How to close the door glass. The best tips on how and how to close the door glass with your own hands

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

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false mirror

Good afternoon. My problem is a crooked mirror in the bathroom. I noticed this moment a long time ago, but I’m not at all ready to give up the mirror, because. it comes with a single vanity that fits in my small bathroom. Interested in reasons - why does it distort? and how to solve this issue? Here are the versions that I heard over the phone in St. Petersburg firms dealing with mirrors: 1. We need to change the mirror itself. There are 2 options: they make a mirror for me, I glue it to the base (issue price 1000) and they make a mirror for me and change it on the base (3200). 2. It is necessary to change everything - I heard a version that any mirror will distort if it is pasted on an uneven base. Uneven base - very plausible in my case, because. the whole set of furniture is Chinese for Russia (. I won’t change it - it’s simply unrealistic to find a cabinet for 55 that is not sharp. To change a mirror with a base - pick up or order something in a bright wooden frame- issue price from 1000 to infinity) ... How to be? Has anyone encountered this "problem"? For information - I have 2 identical crooked mirrors - ...

hotel redevelopment

Dear shareholders, I ask for help in resolving the following issue. This apartment is supposed to be converted into a hotel for tourists (2-3 people, possibly with children), to be rented out accordingly as a hotel room. Therefore, the question is: is it possible to redevelop this apartment so that "everyone is comfortable with the least effort"? I would not really like to destroy the walls between the room and the entrance, although (according to preliminary forecasts) they are not load-bearing inside. Is it possible to do without moving the door? Apartment with a separate entrance, the door is in principle transferred. Thank you!

Please help with the design of the living room in the kopeck piece

The room is 3m wide and 5.7m long. One wall is 5.7 bearing, the second is 3 m with a window not located in the middle. On one side 1m to the wall, on the other 0.5m (to the carrier). The two remaining walls are plasterboard. The doors are located along the length of the plasterboard wall at a distance of 1 m from the second drywall wall. Doors standard 800mm open inside the room. Basically planned to put corner sofa with a side length without a roller under a 3m wall. There they glued wallpaper in a pattern (with a turn to fit the sofa). TV 40 "planned to put under the window in the corner where the wall is 1m. Wardrobes not planned here. You want something, but what seems to be indispensable without the advice of specialists. All I see is a TV on the wall or on a bedside table on a long wall, and that doesn't work for us. I would like and color scheme furniture. The wallpaper is already pasted in light beige. Under the size of the sofa, the corner is covered with wallpaper with a pattern, complete with the main ones. Light oak doors. Sofa beige a tone darker than the wallpaper. Thanks in advance for your expert advice.

Anyone who has ever done a complete renovation in the apartment, as they say, from and to, must agree that at the finishing stage, the most important issue will be the glass in the interior doors. On the one hand, it is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. And, it would seem, it is worth cutting glass into the door leaf. But on the other hand, and I think there is no need to explain this, there are times when I would like to be alone, hiding from the other inhabitants of the apartment. And here the glass on the interior doors plays a minus rather than a plus.

How to be? And what to do? Of course, you can install doors with an eye on aesthetics, that is, with glass, if you live alone. And over time, when there is a need, you can replace the door leaf. This seemingly great option actually has big row shortcomings. Firstly, it is unlikely that anyone will want to dilute dirt in an apartment. And so that the installers do not talk about the bed newspapers and other things, there will still be garbage. What if flooring you have not cheap, then it is highly undesirable. And, secondly, the doors can be made of natural wood: oak, ash, maple. It's not cheap enough. Therefore, changing such doors, albeit once every five years, is not a very profitable occupation. And here it does not matter how much a person earns. The very fact of replacing high-quality and expensive doors is already a little annoying.

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How to get out of this situation? And here the good old fairy tales are remembered: he waved his handkerchief, and the windows appeared, waved it in the other direction - and there were no glasses, and the door was a single array. But, as we all know from childhood: a fairy tale is a lie ... But I also think that you have not forgotten that "there is a hint in it."

And it is this hint that I propose to use. Glass, of course, can not be removed. But why not make them opaque? After all, this is possible! And there are several ways to do this.

First, you can use ordinary roller blinds black color. Need transparency - opened. Not needed - closed.

Secondly, you can use something like miniature shutters on interior doors. There may be different variants. Either steel, or black glass, or stained glass. The latter, in my opinion, is the most preferable. You just need to consider where they will open. Do you have enough space for this? door leaf.

I think it is not necessary to explain that all this should be mounted from the inside. By the way, consider the width of the door leaf, so as not to make a hole through it.

In such an uncomplicated way, you can solve the issue of glazing interior doors.

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Doors cannot last forever, anything can happen to them, for example, ugly cracks, chips on glass, scuffs and other defects often appear on them. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the store for new purchase. Why not first try to decorate the door and thereby hide all the existing defects. For this purpose, you can take any wallpaper, even liquid, acrylic panels, a mirror and other materials. In this article we will talk about how and with what you can close the glass in the door leaf.

classic wallpaper

Before starting work, you will need to prepare the surface of the door: remove from it old paint, with the help of putty, remove all the bumps and sand well at the end. As soon as the surface is ready, you need to cut out a piece of wallpaper that fits the size and apply special glue to it. Wait two or three minutes and then gently attach it to the door leaf, while carefully monitoring so that even the slightest distortions and jams do not appear.

Next, take a soft cloth and carefully smooth it, you can also use a plastic spatula for this purpose. If there is excess, they can be removed with a blade or utility knife. You may want to make your creation more attractive, but you don’t know how to additionally decorate the door, in which case you can make a thin frame of ordinary foam plinth over the wallpaper along the edges, this solution will look very beautiful. Styrofoam is also put on glue. While everything is drying, at this time it is better to close the windows so that there is no draft in the room.

original door design


Decorating the surface of the door with fabric looks beautiful and somewhat unusual. In this case, it is necessary not only to prepare the surface, but also to determine the degree of shrinkage of the selected fabric. First you need to cut off a small piece from it, measure its size, moisten it well in water and wait until it dries completely. After that, we begin to measure again, comparing all the readings and determining the shrinkage. If the value is large, then we wet the entire cut and hang it to dry.

Fabric preparation

Advice! To decorate the door, you can take both a single piece of material and cut fragments of various textures and any color solution.

Pasting the door with fabric fragments

This technique is very popular today, it is called "patchwork", it is to this that designers often resort when decorating. original interiors. To attach the material to the door leaf, it is recommended to use casein glue or special mastics, such as Gumilax and Bustilat. You can paste over not only with a large piece of fabric, but also with small fragments, however, here you will need to pay great attention to their tightness, otherwise such decor will look very messy.

decorated door

The liquid wallpaper

This material is universal. With it, you can beautifully decorate any surface, creating unique compositions and patterns on it. However, this finish cannot be used on bathroom doors and other rooms where high humidity, in such rooms it is better to leave glass interior option door and decorate it differently. But if you still decide to decorate the doors with your own hands in this way, then for this you need to prepare spatulas, they must have various sizes, roller, color, varnish and, of course, wallpaper mixture, it is sold in dry form. And for work you will need a special gun - a hopper.

Stages of work
  • Before proceeding with the decoration, the door must be covered with putty and an alkyd primer. They should be applied in one layer.
  • We dilute the dry mixture with water and at the same time stir it well with our hands (this does not pose any danger). After ten to fifteen minutes, it needs to be mixed well again and add color. The intensity of the color solution will depend on the amount of paint: the more it is, the brighter and prettier color. In order to create an interesting pattern on the doors, you will need to knead the mixture in different containers and then add the color of the desired color to each of them.
  • Apply with a spatula ready solution small portions on the surface, smooth and at the same time stretch to the sides, creating a pattern.
  • We are waiting for two or three days until our work is completely dry, and cover it with a colorless varnish.

Application of the mixture


If you do not know how to decorate the interior design in the house so that it looks modern and beautiful, then why not try covering the glass of the door with a mirror? It must be said that this option can not only become the main highlight in the interior, but also visually make the room space wider and brighter. But cutting a glass mirror is very difficult, even if you use a special glass cutter (glass cutter) for this purpose. It is best to close the glass on the door with special acrylic panels. Thanks to the amalgam coating, they provide good reflectivity, so they are almost as good as a mirror.

Acrylic panels can have different colors, you can choose one or several at once, this will help create an original mirror panel on the surface of the door. It should also be noted that such material is easy to process, has a low weight, it is convenient to mount it, and most importantly, unlike glass, acrylic panels do not break. To attach them to the door surface, you will need to apply a primer on the back of the acrylic panel, the main thing is that it should be deep penetration. Once it is completely dry, you can attach the acrylic mirror to the door surface using double-sided tape. For greater convenience, you can use mounting suction cups, they will greatly facilitate the work of attaching an acrylic mirror to the surface.

Mirror panels for decoration

Vintage style

This solution will give the interior door a special appeal and make it the main exclusive element in any interior. In vintage style, even the ceiling and walls can be decorated, which allows you to create a unity of design. So, we need:

  • Sandpaper of a large fraction.
  • acrylic paint white color, it is important that it has a water base.
  • Mounting glue and PVA.
  • Black baguette.
  • The varnish is colorless.
  • Newspapers and pieces of sheets, it is desirable that they be torn from a music book.

Coloring the surface of the door, we are compatible with decoupage technique. The addition will be decorative elements. Of course, you can offer your own version of the design of the door surface, for example, supplement it with acrylic panels, mirror inserts. Before starting work, you will need to remove the door from the hinges and put it in a horizontal position. During disassembly, be careful not to crack the glass.

First stage. The surface of the door should be painted with acrylic paint. For its application, it is recommended to take a brush with stiff bristles. Paint should be a thin layer in one direction.

Second phase. Once acrylic paint on the surface of the door is completely dry, it will need to be sanded. For this we use sandpaper, thus we will create the effect of antiquity.

Third stage. We decorate the main (central) part of the door surface. We tear the sheets of the music notebook together with the prepared newspapers into small pieces. Next, draw a square or rectangle on the surface of the door with a pencil. right size and grease the resulting field with PVA glue. Immediately we begin to put randomly torn paper on the glue and immediately straighten it. Lacquer is applied over the paper in several layers.

Fourth stage. Along the perimeter of all sections that were pasted over with torn paper, we fasten the baguette. To do this, we use the prepared mounting glue.

Vintage decoration

That's all, now you have learned how to seal the glass in the door. There are many other options that allow you to create real masterpieces of art, watch the video. Perhaps there you will find the best solution door decorations.

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How to close glass door from the light from the hallway? and got the best answer

Answer from Ђanshan[guru]
blinds in the size of the glass, can be multi-colored. In the evening you close them - isolation is provided! And when necessary - you can raise and no fuss with the curtains. .
Blinds are most often hung in the size of the window. I mean horizontal
Rolled ones are good only if the upper edge of the glass at the door is even. Yes, they cost more...

Answer from Olga Goldobova(Klinovitskaya)[guru]
Self-adhesive film, large calendar or picture.

Answer from cat[newbie]
just cover with a towel or blanket

Answer from Katia[guru]
Blinds it best option, now there is a very large choice - we bought bamboo ones - they look very good

Answer from User deleted[guru]
beautiful cloth... or double-sided paper...

Answer from * [guru]
Blinds can be hung on the door, but only - roller blinds: they are mounted on rails directly to the size of the glass door insert. Usually such roller blinds are made on balcony doors and windows, but in your case, this shading option will also be good. It will look quite aesthetically pleasing. An example is in the photo!
Good luck!

Answer from ESHKA[guru]
Cover with stained glass film

Answer from Yosha Sh.[guru]
I always said that when buying interior doors, do not get carried away by spectacular, but not practical "excesses": in addition to light, sounds also penetrate into the room ...
Now there are several ways to solve this problem, depending on how much money you can allocate for it ...
For example, very cool (and expensive 🙂 - dimming with the help of polymers applied to glass and reducing light transmission when voltage is applied
In addition to curtains-blinds (limited by the shape and additional fasteners), we can recommend tint film for cars. And if you choose a thick "booking", then you will also improve the sound insulation

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