Rogue bloggers. Top rating of the best YouTube video bloggers in Russia

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Bloggers are increasingly influencing our decisions, from food choices to travel destinations. With millions of social media followers who follow their posts and page views daily, famous bloggers are becoming more influential than stars. If you want to more people heard about your company or increase sales, try to convey information through popular bloggers.

However, before contacting a person directly, read their posts and think about what makes them stand out, because then your product will be associated with them. Also, you do not need to send a ready-made press release to the blogger, it is better to contact by mail and explain what you want and why, so that he publishes it himself. It's even better if you can test the product for the blogger to try it on.

Do you think this is for you? Here is a selection of eleven Russian professional bloggers writing on various topics.

Food and healthy lifestyle

Veronika Belotserkovsky or Belonika (belonika) has a website of the same name and blogs in Livejournal and Instagram about cooking, life and travel. She is the author of popular recipes and cookbooks, the publisher of the magazine. Author of culinary books “Recipes, Diets”, “About food. About wine. Provence”, “Gastronomic Recipes” and “Made in Italy. Gastronomic recipes.

Having made a successful career in Fashion PR, Irina Bulgakova could not ignore such an aspect of her as blogging. Today, her images can be found on the pages of Elle and Harpers Bazaar, as well as in the blog "MY LOOKBOOK by Irina Bulgakova", where in addition to memorable looks, she talks about travel, beauty treatments and art.

A young mother, TV presenter, owner of an online store and a popular fashion blogger - Sophie Eliseeva manages to do everything. This girl literally from the first posts of her Sophiesavenue blog conquered the fashion industry: she is always ready for fashion experiments and often gives master classes in style.

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Hi all! It just so happened that the modern world no longer needs television, magazines, newspapers and radio. It's all about the Internet, because it combines all these information structures. Of course, sooner or later the Internet had to show us its stars, namely those people who somehow contributed to the development of the Internet and became of interest to the public. Video bloggers became the stars, and youtube became a resource for communicating with the audience. Who are they and what do they do?

Vanya Rudskoy or Ivangay (eeoneguy) started his journey with videos about the popular video game minecraft. Later he began to shoot short videos about himself with excellent installation and humorous inserts. Charisma and high quality videos- these are the two main ingredients of popularity according to the Ivangai method. The main audience of Vanya's channel is children and teenagers who react very actively to his activities, so Ivangai's popularity is increasing exponentially every day.

+100500 (Maxim Golopolosov)

Max accidentally gained popularity, filmed a humorous review of funny videos from the Internet with a cheap camera on a leopard background, and people really liked it! Very soon, Maxim's phrases scattered into quotes, and the show began to develop in leaps and bounds. With lightning speed, a wave about Max +100500 scattered through schools, universities, forums and social networks. Today +100500 is already a brand that other people are constantly trying to copy in order to become popular, but alas, the viewer is already attached to Max and his show +100500, newcomers to this field can no longer play.

Stas Davydov and his This is Good

In fact, the content of Max +100500 and Stas Davydov is very similar, the same humorous video reviews with the host's comments. The only difference is the presentation of the material. Stas Davydov does not use swear words in his videos, the humor is less sharp, but more intelligent. Admirers of the two giants often argue about "Who is cooler?". As a result, the popularity of both rolls over! A distinctive feature of Stas's work was his "trick" with reading comments from users in videos. Viewers have an incentive to comment, and comments, in turn, increase the activity of the channel, which contributes to the promotion of the channel as a whole.

Kate Clapp. The most famous in Russia

Katya, well, or Kate, is on this moment the most popular girl in the Russian youtube community. The reason for such popularity was Katya herself. The very case when only the person himself, his thoughts, actions, presentation and charisma matter. The editing in the latest videos is also on top, but Katya falls in love with herself with her frankness, kindness and amazing facial expressions. Funny moments are also good for videos.

Masha Way. Miss Makeup

Masha started her career with make-up video tutorials. Until now, for two years already, she shows various makeups, reviews cosmetics and tells something about herself. It would seem that now every second girl is doing this - a teenager. Why Masha? The secret is that she began to do this even when youtube was not yet full of women's blogs. Well, the quality of the picture and sound also played a significant role in the development of such a women's channel.

Andrey Nifedov. Popularity on bad videos

If +100500 and Stas Davydov review funny videos, then Andrey Nifedov decided to go even further on his OmskoeTV channel. He decided to shoot reviews of bad videos from bloggers (usually of a young age) and, of course, charismatic commentary on what was happening on the screen. Andrey gained popularity thanks to charisma and sharp jokes, as well as the use of various toys in issues. Paradoxically, those whom Andrey reviewed in his videos began to gain popularity due to the activity of Nifedov's viewers. Now a huge army of fans fell in love with the idol so much that they are ready to watch anything. On his personal channel, Andrey makes videos from his life and the audience likes it.

bad comedian. Scandalous movie reviewer

Evgeny Bazhenov became the most popular film reviewer. His secret to success lies in the fact that he selects the most hacky work and tries to shame the filmmakers. The most important factor in his work is objectivity. Each of his dissatisfaction Eugene one way or another argues. Therefore, the viewer believes in his opinion. At the same time, Bazhenov himself sometimes plays on camera better than the actors of those films that he reviews.

Sasha Spielberg. Young Star

How to cook such a complex dish as popularity? Sasha Spielberg took on a memorable pseudonym and simply began to film her life. All! Literally, this was enough to attract viewers to his person. Her age also played into her hands. Perhaps she is the youngest blogger in Russia among those who have achieved really great popularity on the Internet. The main idea of ​​​​promoting your personality on the net is communication with other equally popular bloggers, which Sasha Spielberg is successfully doing. It is also worth noting that, according to many people, behind Sasha's back is a producer and an entire media studio, which owns the main merit of her success. Although the young star herself denies this.

How to become a popular blogger? Here exemplary advice on the example of already popular people:

  • Shoot whatever you want. Seriously. They say that you need to shoot on popular topics, sharp political blogs, humor, and so on ... However, we have already seen that popularity attracts a person, and not the subject of his blog.
  • Be interesting. It is unlikely that someone will watch a video blog in which an ordinary uninteresting and boring person says something.
  • Believe in yourself. Moscow was not built right away, people are suspicious of new people on youtube. Let people get used to you, communicate with them, absorb positive emotions and do not stop. Everything will work out!

Progress does not stand still and if earlier you had to go to work to earn money, now it is enough to create a video blog on YouTube and things will start to move forward. But what is video blogging? How to make money on this? And who can you look up to? These questions will be discussed in the publication.

A video blog is one of the varieties of blogs where information is transmitted not in writing or graphically, but in a video. Recordings of such videos very often combine embedded video, text support, music, photographs or pictures. Recordings can be different: a video can consist of one block or several parts. To date, the main and only platform on which all video blogs are concentrated is the YouTube channel. It was created in 2005, and the Russian-language version appeared in 2007.

Today, anyone can create a blog, and it does not matter if he has a professional camera or not. It doesn't even matter if he can speak well. In some cases, slight burr or stuttering can even become a blogger's "trick". But first things first.

  1. The first thing you need to blog is regularity. Viewers will not subscribe to an empty channel with only 5 entries from two years ago. The viewer always wants to see something new, and if this new one appears constantly (at least once a week), then the subscribers (like Pavlov’s dogs) will develop a conditioned reflex, and they will watch the channel constantly. Of course, you still need to come to this - negative reviews, dislikes and complete "ignore", this is a normal situation for a novice blogger. The so-called quiet time, when a blogger can improve his speech and begin to feel more free in front of the camera. Plus, you don't have to think that no one will see the video - there has never been a video on YouTube that no one has watched.
  2. The second rule of a video blogger is video quality. This is especially true for those who need to focus on details. It is much easier for the viewer to find a similar video than peering at the screen trying to guess what they are trying to tell them. And you don’t need to immediately run to the shops for professional cameras, ordinary “soap dishes” will also cope well with this task, the main thing is that the room is well lit. The same thing applies to sound, the viewer will not listen, so you need to speak loudly and clearly.
  3. Music and intro are important but not essential things in a blog. And if a blogger decides to please himself with a thematic intro for a video, it should not be very long and intrusive. As for the music that can be heard during breaks, it should not cause irritation.
  4. And last but not least, the character of the blogger. As statistics show, those bloggers who are charismatic and joyful have the most subscribers. The viewer, of course, will appreciate the constructiveness of the information presented, but if it is read in an emotionless and sluggish voice, then even the most patient will turn off the video. The character, charisma and energy of a person can be clearly seen on the record, and if a blogger does not naturally have amazing charisma, he can fix it by adding a few of his own comments, a couple of jokes (those who have a bad sense of humor should refrain) and some interesting facts .

Rookie Mistakes

Creating blogs in video format is not that difficult, but, nevertheless, beginners make a number of common mistakes. There are 3 main ones among them:

  • Lack of purpose. Some novice video bloggers to the question: “Why did you create a blog?” can only answer indistinctly: "To be." And there are 90% of such "cadres". Because of this approach, many are disappointed in video blogging. To prevent this from happening, you need to set specific goals for yourself, for example: “I want to earn so much per month on the blog so that I can go to Japan in such and such a year.” It is important to set a specific goal and exact time then the work will go much better.
  • Not regularity. As already mentioned, the blog must be systematically filled with new videos. If you upload 1 video per month, then the blogger will reach the intended goal, at best, in 8 years. One or two new videos per week are enough.
  • No channel web page. It is also called the accumulative page. It is especially relevant for those who want to make money on video. Such pages can be sites with a blog subscription button or groups in social networks, they will allow you to “save” a random viewer and make him a part of the audience of regular subscribers.

In general, all blogs can be divided into types according to criteria. For example, types of blogs are ranked by publications, number of authors, purpose of creation, content format (this includes video blogs) and scale of activity. Starting your video blog, you need to decide on only two criteria: the purpose and type of video. Today, the following typology of videos is distinguished:

  • Instructions or training - a blogger shows how to use something correctly, this topic is always in demand, because it is much easier for the user to look than to read.
  • Overview - has recently been gaining more and more popularity, as many users have begun to shop through the Web, they are wondering what kind of item will come from a particular store.
  • Vlog - yes, the name is correct, vlog, aka video diary. The blogger shows his daily activities: trips, gatherings with friends or shopping.
  • Sketch - or staged scenes depicting comical situations. These are original films-miniatures, with their own plot.
  • Lat's play - a video about how a gamer passes the next level in the game.
  • Show - or the last refuge for those who have not yet got on TV, the main thing is to submit an interesting idea.
  • Interviews are strange, but this type of video is also very popular, because many fans will want to see their idol in a new role. But, since there are so many idols, there is nowhere to take it, you can just ask funny questions to passers-by, this will definitely interest passers-by.

And as already mentioned, vlogging can be profitable. How much do bloggers earn? It all depends on the number of subscribers. So, blogs with more than 1 million subscribers can earn from 200 thousand to 1.5 million rubles per month. And if you do not take such large-scale figures, but, for example, the average number of subscribers is 5000, then a blogger can receive at least $150 per month. Here the policy is simple, for 1000 views the blogger gets $1.

YouTube channels: what are they and the most popular ones.

What is a video blog, the main types, how to create it and how much you can earn is already clear. The question remains, what are YouTube channels? Channels are where bloggers upload their videos. Viewers subscribe exclusively to the channel, but not as the record itself. If the blogger has his own channel, you can monetize it, and if not, create it.

In the TOP-10 most famous channels in the world are:

  1. In the first place is the channel of a blogger from Sweden called "Pew Die Pie". To date, he has over 36.9 million subscribers. It was created in 2010 and since then 2500 videos have been uploaded to it.
  2. Second place belongs to a channel called "Hola Soy German", which was created by a blogger from Chile. The number of subscribers to date is 22.3 million. The channel has been operating since 2011, during which time 128 videos have appeared on it, with a total complexity of views of more than 2 billion.
  3. In third place is the channel, which has two owners: "child of America" ​​with the name "Smosh". The number of subscribers has long crossed the mark of 19 million. The channel began its broadcast at the end of 2004 and during this time more than 500 videos appeared on it.
  4. The fourth place also belongs to the channel from the USA. Rihanna VEVO has 16.7 million subscribers and was created in 2009 with 92 videos uploaded.
  5. Once again, America is ahead of the rest, in fifth place is the Katy Perry VEVO channel, which has 16.5 million viewers and 89 videos.
  6. Finally, a channel from the UK broke into the TOP-10 list. Sixth place is occupied by the broadcast "One Direction VEVO". Broadcast began in 2010, the channel has 157 videos and 16.3 million subscribers.
  7. And again, the United States does not want to give up seventh place to anyone: the Eminem VEVO channel - 56 videos and 15 million viewers.
  8. In eighth place is a channel run by a pretty American woman named "Jenna Marbles" after her. The channel has 253 videos and 15 million subscribers.
  9. Ninth place also belongs to the channel run by a blogger from America - "Nigahiga". Today, the number of subscribers is 14 million, and the channel has 239 videos.
  10. And the last, tenth, place belongs to the Taylor Swift VEVO channel, which has 14 million viewers and 70 videos. Has existed since 2009.

As you can see, there are no Russian channels in the world TOP, so the best bloggers in Russia will be presented in a separate list.

TOP 8 best Runet bloggers

  • 1 place

In the first place in terms of the number of subscribers is the blogger with the nickname Ivangai, aka Ivan Rudsky from Dnepropetrovsk. He started his career as a blogger in 2015 and filmed letsplays, that is, videos with game walkthroughs. Later he began to shoot sketches and create funny animations, now he talks about himself and his life.

  • 2nd place

Now Maxim Golopolosov is in second place, and after all, for so many years he has occupied the leading, first position. What can I say, probably, age takes its toll. He is the host of the weekly show "Plusstopicot" (well, or "+100500"), as you might guess, the name was taken from a famous Internet meme. For those who do not know, this meme means full agreement with someone's opinion.

The blogger writes reviews of funny videos, and at the same time does not regret the comic comments that he gets surprisingly sincere. Maybe that's why he has so many followers. Although recently other bloggers have been blogging behind Maxim, who, although not so much, are still known. And Maxim himself is still busy with his other blog, in which he talks about what is happening in his life.

  • 3rd place

In third place is a native of Ukraine - Yuri Yaniv and his weekly channel with an interesting name "Cream Show". In his videos, he talks about interesting things, and there is also a cat there. Perhaps thanks to him, the blogger managed to break into the top three so quickly.

  • 4th place

The fourth place belongs to a blogger from Latvia. His show "This is Good" is somewhat reminiscent of the format of Maxim Golopolosov's videos, but people apparently like this format. Videos from the YouTube channel "This is Good" were even broadcast on Channel One. 3 people are involved in the project: V. Golovanov, S. Davydov, S. Fedorenko.

  • 5th place

And Yuri Frost completes the “Great Five of Bloggers”. By the way, he is the leader in the total number of video views. He started his activity as a let's player of the Minecraft game, and now he just shoots funny videos.

  • 6th place

The sixth place belongs to Oleg Brain's gaming channel. Basically, he uploads a video where the game world takes place in Mortal Combat, GTA 5 or Minecraft.

  • 7th place

And finally, a girl appeared in the list of the best bloggers. The honorary, seventh place belongs to Ekaterina Trofimova, although she is better known on the Web as Katie Clap. She blogs about everything she finds interesting. He shoots videos about himself, his hobbies, travel, answers questions from fans and subscribers. By the way, her video diary can be compared with the same one owned by the American girl Jenna Marbles, she takes 8th place in the world ranking of bloggers.

  • 8th place

And in the last eighth place is Mr. Lololoshka, he is also Mr. Lololoshka or simply Roman Filchenkov, a resident of Barnaul. On his blog, he full review computer games, although he pays more attention to Minecraft.

As practice shows, the resources needed to launch your blog are not so much more: a camera is a soapbox, interesting idea and a friendly smile, and everything else will follow in the process.

How do you feel about bloggers?

daria tatarkova

YouTube- the third most visited site in the world, which is a little less than ten years old. In the world of the Internet, this is quite a respectable age, so its influence is great, and the opportunities for earning are endless. True, when it appeared, no one imagined that the platform for uploading videos would lead to success not only for musicians, but also for “ordinary” people who were starting to master blogging. Fast forward to now: YouTube stars earn as much, if not more, than Hollywood actors, while getting to the heart of their viewers by being "just like them." We are talking about those who confirmed in 2014 that YouTube is not only a stream of cat videos and a real black hole, but also one of the most powerful business platforms for bloggers and their projects.


Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg

33 112 077 subscribers


Ian Andrew Hacox
and Anthony Padilla

Smosh is YouTube's most popular funny guys, posting videos almost since the inception of the service. Starting on the independent animation site Newgrounds, they quickly moved to the then new platform and have not lost popularity since then, moving away, of course, exclusively from flash cartoons. It is not surprising that now they already own an entire entertainment company: under their control there are 9 channels, most of which have regular programs created by other people. Over the years, Smosh have released four albums of their own songs, won a bunch of awards, including in 2014 at the 4th Streamy Awards. Friends' main breakthrough outside of YouTube happened this year. They have officially announced that they are preparing a feature film "The SMOSH Movie", where they will star with other popular channel authors like Jenna Marbles and Grace Halbig, and will be directed by nothing less than Alex Winter - "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" just his handiwork.

19 446 803 subscribers

Jenna Marbles

Jenna N. Maury

Jenna Marbles is the most followed female blogger on YouTube this year, and she won the hearts of viewers for being the archetype of the millennial. She does not have any one specific goal, except to live and enjoy life, which she demonstrates to subscribers. Her channel appeared as a place where she posted funny video sketches with her thoughts on a variety of occasions. Her first video, "How to Trick People into Thinking You're Good Looking", was viewed 5.3 million times in its first week. The channel began to gain popularity, the stream of consciousness began to be diluted with tags, events, video blogs, podcasts and so on. Jenna has a great sense of humor, a complete reluctance to fall into conformity, as well as a degree in psychology and several tiny dogs; there are no taboo and awkward topics for her, she votes for common sense and jokes in life. She borrowed the pseudonym Marbles from her dog, Mr. Marbles, in the hope that her mother would not google how she swears unprintably in her videos.

14 410 545 subscribers

Bethany Mota

Bethany Noel Mota

7 930 052 subscribers


Michelle Phan

Talk about Michelle Fan in detail once again no need: she has long ceased to be an ordinary beauty blogger and has reached an almost glossy level in her approach to the instructions with which she began. Over the years of her career, she managed to create her own company, Ipsy, which sends out beauty boxes by subscription, the em cosmetics brand. based at L'Oréal, and this year she wrote and published the book Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success - Online and Off, and also launched her own music label, Shift Music Group. In 2014, she also announced a partnership with Endemol Beyond USA, with whom she will build a network to promote YouTube millennial talent.

Her startup is valued at $ 84 million, which could not but entail negative consequences. The owners of electronic music labels filed a lawsuit against Michelle in 2014 for violating the rights of their tracks: the beauty guru often used publicly available music for design own videos. Since the big money was involved in the game, the copyright holders decided to pay attention to this - but Fan sent them a counterclaim.

7 331 144 subscribers


Zoe Elizabeth Sugg

6 830 918 subscribers

Tyler Oakley

Tyler Oakley

Young guy with blue hair, who became the face and voice of the LGBT community on YouTube in 2014, was among those who managed to meet with the first lady of the United States face to face and conduct interviews - as well as visit the president at home. The achievement, if you think about it, is no small thing: for a man who once simply recorded himself on a webcam, expounding his thoughts, he clearly achieved a certain level of influence on the minds of a generation. Tyler's main themes concern the problems of LGBT youth, in particular, suicide and the legal protection of minorities, education, and pop culture. In 2014, he embarked on his own Tyler Oakley's Slumber Party tour, where he performed in pajamas and interacted with the audience. This year, he has won five different awards, and his charity campaigns in support of the LGBT community have raised half a million dollars.

6 065 297 subscribers

Miss Glamorazzi

Ingrid Nielsen

Sweet girl Ingrid, in addition to making a career on YouTube with her lifestyle and make-up videos, also launched one of the most touching formats on the network. Nielsen came up with the idea of ​​making blogs (video blogs) on the basis of the Christmas calendar with gifts for every day - only instead of a chocolate bar, viewers received one video about her life. Her followers have tagged this #vlogmas
(vlog + christmas), which has since become one of the must-have items for any YouTuber. This cute story is very revealing: the cheerful Ingrid fell in love with many precisely for her cheerful character, like many others on this list.

Long work on your channel naturally affected its quality, which is now in no way inferior to professional videos of specialized sites. This year, she participated in the Project Runway spin-off Project Runway: Threads as one of the judges and also appeared at the VMAs as a reporter for CoverGirl. She remains one of the most talked about girls on thematic forums, including, unfortunately, due to a breakup with her ex-boyfriend Luke Conrad - also a YouTuber who was at the center of a sex scandal.

3 114 644 subscribers


Hanna Maud Hart

The failed and seemingly potentially dangerous idea of ​​drunk cooking turned out to be a gold mine in the world of YouTube cooking videos. We are already used to climbing for video tutorials when you need to cook something new, only Hanna greatly expands the boundaries of the genre. Her channel is called that for a reason - Hart knows Japanese, so the name cleverly plays on both her surname and the word "heart". Hart's most popular 'My Drunk Kitchen' series has this year an accompanying book, 'My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gut'. Written with a fair amount of self-irony, this parody recipe book became a bestseller in the States in August of this year. In 2014, Hanna won the best comedian according to the Streamy award, and her comedy film Camp Takota was released, in which she starred along with fellow popular YouTubers Grace Halbig and Mamri Hart.

1 666 916 subscribers


Simon and Martina Stavsky

EatYourKimchi is made by two Canadian English teachers who moved to South Korea six years ago and dedicated their lives to strengthening the Canadian- and US-Korean friendship. While on a planetary scale, this is a much smaller story compared to the rest on the list, almost no one has such a close-knit fan base and cultural achievements as they have. Their channel found itself at the epicenter of fashion for Asian pop culture, in particular South Korean - and the Western audience had a need for its conductors. At first, the couple told their parents through the channel how they live in a distant country, then to subscribers about cultural differences and the peculiarities of life in Korea: about what could not be read on the Internet and certainly not seen. Gradually, their discussions about pop culture improved, and the quality of the video and the degree of absurd humor grew.

Direct Simon and Martina instantly melt any heart, as well as their dog Spadzhi and cat Dr. Mimersworth. Therefore, the four have incredibly loyal fans, whom the hosts call "nasties" and a lot of insider jokes. Last year they opened an office and hired a few employees, making EatYourKimchi a real company; in this - they opened their own cafe, where, in particular, classes are held in Korean and English. They go on numerous tours, gathering audiences like rock stars, participating in international conventions, interviewing Korean top stars, and making plans to conquer Japan.

639 676 subscribers

The editors of the fashion portal Tutta la Moda ranked "Top 30 Fashion Bloggers of Russia", among them are the authors of various blog platforms, but not a few of those who live in our cozy little one.
I want to ask fashion bloggers)) What is the most important thing for your blog? That is, what needs to be done in LiveJournal so that you are as comfortable as possible in LiveJournal? Magazine style? Disable comments? Maybe some counters?

When compiling it, the following aspects were taken into account: successful projects, presence at fashion events, the number of followers, likes, comments, and of course, the quality of content and stylish images in line with fashion trends.
All these authors are real professional bloggers who form the opinion of the public on fashion issues, both for the final audience and for the professional community in terms of reviewing trends and fabrics. Let imperceptibly, butx materials and photographs influence the tastes of consumers.

See who entered the top thirty of the most fashionable and famous bloggers in Russia:

Lena Lenz is an ambitious blonde who quickly conquered the fashion industry. Today, she blogs about her love of oversize, filming and events she has attended. In addition, she is the host of the program on the Yu channel #girlssuchgirls, a columnist for the Digital Inspiration magazine, and also a stylist for several projects.

Having made a successful career in Fashion PR, Irina Bulgakova could not ignore such an aspect of her as blogging. Today, her images can be found on the pages of Elle and Harpers Bazaar, as well as in the blog "MY LOOKBOOK by Irina Bulgakova", where in addition to memorable looks, she talks about travel, beauty treatments and art.

3. Daria Kunilovskaya

Daria Kunilovskaya is one of the few Russian fashion bloggers who collaborates with global brands. So, the girl has already managed to become the heroine of a special Dior project, the official blogger of THE SHOW by InStyle project, as well as an expert of Grazia magazine. In her Fashion Daily blog, Daria rarely shows her images, arguing that this blog is not about her, but about fashion.

Zhanna Romashka easily conquered the catwalks of Milan, but quickly realized that this profession would not become her life's work. Soon she chose the path of a photographer, and then, having seen enough of the work of stylists, she started her own blog. Today in her Only Stylish People photos of stylishly dressed people from all over the world,
but more and more often, the it-girl herself is on the other side of the camera: her images have already been published by, Glamor and Tatler.

This girl conquered St. Petersburg from the age of 18: she worked as a make-up artist in a shopping center, was a creative stylist at Aurora Fashion Week, opened a school-studio for training make-up artists Makeup Art School. Already in the capital, Elena Krygina became not only a famous makeup artist, whom celebrities trust with their faces, but also a beauty blogger. On her Youtube channel, Lena teaches how to apply makeup correctly, and also talks about the latest in the beauty industry.

Eugenia's blog is not only her hobby, but also her real job. It is thanks to professional photographs and interesting posts that the blog of this girl from Krasnodar occupies the leading lines in many ratings. Evgenia writes about travels and new purchases, and also often collaborates with brands: she has already starred in the Nina Ricci fragrance campaign and presented the new Lancome collection.

A young mother, TV presenter, owner of an online store and a popular fashion blogger - Sophie Eliseeva manages to do everything. This girl literally from the first posts of her Sophiesavenue blog conquered the fashion industry: she is always ready for fashion experiments and often gives master classes in style.

Rita Galkina has been running her lifestyle blog "Diaries of a big city" for five years now. During this time, he managed to turn into one of the most recognizable in Runet, and Rita herself was on the cover of Cosmopolitan Shopping, became Evelina Khromtchenko's favorite blogger and received hundreds of letters of gratitude from girls from all over the world.

One of the most famous male fashion bloggers, Maga Umkhaev, has been running his blog Maga MGD since 2010. It was then that after graduating from the Faculty of Economics in Taganrog, the young man decided not only to move to Moscow, but also to devote himself to the fashion that always interested him. Today he has already managed to interview Christian Louboutin, as well as collaborate with Ray Ban and Adidas Originals.

Blog OH MY BLOG! has been popular for several years, both among Russian and foreign audiences.
The secret of haste is in its creator. Anna is a successful journalist (writes for the English Company Magazine and the Italian Viva!), a participant in the show "Vacation in Mexico", and just beautiful girl. Her vivid images, interesting shooting and original texts leave no one indifferent.

Ulyana Kim has been running her blog theveryuk for four years now. During this time, her images in the style of tom-boy conquered the fashion industry, she more than once became the heroine of the street-style collections of Vogue and Cosmopolitan, and Alexander Wang personally congratulated her on her birthday. Today, the head of the AURORA FASHION WEEK marketing department, Uliana, writes a blog about her work and free time.

Anastasia Kuzmina recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of her blog Fashion not fashion, launched the author's project Style Recommendations, participated in a photo shoot for Cosmopolitan magazine and became a mother. Behind all these events, she does not forget about the blog, which she considers to be a reflection of herself, and draws inspiration for her images from the style of French women.

Anna's blog has fashion news, event announcements and various contests. For a long time, her hobby has grown into work - and today she is not only the creator of the website of the same name, but also an expert of a consulting agency, and she also tried herself as a designer and released a collection of haute couture clothes. Versatile Anna Russka does not consider herself a blogger, according to her, they only skillfully create business projects.

14.Belonika belonika

Veronika Belotserkovskaya, known online under the nickname belonika, is a popular food blogger. Her recipes do not fit in six published books, and you can learn the art of cooking at her school in Italy and France. Recently, Veronica created an ironic character - a toad Jeanne B., inspired by which she creates collections of accessories and clothes.

Victoria Platina has been blogging about her style since 2011. On the pages of her blog, the girl uploads photos of her images inspired by eclecticism and travel. Having recently created her own image agency, Victoria strives to tell in her posts both about the basic wardrobe and about various textures and styles.

After graduating from MGIMO and the London College of Fashion, Nino created her own blog, Trivial Insanity. On its pages you can find not only images of Nino, inspired by the style of her grandmother,
but also cityscapes, as well as street style photos of other people. The girl herself is a frequent guest of fashion chronicles, and more recently a businesswoman - she opened her own online store, where things are sold, including her favorite Georgian designers.

Dreaming of a career as a journalist, Maria Kolosova fulfilled her childhood dream step by step - and for several years now she has been the fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar magazine. But this seemed to her not enough and the creative tandem of Maria and her young man Stasa led to the creation of an original and famous blog in which a girl under the pseudonym of Masha doll talks about fashion events and brands.

18. Angela Harutyunyan my_style_life

Since studying journalism at Moscow State University, Angela Harutyunyan has loved fashion. In 2009, she launched the women's online magazine Starlook, and later started her own blog "My style Life", which in 2012 became the best at the Russian ceremony "Best Fashion Blogger". In her blog, Angela talks about fashion events, her travels and her own style, which is unthinkable without original hats, subject to her mood and every time impresses with its elegance. Today, Angela plans to collaborate with foreign brands, as well as a video blog.

Natalia has been running her lifestyle blog for four years now. Better known as Nachiko, the charming brunette enthusiastically talks about fashion trends and travel, but the theme of beauty, according to Nati, is her favorite. That is why her reviews of new cosmetics and care tips can often be found on the pages of Cosmopolitan, OOPS and Topbeauty.

Ksenia Ruzanova graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University and, according to her, needed a platform where she could tell what did not work “officially” through the media. This is how her project appeared - the lifestyle blog The Style Jungle, thanks to which today she tells the whole world about Russian bloggers, designers, stylists and models. In addition, Ksyusha is the editor-in-chief of and a frequent guest of Fashion Weeks in Milan and Riga, and also gives master classes in blogging and online journalism.

This girl from St. Petersburg created a blog to express herself and motivate other people to find their own style. As Dasha writes about her blog: "WhyShy will be your mentor in the complex and dangerous world of fashion." And indeed, Daria Yakovleva is great at giving fashion advice, talking about celebrity style, cosmetic news and travel.

22. Maria Novikova fashion_shower

In Maria Novikova's blog, you can find reviews of new collections, unusual conceptual items, advertising campaigns, forecasts of future trends, but there are not so many of her images. “The task of the Fashion shower is to introduce readers to interesting brands and young designers,” says Masha. Therefore, her love for gothic and minimalism is more often expressed in review articles for various Internet resources, and she herself is a frequent guest of master classes and lectures on blogging.

Tina grew up in Kyiv, graduated from the institute and decided to work as a lawyer. While the girl tried herself as a notary's assistant, she got the idea to create a blog in search of her own style. Today "Tina Sizonova" has become an example of how you can succeed in this business. Tina demonstrates and tells how to combine things from different brands and brands, what to wear with an over-sized fur coat so that it does not look corny, and how a contrasting boot sole can become the main thing of the image. A lover of shoes and fashion experiments, she assures that her grandmother instilled in her a love of fashion, and the inspiration for the images is the mood.

Ekaterina Vasilenko is one of the most extravagant fashion bloggers on the Runet. This spectacular girl, having taken the pseudonym of Orleans, having tried all kinds of clothing styles and being a representative of different subcultures, now knows how to combine the incongruous, wear the most original accessories and call herself the “Queen of all Shmotomoda”. Her blog does not have many images, but it is full of ironic texts, critical reviews and advice, for example, what to put on if ballet flats are already sick.

When looking at this fragile girl, it is difficult to say that she graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and is engaged in analytics. But her blog, created under the pseudonym Natasha du Chen only a year ago, fully reflects her nature. original style Natasha was quickly noticed by street-style photographers, and her fashion illustrations conquered the Internet. In her blog, she not only demonstrates outfits, but also talks about presentations and fashion events, organizing picnics and fashion shoots. Natasha also has her own online store.

Lina Kuznetsova graduated from the institute with a degree in linguist, but did not work in her profession, but became passionately interested in photography. It all started with filming restaurants. Lina became interested in the direction of food-style and later created her own lifestyle blog. Today, Linadelica's mouth-watering photos delight 150,000 Instagram followers and receive rave reviews from all over the world. Lina already has two books, joint projects with the ABC of Taste and leading restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

27. Alexandra Fedorova

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