The largest cruise ships. The largest passenger liners of the XX century

The buildings 10.10.2019
The buildings

When Noah was ordered to build the ark, he received all the necessary design data and technological instructions. According to the divine terms of reference The ark was three hundred cubits long, fifty wide, and thirty high. Impressive, of course, but elbowing the modern largest ship in the world is a very tedious task. The length of the Prelude FLNG is 929 and a half Egyptian royal cubits.

Floating LNG Plant

The title of the largest floating object is a passing thing, the purpose of such structures can be very different, and when experts see a reasonable limit is unclear.

A hull for the Prelude FLNG floating plant was built at a South Korean shipyard for Shell. Its purpose will be to extract it from the bottom of the ocean into a liquefied state and pump it to special gas carriers. As of mid-2015, this is the largest ship in the world. According to the plan, in 2017 this monster should stand somewhere off the coast of Australia and with might and main extract blue fuel from the bowels. It can store as much of it as an average metropolis needs for a year.

The length of this vessel is 488 m, the width is 74 m, 260 thousand tons of steel were used for the construction - this is more than for the twin towers shopping center in New York, in terms of displacement, it is equal to six aircraft carriers. Prelude FLNG can be a real prelude to the emergence of a whole flotilla of such vessels, because experts talk about the significant advantages of this method of gas production - economic and environmental.

Dockwise Vanguard

In January 2012, a Concordia-class cruise ship struck rocks off the Italian island of Giglio, hit a hole and capsized and sank. More than 30 people died. Of the passenger ships, it was the largest ship in the world to have suffered such a disaster. When it was necessary to “pick up the garbage”, that is, to transport it away, one of the largest and most unusual ships in the world came to the rescue.

Dockwise Vanguard is the largest vessel in the world designed to carry extra bulky and heavy cargo. It belongs to the semi-submersible type. To accommodate cargo on a huge deck ( dimensions vessel: length - 275 m, width - 79 m) special ballast tanks are filled with outboard water, and the vessel sinks to the desired depth. The cargo is towed and held above the ship, which, as it floats, takes the weight on board. The cargo is rigidly fixed, and the ship follows the desired route at a speed of about 12 knots. The spectacle of a hard worker ship transporting huge oil platforms thousands of miles away will impress anyone. Therefore, the transportation of the Concordia to Genoa, where it was disposed of, is "seeds" for Dockwise Vanguard.

Container ship

The more containers can be loaded onto the deck and delivered across the seas and oceans as quickly as possible, the more profitable such transportation will be. Therefore, such ships occupy the first places among ships in terms of size and power of power plants.

For 2015, the championship is held by CSCL Globe, built in South Korea and owned by a carrier from China. Its length is 400 m, width - 58.6 m, carrying capacity is 184,605 ​​tons.

For the sake of providing an amazing speed for such a colossus of 16 knots, the world's largest internal combustion engine with a capacity of 77,200 horsepower, as high as a five-story building, was manufactured for the ship. It is planned to manufacture several such container ships. And these will be the largest ships in the world, capable of transporting at one time such a number of containers in which you can hide the property of the inhabitants of a small town.


Among the ships, which, due to their purpose, are supposed to impress with their size, there have always been dry cargo carriers and ore carriers - bulk carriers, that is, loaded in bulk. To fill the largest ships in the world carrying ore, 12,000 huge ones are needed - that's about 400 tons.

The 362-meter length and 65-meter width make Vale Brasil-type ore carriers a very noticeable object even in the Atlantic and Pacific expanses. Moreover, Brazilian ore suppliers are faced with the task of increasing the profitability of their products when delivered by sea, and they have already ordered from shipyards South-East Asia a whole flotilla of bulk carriers of this series, and soon there will be no crowding in the Atlantic expanses ...

Oasis of the Seas

Today, the infamous Titanic can truly impress with its size only in a movie shot by a great director. It is five times smaller than the largest passenger ship in the world, Oasis of the Seas, built in Finland, operated by the US and flying the flag of

Not all ports can accept this vessel, some it cannot enter without causing or receiving serious damage. The length of the hull is 360 m, the maximum width is 61 m, the height from the water surface to the top of the pipe is like a 25-storey building. Oasis in the Ocean is the largest cruise ship in the world, designed to provide 6,400 passengers with an unforgettable experience. For this, everything is provided on the ship: the world's largest cruise casino, a water park, a theater in which shows go on without interruption, surf pools, a golf course, and sports grounds. For lovers and those who love solitude, a park with real trees and shrubs has been planted, where you can safely find a place to stay together or relax alone.

In order to adequately serve passengers and the largest ship in the world, the number of crew has been increased to 2165 people. It seems that everyone will find a case on such an ark.

Floating City Freedom Ship

Unlike all previous ships that are already plowing the expanses of the seas, the "Freedom Ship" is still only an idea, although the company involved in this project has already announced its full readiness to start construction. The ship-floating city will be able to accommodate 50,000 permanent residents and about 30,000 guests. It is intended to create an infrastructure similar to that required for small town, with all the facilities for a full-fledged work and recreation. Residential and working areas, schools, stadiums, swimming pools will be located on numerous decks. Park areas with real green spaces will make it comfortable for all residents to constantly stay outside the land.

When completed, it will definitely be the largest ship in the world. The photos, where you can see the alleged appearance of the future ark, amaze with the scope of the idea. At the upper level, it is planned to place an airfield capable of receiving serious airliners. To provide a floating city, a whole network of solar and wind power plants will be built.

Design length - 1370 m, total number levels - 25. There is no suitable harbor on the planet for such a boat, so "Freedom" will be in constant circumnavigation.

Our blue planet

According to one version of the origin of life on Earth, all living things came out of the water. Considering how many people cannot imagine life without the sea, either in business or on vacation, it can be assumed that the top of the largest sea ​​vessels will be constantly updated.

In this compilation, you will learn about the ten largest cruise ships in the world.

1. Princess Diamond. The weight of this ship is 116 thousand tons, and its length is 294 meters. This cruise ship can accommodate 2,670 people. The area of ​​this liner is ten times more area Buckingham Palace. The ship has more than 700 high-class cabins with balconies.

2. Carnival Dream. This liner weighs 130 thousand tons, and its length is 306 meters. It can travel 3646 passengers. This is a floating amusement park, which also has several cinemas on board.

3. Voyager of the seas. The weight of the ship is 138 thousand tons, length - 311 meters. There are 3114 passenger seats on the liner. On board this ship you can find a TV studio, ice rink, mini golf course and other entertainment.

4. Celebrity Eclipse Weighs this a cruise ship 122 thousand tons, and its length is 315 meters, which is more than the length of four Boeing 747s lined up in a row. The ship has 19 decks, plus a lawn deck for playing croquet and bocce.

5 Norwegian epic. The ship weighs 156 thousand tons, and its length is 329 meters. The cruise liner can accommodate 4,100 passengers. There is a 24-hour pizza delivery service on board.

6. Splendida. The weight of the liner is 137,936 tons, and the length is 338 meters. Its capacity is 3274 passengers. The space volume of the liner, which is one and a half million square meters, greater than the amount of space eiffel tower.

7. Freedom of the Seas. The liner weighs 160 thousand tons, length - 339 meters. The board accommodates 3634 passengers. This boat is like a floating water park, as it has all kinds of water activities on board: there are water slides, many pools, a jacuzzi, a wave simulator, a water park for children and an ice rink.

8. Disney Dream. The weight of this cruise liner is 130 thousand tons, and its length is 340 meters. Disney Dream seats 2500 people and is almost an exact replica of Disneyland in the water. On board is a huge cinema and water park.

9. Queen Mary II. This cruise ship weighs 151,400 tons and is 345 meters long. On board can accommodate 2640 passengers. The length of the vessel can be compared with the length of 80 tourist buses, set bumper to bumper.

10. Royal Caribbean. Oasis of the Seas. The length of this gigantic ship is 361 meters, and the weight is almost 223 thousand tons. In conditions of maximum comfort, 5.4 thousand passengers can be accommodated here. This vessel, due to its size, is unable to pass through the Panama Canal. The board of the liner resembles an amusement park, where various shows are held every day.

Imagine that you are going on a free cruise on the largest ship in the world. Inside is a whole metropolis of entertainment and services, and everything is free. Fantasy? Yes. But one day, when the parade of planets takes place, the company launches a new ship, this fairy tale becomes a reality. Tour operators, the media and everyone who will subsequently sell tickets to this liner are invited to the first flight.

Harmony of the Seas is by far the largest cruise ship for 8200 people, of which 2200 crew members. The height of the ship is comparable to the height of a 20-storey building. The length is 362 meters, which exceeds the length of Red Square in Moscow. The construction of the liner cost Royal Caribbean more than 1,000,000,000 euros.

But the most impressive thing is not measurements, but the filling of the liner - a helipad, swimming pools, water slides, a casino, a theater, an ice rink, a garden with 12 thousand different plants and much, much more. There is even a Bionic bar on board, where robots work as waiters. Let's see what it looks like inside...

General plans of the liner. This is really a huge thing, a giant Noah's Ark with a displacement of 227,500 tons:



We left the port of Barcelona. We were escorted by two fire ships: in honor of the first voyage, they staged a “salute” of water cannons:


The first place you go on a cruise is, of course, the cabin. I will not give the footage, I will only mention that in my cabin there was a separate dressing room:

General areas of the liner. On the right in the photo is a giant head sculpture that rotates in layers in different directions:


There are pedestrian streets on board. A complete feeling that it was not a ship that went into the sea, but a piece of the mainland. There are a lot of people. After a series of accidents on cruises, Royal Caribbean installed an advanced facial recognition system that can, if necessary, identify each passenger in the crowd:


Many sculptures and works of modern art:


Let's go up to the upper decks. There are two types of decks - indoor, comfortable in windy weather, and outdoor:


There are 16 decks on board. 6 main pools and 10 giant jacuzzis:

The upper deck is replete with public areas:


Lots of loungers. Pay attention to the slides behind the pool:


On the other side of the golf course:


Waves for boarding:


Rope crossing at the level of seven floors:

At the stern of the ship is a huge aquatic theater. Two pipes lead down from the upper deck, through which you can go down in clothes. Feels very fast, very scary and very dark. You overcome almost 30 meters of height in 13 seconds, making two 360-degree turns along the way:


To the right of the water theater is a pedestrian area called Central Park:



Naturally, there is a gym, and it is gigantic. Many simulators and shells:


There are 20 restaurants on board the Harmony of the Seas. The main one occupies three floors, it is there that daily dinners are held:


And this is the same Bionic bar where robots work. In the arsenal mechanical hands 30 alcohol components. The range of cocktails they can make is endless. One cocktail takes 30 seconds. Looks fantastic:


Another memorable restaurant is called "Wonderland" and is based on the famous work of Lewis Carroll:


Hall decoration:



Instead of a menu, they bring an empty picture that needs to be painted with water. After these manipulations, words appear. It would seem a trifle, but leaves an indelible impression:


Restaurant molecular cuisine. The dish is called "Garden", and the "earth" is made of bread with the addition of cuttlefish ink:


Balloon dessert topped with hot chocolate. After a minute, the ball melts, revealing the ice cream inside. Delicious:


Every week, 4,500 kg of chicken and almost 7,000 kg of beef are consumed in the liner's restaurants. In total, there are 4,900 seats on board in restaurants and bars. The assortment of desserts again confused me:


There are dozens of shops in Central Park for every budget:


You won't be bored in the evening. Rather, on the contrary, you will need to run from one view to another:


In the theater - a Broadway production of "Grease". The film of the same name, based on this musical, made Travolta a star already in 1978:


Ice show. Just pay attention to the quality of the costumes that were prepared for the performance.

The largest ship of the 19th century. "Great Eastern" or Leviathan.

We have already talked about unusual Russian wooden giant boats used for only one season. About them detailed information And now we want to tell you about the largest ship of the 19th century, the Great Eastern or Leviathan.

The British steamship Great Eastern (called the Leviathan before launching) was the largest steamship of the 19th century, until 1899. Designed by Isambard Brunel. Launched in 1858. The ship was huge at that time: 211 meters long, 25 meters wide, 17 meters high, 418 staff, 4,000 passengers.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (04/09/1806 - 09/15/1859)

The largest ship of the 19th century. Building and launching.

The hull of the Leviathan was completely metal, for the first time in the history of shipbuilding, the bottom and sides became double, sewn from 19mm iron plates.

Steam engines were installed on the Leviathan, which set in motion a screw or huge paddle wheels.

Scheme of the building "Great Eastern"

Also, the largest steamship of the 19th century could sail. The Great Eastern was five times the size of any ship of the time. On a day, such a monster ate about 380 tons of coal, and the coal storage on the steamer could hold 10,000 tons of coal.

The Leviathan was built with the aim of delivering emigrants to Australia, but did not make a single flight there. But from the very beginning of construction (during the construction of the ship, two workers who could not be found disappeared) and the launching of the Great Eastern steamer, failures pursued, due to which notoriety trailed behind him and brought the shipbuilder John Russell to bankruptcy, and the main engineer to a heart attack. It is not for nothing that they say “whatever you call a ship, so it will sail”. After all, before the ship acquired the name "Great Eastern" it was called Leviathan - a huge sea monster from old testament, unfriendly to people and sometimes associated with Satan. So it is not surprising that people will become victims of this ship in the future.

In 1857, Leviathan was launched into the water. Since this hulk was built in the port on the Thames, the longitudinal descent of the ship was not suitable, with such a descent the ship stuck into the opposite bank. For the first time for ships of large displacement, a side descent was used. The launching ceremony was attended by Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert, the Belgian King Leopold, writers Robert Stevenson and Jules Verne. In the future, Jules Verne will make a trip to the Great Eastern, and it is this ship that will become the prototype of the giant in the novel The Floating City.

In total, about a hundred thousand people came to see this spectacle. Brunel, who was in charge of the descent, came up with a system of conditional signals using flags, since it was simply not possible to give voice commands on such a huge ship. Maintaining a vertical position due to the design of the launching carts, the ship slowly descended to the water. But suddenly there was a bias regarding the direction of movement. This happened due to the fact that it was impossible to synchronize the operation of the outer winches using the flags. The drum of one winch began to spin, knocking down the workers. As a result, five people became disabled. This ended the launch.

The largest ship of the 19th century. Great Eastern or Leviathan

At that time, the shipbuilder had spent all the money for the construction of the ship and had to take a loan from the bank in order to launch the Leviathan into the water. Brunel was fired, he was so worried about the failure with the ship that he earned himself big problems with heart. There was another attempt to launch the ship, it cost the shipbuilder 120,000 pounds, but again ended in failure. And only on January 31, 1958, when there was a high tide, along with a hurricane wind, the water reached the ship and it was finally launched.

Until August 1859, the ship was completed right on the water, boilers and machines were installed, saloons and cabins were finished.

It would seem that all the troubles are behind only to test the ship on the water. On September 7, 1859, the Leviathan, renamed the Great Eastern, set off on a test flight from London to the city of Holyhead in the west of England. Engineer Brunel was not present at the wires, as he was still very sick. On September 9, after two days of sailing, a boiler exploded on the ship, causing the first pipe to fly into the air like a rocket. 6 people died, 9 were seriously injured and burned. Upon learning of this tragedy, Brunel could not stand the excitement and on September 15 he died of a broken heart.

But bad luck continued to haunt the ship. On the same roadstead of Holyhead, during the transition on a boat from the ship to the port, the captain of the ship and two passengers drowned.

Passenger ship.

Only in the middle of the summer of 1860 did the Great Eastern set off on its first transatlantic voyage. The ship, which at that time cost the shipowner already 800,000 sterling, went to New York. But either the shipowner, hoping to recoup huge debts, overcharged the price of the ticket, or the bad reputation of the ship made itself felt, but only 43 passengers boarded the ship. After 11 days and 14 hours, the ship arrived in New York.

To earn money in the richest city in the United States, excursions to the ship were organized, thanks to which they managed to raise about $ 80,000. They also organized a two-day boat trip - about 2 thousand passengers were present on this flight. And in August 1860, the ship returned to England with 100 passengers. In 1861, the Great Eastern made a couple more transatlantic flights and even set his own personal record - 8 days and 6 hours, the time it took him to cross the North Atlantic.

At the end of 1861, he got into a storm, which disabled the steering wheel and paddle wheels, damaged part of the passenger compartment, but fortunately no one was hurt. After repairs, which cost £60,000, the ship was back afloat, and from the beginning of 1862 she again began to make transatlantic voyages. With each flight, the number of passengers grew and on August 27, when 800 passengers were on board, in addition to the personnel, the ship collided with an underwater rock and received a hole 3 meters wide and 25 meters long. Only the second bottom, which was invented by Brunel, saved the ship from death. This repair took five months and cost £70,000. After the collision and repair, the Great Eastern made a couple more transatlantic voyages, but the enormous cost of fuel and the notoriety that no one wanted to sail on it led to the fact that the ship was considered unprofitable as a passenger ship.

Cable layer and recent years.

Now the Great Eastern has ceased to be a passenger ship, but has become a cable-laying ship. He coped brilliantly with the task of laying the transatlantic telegraph cable. During the period 1865-1874 "Great Eastern" laid 5 transatlantic cables and one from Bombay to Aden with a total length of more than 50,000 km. And oddly enough, no tragic incidents have ever happened to the ship as a cable layer, unlike the time when it was a passenger ship.

In 1874, the ship became completely decrepit, was taken out of service and laid up for more than 10 years, until in 1885 it was purchased for 26,000 pounds for use in Liverpool as a floating circus, and then a billboard glorifying Lewis's Liverpool department store . After that, it was still used as a coal depot until 1888, when it was auctioned off for £16,000 to be scrapped.

Dismantling began in 1889. It took a lot of effort to disassemble the riveted sheets, sometimes it was necessary to use a ram-ball, which is used in the destruction of buildings.

The disassembly lasted two years - twice as long as expected. During disassembly, between two layers of the hull, the gap between which reached 1 meter, two decayed bodies were found: a worker-riveter and his assistant, an apprentice boy. It was they who went missing back in the 50s during the construction of the ship. There is an opinion that the reason for the unfortunate fate of the giant ship was precisely the fact that "wherever he sailed, he carried 2 corpses with him."

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