Plant for health and beauty - orange. Pomeranian (Citrus aurantium) Orange citrus

Landscaping and planning 16.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Pomeranian is a representative of the citrus family, which has an extraordinary taste and a traditional citrus aroma.

By analogy with the Ukrainian "orange", "orange color", it is clear that this fruit is appearance closest to an orange, but its taste is a kind of mixture of unripe orange and lemon, that is, quite sour-bitter.

Despite the specifics of taste, the orange is valued no less than its cultivated relatives. He is unique healing product and is actively used in traditional medicine for the treatment of a number of serious diseases.

Overseas miracle

In nature, the fruits of orange are poured and ripen on the branchy crown of evergreen trees growing in the warm tropics. The height of the orange tree is on average 3 m, rarely 10-12 m, the fruits themselves are round, slightly flattened, orange, like an orange, about 7 cm in diameter.

India is recognized as the birthplace of the plant, but today orange is grown in the most different countries With suitable climate. In addition, the tree feels great in greenhouses and ordinary living quarters.

In Russia, orange is very often grown as indoor plant, it grows up to a meter in height and regularly bears fruit, though quite small - with Walnut, but still suitable for use as a drug.

In supermarkets, you will rarely meet oranges - the specificity of taste. There are few lovers of this citrus, since it is unlikely to be eaten with pleasure, acid and bitterness are too pronounced.

A feature of the orange is that all its parts are valuable from a medical point of view - leaves, fruit zest, flowers. All of them are suitable as flavors, rich in medicinal essential oils.

Dried orange zest is added to pastries, sweets, it is very aromatic and gives desserts an unsurpassed fresh note.

Essential oil is one of the most commonly found products from orange. It is an integral part of aromatherapy, an ingredient in many alcoholic beverages.

By the way, orange is a welcome fruit for all lovers and connoisseurs of alcohol production, since vodka infused with orange never causes a headache in the morning after a feast.

There is interesting fact: Pomeranian is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Lomonosov.

Pomeranian - good

The orange itself, even in its mature form, is not eaten, but it is the raw material of valuable essential oil and zest, in which all the healing power of the plant is concentrated.

The fruit is often referred to as the bitter orange. and from the point of view of bioactivity and benefits for the body, it is more valuable than.

1. Orange improves appetite, improves digestion, and is useful for sluggish bowels.

2. Used to make herbal preparations.

3. Considered one of the best means with nervous disorders. Bitter orange is effective for nervous insomnia, with panic attacks accompanied by tachycardia, increased blood pressure, and a sense of fear.

Relieves irritability, extinguishes excessive nervous excitability. Helps with neurasthenia and all its manifestations.

4. An effective gastric sedative, especially orange flowers, tea from them removes nausea, vomiting.

5. Means based on this citrus help with migraines, especially those associated with stress and depression.

6. Used in aromatherapy to improve mood, increase vitality, relieve fatigue and stress.

7. Orange preparations strengthen the heart muscle.

8. Rescue from a hangover.

9. Strong bactericidal properties of orange juice - a remedy for dental problems.

10. Dry orange peels stop bleeding, heal wounds and ulcers.

11. Treat heartburn.

12. Used to speed up recovery from viruses and colds.

13. Orange oil promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which is extremely important for people living in regions where there is a lack of sunlight.

14. It has a lymphatic drainage and diuretic effect.

15. Also, the oil eliminates the manifestations of atherosclerosis, prolongs youth and the active phase of life, delays senile manifestations.

16. Used in perfumery and cosmetology.

Oriental healers know much more about orange. They take full advantage of the plant's potential to treat patients different ages and states.

In countries where orange is freely available, everyone knows about its anti-sclerotic, stimulating, antiseptic, laxative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, analgesic, tonic, antitoxic, choleretic, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Drinks with orange improve mental activity, help strengthen memory, stimulate other cognitive functions.

Due to its exotic nature, it is rather problematic to purchase orange fruits or zest on the domestic market, except perhaps oil.

Therefore, at any opportunity to order or bring orange derivatives from warm countries, do not miss your chance to get a unique remedy for many diseases, especially nervous ones, which are more relevant in today's life than ever.

There are many recipes for using orange, and most of them are reliable and effective.

Pomeranian has no contraindications, as such. Only possible allergy to citrus fruits. Be healthy.

Photo: Pomeranian ( Citrus aurantium)

Description of orange

Pomeranian (lat. - Citrus aurantium), other names - chinotto, bigaradiya - is evergreen woody plant, one of the subspecies of the Citrus genus of the Rut family.

The tree grows up to 2 - 10 meters. On the branches are long, thin and sharp spines. The leaves of the plant are alternate, petiolate, with a leathery shiny surface. The top of the leaf is green above, light green below. When viewed against the light, receptacles of essential oils are noticeable. Leaf petioles are broadly winged, rapidly tapering towards a wingless base.

The flowers are relatively large, reach a diameter of 2 - 3 cm, with a fragrant smell. They grow singly or in small, axillary inflorescences of 2 to 4 flowers. The calyx has 4-5 teeth, lowered from the outside. The corolla consists of 4 - 8 white, narrow and oblong petals. They also contain essential oils. In the flower there are many stamens fused in a column with a capitate stigma.

The fruit (“orange”) has a berry-like shape, and is also slightly flattened. The diameter of the fruit sometimes reaches 7 cm. The peel is thick, its surface is uneven-hilly, brightly orange color, easily separated from the pulp. The peel also contains essential oils. The inner pulp is divided into 10 - 12 slices, the taste is sour with bitterness. plant seeds light yellow, have a flattened-wedge shape, covered with grooves. The dark green ovary germinates on the 3rd day of flowering. Flowering time - April - May, fruit ripening - November - January.

Propagation of the orange plant

It has not been found in the wild and is unknown to science. Place of origin - southeast of the Asian continent. Grows and breeds in the Mediterranean countries, the mountains of the Caucasus, as well as in Latin America(mostly Paraguay) and individual islands West Indies. The normal temperature range for a plant is +5C? up to +45С?. This makes it possible to take it out into the open air already in the month of May.

Composition and use of orange

Pomeranian fruits contain carbohydrates, various organic acids and glycosides, which are substances with P-vitamin activity. Branches, leaves, young shoots and immature fruits contain an essential oil called "petitgrain orange oil". The smell of oil extracted from the peel of orange fruits resembles the smell of lemon oil, and in composition and properties it is similar to orange oil.

An essential oil made from the flowers of the plant, called neroli oil, has a very pleasant smell. Limonene, linalool and geraniol esters and anthranilic acid methyl ester, which are part of its composition, give the oil the finest aroma.

The composition of the essential oil obtained from the peel of ripe fruits, that is, orange oil, includes myrcene, camphene, limonene and other substances. To obtain essential oil from fresh flowers and unripe fruits, the steam distillation method or the enfleurage method, that is, the extraction of essential oils with fatty oils, is used.

All parts of the plant are used in various purposes. So, the crushed peel of the fruit is used to prepare a tincture, which is used to increase appetite, or as a component of other medicines.

"Orange nuts", the so-called unripe fruits of the plant, which tend to fall off spontaneously, serve as a raw material for the production of essential oil, which is widely used in the production of alcoholic beverages. Pomeranian fruits are also used in medicine. And essential oils made from the leaves and flowers of the plant (neroli and petitgrain) are used in Food Industry in the production of marmalade, soft drinks, candied crusts, as well as in the perfume industry to create floral compositions of fragrances, etc.

A picture that beautifully depicts orange tree, used to create the coat of arms of the city of Lomonosov, which is a suburb of St. Petersburg. It is interesting that until 1948 the city was called - Oranienbaum, in German - Oranienbaum, which in translation sounds like "orange tree".


Pomeranian (bigaradia, Citrus aurantium) is a bitter orange, in nature it is a tree up to 10 m high, with dense and very fragrant dark green foliage, prickly shoots. This plant can be grown at home as a houseplant, indoor forms do not exceed 1 m in height. The flowers of the orange are white, with a very pleasant citrus smell. Pomeranian fruits are eaten only unripe, as ripe ones are already empty inside. Outwardly, they look like an orange, so the orange was previously considered a wild type of orange, but this is different. citrus. Unripe fruits (they are also called orange nuts) - small in size (5-15 cm in diameter), round, hard, with a dark grayish skin, bitter and very fragrant. Unknown in the wild.

Pomeranian is an unpretentious and undemanding plant, which is easily grown in room conditions. It is highly ornamental and fragrant during flowering and fruiting, and is often used as a single rootstock for many other citrus species.


orange blossom, or orange blossom- a traditional part of the wedding bouquet and wedding dress of the bride, a symbol of girlish innocence. An infusion of flowers - orange water - in the old days was popular as a fragrant drink, used in perfumery.

A refreshing drink and marmalade are prepared from fresh fruits. The essential oil of the flowers is used in perfumery. Varieties of orange include citradium (a hybrid of bigaradium and trifoliates) and bergamot, or bergamot orange.

From the crushed peel of ripe fruits, tinctures are prepared that increase appetite. Unripe orange fruits are the raw material for the production of essential oil used in the alcoholic beverage industry. Pomeranian fruits are used in medicine, and neroli and petitgrain essential oils from flowers and leaves are used to make marmalade, candied crusts and soft drinks and are included as the main component in many flower arrangements in perfumery; in the confectionery and other branches of the food industry, infusions of flowers are also used. Dried orange zest is considered a delicacy.


Pomeranians begin to bloom very early, already from the cutting, but still they need to be allowed to grow first.

The plant is very decorative throughout the year, bears regularly, thanks to its almost dwarf growth and small leaves it is ideal as a pot crop, appreciated by bonsai lovers.

Let's look at the varieties of oranges for indoor cultivation, which can be purchased from nurseries and private citrus growers.


Myrtle-leaved orange "Chinotto". Citrus Myrtifolia 'Chinotto'.

The plant attracts with the shape of the leaves: they are sharp, like a myrtle, as well as a very beautiful dense compact crown. Remontant, high yielding variety. Fruits 3-5 cm in diameter, weight 40-50 g.

Fruits with orange peel, sweet and fragrant, the films are bitter. Candied fruits, liqueur, the famous Italian drink Chinotto are prepared from the fruits.

Myrtifolia is a citrus species with leaves similar to common myrtle leaves. it compact tree With small leaves and without thorns, grows in nature to a height of up to three meters, grows in Malta, Libya, southern France and Italy (mainly in Liguria, but also in Tuscany, Sicily and Calabria).

The fruits of this tree resemble small oranges. They are bittersweet and are usually referred to by their Italian name, chinotto. They are the flavoring in most Italian aperitifs, as well as in several brands of carbonated soft drinks, which are collectively called "chinotto". Citrus myrtifolia is often planted in gardens in warm climates. Due to its compactness, it can also be planted in a pot or other container.

Chinotto variegata

Citrus Myrtifolia "Chinotto" variegated. A rare variegated variety. Myrtle-leaved orange "Chinotto" variegated.

The fruits at the beginning of ripening have a striped color, at the end of ripening they acquire the characteristic orange color of the variety. The pulp of the fruit is sour-bitter, suitable for making marmalade, candied fruit, flavoring drinks.

Chinotto x lemon

Chinolimon. C. Meyer x C. myrtifolia \ hybrido Chinotto x limone Meyer.

A hybrid of myrtle orange "Chinotto" and lemon "Meyer". Fruits are fragrant, with a specific smell. The taste is original and interesting, like a sour lemon with a slight aftertaste of bitter orange.

Corniculata (pomeranian horned)

Citrus aurantium corniculata.

Very decorative and collectible variety, with unusual "horned" fruits.

A plant with a dense crown, grows slowly, requires pruning, dark green leaves, sagging branches. The flowers are white and very fragrant. On the peel of the fruit there are from 1 to 3 horn-shaped processes (sometimes they are absent), the peel is bright orange, the harvest is annual, plentiful.

Bouquet Nice

Nice Bouquet (or Nice Flower). C. aurantium "Bouquettier de Nice". An old Spanish variety known since the 15th century.

Belongs to the group of sour oranges with large flowers.

A small plant, without thorns, does not grow very fast, with rather large leaves, slightly pointed.

The peculiarity of this variety is large double flowers, as well as flat fruits, inside of which there is not a single pulp, but, as it were, separate fruitlets, interspersed with pulp ("secondary fruit").


Bigaradia (orange) "Phoetifera". C. aurantium "Foetifera". Known since the 17th century, in Italy called Madre & Figlia (Mother and Daughter). Beautiful collectible rare variety.

The variety is prone to repair. The flowers are very beautiful, terry, the fruits are large, orange, bitter-sour. The fruit contains inside a small secondary fruit, the so-called. "fruit in fruit", as in the Bouquet of Nice.

The plant is medium in size, the branches are spreading, but with regular pruning the crown can be given the desired shape, for good growth it requires quite a lot of free space. Flowers solitary or in small clusters, very fragrant. The fruits are strongly flattened, 5-7 cm in diameter, double, the first contains the second (the lobules are located in two concentric circles or asymmetrically), hence the name "mother-daughter", the peel is often dissected (the daughter fruit bends part of its peel outwards).


Citrus sp. Mellarosa.

The name contains both the word bergamot (and bergamot, as you know, is a type of orange), and lemon, more precisely, limonum ( CITRUS BERGAMIA MELLAROSA, CITRUS LIMONUM MELLAROSA). Limonum is a sweet lime (Limetta). So what is Melarosa? Lemon, limette, or bergamot?

It is difficult to understand, because there is both bergamot and melarosa lemon, and the lemon looks and smells like bergamot. It looks like Melarosa should be classified as a bergamot. According to its characteristics, the plant itself most of all resembles bergamot: a small, compact tree, the leaves are large and resemble lemon ones, but with wider lionfish. The fruits are round, yellow in color and medium in size; peel of medium thickness, often ribbed. The pulp is slightly hard, pale, yellow-green, slightly acid with bitterness. The aroma is bergamot (including the leaves when rubbed).

Turcicum salicifolia

Bigaradia (orange) "Turtzicum salicifolia" variegata. C. aurantium "Turcicum salicifolia" (Turkish bitter orange).

Bitter orange is, in fact, a variety of Salicefolia, the difference is variegated leaves and fruits with longitudinal stripes.

The plant is powerful, grows upright, blooms in spring, the flowers are white and very fragrant. Fruit ripening in January, they are suitable for making marmalades, jams.


Citrus aurantium Fasciata.

An old Italian variety, already known in the 16th century. Fruits with longitudinal stripes, patterned, for which the variety is valued. Green fruits - with green stripes, ripe - yellow with bright yellow stripes. The name was given for the similarity of the color of the fruit with the clothes of the German soldiers of the Renaissance (Landsknechts), one of the main elements of which were puffs and cuts made of fabric of different colors.

The variety is rather decorative, the fruits of a peculiar taste, bitter, not everyone likes (like most oranges), but they are very beautiful, so the variety is valued by collectors and lovers of citrus crops.

The tree is low, grows slowly, the leaves are dark green (sometimes yellow-green), shiny. The flowers are white, with a strong fragrance. Fasciata leaves may be variegated, but variegation is not a permanent feature.

Abbers Naurofliff

Citrus × aurantium Abers Narrow Leaf (narrow-leaved).

Variety from Italy 18th century, vigorous tree with a dense, wide crown, main feature of this variety - small, elongated, narrow leaves, similar to willow. The flowers are white. The fruits are spherical and have a characteristic neck. The peel is yellow-orange, poorly separated from the pulp.

The pulp is amber-yellow, soft, bitter-sour, there are seeds with which the plant can be propagated.


Striped orange, Seville bitter orange. Citrus aurantium "Consolei", Sour Orange, Seville-Orange.

Known in Europe since the 16th century, other names are Canaliculata, Incanelati or Striatum. Decorative collection variety.

A plant with a compact crown, grows to a height of about 1 meter in a room, loves sunny places, few or no thorns at all, the leaves are more round than those of other oranges, noticeably pointed. The flowers are larger than other varieties, white, strong aroma. Fruits 3-5 cm in diameter, longitudinal uneven stripes on the peel.

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