Psychic Victoria Rydos: biography and personal life of a participant in the Battle of Psychics. Victoria Rydos: “Often people don’t like what I say to them

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It is still not known exactly when the witch known to the whole world today was actually born. The secret of this date and the biography of Victoria Rydos is shrouded in rumors and controversy. A woman is not always ready to flaunt the details of her personal life and the lives of her loved ones. In this regard, the biography of psychic Victoria Rydos is very fragmentary and filled with magical contradictions.

Birth and the beginning of the magical path

The maximum truthful date of birth of Victoria is December 27, 1976. If you believe the data from the biography, how old is Victoria Rydos, it is easy to calculate - 41 years old.

Rumor has it that the extrasensory abilities of the girl were transferred from her own grandmother, who led little Victoria into the mysterious world of sorcery under her care. Nevertheless, even from the symbols of the girl's birth, it was obvious that Rydos had an inborn predisposition to hypersensitive perception. outside world. Victoria was born in the year of the Dragon under the zodiac sign Capricorn, one of whose patrons is Satan himself.

Childhood and youth of the future witch

Certain data from the personal biography of Victoria Rydos, starting from the year of her birth, is still unknown to the end. The clairvoyant does not like to talk about her family for various reasons. But the fans were still lucky enough to find out something about the winner of the "Battle of Psychics". The future witch was born in northern capital Russia's St. Petersburg (then Leningrad), where the famous Rydos continues to live to this day. Victoria's father is German, and her mother is Claudia. Native grandmother Zinaida owned a not quite feminine and magical profession of a design engineer, but even this did not interfere with her skill in sorcery.

Victoria and her relationship with her grandmother

It was Victoria's own grandmother Rydos Zinaida who introduced her granddaughter to the mysterious world of magic. Was Zinaida a strong witch? History, like Victoria herself, is silent about this. But Rydos from a young age surpassed her close relative in many ways. Despite the high achievements, Victoria decided not to stop there. Therefore, she constantly improved her skills and expanded her field of activity.

Magic Rydos

From the biography of Victoria Rydos, it became known that at the very beginning of magical activity, the sorceress decided to test all methods exclusively on herself. At the next stage, when the young witch gained confidence in her witchcraft abilities and determination in her actions, Victoria began to help her friends, relatives, and subsequently strangers who needed her help.

When she gained a wealth of knowledge and practical skills, the witch's collection was replenished first. official documents(diplomas) from schools of esotericism, confirming the extraordinary abilities of the girl. This gave Victoria a chance to embark on the path to open psychic and healing practice.

Relations with Natalia Banteeva

In addition to grandmother Zinaida, another well-known witch Natalya Banteeva was directly related to the professionalism of Raidos. Occasionally, Victoria bluntly stated that before women worked collectively and were even close friends - this is a confirmed fact from the biography of Victoria Rydos. In the photo, Natalya and Victoria are two winners of different seasons of the TV project “Battle of Psychics”.

But later certain time each of the witches began her own path in the world of magic. Although they did not completely break off their relationship.

Participation in the TV show “Battle of Psychics”

After weighing all her possibilities, Victoria Rydos decided to put them to the test by participating in the TV project “Battles of Psychics”.

It was in the show that viewers found out that, while working, the witch has the ability to get in touch with the spirits of the dead people. Victoria always has a book (notebook) with her, with the help of which this direct relationship is made. From the afterlife, Rydos feels signs unknown to mere mortals that help her see the past and predict the fate of living people who turned to her for help.

Life at present

Unusually often, the witch turns to Tarot cards in her work. Moreover, Victoria is fluent in the technique of divination on them. Today, a psychic teaches a set of personal Tarot card divination methods. Clairvoyant Victoria shares her knowledge with interested people and helps to accurately interpret the meaning of the falling cards.

Family life

Personal life outside of work in the biography of Victoria Rydos is her family, relatives and friends. They are banned from discussion in the media. A woman does not like to talk about her family. Nevertheless, it became known that Victoria was married twice. Some time after the dissolution of the marriage with her first husband, Victoria met a man 6 years younger than herself and connected her life with him, having married a second time.

Vasily Boikov - the current husband of the clairvoyant Victoria - has his own law firm. He did not instantly, but accepted the fact that magic occupies the main place in the activities of his wife. The couple is raising a daughter, Varvara, and a young son. Varya - incredible creative person: reads a lot of books, has a fondness for modeling and draws quite often.

It also became known that a woman prefers to have Sphynx cats at home. The couple has few close friends. The witch is sociable, quite easy to find mutual language with anyone, but prefers to give his all free time husband and children. After all, the family is the main thing in the life of a psychic.

Victoria Rydos told about a criminal record from her biography in one of the episodes of the sixteenth season of the TV show “Battles of Psychics”, in which the woman participated. There, she confessed to drug addiction in a past life.


Victoria agreed to demonstrate her magical skills in the television project "Battles of Psychics" as an exception.

Jury team and observers a large number of times were shocked by the unique gift of the medium. With each test, it was noticeable that Victoria's abilities improved incredibly.

Participating in the TV show "The Battle of Psychics", Victoria Rydos, whose biography interests us, entered into a fight with worthy opponents and was able to take the pedestal.

Advice from Victoria - the winner of the "Battle of Psychics" project

For a happy and successful life, Victoria calls to adhere to the conditions that the witch describes with all the subtleties in her book “The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood." It is necessary to pay visits to your deceased family members at the cemetery as often as possible, and in difficult moments to turn to them for help. It is undesirable to be afraid of dead people and shed tears for them. According to the witch, the task of the relatives who left us is to support the loved ones who have remained in this world. However, they also need help from living relatives.

What does the surname mean?

If you carefully analyze the name of Victoria, then it is not difficult to find a curious combination of "rice". Translated from of English language this word means "to pass through a sieve." This is how the medium acts in its own activity. She thoroughly examines the visitors who turned to her, only she looks through them not through a sieve, but through her soul.

Victoria Rydos is a popular clairvoyant, tarot reader and occultist, the famous TV show about people with supernatural powers "The Battle of Psychics". Fans believe that Rydos predicts the future, sees the past and much of what is hidden from the eyes of the average person.

Victoria Germanovna Raidos was born on December 27 (presumably) 1976 in St. Petersburg. The woman does not tell anything about her family, and the biography of Victoria Rydos is unknown to the general public. All public information about her is based only on the stories of the girl herself. There is no "Biography" section on the official website of Victoria Rydos. But on the site you can find a poster of Rydos seminars, sign up for a meeting with a psychic, get trained in divination on Tarot cards and watch a video with answers to frequently asked questions.

extrasensory perception

Rydos claims to be an experienced tarot reader and occultist, a specialist in clairvoyance. The name of Victoria Rydos is mentioned among the hundreds of the best healers in Russia. In St. Petersburg, she conducts courses where she teaches those who wish correct use and interpretation of the meaning of tarot cards. Rydos fans call her "Elf".

Victoria says that her grandmother helped her to comprehend the secrets of magic. She also passed on all her knowledge to her granddaughter, having taught divination on the Tarot. The girl allegedly made the first experiments of esoteric practices on herself, and only when she was convinced of her abilities, she began the practice on relatives and friends.

Rydos claims that she has several diplomas from esoteric schools. She is a practicing magician and healer. He also teaches at the St. Petersburg Tarot Academy.

"The fight of extrasensories"

Victoria Rydos becomes widely known after appearing on the Battle of Psychics-16 project on the TNT channel. According to the psychic, she is able to call the spirits of the dead, see the past and can control energy flows.

The audience immediately singled out Victoria Rydos as one of the strongest participants in the 16th season of the most popular project.

The audience called Rydos the main rivals, and the famous underground actor, who suddenly surprised everyone with his psychic abilities.

Victoria wins this season, gaining even more popularity with viewers, despite the fact that critics accuse the TV show and the participants of the "Battle" of bogus competitions and staged episodes using supernatural powers.

After winning the competition with psychics, Raidos continued to lead private practice and help people who turn to supernatural forces. Today, a psychic is in demand in this area. According to the witch, Victoria honestly tells those who asked for help their future. Rydos sympathizes with people in trouble, but does not hide the bitter truth from them.

Personal life

Very little is known about the personal life of Victoria Rydos. Like a true witch, she reliably hides the names and dates of birth of her relatives, "for fear of damage and the evil eye from competitors."

It is only known that Victoria is married and has a little daughter. Subsequently, the psychic became less wary of fans and their curiosity. The journalists learned that Raidos' husband's name is Vasily, and his daughter Varya. But Victoria still hides the date of birth of the child, also does not tell where the birth took place, so that this date cannot be calculated.

According to the witch, the family is afraid of Victoria's abilities and does not turn to her for psychic help, but they are already accustomed to the work of a psychic. The husband stopped being indignant that Rydos leaves for the cemetery at 6 in the morning, and fans constantly approach the witch for advice. The psychic's daughter is used to her mother's tours and business trips. On short trips, Victoria tries to take the child with her, otherwise she leaves Varia with her husband, grandmother and nanny so that the girl does not miss the developing preparatory school for a long time.

Varya is only 3.5 years old and the girl still does not understand what her mother is working for, but she already notices that Victoria looks “like a witch” in the portraits.

Victoria maintains a personal account in " Instagram”, where 375 thousand subscribers watch the photo and video of the psychic. The account signature says that Victoria believes that "you can change your world." The account has not been verified by the service, but personal photos of Rydos, selfies, and footage with her little daughter and husband appear there. There is a link to the account from the official website of Victoria Rydos. In addition, the psychic has pages in "

Fans of Victoria Germanovna Rydos, an experienced tarot reader and occultist, clairvoyant specialist, healer and practicing magician, call her Elf. She was a member of the Coven of the Northern Witches - the clan of the strongest psychic Banteeva Natalia.

It is known that according to the horoscope Victoria is Capricorn, she was born on December 27th. But in what year - the witch does not say. She prefers to surround her biography, personal life, names of loved ones with secrecy, since the envy of competitors through the evil eye and damage will harm the witch and her family. All that is known from Victoria herself is that she is married and has a daughter.

Psychic Victoria Rydos is endowed with the ability to see the past and look into the future, receiving information from the afterlife. She is convinced of the ability of people to change their world, she has the power to redirect human energy flows.

Victoria says that her grandmother gave her the basics of the mystery of magic. She also taught tarot cards. The girl conducted the first practical experiments of esoteric knowledge on her own person. Convinced of her abilities, the witch began to practice on relatives, friends, and acquaintances.

Victoria was the host of the informal youth project "Wake up", organized by Natalya Banteeva. They traveled half the country together, organizing meetings with the population.

Victoria claims that she has diplomas from several esoteric schools. Teaches the art of card interpretation at the Tarot Academy in St. Petersburg.

The audience of the project "Battle of Psychics" according to the results of voting awarded Victoria Rydos the title of the winner of the "Battle of Psychics" on the TNT channel.

At the end of 2015, many sensational television projects ended, one of which is the “Battle of Psychics” beloved by many viewers. And in the 16th season of this program, as you know, the witch Victoria Rydos won. About who she is, how old she is and how you can get an appointment with her, find out further in our article.

Psychic Victoria Rydos

The 16th season of "Battles ...", which lasted for several months, kept millions of viewers in suspense. The whole country followed the severe trials that had to be passed by various magicians, sorcerers and clairvoyants invited to the transmission. As a result, the end of the season was marked by the total victory of a psychic girl named Victoria Rydos.

The prize - a glass blue hand - she received with great pleasure and joy. During the presentation of the main award of the project, the witch did not hide her feelings at all, although throughout the season she positioned herself as a very restrained person in her emotions. Already from the very start of the Battle of Psychics 16, it was clear that Rydos clearly corresponds to the title of the best clairvoyant of the year.

“My family and friends, like many viewers and fans, predicted that I would win the program, but in fact I doubted it, because I had to fight the fear of cameras in order to open up as much as possible,” the psychic noted.

How old is Victoria Rydos? Biography of a psychic

Victoria Germanovna Raidos, according to some information, was born on December 27, 1976 in St. Petersburg (the day and month of birth are precisely known, but the sorceress tries not to advertise her age). It is believed that Vika is a master of Tarot cards and various occult practices. Included in the top 100 best healers in Russia.

According to Rydos, she uses a special "Book of the Dead" that she specifically wrote for her psychic work. If you open this book, you can see only blank pages, but Victoria sees on each page a biography and a whole life story of a certain person who is no longer alive.

In the hot sixteenth Battle of Psychics, Victoria Rydos won an absolute victory, beating such professionals in the field of secret knowledge as Merlin Kerro and Nicole Kuznetsova. Surprisingly, several well-known magicians predicted the victory of the girl before the end of the season. So, Vlad Kadoni with his mother Elena Golunova, as well as the finalist of the previous season Julia Wang "saw" Victoria's victory before the announcement of the results of the competition.

During season 16, Rydos had a conflict with a rival, the sorceress Merlin Kerro. The relationship between the two girls was very tense, but, fortunately, friendship won in the final and both clairvoyants even hugged.

How to get an appointment with Rydos and how much does a session cost?

After watching the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, many viewers were seriously interested in the question of how to get an appointment with Victoria Rydosa and how much one session would cost. However, on the Internet, as is often the case, scammers create "fake" sites and present themselves there under the name of a witch, extorting money from gullible people. It is known that Victoria has one official website viktoriaraidos dot ru, where you can find all the contact details to contact her or her administrator. It is also worth considering some important points regarding sessions with Rydos:

  • Victoria is not looking for treasure and missing people
  • She is against love spells, corruption and curses. Doesn't work with black magic
  • Not engaged in healing activities
  • Does not accept people who are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs

What issues does Victoria Rydos help to solve? First of all, it helps to decide difficult situations related to family, life, professional activity, personal life, and also sets the client up for good luck and success, establishes magical protection.

Important: the clairvoyant does not take any prepayment from people! Payment is made only at a personal meeting with a psychic. As for the cost of the session, this issue is resolved with the administrator of Rydos on her official website or in groups in social networks indicated on the site.

Victoria on social networks

Like many media personalities, Victoria Rydos also has pages in in social networks. It can be found on VKontakte (vraidos), on Facebook, on Twitter and on the popular photo resource Instagram (viktoriaraidos). Unfortunately, often people come across fake pages, on which scammers usually ask for an advance payment, which the sorceress usually does not do. Moreover, she advises only in person - no remote sessions! Take care of yourself and don't let arrogant scammers empty your wallet.

Victoria Rydos is not only an excellent psychic and tarologist, but also a loving wife and mother of her child. The woman loves to spend time with her family, but she admits that helping people is her most important mission, which means that she is waiting for everyone who wants to get answers to questions related to life's problems and hardships. “I am ready to help those who need it. All the clients I consulted are very pleasant and grateful people. Probably I'm lucky, or they themselves are drawn to me, ”Rydos admitted in an interview.

Victoria Germanovna Raidos. She was born on December 27, 1976 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian clairvoyant, psychic, magician, priestess of the cult of ancestors. Participant of the show "Battle of psychics." The winner of the show "The Battle of Psychics Season 16".

Mother - Claudia Grigoryevna Raidos.

Grandmother - Zinaida Nikitichna Lidovskaya, design engineer (died in 2011).

According to Victoria, she showed her extraordinary abilities at the age of 4 in kindergarten- then she did not take the pills, after which all the other children from the group were taken away in an ambulance.

The first to notice her abilities was her grandmother, with whom they were very close.

After school, she entered the university, but quickly left the institute.

From the age of 18 to 22, Victoria Rydos played and won in the casino, from 22 to 26 she used substances that almost ruined her. Grandmother Zinaida Nikitichna did not like Victoria's hobbies, she believed that her granddaughter was drawn to destructive addictions because she was a witch. Baba Zina insisted that Vika be treated.

She later learned witchcraft and received the first book of the dead from her grandmother.

Victoria Rydos has a criminal record canceled in 2010 with a suspended sentence.

Victoria Rydos noted: she does not believe that she is engaged in magic. According to her, in fact, magic deals with it. The St. Petersburg witch spends a lot of time in cemeteries, filling the blank pages of her book with the memories of orphaned, forgotten dead spirits who want to be remembered and used by their services.

In her work, Victoria Rydos uses her own "Book of the Dead". Ordinary people see empty pages in it, but for Victoria, each page is a separate story of a person who has passed away. However, she admitted that she does not see everything and not always.

Victoria Rydos is a priestess of the ancestor cult. ancestor cult- this is an ancient religious ritual worship of the deceased ancestors, relatives, veneration, deification of the dead. From a biblical point of view, the cult of ancestors is clearly not a good thing: "... you should not have ... a caller of spirits, asking the dead; for everyone who does this is abominable before the Lord ..." (Deuteronomy, 18: 1-12 ). That is, the cult of ancestors is less dangerous than many religions, which, with sophisticated cunning, distract people from the Heavenly Father. Therefore, Jesus Christ did not denounce witches, but hypocritical religious authorities. Victoria Rydos is sure that it is not God and not angels that have a significant influence on the living, but the spirits of the family.

Victoria claims that she reads Tarot cards, sees and hears the spirits of the dead and can communicate with them.

According to Victoria, she has several diplomas from esoteric schools, is a practicing magician, clairvoyant and healer.

He teaches at the Tarot Academy in St. Petersburg.

Victoria said that she was a member of a special clan of witches "Northern coven of Natalya Banteeva" - the winner of the 9th season of the show "Battles of Psychics".

She gained wide popularity in 2015, becoming a participant in the 16th season of the show. "The fight of extrasensories" on TNT.

From the first release of the show “The Battle of Psychics. Season 16 "Victoria showed that she is one of the strongest participants of the season. Further, Victoria more and more amazed the presenters and the audience not only with her magical abilities, but also with her revelations.

On December 26, 2015, the award ceremony for the winner of the 16th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" took place on the TNT channel. The three best participants of the 16th season reached the final - Estonian witch, priestess of the cult of ancestors Victoria Raidos and clairvoyant. The winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang (at the time of the award she was at a distance of 6666 kilometers from Moscow) transmitted an encrypted message through the skeptic Sergei Safronov. Rydos, according to her, heard the prediction of her victory in Wang's message. According to the results of the audience voting.

Despite the fact that the relationship between Marilyn and Victoria was tense throughout the "Battle", Victoria, after receiving the prize, hugged Marilyn Kerro. And Marilyn admitted that the cherished "Hand" went to Rydos by right.

In September 2016, Victoria took part in the show “Psychics are investigating. Season 6 ”, in which the strongest participants in the “Battle of Psychics” together tried to investigate crimes that the police had saved.

In 2017, Victoria Rydos presented her book "The cult of ancestors. The strength of our blood". In it, the priestess of the cult of ancestors tells how the actions of the ancestors affect the fate of people. She also answers a very important question that worries many: is it possible to change what is written in the genus.

In February 2018, a project was released on TNT “Psychics. Battle of the strongest", which Victoria Rydos also became a participant. In the first episode of the show, a serious test was shown. Victoria Rydos, who was always famous for being practically impossible to scare with aliens from the world of the dead, experienced panic and horror during the investigation that took place at the cemetery - the witch was unbalanced.

In 2019, she became a participant in the new season of the Psychics. The battle of the strongest, where the most powerful clairvoyants help ordinary people deal with seemingly intractable problems.

Height of Victoria Rydos: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Victoria Rydos:

Married. Husband - Vasily Boykov, works as a lawyer. According to Vasily, he did not immediately delve into unusual qualities wives. The witch was afraid to scare him, called herself an esotericist and practiced magic for closed door of his office. Already on the third day after they met, she moved in with him and soon married him.

Then the couple had a daughter, Barbara. Victoria said that she was afraid that her grandmother would continue her life in the body of her daughter. In this connection, she had to make considerable efforts to give birth not on July 17 (on the day of the death of Baba Zina), but on August 6. After the suppression of labor pains on an unwanted day, the connection with the grandmother who stopped responding to the call of the dead ceased.

After the birth of her daughter Varya, Vika stopped doing magic at home, playing only the roles of wife and mother.

Rydos believes that a woman should yield to the head of the family in everything, so she herself unquestioningly obeys him, despite the fact that even the darkest forces recede before her gift. However, it is precisely this behavior of a woman, says Victoria, that is the key to the preservation of the family hearth.

She said about her daughter: “Varya goes to kindergarten and to a developing children's school. I miss her very much. I have a subtle connection with her. said that she is a typical child of a new vibration. By nature, of course, I want to say that she is all in me, but in reality there are more traits from my husband - for example, stubbornness, emotionality. She loves to read, sculpt and draw. "

Bibliography of Victoria Rydos:

2017 - Cult of ancestors. The strength of our blood

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