What to eat after poisoning. What can be used in poisoning: tips, allowed products, approximate menu

Encyclopedia plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Food poisoning is considered an ancient illness of a person who is associated with the erroneous use of low-quality meals infected with poisonous bacterial or non-bacterial microbes. For him, the rapid start, a short course, they are not contagious. There was no almost every adult at least once in life, was an involuntary victim of food toxicoinfection, the main signs of which are considered nausea, diarrhea and high heat. Most often, the disease with timely adopted measures is passed in 1.5 - 3 days depending on the type of bacteria-pathogens, type and numbers, concentrated toxins in food products, and of course, from protective systems and individual distinctive features of the bolted.

Domestic poisoning is often due to unimpleered meat or fish semi-finished products, raw eggs, low-quality dairy products. Carefully treat foods located on your dining table. It is thoroughly rinse fruits and vegetables, feel good meat, follow the shelf life of canned and dairy products.

If the patient's condition is not burdened with convulsions, difficulty breathing and muscle spasms, the patient is enough to take medicines and keep peace regime. More seriously, it is necessary to immediately appeal for help in medical institutions. Medical assistance provided at the right time is able to neutralize the effects of poisoning. Regardless of how the victim feels, it is shown to adhere to a special diet for several days.

In poisoning, the recovery period and the restoration of the body directly depends on the supply.

On the first day, even with moderate severity of poisoning, it is better to refrain from food. But at the same time it is necessary to drink very often and grinding to avoid fluid losses by the body: tea, mineral water without gas, roshovenik. Usually, on the first day, a fellow man does not feel hunger, and forcibly forcing himself something is not necessary. If the appetite declares itself - turn the Sukharik, wetting it with sweet tea. This will accelerate the neutralization of harmful substances.

It is unacceptable in the first day to use juices, chocolate, salty, sharp, fried dishes. Contraindicated sausages, smoked products, drinks with a gas and alcohol content. For a while, forget about the milk and dishes from it, give up the adoption of raw vegetables.

The second and subsequent days - you can slowly include light and liquid (semi-liquid) dishes in the diet. During the second day, it is desirable to reinforce the rice fluid of lacking and non-milk porridge, crackers, low-fat broth, a kissel, there is a non-fat dietary meat. Also do not forget about the use of a moderate amount of fluid.

Products that are preferably able to temporarily eliminate: porridge with barn, barley, pesh, from corn cereals, sausages, fatty fish and meat, smoked, canned food, coffee beverages, whole milk, sweets, cocoa.

After 7 days, gradually return to standard nutrition. And, most importantly - learn to listen to your own body, it will tell you on time that you can eat when poisoning.

The main task assigned to the diet is considered to reduce the load on the organs of the digestive tract and the normalization of their functioning. To continue this time, it is recommended to remove products from the diet, which is the reason for the start of fermentation and rotting processes in the stomach, responsible for the production of gastric juice and "annoying" digestive tract.

Basic power rules that need to be adhered to when poisoning:

  • Slowing mode is withstanding about 72 hours, until the final restoration of the body.
  • The consistency of all dishes is preferably mature or liquid.
  • The menu composition includes boiled or steam dishes prepared. In this case, it is necessary to control their temperature, preventing strong cooling or excessive heating of products.
  • In no case do not overload the stomach, close to the minimum of the daily volume. The number of calories taken per day should not be more than 1000 kcal.
  • Drink as much liquid as possible as possible, including ordinary water.
  • Healing properties are distinguished by tea from the Hypericum, which is considered a natural intestinal antibiotic.
  • Take food on slightly, but often.
  • Useful products: Fruit and berry juices, strong baiga of rosehip, light broths, crochets from croup (buckwheat, rice), boiled dirty low-fat meat, dried fruit, grated carrots, crackers and puree apples.

Is it permissible to eat fruits in poisoning? It is allowed to use them in a small amount from 3-4 days. First, bananas and apples will be useful, and plums, citrus fruits, pears and grapes will be used to final recovery.

Power Power Mode

It is important to know not just what is after poisoning, but in what mode it should occur.

Doctors advise with poisoning to eat 6 times a day with small portions, not arguing the body to full saturation. It is advisable to apply probiotics to strengthen the digestive system, they contribute to the restoration of useful bacteria. In the first 14 days, do not load the body with amino acids. Remove pea mashed potatoes from the diet, canned mushrooms, sauer and sea cabbage, fish, limit meat consumption to a minimum.

How to prevent food poisoning

Observing the norms of personal hygiene and using exceptionally high-quality products, the need for information about what kind of food is permissible during poisoning, you simply do not experience. What preventive measures will help to avoid similar problems?

  1. Wash your hands before and after making food, as well as after contact with pets;
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly, the cutting board and the working surface, having finished separating meat and fish. For flour and other products, try to use a separate set of boards and knives;
  3. Thoroughly rinse with hot water and fruits;
  4. Always before the end, please feel fish and meat semi-finished products;
  5. Before opening tin cans with juice, beer or condensed milk, treat the cover of water temperature with the presence of detergents.

Show attention when buying products and cooking, take care of your health, first of all, ourselves. It is always easier to prevent problems with the occurrence than to subsequently spend a huge amount of energy and time for its permission.

Food poisoning is quite frequent phenomenon. Each happened to eat a nonstable product or poorly washed fruits and vegetables that cause weakness, vomiting and pain in the stomach. It is very important to know what can be used in food poisoning, and what dishes should be avoided, in order not to aggravate the position.

The first symptoms of poisoning appears already 2-6 hours after the victim ate the "dangerous" product:

  • the body temperature is rapidly growing (it can rise to 39C);
  • fever features appear;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • dry mouth (in some cases white and rough tongue);
  • sharp pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and intestines;
  • liquid chair;
  • strong bloating;
  • abundant selection of sweat.

A person can lose consciousness, in rare cases, convulsions occur in the limbs. Maybe the occurrence of headaches. Vomit urge continues even when the stomach is already empty. The patient is tearing with bile and gastric juice.

If the poisoning of the initial stage, can cope with it yourself. For this, pharmacy means and gentle mode are suitable. Often, household poisoning is postponed "on the legs" (at work or on the trip). But if a person is very bad, tormented strong pain and constant vomiting, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

How to behave in conventional poisoning

So, easy poisoning can be survived without the intervention of doctors. It is only necessary to comply with certain prescriptions:

  1. Bed regime. No active and sharp movements. It is advisable to take a convenient position (for example, on the abdomen or sideways, pickup feet for yourself) and "survive" the first hours after poisoning when the body is naturally derived toxins from the body.
  2. Try to drink as much as possible. Liquid will help to derive decay products and harmful substances, as well as protect against possible due to dehydration diarrhea.
  3. If there is such an opportunity, make the stomach rings by manganese solution (the color of the solution should be transparent with a pinkish tint).
  4. Use natural absorbent agents that will derive poison from the body (activated carbon and Tagansorbent).
  5. Drink kefir to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  6. Two or three hours after purification of the stomach, be sure to snack (broth or liquid milk products). It will resume the work of the stomach and will help to overcome the state of weakness.

If there is an opportunity to start treatment when the first signs of intoxication is manifested, brew the shrimp with mint. This decoction needs to drink small portions every 15 minutes. On time, the measures taken will help facilitate the course of the disease.

Do not rush with the reception of drugs from diarrhea. The body should be cleaned by a natural way. If this does not happen, the poison will start to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines, which will entail a heavy form of intoxication.

Clamps in poisoning can also help withdraw toxins, but it is better to make a stomach wash.

Food after edible poisoning

After edible poisoning, the patient will have to observe a very strict diet. For two or three days, the use of heavy, greasy products and solid food as a whole is excluded. It is best to stop on the broths and therapeutic decoctions, which the stomach can easily recycle.

Also for several days will have to trim all sorts of spices in the diet, abandon the saline, sharp, sour and sweet. Only lean food is allowed.

A day after the poisoning, it is possible to introduce mashed potatoes from vegetables and well-strained porridges (sin and rice) into the diet. If the patient feels good and eats with an appetite, try to enable crackers in a small quantity.

Products that should be included in the diet during the rehabilitation period:

  • puree of boiled vegetables;
  • meat cooked for a pair (chopped or in the form of minced meat);
  • fish for a pair (in the form of minced);
  • rice and buckwheat porridge without spices and mains;
  • crackers;
  • crumbly cookies (not sweet and without additives);
  • vegetables undergoing thermal treatment (on a pair or water bath);
  • pure drinking water;
  • green tea and healing decoctions;
  • fruits baked in the oven (apples and pears);
  • fermented dairy liquid products or bifidobacteria;
  • souffle and light casseroles;
  • facing kissel.

Basic Feed Rules

There are small, fractional portions of 4-6 times a day. Focus on the body's condition during food intake. Do not have too much if the body resists. Even two spoons of cereals, eaten "from the hunting" will contribute to recovery.

What can be eating with food poisoning

During the period of acute poisoning (day from the manifestation of the first symptoms) it is categorically not recommended to eat. This can provoke the release of gastric acid, which in turn will damage the already irritated surface of the stomach. And it is unlikely that the body is unable to assimilate any food. As a result, absolutely all products are contraindicated in the period of food poisoning.

You can begin from the second day of the disease. But not all products are suitable for use. And about meat and at all will have to forget for a week.

Prohibited products for poisoning

  • fried, smoked, boiled meat;
  • sausage products (especially smoked);
  • sweet flour and confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks and juices;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • food with a great content of preservatives;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • canned products;

Products, the benefits of which are false rumors:

  1. Milk. It is believed that milk brings toxins from the body. This is justified in those situations when poisoning is caused by heavy metals. In other cases, lactose contained in milk will only aggravate the situation. And greasy milk will provoke new attacks of vomiting.
  2. Yogurt. The benefits of shopping yogurt is very dubious. It contains many additives, preservatives and dyes. Chemical impurities provoke irritation of the walls of the esophagus.
  3. Eggs. Despite the fact that the eggs often advise there to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, this product refers to hardly absorbed. Include in the diet of frbs, omelets and casseroles can be only a week after poisoning.
  4. Honey. The enveloping properties of honey do not help, but harm the damaged walls of the stomach. In addition, honey components provoke fermentation processes.
  5. Fruits. In the raw form, the use of any fruit is contraindicated (they, like honey, provoke fermentation in the gastrointestinal system). And fruit acid will destroy the damaged surface of the esophagus and the stomach.
  6. Compote. In the first day after poisoning, the patient categorically cannot be consumed. The acidic stomach medium will enter the conflict with an acid contained in a berry brave. This can be a prerequisite for gastritis development. The presence of a large amount of sugar will also affect the patient state not the best.

In the risk group there are products from the Fast Food category, which are sold on the street. Hot hot dogs, sandwiches and burgers are often prepared in unsanitary conditions from cheap, low-quality raw materials. According to statistics, about 30% of poisoning occurs as a result of use of fast food.

What can be drunk in poisoning

Drinking is the most important part of the treatment in poisoning. Eat as much mineral water (non-carbonated). It will clean the body and help restore the mineral salt balance, which will be broken as a result of diarrhea and vomit.

Drink water every hour (on half a glass with small sips). You can fill in the balance of the fluid using a solution of the REGIDRON. It normalizes the content of electrolytes in the blood and prevents potassium flushing.

  • vegetable beams contain a whole complex of vitamins and help restore forces;
  • district blade gently envelops the stomach, soothing it;
  • green tea displays toxins and relaxes the nervous system;
  • rice water (starch water) envelops the stomach and acts as a nutrient component;

A day after the poisoning, you can drink a decoction of rose, juices from fresh vegetables, strong tea.

Prevention of poisoning

The main reason poisoning is dismissive attitude to hygiene rules.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before meals. Even if it seems to you that they are clean, imperceptible views of the microbes and pathogens of diseases are on the skin and "waiting for their own hours."
  2. Wash fruits and vegetables before use. This is especially true of those who take food products, in tents and on the market. You do not know for sure who could touch a pretty apple or tomato on the counter, and already about the level of the cleanliness of other buyers you definitely have no idea.
  3. Carefully check the shelf life of products. About 45% of poisoning occurs due to overdue products.
  4. Do not store open canned food in the refrigerator longer than 3 days. If possible, it is better to put the contents of the factory metal packaging in a glass jar. This will reduce the risk of product damage.
  5. Steaks with blood and a cocktail with the addition of raw eggs is very tasty. But raw products can become a catalyst for poisoning. Expose heat processing before serving on the table. Sushi is better to order with salted or dried fish, and not with raw as in the classic menu

How to treat food poisoning - Video:

Proper nutrition in poisoning contributes to the speedy deliverance from the painful state caused by the use of products containing toxins. They provoke the development of such symptoms as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. The diet will remove toxic substances from the body.

Causes of food poisoning

Malicious bacteria are the most common cause of food poisoning: intestinal wand, salmonella, staphylococcus and many others. In the body, they can penetrate the following cases:

  • The product that used a person has been shelf, or storage conditions were not complied with;
  • Eating food products that have not been thermal processing: meat, fish, eggs, etc.;
  • Products were not washed or were washed in infected water;
  • Before taking food, a person did not wash his hands;
  • The ice cube made from infected water could be added to the drink;
  • Eating inedial products: poisonous fungi, berries and other plants.

Rules of diet food in poisoning

The organism undergoing poisoning needs strict observance of a special diet. This is explained by the need to facilitate the work of the affected digestive tract. Such symptoms of poisoning, as vomiting and diarrhea, cause a violation of the electrolyte balance, worsen dehydration of the digestive organs, and also damage the mucous membrane. Fix it will help special diet nutrition. In addition, it contributes to the active saturation of the organism by proteins, minerals and microelements, vitamins.

Most people do not know how to eat during poisoning. Because of this, they are completely abandoned from food, which is also promoted by unpleasant symptoms, depressing appetite. However, the already weakened organism needs nutrients. To improve health status, it should be powered according to the table number 17. Before complying with a diet, it is necessary to obtain a consultation of a specialist to make sure that there are no individual contraindications.

The diet is designed to commemorate the daily need of the body in proteins - 80g, fats - 80g, carbohydrates - 200g. These indicators make up the lower border of the required norm. Thanks to such a limitation, daily calorie ranges in the 1900-2000 Cylolarium area.

Power principles

In the food poisoning, you must adhere to fractional nutrition. It consists in frequent and small meals - at least 6 times a day. In the first three days the amount of food is minimal. Then it gradually increases. Thanks to this power mode, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced. Food is absorbed and the painful symptoms of poisoning do not interfere with this process. Appetite increases, and the work of digestive organs is gradually being uploaded.

It is important not only to find out what can be used in poisoning, but also to establish the right drinking mode. The daily rate of fluid consumption is about 2 liters. It is determined based on weight and activity during the day. Liquid removes toxic substances from the body and fills the water reserve, which prevents dehydration.

In the first day it is recommended to minimize meals and consume as much liquid as possible. Drink in small portions every hour. The volume should not exceed 100ml, otherwise you can provoke the attack of vomiting. It is advisable to use water. It must be cleaned. Mineral water will saturate the body with the missing trace elements.

Rules for cooking for a diet with poisoning

To facilitate the work of the digestive system in the menu, you must enable boiled products or steamed. They should be powered and puree. Food should be carefully chew and swallow without a rush. So the nutrient components will be exhaled better.

During the diet you need to use warm food. If it is too cold or hot, it can provoke the spasms of the stomach, vomiting and damage to the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes suggesting a large amount of salt is better not to use. The use of the cooking salt is limited to 8g per day. More than the irritation of the esophagus provokes.

A special diet is observed between 4 to 7 days. The usual food after poisoning should be administered in the diet gradually.

Allowed food

The base of the diet is proteins, about 70% of which should have an animal origin. They are required in large quantities for the regeneration of the damaged gastrointestinal tract. No less useful processed complex carbohydrates. They contribute to restoring the liver victims from toxic substances and enhance its protective functions.

Also help bring the body into normal conditions various groups of vitamins. In the fight against malicious microorganisms, assistance will have ascorbic acid, and vitamins A and E are struggling with free radicals. Normalization of digestion contributes vitamins of group V.

To quickly stand up, use the following products:

  • Non-fat meat and fish broths;
  • Soups, the main component of which are cereals: rice, oatmeal and manka;
  • Minced dietary meat scrolled twice;
  • Low-fat fish for a couple;
  • Rubbed porridges;
  • Low fatty dairy products and acidity;
  • Omelet and boiled eggs;
  • Loaf, galley, crackers;
  • Kissel and compotes;
  • Durce water, herbal decoctions, fastening tea and juices.

Forbidden food in poisoning

Alcohol should become an adult priority forbidden product. Alcoholic beverages cause vomiting and adversely affect the digestion organs, interfering with their recovery. The fight against toxic substances leads to a large burden on the kidneys and the liver, and alcohol additionally enhances it at times. This leads to a violation of their functioning and a decrease in protective barriers in the body.

In addition to alcoholic beverages, it is categorically impossible to use:

  • Bakery products;
  • Canned and salted food;
  • Fat and heavy food;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Sausages;
  • Vegetables;
  • Cheeses;
  • Smoked;
  • Seasonings and spices;
  • Sweets;
  • Fast food.

A selection of video

What can be used in food poisoning to an adult to restore the body?

With poisoning, a huge number of people are regularly faced. However, few know what can be eaten in food when food poisoning. Meanwhile, the observance of the diet determines how quickly it will be possible to restore the weakened organism and return to the usual way of life.

Causes of food poisoning

Food poisoning arises due to pathogenic microorganisms in the human digestive system. They cause a painful condition accompanied by diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting.

Bacteria, most often it is an intestinal wand, salmonella, golden staphylococcus, multiply in spoiled food products. The reason for this may be the wrong conditions for cooking, storage, transportation. In addition, poisoning causes products with an expired shelf life or not past cleaning and temperature processing.

Sometimes people eat poisoned product for ignorance. For example, the meat of infected animal or poisonous plants, mushrooms. Even with compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, such products will cause unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of poisoning

The symptoms of poisoning in most cases are manifested 4-6 hours after using the product unsuitable. Sometimes the time period can be reduced to 1 hour or increase to 12 hours. Typical ill-homing symptoms are nausea and frequent vomiting, diarrhea, chills, dizziness, change in temperature and pressure, the pallor of the skin. Due to the development of this state, a person also feels a decline or absence of appetite, headache, weakness and fatigue, abdominal pain.

Anticipate that the product is infected in some cases is very difficult, and sometimes it is not possible. However, some food, most often causing poisoning, are known to everyone. These include:

  • Dairy and dairy products;
  • Eggs;
  • Sausages and pies;
  • Confectionery with cream;
  • Salads with mayonnaise and sour cream refueling.

When using high-risk poisoning products, pay special attention to the shelf life and storage conditions.

Assistance in poisoning

First of all, when discovering poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach. This manipulation partially displays toxins from the body, thereby reducing the severity of painful symptoms and preventing a complication threat. For washing it is better to use a solution of salt or food soda.

To prepare a salt solution, use 2 tablespoons of salt on 5 liters of water, and in the manufacture of soda solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water. Water for solutions must be boiled. The solution is manufactured in a volume of at least 8 liters. This quantity is enough for several days. Its temperature should be about 35 o. Its decrease threatens the digestive system with the hypadation, which will slow down the process of getting rid of toxins due to a decrease in the intestinal peristaltics.

The solution is used in an amount of from 2 to 5 glasses. Then it is necessary to provoke vomiting, irritating the root of the language. After 15 minutes, take enterosorbent. These actions must be carried out after agreeing with the attending physician.

Menu therapeutic diet with adult poisoning

The washing is undoubtedly very effective in poisoning, but it is equally important to comply with a special medicinal diet. It is aimed at gradual recovery of digestive organs, removal of toxins and maintain the necessary water balance. Dietary food does not create a load on a loose gastrointestinal tract, as well as absolutely safe. It not only cleans the body from the inside, but also does not contain harmful components that could aggravate the patient's condition.

Eating dietary food is often needed and small portions. It will save from accumulation in the stomach of food residues, which can cause attacks of vomiting and diarrhea. To facilitate the digestive process, products are used in the form of a porridge or puree. And in order to ensure security, all the food must pass thorough heat treatment.

Improve intestinal peristaltics with the use of warm products. Cold or hot food needs to be avoided. The correct temperature also sabers from gastric spasms, which will prevent meteorism and nausea.

It is equally important to use a large amount of liquid. It is better to give preference to purified water and weak beams of healing herbs. From sweet, strong, carbonated drinks you need to completely refuse. The same applies to coffee and drinks containing cocoa.

Food in poisoning should be not diverse. Prefer the lean soups, rice cashess on water, bananas, crackers and galetam. To improve appetite, you can eat a small amount of apple puree without sugar. Fat and fried dishes, sausage and dairy products, sweets must be completely eliminated from their menu.

The importance of a healing diet in poisoning

The success of treatment directly depends on the observance of a specialized diet. In poisoning and diarrhea, dietary food will reduce unpleasant symptoms and abdominal pain, will save from dyspepsia, restore the body's strength without allowing exhaustion. The use of fluid will prevent dehydration. The patient will feel the improvement of its condition and will quickly stand on his feet.

The duration duration should be at least 5 days. Refusal to comply with complications and violation of the digestive system. The most frequent consequences of irregular nutrition in poisoning are:

  • gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied by the appearance of gastritis and colitis;
  • disorders of the normal intestinal operation due to dysbacteriosis, which leads to diarrhea, meteorism or a constation;
  • food allergies accompanied by redness and itching of the skin.

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What you can eat a few hours after poisoning

With poisoning faces a huge number of people. Most of them prefer to fight the disease independently. But to restore the body not enough to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. You need to know exactly what you can eat to restore the forces and not increase the load on the digestive system.

Causes of poisoning

The most common type of poisoning is food. The cause of malaise is the use of food infected with pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, fungi, bacteria. The symptoms of food poisoning are familiar to every person, because it is sometimes quite difficult to prevent it.

Products can be infected in the process of manufacturing, transporting or storing, which is impossible to foresee. In some cases, microorganisms may initially be present in the product. So, for example, eggs or meat, can be infected even before admission to the counters of stores.

The most effective means of the prevention of poisoning is thermal processing of food products. If there was no one or it was insufficient, not only products, but also malicious microorganisms fall into the human digestive system. The degree of severity of painful symptoms depends on the type and number of pests, as well as on the state of human health. For example, salmonellosis is diagnosed only in 1 out of 10 cases. Most often, Salmonella enters the human body in minor quantities, which causes only a slight malaise or no symptoms are manifested at all.

What if poisoning happened?

The poisoning is always accompanied by the corresponding symptoms of intoxication: weakness, nausea and vomiting, chills, diarrhea. Intestine, stomach and liver suffer the most. Often, to transfer such a state is not just even an adult, and even more so children are tormented. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the body as soon as possible and to delete it.

The process of restoring the body always proceeds gradually. In the struggle against pests, the gastrointestinal tract self-cleaning, withdrawing toxic components outward. The symptoms of intoxication becomes less pronounced and reduced to residual pains in abdomen, nausea, weakness and reduced appetite. Despite the bad appetite, eating is necessary to restore the strength of a weakened organism. But after poisoning and vomiting, the power must be a special, not creating load on the affected organs of the digestive system.

Special diet with poisoning

Food after poisoning should contribute to the removal of toxic substances and be easy to digest. Food is consumed by fractionally in small portions. This will help prevent its accumulation in the stomach, without allowing irritation of its walls. The temperature of the cooked dishes is important.

It should not be too high or low. But the most important thing is undoubtedly a consistency. Weathered gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest pieces of food, so it should be used in the form of a puree.

Food after poisoning does not differ in great variety. The main requirement for it is security. On the first day, when the symptoms of intoxication are manifested most actively, it is possible to abandon the use of food products at all. It is important to maintain the optimal water-salt balance to prevent dehydration.

On the second day after poisoning, it is necessary to start eating in a small amount, because all the forces of the body went to the fight against toxins and it needs support. Food must be lean and easy to digest. The best thermal processing method will be a cooking and a couple cooking. From mushrooms, smoked and sausages, greasy meat and fish, sweets, alcoholic beverages need to be completely abandoned.

Dietary food in poisoning

From how to eat after poisoning, it depends on how fast the body will be able to defeat the disease and return to normal functioning. In the daily diet, it is necessary to include the following products:

  1. Bananas are the easiest fruit that does not cause nausea. They can be started immediately after a slight feeling of hunger will appear. As a rule, this moment occurs 10-12 hours after poisoning. However, it is not necessary to get involved. Like the rest of the food, bananas need to eat in small quantities.
  2. Apples are an excellent appetite stimulator and will help in cases where a person does not have the desire to eat after intoxication. Use this fruit is needed in the form of a puree. For its preparation, soda apples on the finest grater or use the blender. Do not add sugar or other components that enhance the taste into apple puree.
  3. Liquid. Not everything you can drink in a healthy condition, it is suitable for poisoning. From concentrated juices, strong tea, coffee and drinks containing cocoa, as well as from sweet and carbonated drinks, you need to completely refuse. Instead, use in large numbers ordinary and mineral water, chamomile decractions and rosehip. They will reassure the annoyed digestive tract, support the optimal water and salt balance and will be saturated with useful trace elements. And if the attacks of vomiting do not stop, absorb small pieces of ice made of purified water.

Heavy metals poisoning

All that is eaten with heavy metals poisoning differs from the diet in food poisoning. Food must be saturated with dietary fiber. It is rich in selenium, beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, therefore contributes to the active removal of toxins. The antioxidant effect will protect the entire body from hazardous exposure to heavy metals.

Vitamin C in large quantities is contained in citrus fruits: lemmones, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, pomelo and others. The source of vitamin E is fish fat, nuts and a variety of seeds. Beta-carotene is rich in carrots, peaches, apricots. And meat, offal and egg yolk - source of selenium.

What products can I eat if you poisoned?

Poisoning is a common problem accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms. Vomiting and stomach disorder suppress appetite, which only worsens the condition of the body. Meanwhile, many people do not know that it is possible to eat when poisoning, so as not to provoke the strengthening of painful symptoms.

The collision with poisoning is inevitable for any person at least once in life. It may occur as a result of incorrect manufacturing or storage of food, unbearable in time, infection by pathogenic microorganisms or by chemical reasons. With a light course of the disease, you can quickly stand up to your feet through rest and a special diet, and in severe cases it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor.

Symptoms of poisoning

After a collision with factors provoking the body poisoning, it can take place from 2 to 24 hours before the appearance of the symptoms of the ailment. Man begins to experience weakness and malaise. It is tormented by nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and gastric spasms. In more serious cases, it is possible to increase body temperature and a decrease in pressure, and cold sweat can be formed on the skin.

If the patient has increased salivation, violation, hallucination and fainting, then this indicates a very severe form of poisoning. Salmonellosis or botulism may be due, therefore, professional medical care should be immediately the victim.

Both a child and adult with poisoning need treatment. Otherwise, painful symptoms will be intensified within 2-3 days, which is extremely negatively affected by the general state of health. Therefore, it is extremely important to begin treatment in a timely manner, which is lies not only in the reception of medicines. An equally important stage of therapy is a specialized diet designed to restore the process of operation of the digestive system.

First day of poisoning

Many people do not know whether it is possible in poisoning, because of which they are completely refused to eat until unpleasant symptoms weaken. However, this approach only aggravates the severe state of the gastrointestinal tract. From food it is better to refuse only in the first day. At the same time you need to drink abundantly to prevent dehydration. The portion of the fluid used at one time should be small, otherwise the risk arises to provoke vomiting. Use in sufficient decoction of rosehip, fastening tea, non-carbonated mineral or simple boiled water.

In the first day, painful symptoms are particularly acute, because of which the appetite suffers. If you, no matter what, feel a feeling of hunger, it can be squeezed with a small amount of crackers or a gallery cookie. Such nutrition will accelerate the process of removing pathogenic substances from the body.

After the first day, you need to gradually eat to eat, but only in accordance with a special diet. Daily diet are added rubbed, liquid and mashed dishes. Eat a rice porridge that does not contain milk, broths and mince from dietary meat, compotes and kisins. Continue drinking enough liquid.

When poisoning and vomiting you need to abandon the following foods:

  • Concentrated juices;
  • Chocolate and other sweets;
  • Saline, sharp or fried dishes;
  • Sausages and smoked sausages;
  • Alcohol;
  • Dairy products;
  • Raw vegetables;
  • Cash containing corn croup, barley, pesh;

Return to normal nutrition should be made gradually after 7 days diet.

Tasks of diet food after poisoning

Food in poisoning should contribute to the restoration of the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive tract and at the same time not to create a load for them. For this reason, all products causing irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as contributing to the processes of rotting, fermentation and production of gastric juice, should be completely excluded from the diet.

All that is eaten with poisoning must comply with the principles of gentle nutrition. This will allow the digestive system to return as early as possible to a normal state and to cleanse the toxic products of the life of malicious bacteria.

In some cases, the use of medical preparations is required. Smekt, ENTORASHEL and activated carbon remove toxins and nutritional residues, thereby eliminating the cause of poisoning. These drugs are able to quickly get rid of an unpleasant state, but their application must be agreed with the attending physician.

Useful products in poisoning

All you need to eat during poisoning should be dietary and easy to digest. Products must be carefully read and thermally processed. Also applies to water, it should not be contaminated. We will optionally add useful vitamins and trace elements to the diet. Pay special attention to the following food:

  • Dining mineral water - necessarily without gas so as not to provoke irritation of the digestive organs;
  • The decoction of daisy flowers - its healing soothing properties will be beneficial to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the recovery process;
  • Roshovnik's decoction - has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents dehydration;
  • Apple puree is an active appetite stimulator, often suffering from poisoning.

Correct the balanced menu correctly and determine which proportions to use one or another product will help a specialist.

Prohibited products

Some food instead of promoting recovery, only aggravates the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. Therefore, you need to know exactly what products should be abstained. Exclude from your diet:

  • Milk and fermented milk products - can lead to bloating and nausea;
  • Eggs are a product of animal origin, which is seriously digested by the digestion system;
  • Honey - contributes to the development of ferment processes in the stomach.

A selection of video

Food poisoning happens very often. At the same time, the digestive system suffers primarily. To cope with the problem, you need to pay special attention to the nutrition. When intoxication from the body will be removed, and the main symptoms of poisoning are stopped, you need to think about the human diet. Its competent compilation has the same meaning as a medical correction.

In case of poisoning, the walls of the stomach and intestines suffer, so the person is developing and. The liver is under the blow. To restore the normal functioning of these organs, you need to eat correctly.

The World Health Organization strongly does not recommend abandoning food at all. In the food poisoning, this can only harm the body. Long fasting only enhances damage to the inflamed mucous membranes.

To unload the digestion system, you need to observe the diet. The patient shows consumption of gentle dishes.

Since food poisoning is often manifested by vomiting and diarrhea, the diet must be drawn up according to the following rules:

    The menu should be chosen in such a way as to prevent the development of dehydration and contribute to the elimination of inflammation.

    The diet should help restore the electrolyte balance.

    The diet should contribute to the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

The menu needs to be built up so that it enriches the body with vitamins, microelements and nutrients.

Basic nutrition principles for food poisoning:

    Daily protein intake - 80 g, carbohydrates - 200 g, fats - 85

    You need to eat every 2-2.5 hours. The average weight of the portion is 100 g.

    On the day you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water. This will make out of the body harmful substances and prevent the development of dehydration. In addition to simple water, you can drink alkaline mineral water, but without gas, as well as therapeutic decoctions and infusions. Every 30 minutes in the body should flow at least 80 mg of fluid. This will allow preventing dehydration and not provoke a vomitive urge.

    The food must be prepared for a couple, after which it is pready or twisted.

    In the process of eating food, you can not rush, each piece need to chew carefully without being distracted by external stimuli: on the phone, books, TV.

    Food is warmed up to a temperature of 18-55 ° C.

    Salts in the diet should not be much, as it annoys the organs of the digestive system.

    It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, as they load the liver and kidneys. Alcohol can cause a serious violation in their work.

    Follow the gentle menu to 21 days, but not less than 18 days. It all depends on the severity of poisoning. You can go to the usual nutrition plan gradually, Introducing only 1 dish every day.

What can be used in poisoning?

Immediately after poisoning, the human body is very weak. Therefore, the menu should not be a large amount of carbohydrates and fats. The digestive system simply does not have enough strength in order to assimilate them.

Do not eat fruit, as they provoke fermentation in the intestine. Special attention should be paid to the protein component. During poisoning, the body loses many proteins, so you need to take care of their replenishment. If the diet is presented correctly, the vomit's urge in humans do not arise. The case can only reach easy nausea.

Carbohydrates from the exclude menu are not needed. Their source can be compotes from dried fruit. Complex carbohydrates are necessary to generate glycogen in the liver. This is necessary to remove intoxication from the body. Vitamins that are especially needed by a person after transferred food poisoning: vitamin A, tocopherol, vitamin C, vitamins of group V.

Permitted products

Allowed products after transferred poisoning:

    Basic meat varieties: rabbit, bird. From it prepare steam cutlets or meatballs. Also, the meat is allowed to cook.

    Insurgent broths on poultry meat.

    Bad fish varieties.

    Mucous soups based on oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.

    Cottage cheese and milk with low fatness percentage.

    Cooked for a pair of omelets or egg skey.

    Creamy oil is allowed, but eating it with small portions.

    Fruit kissel, jelly, compotes and mousses.

    Crackers and crackers.

    Fruit juices that need to be breeded with water. You can drink a fastening tea with lemon, dopey water, decoction.

What can not be with poisoning?

Food poisoning requires a refusal of many foods. However, it is not worth despair, since a similar restrictive measure is temporary.

It is important to remove products from the menu that contribute to the enhanced bile production. This will save the digestive organs from the irritant influence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

Fat, sharp, salty dishes, products containing acids and essential oils fall under the ban. Cannot be included in the menu products that are a source of coarse fiber. They load the digestive organs, strengthen the fermentation processes in the intestines, make abdominal pain intense.

Prohibited products

In the food poisoning, such products are prohibited as:

    Spicy, fried, sharp, pickled, greasy dishes. This also includes smoked fast foods.

    Fresh fruits, acid berries, citrus, nuts.

    Bean, cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, onions, cucumbers.

    Sdob, fresh pastries, chocolate, cakes, pasta.

    Fat broths, complex soups.

    Fatty meat and fatty fish.

    Sausage, canned food, sauces, semi-finished products.

    Perlovka, millet, corn.

    Strong coffee and tea.

    Sparkling water.

The patient should eat most varied. Eating the same products every day is unacceptable. Both children and adults, after edible poisoning, you can focus on the menu presented in the table.

    Breakfast. Sweet tea, oatmeal with vegetable oil and sugar.

    Lunch. Banana and compote with dried fruits.

    Afternooner. Dried white bread, a small piece of boiled chicken, alkaline mineral water without gas.

    Dinner. Chicken broth with dried white bread.

    Snack. Galetny cookies and.

    Dinner. Stew vegetables and compote.

Week mode

    In the first 7 days after the occurrence of poisoning, you can drink innocent boiled milk, as well as kefir and yogurt without additives. Consume dairy products with small portions, so as not to overload the stomach and not provoke.

    For the second week You can eat cabbage, soups with vegetables and beans. Also, the menu is complemented by mucous porridge with honey and milk.

    From the third week Begin to gradually introduce roasted dishes into the diet, baking. In soups allowed to add spices. At the same time, the table is expanding with sweets.

    Starting from the fourth week You can return to the usual menu. Provided that the poisoning was heavy and the person was in the hospital, to refrain from returning to familiar dishes yet for another week.

Diet for a child after edible poisoning

A diet for children undergoing food poisoning is built on the same rules as a diet for an adult. If the child has not reached a one-year-old age and is on breast or artificial feeding, then 5-6 hours after poisoning, he is offered a rice decoction, as well as the mixture familiar to it. At the same time, the number of seeded portions should be reduced by 20%. They are replaced by liquid and solutions for dehydration (you can offer a child or glucosolyan). The rest of the types of dust are introduced smoothly, starting from 3 days from the occurrence of poisoning. You can give the baby vegetable puree, buckwheat or rice croup, chicken egg yolk, fruit-based kissel. The total volume of such dishes should not exceed 5-10%. Then the diet of the child smoothly expand, offering it meat meatballs, etc.

For older children, the menu is modified. In the first day you need to feed the child on demand. You can not force it to eat.

Starting from 2 days, the child is offered a rice porridge cooked on the water. Can be introduced into the diet vegetables with overhead components, kefir, potato mashed potatoes, baked apples. Portions should be small, feed the child often (about 8 times a day).

From 3 days after what happened, the menu poisoning is expanding with such products:

    Buckwheat grain.

    Boiled vegetables.

    Basic meat.

    Basic Fish.

    Furious cottage cheese.


All listed products either are energized, any pureiruth. It is impossible to give children fresh fruit, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, pasta, rye bread, beets and turnips. All of them load the intestines and exacerbate the patient's condition.

The child needs as much as possible to prevent dehydration of its body. It is offered ordinary water, compote with dried fruits, mineral water without gas, herbal tea with or. After another vomiting or diarrhea, the child should receive 100 ml of fluid. For older children, its volumes increase to 200 ml. Drink water in small sips, every 5-10 minutes.

A week after poisoning, the diet is expanding. It offers broths, cutlets for a couple, meatballs, fish, porridge on milk, cookies, cottage cheese, fresh fruit without peel, fermented milk drinks. The ban remains confectionery, ice cream and products that are poorly absorbed by the body (bean, cabbage, oily meat, etc.).

Immediately after the child's chair comes to normal, it is impossible to offer him ordinary products. On a gentle diet, you need to hold out about 3 weeks. This will allow the digestive system to come back and recover. The usual products corresponding to the child's age must be entered in the menu smoothly.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 The practitioner of the therapeutic hospital of the central health part number 2, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, it has been working in the diagnostic center number 3.

And for adults, and for children poisoning is a serious test. In the realities of modern life, there is practically no possibility to insure from this, but the correct diet will help to fully clean the body and to recover faster. Today in the article - information from which there are poisoning, the instruction that can eat after poisoning and vomiting and which diet in such cases will be the most efficient.

Poisoning with vomiting strongly weakens the body

Food poisoning is always developing in the same scenario. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen there are first discomfort, developing into severe pain and cuts. All this is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, vomiting or urges to vomiting.

Important! If ordinary symptoms are complemented by high temperature, it is not necessary to hope that everything itself is somehow formed. Urgently call the urgent! There is a high risk of fatal outcome with improper treatment or absence of it, when it is not a simple slight disorder of digestion, but, for example, botulism.

Causes of food poisoning

Children are much more often susceptible to disorders of the digestive system, so it is extremely important to constantly control them and instill useful habits. They occur poisoning not only from bad food, but also from trying to poke dirty fingers in the mouth. From the earliest childhood, they should understand that you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, not only before you eat at the table, but on the street.
In adults among the causes of poisoning with vomiting the most common is the use of products:

  • without compliance with the processing rules;
  • overdue;
  • incorrectly stored;
  • poorly washed;
  • distributed and unfaded.

Attention! Street food, fast food remain in leaders in poisoning. Never agree to lunch in places where there is at least the slightest hint of antisanitia and non-compliance with the technological processes of cooking dishes. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

How to eat during poisoning

At such a time, any thoughts about food seem blasphemy. When the intestines are upset, it seems that not before the food, but the right food intake during poisoning will help to recover much faster.
At the very first unpleasant symptoms, the patient adult or child must go to bed. Without unnecessary movements, the body is much easier to fight with the infection that appeared in it.

Important! When poisoning, the main task is to quickly derive harmful substances. Our organisms are independently trying to cope with this, but let's help them use a large amount of fluid. With nausea, water well helps the stomach to cleanse the remaining fragments of poor-quality food.

Right drinks in poisoning with vomit

Abundant drinking for food poisoning is not equally useful. Broths, coffee, soda, dairy products exclude. The best drinking water is best helped. Therapeutic effect possess green teas and brazers of herbs, rosehips, besides this, patients with adults and children are prescribed:

  • Pay attention to the effectiveness of rice beam in poisoning. It is preparing from a glass of rice and several glasses of water without any additives. Rice is deployed and only decoction itself is drunk. It quickly eliminates vomiting and diarrhea, cleans the body from harmful toxins.
  • If the decoction from rice itself causes nausea, you can replace it with a decoine of chamomile or mint.
  • Stop bouts of vomiting will help the most common food salt. Dissolve in a cup of boiled water one spoon of salt and drink such salted water often, but small sips.
  • Soothe the intestinal mucosa will help compote from pears without sugar. The pear decoction is prepared only from the dried fruit of pears or quince and without any additives.
  • If there is a grenade in the house, know that this is a remarkable tool from intoxication. It will take only its peel, which insists in boiling water for 15-20 minutes and is used as often as possible.

Restorative diet

While the body is cleared, he is not up to me. When relief comes, it's time to think about what is the most reasonableness after poisoning and vomiting. The first meals of food should be small portions and between them need to listen to themselves to understand everything is normal in the body.
The first food can consist of:

  • several spoons of chicken broth;
  • liquid kaski from buckwheat or rice, which are prepared on water without any additives;
  • cups of warm sweet tea with several crumbs;
  • semi-winged potato mashed potatoes.

Attention! In order to recover soon after the disease, it is unacceptable to immediately load the stomach and the remaining internal organs. Doctors recommended a large amount of strong tea or ordinary water and food in a liquid or semi-liquid state.

Boiled meat can be consumed within a few days after poisoning

  • any heavy food;
  • fat dishes;
  • any sweets and baking;
  • pearl, bashful, milled porridges;
  • canned food, sausage;
  • grilled meat;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • sharp, spicy dishes;
  • eggs, legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • chocolate, nuts, dried fruits in dry form;
  • fruits and vegetables in raw form.

What can I eat after vomiting a child? You can give rubbed dishes, the main thing is to often and gradually. Rice porch is recommended, but not dairy, weak chicken broth or kissel. Well when diet use chicken breasts in boiled form. It is best to cook the chicken for a couple and then thoroughly grind the blender.

Important! For the recovery process to take much less time, it is necessary to strictly fulfill all the prescriptions of physicians. All unmatched products should be used with caution. It is advisable after recovery, the treatment of probiotics for the restoration of intestinal microflora is also.

Prevention of poisoning

Do not refer to digestion disorders as ordinary cases of our life. From unpleasant randomness, no one is insured, but frequent cases should make a person think about why it happens.

Attention! Not only low-quality products and water in response for this, but also elementary non-compliance with personal hygiene rules can lead to constant poisoning of the body with the strongest nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and general weakness.

Personal hygiene - an important stage in the prevention of poisoning

Much less, there will be cases of food poisoning, if the following non-versatile, but very effective rules:

  • In most cases, we are my hands after the toilet, and as in those situations, if you had contact with animals (even home)? Do not forget to clean your hands every time you wanted to stroke the four-legged pet.
  • The presence of animals in the kitchen during the cooking food is not allowed.
  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap before each eating.
  • The housewife for cutting meat, fish or bread products should be different boards.
  • Separating meat, it is important not only in good faithful to wash your hands, but also wipe and rinse all surfaces involved in cooking.
  • All fruits and vegetables are wedged in running water, if possible, hide boiling water.
  • Potentially dangerous food is processed much more thorough.
  • If the fish is preparing, it is impossible to allow its submission to the unfaded, abnormal form.
  • Any kinds of canned foods are not opened without flushing the jar from the outside with the help of a rigid sponge with the addition of detergent for dishes.
  • Raw products and cooked dishes are stored according to their storage conditions and is always separate.

Note! If you have fallen or partially moldy products, without regret, get rid of them. They already have pathogenic processes and even high-quality sweeps will not relieve you from possible poisoning.

It is better to prevent admission of poor-quality food, water, overdue products than then to suffer and already thinking how to competently eat and what can be eaten after vomiting during poisoning. Take care of yourself and be sure to teach children the basics of safe nutrition. Be healthy!

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