Tree care in autumn. To keep the bark from cracking

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

Every real owner knows that the garden needs in the fall in large numbers attention and care. The work done during these months is intended to cultivate the soil, enrich the earth with the necessary substances and ensure the protection of plants during the winter.

Formation of landscape design

Garden care in autumn includes planting young fruit trees. Since the soil has not yet cooled down after the warm summer time, the roots of young seedlings quickly take root in a new place. Moreover, plants in the fall do not release excess energy for the growth of leaves and the formation of fruits. Therefore, they direct all their strength to the roots. What to plant in the garden in autumn? This is up to you. There is practically no such perennial plant that would not be accepted at this time. Despite the fact that autumn is considered the rainy season, it is recommended not to neglect watering recently, as the wind can dry it out too quickly. upper layer earth.

The best fertilizer

Of course, the garden takes a lot of time and you can prepare the fertilizer yourself. Many people think that the main task of working in the garden in the fall is cleaning up fallen leaves. Their summer residents are usually raked into heaps and burned. This is the biggest mistake. Why burn or throw away life-giving substances, and then separately buy fertilizers, if you can make them yourself? We suggest that you act rationally and do not spend extra money in order to fertilize the garden in the fall. Wait until all the leaves have fallen, then go over them with a lawn mower to chop them well. Further around each tree carefully without damaging root system, make small holes. Experts recommend raking crushed leaves in them. All this will quickly decompose. Our small leaves will turn into a great organic soil supplement. Thus, you will still carry out mulching and insulate the roots of trees for the winter. Here is such a triple benefit for your garden!

Getting ready for winter

Usually no work is done in the garden during the summer. During this period, a considerable number of pests accumulate here. Garden care in the fall also involves the processing of trunks and When is the best time to do this? Immediately after harvest fruit trees it is recommended to treat with urea. In this regard, a solution is prepared. We need 500 grams of urea per 10 liters of water.

In cases where scab attacked trees or large quantity the crop suffered from rot, the diseased plant must be treated with copper sulphate. The preparation is simple. Its solution consists of 100 grams of vitriol and 10 liters of water. And the fruits that have suffered from rot must be removed from the territory garden plot. Trees must be carefully dug up. For this, it is better to use a pitchfork so as not to damage the roots. After that, you can fertilize and water the tree. It is not recommended to level the soil after digging. There is an explanation for this. uneven surface better absorbs moisture after rains and melted snow. They will then perfectly level the ground. These are the tasks that summer residents have to perform, preparing their site for winter. Now you know what to do in the fall in the garden.

tree pruning

Pruning of fruit trees is usually done twice a year. This must be done in the spring and autumn period s. Consider the procedure for preparing plants for winter. Pruning the garden in autumn takes place after all the foliage has fallen, but before the onset of frost. Experts are of the opinion that this process increases the possible harvest for the next year. But you can't overdo it. You better stick certain rules so as not to harm the trees. One of the purposes of pruning is to thin out branches to improve airflow and penetration. sun rays to the entire crown of the tree. And in young seedlings, this procedure is performed to form the correct crown. As for mature trees, their thinning consists in cutting out branches that grow towards the trunk or down. They are not needed. Also remove branches that intersect with others. Thus, the crown is formed correctly. Branches should be evenly distributed in all directions. So the plant will get enough light.

An important factor is the shortening of the branches, which is performed in order to control their growth and set the direction in the right direction. The simplest purpose of pruning is to remove dry or diseased shoots. They need to be removed from the garden and burned. This is done so that the disease does not spread to other trees. Pruning dry branches does not cause any damage to plants. This procedure does not require additional manipulations. But diseased branches are, in fact, alive. The places of their cut for a tree are like open wounds. They need to be processed. For this, it is best to use drying oil or oil paint. It also does not hurt to water the trees well and add fertilizer to the soil after pruning.

Secrets of the formation of crowns of fruit trees

Garden care in autumn is about pruning trees, as we have already mentioned. But it must be carried out not chaotically, but based on established norms. Do not prune young trees too much. This will slow down their growth and delay the time of fruiting. To form a solid skeleton of a tree, only one main top branch must be left, and all competitors should be removed. If the annual growth of the plant is too weak, then you need to carry out a stronger pruning. There are times when it is better to remove one large branch than to constantly remove many small ones. If the cut diameter is greater than 1 centimeter, then it must be treated with garden pitch, drying oil or oil paint.

Tree pruning should be done after the leaves have fallen and before the onset of frost. There should not be branches that move away from the axis under sharp corners, they need to be removed. Pruning each tree is an individual task. The intensity of the procedure depends on the type and variety of the plant. If the tree has suffered from frost, then its haircut should be postponed until spring. Then you will definitely see the affected area. For older trees and shrubs, heavy pruning can be applied to rejuvenate the plant. All waste must be removed from the garden area and burned. All tools must be sharp so that during the procedure they do not pull the bark off the plants.

Tree trunk cleaning

We are more and more convinced that the garden in the fall, the processing of trees requires a lot of time. Attention should also be paid to cleaning the trunks of fruit plants. This type of work is usually carried out every two to three years. Using a metal brush or scraper, you need to clean off the dead layer of bark. But this is done very carefully so as not to damage living tissues. This process also aims to kill pests that often live in layers of dry bark. After cleaning the trunk, it needs to be whitewashed. This is done in order to protect against temperature changes, wind and new pests.

Planting trees in autumn

Many people ask the question: “What to plant in the fall in the garden?” In fact, all fruit trees. You can repot whatever you want in the fall. The most popular plants are apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, apricots. The main thing is to properly prepare the soil and seedlings. Also, autumn is a favorable period for transplanting shrubs such as gooseberries, currants, honeysuckle, raspberries. At the same time, do not forget to water them abundantly and properly fertilize.

The value of autumn work

Garden care in the fall is an integral part of the work of every summer resident. In this way, he takes care of his plants, prevents their diseases, and promotes better tree growth. The quality of autumn work determines the future harvest. The condition of the trees after winter will also depend on the preparation for winter. Therefore, do not neglect the autumn work in the garden.

The time after harvest in late August - early September is important for the gardener. During the period are being prepared garden trees and flowers for wintering, plantings are fertilized with nutrients. If you do not perform certain actions before the onset of the first cold weather, you can be left without good harvest. To do this, you need to know how to properly care for the garden in the fall.

Autumn work on the site

In order for the growth on the trees to adequately increase, and the soil for planting to be fertile, several things need to be done. Activities are carried out after the harvest, when the last foliage has flown around. Now the plant is starting to prepare for retirement.

Thus, gardening during the autumn months is busy and important. Fruitful labor favorably affects the life of trees and plants. Timely implementation of measures allows you to get a larger harvest than in the previous year.

September is a very important month for any gardener. He is rich in urgent matters for cleaning gardens, orchards and fields. The main occupation is considered

  • Collection of fruits, namely pears and apples. Timely selected time is the key to long-term storage of fruits. To determine the readiness of apples, you need to conduct a small experiment. Pick a ripe-looking apple. Cut it in half with a knife if it contains white seeds or slightly Brown, then the fruit is left on the branch. The recommended harvest time is the middle of the first month of autumn. If you stretch with the collection, then the delay will also negatively affect the fruits, as well as early harvesting. The fruits will overripe and you should not think about their long-term storage.
  • In the garden, autumn time is the time for planting fruit crops, such as apricots, you can plant all kinds. Cuttings from currants and grapes take root well before winter. Rooted young plants will be ready for planting in the spring months.
  • All shrubs and trees are pruned. Dry, broken and diseased vines are removed. After that, it is imperative to spray crops from pests and diseases.
  • Do not delay with the latest harvest of vegetable crops. They will not be able to ripen anymore, and green tomatoes can still be canned or pickled. Also, do not leave planting potatoes. The first frosts will negatively affect the tubers left.
  • September is the perfect time to prepare planting material for growing winter crops and planting seeds in polycarbonate greenhouses or greenhouses. Also now you can plant garlic cloves, then they will give a good increase in the first days of spring.
  • Those who cultivate flowers in September are very busy. They are collecting seeds, as well as planting bulbs, etc.

October is marked by the fact that at this time it is recommended:

  • Replant shrubs and trees to a new place of residence. But before starting work, they wait until the plant completely sheds all foliage.
  • You should also take care of the fruits of the late harvest period. They are checked, like the September fruits, so that they do not have time to overripe. Many varieties are laid to ripen.
  • The next step is top dressing, simultaneously with loosening and tillage.
  • Do not forget about the landing of green manure. The best time landing - the first days of October for the southern regions. For the central regions of Russia and the northern districts, spring crops no longer need to be planted, they will not have time to grow. Rye and winter wheat is the time to plant. Until it comes subzero temperature, these crops will have time to sprout well, which means they have every chance of overwintering well. If green manure were planted in more early dates, then October is the time when they can be dug up. Then they will have time to well overwinter and saturate the soil with organic matter.
  • In areas with high acidity, you need to reduce this indicator, because not all plants can fruitfully grow and develop in such conditions. For these purposes, liming is carried out on the breasts, scattering lime or chalk.
  • Flower growers continue to plant bulbs. At the first drop in air degrees, hyacinth tubers are to be planted in the ground.
  • After the appearance of the first frost, the tubers are carefully uprooted, and s. They are stored in a cool place. After being installed negative temperature cover hyacinths and lilies with peat, moss, sawdust or pine spruce.

The last month of autumn requires the last effort before wintering. The southern regions have a mild climate, so most plants are not sheltered. But, this does not apply to all grape varieties, some should be insulated. The vine is removed from the trellis or supports, laid out on wooden pallets or in dug trenches in the soil. After that, wrap the vine with film or earth.

If the trees do not need insulation, they should be whitewashed with lime. It is necessary not only to protect against rodents, but also from bright spring sunlight. They can cause burns and cracks in the bark. Also, whitewashing plays the role of a kind of protection from exposure to the sun. On warm winter days, the rays tend to warm the bark, and in the evening the temperature drops, causing the tree shell to freeze. What can cause the death of seedlings.

In colder regions, fruit trees should be insulated with spruce branches or peat, and the trunk should be wrapped with burlap or other breathable material on top.

From above it is recommended to wrap a net-netting in a circle. It will not allow rodents to eat the bark in the winter cold. It is impossible to use a film or other for wrapping nonwoven fabric. It does not allow air to circulate, which provokes the decay of the bark. As a result, various fungal diseases develop. In the garden during this period, you can plant any vegetable crops. Low temperatures will not allow seedlings to sprout, but they will go through a natural process of stratification. This will allow the sprouts to gain immunity and get sick less in the future period.

Flower work is coming to an end. perennial plants cut off for the winter under the base. Roses are cut to such a level that they can be covered. Bulbs are covered with spruce branches, moss or sawdust.

All work is completed. Last days set aside for cleaning up all cases and complete shelter of all trees for wintering. Thus, the autumn months are no less eventful for farmers than spring or summer. The main thing is to prepare the garden and vegetable garden for the coming winter and the future fruitful period. If you do not follow the basic procedures for rich fruiting, you can not wait.

More information can be found in the video:

There is still a lot of work in the garden in autumn. What do gardeners need to take care of so that the trees survive the winter safely?

Garden care in the autumn period consists of a set of works that must be carried out on time and in accordance with all the rules.

Care fruit trees in October consists in a thorough check of plants, pruning and removal of shoots and tops, as well as whitewashing boles.

In November it is necessary to collect and burn fallen or cut branches and leaves. It is also recommended to dig up the soil around the trees this month. When digging, plants can be fed - add superphosphate (100 g under a tree), potash and nitrogen fertilizers (50 g under a tree).

Pruning fruit trees

In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out in the garden. It consists in removing all weak and crossing shoots from the trees, as well as broken and dried branches. This must be done because pests or pathogens may well hide on such branches.

Apples, pears, plums and other fruit trees are very convenient to cut in the fall, after harvesting. Trees can usually be pruned before the first frost. In November, it is no longer worth disturbing the plants: it is already cold enough for this.

To do everything right, carefully inspect the trees, make sure that the branches of each grow correctly and do not create obstacles for each other. Anything that interferes must be removed. You can form a tree crown using a pruner (cuts branches with a diameter of up to 26 mm) and a delimber (cuts branches with a diameter of up to 40 mm).

Removing tops on trees

Spinning tops are strong, fattening shoots with big leaves and underdeveloped kidneys. Most often they form on old skeletal branches. Usually tops grow from dormant buds, starting to develop actively. Why are wolves so dangerous? They take away the strength of the tree, thicken its crown, and they never bear fruit.

Tops grow on young fruit crop after the tree has been damaged. For example, you cut a large branch or it broke on its own. In old fruit trees, fattening shoots may appear after pruning. Also, excessive top dressing with nitrogen fertilizer and abundant watering can provoke the growth of tops.

The red arrows show tops

You can get rid of tops with pruning. Her goal in this case is not only to thin out and lighten the crown of the tree, but also to form new young shoots, direct them along such a trajectory so that they do not thicken the crown. It is necessary to remove the fattening branches inside the crown on the ring. After cutting the tops, the wounds on the tree should be treated with garden pitch.

Protecting the bark of fruit trees

Sharp temperature changes during weather changes often lead to the fact that cracks (frost cracks) appear on the bark of fruit trees. These faults are quite deep and cause significant damage to plants. In addition, cracks can occur under the action of the active sun ( sunburn), strong wind or night chills. Also, pests of fruit crops can cause cracks in the bark.

To protect the trees, trunks should be covered with whitewash or a special protective fiber in autumn. This is necessary in order to protect the trunk from direct sunlight. Whitewash can be prepared independently. To do this, dilute 2.5 kg of lime, 0.5 kg of copper sulfate for disinfection and 0.1 kg of wood glue in 10 liters of water for a stronger “adhesion” to the bark.

To protect trees from damage by insects or rodents, it is necessary to use special protective nets that are wrapped around the trunk.

Autumn top dressing of fruit trees

Autumn top dressing of trees is carried out after harvesting. It is performed to improve the soil, which has been depleted over the season. In autumn, fruit trees need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, preferably without nitrogen content (Diammofoska, Nitrofos, Superphosphate).

Fertilizers are applied to the near-trunk circles - under the roots of trees. Foliar feeding at this time of the year is useless. Depending on which fertilizer you choose (liquid or dry), the principle of their application depends.

  • Liquid fertilizers are applied into special grooves made in the trunk circle around the tree. The more grooves, the better the effect.
  • To apply dry fertilizers, you first need to remove the top layer of soil in the near-stem circle (1-2 cm), evenly distribute fertilizers and return the soil back.

In autumn, it is best to use the second feeding option, since in this way fertilizers will be absorbed by plants gradually, coming to the roots along with melted snow. Liquid formulations are more effective in spring and summer.

As dry fertilizer, you can apply superphosphate at the rate of 100 g per 1 sq.m of the trunk circle and potash fertilizers at the rate of 50 g per 1 sq.m. After fertilizing, the soil in the near-stem circle should be covered with a layer of mowed grass - it will act as mulch.

Caring for fruit trees in the fall is not so difficult. The main thing is to know what time certain events are held, and do everything according to this schedule.

Some are sure that it needs to be dug up. Others argue that grass should grow in the near-trunk circle - as in nature. So where is the truth? And in order to understand who is right and who is not, we will define pros and cons of both methods.

Dig up the trunk circle, black steam

This variant of digging is also called black steam. Its essence is that the earth in the near-trunk circle is dug up in autumn, and then weeds are weeded out all summer. And so it is repeated year after year.

What are the advantages when we get when digging:

1. Pests die. As you know, many pests hibernate in the soil. And if you shovel the near-trunk circle with the turnover of the layer in the fall, then most of the larvae will die from frost.

2. There is an additional area for planting. Shade-tolerant flowers or even vegetables can be grown under the trees.

What do we get from the minuses of this method:

1. Die beneficial insects.

2. The roots are damaged. The fact is that many trees and shrubs have the bulk of small roots that absorb water from the soil and nutrients, is located at a depth of 30-40 cm. Digging up the ground on a shovel bayonet, we injure or destroy more than half of these roots!

3. The frost resistance of the tree decreases. The dug up soil freezes much deeper in winter than untouched soil. The cold can kill the roots and the tree will die.

4. The quality of the land is deteriorating.

If trunk circles are dug up annually, over time, the earth will turn to dust and will "swim", creak after each rain or watering. And this, in turn, will lead to oxygen starvation of the roots.

Variant of a grassy lawn under fruit trees

In this case, meadow grass is left under the trees.

What are the benefits we get from this:

1. The quality of land is constantly improving. In an untouched area, plant roots and earthworms create a special soil structure - loose, porous. As a result, both moisture and air penetrate into it better.

2. Trees are fed. The grass that dies each autumn gradually decomposes, and this additional organic food for a tree.

3. Plants overwinter better. Grass under trees and shrubs creates additional protection for the roots from frost. And the internal heat of the soil does not evaporate so quickly. And this is very important in snowless winters!

4. The roots do not overheat in summer. The grass perfectly protects them from the scorching sun.

5. You won't have to do extra, moreover, labor-intensive work. Since digging the site and weeding are the most unpleasant and tedious activities. And if you leave a meadow under the trees, you don't have to once again strain.

6. There will be an additional place for a recreation area: put a table and a bench on the green grass under the tree, where you can hide in the summer heat!

And what do we have from the minuses:

1. Pests and pathogens will be able to survive. In untouched soil, they will overwinter well, and in the spring they will have to treat the plants with chemicals. But if you constantly take care of the garden and do not forget about the prevention of diseases and pests, then this, in fact, is not a problem. In addition, beneficial insects can survive in the soil, which will help you fight harmful ones.

2. Loss of useful area. On the other hand, no matter how much land you give to a summer resident, he will still be missed. And the lawn under the tree can also be used for planting. For example, mark there bulbous plants: snowdrops, pushkinia, corydalis, hellebore or daffodils.

What is the conclusion: As you can see, the option when grass grows under a tree has much more advantages. So it makes sense to abandon steam in favor of the meadow.

In this case in the trunk circle, you can create a man-made lawn. These grow beautifully under the trees lawn grasses, like bent grass, clover and other ground cover plants. You can sow them from spring to September and even before winter.

Save so you don't lose!

Garden care in the autumn period consists of a set of works that must be carried out on time and in accordance with all the rules.

Caring for fruit trees in October consists of a thorough check of plants, pruning and removal of shoots and tops, as well as whitewashing boles.

In November, it is necessary to collect and burn fallen or cut branches and leaves. It is also recommended to dig up the soil around the trees this month. When digging, plants can be fed - add superphosphate (100 g under a tree), potash and nitrogen fertilizers (50 g under a tree).

Pruning fruit trees
In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out in the garden. It consists in removing all weak and crossing shoots from the trees, as well as broken and dried branches. This must be done because pests or pathogens may well hide on such branches.

Apples, pears, plums and other fruit trees are very convenient to cut in the fall, after harvesting. Trees can usually be pruned before the first frost. In November, it is no longer worth disturbing the plants: it is already cold enough for this.

To do everything right, carefully inspect the trees, make sure that the branches of each grow correctly and do not create obstacles for each other. Anything that interferes must be removed. You can form a tree crown using a pruner (cuts branches with a diameter of up to 26 mm) and a delimber (cuts branches with a diameter of up to 40 mm).

Removing tops on trees
Tops are strong, fattening shoots with large leaves and underdeveloped buds. Most often they form on old skeletal branches. Usually tops grow from dormant buds, starting to develop actively. Why are wolves so dangerous? They take away the strength of the tree, thicken its crown, and they never bear fruit.

Tops grow on a young fruit crop after the tree has been damaged. For example, you cut a large branch or it broke on its own. In old fruit trees, fattening shoots may appear after pruning. Also, excessive top dressing with nitrogen fertilizer and abundant watering can provoke the growth of tops.

You can get rid of tops with pruning. Her goal in this case is not only to thin out and lighten the crown of the tree, but also to form new young shoots, direct them along such a trajectory so that they do not thicken the crown. It is necessary to remove the fattening branches inside the crown on the ring. After cutting the tops, the wounds on the tree should be treated with garden pitch.

Protecting the bark of fruit trees
Sharp temperature changes during weather changes often lead to the fact that cracks (frost cracks) appear on the bark of fruit trees. These faults are quite deep and cause significant damage to plants. In addition, cracks can occur under the influence of the active sun (sunburn), strong winds or night cold. Also, pests of fruit crops can cause cracks in the bark.

To protect the trees, trunks should be covered with whitewash or a special protective fiber in autumn. This is necessary in order to protect the trunk from direct sunlight. Whitewash can be prepared independently. To do this, dilute 2.5 kg of lime, 0.5 kg of copper sulfate for disinfection and 0.1 kg of wood glue in 10 liters of water for a stronger “adhesion” to the bark.

To protect trees from damage by insects or rodents, it is necessary to use special protective nets that are wrapped around the trunk.

Autumn top dressing of fruit trees
Autumn top dressing of trees is carried out after harvesting. It is performed to improve the soil, which has been depleted over the season. In autumn, fruit trees need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, preferably without nitrogen content (diammophoska, nitrophos, superphosphate).

Fertilizers are applied to the near-trunk circles - under the roots of trees. Foliar feeding at this time of the year is useless. Depending on which fertilizer you choose (liquid or dry), the principle of their application depends.

Liquid fertilizers are applied into special grooves made in the trunk circle around the tree. The more grooves, the better the effect.
To apply dry fertilizers, first you need to remove the top layer of soil (1-2 cm) in the near-stem circle, evenly distribute fertilizers and return the earth back.
In autumn, it is best to use the second feeding option, since in this way fertilizers will be absorbed by plants gradually, coming to the roots along with melted snow. Liquid formulations are more effective in spring and summer.

As a dry fertilizer, superphosphate can be applied at the rate of 100 g per 1 sq.m of the trunk circle and potash fertilizers at the rate of 50 g per 1 sq.m. After fertilizing, the soil in the near-stem circle should be covered with a layer of mowed grass - it will act as mulch.

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