Grinding (polishing) of the ends of the hair: an overview of the procedure, photo. Brilliant output: grinding, tumbling, polishing

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

To bring the surface of the material to the desired state, grinding and polishing is used. But not everyone understands what the essence of each of the mentioned processing methods is, and sometimes they even confuse them with each other. Let's try to understand this and find out how grinding differs from polishing.


Grinding- an operation that allows you to level the surface solid material and involving the use of abrasives.


Polishing- an operation carried out in order to maximally smooth the surface until a characteristic shine appears.



The two named operations when working with the material follow one after the other. At the first (and sometimes at the only) stage, grinding is performed. Products after sawing, welding and other manufacturing methods are subject to it. The difference between grinding and polishing lies in the appointment of these processing methods.

The purpose of grinding is to remove irregularities, burrs from the surface, remove scale, get rid of the old layer, and also bring the product to the right size and correct its shape. The work can be done with the help of special machines, of which there are several types. Their action occurs at high speeds.

Sometimes it is permissible to use a primitive method when granular sand is used as an abrasive. The product is rubbed against it, as a result of which the protrusions on the surface are destroyed. Grinding something is possible only with mechanical action.

If polishing is required, then it becomes the final stage. Its purpose is to make the final alignment and make the matte surface glossy. It is impossible to achieve such an effect with grinding. Polishing machines are arranged differently than grinders. They operate at low speeds. In addition, in this case, you can not do without polishing pastes.

What is the difference between sanding and polishing, apart from all of the above? It lies in the fact that polishing can be not only mechanical. For example, chemical polishing, in which the surface is exposed to an active solution, gives a high quality finish.

If appearance the nail plate has minor changes, for example, some irregularities in color or surface, you can resort to polishing. Otherwise, we will talk about the treatment of nails or the whole organism as a whole. Today we will look at how to eliminate minor changes by polishing your nails.

The benefits and harms of the nail polishing procedure

Nail polishing not only gives nails a beautiful appearance, but also stimulates the blood circulation of the nails, activating their growth. When polishing, yellowness on the surface of the nail plate and irregularities are removed. Nails become smooth, shiny and visually healthy.

However, before you start polishing, you need to know that not everyone will benefit from this procedure. For example, brittle and exfoliating nails should not be polished, as this may increase their fragility. If the salon master still recommends polishing, then soft files or wax polishing are used for such nails.

Even for strong and healthy nails, polishing should be done no more than once a month. It is better not to polish at home, but to go to the salon and trust the master, who knows what and how to do. Performing this procedure on your own, you can harm your nails, and then look at them with the expectation of improving their appearance within a few months.

Polishing accessories

Polishing at home can be done if you have the skill. To do this, you need a set of nail files for polishing and other devices. With this set, you can begin the procedure.

Nail files differ in hardness. They are usually numbered to help you follow the order in which they are used. Nail files can be various options: flat, double-sided or three-dimensional with four faces. In addition, nail files differ in the quality and properties of the material from which they are made. The best can be considered nail files for professional use, that is, those that are used in salons. The choice of nail files also depends on the condition of your nails.

buff- This is a tetrahedral bar, each side of which has a different degree of roughness. All sides should also be numbered, which makes it easier correct sequence polishing action.

In addition to nail files, grinding is carried out with paste. Polishing pastes contain abrasive particles, complexes for strengthening nails.

The salon uses a lot various means and devices for effective and safe nail polishing:

1. Special machine for grinding
2. Files of different hardness;
3. Special double-sided pads
4. Scrubs, creamy substances, oils with medicinal elements, pastes with medicinal components.

Sometimes polishing occurs by simply applying cream to the nail for one minute, without any additional steps. And sometimes with the help of a polishing machine.

Eucalyptus oil, oil tea tree, camphor, avocado or jojoba oils, extracts from ginger root, chili and other components. In the salon, the polishing procedure takes from 10 to 60 minutes. It depends on the condition of your nails and the products used during the procedure. When using the machine, the time is significantly reduced.

How to polish nails?

The polishing process takes place in several stages.

1. First stage- preparatory. Remove the previously applied varnish from the nails and cut to the desired length. Then steam the nails and enrich with minerals. The best option at this stage there may be a bath with sea ​​salt and lemon juice.

The second version of the bath is a mixture of heated vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. Dip your fingertips into the bath and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe your hands with a dry cloth. You can use baths with iodine and orange or lemon juice diluted with warm water.

Other mixtures are also useful, such as iodine-oil or iodine-salt. Instead of iodine, iodized salt can be used. Usually at this stage, the edges of the cuticle are trimmed or removed with tweezers. Dry processing of the cuticle is also possible - it is pushed back.

2. Second stage. Sometimes at this stage, before starting the initial polishing, a soft grinding procedure is carried out. Soft polishing is performed with a nail file against the growth of the nail, this allows you to lift the keratin scales and thoroughly clean the surface of the nail, as well as remove yellowing and slight irregularities.

Primary polishing of the nail allows you to smooth out keratin scales, remove micro-scratches formed after grinding and all irregularities. Unlike grinding, primary polishing is performed in the direction of nail growth. At this stage, polishing is carried out with the hardest nail file.

3. Third stage- polishing with a soft nail file. The entire surface of the nail is also processed here.

4. The final stage- application of vitamin creams and oils. Creams and oils help nourish the nail beneficial substances and give it shine and smoothness, improve the structure of nails and accelerate their growth. Oils used for polishing nails should be natural. It is these oils that contain vitamins and minerals.

Great importance has the technology of the procedure, namely:

you need to move the nail file carefully, without exerting strong pressure on the nail;
movements should go in the direction - from the center of the nail to its sides, and always in one direction, you should not make movements - "back and forth";
first one side is processed, then the other.

Wax polishing

Since polishing with nail files is contraindicated for brittle and brittle nails, in this case polishing with wax pastes can be a more favorable and useful procedure. This procedure in the salon is very popular. When polished with wax, moisture is retained in the nail plate, in addition, wax nourishes the nail with useful elements contained in it.

For this type of polishing, a special nail file with a rubberized coating is used. Wax is applied to the nail and lightly rubbed into it and into the cuticle. Then the nail begins to polish with a file with a rubberized coating. This procedure lasts until the surface of the nail becomes even and smooth.

At the final stage of such polishing, nourishing oils will be applied to the nail and cuticle.

In the beauty industry, many types of polishing compounds have been created. For example, DNC biowax. The composition of the wax, in addition to the wax base, includes cosmetic paraffin, silicone, White clay, extract of eleutherococcus and. This great combination helps to fill cracks and uneven nails, as well as nourish them with beneficial substances. This tool is used quite sparingly.

Nail polishing

Polishing nails allows you to give them shine and smoothness. However, no less effective procedure is the grinding of the nail plate.

What is the difference between these procedures?

We will immediately answer this question - polishing affects the nails much more strongly, and therefore can be performed no more than once every six months. The reason for this is that by polishing more often, you can get weak and thin nails. Therefore, for those who have weak or brittle nails, polishing should be abandoned altogether.

In the process of polishing the nail, the top layer is almost completely removed, that is, such a procedure with weakened nails can be sent only if medically necessary, for example, this will help get rid of the nail fungus that lives in top layer nail. Grinding in the cabin is performed using a special apparatus. And it is better to do it in the salon, as there the master will help to make a full range of procedures and services for the restoration and treatment of nails.

Polishing nails is a procedure that allows you to give your nails a shine and a healthy appearance. After polishing, the nails become perfectly smooth, so the varnish lasts longer on them, and the base base is no longer required to level the surface. But still, polishing is best done no more than once a month and, if necessary:

1) if the nails are in transverse or longitudinal grooves;

2) if pigmentation occurs when using low-quality varnish.

The purpose of grinding and mechanical polishing is to obtain metal sections without scratches, relief, pits and deformation. This can be achieved by a series of grinding and polishing operations.

Before grinding the surface to be analyzed, special measures are taken to prevent edge rounding. To do this, welded samples are poured into an alloy with a low melting point (tin, lead, Wood's alloy, etc.) or into sulfur, pressed into polyester or epoxy resins, self-hardening plastics. For a better analysis, the samples are clamped in clamps, and a soft metal foil, such as copper, is laid between the steel surface of the clamp and the sample.

Fine grinding is an intermediate operation between the preliminary preparation of the sample (cutting or sawing and rough grinding) and the final operation - polishing. It serves to remove not only coarse scratches, but also a thick work-hardened surface layer remaining after cutting and rough grinding. This layer may have a thickness of 0.1 mm and more.

Both processes - fine grinding and polishing - are the removal of small metal particles from the metal surface with an abrasive. When sanding, there are inevitable risks, as a result of which the sanded surface looks dull, while polishing makes the surface more or less shiny. The mirror surface, on which the marks are not visible even under a microscope, is obtained only after the final polishing operation.

There is no sharp difference between fine grinding and coarse polishing, and between coarse and fine polishing. These operations are best classified according to the size (µm] abrasive particles.

Fine grinding ………………………………….. 100–10 Coarse polishing …………………………………. 10–1 Fine polishing ……………………………………. Less than 1

1.2.1. Fine grinding. Fine grinding is usually carried out on abrasive skins, which are paper or fabric sheets with abrasive powder glued to them. Skin marking according to Russian GOST is shown in fig. one.

The most important parameter of the abrasive skin is the type of abrasive and its granulometric composition. As the abrasive material of the skins, electrocorundum or silicon carbide is usually used. Abrasive powders are judged by their particle size. A grit scale has been established for Russian-made abrasive skins. Grit is a specific range of grain sizes of abrasive material. The grit number shows the size of the main fraction of the grinding material in hundredths of a millimeter. For example, marking 25Н means that the grain size of the main fraction is 0.25 mm or 250 microns (see Fig. 1).

For foreign-made abrasive skins, the size of the powder is marked with numbers that correspond to the number of the finest sieve through which the powder passes. For standard wire cloth sieves from 50 to 500, nominal openings are approximately 14,500 micron, divided by the sieve number.

Fine grinding is done by hand on a stationary flat glass plate covered with abrasive paper, or on a rotating disk with abrasive paper. Grinding is usually performed in four to six passes, both with and without water cooling, and at each pass, the grain size of the grinding material is reduced ( grinding wheel, sanding paper or paste). The last stages of fine grinding are sometimes done by hand on fine sandpaper, designated 0, 00, 000, and 0000, respectively.

On time for every operation grinding it is advisable to keep the same position of the sample so that all risks are parallel. When switching to another, finer-grained abrasive the sample is rotated 90 and the plane is ground until the scratches from the previous run disappear. In this case, after each stage, you can check whether all the risks caused by the previous operation have been eliminated.

The pressure on the specimen must be high enough to allow the abrasive to cut and grind at the desired speed. Excessive pressure only leads to unwanted heat generation, as well as premature wear and fragmentation of the abrasive grains (especially when working with coarse abrasive powders). The remains of the abrasive used in this operation should be carefully removed from the metal surface before the next stage.

It is often useful to wet the sample or abrasive for both lubrication and cooling purposes, especially if heating can change the structure of the sample. For example, you can use a suspension of silicon carbide in running water. In this case, manual grinding ensures effective cooling and continuous cleaning of the paper and sample. Water removes the abrasives which have come off paper and the metal particles which are cut off from a sample. Sandpaper can be lubricated with paraffin or graphite.

During fine grinding with unbound abrasives, the edges of the sample are strongly rounded, and non-metallic inclusions break out of the section, and graphite in cast irons. The abrasive may cut into the specimen.

Intermediate between fine grinding and rough polishing is the lapping operation. In this case, the abrasive is embedded in soft discs made of wood, lead, nylon, paraffin, wax, or paraffin-impregnated cloth. The abrasive is applied to the grinding wheel after it has been made, or added to melted wax or paraffin. The lapping process produces significantly finer scratches and less damaged metal than sanding with abrasive paper. Moreover, after lapping, very flat surfaces are obtained and non-metallic inclusions are almost completely preserved. Lead and paraffin grinding wheels usually have grooves in the form of a spiral, directed against the rotation of the grinding wheel - this helps to keep the cooling water on the wheel.

1.2.2. Polishing. At the final stage, polishing is carried out with abrasive pastes. Although polishing is done with an abrasive, it is different from the processes described in the previous section. For polishing, a very fine abrasive mixed with a liquid is used.

In the form of a suspension or paste, it is applied to a lining of a special fabric attached to the disc. Currently, chromium oxide, crocus, aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide and diamond are used as abrasives. Another significant feature of the polishing operation is the continuous rotation of the sample to form extremely fine marks in all directions. This procedure eliminates the tails that form on non-metallic inclusions if the sample is not rotated.

For polishing, fleecy and non-fluffy fabrics are used. In fleecy fabrics, the height and elasticity of the pile are important. A soft fabric with a fairly high elastic pile in combination with a very fine abrasive powder gives a surface without scratches, however, other defects may occur on the section: blockage of edges, tearing out of non-metallic inclusions and unwanted relief. These defects are eliminated by the use of a hard, lint-free cloth; but when polished on this fabric, thin scratches remain on the section. Therefore, it is best to start with polishing on a lint-free fabric, and finish with a short-term fine-tuning on a nap fabric.

As a liquid for the preparation of a suspension or paste, distilled water is usually used. You can use diamond dust sparingly only in the form of a paste. Diamond-filled linings are lubricated with special oil or paraffin.

The polishing wheels must always be sufficiently damp. Their moisture content can be checked by measuring the time required for the specimen to dry after it has been removed from the polishing wheel: this should normally be between 5 and 8 sec.

1.2.3. Grinding and polishing technique. It can be seen from the previous presentation that, regardless of the preparation method, certain conditions must be met to obtain a well-polished section. First of all, it is the observance of cleanliness. After each preparation step, the sample must be thoroughly washed. If high quality polishing is required, and especially if there are small pits or cracks in the sample, or if there is a small void between the sample and the cement, ultrasonic cleaning should be carried out. Grinding and polishing wheels that are not in use must be covered so that they do not get dirty.

Fast and economical methods of work are becoming more and more necessary. Below is an approximate preparation scheme that requires a minimum amount of surgery.

The first step can be carried out on a rotating disk, on which silicon carbide abrasive paper with M63 grit is mounted, since it is necessary to remove the relatively thick layer of work-hardened metal that has arisen during rough grinding. For subsequent stages, papers M50, M40 and M28 are respectively used.

Coarse polishing can be done most quickly on a lint-free nylon wheel with diamond paste 6 µm. The photomicrographs show the marks on a section of very mild steel resulting from this operation.

If these marks are not removed quickly enough during the final polishing, then it is recommended to carry out an intermediate polishing on a “microclot” (a synthetic fabric in which rayon threads are bonded to a cotton twill lining) with diamond paste 1 µm. The micrographs show the scratches on a section of the same steel after this intermediate operation. The final polishing is performed on a "microcloth" or other fleecy cloth with a suspension of aluminum oxide in distilled water.

Discs with a diameter of 200 mm, used in the first stages, should rotate at a speed of ~ 150 rpm At higher speeds, the water runs off the wheel too quickly. The rotation speed of the polishing wheels should be approximately 240 rpm The diameter of the wheels for polishing with aluminum oxide is 200 mm, and the disc diameter for diamond-impregnated polishing wheels is typically only 150 mm. This is dictated by considerations of economy.

A metallographer experienced in the use of lead, paraffin or wax wheels will use them in stages 4 and 5 (see Table 1).

Rice. 1. Marking the abrasive paper

Table 1. Time and amount of material removed for various polishing operations

Polishing and grinding metal products- the final process for the production of parts, in which a small layer of surface is removed to obtain a shine. Processing includes physical, chemical or electrical impact, the choice of which is carried out taking into account the properties of the material, tools and characteristics environment. For achievement the right quality surface abrasives and methods of exposure vary. Quality requirements are determined by GOST 9.301-86. The finished surface must be free of rust and scale, pores and pits, cracks and burrs.

Before polishing the metal from scratches, the company conducts a surface control in order to, if necessary, perform preparation in the form of:

  • processing compressed air with abrasive for removing scale and rust;

  • metal brushing from pickling sludge and oxides;

  • degreasing in organic solvents, alkalis, electrolyte to remove grease, mineral oils and other contaminants.

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Where metal grinding is in demand

Polishing machines are equipped with belts and circles with abrasives, they are automatic and semi-automatic. The bed of the equipment is fixed, the angle of sharpening can be adjusted automatically or manually, if necessary, water cooling of the treated surface is used. Metal polishing to a mirror finish is in demand in the manufacture of:

  • plumbing fixtures;

  • door handles;

  • bicycle parts;

  • ship fittings;

  • railings and cornices;

  • metal furniture;

  • mufflers for Vehicle and etc.

During the grinding of metals, specialists take into account the requirements for cutting speed, the directionality of the geometry of the grains of the grinding wheel, as well as the ability of materials to heat up under mechanical action. Surfaces to which metal grinding in Moscow is applied can be simple and complex. Cylindrical internal and external surfaces are considered the first, helical and involute surfaces are considered the second.

How to polish metal to a mirror finish

If you are interested in metal polishing, the price of services at Premier Laser will be more than acceptable. The specialists of the company are ready to perform different kinds metalworking, ranging from cutting and cutting to welding, assembly, drilling and polishing. Grinding to a shine is achieved with 2 types of tools - abrasive belts and polishing wheels. Tapes carry out soft grinding and are used for overall products with complex geometry. Circles are used together with special pastes and brushes. Processing is rough and fine. For rough, the hard surface of the circles is used, for fine - soft. Correct alternation tools and adjustment of the processing process, you can achieve high speed of the task and impeccable quality. Mirror shine is obtained by reducing the rotational speed of the wheel and using appropriate fabrics.

Jewelry must go through many stages of production before it reaches the shop window. Today we will tell you about where the products go after the foundry section.


Jewelry cast in metal can hardly be called flawless. That is why they go to the grinding area, where skillful hands jewelers take the product one step closer to perfection.

Grinding is necessary in order to give the metal surface a certain purity and exact dimensions. So, the craftsmen equalize the place of the cut sprue, with which the product was attached to the wax rod of the Christmas tree, or remove flash - that is, excess metal that could have formed during the casting process.

For this, it is used special machine with a grinding wheel consisting of fine carborundum crystals. The grinder brings the product to the circle, "removing" excess metal. For elaboration the smallest details used hand tool- a drill with many nozzles that differ in size and hardness, or a file.

Only after manual grinding, the product passes to the tumbling section.

This area of ​​jewelry production resembles a huge kitchen, where something is cooked in each “pot” under the strict guidance of an experienced chef. True, instead of kitchen utensils» in the tumbling huge rotating drums, and in the role of the chef - jewelers.

In fact, tumbling is a jewelry cleaning process that combines grinding and polishing. Products are placed in rotating drums with special polishing agents or reagents. Usually tumbling involves two steps: wet grinding and dry polishing - but for some products, only dry processing is sufficient.

First, jewelry is placed in a rotating drum, into which a buffer solution with reagents is poured. The reagents can be detergents and polishes, as well as a solution of caustic soda, slaked lime, soda ash and some other substances that speed up the cleaning process. Along with this, special small steel balls are placed in the drum.

After a certain time, the contents of the drums are poured into a container that looks like a huge sieve. Everything that is not needed goes away, but the cleaned jewelry remains.

The second stage is dry polishing. The principle of tumbling is the same, only instead of solutions, dry abrasives are poured into the drums: ceramics, porcelain, plastic, corundum and even shells walnut, which, according to jewelers-talkers, cannot be compared with any other synthetic material. The covered figurines have the shape of a pyramid, cone, cylinder or ball.

Specialists not only load and unload products, but also keep track of time: it is important to correctly set the parameters of the equipment, not to damage the metal and jewelry design elements.


For "brilliance" the product is sent to the polishers.

With the help of a polishing machine or manually, with a drill with special nozzles, jewelers make jewelry incredibly smooth and shiny.

In contrast to sanding, polishing does not use hard abrasives, but exclusively smooth or soft materials such as felt, felt or wool. Before starting work, the product must be degreased. To reduce friction and remove possible finest chips, the so-called polishing water (a soapy solution with ammonia) is used.

First, the product is processed with inside(if needed) and then outside. The polisher, as it were, draws strokes on the surface of the metal, first in one direction, and then “across”, so that there are no stripes.

Only after this, the jewelry acquires a shine worthy of the precious metal. It must be said that some products are polished not only at this stage of production, but also later, after setting the stones.

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