Make a social portrait of a person. Scheme for compiling a psychological portrait

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Personality is an integrity that includes many qualities that it acquires while living in society. All these qualities are closely related to each other, are in certain combinations and function in a certain way. This scheme, on the basis of which a psychological portrait is compiled, makes it possible to achieve the greatest accuracy, a “portrait” similarity.

Drafting psychological portrait is a work built on a comprehensive study of personality.

The purpose of compiling a psychological portrait is to identify individual personality traits for self-knowledge, deepening reflection, developing the most optimal life strategies and transforming fate. The scheme for compiling a psychological portrait is based on the personality structure proposed by K. K. Platonov, to which some essential details have been added.

The personality structure is a hierarchy of four main substructures:

Psychophysiological properties;

Features of mental processes;

Functional qualities;

life experience;

Personal orientations.

The personality structure proposed by K. K. Platonov is a generalized and logical idea of ​​personality. However, it is possible to bring clarity, clarity and certainty by creating a hierarchy of personality typologies known to date in psychology.

Requirements for personality typology:

1) the essence of the basis for typology, that is, the basis for the selection of features should be essential, and not secondary features;

2) the easiest way to make a diagnosis.

The above requirements correspond to three typologies, which are combined into a certain hierarchical structure, or scheme, the levels of which correspond to the model of K. K. Platonov.

Scheme for compiling a psychological portrait

First level- this is the psychophysiological background of a person's activity, which determines the degree of his energy, speed of reactions, emotionality and ability to switch from one type of activity to another.

Personality traits that relate to character are called character traits.

This level makes it possible to determine the special manifestations of behavior that have become the properties of the Personality itself. The character has a socio-psychological nature, that is, it depends on the worldview of the individual, her knowledge and experience, on the acquired moral principles, on the guidance of other people and active interaction with them.

The study of abilities makes it possible to determine the level of development of general and special knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the successful implementation of various kinds activities.

Second level schemes are the psychological background of the personality, which determines the dominant psychological functions: thinking, sensations, emotions and intuition.

It is represented by psychological qualitative characteristics corresponding to the typology of C. Jung, based on the dominance of certain mental phenomena: “thinking”, “sensations”, “feelings”, “intuition”. This level is designated as psychological and corresponds to the "peculiarities of mental processes" according to K. K. Platonov.

Psychological qualities, in contrast to the characteristics of temperament, can change much faster. Depending on the nature of our actions, our activities, we switch from one mental process to another.

The second level of the scheme is the psychological background of the personality, which determines the dominant psychological functions:




Third level It is represented by a typology that has a socio-psychological orientation, and is designated as “socio-psychological”, based on a “functional typology”, that is, those functions that a person can perform in society, in the family, at work, among friends.

Functional typology is associated with the social roles of the individual, the inclinations and abilities of a person, and can also determine other typological features - professional orientation, features of social adaptation. Thanks to the typology presented at this level, a person can determine whether he has the qualities of a leader and how they will manifest themselves, what abilities he has, and choose the most suitable profession. The third level corresponds to the level of "experience" according to K. K. Platonov.

This level of psychological qualities can also be both changeable and stable, depending on the individual personality traits and requirements. environment. The third level is associated with the peculiarities of adaptation to professional activity, the ability of the individual to occupy a particular position in the team.

Fourth level in structure it differs from the previous ones, reflects the features of the psychological orientation of the individual and represents the pinnacle of the structure according to K. K. Platonov - “orientation of the personality”. This is a system of socio-psychological attitudes or value orientations, among which the most powerful is the "HAVE OR BE" system described by E. Fromm and other psychologists.

This level of personality structure is associated with the most general aspirations of a person, with those goals and values ​​that he forms for himself. It is these goals and values ​​that can influence the underlying structures, creating unique qualities that characterize the personality.

For each level, the scheme shown in Fig. 1 can serve as the basis for drawing up a psychological portrait. For each level of this scheme, methods and interpretations of the results obtained are selected. The techniques have been repeatedly used in psychodiagnostics and compared with other psychological indicators.

Each person has a certain type of nervous system, behavioral characteristics, personality and set of individual qualities. Knowing this, you can write a psychological portrait of a person or correct deviations. It helps to reflect inner world person, captures all the feelings and actions of that moment. Each person is an individual, has his own mental world, can independently regulate and analyze his behavior.

Characteristics of a person as a person

A correctly drawn up psychological portrait will help a teenager with the choice of profession, the employer with the selection of personnel, the investigator - with the capture of the criminal, and the psychologist - with the development of the correct line of therapy.

There are many examples of writing a psychological portrait of a person. teaching aids. And there are many ways to build it. However, all specialists in the concept of personality include temperament, character traits, abilities, self-esteem, emotions, motivations and social attitudes. All these features speak about the individuality of a person, determine his significant actions and the conditions of internal well-being.

Temperament and its types

The way of life of a person and his behavior in certain circumstances is determined by the peculiarities of temperament. This is the most significant factor of all on which the psychological portrait is built.

Modern psychology under the term "temperament" means the features of the nervous system and the psyche of the individual. This concept includes: the pace, intensity of such processes and their deep content. This is a kind of biological foundation of the personality, the characteristics of which are inherited and are poorly corrected.

Today there are four main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. But there are practically no people in the world who have pure temperament type. Usually in personality they are mixed, but one always prevails:

  1. Sanguine - a person with a strong character and hardened nervous system. But this does not prevent him from remaining active and mobile. In such a person, excitement is easily replaced by complete calmness. He quickly adapts to changing environments.
  2. Choleric is an easy-going person, but it is very difficult for him to bring the matter to the end. This is an energetic, emotional person who flaunts her feelings like a small child.
  3. The phlegmatic is always calm and a little slow. However, if the situation drives the phlegmatic out of himself, then no force will stop this “hurricane”.
  4. The melancholic is a particularly sensitive person and very unstable emotionally. He easily becomes depressed, even for the most insignificant reason.


unique, individual combination stable psychological personality traits and the totality of individual characteristics of a person is called character. It shows a person's attitude to the world and is expressed in behavior and actions. Its structure is divided into groups of features, expressed in the attitude of the individual to himself, labor activity, society and things.

Character is in close relationship with temperament, which determines the behavior of the individual in different situations. However, temperament is an innate feature, and character changes throughout life.

Self-characteristic is important point character descriptions person. An example of this is the numerous profiles in in social networks. By self-portrait, one can understand the relationship of a person to most spheres of life and others.


Abilities are called such mental qualities, thanks to which a person can easily acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. In psychology, abilities are seen as special property psychological system, which is expressed in the level of its productivity: accuracy, stability and speed functioning.

These parameters are measured by solving problems of varying degrees of complexity, finding ways out of conflict situations, thinking speed, efficiency, etc. Most good option application of abilities is when there is a penchant for a certain field of activity, coupled with an interest in this occupation.

Abilities are divided into special and general:

  • The general ones are expressed in predetermination to a vast field of activity. They are formed by intellectual forces and personality traits.
  • Special abilities act as a socio-psychological basis for the development of craving for a particular area of ​​work. It can be science, music, teaching, technology and more.


It is almost impossible to characterize a person without knowing his self-esteem. Therefore, experts pay special attention to this parameter of the individual. Many sociological services make a special emphasis on this when they are engaged in writing a psychological portrait of a person.

For example: “Vasily Petrovich Godov has high abilities in the field of physics, but has low self-esteem. For this reason, he will not be able to take over the management of the laboratory staff at the present time.

At the same time, the description of a person's personal qualities directly depends on the circumstances and the field of activity that requests them. Often the psychological portrait is strictly confidential.


The mental life of a person is based on the will, emotions and mind. Will and mind can still obey a person, but emotions arise regardless of desire. They are a reflection of personal significance, assessment of the situation, experiences, feelings and inspiration. This shows the subjectivity and involuntary feelings. The ability to manage emotions is necessary first of all for the preservation of health and ambition. This concept means the ability to hide them, that is, to pretend, save face and a special status.


Motivation as a process of formation of a motive and the motives themselves different people have a number of stable features. Some people have detailed motivational processes, some of them are hidden or superficial. Some subjects may have a motive very strong, reaching excitement, in others - weak and unstable.

It is known that the needs of people are expressed to varying degrees and in different ways. Biological needs are based on physique, constitution, health and temperament. For some, it is enough to ensure the satisfaction of physiological needs and safety. And for others, spiritual values, high social needs, the need for self-expression and the realization of creative abilities are more important.

Social Attitudes

An example of the most obvious of the functions of communication is the transfer of information. This is most often the exchange of information, content and meaning. This side of communication is called semantic or semantic. The transfer of information affects the behavior of a person, his actions, organization, internal state and actions.

Communication is a very delicate and delicate process of interaction between people. Only through communication can the individual characteristics of each participant be revealed qualitatively and multifaceted. This characteristic is extremely important for such an interpretation as drawing up a psychological portrait of a person.

Sample of writing a psycho-portrait

A ready-made psychological portrait of a person can be observed on the example of a student of the Faculty of Psychology, the Institute of International Relations - Sergey Yu., 21 years old.

To describe the psycho-portrait, individual data, conversation with friends, the subject, and testing with the 16-factor Cattell Personality Questionnaire were used.

Sergey Yu. has a standard build, tall stature and bright appearance. He loves physical activities, sports training and cycling. Has excellent coordination of movements, accuracy and force. Engaged in the archery section, reads and analyzes a lot.

Sergei's facial expressions are lively, emotional and mobile. The smile is open and friendly. The young man actively gesticulates in conversation and quickly switches from one topic to another. At the same time, his voice is quite loud and a little hoarse.

The boy spent his childhood surrounded by elderly relatives. Since she and her mother lived with two grandparents. Brothers and sisters at young man no. Mom was actively involved in raising her son, and grandfather passed on the experience of woodcarving. Therefore, Sergey graduated from a sports school, knows how to play the guitar and cuts wood perfectly. However, he has a tendency to communicate with people and actively helps them, so he chose the profession of a psychologist.

Sergey Yu. does not like solitude, he feels good in big companies and quickly finds contact with strangers. He has many friends, thanks to the openness and attentiveness of the young man, people are attracted to him.

The data obtained as a result of testing according to the Cattell method suggests that Sergey Yu. is distinguished by pronounced social insight, notices the hidden meaning of everyday situations and is attentive to interpersonal relationships. He understands people well, the motives of their behavior and experiences. V conflict situations seeks to find compromise solutions and resolve the situation without violence.

At the same time, the subject is alert, internally tense and at times feels anxious. He has his own point of view and seeks to approve it among those around him. Prefers to make decisions independently.

Sergey easily copes with abstract tasks, quickly establishes causal relationships between phenomena. He has a rich imagination and developed imaginative thinking.

Sergey's character is close to choleric. He is energetic and emotional. Rather, he is an optimist, as he easily experiences troubles. Choleric people are usually straightforward and everyone speaks in the eyes. Able to keep secrets and carry out challenging tasks. Is constantly on the move.

Friends characterize Sergey as honest and open person who will always come to the rescue. He is active and somewhat adventurous. Many girls feel sympathy for him, but he keeps his distance from them.

The young man's self-esteem is adequate. Knows his strengths and weaknesses and also self-confident. An independent personality, with its own core, views and desires. Strives for something new, actively expands his horizons and circle of his communication.

Psychological portrait of a personality writing example

Alexander B., a young man of 25, agreed to become a test subject for compiling a psychological portrait of a person. He has higher education majoring in management and currently working as a sales representative of one of the commercial firms in Novosibirsk. The psychological portrait was compiled after several conversations with Alexander and his colleagues and testing with a 16-factor Cattell personality questionnaire. Psychological portrait of personality sample analysis of a person's character.

Alexander is distinguished by high growth, normal physique. Has the ability to sustain physical exertion. According to him, he loves to walk with a fast, wide step, which is probably due to professional necessity. All his movements are well coordinated, fast and precise.

Alexander's facial expressions can be called somewhat monotonous, but at the same time quite expressive, always corresponding to experiences. He has a casual smile. Gesticulation, like the rest of his movements, is more expressive and lively than facial expressions. All his movements are very simple and natural. One of Alexander's favorite gestures is the "conducting" gesture. He likes to put his hand down, beat the beat with a short movement of the brush, stroke his head with his hand against the hair. When it comes to business, he often diligently suppresses his mental and emotional manifestations.

Alexander B. speaks very clearly and clearly, in a rather low voice, somewhat drawn out, very clearly, expressively, with good diction. According to him, at school he took part in amateur art activities, which influenced his speech and voice, but he never had the desire to continue these studies more seriously.

Gymnastics and sports are not systematically involved. loves to look at different games, but he rarely takes part in them. As a child, he loved games associated with risk - climbing steep, steep rocks or trees.

Strives for solitude, does not like noisy companies. Rather secretive - prefers not to express his thoughts openly and does not show his feelings. He speaks warmly about his friends, while noting that he had close friends at the institute, but now he does not often meet with them. When asked about the existence of a beloved girl, he answered that while he had not seriously fallen in love, there were only light hobbies.

In clothes, he has his own individual style, although he does not like cardinal changes - rather, he complements, deepens, improves what was previously developed.

The character is close to sanguine. In a word, an ideal sample for compiling psychological portrait of a person.

According to the data obtained as a result of testing according to the Cattell method, Alexander B. is dominated by the following character traits, the most developed in the personality structure: asceticism, nobility, conservatism, isolation, organization, practicality, adherence to principles, rationalism, self-sufficiency, restraint, cooperation, patience, purposefulness, honesty.

Below is a psychological portrait of a person an example of writing.

1. Positive trends in the psychological portrait of a person

Alexander B. has a rational and practical mind. He is always calm and reserved. He likes to think and make plans about his future life, when drawing up these plans, career growth occupies a large place in them.

According to colleagues: Alexander is not petty, open and unsophisticated, responsible and reliable. Often shows nobility in responsible and difficult life situations, shows a firm grasp in business. He is distinguished by the efficiency and accuracy of the implementation of his plans. Plans, especially when it comes to work, almost always take a concrete, complete form. He has the patience and determination to overcome difficulties without the support of friends or family members. Unusually persistent, thorough, interested in details and specific procedures. Correct, steady and stable.

Alexander B. is distinguished by activity and adventurism, and gives the impression of a bold and resolute person, enterprising and self-confident, thinking independently.

He has adequate self-esteem, this is expressed in a sense of self-confidence, the presence of self-determination, an inner core. In behavior, this is manifested in activity, the desire to expand the field of one's activity, and the absence of fear of failure. Not afraid to take risky steps, take the initiative. He is quite independent in his views and desires. He speaks of more experienced colleagues with warmth and respect.

In relations with others, Alexander B. is dominated by the motive of cooperation, rationalism. He enjoys helping colleagues and friends. The healthy pragmatism inherent in him convinced him of the idea that in business the final result, visible, tangible and practical, is most important. He is caring for his immediate environment, knows how to convince of the validity of his actions and deeds.

2. Negative trends in the psychological portrait of a person

On the basis of data on the addiction to risky games and entertainment in childhood, and the unwillingness to take part in team games, we can conclude that with a commitment to freedom in choosing occupations, there is no need for cooperation with other people when it comes to hobbies and non-career activities.

Alexander takes his work seriously and thoroughly, he is inclined to do all the work from beginning to end himself, not trusting others. After the work is completed, it is important for him to find out the opinion of others about what has been done. We can say that Alexander needs recognition by others of the value of what he has done. Otherwise, he loses confidence in the importance and necessity of what he is doing, and in this case he may even lose interest in work. O is completely at a loss when people express dissatisfaction with his work.

It is very important for him to receive precise and comprehensive instructions from the management - he must know exactly when and what to do. In a situation of unpredictable developments in the future, and also if a lot of unplanned things have fallen on his head, he can easily develop a stressful state.

Consistency in everything, solidity, stability of aspirations, focus on the constant systematization of all accumulated experience and knowledge can be hypertrophied, and in turn lead to such character accentuation as pedantry.

He is constantly busy searching for the very best in life. Covered by ideas of self-improvement, although these ideas do not affect personal relationships, but mainly relate to his work and career growth. This can lead to the devaluation of what Alexander has at the moment.

Alexander has a desire to help others, but his actions and deeds are sometimes intrusive. The desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others, but just when it is not only not necessary, but on the contrary, can be harmful.

Some ambition sometimes leads him to confrontation even with friends, can lead to tension in relations with colleagues. Alexander spoke about cases when he got into scandalous situations, while there was no fault of his in what happened.

Alexander B. is quite reserved when it comes to his relationships with loved ones and family members. It is difficult to create a trusting and emotionally warm atmosphere in dealing with him. It gives the impression of a person who is only interested in those areas of activity that will lead him to professional success and career growth.

3. Methods for correcting unwanted personality traits in a psychological portrait

For a person who has psychological features First of all, it can be recommended to attend social and psychological trainings, such as, for example, team building trainings, trainings for the formation of communication skills.

This will allow: to expand the possibilities of establishing contact in various situations of communication; develop the skills of understanding other people, yourself, as well as relationships between people; activate the processes of self-knowledge and self-actualization; expand the range of their creative abilities.

From the description of a sample of a psychological portrait of a person, it can be seen that Alexander B. pays little attention to communication with loved ones, there is no mention of the existence in him this moment close friends or girlfriend. It is also difficult for him to take into account the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in his behavior. In this case, you can recommend attending trainings in interpersonal relations.

Good results can also be individual work with a psychologist. The unwillingness of Alexander B. to talk about his relationships with loved ones, about family members, the lack of serious hobbies for people of the opposite sex suggests that in this case there may be a certain internal conflict, the resolution of which will give energy, opportunities and desire for further development and self-actualization of personality.

Characteristics of a person, containing a description of his inner warehouse and possible actions in certain significant circumstances. Unlike the psychological profile of a personality, a portrait is a qualitative rather than a quantitative description of test data. A portrait is not a graph that describes the ratio of scores according to different factors, and the textual interpretation of this score ratio.

A full profile reveals information about almost all aspects of life and contains the following information:

  • Individual habits of thinking, behavior and perception of information with a prediction of his behavior in meaningful contexts and situations;
  • Basic personal qualities and relevant values ​​for him;
  • Emotional profile of a person - which events will emotionally hurt him, and which ones will not. What “clings” him and “rocks” him to emotions. In what emotional experiences is he more inclined to immerse himself. What are his "working" emotional states;
  • A detailed description of the picture of the world of man and his beliefs. What he believes in and what he doubts. Basic beliefs and prejudices that influence his daily activities and interests;
  • His current goals and habitual ways to achieve them. What are his true goals and whether they differ from those declared;
  • Habitual strategies of lying and hiding information. How a person deceives others and whether he deceives you;
  • Features of the character of a person, his main and secondary properties. What he really is and how it is presented in society. His main intrapersonal conflicts and complexes, as well as how and where they manifest themselves;
  • Habitual ways of making decisions, learning, self-motivation and creativity. How will he behave in conflict situations?
  • Leading strategies for building and maintaining personal and professional relationships;
  • Level of loyalty and risk factors. How loyal is he to the system in which he exists, and what needs to be done to make him leave it;
  • Prospects for his professional activities in the area of ​​interest to you. Professional potential and career prospects.

Psychological picture

Home driving force development of individuality are its programming properties - orientation, intelligence and self-awareness. Individuality has its own internal psycho-consciousness and self-regulation of behavior, which are formed and act as organizers of behavior " I AM".

B. G. Ananiev represented individuality as a unity and interrelation of the properties of a person as an individual, a subject of activity and a personality. Based on the assessment of personality traits, it is possible to compile her psychological portrait, which includes the following components:

Components of a psychological portrait of a person

  • temperament
  • character
  • capabilities
  • orientation
  • emotionality
  • volitional qualities
  • ability to communicate
  • self-esteem
  • level of self-control

Development modern psychology the word "temperament" refers to the dynamic features of the human psyche, that is, only the pace, rhythm, intensity of the flow of mental processes, but not their content. Therefore, temperament cannot be defined by the word “good” or “bad”. Temperament and language is the biological foundation of our personality, it is based on the properties of the human nervous system and depends on the structure of the human body, metabolism in the body. Temperamental traits are hereditary, so they are extremely difficult to change. Temperament determines the style of human behavior, the ways that a person uses to organize his activities. Therefore, when studying the traits of temperament, efforts should be directed not to their changes, but to the knowledge of the characteristics of temperament in order to determine the type of human activity. With age, only the position of a person changes - from an object of education in the family, school, university, he turns into a subject of education and must actively engage in self-education. Let us briefly consider the main components that characterize the psychological portrait of a person. Watching other people, how they work, study, communicate, experience joys and sorrows, we undoubtedly pay attention to the differences in their behavior. Some are fast, impetuous, mobile, prone to violent emotional reactions, others are slow, calm, imperturbable, with imperceptibly expressed feelings etc. The reason for such differences lies in the temperament of a person inherent in him from birth. The founder of the doctrine of temperament is the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (V-IV centuries BC), who believed that there are four main fluids in the human body: blood, mucus, bile and black bile. The names of temperaments, given by the name of liquids, have survived to this day: choleric, comes from the word "bile", sanguine - from the word "blood", phlegmatic - mucus and melancholic - black bile. Hippocrates explained the severity of a certain type of temperament in a particular person by the predominance of one or another liquid. The ability for group interaction

Types of temperaments


Sanguine is the owner of a strong type of nervous system (that is, nervous processes have strength and duration), balanced, mobile (excitation is easily replaced by inhibition and vice versa) Sanguine characterizes the "active" type of temperament. They have a strong, balanced, mobile nervous system. This means that both excitatory and inhibitory processes are strong in sanguine people. They cope well with mental and emotional stress, while being balanced in their feelings and actions. And the mobility of mental processes helps them easily adapt to circumstances. Sanguine people are characterized by flexibility of behavior and high social adaptability. Below are the main characteristics inherent in this type of temperament.

  • Carefree
  • Frivolous
  • Alive
  • Active
  • Communicative
  • Talkative
  • Hard worker
  • Surface
  • Sensitive
  • Talkative
  • Friendly
  • Adaptable
  • Bright
  • Impatient
  • Irresponsible
  • fickle
  • Flexible
  • Light
  • Happy


The choleric, like the sanguine, easily takes on new cases, but does not always bring them to the end. In most cases, this is due to the inability to properly distribute their forces. Choleric is very fond of various changes, while, oddly enough, he will be happy with any changes: both positive and not very. Such reactions sometimes surprise him. The increased emotionality of choleric people leads to the fact that all their thoughts are literally "written on the face." You can easily tell when a choleric person is interested, when he is bored or annoyed, since a choleric person is unlikely to be able to hide his emotions. People of this type are dreamers, creative activities are very attractive for them, and they are completely immersed in creativity, and it is better not to interfere with them at this moment.

  • has just an infinite supply of energy;
  • mood changes abruptly and often;
  • violent outbursts of emotions occur;
  • rapid movements, impulsiveness and speed are characteristic;
  • if he undertakes something, then this matter becomes very important for him, a lot of energy and passion are invested in it;
  • Sometimes it's hard to shift your attention.

Phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic refers to a balanced, inert type of temperament. The inertia of mental processes means that it is difficult to unbalance such people. But if the phlegmatic is “started”, then it will not be possible to quickly calm down. True, in general, such people have an even mood and react little even to strong emotional shocks.

In the qualities listed below, find your own.

  • Methodical
  • Attentive
  • Balanced
  • Passive
  • Peaceful
  • Slow
  • Pensive
  • Calm
  • Restrained
  • Relaxed
  • Inflexible
  • Measured
  • Quiet
  • Self in control
  • Dreamy
  • Loving routine work
  • Slow learning
  • Persistent
  • Shy
  • Sad


Melancholics have a weak nervous system. This means that such people can hardly bear high load, get tired quickly. They have a sensitive, vulnerable psyche.

Melancholics are distinguished by emotional instability: even a slight difficulty can confuse them and cause serious feelings. The melancholic, like no other type of temperament, knows how to subtly feel the people around him and external world. The following qualities are characteristic only of melancholic people.

  • Pessimistic
  • Sad
  • Serious
  • Nervous
  • Dreamy
  • Immersed in myself
  • Quiet
  • Restrained
  • Closed
  • Shy
  • Touchy
  • whiny
  • Unconfident
  • Impressionable

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