sets priorities in his own way, individually, he determines the importance and significance of certain phenomena. In the list of generally accepted values, traditional material values. These include jewelry, fashion branded clothing, paintings, modern technology, cars, real estate and much more. In addition to material, it should be noted spiritual, religious, moral and aesthetic values ​​(holiness, kindness, compassion, decency, cleanliness, etc.). separate category are the values social, such as position in society, social security, power, career, family, freedom and others.

Let us dwell in more detail on some universal human values.

family and friendship

Family well-being, children, parents, friends - for most people this is the greatest value. It is our sacred duty and privilege to love our family, our parents and children, to take care of them. Always with respect, sincerity and love to treat your friends and just people around us, always be responsive and tolerant - this is a huge job that needs to be paid for value. human relations. What do these relationships give us? They are a source of mutual support and empathy, common goals and interests, understanding and emotional attachments.

Wealth and career

There is no person in the world who would not want to stand firmly and confidently on his feet, not need anything, to ensure the well-being of his family. However, not everyone puts material wealth in first place in the conditional rating. life values. Often a person faces a dilemma: to work in a friendly team with loyal bosses, getting moral satisfaction from work, or to make a choice in favor of large fees, putting their personal life and health at stake. The ideal option is when the work allows you to embody the most incredible ideas, gives a lot of useful acquaintances, brings both money and pleasure. But most often, something still has to be sacrificed, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake in choosing.


Health for many people, especially in adulthood, is on the first steps of the pedestal of values. At the same time, for some people in the first place - the house, money, cars and vacations in expensive resorts. And these some sometimes do not understand very well that nothing matters to a sick person except health, he is ready to give all material goods in exchange for recovery, but this is far from always possible. You need to be more careful with your physical condition , do not kill yourself with bad habits and excessive diligence, give unloading to your body and allocate sufficient time for rest and sleep. It is extremely important to realize that health is the most valuable thing in the life of any person, because it is health that is necessary for everyone without exception.


Personal development is very valuable. A person matures, becomes wiser, acquires useful life experience, makes correct, conscious and balanced conclusions and, accordingly, makes the right decisions in any life and professional issues. He owns his emotions, is cultured in communication, develops his horizons, becomes the right guide for the younger generation. comprehensively developed person focuses on health, fitness and appearance, neat in everything, clean both in thoughts and in relationships. The person who makes the best effort personal growth and self-improvement, seeks to change his attitude to life, to realize his role in the world, to improve relations with people around him.


The value of creativity lies in unique opportunity implementation of your ideas. Creativity gives complete freedom of self-expression to the author, allows, by creating the final product, to bring to life his most daring thoughts, emotions, images. Creative people are people with a fine mental organization, these are artists, musicians, sculptors, designers, fashion designers and many other people of art. They try to realize themselves in creativity, combining their vocation, their talent with daily activities and household duties. Muse is the most main value in their development. The process of creating another masterpiece becomes the meaning of life, and inspiration makes this process incredibly easy and enjoyable.


Spiritually oriented people live according to their canons. Their life values ​​are closely intertwined with the main religious commandments: do not kill, do not steal, honor your parents, do not commit adultery, etc. They try to follow exactly the correct, already pre-written truths, and not acquire them on the basis of personal bitter experience. A spiritually developed person lives happily, and not only for himself, loves life in all its manifestations, appreciates every minute spent with relatives and friends, rejoices in the beauty of the earth (natural and created by people), enjoys music and thanks higher power for every day that goes by. Such a person respects himself and others, does not envy, does not sort things out, has inner harmony.

Sometimes there are cases when, when experiencing a certain stress or getting into a difficult extreme situation, a person undergoes a restructuring of consciousness, and he overestimates his life values. What used to be the main meaning of life for him becomes just a boon. So, for example, only in illness does a person begin to appreciate health, only in war does a true awareness of the value of such concepts as courage, loyalty, mutual assistance, compassion occur.

It is very important to understand what exactly plays the leading role at this stage of life, what is now the most valuable. Only by correctly setting priorities, you can confidently build your future.

Every day we are faced with the need to solve some problems and circumstances that constantly test our strength. And in today's world of all sorts of worries and stresses, our life values ​​play a huge role, which are a kind of pointers on the path of life.

If everything we say and do is in line with ours, life is correct and meaningful, and we ourselves are satisfied and confident in ourselves. However, it often happens that our actions diverge from deep-seated beliefs, which is why irritability. And this is an indicator that something is wrong. In addition, such feelings can make us unhappy, and only when we always act according to our conscience, both self-esteem and a state of happiness are preserved.

A person's life values ​​can be safely called his internal compass, according to which it is necessary to compare all steps. After all, when there are certain attitudes, it is much easier for a person to think through actions and, which is the basis of a productive and fulfilling life.

But let's think about what our life values ​​can be.

Life values ​​are greater value in the fate of man. This category denotes what he values ​​\u200b\u200bin his path, what he wants to strive for, what he considers the main thing and what he pays the most attention to. These include: family, health, friendship, love, wealth, that is, everything that can have any value on top of all the other little things in life. If two people share the same point of view, have adjacent basic life values, then their communication is usually conflict-free and even. Such people often achieve maximum mutual understanding among themselves, and the relationship develops quite close and close.

However, people are not inclined to speak out loud about life values. This is not discussed, since no one can formulate them. They just are. The subject of discussion in conversations is most often common interests that are very closely tied to life values. They usually manifest themselves in actions and behavior, but very rarely in words. Often people not only avoid mentioning such things, but also try not to think about them, to comprehend and be aware of them. And this is a big mistake, since the system of human values ​​in life is its core. All fate, actions and desires depend on them. There are many things that the individual does not even know about himself. However, the attitude to life values ​​is important component self-realization. And awareness of some personal categories will not allow a person to develop as a full-fledged conscious personality.

Now we will look at important life values ​​that need to be rethought in order to understand ourselves and change the way we treat ourselves and others.

1. Tomorrow may not come for words of love

Sometimes we think about it and don't openly share our feelings with the people we really love. But in life there are different circumstances. At one point, it may happen that it will be impossible to tell about true feelings. The fate of a person is rich in incidents that can randomly take the object of love out of sight. And then there will never be an opportunity to say warm words out loud.

2. Your judgments of people are not always correct.

No one ever knows what's going on in another person's head. Therefore, do not try to talk in a third person about the actions, thoughts and feelings of another. You cannot know what is happening and why he can do such things. Human life values ​​are a mystery to us. Do not try to jump to conclusions, speak for someone, or make hasty decisions. No one can know for sure about other people's motives.

Many of those who look successful are actually very unhappy. Many of those who look rich are actually in debt. Many of those who, in your opinion, get everything they want from life, in fact, work tirelessly. You cannot know based on your personal observations. You can get to know another person only by asking him, or you can wait for him to share with you. Do not build stereotypes of perception - they are always wrong.

3. Fail because they don't even try.

Do not think about imaginary mistakes or failures - this is just an unnecessary waste of your energy and nerves. By contemplating potential failure, you can never begin to make attempts to change your world. Even the presence of mistakes leads to self-development. This is an invaluable life lesson that you simply must learn in order to grow and become taller. The result is always the sum total of attempts and activities. You won't get anywhere by sitting still. To start your journey, you must take the first step, even if it will consist of mistakes.

4. To endure is to act productively, not to wait

Patience is essential in life. But in fact, this quality denotes a strong-willed effort in the performance of a specific activity. Be careful, patience has nothing to do with waiting, but only endurance in achieving the goal. In fact, patience is the epitome of understanding and accepting the meaning of quality of life. After all, it is more significant than the number of things that you do every day. It is the willingness to accept difficulties with gratitude and to apply perseverance in achieving something greater.

5. You have everything to be happy

Many people think that the material values ​​of life are more important than other aspects of life. But in fact, this is not at all the case. Things are only what we can surround ourselves with. The main human needs are reduced to the very minimum - to the satisfaction of physiological needs (food, sleep). But this list does not include the accumulation of material wealth. All other life values ​​of a social and interpersonal nature (love, friendship, work) are much more important. They need to be protected and understood. If you have it, you are already happy.

6. You are not perfect, the whole world is not perfect

There is no perfect person. All people are imperfect. And you, as a person, are not perfect either. You need to understand this and not worry too much about it. Yes, we all want to strive for something perfect, but this goal is unattainable. Want to get better? Okay - go ahead. However, do not get hung up, but treat it with understanding. Life values ​​cannot be perfect.

7. The little things in life matter

Life is a long journey, on which you will meet many failures and falls, luck and elevations. Everything, down to the smallest detail, that happens to us matters. Don't try to downplay it. What makes our being unique and inimitable is something small and less significant. life path- this is not a path with big stops, but a whole road of 1000 small steps worthy of your attention. Appreciate them.

8. Excuses are always lies

If there are many excuses along the way to achieving your goal, then this indicates the presence of self-justifications and lies about why you cannot achieve it. You shouldn't lie to yourself. If you really want something badly, then there will be no time for excuses. This is the biggest and most insidious enemy on the way to your goal. Try to challenge yourself, because all excuses are a senseless fear that you will not be able to achieve your goal. Believe in yourself, don't lie to yourself. Remember: you can achieve success under any circumstances.

Nobody but you knows how to succeed. Success begins with thoughts, life values ​​and awareness of them. Do not build self-deception around them about their unattainability. There are many perspectives and many opportunities. You just need to make your choice and decide to follow the path of life.

Life values ​​are the main content of the foundation of your "I", self-culture and self-development. Your relationship with them is main base realization of your goals. Therefore, you must learn to analyze yourself and understand how you are. In order to understand the surrounding and inner world, it is necessary, first of all, to learn to understand how you yourself are arranged. This is what you should be doing.

Value is the significance, importance, usefulness, and usefulness of something. Outwardly, it acts as one of the properties of objects or phenomena. But their usefulness and significance are not inherent in them due to their internal structure, that is, they are not given by nature, they are nothing more than subjective assessments of specific properties involved in the public domain, they are interested in and need them. In the Constitution Russian Federation It is written that the highest value is the person himself, his freedom and rights.

The use of the concept of value in various sciences

Depending on what kind of science is studying this phenomenon in society, there are several approaches to its use. So, for example, philosophy considers the concept of value as follows: it is the socio-cultural, personal significance of specific objects. In psychology, value is understood as all those objects of the society surrounding the individual that are of value to him. This term in this case closely related to motivation. But in sociology, values ​​are understood as those concepts that are called sets of goals, states, phenomena worthy of people striving for them. As you can see, in this case, there is a connection with motivation. In addition, from the point of view of these social sciences, there are the following types and spiritual ones. The latter are also called eternal values. They are not tangible, but sometimes they are much more important for society than all material objects put together. Of course, they have nothing to do with economics. In this science, the concept of value is considered as the cost of objects. At the same time, two types of it are distinguished: consumer and the former represent one or another value for consumers, depending on the degree of usefulness of the product or its ability to satisfy human needs, and the latter are valuable because they are suitable for exchange, and the degree of their significance is determined by the ratio that is obtained with an equivalent exchange. That is, the more a person is aware of his dependence on a given object, the higher its value. People who live in cities are completely dependent on Money because they need them to purchase the most necessary goods, namely food. For rural residents, monetary dependence is not as great as in the first case, since they can get the products necessary for life regardless of the availability of money, for example, from their own garden.

Various definitions of values

The simplest definition this concept is the statement that values ​​are all those objects and phenomena that can satisfy human needs. They can be material, that is, tangible, or they can be abstract, like love, happiness, etc. By the way, the totality of values ​​that are inherent in a particular person or group are called Without it, any culture would be meaningless. And here is another definition of value: it is the objective significance of the variety of components (properties and features of an object or phenomenon) of reality, which are determined by the interests and needs of people. The main thing is that they are necessary for a person. However, value and significance are not always equivalent. After all, the first is not only positive, but also negative, but the value is always positive. What satisfies cannot be negative, although here everything is relative...

Representatives of the Austrian school believe that core values ​​are a specific amount of goods or benefits that are necessary to satisfy what more human its dependence on the presence of this object is realized, the higher its value. In a word, the relationship between quantity and need is important here. According to this theory, goods that exist in unlimited quantities, such as water, air, etc., are of little importance because they are non-economic. But the goods, the quantity of which does not satisfy the needs, that is, there are less of them than necessary, are of real value. This view has both many supporters and opponents who fundamentally disagree with this opinion.

Changeability of values

This philosophical category has a social nature, since it is formed in the process of practice. As a result, values ​​tend to change over time. What was significant for this society may not be so for future generations. And we see this in own experience. If we look back into the past, we can see that the values ​​of the generations of our parents and ours differ in many ways from each other.

Main types of values

As noted above, the main types of values ​​are material (contributing to life) and spiritual. The latter give a person moral satisfaction. The main types of material values ​​are the simplest goods (housing, food, household items, clothing, etc.) and goods of a higher order (means of production). However, both of them contribute to the life of society, as well as improving the quality of life of its members. A people need spiritual values ​​for the formation and further development their attitudes, as well as worldviews. They contribute to the spiritual enrichment of the individual.

The role of values ​​in society

This category, in addition to being of some importance to society, also plays a certain role. For example, the development of different values ​​by a person contributes to the acquisition of social experience, as a result of which he joins the culture, and this, in turn, affects the formation of his personality. Another important role of values ​​in society is that a person strives to create new goods, while maintaining the old, already existing ones. In addition, the value of thoughts, actions, various things is expressed in how important they are for the process. community development, that is, the progress of society. And at the personal level - the development and self-improvement of a person.


There are several classifications. For example, according to it, material and spiritual values ​​are distinguished. But according to their significance, the latter are false and true. Classification is also carried out by areas of activity, depending on their carrier, and by the time of action. According to the first, economic, religious and aesthetic values ​​are distinguished, the second - universal, group and personality values, and the third - eternal, long-term, short-term and momentary. In principle, there are other classifications, but they are too narrow.

Material and spiritual values

Regarding the first, we have already managed to tell above, everything is clear with them. These are all the material goods that surround us that make our life possible. As for the spiritual, they are the components inner world people. And the initial categories here are good and evil. The first contribute to happiness, and the second - everything that leads to destruction and is the cause of discontent and unhappiness. Spiritual is what it is true values. However, to be so, they must coincide with significance.

Religious and aesthetic values

Religion is based on unconditional faith in God, and it does not require any proof. Values ​​in this area are guidelines in the life of believers, which are determined by the norms and motives of their actions and behavior in general. Aesthetic values ​​are all that gives a person pleasure. They are directly related to the concept of "beauty". They are associated with creativity, with art. The beautiful is the main category of aesthetic value. Creative people dedicate their lives to creating beauty, not only for themselves, but also for others, wanting to bring true joy, delight, and admiration to those around them.

Personal values

Each person has their own personal orientations. And they have different people may be fundamentally different. What is important in the eyes of one may not be valuable to another. For example, classical music, which brings lovers of this genre into a state of ecstasy, may seem boring and uninteresting to someone. Personal values ​​are greatly influenced by factors such as upbringing, education, social circle, environment etc. Of course, the family has the strongest influence on the personality. This is the environment in which a person begins his primary development. He gets his first idea of ​​values ​​in his family (group values), but with age he may accept some of them and reject others.

Personal values ​​include the following types of values:

  • those that are components of the meaning of human life;
  • the most general semantic formations, which are based on reflexes;
  • beliefs that have to do with desired behavior or completing something;
  • objects and phenomena to which the individual has a weakness or is simply not indifferent;
  • what is important for each person of a person, and what he considers his property.

These are the types of personal values.

A new approach to defining values

Values ​​are opinions (beliefs). Some scientists think so. According to them, these are biased and cold ideas. But when they begin to activate, they mix with feelings, while getting a certain color. Others believe that the main values ​​are the goals that people strive for - equality, freedom, well-being. It is also a way of behavior that contributes to the achievement of these goals: mercy, empathy, honesty, etc. According to the same theory, true values ​​should act as some kind of standards that guide the assessment or choice of people, actions and events.

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